

2017-09-19 25页 doc 563KB 66阅读




饰品英语(全)吴菲饰品英语学习宝典 目录Contents 第一部分  饰品英语专业词汇    10 一、常见饰品Jewellery    3 二、电镀Plating    3 三、石头颜色Stone color .    3 四、材质Materials    5 五、水晶钻Crystal.    4 六、石头Stones    7 七、形状Shapes    10 八、其他Others    11 第二部分:商务英语专业词汇.    7 ●第1组  关于样品    10 ●第2组  关于订单    11 ●第3组  关于确认    3 ●第...
吴菲饰品英语学习宝典 目录Contents 第一部分  饰品英语专业词汇    10 一、常见饰品Jewellery    3 二、电镀Plating    3 三、石头颜色Stone color .    3 四、材质Materials    5 五、水晶钻Crystal.    4 六、石头Stones    7 七、形状Shapes    10 八、其他Others    11 第二部分:商务英语专业词汇.    7 ●第1组  关于样品    10 ●第2组  关于订单    11 ●第3组  关于确认    3 ●第4组  关于生产/产品    3 ●第5组  关于出货.    3 ●第6组  关于包装和运输    4 ●第7组  关于过失    4 ●第8组  关于人    7 ●第9组  关于钱    10 ●第10组  关于事    11 ●第11组  关于动作    4 ●第12组  关于时间    10 ●第13组  关于地点    11 ●第14组  关于部门    3 ●第15组  其他    3 ●附:对话 .    3 第一部分  饰品英语专业词汇 一、常见饰品Jewellery 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 皇冠 crown [kraun] tiara[ti'ɑ:rə; tai'eirə] 2 项链 necklace ['neklis] 3 吊坠 pendant ['pendənt] 4 耳环 earring ['iəriŋ; 'iə.riŋ] 5 胸针 brooch [brəutʃ] 6 手链 bracelet ['breislit] 7 手镯 bangle ['bæŋgl] 8 戒指 ring [riŋ] 9 脚链 anklet ['æŋklit] 10 脚戒 toe ring [təu] 11 舌环 tongue ring 12 肚脐环 belly ring ['beli] 13 钥匙链  Key chain 14 钥匙扣 Key ring 二、电镀Plating 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标(英式︱美式) 备注 1 镀金 gold plating ['pleitiŋ] 2 古金 antique gold [æn'ti:k] 3 古银 antique silver ['silvə] 4 古铜 antique copper ['kɔpə] 5 古青铜 antique bronze [brɔnz] 6 雾金 matte gold [mæt] 7 镀白金 rhodium plating ['rəudiəm] rodium 8 烤漆 lacquer ['lækə] 9 镀代铑: imitation rhodium [imi'teiʃən] 10 无镍 Nickle free ['nikl] 12 镀银 silver plating 13 镀黑枪 gun color plating 三、石头颜色Stone color 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 白色 clear 2 浅茶 black diamond ['daiəmənd] 3 黑色 jet [dʒet] 4 蓝 湖蓝 aquamarine [.ækwəmə'ri:n] 5 浅蓝 lt. sapphire lt.=light 6 深蓝 sapphire ['sæfair; 'sæfaiə] 7 墨蓝 montana [mɔn'tænə] 8 绿 浅绿 peridot ['peridɔt; 'peri.dɔt] 9 深绿 emerald ['emərəld] 10 橄榄绿 olivine [.ɔli'vi:n] 11 黄 浅黄 jonquil ['dʒɔŋkwil] 12 金黄 topaz ['təupæz] 13 淡黄  lt. Colorado topaz [.kɔlə'rɑ:dəu] 14 烟黄 smoked topaz 15 红 浅粉 lt. rose 16 粉红 pink 17 大红 lt. siam ['saiæm; sai'æm] 18 深红 siam 19 红宝石 ruby ['ru:bi] 20 石榴红 garnet ['gɑ:nit] 21 玫红 rose 22 紫 浅紫 lt. amethyst ['æməθist] 23 深紫 amethyst 24 坦桑 tanzanite ['tænzə.nait] 25 香槟 champagne [ʃæm'pein] 四、材质Materials 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 黄铜饰品 brass jewelry [brɑ:s] 2 合金饰品 alloy jewelry [ə'lɔi] 3 爪链饰品 claw chain [klɔ:]    [tʃein] 4 银饰品 silver jewelry 5 珍珠饰品 pearl jewelry [pə:l] 6 手工饰品 hand-made jewelry hand-crafted Jewelry 7 黄金 gold 8 银 silver 9 999纯银 fine silver 10 925银 sterling silver ['stə:liŋ] 五、水晶钻Crystal 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 奥地利产,施华洛世奇  swarovski 2 奥登钻 Oden Crystal 待定 3 捷克钻 Czech Crystal [tʃek] 4 中东钻 Middle East Crystal 5 印度钻(也称碎石) Indian Crystal 6 国贸钻(国产钻) China Crystal 7 压克力(塑料的) acrylic [ə'krilik] 六、石头Stones 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标(英式︱美式) 备注 1 锆石 zircon ['zə:kɔn] cz 2 水晶 crystal 3 珍珠 pearl 4 贝壳 cowry ['kauri] 5 胶珠 plastic beads ['plæstik] [bi:dz] 6 树脂 Resin ['rezin] 7 绿松石 turquoise ['tə:kwɔiz] 8 翡翠 jade 七、形状Shapes 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 卵状 OS oval['əuvəl] 2 心形 HS heart 3 马眼状 MS 4 方形 ES square[skwɛə] 5 圆形 RS round 6 泪状 PS 八、其他others 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 备注 1 抛光 polishing 2 焊接 soldering 3 宝石镶嵌 stone setting 4 首饰盒 jewellery box 5 一个/一件 piece (pc) 6 一对 pair 7 一包 pack 8 一套 set 第二部分 商务英语专业词汇 第1组  关于样品 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 样品 samples ['sæmpl] ①我会把样品准备好等您。I’ll have the samples ready for you. ②您要几个样品?How many samples do you need ? ③我们可以有样品吗?May I have the sample ? 2 确认样品 approval samples [ə'pru:vəl] Please produce according to approval samples. 3 样品费  sample charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] ①样品费多少? How much is the sample charge ? ②告诉我你是否要求任何样品费 Tell me if you request any sample charge. 4 样品确认后  upon sample approval /after sample approval 样品确认后我们下订单。We'll confirm our order upon sample approval. 5 展示样品  showing the samples 这是我们的目录和样品,请看看。Here are our catalogs and samples,please take a look. 6 打样样品 counter sample ['kauntə] 通知贵方:我们的打样样品将在本周末通过DHL寄给你们。 We'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week. 7 每种各一个 one piece for each model / item ['aitəm] 我对这个型号很有兴趣,您可以报价给我吗? I’m interested in this model ,Can you give me the price 第2组  关于订单 1 确认我方订单 confirm our order [kən'fə:m] 样品确认后,我们会很快确认我方的订单。We’ll confirm our order upon sample approval 2 正式订单 formal order Original order ['fɔ:məl] [ə'ridʒənl] ①正式订单将在下个星期下给你们。The formal order may reach you next week. ②我将通知我们公司这一两天内把订单寄给你们。 I’ll ask our office to send you our order within one or two days 3 订单金额 order amount [ə'maunt] 4 定期采购订单 长期订单 regular orders ['regjulə] 5 重复订购订单 repeat order [ri'pi:t] 6 急单 urgent order ['ə:dʒənt] 7 很多紧急订单 many urgent orders 8 大订单 large order/ big order substantial order [səb'stænʃəl] 如果这真是一张大订单的话,那么我们确定会给你们比别人优先的权力。 Well ,if it’s really a big quantity ,I’m sure I’ll give your order priority over smaller ones 9 现有订单 current orders ['kʌrənt] 10 取消订单 cancel the order ['kænsl] 11 最低订购量 minimum order quantity /min. quantity / min.order ['miniməm] ①最低订购量多少?What’s your minimum order? ②我们最低订购量是每批出货10台。Our minimum order is 10 sets per shipment ③最低定量要5000个,否则贵方必须付额外费用每个0.50美元。The minimum order quantity is 5000pcs ,or , you have to pay extra cost 0.50 U.S dollars. 12 下订单 place an order 很抱歉,公司规定是25美元以上就要样品费,但是当您下订单给我们时,我们会退还此费用。   I’m sorry ,but it’s our company’s policy to ask for the sample charge if it is over 25.00U.S dollars ,But , we will refund it to you when you place us the order 第3组  关于确认 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 重新确认 re-confirm [kən'fə:m] 请帮我打电话去重新确认。Please help me phone the customer to re-confirm it 2 确认我方订单 Confirm our orders 如果您在这周确认订单的话,我们可以在八月底以前交货。 We can ship them to you before the end of August if you confirm your order within this week 第4组 关于生产/产品 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 生产部 Production Department [prə'dʌkʃən] 2 原料 raw material [mə'tiəriəl] ①他们是否使用较便宜的原料?Do they use less expensive material? ②如果您能确认所有订单,那么我们可以同时购买所有原料,在此情况下,那么我们就有可能接受你们的理想价。   Well ,if you can confirm all of your orders at the same time ,we can purchase all raw materials together ,in this case ,it would be possible for us to accept your idea price 3 高品质原料 top quality raw material 4 型号 model number ['mɔdl] 5 数量 quantity ['kwɔntiti; 'kwɔntəti] 请告诉我您要买的数量?May I know your quantity? (What’s your quantity?) 6 规格 specification [.spesifi'keiʃən] size尺寸 7 成品 finished products 8 生产量 production space/ production capacity [kə'pæsiti] ——月产量多少? What’s your monthly capacity ? ——大约100万个。 About one million pieces 9 仪器设备 instrument and equipment ['instrumənt] [i'kwipmənt] 10 机器 machine [mə'ʃi:n] ——你们有几台机器?生产多少种产品? How many machines do you have ?How many kinds of products do you produce? ——厂内目前有30台机器,生产50多种不同的产品。We have 30 machines in our factory and we produce 50 kinds of different products now 11 装配 assemble(v) [ə'sembl] 12 抽验 random check ['rændəm] 13 安排生产 arrange the production [ə'reindʒ] 14 加班工作 work overtime/ overtime work 15 优先权 priority [prai'ɔriti] 16 品质控制/ 品管 Quality Control(Q.C) ['kwɔliti] ①我们又极严格的品管 We have very strict quality control ②他们的品管是否松散? Is their Q.C lax? 17 生产制程 production process  / manufacturing process 18 装配线 assembly line [ə'sembli] 19 生产线 production line 生产线太满。The production line is over booked. 20 不良品 defective parts [di'fektiv] 21 外观有点不同 slightly different appearance ['slaitli] [ə'piərəns] 22 磨光机 grinder Machine ['graində] 23 每台 per set 24 严格品管 strict quality control 我们保证出货的品质和确认样品完全一样。 Don’t worry , we can assure you that the quality of shipment will be exactly the same as that of the approval samples 25 外观和品质 appearance and quality [ə'piərəns] 我想这是让您了解我们工厂及我们生产品质很好的机会. I think it’s the best opportunity for you to know our factory and our production quality 26 功能 function 27 最新的设计 the latest design ①这是我们最新的设计,目前在美国市场很流行,我们一个月大概卖100 000 个这个型式。This is our latest design, it's very popular in America now, We sell bout 100 000pcs per month for this style. ②设计样式太多。We have too many designs。 ③您喜欢哪种设计。What sort of design would you like ? ④如果您找不到需要的东西,我们也可按客户设计接单。If you don’t find anything exactly to your need ,we can also take custom orders /accept your special design. 第5组  关于出货 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 分批出货 partial shipments ['pɑ:ʃəl] ①分批出货允许Partial shipments are allowed. ②我们可以同时确认所有订单,但是你们必须保证按照我们的交期分批出货。 We can confirm you all of our orders at the same time ,but you must promise to make the partial shipments as per our schedule 2 出货同时 upon shipment 3 出货通知 shipping advice 4 出货通知 shipping advice 5 最后出货日 latest shipping date 6 有效期 expiry date [iks'paiəri] 7 按照出货发票 according to the shipping invoices ['invɔis] 8 出货唛头 shipping mark 9 出货前/出货后 before shipment /after shipment 10 延迟出货 delay in shipment 当和他们交易时,是否会有延迟出货的问题? Is there any delay in shipment when dealing with them ? 第6组 关于包装和运输 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 客户指定包装 custom packing 2 气泡包装 blister packing ['blistə] 3 气泡袋 bubble bag 4 包装说明 packing details 5 干燥剂 desiccant ['desikənt] 6 塑料袋 poly bag 7 内盒、 inner box ['inə] 8 外销纸箱 export carton ['ekspɔ:t] ['kɑ:tən] 9 纸盒 box 10 塑料袋 plastic bag ['plæstik] 11 外箱 carton ['kɑ:tən] 12 包装方式 packing method ——你们如何包装货物?How do you pack the goods?   ( What’s your packing method? ) ——每个装一个塑料袋,10袋装一盒,4盒装一个外箱Every piece is packed in a plastic bag ,and then 10 bags in a box ,4 boxes in an export carton 13 毛重 gross weight 每箱毛重大约20公斤,体积是0.50CBM The gross weight is about 20kg per carton and the measurement is 0.50CBM 14 体积 measurement ['meʒəmənt] 15 仓储 warehouse ['wɛəhaus] 16 用快递 by express mail 17 空运 by air freight [freit] 请报CIF 香港海运费 Please quote the price based on CIF Hong Kong by sea freight 18 海运 by sea freight 请报CIF香港海运价。Please quote the price based on CIF Hong Kong by sea freight /  Please offer the CIF price to Hong Kong by sea freight 19 运输途中 during transit ['trænsit] 第7组 关于过失 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 道歉 apology (N) [ə'pɔlədʒi] 2 耽搁 hold-up 3 超出我们控制范围 out of our control 4 模具延误 delay on tooling(model) [di'lei] 5 人力短缺 labor shortage ['leibə] ['ʃɔ:tidʒ] 6 检验报告 inspection report [in'spekʃən] 7 问题 analyze the problems ['ænəlaiz] 8 抱怨 complaint (N)/claim(N)/complain(v) [kəm'pleint] 9 破损 broken 10 疏忽 overlook 11 加强 step up 12 误解 misunderstanding ['misʌndə'stændiŋ] 13 过失 fault [fɔ:lt] 14 避免人为过失 avoid man-made mistake [ə'vɔid] 第8组  关于人 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 业务经理 sales manager [seilz] ABC公司的业务经理the sales manager of ABC Company 2 职员 staff [stɑ:f] 有现样,我会请我的职员马上送去您饭店。The sample are ready .I’ll ask my staff to send them to your hotel right away ? 3 总经理 General Manager / President 我要和总经理开会,下午4:00后才有空。 I’ll be in conference with the General Manager and will be free after 4p.m 4 老客户/长期客户/固定客户 old customer / regular customer ['regjulə] 样品和邮费都不要(完全免费),因为您是我们的长期客户。Both the samples and the postage are free as you are our regular customer 5 有经验的业务 experienced sales [iks'piəriənst] 6 同行/同业/竞争者 competitor [kəm'petitə] 7 外包商 sub-factory /sub-contractor [.sʌb'kɔntræktə] ——所有的生产过程都在你们厂内进行吗?   Do you do everything in your factory ? ——有些零件是由我们的外包商承包,因为他们都是这行的专家。Some of our parts are made outside by our sub-factories , as there are the experts in their fields 8 员工 employee [.em'plɔii:] ——你们有多少员工? How many employees do you have? ——我们一共有五百位员工。 We have total 500 employees. 第9组  关于钱 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 成本 cost 请付样品费,因为成本较高Please pay the sample charge as the cost is very high 2 免费 free / free of charge 我今天下午2:00 有空。   I’ll be available(free) this afternoon at around 2:00 3 旅行支票 traveler’s check 你们接受旅行支票吗? Do you accept traveler’s check? 4 (发票) 税金 tax 5 订单金额 order amount [ə'maunt] 6 样品费 sample charge ——这是样品费,可否帮我将样品送到饭店给我?Here is the sample charge, Can you send the sample to my hotel? ——没问题,请告知您的饭店名称及房号 No problem .please tell us your hotel’s name and room number 7 邮费 postage ['pəustidʒ] 8 报价 quote / offer(v) ①请报100台的价钱。 Please give me the quotation based on 100 sets (Please quote / offer me the price for 100 sets ) ②您要FOB价或CIF价? Do you want (us to quote you )FOB price or CIF price? 9 理想价 idea price 没办法,这已经是我们的最好的价钱了。 Sorry , it’s really no way , this is already our bottom price.s 我们最好的价钱是每个5.26 美金FOB台湾价。 Our best price is 5.26 U.S.D per piece at FOB Taiwan. 10 目标价 target price 您可否告诉我们您的理想价是多少,以便重报 Can you give us your target prices for re-checking? 好的,为了示诚意,我们愿意按照您的价钱特别接受这张订单 O.K ,to show our good faith and to support you ,we would especially accept this order according to your target prices 11 汇款 remit the money / send the remittance [ri'mitəns] 12 安排汇款 arrange the remittance 13 运费 freight charge [freit] 14 优势 advantages [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] 15 汇率 exchange rate [iks'tʃeindʒ] 16 贬值 devaluation : [.di:vælju'eiʃən] 17 低估成本 undervalue [.ʌndə'vælju:] 18 加班费 overtime charge 19 单价 unit price 单价加两成,因为我们需付税金Please add 20% to the unit price because we have to pay the tax for the sample 20 降低人工成本 reduce the labor cost 人工即原料即将上涨。 The labor cost and material cost will be raised soon. 21 额外费用 additional cost [ə'diʃənl] 22 定金 deposit money /down payment [di'pɔzit] 23 交货付现金 cash on delivery (COD) 24 余额 the balance amount /the rest amount 25 低于成本 under the cost 26 利润 profit ['prɔfit] 因为我们利润微薄,除非是非常大的订单,否则很难降价,但是为了和你们做成首笔生意,我们愿意给您1%的折扣。Since we only work on a small profit margin , we'll not reduce the price unless it’s a very large order, But ,in order to start the business with you , we would especially give you 1% discount. 27 讨价还价 bargain the price ['bɑ:gin] 28 报价单 quotation / offer sheet [kwəu'teiʃən] price list 29 账户 account [ə'kaunt] 30 对账单 statement ['steitmənt] 31 折扣 discount ['diskaunt] 如果我们的订单是15000个,你们可以给多少折扣? If our order is 15000pcs .how much discount can you offer? 32 付款交单 D/P(Document Against Payment ) 你们可否接受出货后付款(付款交单) Do you accept the payment by D/P? 33 降低单价 reduce the unit price 可以再降一些吗? Can you make it any lower? 34 无法降价 no way to reduce the price 35 涨价 increase the price 36 付款条件 payment term 付款条件是什么?What’s your payment term? 第10组  关于事 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 问路 find the way 2 购物 go shopping 3 参观工厂 visit the factory ①从这儿到贵厂有多远 How far is it from here to your factory ? ②我们随时欢迎您参观本厂 You are welcome to visit our factory at any time. ③我们很高兴带您去工厂看看 I’d be glad to show you around the factory  ④让我带您到处看看,这边请 Let me show you around the factory ,this way ,please. ⑤好吧,我会考虑你们的报价,然而在我决定订单以前,你们可否安排我参观工厂。 OK I’ll consider you offer ,However ,before I decide the order ,can you arrange me to visit your factory ? 4 订约会 make (set up) an appointment 我只是要提醒您,我们晚上7:00有约。I just want to remind you we have an appointment at 7:00 tonight. 5 客户来电抱怨 complains from the buyer 6 简餐 simple dinner 7 邀请 invite(v)  invitation(N) ——谢谢您对我们产品感兴趣,并等候您的好消息,也谢谢您的拜访,如果您有时间,我们希望邀请您一块吃饭。Thank you for your interest in our products and awaiting good news from you soon ,and also thinks for your visit,If you have time ,we’d like to invite you for dinner tonight ——抱歉,因为时间太短,我没空,也许下次吧。 Sorry ,since the time is too short and I’m fully occupied,maybe next time.( I still have an appointment with another supplier) 第11组 关于动作 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 查 check 2 谈生意 discuss business ①我将和他在饭店里谈生意 I’ll discuss the business with him at the hotel . ②我们今天下午就送过去,希望很快和贵告诉做生意。We’ll send the sample to your hotel this afternoon ,and hope to do business with you soon 3 送 send 要不要送您去机场? Do you need us to send you to the airport ? 4 约会 appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] 5 有约 have an appointment make(set up) an appointment 订一个约会 8 休息一会儿 take a rest 9 避免 avoid 10 用完 run out /use up 11 告知 advise (v) 12 处理 handle / follow up 13 准备 prepare 14 缩短 shorten to 15 降低/减少 reduce(v) 降低单价reduce the unit price 16 签字 sign(v) /signature(N) [sain] ['signitʃə] 17 比较 compare [kəm'peə] 18 执行 carry out 19 联络 communication [kə.mju:ni'keiʃən] 20 承诺 granting ['grɑ:ntiŋ] 21 推荐 recommendation [.rekəmen'deiʃən] 你能推荐一个吗?Can you recommend one? 22 确保(品质) ensure 23 介绍 introduce (V) introduction (N) [.intrə'dʌkʃən] 24 通知 inform 25 退还 refund /return /pay back ['rifʌnd] 26 答应/保证 promise ['prɔmis] 27 服务 service ['sə:vis] 28 增加数量 increase the quantity ['inkri:s] ['kwɔntiti] 29 详细说明 explain in detail ['di:teil] 30 成立 establish [isˈtæbliʃ ] 你们工厂成立多久了? How long has your factory been established? 31 接某人 pick up 我晚上7.00去饭店接您,然后我们可以在我们公司(办公室)讨论生意。I’ll pick you up at your hotel at 7:00p.m .And then we can discuss the business in our office . 第12组  关于时间 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 班机时间 flight time 2 上下班时间 rush hour/rush time 3 时差问题 effects of jet lag /time difference problem 我还有点时差问题。 I still have the time difference problem 4 后天 the day after (tomorrow) 5 出货同时 upon shipment 6 在最短的时间内 within the shortest time 7 出货日期 shipping date/ shipment date 8 生产时间 (订货至交货的时间) lead time/ production time 交期是收到贵方订单后30天。 Our lead time is 30 days after receiving you order 9 旺季 peak season 现在是我们的旺季,这是我们工厂最忙碌的期间,工厂档期已被排到下个月底。 Right now, it’s our peak season ,This is a very busy period in our factory ,Our factory space has been booked until the end of next month 10 淡季 off-peak season (flat season /calm season ) 11 交期 delivery time ①最快交期多久? How long is your soonest delivery time? How soon is your delivery time ? What’s your best delivery time ? ②交期多久? How long is your lead time? (delivery time ) ③——此报价有效期限是多久? How long is the validity of the price? ——有效期限是30天 The validity of the price is 30 days 12 时间太短 Time is too short 13 尽快 as soon as possible / as early as possible 简写:ASAP 请尽快报价给我。 please try to give me the offer as early as possible . 14 准时 on time 没问题,我会准时到。 It’s fine (No problem)I’ll be there on time and see you then. 15 马上 right away / at once / immediately [i'mi:diətli] 16 紧急 urgent (adj) urgently (adv) 17 延缓 postpone/ delay [pəust'pəun] ①不要延迟出货。 Don't make any delay on the shipment. Don't delay the shipment ②请帮我延迟到3:00。Please help me postpone it to 3:00 pm 18 时间表 time schedule 我查看我的时间表。Let me check my time schedule.让 第13组 关于地点 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 停车场 parking lot ①我的车在停车场。My car is at the parking lot . ②请您在这儿等我,我去停车场开车.Please wait for me here. I’ll go to drive my car at the parking lot. 2 在餐厅 in the restaurant 3 在大厅 in the lobby 请在大厅等我,我现在下来。Please wait for me in the lobby .I’m coming down now. 4 样品室 showroom / sample room ①由于我们设计样式太多,我们希望邀请您到我们的样品室参观。 As we have too many designs ,we’d like to invite you to take a look around our showroom . ②请随便参观并挑选您喜爱的样品,然后我们会报价给您。 Please feel free to look around our showroom and pick out any samples that you like ,then I’ll quote you the price. 5 展览 exhibition /show / fair [.eksi'biʃən] 6 摊位 booth /stand 欢迎参观我们的摊位,请进,请看看,这是我们的目录,请看看Welcome to our booth ,please come in and take a look. 还有没有其他东西你想看 Is there anything else you’d like to see 7 邮址 mailing address 请将您的大名及地址写在这儿。 Would you please write down your name and address here? 8 总公司 head office 我每天即将去香港,所以给你我的邮址,你们可以将样品寄到我们总公司去。   I’ll be leaving tomorrow for Hong Kong ,so let me give you my mailing address and you can mail the sample to my head office .(I’ll send it by airmail to your head office.) 9 工业区 industrial area 我的工厂在乌沙工业区。My factory is in Wusha industrial area. 10 在美国市场 in the US market ——主要市场在哪里? Where is your main market ? ——主要市场是欧洲和美国。Our main markets are in America and Europe. 11 现场 on-site 工作现场:job-site 12 港口 port 第14组 关于部门 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 开发部 Development Department [ri'sə:tʃ] [di'veləpmənt] 研究和开发(研发) R&D:Research & Development) 2 会计部 Accounting Department [ə'kauntiŋ] 3 设计部 Design Department [di'zain] 4 采购部 Purchasing Department ['pə:tʃeisiŋ] 5 行政部 Administration Department [əd.mini'streiʃən] 行政管理部Administration and Management  Department 6 品保部 Quality Assurance Department  (QA) ['kwɔliti] [ə'ʃuərəns] 7 包装部 Packing  Department ['pækiŋ] 8 组装部 Assembly Department 9 抛光部 Polishing Department 10 生产部 Production Department 第15组 其他 编号 中文名称 英语名称 音标 例句 1 报价单 ①quotation sheet/ offer sheet ②price list [kwəu'teiʃən] 2 最新价目表 current price list ['kʌrənt] 3 最新目录/小册子 latest catalog and brochure ['kætəlɔ:g] [brəu'ʃjuə] 4 目录 catalogs ['kætəlɔ:gz] 5 公司简介 company profile ['prəufail] 这是我们的公司简介,请过目。This is our company profile,please take a look 6 简单介绍 briefly introduce 您可否简单介绍贵公司?Can you briefly introduce your company? 7 资料 information 8 会议事项 agenda [ə'dʒendə] 9 塞车 traffic jam ['træfik] [dʒæm] 10 名片 name card / business card ——这是我的名片,我可以有您的名片吗? Here is my name card ,and may I have yours? ——对不起,我的名片已经用完了。   Sorry ,I’ve run out of my name card 11 特别地 specially ['speʃəli] 12 比较喜欢 prefer (v) 我比较喜欢西餐。I prefer western food. 13 库存 stock [stɔk] 14 经验 experience [iks'piəriəns] 15 特别的要求 particular requirements [pə'tikjulə] [ri'kwaiəmənts] 16 可接受品质 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) [ək'septəbl] ['kwɔliti] 17 测试报告 Inspection report/Test report [in'spekʃən] 18 关系企业 associated company [ə'səuʃi.eitid] 19 市场不景气 market depression [di'preʃən] 20 最后决定 final decision ['fainl] [di'siʒən] 21 合约/ contract ['kɔntrækt] 22 交通运输 transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən] 23 风险 risk 24 最多 maximum ['mæksiməm] 最少 minimum 25 有竞争性 be competitive [kəm'petitiv] 我们的价钱很有竞争性,这是我们的报价单,请参考(看看)Our price is very competitive ,here is our quotation, please take a look. 这是我为我的学生Michelle(吴菲)做的一套资料。我结合着她工厂的生意,还有她英文水平,前后花了两个多月的时间,终于完成了! 她是一个我很敬佩的女性,积智慧与美丽于一身。热爱学习,自立自强。我们不仅是师生关系,更是朋友关系。 真心的希望她的生意越来越好! 她的工厂在东莞乌沙,公司网站是www.riki.hk 这个资料为她带了很多便利,也希望能帮到你。 我的QQ是105490838。可以一起分享英语的经验。 附:对话 A:事实上,我们已经报给您最好的价钱,利润微薄,如您所知,我们使用高级原料,品管也很严格,并花很多钱在研究发展上,使用所以实在无法降价,我们保证你们在别处找不到一样的价钱   Actually ,we have offered you the best price ,It leaves us only very little profit ,As you may know ,we use top-quality raw materials, and also have very strict Q.C., we also spend a lot of money on R&D So, it’s really no way to reduce the price ,We are sure you can’t find the same price elsewhere B:但是其他公司报的价比你们低。   But , some other companies offered lower prices than yours. A:他们报同样品质的产品吗?   Do they offer the same quality product. B:外观和品质看起来和你们的一样。   Both the appearance and quality look the same as what you have A:您最好查看他们所用的材料,手工即品质控制,同时,当您和他们交易时,也有可能会延迟出货。   You had better check the material they use and also their workmanship and quality control ,Also ,there maybe delay in shipment when you deal with them. A:他们的手工是否和我们的水准一样?   Is their workmanship on the same level with ours ? B:但是为了要在市场上有竞争性,我们还是比较在乎价钱。   But to be competitive in the market ,I still concern more about the price A:如果你们能增加数量到20000个,同时付款为出货前电汇给我们,我们可以在给您5%的折扣;或者,我们建议你们买另外一种型号,其功能和品质都和这一型相同,唯外观设计有些不同;或者,如果你们能够接受使用国内材料代替进口材料,那么我们也可能降低单价   Well , if you can increase the quantity to 20000pcs and make the payment by T/T before shipment ,I may give you5% off ,Or ,I’d like to suggest you to buy another model ,its function and quality are same as this model ,except a little bit difference on the design ,Or if you accept using domestic material instead of imported material ,we would reduce the unit price. A:我想展示这个样品给您看,很多客户都对此项产品感兴趣,您要不要看看,并看是否适合您的市场?这是相关规格,请过目   I’d like to show you this sample, Many customers have expressed interest in this item, Would you like to take a look at this sample and see if you feel it’s suitable for your market ?Here is the relevant specification ,Please also take a look. B:这项产品的FOB价多少?   What’s your FOB price for this item? B:我不认为你报给我好价钱   I don’t think you give me an attractive price A:您了解我们提供高品质产品,这种品质的产品,我们保证您找不到可胜过我们的价钱。   You know we offer top quality for price ,I assure you won’t find a price can beat ours for this kind of quality B:我和另一家工厂谈过,他们报给我比你们低许多的价钱,表面上看起来像是相同的产品,为何价钱不同,您可否详细说明一下?   I talked to another manufacturer, He quoted me much lower price than yours ,On the surface ,it looks the same product , So ,why is your price much higher? Can you explain in detail? B:除了现在所谈的订单外,我们还准备在今年后半年下三张相同的订单,所以我希望你们在价钱上能给我至少5%的折扣。   Besides the order we’re talking now  ,I’m also prepared to place 3 more repeat orders (later on) in this year ,So I hope you can give me at least 5% discount on the price
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