

2017-09-02 18页 doc 54KB 64阅读




H6升级版与运动版详细参数价格对比H6升级版与运动版详细参数价格对比 价格采样2014年7月23日星期三 H6升级版 柴油2.0T 汽油1.5T 车型配置 两驱CC6460RM01 两驱CC6460RM40 四驱CC6460RM21 四驱CC6460RM60 精英型 尊贵型 都市型 精英型 尊贵型 两驱 11.58万 12.88万 12.68万 13.58万 15.08万 价格 四驱 12.38万 13.68万 13.48万 14.38万 15.88万 智领科技 ? ? 无钥匙启动系统 ? ? ? ? ? 无钥匙进入系统 ? ? ? CA...
H6升级版与运动版详细参数价格对比 价格采样2014年7月23日星期三 H6升级版 柴油2.0T 汽油1.5T 车型配置 两驱CC6460RM01 两驱CC6460RM40 四驱CC6460RM21 四驱CC6460RM60 精英型 尊贵型 都市型 精英型 尊贵型 两驱 11.58万 12.88万 12.68万 13.58万 15.08万 价格 四驱 12.38万 13.68万 13.48万 14.38万 15.88万 智领科技 ? ? 无钥匙启动系统 ? ? ? ? ? 无钥匙进入系统 ? ? ? CAN-BUS智能网络控制系统 ? ? ? ? ? 前大灯高度调节 ? ? ? ? ? “离家”智能大灯点亮 ? ? × ? ? 智能自动感应无骨雨刮 ? ? × ? ? “回家”大灯延时熄灭 ? ? ? ? ? 四门电动车窗(主驾驶一键升降) ? ? ? ? ? 灯光未关提示 ? ? ? ? ? 仪亮度可调 ? ? ? ? ? 车门未关闭警告灯 ? ? ? ? ? 内后视镜手动防眩目 × × ? × × 内后视镜电子防眩目 ? ? × ? ? 车门未关提示 ? ? ? ? ? 车外温度显示 ? ? ? ? ? GPS智能语音导航系统 ? ? × ? ? USB/AUXIN接口 × × ? × × USB/AUXIN/IPOD接口 ? ? × ? ? 行车电脑 ? ? ? ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 胎压监测显示 ? ? × ? ? 中控门锁系统 ? ? ? ? ? 寻车功能 ? ? ? ? ? 行李厢12V车载电源 ? ? ? ? ? 220V车载电源 ? ? × ? ? 智尚安全 ESP车身稳定系统 ? ? ? ? ? 前排双安全气囊 ? ? ? ? ? 前排侧气囊、前后一体式侧安全气帘 ? ? × ? ? 前排三点式预紧式安全带(带高度调节) ? ? ? ? ? 前排安全带未系警示 ? ? ? ? ? 后排中座2点式安全带 ? ? ? ? ? 儿童安全锁 ? ? ? ? ? 儿童座椅固定系统 ? ? ? ? ? 防盗报警系统(声响、闪烁) ? ? ? ? ? 发动机密码防盗系统 ? ? ? ? ? 博世8.1版本ABS+EBD ? ? ? ? ? BAS智能刹车辅助系统 ? ? × ? ? TPMS智能胎压监测系统 ? ? × ? ? 前/后雾灯 ? ? ? ? ? 主驾驶车窗智能防夹 ? ? ? ? ? LED高位制动灯 ? ? ? ? ? 后窗除雾功能 ? ? ? ? ? 前雷达探头 ? ? × ? ? 倒车雷达 ? ? ? ? ? 右前盲区可视系统 ? ? × ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 倒车影像系统(带刻度线) ? ? × ? ? 自动回防功能 ? ? ? ? ? 撞车解锁功能 ? ? ? ? ? 速度感应中央门锁(15KM/H) ? ? ? ? ? 120km/h车速报警 ? ? ? ? ? 智尊豪华 灰黑内饰 ? ? ? ? ? 鲨鱼鳍天线 ? ? ? ? ? 电镀门把手 ? ? ? ? ? 卤素大灯 ? ? ? ? ? 智能双模天窗(防夹) × ? × × ? 电动外后视镜(带转向灯) ? ? ? ? ? 电动折叠后视镜带除霜功能 ? ? ? ? ? 外后视镜照地灯 ? ? ? ? ? 17寸双5辐式轮毂(与普通款一致) ? ? ? ? ? 17寸5辐铝合金轮毂(新增选装) ◎ ◎ ? ? ? 承载式行李架 ? × ? ? × 整体式行李架 × ? × × ? 手动四向调节PU方向盘 × × ? × × 手动四向调节真皮方向盘 ? ? × ? ? 多功能方向盘(音量+蓝牙+定速巡航) ? ? × ? ? 前阅读灯 ? ? ? ? ? 中顶灯 ? ? ? ? ? 氛围灯 ? ? ? ? ? 发光迎宾踏板 ? ? ? ? ? 行李厢照明灯(后顶灯) ? ? ? ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 遮阳板带化妆镜 ? ? ? ? ? 化妆照明灯 ? ? × ? ? 手动电控空调(带粉尘过滤) × × ? × × 双温区自动空调(带粉尘过滤) ? ? × ? ? 后排出风口(后吹脚) ? ? ? ? ? 织物座椅 × × ? × × 仿皮座椅 ? × × ? × 真皮座椅(主、副驾驶电加热) × ? × × ? 前排主动头枕 × ? × × ? 主驾驶座椅6向手动调节 ? × ? ? × 主驾驶座椅8向电动可调 × ? × × ? 主驾驶座椅腰部支撑电动可调 × ? × × ? 副驾驶座椅4向手动调节 ? ? ? ? ? 副驾驶座椅4向电动可调 ◎ × × × ? 前/后座中央扶手 ? ? ? ? ? 蓝牙免提通话系统 ? ? × ? ? FM/AM/单碟CD × × ? × × FM/AM/单碟CD+MP5 ? × × ? × DVD影音娱乐系统(7英寸) × ? × × ? 扬声器系统 6喇叭 6喇叭 4喇叭 6喇叭 6喇叭 CCS定速巡航系统 ? ? × ? ? 智能钥匙 ? ? ? ? ? 智享空间 行李厢隔物板 × ? × × ? 行李厢遮物帘 ? ? × ? ? 后座6/4分离前翻折叠 ? ? ? ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 饮料杯托架(前+后) ? ? ? ? ? 侧置眼镜盒(拉手处) ? ? ? ? ? 后排平地板 ? ? ? ? ? 车型 1.5T汽油(两驱) 1.5T汽油(四驱) 2.4L汽油(两驱) 柴油2.0T两驱 柴油2.0T四驱 精英型:11.58万 精英型:12.38万 精英型:12.78万 都市型:12.68万 都市型:13.48万 价格(元) 尊贵型:12.88万 尊贵型:13.68万 尊贵型:14.18万 精英型:13.58万 精英型:14.38万 尊贵型:15.08万 尊贵型:15.88万 长×宽×高(mm) 4640×1825×1690 4640×1825×1690 4640×1825×1690 4640×1825×1690 4640×1825×1690 轴距(mm) 2680 2680 2680 2680 2680 轮距(mm) 1565(前)/1565(后) 1565(前)/1565(后) 1565(前)/1565(后) - - 离地间隙(mm) 180(空载) 180(空载) 180(空载) - - 三菱4G69S4M(带发动机型号 4G15B 4G15B - - MIVEC) 额定动率(kw) 110/5600 110/5600 120/6000 110/4000 110/4000 最大扭矩(N.m) 210/2200-4500 210/2200-4500 210/3000-4500 310/1800-2800 310/1800-2800 排放水平 国IV/京V 国IV/京V 国IV/京V - - 变速器形式 6MT 6MT 4AT 6MT 6MT 驱动方式 两驱 四驱 两驱 - - 转向系统 液压助力转向器 液压助力转向器 液压助力转向器 - - 制动系统 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘刹 四轮盘刹 悬挂系统(前/麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双 后) 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 整备质量(kg) 1541 1588 1556 - - 轮胎规格 225/65R17 225/65R17 225/65R17 225/65 R17 225/65 R17 发动机排量(cc) 1497 1497 2378 1996 1996 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 车型 1.5T汽油(两驱) 1.5T汽油(四驱) 2.4L汽油(两驱) 柴油2.0T两驱 柴油2.0T四驱 油箱容积(L) 58 58 58 - - 工信部油耗7.2 8.2 10.4 - - (L/100km) H6运动版 柴油2.0T 汽油1.5T 车型配置 两驱CC6461RM01 两驱CC6460RM40 四驱CC6461RM21 四驱CC6460RM60 精英型 尊贵型 都市型 精英型 尊贵型 两驱 12.38万 13.28万 13.38万 14.38万 15.48万 价格 四驱 13.18万 14.08万 14.18万 15.18万 16.28万 智领科技 无钥匙启动系统 ? ? ? ? ? 无钥匙进入系统 ? ? ? ? ? CAN-BUS智能网络控制系统 ? ? ? ? ? 电动高度调节大灯前大灯高度调节 ? × ? ? × “离家”智能大灯点亮 ? ? × ? ? 智能自动感应无骨雨刮 ? ? × ? ? “回家”大灯延时熄灭 ? ? ? ? ? 四门电动车窗(主驾驶一键升降) ? ? ? ? ? 大灯未关报警系统灯光未关提示 ? ? ? ? ? 仪表亮度可调 ? ? ? ? ? 车门未关闭警告灯 ? ? ? ? ? 内后视镜手动防眩目 ? × ? ? × 内后视镜电子防眩目 × ? × × ? 车门未关提示 ? ? ? ? ? 车外温度显示 ? ? ? ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical GPS智能(语音)导航系统 ? ? ? ? ? ALS前灯自动调节USB/AUXIN接口 × ? × × ? USB/AUXIN/IPOD接口 ? ? ? ? ? 行车电脑 ? ? ? ? ? 胎压监测显示 ? ? × ? ? 中控门锁系统 ? ? ? ? ? 寻车功能 ? ? ? ? ? 行李厢12V车载电源 ? ? ? ? ? 220V车载电源 ? ? ? ? ? 智尚安全 ESP车身稳定系统 ? ? ? ? ? 前排双安全气囊 ? ? ? ? ? 前排侧气囊、前后一体式侧安全气帘 ? ? × ? ? 前排三点式预紧式安全带(带高度调节) ? ? ? ? ? 前排安全带未系警示 ? ? ? ? ? 后排中座2点式安全带 ? ? ? ? ? 儿童安全锁 ? ? ? ? ? 儿童座椅固定系统 ? ? ? ? ? 防盗报警系统(声响、闪烁) ? ? ? ? ? 发动机密码防盗系统 ? ? ? ? ? 博世8.1版本ABS+EBD ? ? ? ? ? BAS智能刹车辅助系统 ? ? ? ? ? TPMS智能胎压监测系统 ? ? × ? ? 雾灯辅助照明前/后雾灯 ? ? ? ? ? 主驾驶车窗智能防夹 ? ? ? ? ? LED高位制动灯 ? ? ? ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 后窗除雾功能 ? ? ? ? ? 前雷达探头 ? ? × ? ? 倒车雷达 ? ? ? ? ? 右前盲区可视系统 × ? × × ? 倒车影像系统(带刻度线) ? ? × ? ? 自动回防功能 ? ? ? ? ? 撞车解锁功能 ? ? ? ? ? 速度感应中央门锁(15KM/H) ? ? ? ? ? 120km/h车速报警 ? ? ? ? ? 智尊豪华 灰黑内饰 ? ? ? ? ? 鲨鱼鳍天线 ? ? ? ? ? 电镀门把手 ? ? ? ? ? 卤素大灯 ? × ? ? × 智能双模天窗(防夹) ? ? × ? ? 电动外后视镜(带转向灯) ? ? ? ? ? 电动折叠后视镜带除霜功能 ? ? ? ? ? 外后视镜照地灯 ? ? ? ? ? 17寸双5辐式轮毂(与普通款一致) 17寸5辐铝合金轮毂(新增选装) ? ? ? ? ? 贴顶行李架承载式行李架 ? ? ? ? ? 整体式行李架 手动四向调节PU方向盘 手动四向调节真皮方向盘 ? ? ? ? ? 多功能方向盘(音量+蓝牙+定速巡航) ? ? × ? ? 氙气大灯前阅读灯 × ? × × ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 前门憎水玻璃中顶灯 × ? × × ? 氛围灯 ? ? ? ? ? 发光迎宾踏板 ? ? ? ? ? 行李厢照明灯(后顶灯) ? ? ? ? ? 遮阳板带化妆镜 ? ? ? ? ? 化妆照明灯 ? ? ? ? ? 手动电控空调(带粉尘过滤) 双温区自动空调(带粉尘过滤) ? ? ? ? ? 后排出风口(后吹脚) ? ? ? ? ? 织物座椅 × × ? × × 仿皮座椅 真皮座椅(主、副驾驶电加热) ? ? × ? ? 前排主动头枕 ? ? × ? ? 主驾驶座椅6向手动调节 × × ? × × 主驾驶座椅8向电动可调 ? ? × ? ? 主驾驶座椅腰部支撑电动可调 ? ? × ? ? 副驾驶座椅4向手动调节 ? × ? ? × 副驾驶座椅4向电动可调 ? ? × ? ? 前/后座中央扶手 ? ? ? ? ? 蓝牙免提通话系统 ? ? ? ? ? FM/AM/单碟CD FM/AM/单碟CD+MP5 ? ? ? ? ? DVD影音娱乐系统(7英寸) 扬声器系统(2高音+4低音+1中置)扬? ? ? ? ? 声器系统 CCS定速巡航系统 ? ? × ? ? of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 智能钥匙 ? ? ? ? ? 智享空间 行李厢隔物板 × ? × × ? 行李厢遮物帘 ? ? × ? ? 后座6/4分离前翻折叠 ? ? ? ? ? 饮料杯托架(前+后) ? ? ? ? ? 侧置眼镜盒(拉手处) ? ? ? ? ? 后排平地板设计 ? ? ? ? ? 车型 1.5T汽油(两驱) 1.5T汽油(四驱) 2.4L汽油(两驱) 2.0T柴油(两驱) 2.0T柴油(四驱) 精英型:12.38万 精英型:13.18万 精英型:13.68万 都市型:13.38万 都市型:14.18万 价格(元) 尊贵型:13.28万 尊贵型:14.08万 尊贵型:14.68万 精英型:14.38万 精英型:15.18万 尊贵型:15.48万 尊贵型:16.28万 长×宽×高(mm) 4649×1852×1710 4649×1852×1710 4649×1852×1710 4649×1852×1710 4649×1852×1710 轴距(mm) 2680 2680 2680 2680 2680 轮距(mm) 1565(前)/1565(后) 1565(前)/1565(后) - - - 离地间隙(mm) 180(空载) 180(空载) - - - 三菱4G69S4M(带发动机型号 4G15B 4G15B - - MIVEC) 额定动率(kw) 110/5600 110/5600 120 110/4000 110/4000 最大扭矩(N.m) 210/2200-4500 210/2200-4500 - 310/1800-2800 310/1800-2800 排放水平 国IV 国IV - - - 变速器形式 6MT 6MT 4AT 6MT 6MT 驱动方式 两驱 四驱 两驱 两驱 四驱 转向系统 液压助力转向器 液压助力转向器 - - - 制动系统 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘式刹车 四轮盘刹 四轮盘刹 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 车型 1.5T汽油(两驱) 1.5T汽油(四驱) 2.4L汽油(两驱) 2.0T柴油(两驱) 2.0T柴油(四驱) 悬挂系统(前/麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双麦弗逊式独立悬架/双 后) 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 横臂式独立悬架 整备质量(kg) 1549 1596 - - - 轮胎规格 225/65R17 225/65R17 225/65R17 225/65R17 225/65R17 发动机排量(cc) 1497 1497 2378 1996 1996 油箱容积(L) 58 58 - - - 工信部油耗7.2 8.2 - - - (L/100km) 红色部分为升级版所有功能 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical
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