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关于对北京奥运会、北京残奥会期间物业服务应急支援关于对北京奥运会、北京残奥会期间物业服务应急支援 附件: 2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目 考评实施方案 为了充分发挥物业管理示范项目品牌效应~进一步深化和提高北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作~依据市住房城乡建设委颁布的《关于2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作的通知》~制定具体实施方案如下: 一、职责分工和组织机构 ,一,职责分工 市住房城乡建设委负责北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作的监督和指导~北京物业管理行业协会,以下简称北京物协,受市住房城乡建设委委托负责物业管理示范项目考评工作的组织实施。 ,二,...
关于对北京奥运会、北京残奥会期间物业服务应急支援 附件: 2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目 考评实施 为了充分发挥物业管理示范项目品牌效应~进一步深化和提高北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作~依据市住房城乡建设委颁布的《关于2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作的通知》~制定具体实施方案如下: 一、分工和组织机构 ,一,职责分工 市住房城乡建设委负责北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作的监督和指导~北京物业管理行业协会,以下简称北京物协,受市住房城乡建设委委托负责物业管理示范项目考评工作的组织实施。 ,二,组织机构 物业管理示范项目考评工作成立领导小组~下设物业管理示范项目考评办公室,以下简称:考评办公室,。 1.领导小组负责示范项目考评工作的组织、协调、指导工作。领导小组成员:市住房城乡建设委领导 北京物协会长 王守一 北京物协第一副会长 徐北风 2.考评办公室设在北京物协~负责示范项目考评工作的具体组织实施。 考评办公室下设现场考评专家组、质询投诉专家组和专家顾问组。 ,1,现场考评专家组由物业管理评标专家、物业服务企业专业技术骨干人员组成~负责参评项目现场考评工作。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed ,2,质询投诉专家组由物业管理相关社会人士、学者、北京物协领导组成~负责参评项目公示期内质询投诉问题的调查核实。 ,3,专家顾问组由人大代表、政协委员、物业管理相关社会人士、学者组成~负责“北京市物业管理示范项目,五星级,”项目现场答辩的综合评议工作。 二、考评标准 执行《北京市实施全国物业管理示范住宅小区,大厦、工业区,标准评分细则,试行,》,京国土房管物[2004]686号,及《住宅物业服务等级规范,二、三级,,试行,》,京建物[2008]29号,。 住宅小区现场考评所得分值在90分以上,含90分,、大厦和工业区现场考评总分值95分以上,含95分,且公示无异议获得“北京市物业管理示范,四星级,项目”称号,得分在98分以上,含98分,、住宅小区项目达到住宅物业服务等级规范,三级,标准、公示无异议并通过现场答辩的项目获得“北京市物业管理示范,五星级,项目”称号。 三、示范项目有效期 北京市物业管理示范项目有效期两年。有效期内~示范项目发生重大安全事件、违法违规~引起重大投诉纠纷等~由考评办公室提出撤销示范项目建议~经市住房城乡建设委批准后予以摘牌处理。 四、申报条件 1.申报项目符合城市规划建设要求。住宅小区建筑面积在5万平方米以上、大厦建筑面积在2万平方米以上且非住宅建筑面积占60%以上、工业区5万平方米以上~入住率或使用率达60%以上。 2.申报项目应自首位业主入住两年以上。 3.拟申报北京市物业管理示范项目,五星级,评比的住 tation for 21 months. Detaileduding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rooriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-k should appear in the acute and severe Department Webh ristrainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, hig inical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methodsaid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of cl-gency first's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emeratientt of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency pthe trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatmenning, r example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic traito save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (Foply for emergency medical techniques and methods Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to ap2 宅小区~应自检达到住宅物业服务等级规范,三级,标准~并提交自检。 4.申报项目的企业在申报前一年内无违法违规行为~无重大投诉纠纷~取得区,县,房屋行政主管部门确认。 5.申报项目应在物业区域显著位置向全体业主公示~公示内容包括:《关于2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目考评工作的通知》、项目考评标准、物业管理示范项目考评工作、参评项目联系人、联系电话等内容。公示期不少于7天。 6.申报项目参评前由业主委员会就是否同意参评事宜征得全体业主意见~经专有部分占专有部分建筑物总面积的1/2以上的业主且占总人数1/2以上的业主同意,见附件1,。未成立业主委员会的~由物业项目所在地社区居委会负责组织。征询意见结果应在物业区域显著位置向全体业主公示~公示期不少于7天。 五、时间安排 1.申报资格审查阶段:2009年9月22日至2009年10月15日。 2.现场考评阶段:2009年10月16日至2009年11月30日。 3.公示阶段:2009年12月01日至2009年12月15日。 4.现场答辩阶段:2009年12月16日至2009年12月31日。 5.总结表彰阶段:2010年年初。 六、考评程序 ,一,申报资格审查 符合申报条件的物业服务企业于2009年10月15日前将申报资料报送至考评办公室。 申报资料包括: evere ining standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and sevel of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist trapractice, writes with a certain l aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical-techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first st aidcommon symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with firsic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master ry, band residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theoply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, aply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apTherefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apuding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailedoriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-Department Web3 1.《北京市物业管理示范项目申报表,住宅、大厦、工业区,》,见附件2,~一式两份。 2.《北京市物业管理示范项目征询意见结果》,见附件3,。 3.项目交通位置图。 申报资料在北京物协网站,www.bpma.org .cn,下载。 ,二,现场考评 现场考评专家分别对资料及档案管理、设施设备维护管理、消防及公共秩序维护管理、环境及绿化管理四部分进行考评打分。 ,三,现场考评结果公示 现场考评得分在90分以上,含90分,的在首都之窗、市住房城乡建设委及北京物协网站上公示10天~接受公众质询投诉。 ,四,现场答辩 现场答辩分为企业自述和提问答辩两个阶段~现场答辩专家对现场表现进行考评~并邀请政风行风监督员全程监督~媒体跟踪报道。 现场答辩专家由专家顾问组、现场考评专家组、业主代表组成~每组各3人。答辩方由项目经理、项目主要管理人员等3人组成。 1.企业自述。物业服务企业自行推选一名代表对项目服务情况进行陈述~时间为10分钟。 2.提问答辩。现场答辩专家就专业知识及项目服务情况提问~项目经理担任主答~答辩时间不超过20分钟。 3.专家表决。现场答辩结束后~专家组集中表决。专家组成员每人一票~物业项目获得7票以上,含7票,视为通过答辩。 4.现场答辩专家现场通报结果并点评。 tation for 21 months. Detaileduding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rooriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-k should appear in the acute and severe Department Webh ristrainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, hig inical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methodsaid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of cl-gency first's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emeratientt of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency pthe trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatmenning, r example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic traito save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (Foply for emergency medical techniques and methods Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to ap4 ,五,总结表彰 通过考评的项目~分别授予“北京市物业管理示范,四星级,项目”称号、“北京市物业管理示范,五星级,项目”称号~并颁发奖牌。 附件1:《北京市物业管理示范项目征询意见表》 附件2:《北京市物业管理示范项目申报表,住宅、大厦、 工业区,》 附件3:《北京市物业管理示范项目征询意见结果证明》 uding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailedoriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-Department Webevere ining standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and sevel of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist trapractice, writes with a certain l aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical-techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first st aidcommon symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with firsic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master ry, band residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theoply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, aply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apTherefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to ap5 附件1 2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目 征询意见表 项目名称 业主姓名 楼号/单元号 物业服务企业名称 ? 同意项目参加2009年度北京市物业 管理示范项目评定工作。 征询意见 ? 不同意项目参加2009年度北京市物 业管理示范项目评定工作。 业主签名: 年 月 日 -k should appear in the acute and severe Department Webh ristrainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, hig inical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methodsaid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of cl-gency first's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emeratientt of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency pthe trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatmenning, r example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic traito save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (Foply for emergency medical techniques and methods Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to aptation for 21 months. Detaileduding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rooriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl6 附件2 2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目 申报表(住宅、大厦、工业区) 项目名称 项目地址 区(县) 申报级别 ?四星级 ?五星级 物业服务企业名称 法定代表人 联系电话 企业资质 建筑面积 万? 项目经理 联系电话 入住率或 管理年限 使用率(%) 要求:文字简练,内容真实,生动具体,有典型事例300字左右(另加页) 申报自述 公司盖章 项目所在地区县建 委、房管局意见 盖章 说明:1、本表由申报单位和相关部门填写,一式二份。 2、如实填写,不得作假。 3、一律用钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹要端正、清楚。 ining standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and sevel of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist trapractice, writes with a certain l aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical-techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first st aidcommon symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with firsic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master ry, band residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theoply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, aply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apTherefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apuding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailedoriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-Department Webevere 7 附件3 2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目 征询意见结果证明 针对2009年度北京市物业管理示范项目评定工作要求~ ,项目名称, 项目通过发放征询意见表的形式向全体业主进行是否参评意见征询。根据统计结果~现已取得经专有部分占专有部分建筑物总面积的1/2以上的业主且占总人数1/2以上的业主同意。 业主委员会,社区居委会, ,盖章, 年 月 日 k should appear in the acute and severe Department Webh ristrainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, hig inical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methodsaid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of cl-gency first's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emeratientt of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency pthe trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatmenning, r example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic traito save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (Foply for emergency medical techniques and methods Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to aptation for 21 months. Detaileduding emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rooriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (incl-8
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