

2017-10-24 11页 doc 35KB 17阅读




影楼全体员工日常规章制度影楼全体员工日常规章制度 贵人国际婚纱摄影员工日常规章制度 第一节 总则 第一条 为严明纪律~奖励先进~处罚落后~调动员工积极性~提高工作效益和经济效益~特制订本制度。 第二条 对员工的奖惩实行以精神鼓励和思想教育为主、经济奖惩为辅的原则。 第三条 本制度适于公司全体员工。 第四条 经理和主管负责监督本制度的贯彻实施。 第五条 本制度适用于未注明条款的其他各项规章制度。 第二节 奖励 第六条 本公司设立如下奖励方法:大会表扬,奖金奖励,晋升提级。 第七条 对下列表现之一的员工~应当给予奖励: 1、遵纪守法~执...
影楼全体员工日常规章 贵人国际婚纱摄影员工日常规章制度 第一节 总则 第一条 为严明纪律~奖励先进~处罚落后~调动员工积极性~提高工作效益和经济效益~特制订本制度。 第二条 对员工的奖惩实行以精神鼓励和思想教育为主、经济奖惩为辅的原则。 第三条 本制度适于公司全体员工。 第四条 经理和主管负责监督本制度的贯彻实施。 第五条 本制度适用于未注明条款的其他各项规章制度。 第二节 奖励 第六条 本公司设立如下奖励:大会表扬,奖金奖励,晋升提级。 第七条 对下列表现之一的员工~应当给予奖励: 1、遵纪守法~执行公司规章制度~思想进步~文明礼貌~团结互助~业绩突出, 2、一贯忠于职守、积极负责~廉洁奉公~全年无出现事故, 3、完成指标~经济效益良好, 4、积极向公司提出合理化建议~为公司采纳, 5、全年无缺勤~积极做好本职工作, 6、维护公司利益~为公司争得荣誉~防止或挽救事故与经济损失有功, 7、维护财经纪律~抵制歪风邪气~事迹突出, 8、节约资金~节俭费用~事突出, 9、领导有方~带领员工良好完成各项任务, 10、坚持自学~不断提高业务水平~任职期内取得中专以上文凭或获得其他专业证书, in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 11、其他对公司作出贡献~董事会或总经理变为应当给予奖励的。 员工有上述表现符合《晋升制度》规定的~给予晋升提级。 第八条 奖励程序如下: 1、员工推荐、本人自荐或单位提名, 2、经理店长进行审核, 3、总经理或店长批准。 第三节 处罚 员工有下列行为之一~视情节轻重~分别给予扣除一定时期的奖金、扣除部分工资、警告、记过、降级、辞退、开除等处分:第九条 有下列行为者罚款10元: 1、随意吐痰~丢纸屑果皮者, 2、早会迟到者, 3、营业时间内聚众聊天、看小说、吃零食、打瞌睡、抄写非公事文件者。 4、岗位卫生检查不合格者, 5、当班期间未佩带工牌、未穿着制服、衣冠不整者、前期部门示未化淡妆者, 6、礼仪、称呼不规范者,包括对主管、摄影师、化妆师、师的称呼,, 7、填写各种工作表格不认真、漏填者, 8、当班期间当众化妆~修剪手、脚指甲者, 9、打卡后吃早餐者, 10、下班后自己工作岗位未整理者。包括整理卫生、关闭电脑、空调等。 11、未按公司规定使用公司设备者。如电脑等。 12、上下班忘记打卡者。,须有主管开单证明确有准时上下班, 第十条 有下列行为者罚款20元: 1、未经许可而无故不列席公司会议者, in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 2、未经许可而私自带人进入工作场所者, 3、离开工作岗位未办理代班手续者, 4、安排任务未及时完成者, 5、窜岗、随便进入其它部门工作室者。 6、上班时间吵闹、大声喧哗而不听纠正者。 7、利用公司设备电脑上网聊天、玩游戏、看电影者。 8、上班时间洗头洗自己私人衣服等 第十一条 有下列行为者罚款50元: 1、未经主管同意外出者 2、态度恶劣~傲慢~不接受管理~当众顶撞上司者。 3、利用公司设备做私人事件者。如电话、打印机、复印机等。 4、在顾客面前吵架、说粗话有损公司声誉形象者。 5、服务态度欠佳~经顾客检举属实者。 6、有意破坏公司财物者。 7、出席各种会议或者工作~代他人签到者~如代打卡。 第十二条 有下列行为者罚款100—500元: 1、与顾客或员工发生斗欧吵架事件者~由部门主管根据情节作出处理。 2、工作未交接清楚造成公司重大损失者。 3、私拉电源影响公共安全、公司正常作业者。 第十三条 有以下行为者~做记过或开除处分: 1、利用私人对公司不满~煽动员工情绪制造事端者。 2、不服从公司工作安排、职务调动者。 3、在外散布谣言~制造事端~严重影响公司形象者。 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 4、泄露公司营业机密~如效益~拍照对数~促销计划与发展营运计划严重者。 第十四条 有以下行为者视情觉严重报送司法机关追究法律责任: 1、私自偷取公司产品,包括****、加洗、压膜、复制光盘等,与顾客产生交易者。 2、盗取、偷窍顾客、同事、公司财物者。 3、盗取、泄露公司内部高级文件、机密者。 第三节 考勤制度 第十五条、员工上下班必须打卡~每日二次或四次~上班前和下班后~不得无故不打卡,不得代他人打卡~因故不能打卡或忘打卡者~必须有部门主管批准签字~每月不能超过两次.主管月底把公文整理后统一交予会计 第十六条 忘打卡每人次处于二元处罚,以每一次递增一元.(即第一次忘记打卡二元,无次忘记打卡三元,三次四元以此例推)。 第十七条 员工应遵守上、下班时间~不得无故迟到早退。凡迟到一分钟三元扣罚~每月迟到超过五次在原有处罚上在扣除100元. 第十八条 员工无故不上班或外出时不办理任何手续~作旷工处理。旷工按三倍扣除当天工资。连续旷工3天或一年内累计旷工达30天者~公司将予以除名。 第十九条 考勤工作由会计负责~考勤员应有较强的责任心~坚持原则 第二十条 每月考勤报表与考勤记录在发工资前应进行仔细核对,核对无误后方可计算工资。 第二十一条 员工请事假、病假、公假等~必须到前前台领取统一公文~正确填写~报有关主管签字后~然后在急时送回前台。 1、员工无特殊情况~不得随意请假~如必须请假~应先办理请假手续~得到批准后~做好交接工作方可离开岗位, in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 2、如因突发事件不能到岗者~须立即托人带信或打电话部门主管说明原由~由部门主管当日下班前补办手续上交人事部, 3、员工因病,事,请假~公司不发当日工资。不足一天的~以所以岗位每日上班时间钟头数~按比例扣发当日部份工资~并扣除当月满勤奖金, 4、员工请事假在三天以内由经理(主管)批准~超过三天者须报总经理批准, 5、部门经理(主管)请假必须报总经理批准, 6、员工请假~必须在批准的期限到时上班。特殊情况超假~应申述充分理由和出示证明~以补办续假手续~未经请假或请假未准便离开工作岗位~按旷工论处, 7、如请假必须提前一天进行申请,如有突发事可以在8点之前打电话.8点之后无效 8、员工在一年内累计或一次性事假超过三十天者~一年内累计或一次性病假三十天者或病事假四十天者~不能享受年终福利、奖励待遇, 9、因参加社会活动、工作、业务需要或会议必须离开工作岗位者~经部门负责 人批准~给予公假~工资照发, 10 因某些原因想辞职的,必须提前提出书面申请.总经理签字后生效.签字时间往后推30天才可以正式辞职. 考核奖励 1.员工每按规定出勤~并不违反有关规定~设满勤奖若干元。 2.工作时间每满1年后~基本工资再加薪,200元,。 3.摄影助理每三个月考核一次~考核内容为实拍、理论及与客人沟通技巧~以考核成绩优秀者工资提升一级,100元,,经过三次考核成绩突出~升为本公司被初级摄影师~月底薪为若干元,在此一年后升为本公司中级摄影师~月底薪2000元,二年后升为本公司高级摄影师~月底薪2500元,三年后升为主理摄影师~月底薪3000元。 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant 4.化妆助理每三个月考核一次~考核内容为妆面~发型设计及与客人沟通技巧等~经考核成绩优秀者工资提升一级,100元,,经过三次考核成绩过分突出~升为本公司寞初级化妆师~月底薪为800元~一年后升为本公司中级化妆师~月底薪为1200元,二年后升为本公司高级化妆师~月底薪水2000元,三年后升为主理化妆师~月底薪2500元。 5.门市人员每月个人要完成定单实拍基本定额数为2万元~门市按个人消费实数3%提成~底薪为1500元~低于2万为3%提成~底薪为1200元。 6.客人后期照片加作金额~门市按个人消费实数3%提成~出租礼服及拍录像,或MTV制作,按实数金额20%提成。。 7.摄影师与化妆师要经常合作进行创作~是以公司及个人名誉发表作品~在省级人像刊物获一式两份等奖~公司直接奖励1千元,获二等奖奖励500元,获三等奖奖励300元,获优秀奖奖励200元。 10.凡是员工都有向公司提出建议的义务,好的建议一经采纳并为公司赚得可喜的利润~公司直接奖励100元—500元。 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant
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