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经典写作翻译:母亲,用谎言编织永恒的爱经典写作翻译:母亲,用谎言编织永恒的爱 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 经典写作翻译:母亲,用谎言编织永恒的爱 Our mothers are big liars. There, I said it. 我曾说过,我们的妈妈是大谎言家。 When we were little kids, they told lies like “If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach”...
经典写作翻译:母亲,用谎言编织永恒的爱 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 经典写作翻译:母亲,用谎言编织永恒的爱 Our mothers are big liars. There, I said it. 我曾说过,我们的妈妈是大谎言家。 When we were little kids, they told lies like “If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach”. 当我们还是年幼孩童时,她们会糊弄我们说“如果你把西瓜籽吞下去,它就会在你的肚子 里生根发芽。” And they keep lying even now that we are grown up. But how can you blame a woman who sometimes lies to you because she loves you? 甚至在我们长大成人后,母亲们仍一直用谎言“哄骗”我们。然而,你又怎么能责怪因为爱 你而说谎的母亲呢, As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ love-wrapped lies. 就让我们在母亲节来临之际,一起体味母亲们充满爱意的谎言吧。 Nothing’s wrong; I’m fine. 考研路上必备的网站----考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 放心,我一切都好 It’s the biggest lie. Every time you asked your mom how she was, she would put up a smile and use this line, even when it was after a big fight with your dad or she was caught weeping in her bedroom. She never told you that she was heartbroken. 这可是最大的谎言。每次你问母亲最近好吗,她都会笑着和你说“放心,我挺好的”,即使 她刚刚和你的父亲大吵了一架或者闷在房里哭泣,也从不告诉你她的伤心事。 You are special. 你很特别 Moms say it a lot. And for this reason, we grew up believing that we were truly outstanding and extraordinary–more talented and accomplished than our peers. Sadly, there would always come the day when we figured out that we were actually not. 母亲们经常这么说,正因如此,我们从小就认为自己真的很优秀并且与众不同,比同龄人 更有才华,更有成就。不幸的是,终有一天我们会发现自己实际上没那么出众。 This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you. 我比你更难受。 How stupid of a statement is that, really, when you think about it? Sure, seeing you cry over a vaccination shot, being punished or getting dumped can be emotionally gut-wrenching for your mom, but will it hurt her more than it hurts you? Anyway, it’s sweet, isn’t it? 真的,如果你仔细想想,这是多傻的想法呀,当你接种疫苗而哭泣时,当你被处罚或被甩 时,你的母亲会感到很揪心,可是这对她的伤害难道比对你更大,不管怎样,这听起来很贴 心,不是吗, 考研路上必备的网站----考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 Slow down. You’ve got your whole life to be a grown up.来源:www.examda.com 慢慢来,你有一生的时间学着长大 How true is this one? A recent UK survey shows that 88 percent of people quizzed think that their children are growing up too fast. 这话有多真呢, 下一页

