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综合英语(一)上册课文&翻译综合英语(一)上 Lesson One The Time Message Elwood N. Chapman Learning Guide 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. Fo...
综合英语(一)上 Lesson One The Time Message Elwood N. Chapman Learning Guide 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands. But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties, so you get worried. What is the answer,Control~ 时间很难对付,既难控制又易浪费。当你向前看时,觉得有用不完的时间。比如说,学期伊始,你可能会觉得有大量的时间, 可到期末时,突然发现时间就要用完了,已没有足够的时间去做应做的一切了,于是,你就很担心。解决问题的方法是什么,那就 是控制~ 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. If you don't make it work for you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one problem. 时间很危险。如果你控制不住它,它就要控制你;如果你不能让它服务于你,它便与你作对。因此,你必须成为时间的主人, 而不是奴隶。作为刚入校的大学生,妥善安排时间是头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If you seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 时间很宝贵,浪费时间是一种坏习惯,这就像毒品。你越浪费时间,就越容易浪费下去。如果你确实想充分利用上大学的机会, 你就会应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message 1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the beginning of the term. 要旨一,从一开始就控制好时间。 抓住时间就是抓住今天,而不是把事情推倒明天或下周,学期伊始便开始实施你的 计划。 Message 2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today. Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the plan for the following week. 要旨二,养成用笔记本的习惯。 今天就去买一本笔记本,用它计划每天的时间。一旦一周的学习计划定下来,每周都按同一个模式去做或稍加改动。周日是制 定下周计划的好时间。 Message 3. Be realistic. 6 Often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay, to study for a quiz, or to review for a final exam. When you plan time for these things, be realistic. Allow for unexpected things. Otherwise your entire plan may be upset. 要旨三,要现实。 由经验可知道写一篇文章要花多少时间,做一个测试或为期末考试复习需要多长时间。为此制定计划时,要现实些,要留有余地,以防预料之外的事情发生,否则你的整个计划有可能被打乱。 Message 4. Plan at least one hour for each hour in class. 7 How much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on four things: (1) your ability, (2) the difficulty of the class, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time. One thing, however, is certain: you should plan at least one hour of study for each classroom hour. In many cases, two or three hours will be required. 要旨四,至少要在课下为每一课时准备一小时。 你为每节课安排多少学习时间,取决于四个因素:?你的能力, ?课的难易程度,?你希望达到的水平,?你学习的效率。不过,有一点是肯定的:你应该为每课时至少在课下计划学习一小时。在很多情况下,可能需要两三个小时。 Message 5. Keep your plan flexible. 8 It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain changes when necessary. For example, before mid-term or final exams, you will want to give more time to reviewing. A good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well. 要旨五,让计划有适度的灵活性。 每周重新安排时间很重要,这样才能在必要时进行调整。例如,在期中或期末考试前,你想花更多的时间复习,一个好的计划必须较灵活,以便于其他活动也能做好。 Message 6. Study for some time each class day. 9 Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next. When you work out your schedule, try to include at least two study hours each day. This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments. 要旨六,有课的日子每天都要抽出时间学习。 每天都踏踏实实地学习一会儿,比一天学习很长时间,第二天什么也不学要好。作计划时,每天至少要计划学习两小时。这样不仅能保持良好的学习习惯,而且还能帮你跟上课堂进度。 Message 7. Free on Saturday -- study on Sunday. 10 It is good to stop all study activities for one full day. Many students choose Saturdayfor sports or social activities. Sunday, on the other hand, seems to be the best study dayfor many students. It is a good day to catch up on back reading and other assignments. 要旨七,周六休息 ―― 周日学习。 最好能有一整天停止学习。很多学生选择周六进行体育活动或社会活动,那么,周日便成了很多学生学习的好时间。周日用来补上拖欠的阅读任务和其他作业的好时机。 Lesson Two Hans Christian Andersen's Own Fairy Tale (I) Donald and Louise Peattie Learning Guide 也许你不是出生于名门望族或书香门第,也许你生来并不聪慧,但只要你刻苦努力、坚持不懈、发挥自己的专长,在适合你的领域一定会成功。闻名遐尔的丹麦作家安徒生的故事——这只从鸭圈里飞出来的天鹅本身的经历可能会对你有所启发。 1 Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark.His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again. 很久很久以前,在丹麦住着一个穷孩子,他父亲是个鞋匠。父亲去世后,母亲就改嫁了。 2 One day the boy went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark.When the Prince asked him what he wanted, the boy said, “I want to write plays in poetry and to act at the Royal Theater.” The Prince looked at the boy, at his big hands and feet, at his big nose and large serious eyes, and gave a sensible answer. “It is one thing to act in plays, another to write them. I tell you this for your own good; learn a useful trade like shoemaking.” 一天,这个男孩请求丹麦王子帮帮他。丹麦王子问他想要什么,男孩说:“我想写诗体剧本并且在皇家剧院上演。”王子看看他, 看看他的大手大脚和大鼻子,还 有孩子认真严肃的眼睛,给了他一个明智的回答:“演戏是一回事,写剧本又是另一回事。为了你 好,我告诉你,去学一门有用的手艺,比如做鞋。” 3 So the boy, who was not sensible at all, went home. There he took what little money he had, said good-bye to his mother and his stepfather and started out to seek his fortune. He was sure that some day the name Hans Christian Andersen would be known all over Denmark. 然后,这个毫不明智的孩子回到了家,从家里拿了点儿钱,告别了母亲和继父,出去闯世界了。他相信将来有一天,他的名字 安徒生会闻名丹麦的。 4 To believe such a story one would have to believe in fairy tales! Hans Christian knew many such tales. He had heard some of them from his father, who had worked hard at his trade, but liked to read better than to make shoes. In the evenings, he had read aloud fromThe Arabian Nights. His wife understood very little of the book, but the boy, pretending to sleep, understood every word. 安徒生的故事像童话里的故事一样不现实。汉斯知道很多童话故事。他从父亲那里听说过一些故事。父亲做鞋非常辛苦,不过 他更喜欢读书。晚上,他总是大声朗读《一千零一夜》,他的妻子几乎听不懂,而假装睡觉的汉斯却一字不落。 5 By day, Hans Christian went to a house where old women worked as weavers. There he listened to the tales that the women told as they worked at their weaving. In those days, there were almost as many tales in Denmark as there were people to tell them. 白天,汉斯常去一间编织作坊,有一些老太太在那儿织布,听她们边织边讲故事,那时,丹麦的童话多得就像讲故事的丹麦人 一样。 6 Among the tales told in the town of Odense, where Andersen was born in 1805, was one about a fairy who brought death to those who danced with her. To this tale, Hans Christian later added a story from his own life. 安徒生1805年生于奥得斯镇。那儿流传的故事中,有一个关于小精灵把死亡带给与她跳舞的人的故事,汉斯后来把自己生活 中的一段经历加进了这个故事。 7 Once, when his father was still alive, a young lady ordered a pair of red shoes. When she refused to pay for them, unhappiness filled the poor shoemaker's house. From that small tragedy and the story of the dancing fairy, the shoemaker's son years later wrote the story that millions of people now know as The Red Shoes. The genius of Andersen is that he put so much of everyday life into the wonder of his fairy tales. 他父亲在世时,一位年轻女士订购了一双红鞋,当她拒付鞋钱时,可怜的鞋匠一家笼罩在不幸之中。多年以后,这个鞋匠的儿 子把那个小悲剧和跳舞的小精灵写成了一个众人皆知的故事《红舞鞋》。安徒生的天才就在于他把那么多的日常生活溶进他那些奇 妙的童话中。 8 When Hans Christian's mother was a little girl, she was sent out on the streets to beg. She did not want to beg, so she sat out of sight under one of the city bridges. She warmed her cold feet in her hands, for she had no shoes. She was afraid to go home. Years later, her son, in his pity for her and his anger at the world, wrote the angry story She's No Good and the famous tale The Little Match Girl. 安徒生的母亲在小的时候,曾被迫到街上去乞讨,她不愿意乞讨,就躲开人们,坐在城市里的 一座桥下。由于没有鞋穿,她 用双手去暖冰凉的脚,不敢回家。多年以后,他的儿子,怀着对她的同情和对那个世界的愤怒,写出了童话《她是个废物》和著名 的《卖火柴的小女孩》。 9 Through his genius, he changed every early experience, even his father's death, into a fairy tale. One cold day the boy had stood looking at the white patterns formed on the window by the frost. His father showed him a white, 'woman-like figure among the frost patterns. “That is the Snow Queen,” said the shoemaker. “Soon she will be coming for me.”A few months later he was dead. And years later, Andersen turned that sad experience into a fairy tale, The Snow Queen. 他用自己的天才把早期的经历,甚至父亲的去世都写成了童话。一个寒冷的日子,他一直站在那儿看着霜在窗户上形成的白 色图案,他的父亲让他看其中一个白色 的人形状的图案,“这是白雪王后,”鞋匠说,“很快她就会来找我。”几个月后,父亲去世了。 多年以后,安徒生把这段伤心的经历写成了一篇童话《白雪公主》。 10 After the Prince told him to learn a trade, Hans Christian went to Copenhagen. He was just fourteen years old at the time. 在王子叫他去学门手艺后,汉斯去了哥本哈根,当时他只有14岁。 11 When he arrived in the city, he went to see as many important people as he could find — dancers, writers and theater people of Copenhagen. But none of them lent a helping hand to the boy with the big hands, the big feet and the big nose. Finally, he had just seven pennies left. 安徒生到那儿后,去找了他能见到的所有重要人物——哥本哈根的舞蹈演员,作家和剧院的人员没有一个肯帮这个大手大脚大 鼻子的男孩儿一把,最后,他只剩下七便士。 12 The boy had a beautiful high, clear voice. One day a music teacher heard him singing and decided to help him. He collected money from his friends and gave it to the boy so that he could buy food and clothing while he studied singing. 安徒生有一副高亢嘹亮的歌喉。一天,一位音乐老师听了他唱歌,决定帮他一把。他从朋友那儿凑了些钱给了安徒生,让他在 学唱歌期间买些衣物和食品。 13 Hans Christian was happier than he had ever been in his life. But soon his boy's voice broke. The beautiful high voice was gone forever. 当时,汉斯过的比以前任何时候都幸福,但由于变声,永远失去了那副高亢的歌喉。 14 The boy soon found new friends who admired his genius. There was even a princess who gave him a little money from time to time for food and clothes. But Hans Christian bought little food and no clothes. Instead, he bought books and went to the theater. 安徒生很快就找到了羡慕他的天才的新朋友,其中甚至还有一位公主,时不时地给他点儿钱让他买食品和衣物,但汉斯只买很 少的食物,从不买衣服,而是把钱花在了买书和看戏上。 Lesson Three Hans Christian Andersen's Own Fairy Tale (?) Donald and Louise Peattie Learning Guide 这只鸭圈里飞出的天鹅所讲的故事老少皆宜,虽然故事使用的是孩子们能听懂的语言、孩子们喜闻乐见的情节,但却又包含生 活真谛、寓意深长。功成名就的“丑小鸭” 一如既往,保持着他那平常、善良的心态,对权贵不卑不亢,对以往没有善待他的人不计 前嫌。他把爱献给上帝,献给人类。 1 In Copenhagen, Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house, where he had a good view of the city. But there was one big fact that he could not see right under his own nose. The plays and poetry that he wrote were not very good. 在哥本哈根,汉斯住在一座旧房子的阁楼上,从那里他可以看到城市的全貌。但在眼前的一个明显的事实他却没看见——他自 己写的剧本和诗歌都不太好。 2 Hans Christian made friends with a few kind people. Among them was Jonas Collin of the Royal Theater. This kind man collected funds from friends to send the young writer to school. Hans felt most at ease with children. He ate his dinner in turn at the homes of six friends. In each home the children begged him for stories. 汉斯?安徒生结交了几个善良的朋友。其中有皇家剧院的乔纳斯?科林。这位好心人从朋友凑钱供汉斯上学。和孩子们在一起时 汉斯感到最轻松,最惬意。他轮流在六个朋友家吃饭,每家的孩子都求他讲故事。 3 Hans told a tale so vividly that you could see and hear toy soldiers marching and toy horses galloping. And he could make the most wonderful papercuts. These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense. 汉斯的故事讲得极其生动,使人仿佛能看到和听到玩具士兵们在列队行进,玩具马在飞奔。他的剪纸也非常棒,至今,那些剪 纸还保留在欧登塞,他出生时的那座房子里,即现在的安徒生博物馆。 4 Andersen remained single all his life. The good Collin family —three generations of them— became all the family he was ever to have. They all loved him, but they advised him not to write any more poetry and plays, and to try to get a government job. They talked as he later made the animals talk in his stories: "I tell you this for your own good," said the Hen to theUgly Duckling, “you should learn to lay eggs like me.” In The Ugly Duckling Hans Christiantold the story of his own life. 安徒生一直独身,善良的科林一家——前后共三代人——是汉斯一生中唯有的亲人,他们都喜欢他,但建议他不要再写剧本 和诗歌,而是尽力在政府部门找份工作。 后来,他在故事中把他们所说的话通过动物说了出来:“我告诉你,为了你好,”母鸡对丑 小鸭说,“你应该学会像我一样下蛋。”在《丑小鸭》中,汉斯讲述了他 自己的故事。 5 When his first book of fairy tales was published in 1835, Andersen didn't think it would be successful, but children read the stories and wanted more. So, encouraged by their interest, he began what we know today as his great work. For 37 years, a new book of Andersen's fairy tales came out each Christmas. The books were full of everyday truth, of wonder, of sad beauty, of humor. Children and their parents had never read such tales before. 1835年,当他的第一本童话出版时,安徒生认为他不会成功,但孩子们读了这些故事后,想要读更多这样的童话。孩子们的 兴趣鼓励了他,他开始了我们现在 知道的伟大创作。37年来,每个圣诞节,安徒生都出版一本新童话集,书里处处体现了生活真 谛,生命的奇迹,给人以带着忧伤的美感,充满了幽默,孩子们和他 们的父母从未读过这样的童话。 6 Andersen's tales are a poet's way of telling us the truth about ourselves. He looked deeply into the heart of things. Even in a child's toy lost in the street, he could see some story with the light of gold in it. All of us laugh at the humor of The Emperor's New Clothes, but we remember the story every time men pretend to be something that they are not. 安徒生的童话以诗人的方式向我们展示了人类自己的真实面貌。他深入探索事物的本质,即使是丢弃在马路上的小玩具,他也 能从中发现具有金子般闪光点的故事素材。《皇帝的新装》里的滑稽场面使我们哈哈大笑。每当我们看到有人装模做样,我们就自 然而然地想起了这个故事。 7 Although he was now famous, he was more kind-hearted than ever. One day on the street he met a man who had once treated him badly. The old and unhappy man said that he was sorry for what he had done. Andersen forgave the man and comforted him. The Prince who had told Andersen to learn a useful trade was now the King. He invited the writer to his palace and told him that he might ask for any favor. Andersen replied simply,"But I don't need anything at all." 虽然他出名了,可是他比以前更善良了。一天,他在街上遇到了一个曾虐待过他的人,这位伤心的老人说他懊悔过去所做的 一切,安徒生原谅了他并安慰他。那位 曾叫安徒生去学一门手艺的王子此时已是国王了。他邀请安徒生进宫,说他可以要求任何 恩惠,安徒生直率地说:“可我什么都不需要。” 8 He was already loved all over the world. The awkward figure and kind ugly face had become so famous that his friends, the children, recognized him wherever he was. His books were translated into many different languages and read all over the world. He was received at the royal courts of Europe and admired by many kings. 他得到了全世界的爱,他那笨拙的体型,他那张慈祥但是难看的脸已经深深印在他的朋友和孩子们的脑海里,不管他在哪里, 孩子们一下子就能把他认出来。他的书被译成了许多种语言,全世界的人都能读到他的故事,他受到欧洲各宫廷的款待,得到许多 君主的青睐。 9 The greatest writers of the day, from Dickens to Victor Hugo, looked upon him as one of themselves. Among them, he at last learned happily that "it doesn't matter if you are born in a duck-yard, as long as you come from a swan's egg." 和安徒生同时代最伟大的作家,从狄更斯到雨果,都把他看成是他们队伍中的一员,在他们中间,他终于高兴地得知“即使你 出生在鸭圈里也无所谓,只要你是一只天鹅”。 10 Happiest of all was the day he returned to the "duck-yard," nearly 50 years after he had left it. All Odense took part in the great celebration for the shoemaker's son who was now the prince of fairy tales. A great dinner was held in his honor. That night, hundreds of people came to his window and called to him.What was then in his full heart — that gentle heart that had been lonely for so long—was best expressed in his own words: "To God and man, my thanks, my love." 离别了近50年之后回到他“鸭圈”的那天是他一生中最高兴的一天,所有的欧登塞人都参加了为这个鞋匠的儿子——而今的童话 王子举行的庆祝会,人们为他举行了盛大宴会。当夜,几百个乡亲在他窗下呼喊着他的名字。“感谢上帝,感谢大家,”“热爱上帝, 热爱大家”。 他自己的这句话最准确地达了那一时刻他内心的激情。这激情发自于他那颗善良的心——一颗孤独了很久得不到理 解的心。 Lesson Four This Life Sidney Poitier Learning Guide 看过《猜一猜谁来吃晚饭》或《在炎热的夏夜里》的人一定会对美国著名黑人演员悉尼?波蒂埃的演技赞叹不已。可是你是否知 道他在试图进入演艺圈时,曾被 导演轰下舞台,因为他连台词都不会念——不认识的字太多。他又是怎样迈开第一步的呢,且听 他娓娓道来。 1 It is the first time I have ever been on a stage—I don't even know what a stage looks like—but I'm up there now and I open this "script," but I don't know what it is. The director tells me to read the part of “John.” Everywhere I see "John" I must read everything under that. 这是我第一次登上舞台——以前我根本不知道舞台是什么样子——不过现在我就站在舞台上,打开了“剧本”,可我不知道这是 什么,导演叫我读“约翰”的台词,只要看到“约翰”这个名字,我就把他下面的句子念出来。 2 Then I see him sitting in a front seat staring at me with the strangest look. He says, "Get off that stage." I say, "What do you mean?" He says, "Just come on down off that stage and stop wasting my time. You're no actor. You don't even know how to read." 当时我看见导演坐在前排,用一种极其惊异的目光盯着我。他说:“从台上下来吧。”我说:“你是什么意思,”他说,“从台上下 来,别再浪费我的时间了。你根本不会演戏。你甚至连读都不会。” 3 I leave and walk off down 135th Street saying to myself, "You can hardly read. You can't be an actor and you' re not able to read." I begin to think about what he' s said to me. Now I know I can't read too well. Here I am, eighteen years of age, and if I live to be eighty, for the next sixty-two years I'm going to be a dishwasher. I'm not going to be able to make people notice me. 我离开那儿,沿着135号大街,一边走一边对自己说:“你几乎都不会读,你当不成演员,你不会读。”我开始思考他说的话, 我知道我读的不好,我,今年18岁,如果能活到80岁的话,那余下的62年我只能作个洗碗工,我不能引起别人关注。 4 During the next six months, I spent as much time as possible reading. One of the restaurants I worked in during that period was in Astoria, Long Island. The work was hard and heavy, but we would have most of the dishes cleared away by 11:00 or 11: 15 p.m. It was my custom to sit out near the kitchen door and read the newspaper. 接下来的六个月里,我尽可能地多花时间去读书。当时我在长岛的亚斯托利亚的一个餐馆打工,工作很苦很累,我们总是在晚 上11点或11:15分之前洗完所有的碗碟。我有个习惯,就是坐在厨房门外看报纸。 5 At the waiters' table there was an old Jewish man who used to watch me trying to read that paper.I asked him one night what a word meant, and he told me. I thanked him and went back to my paper.He went on watching me for a few seconds and then said, “Do you run across a lot of words you don't understand?” I said, "A lot — because I'm just beginning to learn to read well,"and he said,"I'll sit with you here and work with you for a while." 在服务员中,有一位犹太老人,他常常看着我费劲地读报纸。一天晚上我问他一个词什么意思,他告诉了我。道了谢后又继续 读报,他看了我几秒后,问道:"你碰到许多不懂的词吗,"我说:"很多,因为我才开始学读书。"他说:"我坐在这儿和你一起读一 会儿吧。" 6 So at about eleven every night when he sat down for his meal, I would come out of the kitchen and sit down next to him and read articles from the front page of the paper. When I ran into a word I didn't know (and I didn't know half of the article, because any word longer than a couple of syllables gave me trouble) be explained the meaning of the word and gave me the pronunciation. Then he' d send me back to the sentence so I could understand the word in context. 此后,每天晚上大约11点,他坐下来吃饭时,我就从厨房里出来,挨着他坐下,从报纸的头版开始读,我遇到不认识的词时 (文章中有一半的词我都不认识,因为凡是遇到几个音节的词,我就念不出来。)他就给我解释词义,告诉我单词的发音,然后, 再让我回到那个句子中,让我根据上下文掌握这个词的意思。 7 Then I would take the paper away with me, armed now with the meaning of those words, and reread and reread the article so that the meaning of those words would get locked into my memory. Every evening we did that. 然后,我就把报纸带走。有了对这些词的理解,我就一遍又一遍地读那篇文章,这样那些词义就会牢牢地记在脑子里了。我们 每天晚上都这样做。 8 I stayed there at that job for about five or six weeks and I learned from him a way to study, and then I went off to other jobs. I have never been able to thank him properly because I never knew then what an enormous contribution he was making to my life. He was wonderful, and a little bit of him is in everything I do. 我在那家餐馆干了约五、六周,从那里学会了学习的方法。后来我去干了别的工作,我一直未能很好地感谢他,因为当时根本 没有意识到他对我一生会起到这么大的作用,他很了不起,在我所有的事情中都多多少少有他的影响。 9 After that, I always looked for the meaning of words, and when I ran into words I couldn't pronounce and didn't understand, I would work on them until I began to understand. I would keep going over and over the sentence they were in, and after a while I would begin to get an idea of what the word meant just by repeating the sentence. That became a habit, as did all the other things he left me with. 自那以后,我总是查找词义,每当我遇到不会读的词、不理解的词,我总是动脑筋、想办法,直到弄懂为止。我总是一遍又一 遍地读那个词所在的句子,不断地重复那个句子,直到理解那个词的意思。这成了一种习惯,正如他教给我做的每件事都成了习惯。 Lesson Five Night Watch Roy Popkin Learning Guide 市场经济的潮水极大地冲击着人与人之间的关系。人们似乎认为亲情薄如蝉翼,陌生人之间还能有什么爱心与关怀。可是一位 海军陆战队队员的行为恰好说明关心他人之人大有人在。请看他是怎样做的。 1 The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital. There, when he came to now and again, the man repeatedly called for his son. 故事开始于布鲁克林商业区一条街的拐角处。一位老人在过马路时突然晕倒在地,一辆救护车把他赶紧送往金司县医院。在医 院里他不时地苏醒过来,不断呼唤他的儿子。 2 From a worn letter found in his pocket, an emergency-room nurse learned that his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina. It seemed there were no other relatives. 从他口袋里找到一封磨破了的信上,急诊室的护士得知他儿子是驻扎在北卡罗来那州海军陆战队的一名战士。看样子这位老人 没有别的亲人。 3 Someone at the hospital called the Red Cross office in Brooklyn, and a request for the boy to rush to Brooklyn was sent to the Red Cross director of the North Carolina Marine Corps camp. Because time was short — the patient was dying — the Red Cross man and officer set out in a jeep. They found the young man wading through some marshes in a military exercise. He was rushed to the airport in time to catch the one plane that might enable him to reach his dying father. 有人给红十字会布鲁克林办事处打了个电话,要求北卡罗来那海军陆战队营区红十字会主任让那位战士立即赶到布鲁克林。 由于时间很紧——病人快要死了——红 十字会的人和官员乘一辆吉普车动身了。他们找到那年轻人时他正在一片沼泽地涉水进行 军事演习。他被火速送往机场,及时赶上了一趟班机,只有这趟班机或许还 能让他见到病危的父亲。 4 It was mid-evening when the young Marine walked into the entrance lobby of Kings County Hospital. A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. 当这位年轻的士兵走进金司县医院入门大厅时已是午夜时分了。护士带着这个疲惫而又焦急的军人到了病床边。 5 “Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened. The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his strong fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. The nurse brought a chair, so the Marine could sit by the bed. 她对老人说道:“您儿子来了。”她不得不把这几个词重复了好几遍后,病人的眼睛才睁开。给他治心绞痛的镇静药使他昏昏入 睡,他只能模模糊糊地看到那穿着 海军陆战队军装的年轻人站在氧气罩外。他伸出手,那士兵用他那强劲有力的手把老人无力的 手紧紧握住,把爱和鼓励传递给老人。护士拿来一把椅子,让这位士兵 能够坐在床边。 6 Nights are long in hospitals, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man's hand and offering words of hope and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine rest for a while. He refused. 医院的夜晚是漫长的,但是这位年轻的海军陆战队员整夜都坐在光线昏暗的病房里,握着老人的手,说几句充满希望和力量的 话。护士不时建议士兵休息一下,他都拒绝了。 7 Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was there, but he paid no attention to her and the night noises of the hospital —the clanking of an oxygen tank, the laughter of night-staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans and snores of other patients. Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son through most of the night( 每当护士走进病房,他都在那儿,但他根本没注意到她,也没有注意到医院里夜间各种声音:氧气瓶的铿锵声、夜间值班人员 打招呼的笑声、其他病人的叫声、呻吟声及鼾声。她不时听到他轻声细语地说句话,那快死的人什么也没说,只是大半夜一直紧紧 握住他儿子的手。 8 It was nearly dawn when the patient died(The Marine placed on the bed the lifeless hand he had been holding,and went to tell the nurse(While she did what she had to do,he smoked a cigarette—his first since he got to the hospital. 黎明前夕病人去世了。士兵把他一直握住的那只手毫无生气的放到床上前去通知护士。当她做着那些例行事务时,他抽了一根 烟——这是他来医院后的第一只烟。 9 Finally,she returned to the nurse's station,where he was waiting(She started to offer words of sympathy,but the Marine interrupted her(“Who was that man?”he asked( 10 "He was your father,"she answered,startled( 11 "No,he wasn't,"the Marine replied("I never saw him before in my life(" 12 "Why didn't you say something when I took you to him?" the nurse asked("I knew immediately there'd been a mistake,but I also knew he needed his son,and his son just wasn't here(When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I guessed he really needed me(So I stayed(" 最后,她回到护士站,他正等在那里。她刚要开口说几句同情的话,但却被那士兵打断了,问道:“那个人是谁,” “他是你的父亲呀。”她答道,吃了一惊。 “不,他不是。我从前从未见过他。”他说。 “我把你带到那儿时你为什么不说,”护士问。 “我当时就明白一定是搞错了,但我也不明白他需要他的儿子,而他的儿子又正好不在。当我意识到他病得已经弄不清我是不是他的儿子时,我想他真的需要我。于是我留下了。” 14 With that,the Marine turned and left the hospital. Two days later a message came in from the North Carolina Marine Corps base informing the Brooklyn Red Cross that the real son was on his way to Brooklyn for his father's funeral( It turned out there had been two Marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp(Someone in the personnel office had pulled out the wrong record( 说完,那士兵转身离开了医院。两天后布鲁克林红十字会接到北卡罗来那海军陆战队基地的通知,说老人真正的儿子已经出发来布鲁克林参加其父亲的葬礼。原来在同一营地有两位同名、番号近似的海军陆战队战士,人事部的人抽错了记录。 15 But the wrong Marine had become the right son at the right time(And he proved, in a very human way, that there are people who care what happens to their fellow men( 但在关键的时刻,这个弄错了的士兵很好地扮演了儿子的角色,而且他以极富人情味的方式,证实了关心自己同胞的人还是大有人在的。 Lesson Six How Dictionaries Are Made S. I. Hayakawa Learning Guide 从我们上小学起,词典就成了我们学习中不可缺少的朋友。可是,词典是怎样编写出来的?是先由学者、专家们给每个词写出 词典是人人应当尊重的权威吗?什么样的词典是好词典?在这篇课文里一位著名语义学家回答了上定义,然后搜集例句加以说明吗? 述问题,他的见解对于语言学习有一定的指导意义。 1 It is widely believed that every word has a correct meaning, that we learn these meanings mainly from teachers and grammars, and that dictionaries and grammar books are the highest authority in matters of meaning and usage. Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say. I once got into an argument with an English woman over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary. The English woman said firmly, “What for? I am English. I was born and brought up in England. The way I speak is English.” Such confidence about one's own language is not uncommon among the English. In the United States, however, anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary is regarded as out of his mind. 人们普遍认为每一个词都有一个正确的意思,我们主要是从老师那里和语法书中学到词的意思,而且词典和语法学是界定词义及用法的最高权威。几乎没有人质问 过词典和语法书的编写者凭什么规定我们说话的条条框框。一次,我和一位英国女士就一个词的发音而争论起来,我主动提出去查一查词典。那位英国女士坚定地 说:“为什么查词典,我就是英国人,这里生这里长,我说的就是英语。”这种对自己语言的自信在英国人当中并非罕见,而在美国谁要是说词典错了就被认为是神 经病。 2 Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions(arrive at). What follows applies only to those dictionary offices where firsthand research goes on — not those in which editors simply copy existing dictionaries. The task of writing a dictionary begins with reading huge amounts of the literature of the period or subject that the dictionary is to cover. As the editors read, they copy on cards every unusual use of a common word, a large number of common words in their ordinary uses, and also the sentences in which each of these words appears. 让我们看一看词典是如何编写出来的,还有编写者是如何给词下定义的吧。以下谈到的仅适用于通过研究原始资料编写词典的机构,不适用于那些编写人员只是抄 录现成词典的机构。编写词典首先要阅读大量有关时期的文学作品或与论题有关的文献。编写者们一边读,一边在卡片上抄录下普通词的特殊用法,还有大量常用词 的一般用法以及出现这些词的句子。 3 That is to say, the context of each word is collected, along with the word itself. For a really big job of dictionary writing, such as the Oxford English Dictionary, millions of such cards are collected, and the task of editing occupies decades. As the cards are collected, they are arranged in alphabetical order. When the sorting is completed, there will be for each word anywhere from two or three to several hundred sentences, each on its card, which illustrate the meaning and use of the word. 也就是说,在收集单词的同时,还要收集每个词的语境。对于象《牛津英语大词典》这样的大型词典编写工作,要收集上百万这样的卡片,编写工作要花上几十 年。卡片收集后按字母顺序排列,分类工作完成时,每个词都要有两三个到几百个句子,一句一张卡,句句说明该词的意思及用法。 4 To define a word, then, the dictionary editor places before him all the cards illustrating that word; each of the cards represents an actual use of the word by a writer of some importance. He reads the cards carefully, throws away some, rereads the rest, and divides them up according to what he thinks are the several senses of the word. Finally, he writes his definitions, following the hard-and-fast rule that each definition must be based on what the sentences in front of him show about the meanings of the word. The editor cannot be influenced by what he thinks a given word ought to mean. He must work according to the cards, or not at all. 要下定义时,词典编辑把说明该词的所以卡片放在面前,每张卡片具体代表了某位有影响的作家使用该词的实际情况。他仔细阅读那些卡片,去掉一些,重读剩下 的那些,然后按照他以为这个词具有的几种意思把卡片分成若干类。最后严格遵循一切释义必须根据在眼前的句子表现出来的意义来界定的这条不可改变的原则写下 他的定义,不容许编辑以自己的主观看法去影响释义工作。他必须按这些卡片来写定义,否则就干脆别写。 5 The writing of a dictionary, therefore, is not a task of setting up ruling statements about the “true meanings” of words, but a task of recording, to the best of one's ability, what various words have meant to authors in the distant or immediate past. The writer of a dictionary is a historian, not a lawgiver. If, for example, we had been writing a dictionary in 1890, or even as late as 1919, we could have said that the word “broadcast” means “to scatter” (seed, for example), but we could not have laid down that from 1919 on the most common meaning of the word should become “to send out programs by radio or television.” To regard the dictionary as an "authority," therefore, is to look upon the dictionary writer as being able to see into the future, which neither he nor anyone else can do. In choosing our words when we speak or write, we can be guided by the historical record provided for us by the dictionary, but we should not be bound by it, because new situations, new experiences, new inventions, new feelings are always making us give new uses to old words. 因此,编写词典的任务并不是给词规定出“确切定义”,而是尽最大努力记录下很久以前或是不久以前作者们认为各种词的含义。一位词典作家是一位史学工作者 而不是位法典拟订者。例如,假使我们是在1890年甚至晚到1919年编写一本词典的话,我们本来 会把“broadcast”一词释义为“撒播(比如种 子)”,但是我们决不会得出这样的结论:从1919年以后这个词最普遍的意思会变成“用无线电或电视传送节目”。因此,把词典看成“权威”就是认为词典的 编写者人预见未来,而任何人都不可能做到的。在我们讲话或写作选词译句时,我们可以用词典提供的历史记载来指导我们,但不要受到他的束缚,因为新的形势、 新的经历、新的发明,直至新的感受都使得我们不断赋予旧词新的用法。 Lesson Seven Love of Life Jack London Learning Guide 20世纪科学技术的突飞猛进,极大地改善了人类的生活。现代人的生存能力越来越弱。可谁又能保证自己一生中不会遭遇灾难, 不会面临生死存亡的关头,美 国著名作家杰克?伦敦在其名篇《热爱生命》中告诉我们在极其恶劣的环境中怎样坚持下去,克服重 重困难以求得生存。 1 Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the shallow water of a stream. All they could see were stones and earth. The stream ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs. They had guns, but no bullets; matches, but no food. 两个人缓慢前行,一前一后,趟过一条浅浅的小河,他们看到的只有石子和土地。冷冷的河水从他们的脚上流过。他们背着用 毯子打的背包,他们有枪,但没有子弹;有火柴,但没有食物。 2 Suddenly the man who followed fell over a stone. He hurt his foot badly and called:“Hey, Bill, I've hurt my foot.” Bill continued straight on without looking back. 忽然,后面的那个人被一块石子绊倒了。他的脚受了重伤,喊了起来:“嘿,比尔,我的脚扭伤了。”比尔头也没有回,继续前 行。 3 The man was alone in the empty land, but he was not lost. He knew the way to their camp, where he would find food and bullets. He struggled to his feet and limped on. Bill would be waiting for him there, and together they would go south to the Hudson Bay Company. He had not eaten for two days. Often he stopped to pick some small berries and put them into his mouth. The berries were tasteless, and did not satisfy, but he knew he must eat them. 这个人孤零零地在荒原之中,但他心里并没有发慌。他知道去营地的路,在那里他可以找到食物和子弹。他挣扎着站起来, 一瘸一拐地往前挪动。比尔会在那里等着他,然后他们将一同南下到哈得逊海湾公司。他已有两天没吃东西了,他常常停下来去摘 小莓果放到嘴里。那些莓果很难吃,而且也不解饿,但他知道自己必须吃 掉它们。 4 In the evening he built a fire and slept like a dead man. When he woke up, the man took out a small sack. It weighed fifteen pounds. He wasn't sure if he could carry it any longer. But he couldn't leave it behind. He had to take it with him. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and staggered on. 夜晚,他生了堆火,睡得很沉。醒来时,他从背包里掏出一个小袋子,重15磅。他没有把握还能不能继续带着这口袋,但他决 不能把它扔下,他得带着它。他把袋子放回背包,站起来继续蹒跚前行。 5 His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go on until darkness fell. His blanket was wet, but he knew only that he was hungry. Through his restless sleep he dreamed of banquets and of food. The man woke up cold and sick, and found himself lost. But the small sack was still with him. As he dragged himself along, the sack became heavier and heavier. The man opened the sack, which was full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock. 他扭伤的脚很疼,但比起饥饿来说真算不了什么。饥饿驱使他往前,直至夜幕降临。他的毛毯湿了,但他只知道饿。他彻夜 辗转梦见了宴会和食物。他醒来感到又 冷又难受,还发觉自己已经迷失了方向。但小袋子还在身边。他拖着脚一步一步往前走, 那袋子越来越沉。那个人打开袋子,里面满是小金块儿。他留下了一半在岩 石下。 6 Eleven days passed, days of rain and cold. One day he found the bones of a deer. There was no meat on them. The man broke the bones and he sucked and chewed on them like an animal. Would he, too, be bones tomorrow? And why not? This was life. Only life hurt. There was no hurt in death. To die was to sleep. Then why was he not ready to die? He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on. 十一天过去了,天又下雨又寒冷。一天他发现了一具鹿骨,上面没有肉。他砸开骨头,象野兽一样吮吸着咀嚼着。明天他自己是不是也会只剩下一把骨头,完全可 能。这就是生活。只有活着才会有痛苦,死了就没有了。死亡就是安眠。那么为什么他不准备去死呢,他,作为一个人,不再奋斗,是他那不愿束手待毙的生命力逼 迫他向前走。 7 One morning he woke up beside a river. Slowly he followed it with his eyes and saw it emptying into a shining sea(empty into)(When he saw a ship on the sea,he closed his eyes(He knew there could be no ship,no sea,in this land(A vision,he told himself(He heard a noise behind him,and turned around(A wolf,old and sick,was coming slowly toward him(This was real,he thought(The man turned back, but the sea and the ship were still there( He didn't understand(Had he been walking north,away from the camp,toward the sea? He stood up and started slowly toward the ship,knowing full well the sick wolf was following him(In the afternoon,he found some bones of a man(Beside the bones was a small sack of gold, like his own(So Bill had carried his gold to the end(He would carry Bill's gold to the ship(Ha—ha! He would have the last laugh on Bill(His laughing sounded like the low cry of an animal(The wolf cried back(The man stopped suddenly and turned away(How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold? 一天清晨,他在一条河边醒来,他用目光慢慢地跟踪那条河,看到它流入闪闪发光的大海。当他看到海上有一条船时,他闭 上了眼。他知道在这荒原上不可能有 船,不可能有海。他对自己说这是幻觉。他听到后面有个声音,转过身,是一只狼,又老又 病的狼,正慢慢向他走来。他想这是真的。那个人回到原处,但海和船还 在。他不明白了。难道他一直在往北走,离营地愈来愈远,走到了大海了吗,他站起来开始慢慢向船挪去,心里十分清楚那只狼一直在跟着他。那天下午,他发现了 一些人骨,在这些骨头旁边有一小袋金子,和他自己的很相象。这么说来比尔已经背着他的金子上了西天了。他可以背着比尔的金子上船了,哈哈~他是最后的胜利 者,而不是比尔。他的笑声听起来好象野兽低吟的叫声。那只狼也叫了一声。突然那个人停下笑声转过脸去,他怎么能看到比尔的遗骨而幸灾乐祸呢,他怎么能拿走 他的金子呢, 8 The man was very sick,now(He crawled about,on hands and knees(He had lost everything—his blanket,his gun,and his gold(Only the wolf stayed with him hour after hour(At last he could go on no further( He fell( The wolf came close to him, but the man was ready(He got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed(Then he bit it with his last strength(The wolf's blood streamed into his mouth(Only love of life gave him enough strength(He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it, then he fell on his back and slept( 现在那个人已经非常虚弱。他四肢伏地爬行,他已甩掉了所有东西——他的毛毯、他的枪、还有他的金子。他唯一没有甩掉的就是时时刻刻注视着他的那只狼。最 后他终于一步也挪不动了。他倒下了。狼走近他,但他已准备好了。他骑到狼的背上,使 劲把它的嘴掐住,然后他用尽最后的力气咬住了狼,狼血流到了他的嘴里。 只有对生命的热爱才给了他足够的力量。他用牙咬住 狼并把它杀了,然后仰面倒了下去,睡着了。 9 The men on the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach( It was moving toward them—perhaps twenty feet an hour(The men went over to look and could hardly believe it was a man( 船上的人看到一件奇怪的东西卧在海滩上,正朝他们移来,大概速度为每小时20英寸。船上的人过去一看,简直难以置信那竟是个人。 10 Three weeks later, when the man felt better, he told them his story(But there was one strange thing—he seemed to be afraid that there wasn't enough food on the ship(The men also noticed that he was getting fat(They gave him less food, but still he grew fatter with each day(Then one day they saw him put a lot of bread under his shirt(They examined his bed and found food under his blanket(The men understood(He would recover from it,they said( 三周后,当那个人好些了,他告诉他们自己的故事。但有件奇怪的事情——他似乎很担心船上没有足够的食物。人们还注意到他越来越胖。他们减少了给他的食 物,但他仍旧每天长胖。于是有一天他们看到他把很多面包塞到衬衫下面。他们检查了他的床,又在他的毛毯下面发现了食物。那些人明白了。他们说,他会慢慢复元的。 Lesson Eight A Fiddle and the Law John J. Floherty Learning Guide 美国联邦调查局某特工奉命缉拿一杀人犯归案。案犯与其父住在深山的小屋里。该 特工到达时,案犯不在,其父满怀敌意,紧握枪杆。动武显然是下策,特工沉 着冷静, 处之泰然,像一个闲来串门的邻居,谈笑弄琴,不问公务,终于赢得信任,使得原本敌 对的父亲次日带领其子前往自首。 1 Special Agent X came to a cabin about two miles up the mountain. He had come to get Cal Richards, an armed and dangerous killer. Through a broken window, he saw a man with a beard watching him closely. Agent X drew a deep breath. He stepped up to the cabin door with a cheerful “Hello!” 某特工来到了山上大约两英里处的一间小屋。他是来缉拿卡尔?理查兹,一个危险 的持枪杀人犯。从一扇破窗户望进去,他看到一个留着胡子的人正严密注视着他。某特 工深深地吸了口气,抬腿迈进小木屋的门,轻快地说了声“你好~” 2 Beside the fireplace, an old man sat silently. Still standing near the window was thebearded man — a gun in his hands. 3 “Government man, aren't you?” said the man with the gun. 4 “Yes,” replied the agent with a friendly smile. “You must be Pappy Richards.” 5 “Sure. I'm Cal's pa. And you're not going to get him.” The gun pointed at the G-man. 在壁炉边,一位老人默默地站着。那个留着胡子的人仍然站在窗户附近,手里端着 枪。 “你是联邦调查局的人吧,”拿着枪的人问。 “是的。”那特工友好地笑着回答。“你一定是帕皮?理查兹吧,” “当然,我是卡尔的爸爸。你不会抓到他的。”枪指着联邦调查局的特工。 6 Agent X looked around the cabin. “I've been assigned to do it,”he said. “But I can see he isn't here today. I guess I'll have to come again.” Then he caught sight of a violin hanging on the wall. “Who plays the fiddle?” he asked. 某特工环视了一下小屋。“我只是奉命行事,”他说,“不过我看得出今天他不在这儿。 我想我还得再来一次。”接着他一眼就看到了一把小提琴挂在墙上。“谁拉小提琴,”他问。 7 For a moment there was silence. Then the old man by the fire spoke up. “Pappy,” he said. “He's the best fiddler in these parts. You ought to hear him play Turkey in the Straw.” The G-man seemed deeply impressed. “You don't say! I play a little myself. Mind if I look at the violin?” 沉默了一会儿之后,壁炉边的老人大声说到:“是帕皮。他是这一片最棒的小提琴手。 你真该听听他拉的„草丛中的火鸡‟。”联邦调查局的人看上去好象有很深的印象。“真的 呀,我自己也能拉点儿。我看看这把小提琴你介意吗,” 8 As he crossed the room to the instrument, he knew that the gun was still aimed at him. He felt sweat on his forehead, but he took the violin from the wall as calmly as if he were a welcome visitor. He turned it carefully and wiped off the bow. Then he broke into the lively music of Turkey in the Straw. The old man began to beat time, tapping one foot on the dirt floor. But Pappy stood unmoved, gun in hand and eyes alert. 当他从房间走过去拿小提琴时,他知道那只枪仍然指着他。他感觉到额头上出汉 了,但还是平静地把小提琴从墙上取下,就好象他是一个颇受欢迎的的客人。他小 心 地把小提琴翻转过来,取下琴弓,然后他突然拉起活泼的《草丛中的火鸡》。那位老人 开始一只脚在脏地板上打起了拍子。可是帕皮却无动于衷,他端着枪,目光 机警。 9 One tune after another Agent X played,occasionally glancing at Pappy. Suddenly the music changed, and from the strings came the sweet notes of an old folk song. The cabin was filled with glorious sound. Agent X was playing better than he had ever played in his life. Pappy Richards stood enchanted, the defiance in his eyes giving way to a look of wonder. The gun was now pointed toward the floor.When the final notes of the song died away, Pappy placed the gun in a corner. 某特工不断地拉着曲子,不时瞥一眼帕皮,突然音乐变了,琴弦上响起了一首古老 的民歌,旋律优美。拉的比这辈子任何时候都好。帕皮?理查兹站在那里完全陶醉了,他 目光中的抵触情绪已被惊讶的神色所代替。当这支歌的最后一个音符消失了的时候,帕 皮把枪放到了角落里。 10 “Well, stranger,” Pappy said, “that was first-class fiddling. Maybe you'll stay for dinner and play some more for us.” 11 After they had eaten, the three men sat in the spring sunshine outside the cabin. They talked about fiddle tunes and the fiddlers that Pappy and the old man had known here in the mountains. 12 They talked for an hour, and not once did anyone speak of the reason for the G-man's visit. Once more the bow danced across the strings; and so another hour passed quickly.Still not a word was said about Cal Richards. Finally the agent said, “Sorry! I must be getting back to the village.” “陌生人”,帕皮说,“那是一流的演奏。或许你可以留下来吃饭,然后再给我们拉几 曲。” 吃完饭,三个人坐在小木屋外春日的阳光下,他们聊着小提琴曲以及这山里帕皮和 老人所知道的小提琴手们。 他们聊了一个小时,一次也没有提到联邦特工来这儿的目的。小提琴的弓再次在弦 上飞舞起来。又一个小时很快过去了,关于卡尔?理查兹仍然只字未提。最后那特工说: “真抱歉,我该回村里去了。” 13 Pappy's friend eyed him for a moment and said, “How about Cal? You want him, don't you?” There was a touch of amusement in his voice. 14 “Well, no,”said the G-man with a smile. “I don't want him. The government wants him,and you know how it is when the government wants a man. It may take days or months or years to get him, but they'll get him. And the longer it takes, the worse off he is. ” 15 “Does the government always get the guy it wants?” 16 “No, not always. Sometimes he dies.” 帕皮的朋友盯了他一会儿说:“那卡尔呢,你要抓他不是吗,”声音里有点儿调侃的 味道。 “噢,不”联邦特工笑着说,“我不想抓他,是政府要抓他。你知道政府要抓人是怎么 一回事吧。也许抓到他需要几天、几个月、或几年,不过他们还是要抓他。抓他花的时 间越长,他的处境也就越坏。” “政府总是能抓到它要抓的人吗,” “不,不总是,有时那个人会死的。” 17 Pappy, sitting on a nearby log, was deep in thought. “See here, stranger,” he interrupted suddenly. “I like the way you talk and I like the way you fiddle. I guess you're a decent guy.” He paused as if it were hard to go on. Then, he said in a thick voice, “I — well, I'll have a talk with Cal. I think he might give himself up tomorrow. You be at the sheriff's office at noon !” 帕皮坐在旁边的木柴上,陷入了沉思。“唉,陌生人”他突然打断了他们的话,“我 喜欢你这么说话,我也喜欢你拉的琴。我想你是个正派人。”他停了片刻,似 乎下面的 话很难说出口。然后他声音沙哑地说到:“我——恩,我会和卡尔谈谈。我想他明天会去 自首。中午你就在县司法长官办公室等着吧。” 18 “Noon tomorrow!” said the agent, wondering if he looked as surprised as he felt. “So long until then.” After he left, he wiped his sweating forehead and sighed with relief( “明天中午见~”那特工说。他感到惊讶,不知他是不是脸上也露出同样的表情。“那 时再见。”离开后,他擦了擦冒汗的额头,如释重负地吁了口气。 19 The next day as the village clock struck twice,announcing the hour of noon, a bearded man came up the street toward the sheriff's office. With him was a young fellow whose appearance told of many days in hiding( 20 The G-man was waiting( 21 “Stranger,”said Pappy(“Here is Cal,my son(” 第二天,当村里的大钟敲了两下,宣告午时的时候,大街上一个留着胡子的人朝着 县司法办公室走来。和他一起来的是一个小伙子,一看他那样子就知道他躲藏了多日。 那联邦调查局的特工正在等候着。 “陌生人”,帕皮说,“这是卡儿,我的儿子。” Lesson Nine Happiness Branko Bugarski Learning Guide 人人追求幸福,可什么是幸福呢,本文作者认为幸福不是目的,不是终点,而是一 个过程,是以积极的工作为他人的幸福做出贡献,从而感到自身的价值的过程。 1 Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. Let me tell you that certainly nothing is further from the truth. The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as hell. We have all read stories about movie stars committing suicide or dying from drugs. Quite clearly, money is not the answer to all problems. 许多人都认为当他们变得富有和成功时,幸福自然会随之而来。我要告诉你们实际 情况远非如此。世界上到处是那些富人,他们就像生活在地狱一样痛苦。我们都读到过 许多关于电影明星自杀或吸毒身亡的报道。很显然金钱并非是解决一切问题的唯一方 法。 2 Wealth achieved through dishonest means does not bring happiness. Lottery winnings do not bring happiness. Wealth left by parents does not bring happiness. In fact, money alone is almost worthless. If you have both self-esteem and money, however, you are well on the way to happiness. What is missing in both self-esteem and money is productive work and a real contribution towards the happiness of others. The secret to happiness lies in the contribution towards the happiness of others. You can fool others but you can never fool yourself. If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means,you will know you did not earn it(If you have taken advantage of or hurt others to earn your wealth, you will not be happy(You will not like yourself(You will not feel you are capable( 用欺骗的手段得到的财富不能带来幸福。赢彩券不能带来幸福。父母留下的财富 也不能带来幸福。事实上,如果只有金钱,而其他一无所有,金钱也是毫无价值 的。 如果你同时具有自尊和金钱,那么你已经踏上了通往幸福的大道。自尊心和金钱本身所 欠缺的是富有创造性的工作以及为他人的幸福所做的实实在在的贡献。幸 福的秘诀就 在你为别人的幸福所做的贡献之中。你可以欺骗别人,但你绝对欺骗不了自己。如果你 靠运气或欺骗的手段获得了财富,你会知道你一无所获。如果你是 利用或伤害别人来 得到财富,你就不会感到幸福。你不会喜欢自己,你也不会认为自己很能干。 3 There are many highly-paid managers and entertainers who do not like themselves(Outwardly,they seem successful,but deep down they are miserable(They know they are contributing very little of real value and all the time they live in fear of being exposed as cheats(They know they are not earning their wealth( They know they are cheating the company,the government or society( But they can't fool themselves( 许多被高薪聘请的经理和艺人们都不喜欢他们自己。表面上看他们很成功,但他 们内心深处却十分痛苦。他们很清楚自己并没有做出真正有价值的贡献。他们总是 提 心吊胆,惟恐别人揭穿他们骗子的面孔。他们知道自己并没有得到财富。他们知道自己 在欺骗公司,政府和社会。但他们却欺骗不了自己。 4 Long-term happiness is based on honesty,productive work,contribution, and self-esteem( Happiness is not an end; it is a process. It is a continuous process of honest,productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel like a worthwhile person(As Dr(Wayne wrote,“There is no way to happiness(Happiness is the way(”There is no use saying“Some day when I achieve these goals,when I get this car,build this house and have this business...then I will be really happy(”Life just does not work that way( If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled(There will always be something missing( 长久的幸福是建立在诚实,创造性的工作,贡献和自尊的基础之上的。幸福不是 结果,而是过程。幸福是在不断地用正当的,创造性的劳动为他人做贡献的过程 中, 让你觉得自己是个有价值的人。正如韦恩博士所说:“没有通往幸福的路。幸福本身就是 路。”不要整天说:“有一天,当我实现了我的目标,有了车,有了房 子,有了自己的生 意……那时我就会真正幸福了。”生活中这是行不通的。如果你等待外界发生变化,如果 你依赖生活中的外界力量来使你感到幸福,那你永远不会 有成就感。你的生活总会有 所欠缺。 5 Long-term happiness is a process of moving towards worthwhile goals and contributing towards the welfare and happiness of others. It does not mean that you should give away all your wealth. It means continuously creating values for others through your own honest,productive work. It means doing what you love and loving what you do. It means achieving your goals and then challenging yourself to bigger and better things. It means always striving for more, learning and growing. Doing nothing means death. Activity means life. Find your purpose, set some goals, do what you love, love what you do, work honestly and productively and contribute real values to the others. In the long term, that's what it's all about. 长久的幸福是一个过程——渐渐达到有价值的目标,致力于为别人谋福利和幸福 的过程。这并不是说你要将自己所有的财富都赠送给别人。而是意味着通过你的诚 实 和富有创造性的劳动不断地为别人创造价值。意味着做你自己喜欢的事并喜欢你自己做 的事。意味着你要实现自己的目标,然后向自己挑战做更重大,更美好的事情。意味着 你要始终力求更多,不断学习和成长。什么事情都不做就意味着死亡。生命在于运动。 明确自己的目的,确定一些目标,做你所热爱的事情,爱你所做的 事情,诚实而有创 造性地工作,向别人奉献真正的价值。从长远来讲,幸福就是如此。 6 Inh sh t ort terme, you can start practising being happy right now without any obvious reason. How will you know how to be happy if you don' t try it? It is the same as acting and feeling rich. Don' t wait for another 10 years to start feeling rich, successful and happy.Start practising now. You know that they say “practice makes perfect.”Pretend that you are rich and you will become rich. Pretend and act as if you were happy and you will be happy.Pretend and act as if you were miserable and... Well, forget about this last one. You have been practising that one for far too long. 从短期来看,你不需要任何理由就可以从现在尝试体验幸福。不尝试怎么知道怎 样才会幸福,这与假装富有去体会富有是一样的。不要再等另一个10年才开始感 觉富 有,成功和幸福。从现在开始实践。你知道人们常说“熟能生巧”这个成语。你认为自己 富有,就会真的富有。你认为自己幸福,并这样去做,就真的会感到幸 福。你认为自 己痛苦并这样去做……哎,还是别装痛苦吧。那件事你做的时间已经太长,成习惯了。 Lesson Ten The Joker (?) Jake Allsop Learning Guide 在亨利(格朗德的葬礼上,人们谈笑风生,争相讲述死者的逸闻趣事,品评他那笑 话连翩的一生。他这一除了会讲笑话,爱开玩笑之外,好像是一事无成,与他 四位成就 斐然的兄长相比真不像是格朗德家族的成员。继而人们回忆起有他身世的逸事。似乎没 有人感到一丝的悲伤,葬礼就在这种欢快的气氛中进行着…… 1 It was a very happy funeral, a great success. Even the sun shone that day for the late Henry Ground. Lying in his coffin, he was probably enjoying himself, too. Once more, and for the last time on this earth, he was the centre of attention. Yes, it was a very jolly affair. People laughed and told each other jokes. Relatives who had not spoken for years smiled at each other and promised to stay in touch. And, of course, everyone had a favourite story to tell about Henry. 这是一个欢乐的葬礼,而且很成功。那天就连太阳也为已故的亨利?格朗德张开了 笑脸。他躺在棺材里,或许和别人一样快乐。他再一次,也是在人间最后一次成 为人 们注意的中心。的确,这是一件非常愉快的事情。人们笑着,彼此间讲着笑话。那些已 经许多年不说话的亲戚们相互微笑,并说好要保持联系。当然,关于亨利 每个人都有 件津津乐道的事情可谈。 2 “Do you remember the time he dressed up as a gypsy and went from door to door telling people's fortunes? He actually made 6 pounds in an afternoon!” “你还记得那次他化装成吉普赛人挨家挨户给人算命吗,一个下午他竟然挣了6英 镑~” 3 “I was once having dinner with him in an expensive restaurant. When the wine-waiter brought the wine, he poured a drop into Henry's glass and waited with a proud expression on his face, as if to say „Taste it, you peasant. It's clear that you know nothing about wine. ' So Henry, instead of tasting it, the way any normal person would do, dipped his thumb and forefinger into the wine. Then he put his hand to his ear and rolled his forefinger and thumb together as if he were listening to the quality of the wine! Then he nodded to the wine-waiter seriously, as if to say „Yes, that's fine. You may serve it. ' You should have seen the wine-waiter' s face! and how Henry managed to keep a straight face, I'll never know!” “一次我和他在一家价格昂贵的饭店正吃着饭,负责倒酒的侍者送来了酒,他往亨 利的杯子里倒了一点儿酒,然后面带傲慢的神色等在一边,好像是要说:„会品 酒吗, 你这个乡巴佬~很显然你根本不懂酒。‟于是,亨利并没有像常人那样去品酒,而是用大 拇指和食指在酒中浸了一下。接着,他把手放到耳边,将大拇指和食 指搓起来,好像 是在听酒的质量。然后,他严肃地向侍者点点头,好像在说„行,这酒不错,你可以倒了。‟ 你该瞧瞧侍者的脸~亨利怎么还能一本正经地板着脸 孔,我永远也弄不明白。” 4 “Did you hear about the practical joke he played when he was a student, the one with the road-menders? Some workmen were digging a hole in the road. First, Henry phoned the police and told them that some students were digging a hole in the road, and that he didn't think it was a very funny thing to do. Then he went to the workmen and told them that some students had dressed up as policemen and were coming to tell them to stop digging the hole! Well, you can imagine what happened!” “你听说过他还是学生时做的恶作剧吗,就是捉弄修路工人的那个恶作剧。几个修 路工人正在马路上挖一个坑。亨利先给警察打电话,说几个学生正在路上挖坑, 他觉 得这可不是闹着玩的事。然后他又来到那些工人那里,告诉他们一群学生化装成警察, 马上要来叫他们停止挖坑~哈,你能想像出后来发生了什么事情~” 5 “Yes, old Henry loved to pull people's legs. Once, when he was invited to an exhibition of some abstract modern painter's latest work, he managed somehow to get in the day before and turn all the paintings upside down. The exhibition ran for four days before anyone noticed !” “对,老亨利喜欢捉弄人。一次,他被邀请去参观某位现代抽象派画家的最新作品展 览,而前一天他就设法进入展览馆,把所有的作品都倒了过来。画展进行了4天后才有 人发现。” 6 “His father, poor man, could never understand why Henry did such crazy things.” 7 “It's hard to believe that Henry was a Ground when you think how different he was from hisbrothers.” “他的父亲,可怜的人,永远也不会明白为什么亨利爱做这些疯狂的事情。” “要是考虑到他和他的几个哥哥是那么不一样,真是难以相信他会是格朗德家族的一 员。” 8 Yes, it was difficult to believe that he was a Ground. He was born into an unimportant but well-to-do family. He was the youngest of five sons. The Grounds were a handsome lot: blue-eyed, fair-haired, clever and ambitious. The four older boys all made a success of their lives. They married beautiful girls of good family, and produced children as fair and handsome and clever as themselves. The eldest became a clergyman; the second ended up as the headmaster of a famous public school; the third went into business and became rich; the fourth followed in his father's footsteps and became a lawyer. That is why everybody was amazed when the youngest Ground, Henry, turned out to be a lazy good-for-nothing. 确实,很难相信他会是格朗德家族的一员。他出身于社会地位不高但相当富有的 家庭。是兄弟五人中最小的一个。格朗德一家长得都很帅:蓝色的眼睛,金色的头 发, 聪明且有抱负。他的四个哥哥都发展得很顺利。他们都和富裕人家的女孩结了婚,生下 了和他们一样白肤金发、漂亮聪明的孩子。大哥成为一位牧师:二哥最后 成了一所著 名私立学校的校长:三哥做生意而且变得很富有:四哥继承了父亲的事业成了一名律师。 这就是为什么人们感到惊讶,格朗德家最小的儿子竟变成一个游 手好闲,一无所成的 人。 9 Unlike his brothers, he had brown eyes and dark hair, but he was every bit as handsome and charming, which made him quite a lady-killer. And, although he never married, there is no doubt at all that Henry Ground loved women. He also loved eating, drinking, laughing, talking and a thousand other activities which don't make money or improve the human life. One of his favourite pastimes was doing nothing. His idea of an energetic afternoon when the sun was shining was to sit under a tree, with a pretty girl by his side, and all the time in the world to talk of this and that, to count the blades of grass. 与他的哥哥们不同,亨利长着棕色眼睛和黑色头发,但他却同他的哥哥们一样帅, 一样迷人,这使他成为相当讨女人喜欢的人。尽管他从未结婚,但有一点毫无疑 问, 亨利爱女人。他还喜欢吃,喝酒,大笑,聊天以及做成千种其他的既不赚钱也不能改善 人类生活的事情。他最喜欢的一种消遣就是什么都不做。他认为天晴时最 好的度过下 午时光的办法就是坐在树下,身边有位漂亮姑娘,还有用不完的时间来侃这谈那,或是 数数草的叶片。 10 What a worthless fellow! Some people whispered that his real father was not the present Mr. Ground at all, but a wild gypsy who had come one day to the house and had swept Mrs. Ground off her feet with his dancing black eyes and his wicked immoral ways. It was a good story, interesting and romantic, but surely untrue. One thing was sure: you couldn't help liking Henry Ground and his talent for making you laugh. Henry Ground was, above all else, a joker. 他是个多么没用的人啊~一些人悄悄说他真正的父亲根本不是现在的格朗德先生, 而是一个放荡的吉普赛男人。一天,这个吉普赛男人来到他家,用他那流光四溢 的黑 眼睛和下流的手段勾引了格朗德太太。这是一个很好的故事,有趣且浪漫,但当然不是 真的。有一点是肯定的,那就是你不得不承认你喜欢亨利?格朗德,喜欢 他那逗人发笑 的本领。亨利?格朗德首先是个玩笑大王。 Lesson Eleven The Joker (?) Jake Allsop Learning Guide 亨利的12位最要好的朋友应邀听取其兄宣读遗嘱。原来他留下了一笔可观的财产, 他要求这12位朋友每人讲一个故事,声称谁讲出最引人发故事,遗产就归谁。于是这12 位绅士淑女开始了一场角逐,他们各显神通,讲出了一个比一个一般的离奇而令人捧腹 大笑的故事,却又对他人的故事憋住不笑出声来,最后他们终 于忍耐不住而放声大笑, 在笑声中明白的故人通过玩笑给他们上了一课…… 1 Anyway, the stories went on even while the coffin was being lowered into the grave.People held handkerchiefs to their eyes, but their tears were tears of laughter, not sadness.Afterwards, there was a funeral breakfast, by invitation only. It was attended by twelve of Henry's closest friends. Henry Ground had asked his brother, Colin, to read out his will.Henry had been in debt all his life, hadn't he? What could he possibly have to leave in a will? 不管怎么说,即便是灵柩往墓穴中安放的时候,故事还是一个接一个地讲着。人 们用手帕擦着眼睛,但这些泪水是因为大笑而流出来的,而不是因为悲伤。然后,举办 了葬礼后的早餐,只有受到邀请的人才能参加。早餐时来的是十二位亨利最亲近的朋友。 亨利?格朗德请他的哥哥科林来宣读他的遗嘱。亨利的一生都是负债累 累,不是吗,他 在遗嘱里能有什么遗产可以留下呢, 2 Colin cleared his throat, “Ahem! If you are ready, ladies and gentlemen.” Everyone settled down and waited silently. Colin opened the will, and began to read it out in a singsong voice. 3 “I, Henry Ground, being of sound mind ... last will and testament... do hereby bequeath...” 科林清清嗓子。“啊~女士们,先生们,你们是否准备好了。” 每个人都坐了下来, 静静地等着。科林打开遗嘱,开始用一种节奏单调的语气念起来。 “我,亨利?格朗德,在神志正常的情况下立此遗嘱……把……留给……” 4 The legal phrases came out slowly one after another, and the audience grew impatient to get to the important part. It came soon enough. When Colin announced that Henry Ground, though known as a good-for-nothing, had invested his money very wisely, and was in fact worth at least three-quarters of a million, everyone gasped. But who was going to get it?Eyes narrowed and throats went dry. 那些法律条款一条条慢慢地念了出来,在场的人都焦急地等待着遗嘱中重要的部 分。这部分出来得也足够快的了。科林宣布亨利,虽然以游手好闲著称,却很精明 地 用他的钱进行了投资,事实上,他拥有至少75万英镑的财产,这时,每个人都屏住了呼 吸。但是谁将得到这笔钱呢,人们的眼睛眯成一条缝,嗓子发干。 5 “You are all such dear friends of mine,” Colin went on reading out Henry Ground's words in a flat tone, which, if they weren't so interested, would have sent everyone to sleep, “that I cannot decide which of you to leave my money to.” Colin paused. In the silence, you could have heard a pin drop. He went on, “So, dear friends, I have set you a little competition. Each of you in turn must tell the funniest joke he or she can think of, and the one who gets the most laughter will get all my money. Colin will be the judge of the best joke.” “你们都是我如此亲爱的朋友,” 科林继续用他那平淡的语调朗读亨利?格朗德的遗 嘱,如果不是遗嘱上的字让大家感兴趣的话,这种调子肯定会让他们个个进入梦乡,“我 也不能决定要把钱留给哪一位。” 科林停下来。此时餐厅里十分安静,针掉在地上都能 听 得见。他继续读,“因此,亲爱的朋友们,我给你们安排了一个小小的比赛。你们每人都 讲一个你们能想到的最滑稽的笑话,而谁的笑话最笑人谁就将得到我的钱。由科林评出 最佳笑话。” 6 “So, ladies and gentlemen,” said Colin, putting the will down on the table, “it's up to you now. Who will go first? May I suggest that you go in alphabetical order of surnames?” “所以,女士们,先生们,” 科林把遗嘱放在桌子上说,“现在就看你们的了。谁先 第一个讲,可不可以按姓氏的字母顺序进行,” 7 The first person stood up and told a very funny joke about an Englishman who fell in love with his umbrella. When he finished, he was in tears of laughter, for he always laughed at hnnis own jokes. The rest of the group remained dead silent. You could tell from their faces and their eyes that they found the joke fuy, but not one of them was going to laugh, and give him the chance to win the competition. The second told a story about a three-legged pig,which was so good that, some years later, a film company made a cartoon of it. When she sat down, the others buried their faces in their handkerchiefs, coughed, pretended to sneeze,dropped pencils under the table —anything to cover up their laughter. And so it went on, joke after joke, the sort of jokes that make your sides ache. And nobody dared to laugh. 第一个人站起来,讲了一个很滑稽的笑话,是关于一个英国男人爱上了他的雨伞的 故事。他讲完后,笑得眼泪都留了出来,他这个人总是爱对自己讲的笑话大笑不 止。其 他人都保持着死一般的沉默。从他们的脸色和眼神中你可以看出笑话很滑稽,但他们谁 也不想笑出来,谁都不想给他取胜的机会。第二个讲的是关于一个三条 腿的猪的故事。 这个故事太好了,甚至在几年后被一家电影公司拍成了动画片。她坐下来时,其他人不 是用手绢捂住脸,就是咳嗽,或是假装打喷嚏,或是让铅笔掉 到桌子下,用各种各样方 式掩盖或者憋着不笑出声来。笑话就这样一个接一个地讲下去,都是些让人笑破肚皮的 笑话。但却没有人敢笑。 8 Well, by the time the last joke had been told, every one of the twelve was sitting perfectly still, desperately holding in the laughter which was bursting to get out. 9 Silence. Painful silence. 10 Suddenly, Colin sneezed. A perfectly ordinary sneeze. Then he took out a large red handkerchief and blew his nose. 最后一个笑话讲完了,十二个人每一个都安静地一动不动地坐在那,拼命憋住实在 难以压抑的笑声。 寂静,令人痛苦的寂静。 突然,科林打了个喷嚏。这是个很平常的喷嚏。然后,他拿出了一块大的红色手帕 按鼻子。噗嗤…… 11 That was enough. Someone burst out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer. That started the others off. In no time,everyone was doubled up, tears streaming from their eyes,their shoulders rising and falling as wave after wave of laughter swept the crowd. Of course, they were not just laughing at the sneeze, nor even at the twelve jokes. No, they were laughing at themselves as they realized that Henry Ground had led them into his last, and the funniest, practical joke,setting their need to laugh against their desire for money. 够了,再也憋不住了。有一个人终于憋不住了,突然大笑起来。这一下让其他人 都大笑起来。不一会儿,每个人都笑弯了腰。笑声此起彼伏,大家笑得眼泪直流, 前 仰后合。当然,他们并不只是为刚才的喷嚏而发笑,也不是笑那十二个笑话。不,他们 是在笑自己,因为亨利?格朗德把他们诱进了他最后的,也是最大的恶作 剧。让他们那 想笑的欲望和贪财的想法去争个高低。 12 When, at long last, the laughter died down, Colin cleared his throat once more. “I have been practising that sneeze for a week or more.” he said. “Henry's idea, of course,” he added, unnecessarily: all twelve guests realized they had been set up beautifully. 很长时间,他们的笑声才停下来。科林又清清嗓子,“我为了这个喷嚏已经练习了一 个多星期了,” 他说,“当然,是亨利的想法,” 他补充到。不过已经没有必要了,所有 的十二个客人都意识到被巧妙地戏弄了一回。 13 “My friends,” the last paragraph of the will began, “forgive me, but I couldn't resist playing one last little joke on you. It's good to know that your love of laughter finally overcame your love of money.” 14 Colin paused, letting the meaning of the words sink in. Then he read out the final part of the late Henry Ground's last will and testament. “我的朋友们,” 遗嘱的最后一段开始了,“请原谅我,但我忍不住要最后一次与你 们开个小小的玩笑。你们对笑的热爱终于战胜了对钱的渴望,对此我感到欣慰。” 科林停下来,以便大家充分理解这番话的意思。然后,他宣读了已故的亨利?格朗德 遗嘱的最后部分。 15 “My friends, thank you for letting me have the last laugh. As for the money: because I love you all, my fortune will be divided equally among you. Enjoy your share, and think of me whenever you hear laughter.” 16 The group fell silent. For the first time that day, there was a feeling of sadness in the air. “我的朋友们,谢谢你们让我最后笑一笑。至于钱:因为我爱你们所有人,我的遗产 将平均分给你们。拿着自己的那份儿,希望你们每次听到笑声时都能想起我。” 人们都安静下来。那天他们第一次感到了悲伤的气氛。 Lesson Twelve Little Things Are Big Jake Allsop Learning Guide 一天午夜之后,一个来自南美的黑人移民在纽约乘地铁时见到一位拖儿带女,手携 提包的白人妇女,且不约而同地在同一站下车。站台别无他人,他本想伸出友情之手, 但在种族分歧如此之深的国家,又怕引起她的误解。他干脆对她的困难视而不见。然而 这件“小事”使他内心久久不能平静…… 1 It was very late at night on the eve of Memorial Day. She got on the subway train at the 34th Street Pennsylvania Station. I am still trying to remember how she managed to push herself in with a baby on her right arm, a traveling bag in her left hand and two children, a boy and a girl, about three and five years old, following after her. She was a nice looking white lady in her early twenties. 这是阵亡将士纪念日的前夕,已经过了午夜时分。她在第34大街宾西法尼亚站乘 上地铁。我仍在回想她是怎么挤进车厢的,当时她右手抱着婴儿,左手提着个旅行包, 两个孩子,一个男孩一个女孩,大约3岁和5 岁,跟在她后面。她是位漂亮的白人妇女, 二十来岁的样子。 2 At Nevins Street Station, Brooklyn, I saw her preparing to get off at the next station —Atlantic Avenue — which happened to be the place where I had to get off. Just as it was a problem for her to get on, it was going to be a problem for her to get off the train with two small children to be taken care of, a baby on her right arm and a medium-sized bag in her left hand. 到了布鲁克林的内文斯街站,我看见她正准备在下一站大西洋大街下车,那也正 好是我准备下车的车站。她有两个小孩要照看,右手抱着个婴儿,左手还拿着不大不小 的提包,上车不容易,下车也同样不容易。 3 And there I was, also preparing to get off at the Atlantic Avenue, with nothing to take care of— not even the usual customary book under my arm. 瞧,我就在那儿,我也正准备在大西洋大街站下车,手里什么也没拿,就连平时总 夹在胳膊下的书也没带。 4 As the train was entering the Atlantic Avenue Station, some white man stood up from his seat and helped her out, placing the children on the long, deserted platform. There were only two adults on the long platform some time after midnight on the eve of last Memorial Day. 车子驶入大西洋大街车站时,一个白人男子从座位上站了起来,扶着她下车,将 孩子们放在那长长的,空旷无人的站台上。阵亡将士纪念日前夕的午夜后,长长的站台 上只有两个成年人。 5 I could see the steep concrete stairs going down to the Long Island Railroad or up into the street. Should I offer my help as the American white man had done? Should I take care of the girl and the boy, take them by their hands until they were out of the station? 我看见那陡直的水泥台阶向下直通长岛铁路,向上直通街道。我要不要像刚才那个 美国白人男子那样,帮助她一下呢,我要不要去照顾一下那个女孩和那个男孩,领着他 们的手,直到走出车站呢, 6 Puerto Ricans are a courteous people. And here I was — a Puerto Rican— hours past midnight, faced with two white children and a white lady, with a baby on her right arm and a bag in her left hand, obviously needing somebody to help them at least until they went up the long concrete stairs. 波多黎各人是讲究礼貌的。现在午夜已过多时,我,一个波多黎各人,面对两个 白人孩子和一名白人妇女。她的右手臂抱着个婴儿,左手提着个包,很明显需要有人帮 忙,至少是帮他们登上那长长的水泥台阶。 7 But how could I, a Negro and Puerto Rican, approach this white lady who very likely might be prejudiced against Negroes and anybody with a foreign accent, in a deserted subway station very late at night? 但是我,一个波多黎各人,又是个黑人,怎么能走近这个白人妇女呢,她很可能 对黑人,或是任何带外国口音的人持有偏见,而且是在午夜后这个空旷无人的地铁车 站, 8 What would she say? What would be the first reaction of this white American woman,perhaps coming from a small town with a bag, two children and a baby on her right arm?Would she say: Yes, of course, you may help me? Or would she think bad things perhaps?What would I do if she screamed as I went toward her to offer my help? 她会说什么,这个美国白人妇女的第一反应会是什么,可能她是来自一个小城镇, 带着个包,两个孩子,右手臂还抱着个婴儿,她会不会说:好,当然,你可以帮忙吗, 或许她会想一些不好的事情。如果我向她走过去帮助她,而她大声喊叫,我该怎么办, 9 Was I misjudging her? So many slanders are written every day in the daily press against Negroes and Puerto Ricans. I hesitated for a long, long minute. The traditional good manners that the most illiterate Puerto Rican passes on from father to son were struggling inside me. Here I was, way past midnight, face to face with a situation that could very well become an incident of prejudice and chauvinism caused by the unjust policy of our society today. 我是不是把她想错了,因为在每天的新闻报导中都有许多消息是反对黑人和波多 黎各人的。我犹豫了很长,很长一分钟。一个大字不识的波多黎各人一代代传下来 的 礼貌美德,此刻我极想表现出来。瞧,现在午夜已过多时,我所面临的形势可能会酿成 一起种族偏见及种族沙文主义的事件,其根源是现实社会不合理的政策。 10 It was a long minute. I passed on by her as if I saw nothing. As if I didn't see that she needed help. Like a rude animal walking on two legs, I just moved on, half running along the long subway platform, leaving the children and the woman alone. I took the steps of the long concrete stairs in twos until I reached the street above and the cold air hit my warm face. 这一分钟过得太慢了。我从她身边走过,好像什么都没看见。好像我根本就没有看 见她需要帮助,像一个两条腿走路,不懂礼貌的畜生。我只是继续走着,沿着长长的地 铁站台小跑着,把孩子们和那个女人抛在身后。我每步跨两级台阶,很快来到大街上, 寒冷的夜风吹在我发热的脸上。 11 This is what racism and prejudice and chauvinism and a divided society can do to the people and to a nation! 12 Perhaps the lady was not prejudiced after all. Or not prejudiced enough to scream when a Negro went toward her in a deserted subway station a few hours past midnight. If you were not prejudiced, I failed you, dear lady. I know that there is a chance in a million that you will read these lines. I am willing to take that millionth chance. If you were not prejudiced, I failed you lady. I failed you, children. I failed myself to myself. 这就是种族主义、种族歧视、种族隔离的社会对人民、对国家所产生的后果。 也许这个女人根本就不会歧视,或者,在一个午夜已过多时,空旷无人的地铁车站, 偏见,亲当一个黑人走向她,她根本就不会歧视到要大声喊叫的程度。如果你并没有 爱的女士,我有负于你。我知道你读到这篇小文章的可能性只有百万分之一。我愿意 碰碰这百万分之一的运气。如果你并没有偏见,我有负于你,女士。我有负于你们,孩 子们。我也有负于我自己。 13 I buried my courtesy early on Memorial Day morning. But here is a promise that I make to myself here and now; if I am ever faced with a situation like that again, I am going to offer my help regardless of how the offer is going to be received. 14 Then I will have my courtesy with me again. 在阵亡将士纪念日的凌晨,我掩藏了自己的礼貌。但是,此时此地,我向自己保证: 无论何时再遇到这种情况,不管我的帮助是否会被接受,我都会帮助别人。 那我就会重新成为一个有礼貌的人。 Lesson Thirteen Hobbyist Fredric Brown Learning Guide 一家神秘的药店秘密免费提供毒药,但高价出售解药。店主是怎样提供前者,又是 怎样售后者,他的目的何在?他的理由充分吗,仁者见仁,智者见智,你又如何看呢, 1 “I heard a rumor,” Sangstrom said, “that you —” He turned his head and looked about him to make absolutely sure that he and the druggist were alone in the tiny drugstore. The druggist was a little man who could have been any age from fifty to a hundred. They were alone, but Sangstrom dropped his voice just the same.“— that you have a completely undetectable poison.” “我听说有一个谣传,”桑斯特罗姆说,“你这儿??”他转过头四处看看,确信只有他 和药店老板单独在小药店中。药店老板是个小个子,年龄在50岁到100岁之间捉摸不定。 是只有他们两个人,但桑斯特罗姆还是压低声音问:“??你这里卖一种别人完全察觉不 到的毒药,” 2 The druggist nodded. He came around the counter and locked the front door of the shop, then walked toward a doorway behind the counter. “I was about to take a coffee break,”he said. “Come with me and have a cup.” 药店老板点点头。他从柜台走出来,锁上药店的前门,然后走向柜台后面的那扇门。 “我正要喝咖啡休息一下,”他说,“跟我来喝杯咖啡。” 3 Sangstrom followed him around the counter and through the doorway to a back room ringed by shelves of bottles from floor to ceiling. The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it. He motioned Sangstrom to one of the chairs and took the other himself.“Now,”he said. “Tell me.Whom do you want to kill, and why?” 桑斯特罗姆跟着他绕过柜台,穿过门,来到后面一间房里,房里从地板到天花板到 处都是摆满瓶子的架子。老板把一个电咖啡壶插上电源,找了两个杯子,放在一张桌上, 桌子的两边各有一把椅子。他示意桑斯特罗姆坐在一把椅子上,他自己则坐在另一把椅 子上。“现在,” 他说,“告诉我,你想要毒死谁,为什么,” 4 “Does it matter?” Sangstrom asked. “Isn't it enough that I pay for —” 5 The druggist interrupted him with an upraised hand. “Yes, it matters. I must be convinced that you deserve what I can give you. Otherwise —”he shrugged. “这很重要吗,”桑斯特罗姆问到,“我付钱难道还不行吗??,” 药店老板抬起手打断了他,“是的,很重要。我必须确信你值得我给你东西。否则? ?”他耸耸肩膀。 6 “All right,” Sangstrom said. “The whom is my wife. The why —” he started the long story.Before he had quite finished, the coffee pot had finished its task and the druggist briefly interrupted to get the coffee for them. Sangstrom finished his story. “好吧,”桑斯特罗姆说,“那个人是我妻子。至于为什么??”他开始讲述了一个很长 的故事。就在他快要讲完的时候,咖啡壶已经煮好了咖啡,药店老板简短地打断他的话, 给他俩倒咖啡。桑斯特罗姆讲完了他的故事。 7 The little druggist nodded. “Yes, I occasionally give out an undetectable poison. I do so freely; I do not charge for it, if I think the case is deserving. I have helped many murderers.” 8 “Fine,” Sangstrom said. “Please give it to me, then.” 9 The druggist smiled at him. “I already have. By the time the coffee was ready I had decided that you deserved it. It was, as I said, free. But there is a price for the antidote.” 小个子老板点点头,“对,我有时是送一种察觉不到的毒药。是免费的,不收药钱, 如果我认为值得。我已经帮过好几个杀人犯了。” “太好了,”桑斯特罗姆说,“那么请你把毒药给我吧。” 药店老板对他微笑着说:“我已经给你了。在咖啡煮开的时候我就认定你该喝毒药。 像我所说的那样,免费。但是解药需要付钱。” 10 Sangstrom turned pale. But he had expected — not this, but the possibility of a double-cross or some form of blackmail. He pulled a pistol from his pocket. 桑斯特罗姆的脸色变得苍白。虽然他对此完全没有料到,可是对诈骗,或是某种形 式的敲诈勒索还是有所准备的。他从衣服口袋中掏出一把手枪。 11 The little druggist chuckled. “You daren't use that. Can you find the antidote” — he “among those thousands of bottles? Or would you find a waved at the shelves — faster,more deadly poison? Or if you think I'm bluffing, that you are not really poisoned, go ahead and shoot. You'll know the answer within three hours when the poison starts to work.” 矮个子药店老板低声笑笑说:“你不敢开枪。你能找到解药吗,” ??他朝架子挥挥 手??“在这几千瓶中,或许你能找到一种更快速,更致命的毒药,或者如果你认为我是 在吓唬你,你并没有真正中毒,来吧,开枪吧。3个小时之后毒药一发作你就知道 了。” 12 “How much for the antidote?” Sangstrom growled. 13 “Quite reasonable. A thousand dollars. After all, a man must live. Even if his hobby is preventing murders, there's no reason why he shouldn't make money at it, is there?” “解毒药多少钱,”桑斯特罗姆吼到。 “很合理。1000美元。毕竟,人得生活。即便他的业余爱好是要制止谋杀,也没有 理由不让他以此赚钱啊,对不对,” 14 Sangstrom growled and put the pistol down, but within reach, and took out his wallet.Maybe after he had the antidote, he'd still us that pistol. He counted out a thousand dollars in hundred-dollar bills and put them on the table. 桑斯特罗姆咆哮着,把手枪放下,但放在伸手可及的地方,掏出钱包。也许,在他 得到解药后还会用到枪。他数出面值100元的10张钞票,放在桌上。 15 The druggist made no immediate move to pick them up. He said: “And one other thing —for your wife's safety and mine. You will write a confession of your intention — your former intention, I hope— to murder your wife. Then you will wait till I go out and mail it to a friend of mine in the police. He'll keep it as evidence in case you ever do decide to kill your wife. Or me, for that matter. 药店老板没有立即去拿钱。他说:“另外,??为了你妻子和我的安全,你要写份 自白书??我希望是写你以前的打算??你要毒死你妻子。然后,你要等我出去 把信 寄给我在警察局的一个朋友。他会把它作为证据保留起来,以防你将来什么时候真的决 定要杀害你的妻子,或者因此杀害我。 16 “When that is in the mail it will be safe for me to return here and give you the antidote.I'll get you paper and pen... 17 “Oh, one other thing —— although I do not absolutely insist on it. Please help spread the word about my undetectable poison, will you? One never knows, Mr. Sangstrom. The life you save, if you have any enemies, just might be your own.” 在我把你的自白书寄出后,我就能安全地回到这里,把解药给你。我给你拿纸和 笔…… 哦,还有件事??虽然并不一定要做。我有察觉不出的毒药。请帮忙传一下这个信 息好吗,谁知道呢,要是你有仇人,你救的没准正是自己的命呢。” Lesson Fourteen The Mystery of the Silver Box Jacques Futrelle Learning Guide 商场如战场。商战尽管不用刀枪,但企业之间争夺原料、市场、客户、人才十分激 烈。正当、公平的竞争能促使商家不断改进产品,提高售后服务质量。然而一 些商家采 取不正当的手段拉拢、收买竞争对手的工作人员借以窃取商业情报。格雷森先生的公司 就发生了这种情况,泄密使公司蒙受了巨大损失。他请来了破案专 家,发现秘密原来就 在女秘书电话机旁的银匣子里。 1 The Thinking Machine turned to the worried businessman,"State your problem." 2 "It isn't a crime —— that is, a crime that can be punished by law," Mr. Grayson said, "but it has cost me millions, perhaps as much as ten million dollars! Briefly, there is an information leak at my office. My business plans have become known to others almost as soon as I have made them. My plans are large; I have millions of dollars at stake, and the need for secrecy is great. For years my plans have been safe, but half a dozen times in the last eight weeks they have become known to my competitors —— in the smallest detail, and in time for them to steal my customers." “思维机器”侦探转向焦虑不安的商人说:“谈谈你的问题。” “这不是一种犯罪??就是说不是那种能够绳之以法的犯罪行为,”格雷森先生说, “但却让我损失了几百万美元,可能有一千万元那么多~简单地说,我的办 公室有泄密 的情况。几乎是我一做好商业计划,马上就会有人知道。我的计划很宏大;我的几百万 美元正处于危险之中,因此我非常需要商业保密。许多年以来,我 的计划都很安全, 但在这过去的八星期,有六次我的计划被我的竞争对手们所获悉??他们了解最具体的 细节,并能及时抢走我的客户。” 3 "Tell me more please," said The Thinking Machine. 4 "I make machines and tools used in factories. Recently I sent my salesmen to a new industrial area out West to demonstrate some new machines. At first this was a great success; the factory owners truly liked this on-the-spot service and bought everything the salesmen demonstrated." “请多告诉我些情况,”“思维机器”说。 “我制造工厂里使用的机器和工具。最近,我派推销员到西部的一个新工业区去展示 务,一些新型机器。刚开始,我们获得了巨大成功;那些开工厂的人确实喜欢这种„现场‟服 并且购买了所有推销员推销的产品。 5 "But suddenly my staff there reported that wherever they went, they were too late. My biggest business competitor had already sent their salesmen out to demonstrate their products at a lower price!" “但是,突然我的推销员说无论他们走到哪里,都已经太晚了。我们最大的商业 对手已经派出他们的推销员以更低的价格展示他们的产品~” 6 The Thinking Machine walked to the window. "So now you want to know how — and when — information is leaking from your office. Well, to whom do you tell your business plans?" 7 "No one, except my personal secretary, Evelyn Winthrop. She has been with me for six years; more than five years before this leak began. I have always trusted her." 8 "And she is the only one who knows your plans?" “思维机器”走到窗前,“所以你现在很想知道是什么时候,如何从你的办公室泄露出 去的。嗯,你对谁说过你的商业计划,” “没有人,除了我的私人秘书,伊芙琳?温思罗普。她为我工作六年了;在这件泄密 事件之前,她也已经为我工作有五年多了。我一直很信任她。” “她是唯一知道你计划的人吗,” 9 "Well, she hears of my plans only a few minutes or so before I give orders to carry them out. This week, for instance, I planned to send salesmen to Oklahoma with new oil drills. My district manager didn't know this plan. Miss Winthrop heard of it only on the morning they were to go out. Then I dictated to her in my office some letters of instructions to my district managers. That is all Miss Winthrop knew of my Oklahoma plan." “嗯,我每次下令执行计划几分钟之前她才知道这些计划。例如,本周我计划派推 销员去俄克拉何马州销售新型油井钻头。我的地区经理并不知道这个计划。温思 罗普 小姐只是在他们早上要出发时才知道的。然后,我在办公室向她口授了几封说明书给我 的地区经理们。那就是温思罗普小姐所了解的全部的俄克拉何马计划。” 10 "You outlined the plan in those letters?" 11 "No. They merely told my managers which salesmen I wanted for Oklahoma and the costs of the various drills." 12 "But a careful person, knowing the content of all those letters, could have worked out what you intended to do?" “在那些信中,你把计划按照提纲列出来的吗,” “不,它们只是告诉我的经理们我想派哪些推销员到俄克拉何马州以及各种钻头的价 格。” “不过一个精明的人要是了解了所有信件的内容就有可能从中弄清你的意图,对不 对,” 13 "Yes, but no one person knew the contents of all the letters. Miss Winthrop and I were the only two human beings who knew what was in them all. Neither Miss Winthrop nor I left the office all day. Yet before the day ended, I received phone calls from two managerstelling me of the unbeatable offers from my competitor." “没错,但是,没有人知道所有信的内容。只有温思罗普小姐和我知道那些信里是什 么。温思罗普小姐和我一整天都没有离开办公室。而且,下班前,我接到我的两个经理 打来的电话,告诉我我的竞争对手提出的无法与之竞争的报价。” 14 "What is your business competitor's name?" 15 "Ralph Matthews," said Mr. Grayson. 16 The Thinking Machine went to a desk, addressed an envelope, got a sheet of paper and placed it inside, and sealed the envelope. Then he turned back to Mr. Grayson, “Let us go to see Miss Winthrop now,” he said. 17 From the office door, The Thinking Machine went straight to Miss Winthrop's desk and handed her the envelope. "Mr. Ralph Matthews asked me to give you this," he said. “你的竞争对手叫什么名字,” “拉尔夫?马修斯,”格雷森说。 “思维机器”走到桌前,写好一个信封,放进一张纸,封好信封。然后,他转向格雷 森先生说:“现在咱们去看看温思罗普小姐。” “思维机器”从办公室门口直接走向温思罗普小姐的办公桌前,递给她信封。“拉尔 夫?马修斯先生让我将这封信交给你,”他说道。 18 The young woman glanced up at his face frankly, took the envelope, and turned it curiously in her hand. "Ralph Matthews,"she repeated the name as if it sounded strange to her, "I don't think I know him." Nevertheless, she opened the envelope and took out the paper. "Why, it's a blank sheet!" she remarked, puzzled. 这个年轻的女子坦然地看了他一眼,接过信封,好奇地将信在手中转了一下。“拉尔 夫?马修斯,”她重复了一遍这个名字,好像这名字十分陌生,“我想我不认识他。”尽管如 此,她还是打开信封,将信纸拿出来。“怎么,是一张白纸~”她惊讶地说。 19 The detective turned suddenly to Mr. Grayson who had looked on with frank astonishment. "May I use a telephone, please?" asked The Thinking Machine. 20 He picked the receiver of Miss Winthrop's phone and held it to his ear a moment. “It's busy,” he said. He hung up, pausing for a moment to admire a beautiful silver box right beside the telephone."Thank you, Miss Winthrop," he said as he left the room. 侦探突然转向满脸吃惊的格雷森先生说,“我可以用一下电话吗,” “思维机器”说。 他拿起温思罗普小姐的电话拿起来,放到耳边听了一会儿说:“现在占线。”他挂上 电话,停了一会儿,欣赏着放在电话机旁边的一个漂亮的银匣子。“谢谢你,温思罗普小 姐。”他说着离开了房间。 21 Back in Mr. Grayson's office, the detective told him to ask Miss Winthrop to take some dictation the next morning at 9?45. And that night, he arranged for a secret extension to be attached to Miss Winthrop' s phone. The next morning he was at the extension, pencil in hand, while Mr. Grayson carried out his orders. A little later, he asked the businessman to go with him to the secretary's desk. 回到格雷森先生的办公室,侦探告诉他让温思罗普小姐在第二天早上9:45做个口 述记录。当天晚上,经他策划,在温思罗普小姐的电话上接了一个秘密分机。第二天早 晨,当格雷森先生执行他的命令时,侦探听着分机,手中拿着笔。一会儿,他要求商人 同他一起到秘书桌前。 22 "So you did know Ralph Matthews after all," he said, throwing onto her desk a sheet of paper he had brought with him. 23 The girl stopped her noisy typing and rose from her chair, trembling. “What do you mean, sir?” she demanded weakly. 24 "And you might as well remove the silver box ," The Thinking Machine continued."There is no further need of the telephone connection." “你根本就认识拉尔夫?马修斯。”他说,同时把他带来的那张纸扔在她的桌上。 那女子停止了发出噪音的打字,浑身颤抖着从椅子上站起来。“先生,您这是什么意 思,”她无力地问。 “你不妨把这银匣子拿掉吧,”“思维机器”继续说,“没有必要再把电话接起来了。” Lesson Fifteen Unreality of TV Art Buchwald Learning Guide 电视是20世纪影响人们生活的重要发明,然而电视也带来不少问题,尤其是对青少 年。许多人认为电视对青少年的负面影响莫过于暴力。而本文作者认为,电 视节目给青 少年展现的是一个虚幻世界,使他们在耳濡目染、潜移默化之中,变得不能面对现实, 这才是电视对孩子们最大的毒害。 1 Dr. Heinrich Applebaum recently completed a study on the effects of television on children. It is not about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. 海因里希?阿普尔鲍姆博士最近完成了一项关于电视节目对儿童影响的调查报告。这 种影响不是暴力,而是电视节目给孩子们造成对现实的错觉。 2 Dr. Applebaum told me, “The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesn't exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen.” 阿普尔鲍姆博士告诉我:“电视最大的危险是它所展示给孩子们的是那个并不存在的 世界,使得他们期盼永远也不会发生的事。” 3 “I don't understand, Doctor,” I said. 4 “Well, let me give you one example. Have you ever seen a television show where a person in a car doesn't immediately find a parking place on the very first try?” 5 “Come to think of it,” I said, “I haven't.” 我说:“我不明白,博士。” “那么我给你举个例子。你看见过电视节目中坐在汽车里的人不能头一次就马上找到 一个停车的地方吗,” “真的,想想还真是的,”我说,“我是没看见过。” 6 “Not only is there always a parking place, but the driver doesn't even have to back into it. There are two parking spaces for him when he needs one. Children are being led to believe that when they grow up they will always be able to find a parking place available when and where they want it. You can imagine how bad they will feel when they discover that in real life they can drive around a block for three hours and still can't find a place to park their car.” “那里不但总有一个空车位,而且开车的人还不用费事就能把车倒进去。当他需要 一个空车位时,就会有两个是留给他的。电视正让孩子们相信,长大以后,无论 何时 何地想停车,都能找到空车位。你可以想像得出,当他们发现现实生活中在一个楼区内 转3个小时还找不到一个地方来停车,那时他们的感觉会多坏。” 7 “I never thought of it, but it's true. What else do they show on television which gives a distorted picture of the real world?” 8 “Have you noticed that whenever a person walks out of a restaurant or office building and says to the doorman, „Get me a taxi,' the taxi immediately arrives? I have never seen a TV show where the doorman has said, „I'm sorry. I can't get you a taxi. You'd better take the bus.'” “我从来没想到这一点,但是,它是事实。电视上还播放哪些歪曲真实世界的画面 ” 呢, “你注意到没有,不管一个人什么时候从餐馆或办公楼出来对门卫说:„给我叫辆出 租车~‟出租车就会招之即来。我在电视节目中从来没有看见一个门卫说:„对不起,我叫 不到车,您最好乘公共汽车。‟” 9 “Of course,” I said, “I never noticed that. There is always a yellow taxi waiting somewhere off the TV screen.” 10 “Now,” said Applebaum, “have you ever said to a taxi driver,„Follow that car and don't lose him'?” 11 “Not really.” “当然,”我说,“我从未注意过。荧屏外总有一辆黄色出租车在待命。” “现在,” 阿普尔鲍姆说,“你曾经对出租车司机说过„跟着那辆车,别让那人溜了‟吗,” “真没有过。” 12 “Well, if you had, the driver would have told you not to talk nonsense. No taxi driver wants to follow another car because that means he's going to get into trouble. But on TV every taxi driver looks as if he had nothing better to do than to drive 90 miles an hour through rain-swept street trying to keep up with a carful of gangsters. And the worst thing is that the kids believe it.” “嗯,如果你有过,司机会叫你别胡扯。没有哪个出租车司机愿意跟踪别的车,因 为这将意味着他要有麻烦了。但在电视节目中,出租车司机好像没有别的事情可 干, 个个都愿意以每小时90英里的速度在大雨滂沱的马路上奔驰,尾随满载歹徒的车辆。而 最糟糕的是孩子们都相信这是真的。” 13 “What else have you discovered?” 14 “Kids have a false sense of what emergency wards of hospitals are really like. On TV shows they take a kid to an emergency ward and four doctors come rushing down to bandage his leg. In a real life situation the kid would be sitting on the bench for two hours before he even saw a nurse. On TV there always happens to be a hospital bed available when a kid needs it. What the kids in this country don't know is that sometimes you have to wait three days to get a hospital bed and then you have to pay 500 dollars down before they give it to you.” “你还发现了什么,” “孩子们对医院里急救室的真实情况也会产生错觉。在电视节目中,他们带着一个孩 子来到急救室,四个医生赶紧过来给他的腿进行包扎。在现实生活中,这孩 子会坐在 长凳上等两个小时才能见到一位护士。在电视节目中,当一个孩子需要病床时,医院里 总是碰巧有一张床空着。美国的孩子们不知道的是有时需要等三天才 能得到一张病床, 然后,在他们给你病床前,你必须先付500美元。” 15 Applebaum said the cruelest lie of all is when TV shows a lawyer defending someone innocent of a crime. 16 “On the screen the lawyer spends day and night looking for evidence to prove the person is innocent. In real life the lawyer says to the defendant, „Look, I've got 20 minutes. Tell me your story and then I'11 plead you guilty and make a deal with the D. A. ' The defendant might say, „But I' m innocent. ' The lawyer would say,„So what? I can't afford to find that out. I'm not Perry Mason. '” 阿普尔鲍姆说最残酷的谎言就是电视节目表现一位律师为一个无辜的被告进行辩 护。 “荧屏上,律师夜以继日地查找证据以证明被告无罪。在现实生活中,律师会对被告 说:„看,我只有20分钟的时间,赶紧把你的情况告诉我,我按你有罪为 你辩护,然后 与地方检查官做笔交易了事。‟被告人可能会说:„但我是无辜的。‟律师就会说:„那又怎 么样,我可赔不起时间去给你查清楚,我又不是佩里?梅 森。‟” 17 “Then what you're saying, Dr. Applebaum, is that it isn't the violence on TV but the unreality that is doing harm to children.” 18 “Exactly. Even the advertisements are harmful. Children are led to believe that when they grow up if they use a certain mouthwash they'll find the mate of their dreams. When they don't find him or her after washing their mouth all night, they fall into a difficult situation and many of them never come out of it.” “那么,阿普尔鲍姆博士,你的意思是并不是电视节目里的暴力,而是不真实性对孩 子们有危害。” “完全正确。甚至广告也有毒害作用。孩子们都相信,当他们长大成人之后,如果他 们使用某种牙膏,就会找到他们的梦中伴侣。在整夜的刷牙之后,并不能找到她或他, 他们就会陷入苦闷之中,而且其中很多人永远也摆脱不出来。” Lesson Sixteen Remembering Tracy Bill Polly Bannister Learning Guide 一次偶然的事故把素不相识的两个家庭联系起来。在爱子弥留之际,母亲想起儿子 生前的愿望,与丈夫一起决定捐献儿子的器官。他的肝脏使一个患有不治之症 的青年重 新获得生命。两对夫妇的见面感人肺腑。年轻夫妇理解捐献者父母的情操与心情,年长 夫妇看到儿子的器官活在另一人体内而感到欣慰,他们高尚的思想境 界令人敬佩。 1 This year, my husband David and I celebrated the 22nd birthday of a man we had never met. His name was Tracy Bill Marsh, a tall handsome young man who worked in a pizza shop. Last summer, he was supposed to have been best man at his brother's wedding. But on the night of December 8, 1992, Tracy got off work and stood in the pizza shop's parking lot talking to friends. Tracy jumped up on the hood of a friend's car, as they had done a hundred times before. This time, though, Tracy lost his balance and fell. His head struck the pavement, hard. 今年,我和丈夫戴维为一个从未谋面的青年庆祝了他的22岁生日。他叫特蕾西?比 尔?马什,个子高高,长得很帅,在一家比萨饼店上班。去年夏天,他本该在 他哥哥的 婚礼上当伴郎。但是1992年12月8日晚,特蕾西下了班,站在比萨饼店的停车场与朋友 聊天。特蕾西跳到朋友汽车的车盖上,这种事他们以前干过上 百次。然而这次,特蕾 西却失去平衡摔了下来。头重重地磕在地上。 2 One of his friends rushed inside to call an ambulance, then he phoned Tracy's father,Bill Marsh. Bill raced to the hospital, where he was joined by Tracy's mother, Cory. She knew from the way the doctors talked that there was little hope. Tracy had a broken skull —one doctor said he had never seen one so bad. 他的一个朋友冲进店里打电话叫救护车,然后又给他的父亲比尔?马什打了电话。比 尔火速赶到医院,看见妻子科里也在那儿。从医生们交谈的神色中她知道希望渺茫。特 蕾西的头骨摔裂,一位医生说他从来没见过摔得这么厉害的病例。 3 Standing next to her son, Cory remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation. Maybe I can spare another family this sorrow, she thought. When the time came,she and Bill signed the forms permitting his organs to be taken out. 4 Tracy Bill Marsh died the next day. Twenty-four hours later, in a Boston hospital, Tracy's liver was transplanted into my husband, David, who was suffering from an incurable liver disease. 科里站在儿子的身边,想起他曾提到过捐献器官。她想也许我能免去另一个家庭失 去亲人的痛苦。到了该做决定的时候,她和比尔在上签了字,允许把特蕾西的器官 取出。 第二天,特蕾西?比尔?马什死了。24小时后,在波士顿一家医院里,特蕾西的肝脏 被移植给了我的丈夫戴维,他当时正得了一种无法治愈的肝病。 5 Months after his operation, David and I sent our unknown donor family letters in care of the New England Organ Bank. As information about donors was kept secret, we could not know where and to whom to send our thanks. But the donor's parents wished to meet someone who had gained life through the gift of their son's organs, so the organ bank agreed — for the first time — to bring together two families linked by the most bittersweet relationship. 手术几个月后,我和戴维通过新英格兰器官库向素不相识的器官捐献者家属转交 了信件。由于捐献者的情况是保密的,我们不知道将我们的感谢信寄往何处,寄给 谁。 但是,捐献者的父母却希望见见那个通过儿子器官捐献而获得生命的人。因此,器官库 第一次同意把以最典型的既苦又甜的关系联系起来的两个家庭带到一起。 6 We were to meet Bill and Cory Marsh in a hotel room about halfway between our homes.David and I arrived an hour before the meeting. I placed fresh flowers, drinks, cheese and crackers on a table. 我们被安排在两家之间的一家旅馆的房间与比尔和科里?马什见面,我和戴维提前了 一个小时到达那里。我在桌上摆放了鲜花,饮料,奶酪和饼干。 7 When the door opened, my heart stopped. We saw a middle-aged couple. For a few seconds, we stood staring at one another. Then Cory and I hugged. Bill held out his hand to shake David's. His grip was electric, and David could feel that he didn't want to let go. Bill's first words to David were “Are you okay?” 8 I hugged Bill and saw tears behind his glasses. “That's it for the tears,” he said, smiling.But it wasn't. 门开时,我几乎停止了心跳。我们看到了一对中年夫妇。好几秒钟,我们都站着凝 视着对方。而后,我和科里拥抱在一起。比尔伸出手去握戴维的手。他激动地紧紧握住, 戴维都能感觉到他不愿松手。比尔对戴维说的第一句话就是:“你还好吧,” 我拥抱了比尔,看见他眼镜后的泪水。他笑着说:“这是我最后一次流泪。”但这并 不是。 9 We talked for 3 hours and a half. The Marshes showed us a picture of Tracy Bill. We learned for the first time how he had died — and something of how he had lived. He was a generous, goodhearted young man who loved the outdoors and was never happier than when he was working under the hood of his car. Evenings, Tracy and his friends would set up floodlights in the garage, and Bill and Cory would go to sleep listening to the boys' laughter as they repaired cars. Carved on Tracy's gravestone is a car rolling down a mountain road. 我们谈了3个半小时。马什夫妇给我们看了一张特蕾西的照片。我们第一次了解到 他是怎么死的以及他生前的一些情况。他是个慷慨大方,心地善良的年轻人,喜 欢户外 活动,最高兴干的事就是钻在车盖下捣鼓他那辆车。一到傍晚,特蕾西和他的朋友们就 会在车库里支起聚光灯来修车,而比尔和科里则在小伙子们捣鼓汽车时 的笑声中进入梦 乡。特蕾西的墓碑上刻有一辆沿着山路向下疾驶的小轿车。 10 We learned something about Bill and Cory, too. Cory can't bring herself to throw out Tracy's best-loved pair of blue jeans, and she avoids the supermarket aisles that carry his favorite foods. Every morning, as she gets in her car for work, she says good morning to Tracy. 我们还了解到一些有关比尔和科里的事情。科里舍不得扔掉特蕾西最喜爱的牛仔 裤,在超市购物时总是避开两边摆放着他爱吃的食品的通道。每天早晨,当她钻进汽车 去上班时,都会对特蕾西说声早上好。 11 Bill and Tracy shared a love of stock-car racing. I said that David, while recovering from his operation, had renewed an old interest in stock-car racing. I mentioned that recently David got this crazy idea of taking a course somewhere down south where he could learn to drive a stock-car. Bill said instantly, “Tracy Bill would have loved that.” 比尔和特蕾西都有将普通汽车改装成赛车进行比赛的爱好。我告诉他们戴维在手术 后疗养过程中又重新有了以前这种对赛车的兴趣。我还提到戴维最近有个疯狂的想法, 那就是到南部的什么地方学习驾驶改装的赛车。比尔立刻说:“特蕾西?比尔一定喜欢这 样。” 12 When it was time to leave, we felt awkward. Enough had been disclosed about our lives to stay in touch. Now David and I know where to send our prayers. For the Marshes, seeing David and knowing he was well seemed to ease their suffering. I'll never forget seeing the tall David bending over Cory, her arms stretched around his waist as a mother would hug a son. For a long time they held each other tight. It was hard to know if she was saying hello or goodbye. 13 Maybe she was saying both. 要离开时,我们觉得局促不安。关于双方的生活情况,我们相互倾诉了不少,足以 使我们保持联系。现在我和戴维知道该为谁祈祷了。对马什夫妇来说,看到戴维 并知 道他很健康似乎减轻了他们的痛苦。我将永远不会忘记这个情景:高大的戴维弯下身来, 科里像母亲搂着儿子那样用双臂搂着他的腰。他们紧紧地拥抱了很长时 间。很难说她 是在问好还是在道别。 或许两者兼而有之。
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