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从黛玉葬花看《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格悲剧从黛玉葬花看《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格悲剧 【标题】从黛玉葬花看《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格悲剧 【作者】黄 英 玲 【关键词】林黛玉??性格悲剧??原因? 【指导老师】冉 晓 林 【专业】汉语言文学 【正文】 曹雪芹是对中国和世界文化有着巨大贡献的作家,他所写的《红楼梦》,无论从思想上还是艺术上都取得了空前成就,形成了我国古典小说的高峰。对于书中主要人物之一的“林黛玉”的研究,有的侧重其多愁善感的性格,有的着重其诗才的挖掘,有的对林黛玉和薛宝钗的生存方式进行比较,有的则对宝黛爱情做多方位的剖析。 而对黛玉性格的评论,恐怕...
从黛玉葬花看《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格悲剧 【标题】从黛玉葬花看《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格悲剧 【作者】黄 英 玲 【关键词】林黛玉??性格悲剧??原因? 【指导老师】冉 晓 林 【专业】汉语言文学 【正文】 曹雪芹是对中国和世界文化有着巨大贡献的作家,他所写的《红楼梦》,无论从思想上还是艺术上都取得了空前成就,形成了我国古典小说的高峰。对于中主要人物之一的“林黛玉”的研究,有的侧重其多愁善感的性格,有的着重其诗才的挖掘,有的对林黛玉和薛宝钗的生存方式进行比较,有的则对宝黛爱情做多方位的剖析。 而对黛玉性格的评论,恐怕是《红楼梦》研究中最为复杂的问题之一,至今众说纷纭,尚未有公正和满意的结论。较有代性的说法有“叛逆说”、“正统说”、“中间人物说”三种。“叛逆说”认为黛玉与宝玉都是封建礼教的叛逆者,这种说法是自五十年代开始迄今这四十多年间林黛玉性格阐释的主旋律,高校中文系大都采用此说法,其影响面之大是可想而知了。“正统说”和“中间人物说”是近年来出现的说法。前者认为林黛玉是“真诚、自觉”地“恪守封建伦理纲常”,后者认为林黛玉是介于宝玉和宝钗之间的典型人物。 本文并不偏向于其中任一观点,而是通过对“黛玉葬花”这一《红楼梦》中的重要章节的理解,从而对林黛玉这一人物形象的性格operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 悲剧进行了初步的研究。其研究意义在于通过对《红楼梦》中林黛玉的性格分析,准确地理解林黛玉,把握人物的永恒价值,透视民族的历史文化心理。 一、贾府中的两次“黛玉葬花” 谈到林黛玉,总忘不了“黛玉葬花”这一幕。《红楼梦》中有许多片段,读后让人如嚼橄榄,越久越觉甘甜,逐渐进入佳境后,才能引起不断的、久远的联想与共鸣。黛玉葬花便是其中饶有意趣的重要章节。黛玉的葬花之举在作品中有两处集中描写,一处是在作品二十三回黛玉刚入住大观园不久,一处是在作品二十七回黛玉悲吟《葬花吟》[1]葬花。 黛玉葬花发生在林黛玉入住大观园之后的第一个春天,可以说是大观园中发生的第一个重要事件,也是第一次明写黛玉葬花。此时的她“肩上担着花锄,锄上挂着花囊,手内拿着花帚”,并已在“那犄角上”为落花选好了“花冢”,并且宣称要把花扫了,“装在这绢袋里,拿土埋上,日久不过随土化了,岂不干净。”俨然有备而来且经过精心细致的考虑,足以见其葬花乃是惯常之举,而从二月二十二日入园至此不过二十几日的时间,众姊妹尚还沉浸在兴奋与欢乐之中。“葬花”这种早觉的伤感本身就是对大观园悲剧命运的潜在暗示。等到第二次实写黛玉葬花,已是四月二十六日交芒种节。众姊妹祭花神,“满园里绣带operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 飘飘,花枝招展”,女孩子们打扮得“桃羞杏让,燕妒莺惭”,宝玉因为没有见着黛玉,又见眼前落花满地,“便把那花兜起来,登山渡水,过树穿花,一直奔了那日黛玉葬花的去处来。”却没有想到“将已到了花冢,犹未转过山坡,只听山坡那边有呜咽之声,一行数落着,哭的好不伤感。”驻足细听,便听见了黛玉的那首自感身世遭遇的哀歌《葬花吟》。[2] 黛玉葬花是对林黛玉性情的描写,而这一段也为读者刻画出了一个美丽如花、清洁自爱的林黛玉形象。黛玉最怜惜花,她把花比喻成自己,把贾府乃至整个封建社会比喻为污浊,她不甘沉灭,又无力摆脱封建恶势力,怜花就是怜自己,她看到鲜花的凋零就仿佛看到了自己的将来。 二、《葬花吟》――林黛玉的命运悲歌 《葬花吟》以富于个性特征的艺术境界体现了这多情少女的全部生命哀音。《葬花吟》出现在《红楼梦》的第二十七回里,这时的贾宝玉和林黛玉,已从两小无猜的兄妹情谊,发展到相互爱慕中的试探与倾诉,而且贾宝玉对林黛玉已有了多次的爱的表白。第二十三回的所谓《西厢记妙词通戏语》,就是贾宝玉通过《西厢》剧词第一次表达感情。这也才促使林黛玉有了下文的《牡丹亭艳曲警芳心》的多种感慨,第二十六回《潇湘馆春困发幽情》,写林黛玉一时忘情,念了一句刚刚看过的《西厢》剧词:“每日operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 家情思睡昏昏”,被贾宝玉听见,也一时忘情,再次用《西厢》剧词表示他衷心的爱意。宝玉的“戏语”虽然引起了林黛玉的“生嗔”与“哭泣”,却又不能不使她的爱情呼吸,进入了一个苦痛缠绵的新阶段。 “凤尾森森,龙吟细细”,“花魂点点无情绪,鸟梦痴痴何处惊”(《红楼梦》第二十六回P175)。大观园中这位多情少女的寂寞情怀,终于从落花的命运中找到了抒发、流转的形式――《葬花吟》。这充满诗情的哀音是林黛玉的第一首长歌行,也是作者曹雪芹借以塑造这一艺术形象,表现其性格特征的重要作品之一。[3] ????林黛玉的《葬花吟》是其进入贾府以后的生活感受,是她感叹身世遭遇和悲剧命运的全部哀音的代表作,它抒写了这位诗人的花落人亡的哀愁和悲愤。一首《葬花吟》,完全不在于表面那些伤春惜花词句的悱恻缠绵,而意在塑造人物的思想性格,将林黛玉的人生浓缩其中。 ???《葬花吟》是借以诗词更详尽地对人物的行为心理以及未来的命运做彻底的总结,是林黛玉悲剧命运寓情于景的诗意写照。葬花,也就是隐喻着埋葬自己的青春。那一连串“花谢花飞”的暮春景象,那“花魂鸟魂”的奇特的遐想,那悼亡的哀婉缠绵的情调――“试看春残花渐落,便是红颜老死时。一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知~”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)都给林黛玉的形象与性格以多面的烘托和渲染。“花谢花飞花满天,红消香operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 断有谁怜,”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)在这里,曹雪芹将凋谢的残花与红颜女子的命运紧密相连。“花开易见落难寻,阶前闷杀葬花人。独把花锄偷洒泪,洒上空枝见血痕。”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)试想:枝头的花朵被风吹散,飘入泥泽,化为净土。红楼中的女儿们不也是身在红门,有谁来怜惜她们呢,黛玉悲叹“昨宵庭外悲歌发,知是花魂与鸟魂,花魂鸟魂总难留,鸟自无言花自羞。”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)继而又幻想着自己能“生双翼”也随之而“飞到天尽头”。但因她日夜悲伤,最终泪尽人亡。长诗以“侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁,试看春残花渐落,便是红颜老死时。一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知~”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)作结,将花人合一,既是对自己悲剧命运的预感,也是作者对众女子必将飘零沦落,或身陷污泥或命遭摧残的预视。 花的命运就是黛玉的命运,她葬花,是为了给花一个美好洁净的结局,也隐喻着埋葬自己的青春;给花一个洁净的归宿,就是给自己的青春一个美好的结局,而自己也终将如花一般回归尘土。 三、林黛玉的悲剧性格 (一)多愁善感、眼泪化身的林黛玉 心细如发的林黛玉痛惜落花、香冢葬花、题诗赋花,实则是自叹、自悲其自身薄命如花。“问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。”(南唐?李煜《虞美人》),林黛玉具有诗人的气质,就是多愁善感,可谓终日以泪洗面,像连绵的阴雨天一样忧郁。她的性格中operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 最鲜明最突出的特征就是她的多愁善感,凄苦忧郁。这固然与她那多病的体质和她那种天赋感受力异常的诗人气质有关,但更重要的是同她那种寄人篱下的处境和孤苦伶仃的命运有关。因此,黛玉爱哭,正如蒋和森所说:“你是眼泪的化身,多愁的别名。”[4] 黛玉的多愁善感是人所共知道的事情,可以说一草一木都能勾起她无尽的烦恼,无边的哀愁。对于她的多愁善感,有人做过精彩的描述: 看到竹影参差,苔痕浓淡,发出红颜薄命、孀母弱弟俱无的哀叹;秋风疏雨,叶落花谢,又产生寄人篱下、孤寂无依的感伤,发出“秋风惨淡求草黄,耿耿秋灯秋夜长,已秋窗秋不尽,那堪风雨助凄凉”的感伤。而大观园内的欢声笑语,人情冷暖,更使她自比自怜,低声饮泣。宝钗佩带的金锁,湘云身上的麒麟,屡屡使她见而生忌,想而生畏,产生无穷的畏惧、可怕的悬心。[5] 为了突出林黛玉的性格,还在她没有出世之前,曹雪芹就用浪漫的笔调、奇特的想象和诗意的手法,创造了新奇绝妙的?“还泪”之说,以象征林黛玉是带着宿根、宿情、宿恨来到人世的。这绝不是宿命论,而是艺术的夸张、渲染和强化。她一生下来,就有“先天不足之症”,会吃饭时便吃药,而且不许哭,“除父母外之外,凡有外姓亲友之人,一概不见”(《红楼梦》第三回P16),不能见外人,但她的父母却又早亡。命运对她太残酷,太不公平了。少年丧母,不久又丧父,只有孤苦伶仃地长期寄居在黑暗龌operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 龊的贾府。得换人形前曾是太虚幻境中西方灵河岸上三生石畔的一株绛珠草,入世就是为了报答“神英侍者”的“甘露滋养之恩”,说是“自己受了他雨露之惠,我无此水可还,他若下世为人,我也同去走一遭,把我一生所有的眼泪还他,也还得过了。”(《红楼梦》第一回P3) (二)敏感多疑的悲剧性格 与多愁善感相关,林黛玉还十分聪明,?“心较比干多一窍”,聪明极了。多愁善感增添了她的智慧,加之她受过良好的教育,知识渐多,悟性也高,痛苦便随之加深了。 由此说来,林黛玉越聪明也就越痛苦,多愁善感便如影随形了。一个忧郁的、聪慧的女子,对外界的感知比较容易倾向于主观武断,且时常伴随情绪化的臆测,那就是敏感了。换言之,多愁即善感,善感即敏感。[6]林黛玉在《葬花吟》中所写到的“一年三百六十日,风刀霜剑严相逼。明媚鲜妍能几时,一朝漂泊难寻觅”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181)不正是表现出了她敏感多疑的性格特点吗,薛姨妈让周瑞家送来了“两支宫制堆纱新巧的假花”,?周瑞家的从梨香院出来,顺路走到哪儿便送到哪儿。可黛玉却冷笑道:“我就知道,别人不挑剩下的也不给我。”(《红楼梦》第七回P48)她首先注意到的不是宫花的“新巧”,而是是否别人“挑剩下的”。“探宝钗黛玉半含酸”一节,写她探望宝钗时,忽然发现宝玉先在,便笑到:“嗳哟,我来的不巧了~”“早知他来,我就不来了。”(《红楼梦》第八回P55)晴雯拒绝开门,纯粹operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 是误会,没有听出是黛玉的声音,以为是别的丫头,但就是这样一个无心的闭门羹,却让黛玉想到自己是“依栖”人家,误解为有意的怠慢,自然恼火不已,以致“越想越伤感起来,也不顾苍苔露冷,花径风寒,独立墙角边花阴之下,悲悲戚戚的呜咽起来。”那一夜,她“倚着床栏杆,两手抱着膝,眼睛含着好似木雕石塑的一般,直坐到二更多天方才睡了。”(《红楼梦》第二十六回P175)像这类说明黛玉过于敏感的例子还有很多。 从积极的一面讲,敏感也给了林黛玉神奇的直觉,使她能够锐利的察觉到某些潜在的危机。暮春时节,别的女孩子都在嬉戏玩笑,她却从一片片落花上看到了自己的不幸,流着眼泪筑起了香冢,并吟唱起一曲《葬花吟》。秋天已经来临,危机刚刚浮现,林黛玉就像预言家一样说出了谶语。从某种意义上说,正是超强的敏感让她对肮脏的社会保持着高度的警惕,与邪恶的人性拉开了最大的距离,从而与这悲惨的世界相绝,最终毅然决然的杀死了她自己。林黛玉实现了那个圣洁的愿望――“质本洁来还洁去,强于污淖陷渠沟”(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181),浊臭的社会不能玷污她,就连死亡也不能扭曲她那颗高傲的心灵。 四、林黛玉性格悲剧的成因 多愁善感与敏感多疑这些都是林黛玉的悲剧性格,但她的这些性格并不是天生的,它们形成的原因是多方面的,这其中有黛玉的operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 身世、疾病的影响、传统文化精神的影响、所处环境的影响等等。 (一)身体瘦弱,多愁多病 黛玉是个多愁多病身,在黛玉进贾府后,众人见她身体虚弱,因问:“常服何药,如何不急为疗治,”黛玉道:“我自来是如此,从会吃饮食时便吃药,到今日未断,请了多少名医修方配药,皆不见效。”(《红楼梦》第三回P16)可见,她一生下来就有“先天不足之症”。?她进贾府之时便带着一身的病痛。由于体弱多病,进入贾府后又没有人真正关心她,未进行专门的治疗,所以病根未除,长期积郁,致其心浮气躁,敏感多疑。正如给宝玉看病的王太医在顺便给她瞧病时说的那样“即日间听见不干自己的事,也必要动气,且多疑多惧。不知者疑为性情乖诞,其实因肝阴亏损,心气衰耗,都是这个病在那里作怪。”(《红楼梦》第八十三回P603)身体健康状况的不佳,给她的性格上了灰暗的底色。林黛玉的多愁善感和她的瘦弱多病互为因果,共同塑造了她的诗人气质。瘦弱多病的身体虽然留住了她的脚步,限制了她的视野,但却使她更习惯于沉思默想,产生了许多与众人不同的思想。但反过来说,多愁善感使她的病痛增加,身体也更加虚弱多病,而其所带来的身体上的痛苦,极易变成心灵上的挫折感,使她更善于体验孤独、寂寞、颓丧、哀伤之类的悲观情绪。我们从她的《葬花吟》中便可以看出: 尔今死去侬收葬,未卜侬身何日丧, 侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁, operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 试看春残花渐落,便是红颜老死时; 一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知~(《红楼梦》第二十七回,P181) 她“喜散不喜聚”、“喜静不喜动”。大观园中的女儿们知道她天 生气质如此,对她也就不过分的苛
文档加载 中...广告还剩秒 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected.
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