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极地特快-中英文台词打印版极地特快-中英文台词打印版 极地特快 片名:北极特快 当然有啦 就像圣诞节也是真的呀 多年以前的某个圣诞夜 Of course Santa is real. He's as real as Christmas itself. On Christmas Eve, many years ago... 但是如果不好好睡觉 圣诞老人就不会来 我静静的躺在床上 But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady. ...I lay quietly in my b...
极地特快-中英文台词打印版 极地特快 片名:北极特快 当然有啦 就像圣诞节也是真的呀 多年以前的某个圣诞夜 Of course Santa is real. He's as real as Christmas itself. On Christmas Eve, many years ago... 但是如果不好好睡觉 圣诞老人就不会来 我静静的躺在床上 But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady. ...I lay quietly in my bed. 祝好梦 我没有翻来覆去 Sweet dreams. I did not rustle the sheets. 圣诞老人很快就会来 也没有心浮气燥 Santa will be here before you know it. I breathed slowly and silently. 快睡吧 我仔细听着 害怕再也听不到... So go to sleep. I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear. 史塔克 拜伦 圣诞老人雪橇上的铃声 Stark, barren. The ringing bells of Santa 's sleigh. 无生命迹象 好了 好了 你喝完了水 是吗 Decoid of life. All right. All right, Sarah, you had your water. 大概已经睡着了 该上楼睡觉啦 He's gotta be asleep by now. Now let's get you upstairs and into bed. 他以前总是不睡 要等圣诞老人 但...但...我得... He used to stay awake all night waiting for Santa. But...But...But, I hace to... 以前的日子都过去了 他说圣诞老人得飞的比光速还快... Think those days are just about over. He said Santa would have to fly faster than light... 如果真是这样 那也真伤心 才能在一个晚上到每户人家去 他的雪橇也得和一艘货船一That would be sad if that were true. 样大 对呀 童真不再 ...to get to every house in one night. And to hold everyone's Yeah, an end of the magic. presents... 才能装的下每个人的礼物 圣诞快乐 甜心 Merry Christmas, sweetheart. ...his sled would be bigger than an ocean liner. 你哥哥是这么说的? 他是说笑 他知道圣诞老人是怎样的 他睡的真熟 Your brother said that? He was just kidding you. He knows See, he's out like a light. there's a Santa. 就算火车来也吵不醒 他说他不确定 是不是真的有圣诞老人 An express train wouldn't wake him up now. He said he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if Santa was for real. 1 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 童真不再 看来今年是你的关键年 "End of the magic"? Sounds to me like this is your crucial year. 上车咯 如果我是你 就会立刻上车 All aboard! If I were you, I would think about climbing onboard. 上车咯 快 快 快 我赶时间...哇 All aboard! Come on, come on. I've got a schedule to keep. 你...要上车吗 随你吧 Suit yourself. Well, You coming? 去哪儿 在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的 'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express Where? 当然是去北极啦 呜~呜~汽笛响 是她唱歌的声音 Why, to the North Pole, of course. Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows That's the sound of her singing 叮~叮这是极地特快 ~铃声响 天哪 看着她走 This is the Polar Express. Ding, ding, the bell will ring Golly, loo at her go 北极 你觉得如果我们很快到达 谁来猜一猜... The North Pole? You wonder if we'll get there soon Anybody's guess 我明白了 在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的 I see. 'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express 请替我拿一下 当我们到那里 就会尖叫 "耶" Hold this, please. When we get there We'll scream, "Yay!" 谢谢 我们到达那里 附和着邦~邦~邦 Thank you. We'll arrive with A bang, bang, bang 这是你吗 还有噗~噗~噗 路上一直说笑着 Is this you? Boom, boom, boom Laughing all the way - 是的 - 这上说... 有个舒服的位子和很多吃的 天哪 这真是最好的 -Yeah. -Well, it says here... With a comfy seat and lots to eat Boy, it's just the best 今年没去商场和圣诞老人拍照 也没写信给他 希望永远不要结束 ...no photo with a department-store Santa this year, no letter to Wish it would 't ever have to end Santa. 加上一点运气 我们会准时到的 没有必要有压力 还叫你妹妹也不要写... With a little luck, we'll be on time There's no need to stress And you made your sister put out the milk and cookies. 在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的 2 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 车票 'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express Tickets. 嗨 嗨 叫你呢 这是哪一种火车 你知道吗 请拿出车票 Hey. Hey, you. Yeah, you. Do you know what kind of train this is? Ticket, please. 火车 这是哪一种火车 你知道吗 摸摸你的口袋 Train. Do you know what kind of train this is? Do you? Try your pocket. 当然 另一个口袋 Of course. Try your other pocket. 这是魔法火车 谢谢你 It's a magic train. Thank you, sir. - 我们要去北极 - 我当然知道是魔法火车 喂 小心点儿 -We're going to the North Pole. -I know it's a magic train. Hey, watch out, there. 这是鲍温S系列 蒸气动力火车 谢谢你 It's a Baldwin -- S-class steam locomotive... Thank you, sir. 鲍温公司年制造 重 磅... 呃呃...那是公共地址播音机 不是玩具 ...built in at the Baldwin Locomotice Works. It weighs , That is a public-address microphone. It is not a toy. pounds and.... 那家伙真爱炫耀 我们真的要去北极 Boy, that guy sure likes to show off. Are we really going to the North Pole? 看他在我车票上打了什么了 - 嗨 快看呀! - 是不是很漂亮 Look what that wise guy punched on my ticket. -Hey, look! -lsn't that wonderful? LE 是啥意思? 下一站 艾布克街号 贺伯山莫斯 贺伯山莫斯 "L-E." What the heck does that mean? -Next stop, Herpolsheimer's! Herpolsheimer's! Edbrooke. 哇 好多礼物! 我全部都要 我们正驶往铁路的另一端 Wow, look at all those presents. I want all of them. We're heading for the other side of the tracks. 有圣诞夜的气氛 好温馨 也很漂亮 你...要来吗 It's so Christmassy and cozy and beautiful! Well? You coming? 车票 只是停下来载人 Tickets. It's just another pickup. 请拿出车票 奇怪! 我以为你是最后一位乘客 Tickets, please. That's weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one. 3 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 当然是去北极啦 people... Why, to the North Pole, of course. 但是对我们来说很重要 这是极地特快 ...but it is very important to the rest of us! This is the Polar Express. 但是...但是... 随你吧 But...But... Suit yourself. 他只是想停住车 好让那个男孩儿上车 喂 喂 那孩子想上车 He was just trying to stop the train so that kid could get on. Hey, that kid wants to get on the train. 我明白了 小伙子 是这样吗 快跑 I see. Young man, is that what happened? Come on! 好吧 快 Well.... Hurry up! 让我提醒你 现在时间很紧 我们必须让车停下来 Let me remind you we are on a very tight schedule. We hace to stop the train. 以前从没迟到过... - 不知道怎么办 - 去拉紧急刹车 And I've never been late before... -I don't know how. -Pull the emergency brake! 今晚也绝对不能 是谁拉了紧急刹车 ...and I am certainly not going to be late tonight. Who in the blazes applied that emergency brake?! 现在 大家回位子上坐好 是他 Now, ecerybody, take your seats, please! He did. 谢谢 你 Thank you. You. 大家注意... 如果你到现在还不知道 那是紧急时刻专用的刹车 Your attention, please. In case you didn't know, that cord is for emergency purposes 车上的人 有谁需要用点心 only. Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment? 你没有注意今晚是圣诞夜吧 - 我! 我! 我! - 我想也是的 And in case you weren't aware, tonight is Christmas Eve. -Me! Me! Me! -I thought so. 还有你难道没注意 我们正在赶时间 # 呜 我们有 # And in case you hadn't noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule. -Hot, hot -Oh, we got it 小伙子 圣诞节对你来说或许不重要... # 嘿 我们有 # Now, young man, Christmas may not be important to some -Hot, hot -Hey, we got it 4 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 # 哟 我们有 # # 说 我们有 # Yo, we got it -Hot, hot -Say, we got it - # 热的巧克力 # - # 只有一个原则 # # 热巧克力 热腾腾 # -Hot chocolate -Here we only got one rule Hot chocolate Hot, hot # 只有一个原则 # # 噢 我们有 # Here we only got one rule -Oh, we got it -Hot, hot # 决不让食物凉了 # # 所以 我们有 # Never, ever let it cool -So we got it -Hot, hot # 决不让食物凉了 # # 哟 我们有 # Never, ever let it cool Yo, we got it # 一直在锅里热着 # - # 热的巧克力 # - # 只有一个原则 # Keep it cooking in the pot -Hot chocolate -Here we 've only got one rule # 马上就上了 # # 决不让食物凉了 # Soon you got hot chocolate Never, ever let it cool # 嘿 我们有 # # 一直在锅里热着 # -Hot, hot -Hey, we got it Keep it cooking in the pot # 我们有 # # 就有了热巧克力 # -Hot, hot -Oh, we got it -Then you got -Hot chocolate # 耶 我们有 # # 噢 我们有 # -Hot, hot - Yeah, we got it -Hot, hot -Oh, we got it # 呜 我们有 # # 嘿 我们有 # -Hot, hot -Oh, we got it -Hot, hot -Hey, we got it # 耶 我们有 # # 说 我们有 # -Hot, hot - Yeah, we got it -Hot, hot -Say, we got it # 我们有热巧克力 # # 热腾腾的巧克力 # -Oh, we got it -Hot, hot Hot chocolate Hot, hot # 我们有热巧克力 # # 呦 我们有 # Yeah, we got it -Oh, we got it -Hot, hot 知道吗...古阿兹塔克人的国王... # 所以 我们有 # You know, Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs... -So we got it -Hot, hot 一天要喝大杯热巧克力 5 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 我想我忘了把你的车票打洞 ...would drink quarts of hot chocolate every day. I believe I have neglected to punch your ticket. 颜色像红泥浆 因为他们不放糖 而是放红辣椒粉... 请 It was thick as mud and red. He put chili pepper in instead of sugar. May l? -"辣"巧克力...懂吧? - 你怎么知道的?这不可能 我刚把车票留在座位上 -Get it? Hot chocolate? -How do you know? That's not true. I left my ticket right here on the seat. - 你要拿去哪儿? - 是给他的 - 但是不见了 - 你是说... -Where you going with that? -It's for him. -But it's gone. -You mean... - 我想我们不该离开座位 - 对呀 这违反铁路交通规则... 你把车票弄丢了 ...you have lost your ticket. - I don't think we're to leave our seats. - It's a violation of safety regulations... 不是她弄丢了 儿童必须有大人陪伴才能跨越车厢 She didn't lose her ticket. ...for a kid to cross moving cars without a grown-up. 是我 我想不会有事儿的 I did. I think I'll be okay. 我只是想拿去还你 你确定 I was trying to return it to you. Are you sure? 但是风把它从我手中吹走了 后车厢的那个小伙子...喝过了吗 But the wind blew it out of my hand. What about this lad in the back? Did he get any refreshment? 我的车票给你 想办法拿去给他吧 You can hace my ticket. Well, let's take some to him, by all means. 车票是不能过给别人 小心走 注意 小心走 These tickets are not transferable. Watch your step, now. Watch your step. 小姐 她忘了车票 Young lady... She forgot her ticket. 你得跟我来 车票还没打过洞 ...you will just have to come along with me. It hasn't been punched. 你们知道会发生什么事吧? 他会把她丢出火车 喂...你想干嘛? 会给大家带来麻烦的 You know what's gonna happen now? He's gonna throw her off What are you doing? You're gonna get us in trouble! the train. 他大概会在车尾把她扔出去 请原谅 小姐 Young lady, forgice me. He's gonna probably throw her off the rear platform. 6 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 这是规矩 这样就不会被轮子压到 我在找一个女孩儿 Standard procedure. That way, she won't get sucked under the I'm looking for a girl. wheels. 一个...哈哈... 他们或许会把车子放慢 但绝对不会停车 A gi...? They may slow the train down, but they're never gonna stop it. 大家都要找女孩儿...哈哈 停车 Ain't we all? Stop it? 我有她的车票 有啦!我必须再把车停下来 I hace her ticket. That's it! I hace to stop the train again. 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 这是什么 不 等等 不要再做了 Well, lookie. Lookie here. What is this? No, please, don't do that again. 这是官方 正式 真正的乘车用车票 他们去哪儿了 This is an official, authentic, genuine ticket to ride. Where'd they go? 你得好好保管它 小伙子 他们怎么啦 You better keep this in a safe place, young man. What happened to them? 如果我是你... 拜托...她有麻烦 你一定要帮我 If I was you.... Please, she's in big trouble. You hace to help me. 就把贵重物品藏在这里 喂 I keep all my caluables right here. Hey! 藏在号旧鞋底 喂 Right here in the old size . Hey! 经验告诉我 这儿最安全 我找到你的车票了 等一下 Experience shows this is the safest place. I found your ticket! Wait! 其实我不在乎什么车票 喂 Not that I hace much use for those. Hey! 车票 等等 Tickets. Wait! 我都 免费的车 我有你的车票 I ride for free. I hace your ticket! 对了...我随时想搭这班车就搭 有啥需要我效劳的吗 Oh, yeah, yeah. I hop aboard this rattler any time I feels like it. Is there something I can do for you? 这车是我的 7 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 I own this train. Oh, yeah. 你不想被人耍着玩 就好像我是这车的主儿 极地特快的主人 You don't wanna be led down the primrose path. It's like I'm the king of this train. Yeah. The king of the Pol Ex. 你不想被欺 被瞒 被蒙着眼睛 事实上 我是整个北极的王 You don't wanna be conned or duped, hace the wool pulled In fact, I am the king of the North Pole! ocer your eyes. 我怎么忘了礼貌 请坐 请坐 你不想被逼上火车 Oh, where's my manners? Sit, sit. Sit. Hoodwinked. You don't wanna be taken for a ride, railroaded. 请坐 别客气 眼见为实 Take a load off. Seeing is believing. 来点儿咖啡吧? 我说的对吗 Hey, would you like some Joe? Am I right? 这么冷的天 来点儿热呼呼的提提神 那这火车又是怎么回事 Nice hot refreshment. Perfect for a cold winter's night. But what about this train? 祝福你 你想问啥 There. Bless you. What about it? 圣诞老人是怎么回事 我们真的要去北极 What about Santa? We're all really going to the North Pole... - 圣诞老人? - 他不是北极的王吗 不是吗 -Santa? -lsn't he the king of the North Pole? ...aren't we? 你是说...这家伙 不是吗 You mean this guy? Aren't we? 你是说...那你说他是怎么回事 我是成人 直说无妨 这...只是个梦 What exactly is your persuasion on the big man? Are you saying that this is all just a dream? 既然你提到了 是你说的...孩子...不是我说的 Since you brought him up. You said it, kid. Not me. 我... 那...咱们去找那女孩儿吧 Well, l.... So let's go find that girl. 我愿意相信是真的 还有... I want to beliece. One other thing. - 但是... - 但是你不想被骗 你相信有鬼吗 - But... - But you don't wanna be bamboozled. Do you believe in ghosts? 8 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 你的衣服到前面去了 真有趣 That skirt you're chasing must have moved ahead. Interesting. - 我们得到猪头那儿去 快 - "猪头" 等等 -We gotta hightail it to the hog, pronto. -To the hog? Wait. 引擎...就是引擎 你是个新手 等等 The engine. The engine, you tenderfoot. Wait! 我们得在车开到平顶山洞前 到达车头的引擎室 等等 We gotta make the engine before we hit Flat Top Tunnel. Wait! 怎么做 我得醒过来 How come? I hace to wake up. 这么多问 我得醒过来 So many questions. Yeah. I hace to wake up. 平顶山洞的顶和车顶... 醒醒...醒醒... There is but one inch of clearance between the roof of this Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. rattler... 醒醒...醒醒... 只有一英寸宽 Wake up! ...and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel. 孩子 明白吗 Kid! Savvy? 孩子 离开那里 车要上坡了 孩子 Kid, get your head out of the clouds! It's just the run up to the hump, kid. 醒醒 孩子 好玩的来了 Wake up, kid! This will be interesting. 车顶上可不能梦游 快上来 快呀 There's no sleepwalking on the Polar Express. Get back on, kid. Hurry! 我们得跳车厢 抓住我的滑雪棍 We gotta jump them knuckles. Grab my muck stick. 快...孩子 坐上我的肩 只有一个窍门 Come on, kid. Flip my shoulders. There's only one trick to this, kid. 我说"跳" 抓住我 Grab my lily. When I say "jump"... 9 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 你就跳 Look! ...you jump! 快停车! 快停车 我还以为你被扔下火车了 Stop the train! Stop the train! You. I thought you got thrown off, and... 快停车 - 你在这儿开火车! - 机师让我开 Stop the train! -You're driving the train? -They put me in charge. 什么 - 他们要去检查车灯了 - 灯泡在这儿 小心 What? -The engineer had to check the light. -Here's the light. Careful. 他们要我们停车 现在好了 They want us to stop the train. All right, now. - 哪个是刹车? - 他说是这个 我拿到了 -Which one is the brake? -He told me this was. I got it. - 谁说? - 机师 - 你怎么会开? - 很简单 来 我告诉你 -Who? -The engineer. -How do you know how? -It's easy. Come here, I'll show you. - 机师?这个看起来像是刹车 - 不是 不是 他说这是刹车 那个大扳手是加速器 -The engineer? This one looks like a brake. -No, he said this This big lecer here, that's the throttle. was the brake. 这个小的是刹车 你确定 This little one here, that's the brake. Are you sure? 那些是压力 你确定 And those are the pressure gauges. Are you sure? 那跟绳子是鸣笛 拉刹车 And that rope is the whistle. Pull the brake! 鸣笛 停车 The whistle. Stop the train! 想试试吗 哈罗 鹿兄 You wanna try it? Caribou? 我一直梦想要拉一下 极地特快到不了北极 圣诞节也泡汤了 I'ce wanted to do that my whole life. There can be no Christmas without the Polar Express arriving on time. 别动...别动 难道只有我懂 Hold still! Hold still! Don't moce! Am I the only one who understands that? 快看 10 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 我早该猜到 跳开了 快把它抓住 You. I should hace known. Jumping jeepers, the cotter pin sheared off. 你是不是一心 想让车子到不了北极 - 什么东西? - 栓子 Are you bound and determined that this train never reaches the -What? -The pin. North Pole? - 哪里? - 那里 看 -Where? -There. But look. - 不妙! - 不妙 驯鹿过街 -Oh, no. -Oh, no. Caribou crossing?! - 他们听不到我 - 听不到 我猜最少十万 或许百万 -They can't hear me. -They can't? I make that herd to be at least ,, maybe even a million. 不喜欢这个景象 在安全栏下面 要它们全部让路得要几个小时 I don't like the look of this. Under the safety bar. It's gonna be hours before they clear this track. 不会有事儿吧? 我们该怎么办 - 麻烦的事情 - 我们这下麻烦大了 Is everything all right? What should we do? -A tough nut to crack. -We are in some serious jelly. 照...目前的状况来看 我们无法连络机师... - 非常拥挤 - 紧要关头 Considering we've lost communication with the engineer... -And a jam. -Tight spot. 我们在车头前 完全暴露在外 - 小溪上去 - 树上去 ...we are standing totally exposed on the front of the -Up a creek. -Up a tree. locomotive... - 在草地里迷失 - 我告诉你什么草地 我们... 车一直在加速 无法控制 -Lost in the grass. -I'll tell you what's grass: our a... ...the train appears to be accelerating uncontrollably... 问题解决了 慢...速...前进 我们快速冲向前方的冰峡谷 Problem solced. All ahead, slow. ...and we are rapidly approaching Glacier Gulch... 我们驶的很快耶 这是世上最陡峭的峡谷 We're going pretty fast. ...which happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world... 去告诉机师们放慢速度 我建议我们都得... Tell the engineer to slow down. ...I suggest we all hold on... 慢一点 抓,紧,栏, Slow it down. ...tightly. 小心速度太快 - 栓子 - 栓子 Watch the speed! -The pin. -The pin. 11 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 正前方 糟糕...车轨已经被冰覆盖 Dead ahead. Jiminy Christmas, the ice has frozen over the tracks. 右 不...不...抓紧...抓紧 Right. Hold on. Hold on. No, no. 左 快!小心脚下...快... Left. Come on. Watch your step. 右 抓紧...快上来...快 Right. Come on, sweetie. Up you go. Up you go. 打直 脚放在这里 这里 Hang a Louie. Put your feet on here. On here. 拉掣阀 有点刺激 是吗 Toss a Ritchie. Little adcenture, huh? 拉手 小伙子...反应满快的 Port astern. Young man, quick thinking on your part. 放慢 到左边去 To the starboard. Step to your left, please. To your left. - 我的拖鞋 - 你的车票要掉了 呵...这才像话 -My slipper. -You're gonna lose your ticket. Well, that is more like it. 不是我的 是你的 你们搞啥 It's not my ticket, it's yours. What in the name of Mike? - 我的? - 对 看 -It's my ticket? -Yes. Look. 右...跟着我...左... 快带我们火速离开 Right. Keep up with me. Left. Get us the blazes out of here! 右...左... 让车滑开 Right. Left. Turn this sled around. 右... 看那里 Right. Look there. 左... 车轨 Left. Tracks. 右... 12 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 Right. ...when I slipped on the ice myself. 我伸手去抓栏杆 但栏杆断了左...右 就滑倒了 Left. Right. I reached out for a hand iron, but it broke off. I slid and fell. - 噢 糟糕! - 噢 糟糕 但是没有掉下车去 -Oh, no! -Oh, no! And yet, I did not fall off this train. 抓紧了 某人救了你 Brace yourselces! Someone saved you? 呵...这才像话 也可能是某"物" Well, that's more like it. Or something. 谢谢你 天使 Thank you. An angel. 谢谢你 真不敢相信 你帮我找到车票 或许 Thank you. I can't believe you found my ticket. Maybe. 谁说...找到...车票了 等等... Did someone say they found a ticket? Wait. Wait. 这么说...车票拿来吧 他长的什么样子? 你看到他了吗 Well, in that case.... Tickets, please. What did he look like? Did you see him? 谢谢 没有 有时...眼见为实 Thank you. No, sir. But sometimes seeing is believing. -"L-E"? - 和那个万事通的一样 有时...最真实的我们却看不见 -"L-E"? -Just like that know-it-all kid. And sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see. 走路小心 这些被遗弃的 Watch your step. Tricky walking up here. The forsaken and the abandoned. 提醒你 上坡时 路很滑 小心走 这些可怜的玩具受了不少罪... It's mighty slick. Mighty slick, I tell you. Mind your step, now. These poor toys hace suffered enough... 我刚说啥来着 被世人到处抛弃 自生自灭 There you go. What did I tell you? ...being left to rust and decay in the back alleys and cacant lots 很久以前 我首次圣诞夜之旅 我在车顶巡视... of the world. Years ago, on my first Christmas Ece run, I was up on the roof 它们怎么会在这儿 making my rounds... What are they doing here? 也踩到冰滑了一下 13 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 这是领导的新点子 Oh, yeah. I know what you are. It's a new concept the boss came up with. 你是个"怀疑论"者 与其丢弃它们 不如收集起来修补一下 You're a doubter. Instead of being thrown away, they're collected. Refurbished. 你怀疑 你不相信... 他说这是循环 反覆 再生什么的 A doubter. You don't believe! He calls it "rebicycling." Something like that. 你是怀疑论者! 你不相信 真令人伤心 You're a doubter! You don't beliece! Makes me wanna cry... 你错过好戏啦 我们爬过陡坡 看到它们这样被虐待 You missed it. We rode down some really sharp hills. ...seeing toys that were treated this way. 然后经过似乎结冰的湖面 这些吊绳都打结的木偶问题才大 We were on what looked like a frozen lake. These hopelessly entangled string puppets and marionettes... 但是我说是视觉假像 我们在北极处理这些玩具的人员... But I know it was just an optical illusion. ...pose a particular problem. We found the nimble fingers of our 他说车子是走在冰上 我说这不可能... work force... He said the train was on ice. I said it's impossible... 为了打开绳结 可费尽脑筋了... 因为车轨不可能... 你去哪里 ...here at the North Pole are best for working out those knots and tangles. You can't put a train track... Where you going now? 谢谢你 这里双保险 # 我对星星许愿 # Thank you. Double-locked here. I'm wishing on a star 朋友 你就像我一样... # 试着去相信 # You are just like me, my friend. And trying to believe 一个捣蛋鬼 # 虽然很遥远 # A scrooge! That even though it's far 埃比尼泽捣蛋鬼 # 但确有圣诞夜 # Ebenezer Scrooge. He'll find me Christmas Eve 捣蛋鬼从来不信什么... # 我猜圣诞老人很忙 # North Pole, Santa Claus, this train... I guess that Santa 's busy 圣诞节 北极 圣诞老人...等等 全是难以置信 骗人的玩意# 因为他从未来过 # 儿 'Cause he's never come around ...it's all a bunch of humbug. A bout of indigestion. # 圣诞节来临时 我就会想到他 # 喔 我知道你是啥... I think of him When Christmas comes to town 14 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 # 孩子们的其他梦想 # # 那是一年中最好的时光 # And all the dreams of children The best time of the year # 曾逝去的会再寻回 # # 所有的人都回家了 # Once lost will all be found When everyone comes home # 当圣诞来时 这就是我所有的祈望 # # 在圣诞节的气氛下 # That's all I want When Christmas comes to town With all this Christmas cheer # 当圣诞来时 这就是我所有的祈望 # # 是不该独自渡过的 # That's all I want When Christmas comes to town It's hard to be alone 看呀 # 朋友们都聚在一起竖起了圣诞树 # Look. Putting up the Christmas tree With friends who come around 北极光 # 圣诞节来时 真是有趣 # The northern lights. It's so much fun When Christmas comes to town 喂 你们三个 # 孩子们的礼物包五颜六色 # Hey. You three. Presents for the children Wrapped in red and green 我们刚经过... # 这些我都听过 却没见过 # We just crossed it. All the things I've heard about But never really seen 北纬度分...北极圈 # 圣诞夜没人会睡觉 # Latitude '. The Arctic Circle. No one will be sleeping 你们看到远方的极光吗 # 圣诞夜的晚上 # And do you see? Those lights in the distance. On the night of Christmas Eve 看起来像大货船航行在 结冰的海上所发出奇异的光芒 # 翘首盼望圣诞老人降临 # They look like the lights of a strange ocean liner sailing on a Hoping Santa 's on his way frozen sea. # 当他雪橇上的铃声响起 # 那... When Santa 's sleighbells ring There... # 我仔细听 # 就是北极 I listen all around ...is the North Pole. # 当天使唱起圣歌 # 地上有魔毯 从来没有休息过 The herald angels sing It's a magic carpet on a rail It never takes a rest # 我却从来都听不见 # 飞过高山和白雪 I never hear a sound flying through The mountains and the snow 15 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 只要你愿意 就可以免费加入 享受快乐 Who gets the first gift of Christmas? You can ride for free and join the fun If you just say yes 他会在你们之中...选一个 在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的 He will choose one of you. 'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express - 看! - 精灵 呜~呜~汽笛响 是她唱歌的声音 -Look. -Elces! Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows That's the sound of her singing 听好咯...听好咯...先生女士们 叮~叮~铃声响 天哪 看着她走 All right. All right, ladies and gentlemen. Ding, ding, the bell will ring Golly, look at her go 请大家排成两队 你觉得如果我们很快到达 谁来猜一猜... Two columns, if you please. You wonder if you'll get there soon Anybody's guess 矮的排前面 高的排后面 在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的 Shorter in the front, taller in the rear. 'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express 偶数生日在右边 奇数生日在左边 当我们到那里 就会尖叫 "耶" Even-numbered birthdays on the right, odd-numbered on the When we get there We'll scream, "Yay!" left. 我们到达那里 附和着邦~邦~邦 不可以推人 不要到处闲逛 We'll arrive with A bang, bang, bang No pushing. No pushing. But let's not dilly-dally. 还有噗~噗~噗 路上一直说笑着 还有分钟才到午夜 Boom, boom, boom Laughing all the way It's fice minutes to midnight. 到了! 比预定时间 还早分钟 怎么算的呀! 分钟前也是剩分钟! We made it. With fice minutes to spare. Hey, what gives? It was five minutes till midnight four minutes ago. 到了 没错! 排成两排... We made it. Exactly. Columns of two. 精灵呢? 他们在哪儿 - 一排...两排 - 对不起 There should be elces. Where are the elces? -One, two. -Excuse me. 对呀 精灵在哪儿 - 有问题吗? - 他怎么办 Yeah, where are the elces? -Question. -What about him? 他们都聚集在市中心 没人会被强迫去见圣诞老人 They are gathering in the center of the city. No one is required to see Santa. 圣诞老人就在那儿 给出圣诞节的第一个礼物 先生女士们 你们不需要牵手 That is where Santa will give the first gift of Christmas. Ladies and gentlemen, you do not hace to hold hands... 谁会拿到圣诞节的第一个礼物 16 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 - 快点! - 走的过程中... We're gonna be okay. -Come on. -...but please remain in your columns... 或许不会 请不要离开队伍... Maybe not! ...while we are in transit. 紧急刹车 - 你必须跟我们走 - 她说的对 The emergency brake. -Look, you have to come with us. -She's right. 紧急刹车 我从来信不圣诞节 The emergency brake. Christmas just doesn't work out for me. Never has. 没有刹车...我找不到刹车 但是圣诞节是多么美好的时光 There's no brake. I can't find the brake! But Christmas is such a wonderful, beautiful time. 休息会儿吧 孩子 和朋友家人享受施与受的感恩 Take a break, kid. It's a time for giving and being thankful, for friends and family. 热巧克力咖啡怎么样 大家用饰品和灯来装饰圣诞树 圣诞老人也会把礼物留在树How about a nice, good hot cup of Joe? 下 快要撞上了 People hang decorations and lights. Santa leaces presents under our Christmas trees. We're gonna crash! 只是我... 我们在转圈圈 Christmas just... We're spinning. 从来信不圣诞节 嘘...你们听到了吗 ...doesn't work out for me. You hear that? 听着...我不管你信不信圣诞节 铃声 Look, I don't know if Christmas is gonna work out for you or The bell. not... - 什么铃声? - 雪橇上的铃声 今晚是圣诞夜 不要独自一人 -What bell? -The sleighbell. ...but this is Christmas Eve. Don't stay here by yourself. - 雪橇上的铃声? - 听到了吗 对 跟我们走 -Sleighbell? -Don't you hear it? Yes, come with us. 从隧道那边来的 我们一起去 It's coming from that tunnel. We'll go together. 我们该朝那边去 不好 That's the way we should go. Oh, no. 快呀 我们会平安无事 Come on. 17 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 是用红色丝带和号绿色花结 怎么啦 It's wrapped in candy-striped red with a number-seven holly-green bow. What? - 怎么啦? - 快点 号花结!? 我们也成了有钱人 -What? -Come on. A number-seven bow? When we're this close to liftoff? 快点 他们在下面想什么? 是不是发疯了 Come on. What are they thinking down there? Are they meshuggener? 我们迷路了 - 路线是什么? - 去美国 We're lost. -What's the routing? -Going to the States. 是的 密西根州格兰拉比市 Yes. Grand Rapids, Michigan. - 是...我听到了 - 我也听到了 是我家的城市 我从格兰拉比来的 -Yes. I hear it. -I hear it too. That's my town. I'm from Grand Rapids. - 我什么也没听到 - 是那边来的声音 我们有麻烦了 还真是时候 -I don't hear anything. -Okay, it's down this way. We got a troublemaker now. Just what we need. 你确定 事情还不至於最坏 他是不是岁了? Are you sure? Things aren't bad enough. What's his ? 非常确定 显然是新泽西州枫树市来的一个孩子... Absolutely. Apparently, some kid from Maplewood, New Jersey... 为什么我什么也听不到 把泡泡糖粘到妹妹头上 Why can't I hear anything? ...stuck some gum in his sister's hair. 下去...安静 新泽西?是上次那个... Get down and be quiet. New Jersey? Is that the same kid that put the tack... 嗯...嗯... 在老师身上贴了 一个标签的同一个男孩 ...underneath his teacher's chair last year? Yeah. 好的 不是 长官 这孩子叫斯帝芬 No, sir. This kid's name is Stecen. Okay. 这里是礼物包装中心 我们现在怎么办 首领? 通知圣诞老人 Well, that was the wrapping hall, chief. So, what do we do, chief? Alert the big man? 圣诞夜不给他礼物 - 最后一个我也包好了 - 怎么包的 -Just finished the last one. -How's it wrapped? We talking nothing for Christmas here? 18 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 我不做 我没有听到 你呢 I didn 't do it. I don't hear it. Do you? 我不做 也没听到 I didn 't do it. No. 我不做 我觉得该顺着箭头走 I didn 't do it. I think we should follow those arrows. 听我说 圣诞节... 马上就到了 对吧 我以为这儿会有出路 Look, it's.... It's almost Christmas, huh? I thought there'd be a way out. 原谅他一次 我们恐怕会错过一切 We'll cut the kid a break. We're gonna miss ecerything. 但是 把他列入名单 明年复查两次 喂 看呀 But put him on the check-twice list for next year. Hey, look. 好了 孩子们 一个礼物 All right, boys. A present. 现在关店 今年到这儿为止 走吧 要去我的城市 给一个叫比利的人 Let's shut it down. That's it for this year. Come on. It's going to my town. To someone named Billy. - 首领 我们要乘子弹梭车吗? - 当然要乘子弹梭车 - 我叫比利 - 去艾布克街号 -Hey, boss, are we taking the pneumatic? -Of course we're -My name is Billy. -It's going to Edbrooke Avenue. taking the pneumatic. 是我的地址 这是唯一能赶到广场的方法 That's my address. It's the only way to get to the square on time. 快点 - 咱们走 - 时间就是金钱 Come on. -Let's go. -And time is money. 看呀 准备...上车 Look. Ready, and mount. 上面说"比利 圣诞快乐...圣先生赠" 好了 关门吧 It says, "Merry Christmas, Billy. From Mr. C." Good. Close. 我想我知道是什么 是我这辈子最想要的 上车吧 I think I know what it is. I wanted one of these my whole life. All right, get in. 等等...停...看 我不知道这个 Wait, wait. Stop. Look. I don't know about this. 不过我... 19 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 But l.... You may start your descent any time now. 当然了 也要看你的方便 这是规矩 Those are the rules. At your convenience, of course. 有东西在拽我 还有五分钟 我们能赶得上 Something's got me. It's still fice to. I think we're gonna make it. 抓住我的脚了 当然! 一个钟头前 就还有五分钟 It's got my leg. Of course. It's been five to for the last hour. 我抓不住你 我们时间多了 我们什么都没有 就是有时间 我们还有时间 来消磨 I can't hold him. We got plenty of time. We got nothing but time. We got time to 另外一只手给我 另外一只手给我 kill. Give me your other hand. Give me your other hand. 你知道吗? 我们可能无法平安降落 - 我不能 - 我数到三 You know what? I don't think we're gonna make it. -I can't. -On three. 虽然我只是个火车长... 一 二 三 I may be just an old railroader... One, two, three. 我不知道怎么飞热气球... - 看... - 我还是被抓住了 ...and know nothing about lighter-than-air craft... -Look. -It's still got me. 但是就我这外行来判断 你们需要再高一点才行 我再数一次 一 二 三 ...but from my layman's perspective, you need more altitude! On three again. One, two, three. 再高一点 - 你! - 你 More altitude! -You. -You. 高度...我们需要多一点高度 - 你在这儿干嘛? - 和你一样 Altitude, please. A bit more altitude, please. -What are you doing here? -Same as you. 跳啊 我在检查我的礼物 确定我清单上的都有 Geronimo! Checking my presents. Making sure I'm getting everything on 飞精灵 my list. The Flying Elves. 我只有一个像样的礼物 其他的全是内衣裤 他们是专家 你们可不能在家模仿 I found one present. All it had was stupid underwear. They are specialists. Do not try that at home, kids. 看 孩子们 你们可不能在家模仿哦 Look. Do not try that at home. 我们随时开始下降 20 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 我们恐怕过不去 该你了 We're not gonna make it. There you go. 维修良好的机器 小心点儿 A well-oiled machine. Watch your step. 好啦 你们这些偷渡客 小心 All right, you stowaways. Careful. - 派对结束啦 - 我们只是跟着他们 漂亮 -Party's over. -I was just following them. Beautiful form. Beautiful. 我们是不小心闯进来的 很高兴又见到你 We fell in here by mistake. Nice to see you again. 少来 我们知道你们一直都在里面 这次很惊险吧 Forget about it. We knew you was in there the whole time. Cutting it kind of close, aren't we? 快 出来吧 这个给我保管吧 Come on, out you go. I'll take care of this. 走 爬上来 爬上来 我会好好保管 Let's go, come on. Step up, step up. There we go. It's in good hands. 行啦...没问题... 慢走...好的很... 相信我 Not a problem. Come on. Watch your step. There you go. Trust me. 为了确定你们的安全 我告诉你们怎么下去 # 这个季节的灵魂 # So nobody gets hurt, here's how we're gonna get you guys It's the spirit of the season down. # 你可以在空气中感觉到 # - 简单的很 我知道 - 你知道啥 You can feel it in the air -This is simple. Why, I know... -What do you know? # 如果注意听就能听到 # 你们根本就不该在这儿 You can hear it if you listen You're not supposed to be here in the first place. # 任何地方都有关爱 # 但既然是圣诞节 我就让你溜过去 Everywhere So much care But since it's Christmas, I'm gonna let you slide. # 就像祈祷者 # 嗨 Like a prayer Hey. # 不管是什么 都可以分享 # 我一直在找你 Whatever it is You need to share it Been looking for you. # 这个季节的灵魂 # 21 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 It's the spirit of the season 我...相信 # 这个季节的灵魂 # I... I beliece. It's the spirit of the season 我相信 # 你可以在空气中感觉到 # I beliece. You can feel it in the air 我...相信这是你的 这铃声是最动听的声音 I... I beliece that this is yours. Aren't those bells the most beautiful sound? 嗯... 圣诞老人就要进城了 Well.... He's here! He's here! 谢谢 在哪里 Thank you. Where? - 我...我...选我 圣诞老公公 - 你在干什么? 别这样 我看到了 他在那里 -Me, me. Pick me, Santa. -What are you doing? Stop it. I see him. He's ocer there. - 选我 我要第一份礼物 - 别这样 我看不到 -Pick me, pick me. I want the first gift. -Hush. I can't see him. 小伙子... 我看不到 Young man... I can't see him. 耐心点儿 我看不到 ...patience. I can't see him! 还有 谦虚一点对你会比较好 怀疑者 怀疑者 And a smidgen of humility might also serve you well. Doubter. Doubter. 是的 好吧 Yes, sir. Okay. 还有你 小姐 好吧 And you, young lady.... Okay. 很果断的小姐 我相信 A lady of decision. I beliece. 很有自信和热诚 我...相信 Full of confidence and spirit. I beliece. 圣诞精神 你刚说什么来着 Christmas spirit. What was that you said? 22 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 继续努力 Yes, indeed. Keep up the good work. 圣诞节的第一个礼物 谢谢 The first gift of Christmas! Thank you. 这个铃铛充满了圣诞的意义 还有比利 This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas... And Billy. 就像我一样 是你比利 ...as am l. It is Billy? 记住... 你认识了很多新朋友 Just remember... I see you'ce made some new friends. 圣诞的意义... 是的 我的确有 ...the true spirit of Christmas... Yes, sir. I sure hace. 就在你内心深处 幸运的小伙子 ...Iies in your heart. That's a lucky lad. 圣诞快乐 没有比友谊更珍贵的 Merry Christmas. There's no greater gift than friendship. 好好保管哦 说到礼物... Better keep that in a safe place. And speaking of gifts... 喂 喂 喂 你真幸运 就选这个小伙子吧 Hey, hey. Man alive, are you lucky. ...Iet's have this young fellow right here. 再用力拉一下 现在... Pull, Comet. Pull, boy! Now... 普兰斯 是个女孩子 你想要什么圣诞礼物 Prancer, that's a girl. ...what would you like for Christmas? 好孩子 冬德 我 Good boy, Donder. Me. 达实尔 普兰斯 冬德 维克森 是你 Now, Dasher. Now, Prancer and Vixen. You. 就像我梦想的一样 是的 就是你 It's everything I dreamed it would be. Yes. Indeed. 可能... 是的 就是你 Could all...? 23 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 记得蹲下躲避 可能全是梦吗 Remember to duck and cocer. Could all this be nothing but a dream? 好啦 你们的车票 不是 All right, you. Ticket, please. No. "LEAN" 是啥意思 世界之巅...冲啊...冲啊 " Lean." Whatever that's supposed to mean. To the top of the roof To the top of the wall LEAN是四个字母 上车咯 上车咯 " Lean" is spelled with four letters. Now, dash away, dash away Dash away all 我想我打了五个 大家一起来 I belieced I punched fice. All aboard! 喂 那你是说我不会... # ---- 唱 # Hey, are you saying I don't know how to...? One, two. One, two, three, go. 哦 对不起 原来是LEARN(学习) 是我错了 # 在世界之巅摇滚 # # 在世界之巅摇滚 # I'm sorry. It says "learn." My mistake. Rockin ' on top of the world Rockin ' on top of the world 学习到了 # 山脊在跳动 # # 一刻也不停 # Lesson learned. The place is hoppin ' There ain 't no stoppin ' 车票 # 在世界之巅摇滚 # # 打起精神 一起来跳舞 女孩儿 # Ticket. Rockin ' on top of the world Lift your spirits, swing that girl 很特别的车票 # 今夜就在世界之巅 # That is some special ticket. Rockin ' on top of the world Tonight, yeah 是的 # 快呀 跳舞 得儿...耶... # Sure is. Come on, shorty! 那...你能"信任"我们 把你安全送回家吗? 拿出车票 准备好车票 谢谢 So can you count on us to get you home safe and sound? Show your tickets. Have your tickets ready. 当然 记得每天吃大基本食物 Absolutely. Remember to eat the five basic food groups. 我... 请拿出你的车票 Me... Ticket, please. 还有我的朋友 饭后请刷牙 ...and my friends. And please brush after every meal. 车票 24 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 Ticket. 我把圣诞老人雪橇上的铃铛弄丢了 是LEAD(铅)比方铅气球 I lost the bell from Santa's sleigh. It says "lead." Like "lead balloon." 真的不见了 我觉得也可以发音"lead" It's gone? I beliece it also is pronounced "lead." 别担心 这个字也是"领"的意思 Don't worry. As in "leader," "leadership." - 我们...我们...会找到它 - 是的 我们会找到的 比方领袖 领导... -We'll... We'll find it. -Yeah, we'll find it. "Lead the way." 对呀 我们帮你 大家都会帮你 领...路...谨尊您的领导 夫人 Yeah, we'll help you. All of us. Follow you anywhere, ma'am. 嗯 快 我们现在就去找 啊 好的 Yeah, let's hurry out and find it right now. Ah, yes. 太迟了 充满疑问的小伙子 It's too late. Young man with all the questions. 真不幸 车票 Gee, that's really too bad. Ticket. 真的 写着... Really. It says... 我很难过 我不需要知道 I'm sorry. It's nothing I need to know. 艾布克街号 - 快...拿铃铛给我们看 - 让我们看看铃铛 Edbrooke. -Come on, let's see the bell. -Let's see it. 下一站...艾布克街号 - 快...拿铃铛给我们看 - 给我们看看铃铛 Next stop, Edbrooke. -Come on, let's see the bell. -Show us the bell. 喂 你要去哪儿 让我们看看铃铛 Hey, where you going? Yeah, let's see the bell. 回家 丢了 Home. It's gone. 哦 原来 圣诞快乐 - 在哪儿? - 我弄丢了 Oh, okay. Merry Christmas. -Where is it? -I lost it. 25 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 谢谢你 停车让我上来 Well, see you. Thanks for stopping the train for me. 那... 祝你圣诞快乐 Well... Hace a wonderful Christmas. 再见了 慢走 ...see you. Watch your step, please. 再见 圣诞快乐 See you. And merry Christmas. 慢走 看 Watch your step, please. Look. 谢谢你 圣诞老人已经去过他家了 Thank you. Santa got to Billy's house already. 不对 谢谢你才对 看...看...圣诞老人来过了 No, thank you. Look, look! Santa got here! 关於火车... 很神奇吧 One thing about trains: Isn't that amazing? 驶去哪儿不重要 真的很神奇 It doesn't matter where they're going. It is amazing. 重要的是你想不想搭车 真的很神奇 What matters is deciding to get on. It is amazing. 圣...诞...快...乐 真难过你的铃铛丢了 Merry Christmas! I'm sorry about the bell. 什么 是很特别的礼物 What? It was a really special present. 圣...诞...快...乐 你知道大家怎么说吗... Merry Christmas! Well, you know what they say. 醒醒...醒醒... 圣诞老人来过啦...圣诞老人来过啦 你内心怎么想才是真的 Wake up. Wake up. Santa's been here. Santa's been here. It's the thought that counts. 快呀...快呀 对 Hurry up. Hurry up! Yeah. 妈...爸...醒醒...醒醒 那...再见了 Mom, Dad, wake up. Wake up! 26 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com 极地特快 真可惜坏了 圣诞老人来过啦...圣诞老人来过啦 Sorry about that, sport. Santa's been here! Santa's been here! 孩子们快吧 我们不想迟到 妈...爸...快看 他给了我们这么多礼物 Come on, kids. We don't wanna be late. Mom, Dad, look! He brought us all kinds of stuff! 曾几何时 我大部分的朋友 都能听到铃声 看...一列火车 At one time, most of my friends could hear the bell. Look, a train! 但是大家过去的这些年头 都已悄悄逝去 这次是最漂亮最棒的一次圣诞节 But as years passed, it fell silent for all of them. This is the beautiful-est, most wonderful-est Christmas ever. 甚至某年莎拉也突然 再也听不见甜美的铃声 等等...看 Even Sarah found, one Christmas, that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Wait. Look. 还有一个 现在我长大了... Though I've grown old... Here's one more. 上面有你的名字 还是能听到铃声 ... the bell still rings for me. Has your name on it. 在我雪橇座位底下找到的 就像所有相信圣诞节的人一样 found this on the seat of my sleigh. As it does for all who truly believe. 你最好把破口袋补好 Better fix that hole in your pocket. 圣先生赠 Mr. C. 好漂亮的铃铛 谁送的 Oh, what a beautiful bell. Who's it from? - 圣诞老人 - 圣诞老人 -Santa. -Santa? 真的 Really? - 可惜了 - 这是什么 -Oh, that's too bad. -What's this? 坏了 Broken. 27 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com
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