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多元系统理论的盲点多元系统理论的盲点 ,摘要,翻译作为一项涉及社会、文化、经济、政治等诸多领域的交流活动,受到各种因素的影响。多元系统把翻译研究引入了一个更为宽广的研究视野中,强调的是客观因素对翻译的影响,因此忽视了主观因素的功能。本文旨在分析客观之外的可能影响翻译选择的因素,从更为理性的角度分析看待多元系统论。 ,关键词,多元系统论 译者的文化态度 审美文化 伦理 引言 西方翻译理论在20世纪70年代完成语言学转向之后,逐渐开始向文化研究的方向发展,逐步实现在一个更为广阔的文化语境中研究翻译。以色列的特拉维夫学派便在此过渡阶段应运而生...
多元系统理论的盲点 ,摘要,翻译作为一项涉及社会、文化、经济、政治等诸多领域的交流活动,受到各种因素的影响。多元系统把翻译研究引入了一个更为宽广的研究视野中,强调的是客观因素对翻译的影响,因此忽视了主观因素的功能。本文旨在客观之外的可能影响翻译选择的因素,从更为理性的角度分析看待多元系统论。 ,关键词,多元系统论 译者的文化态度 审美文化 伦理 引言 西方翻译理论在20世纪70年代完成语言学转向之后,逐渐开始向文化研究的方向发展,逐步实现在一个更为广阔的文化语境中研究翻译。以色列的特拉维夫学派便在此过渡阶段应运而生,有效辅助翻译研究的转向。该学派最重要的学术成果即是多元系统论和翻译论,而前者则是奠基之作。 多元系统论是以色列学者埃文-佐哈尔在20世纪70年代初提出的一种理论。1978年,佐哈尔在他的《历史诗学论文集》(papers in historical poetics)中,首次提出了“多元系统”(polysystem)这一术语,意指特定文化里各种文学系统的聚合。埃氏的多元系统理论着眼于系统内各系统之间的关系和地位的演变。谢天振在最初接触到埃氏的polysystem theory一词时,曾把它翻译成“多元文化理论”,以突显其文化理论的本质。 一、多元系统论的翻译观 埃氏多元系统理论的中心论点是把各种符号现象,具体地说是各Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 种由符号支配的人类交际形式看作系统而不是由互不相干的元素组成的混合体。系统内部可以用一系列对立的系统加以描述:中心与边缘的对立,经典文学与非经典文学的对立,翻译文学与原创文学的对立等等。 佐哈尔按两条思路研究翻译作品和多元系统的关系:第一,接受文化(目的语文化)是如何选择作品作为翻译对象的;第二,翻译作品是如何通过与其他目的语言系统产生联系从而采取特定的准则、具有特定功能的。早期翻译研究者倾向于看待对等的一对一关系及功能对等概念,他们认为译者具有主观能力来生成一个对等的文本,而这些文本反过来又会影响某一社会的文学文化常规。而多元系统理论者则认为接受文化的社会规范及文学常规支配着译者的美学预设,从而影响着译者翻译策略的选择。他们在吸收“系统变化”观点的基础上,抛弃了静止的、机械的一些观念,试图描述翻译生成的过程和整个文学系统内变化的过程。多元系统论的提出预示着翻译研究重心的转移,把重心从源语文本转向目标文化。 根据佐哈尔的观点,翻译在文学多元系统中既可以占据主要位置也可能位居次要位置,具体要根据该文化里当时其他文学的状态而定。他描述了三种使翻译处于主要位置的社会条件:第一,一个多元系统尚未定型,即是说,文学的发展尚属“幼嫩”,有待确立;第二,当一种文学处于“边缘”位置或处于“弱势”,或两者皆然;第三,一种文学出现了转折点、危机或文学真空(陈德鸿、张南峰,2002:118)。在这三种情况下,原来的文学不单要借助文学来输入Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 新的思想和内容,就是形式和技巧也需要翻译来提供。因此翻译活动会变得很频繁和重要,也占据了主要或中心的位置,这时译者的主要任务就不仅仅是在本国的文学形式中寻找现成的模式,而是会打破本国的传统规范,多采取异化的翻译策略,从而将原著里大多数的新元素带到译入语文化系统里。结果就是译文在充分性方面会比较接近原著。 然而,当原来的文学系统发展完善的时候,便无须依赖翻译输入外来元素。在这种情形下,翻译会处于次要的地位,在多元系统里只能形成一个边缘系统。因此译者只能屈服或遵从系统里一些原有的规范,倾向于采取归化翻译策略,在译入语文化文学系统中寻求已有的模式,结果往往需要放弃或修改原著里的内容或形式,此时的译文比较注重“可接受性”。 二、多元系统论的盲点 (一)译者的文化态度 多元系统理论把翻译研究引上了文化研究的道路。传统译论注重静态的语义对比,往往把语言模式或不发达的文学理论作为研究的重点而多元系统扩展了翻译研究的理论疆界,为翻译研究最终走出规定美学局限开辟了道路(gentzler,2004:123)。 但国内有学者指出,多元系统理论忽视了作为翻译主体译者的主观能动性。按照多元系统论,“选择拟译文本的原则是由对(本国)多元系统起支配作用的情况决定的:即文本之所以被选择,是因为Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 它们与目标文学的新是一致的,同时也因为它们在目标文学中所具有的可能的革新作用。”(zohar,2001:193)例如在五四时期,大量外国诗歌被翻译为白话文自由体诗歌,符合当时提倡以白话文创作自由体诗歌的需求。但拟译文本的选择不仅仅是由多元系统决定的,译者的主体性也对文本的选择起直接作用。译者会尽可能选择与自己风格一致的文本或熟悉的体裁,以发挥优势,提高译文质量。另外,根据多元系统论,翻译策略的选择也是由多元系统的运作机制决定的。当翻译文学处于中心位置时,译者会采取异化翻译策略;而当翻译文学处于边缘位置时,译者则采取归化翻译策略。可见译者在翻译过程中失去了做出翻译策略决定的自主性。如果真是这样,那又该如何解释同一时期的某一原作的不同译本会采取截然不同的翻译策略呢? 两种翻译策略并存的现象表明多元系统论区分的两种不同翻译策略选择可以在同一时期同一文化体系内同现。这一例外并非要否定多元系统论,只是意在指出这一理论由于未考虑译者的文化态度而造成的缺陷。 翻译文学的文化地位之所以能影响译者翻译策略的选择,是因为它通过潜移默化的方式让翻译活动的执行者意识到了出发文化和目标文化之间的差距,从而赋予了他特定的文化态度。由此可见,我们在关注翻译文学的文化地位对翻译策略的选择同时,译者的文化态度所起的作用也不可忽视(王东风,2000:6)。多元系统假说如果能将译者对两种文化的主观认定在翻译过程中的作用考虑进去,势必会更有说服力。毕竟,翻译策略的选择是一个主观的过程。 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. (二)审美文化的干涉 翻译过程中的文化介入涉及译者的审美习惯和目标语读者的审美 期待(魏瑾,2009:61)。译者作为特定文化群体的成员,其审美 意识必然受到其母语文化传统及审美机制的影响,也会不同程度地 体现在译作中。译者是一个个性化的主体,在对原文进行解读的过 程中,不同的译者会因其审美能力的不同而具有不同的审美想象方 式。当客观因素作用于主体的审美结构时,主体不是被动地进行活 动,而是能动地对所接受的信息进行处理。 例1:she was a striking-looking woman, a little short and thick for symmetry, but with a beautiful olive complexion, large, dark, italian eyes and a wealth of deep black hair.(naval treaty) 译1:安娜貌颇逸丽,肤色雪白,柔腻如凝脂,双眸点漆,似意大 利产。斜波流眉,轻盈动人,而卷发压额,厥色深墨,状尤美观。 唯体略短削,微嫌美中不足。(程小青译《海军密约》) 作者和译者处于两个不同的美学系统,各自持有不同的对女性美 的规范和描写方式。为了迎合当时中国读者的审美习惯,译者将原 文中那个矮小丰满和拥有美丽橄榄色皮肤的西洋女子改造成了中 国古典小说中的传统美人:凝脂一样雪白的肌肤,双眸点漆,斜波 流眉,呈现给读者的是中式女子的特征,异域色彩消失殆尽。文学 是以美感为中心的动态系统,文学翻译应以再现原作的审美特质与 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 价值为出发点和归依,而作者和译者所处的两种不同文化系统所派生的审美客体表现形态和审美主体心理机制的差异会造成译文一定程度上的变化(jauss,1983:336)。 (三)伦理文化的干预 每个社会都有其根深蒂固的伦理价值观,这一价值观制约着人们的言行举止,树立道德。同样,一个社会的伦理文化具有一定的排他性,对于有悖于本文化的异国文化因素可能会持有排斥态度。因此译者会无意或有意地用译语读者熟悉的伦理观念去传达外国文化信息,这无疑影响和制约着译者对异国文化的择取。 中国一向崇尚伦理道德,在伦理上相对保守和敏感。两千多年的封建礼教对今天的人们还有影响,在此影响下形成的伦理价值观与西方在解放人性、尊重人权方面较开放的环境中形成的伦理价值观有很大程度的不同,这种伦理开放度的不平衡必定会作用于译者翻译策略的选择。目标文化的开放度越高,译者的策略选择就越偏向出发文化,反之,则偏向目标文化。 例2:d.immediately overcome.“oh,dear,dear julia! oh,i have been a naughty and undutiful child!”(david copperfield) 译2a:都拉复悲,自承其不孝。(林纾《块肉余生述》) 译2b:朵立即伤感起来。“哦,亲爱的亲爱的朱丽亚~哦,我过去是一个淘气的不孝的孩子~”(董秋斯《大卫科波菲尔》) “孝”是儒家文化的核心,也是中国传统伦理道德的精华,两位Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 深受儒家伦理道德熏陶的译者都把原文中的“undutiful”译为“不孝”。在林纾的许多译文标中也可寻到“孝”的踪迹,如montezuma’s daughter和the old curiosity shop就译成《英孝子火山报仇录》和《孝女耐儿传》,原文中的复仇和反抗行为均被视为中国传统伦理中的尽孝行为了。 三、结语 佐哈尔的多元系统理论突破了翻译对等的枷锁,它为研究各种翻译现象提供了新的文化参照系。但任何理论都具有缺陷,多元系统论亦不例外,对于同一时期并存的两种翻译现象便缺乏解释力。在这种情况下,则需考虑到译者的文化态度、审美文化、伦理文化,以及意识形态和赞助人等等的影响。多元体统论结合影响翻译的主观因素,可以对一些翻译现象做出较为合理和全面的解释。 【参考文献】 [1]谢天振.多元系统理论:翻译研究领域的拓展[j].外国语,2003(4). [2]杨柳.20世纪西方翻译理论在中国的接受史[m].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009. [3]廖七一.当代西方翻译理论探索[m].南京:译林出版社,2000. [4]洪溪珧.多元系统论-翻译研究的新视野[j].湖南科技学院学报,2009(2). [5]陈德鸿,张南峰.西方翻译理论精选[m].香港:香港城市大学出Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 版社,2002. [6]gentzler,e.contemporary translation theories[m].shanghai:shanghai foreign language education press, 2004. [7]even-zohar,itamar.the position of translated literature within the literary polysystem[a].laurence venuti(ed.)the translation studies reader(reprinted)[c].london and new york:routledge,2001. [8]王东风.论翻译过程中的文化介入[j].中国翻译,1998(5). [9]王东风.翻译文学的文化地位与译者的文化态度[j].中国翻 译,2000(4). [10]汉斯罗伯特耀斯(著),周宁,金元浦(译).接受美学与接受理 论[m].辽宁人民出版社,1987. [11]venuti,l.the translator’s invisibility:a history of translation[m].london and new york:routledge,1995. [12]王宏志.重释“信达雅”——二十世纪翻译研究[m].上海:东 方出版中心,1999. Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.
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