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海南省东方市教育事业十二五规划海南省东方市教育事业十二五规划 东方市 “十二五” 教育事业发展规划 为促进我市教育事业持续、健康、快速、均衡发展~适应海南国际旅游岛建设的要求~进一步提高教育教学质量~为东方社会经济发展提供人才支撑~根据《东方市关于贯彻落实〈国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要〉的实施意见》~结合我市实际情况~特制定东方市“十二五”教育事业发展规划。 一、“十二五”规划的指导思想和基本原则 ,一,指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~全面贯彻落实科学发展观~深入推进素质教育~全面提高教育教学质量~加强学校布局调整步伐...
海南省东方市教育事业十二五规划 东方市 “十二五” 教育事业发展规划 为促进我市教育事业持续、健康、快速、均衡发展~适应海南国际旅游岛建设的要求~进一步提高教育教学质量~为东方社会经济发展提供人才支撑~根据《东方市关于贯彻落实〈国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要〉的实施意见》~结合我市实际情况~特制定东方市“十二五”教育事业发展规划。 一、“十二五”规划的指导思想和基本原则 ,一,指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代”重要思想为指导~全面贯彻落实科学发展观~深入推进素质教育~全面提高教育教学质量~加强学校布局调整步伐~促进义务教育均衡发展~为建设平安东方、文明东方、富强东方贡献力量。 ,二,基本原则 1、坚持优先发展的原则。坚持落实教育优先发展的战略地位~把教育改革和发展纳入全市社会经济发展规划~全面改善中小学校的办学条件。 2、坚持均衡协调发展。坚持统筹教育规模、质量、结构、效益协调发展~统筹城乡教育协调发展~统筹各类教育协调发展~更加关注弱势群体、薄弱学校和教育薄弱地区的发展~促进教育不断走向公平。 3、坚持以提高教育教学质量为目标。坚持以改革创新为主要动力~以建设一流师资队伍为根本保障~促内涵发展~创教育品牌学校。 disease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 4、坚持全面推进素质教育。坚持以实施素质教育为导向~全面贯彻党的教育方针~促进学生全面素质提高~培养德智体美全面发展。 5、坚持加快教育管理方式的转变。坚持遵循规律~依法治教~依法行政~处理好改革、发展、稳定的关系~促进教育事业规范、健康、可持续发展。 二、“十二五”规划的发展目标 “十二五”规划期限从2011年开始~到2015年结束。“十二五”期间~我市教育围绕办好人民满意教育的总体目标~规划以下重点项目和发展目标。 ——基本普及学前教育~建立政府主导、社会参与、公办民办并举的办园体制。到2015年~学前一年、三年毛入园率分别达到85%和60%。 ——实现更高水平的义务教育。2012年实现城乡教育初步均衡~到2015年~九年义务教育巩固率达到93%。 ——普及高中阶段教育。到2015年~高中阶段教育毛入学率达到87%以上。 ——大力发展职业教育~中等职业教育与普通高中教育协调发展~招生规模大体相当。东方中学、八所中学、铁路中学要达到“省一级学校”办学标准~进入优质学校就读学生比例达到75%以上。职业学校学生年流失率低于5%~教育基础设施、教师队伍建设和实训基地建设水平大幅度提高。 2us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an ——构建惠及全民的公平教育。建成覆盖城乡的基本公共教育服务体系~缩小城乡差距、地区差距、学校差距、办好每一所学校~教好每一个学生~保障全市各族人民享有接受平等优质教育的机会。完善家庭经济困难学生资助体系。切实解决进城务工人员子女和农村留守儿童平等接受义务教育问题。保障残疾人受教育权利。 ——构建体系完备的终身教育。学历教育和非学历教育协调发展~职业教育和普通教育相互沟通~职前教育和职后教育有效衔接。继续教育参与率大幅度提升。 三、“十二五”规划教育发展的重点任务 为贯彻落实全省教育工作会议精神~加快推进教育优先发展、科学发展~努力办好人民满意教育~“十二五”期间~我市教育系统重点实施中小学校舍安全工程、公办乡镇幼儿园建设工程、教育扶贫移民工程、职业教育基础能力建设工程、普通高中办学条件建设工程、农村教师周转房建设工程、教师素质提升工程、教育信息化工程、中小学厕所改造工程、中小学布局调整工程等十大工程~规划建设东方市铁路中学高中部~申报示范性综合实践基地~征地扩建城区中小学。 (一)实施中小学校舍安全工程,改善学校办学条件 根据省中小学校舍安全工程办公室的要求~2011年计划新建板桥中心学校、四更中心学校、江边中心学校寄宿制学生宿舍、学生食堂,2012年全部消灭校舍D级危房~比省的规定五 3, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootidentsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accn sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop 年规划提前一年完成任务。继续加固维修C级危房~新建中小学一批校舍~进一步改善农村义务教育办学条件。 实施乡镇中心学校和农村初中标准化、规范化学校建设工程。到2015年~在全市乡镇中心学校、农村初中建设农村寄宿制和原生态循环学校~新建教学楼、学生宿舍楼、食堂、运动场。乡镇中心学校、农村初中~每个学校建设2间图室~1间藏书室1间阅览室,建设2间实验室~1间自然实验室1间化学实验室,建设2间学生电脑室~1间教师电子备课室~1间多媒体教室,建设1间校医室~配备医务人员。 加强城区中小学校舍建设~解决“大班额”问题。到2015年~城区中小学要因地制宜新建一批校舍~把危房改造和改扩建结合起来~统筹考虑学生的活动场所~并且科学制定城区中小学的办学规模和学位控规~适当减少学生人数~平均班额小学控制在50人以内~初中控制在54人以内。 (二)实施公办乡镇幼儿园建设工程,提高学前一年教育入园率 ——2011年~在四更镇、感城镇、板桥镇、新龙镇、大田镇等5个乡镇通过改扩建形式各建设1所公办乡镇中心幼儿园。参照义务教育实行“两免一补”政策的做法~在全市农村村级小学附设学前班~实行免费教育~普及学前一年教育。 ——2012年~在八所镇、三家镇、东河镇等3个乡镇各新建乡镇中心幼儿园1所。改扩建村级幼儿园。 4us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an ——2013年~在天安乡、江边乡等2个乡镇各新建公办乡镇中心幼儿园1所~建立健全覆盖全市10个乡镇的农村学前教育网络。 ——2014年~规划在解放东路建设一所公办幼儿园~满足社会发展的需求。 ——2015年~规划在滨海路建设一所公办幼儿园~服务新港片区的适龄儿童。 各乡镇党委、政府~各有关部门要把加快发展学前教育作为中长期教育改革和发展的重要突破口和重大的民生工程来抓~把发展学前教育纳入城镇、社会主义新农村建设规划和社会公共服务体系~确保适龄儿童接受基本的、有质量的学前教育。加大政府投入~大力发展公办幼儿园~实行以公办为主导、民办并举的举措~城区重点支持鼓励民办幼儿园发展~乡镇以公办园为主。2011年起~村级小学全部附设学前班和幼儿班。政府对村级小学附设学前班实行免费教育~享受小学标准的公用经费。到2013年~每个乡镇建设1所公办中心幼儿园。到2015年~在农村逐步形成以镇中心幼儿园为骨干和示范、个体办园为补充的农村学前教育办园格局。充分利用农村小学闲置校舍~创办农村幼儿园。要高度重视幼儿启蒙教育~注重早期幼儿潜能开发和个性发展~做好学前教育与小学教育衔接~防止学前教育“学科化”、“小学化”倾向。 (三)实施教育扶贫移民工程,新建第二所思源实验学校 n sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop5, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootidentsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular acc 在居龙小学校园的基础上新建第二所思源实验学校~把边远地区的天安中学、华侨农场中心学校初中部、公爱农场中心学校初中部、红泉农场中心学校初中部整体迁移到第二所思源实验学校进行寄宿制学习~享受优质教育资源~促进义务教育均衡发展。市政府将根据省的规定按1:1的比例配套学生资助生活费~确保学生完成学业。 (四)实施职业教育基础能力建设工程,做大做强职业教育 扩建职业学校校园~建设实训楼、实验基地、教师周转房、学生宿舍楼~实现普通高中和中等职业学校招生比例大体相当。职业学校在完成全日制中等职业教育的同时~切实担负起企业员工、进城务工人员职业技能培训、城市下岗人员再就业培训和农村劳动力转移培训任务。 研究制定高职教育的可行性报告~推动东方中学升格为海南西部高等职业教育学院~积极与省内外高级技师学院联合办学~开设旅游、越语、贸易等专业~提高劳动者的整体素质。 (五)实施普通高中办学条件建设工程,加快普及高中教育 实施普通高中优质学校建设工程。根据省教育厅的安排~按优质学校办学标准~分五年实施~全面配齐公办普通高中学校的教学仪器设备~完善教学和生活硬件设施。改扩建八所中学、铁路中学、东方中学~争取2012年进入省一级学校的行列~从根本上解决优质学位紧缺、班额过大的问题。 6us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an 适度扩大普通高中教育规模。充分利用琼西中学的现有校舍、办学场地的优势~积极与国内名校开展合作办学~借助内地成功的办学经验~兴办琼西中学高中部。把城区的市二中、思源实验学校办成完全中学~市二中主要招收汉族生~思源实验学校主要招收思源学校的少数民族毕业生~做好思源实验学校初中毕业生免费接受高中教育的对接工作~有效实施普通高中教育的扩容工作。 逐步实行高中免费教育。加大教育经费投入~参照义务教育由政府划拨生均公用经费的做法~测算高中教育阶段生均公用经费。2011年秋季起~全市逐步实行免费高中教育。 (六)实施农村教师周转房建设工程,稳定农村教育队伍 目前~农村中小学~特别是少数民族地区的村级小学~教师周转房紧缺~出现了教师“走读”的现象~影响教师的生活和工作~影响教育教学质量的提高。 2011年起~我市要按省规定的标准加强农村教师周转房建设~设置一房一厅一厨一卫。到2015年~我市将在农村初中学校、乡镇中心学校和部分村级小学全面建设教师周转房~让每位教师都拥有1间住房~切实改善教师的工作和生活条件。 (七)实施教师素质提升工程,全面提高教育教学质量 加强师德师风教育~切实提高教师职业道德水平。开展形式多样的师德师风教育活动~积极引导广大教师树立崇高的职业理想。建立健全师德激励机制~树立师德典型~发挥优秀教 7, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootidentsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accn sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop 师的示范作用。严格师德评价考核~规范教师从教行为~把师德考核结果作为教师聘用、评优评先的重要依据。建立健全师德师风挂制督查和师德问题报告~建立学生、家长和社会参与的监督体系和舆论监督机制。 实施农村中小学教师培训工程。实施新一轮的中小学教师全员培训制度~每学期选派50岁以下的农村教师进行脱产半年的学习培训~提高教师的业务水平和教书育人的整体素质。 完善教师合理流动制度~切实提高农村薄弱边远山区学校师资队伍素质。采取上派支边支教、下选跟班学习的方式~上下联动,组织省级学科带头人与市级骨干教师开展结对子活动~城区学校与薄弱学校开展“一帮一”活动~加强交流互动~引领教师专业化成长。 加强骨干教师的培养~全面提高教师的业务素质。以常规教学为依托~练就扎实的教学基本功~深入开展教研活动~在培养一批中小学学科带头人、骨干教师的基础上向全国招聘一批中学学科带头人~特别是高中教师学科带头人~推进中小学教师继续教育~全面提高教师业务素质。 (八)实施教育信息化工程,改善教育教学条件 把教育信息化纳入我市信息化发展的整体战略~建成覆盖城乡中小学的教育信息化体系~重点加强农村学校信息基础设施建设。到2015年~全市中小学60%的班级配备交互式多媒体教室~为30%的农村乡镇中心小学和40%的农村初中建设满足教学 8us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an 需要的计算机学习教室和教师备课室。 (九)实施中小学厕所改造工程,塑造良好的教育形象 长期以来~由于经费紧缺~农村许多学校没有建设厕所~有的厕所达不到规定的标准~严重影响广大师生的生活。 为适应海南国际旅游岛建设的要求~按照省规定男生40人一个蹲位、女生20人一个蹲位的标准~2011年~我市将在112所无厕所学校建设112个厕所~消除学校无厕所的历史,在73所未达标学校建设73个厕所~改建现有厕所~力争全面完成任务。 (十)实施中小学布局调整工程,加强乡镇寄宿制学校建设 加强12所乡镇中心学校的标准化和寄宿制建设~新建校舍~配置电脑室、图书室、实验室。扩大乡镇中心学校的办学规模~每个乡镇中心学校要达到12个班级、600人以上的标准~做大做强乡镇中心学校。 不足100人的98所村级小学全部改为教学点~四年级以上学生全部到中心学校进行寄宿制学习~享受贫困寄宿制学生补助。教学点人员全部归属乡镇中心学校~不再独立设立校长职务。 撤并港务中学小学部到市三小~学生分流到市三小和铁路小学~扩招港务中学高中部。 (十一)创建东方市铁路中学高中部 identsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accn sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop9, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 为树立品牌学校~选择铁路中学作为班底~在规划康明路400亩土地~建设东方市高级中学~整合现有铁路中学高中部~充分发挥铁路中学的传统优势~满足扩校扩容的需要~让更多东方学子接受优质教育资源。 (十二)申报示范性综合实践基地 规划在东方市八所镇康明路征地100亩~ 积极申报彩票公益金支持示范性综合实践基地~让更多的青少年有机会加强体育锻炼~进一步提高市民的健康水平~助推文明、平安、富强新东方的建设。 (十三)征地扩建城区中小学 为创建规范化学校~适应社会发展的需要~规划征用港门小学校园和东方市盐场用地43亩~扩建职业学校,征用国资委的农机公司用地12.5亩~扩建东方市第六小学,征用八所村菜农用地16.17亩~扩建东方市第五小学,征用八所村民用地65亩~扩建东方市港务中学,征用八所村民用地38亩~扩建八所中学,征用八所村民用地10亩~扩建东方市第一小学。 四、保障措施 (一)加大教育投入,保障教育改革与发展 完善教育经费筹措机制。按增值税、营业税、消费税的3%足额征收教育费附加~按照规定标准征收地方教育附加~专项用于教育事业~落实教育经费的“三个增长”和“两个比例”~到2012年~财政教育支出占财政支出的比例达到14%以上~以后逐年增长,到2015年和2020年~财政教育支出占财政支出 10us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an 的比例分别达到中央核定的比例~确保教育财政拨款的增长明显高于财政经常性收入的增长~确保按在校生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长~保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。 完善义务教育经费保障机制。逐年提高义务教育生均公用经费基本标准和学生人均财政拨款基本标准~积极推行“人员经费,生均公用经费,专项经费”的预算管理模式。到2015年中小学生均公用经费拨款标准达到全国中上水平,完善中小学校舍维修改造长效机制~提高校舍维修经费标准~保证校舍安全。完善非义务教育培养成本分担机制。严格公办学校新举借债务的审批制度~并采取财政拨款、财政贴息和地方国债等多种途径逐步化解公办学校已有债务问题。建立健全绩效评价制度~加强审计监督~提高经费管理水平和使用效益。 确保教师培训经费投入。全面落实中小学教师培训经费各项政策~财政预算中要按照教师工资总额的1.5%安排专项资金用于教师进修培训~义务教育阶段学校教师培训的经费应占年度公用经费预算总额的5%。 健全贫困家庭学生助学体系。进一步落实农村义务教育“两免一补”政策~思源实验学校学生的资助~按省规定小学750元/年~初中1000元/年的标准~市财政按1:1的比例配备生活补助经费~切实提高少数民族学生的生活资助标准。 (二)加强校长和教师队伍建设,提高教师队伍的整体素质 贯彻执行《海南省教育人才发展规划》的规定~完全中学、 n sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop11, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootidentsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular acc 高级中学校长~市教育部门参与推荐、考察~由市委组织部任命,其他校长归属市教育部门管理。完善校长选拔任用办法~逐步取消校长行政级别制。加快建立公开选拔、竞争上岗、择优聘任的校长选拔任用机制~通过差额推荐、差额考察、差额票决的形式~选拔一批懂教育会管理的年轻校长~大胆创新教育管理体制机制~扩大学校办学自主权~走符合教育发展规律的路子~努力提高教学质量~不但要解决好上学的问题~还要解决上好学的问题。 全面推行校长聘任任期制和定期交流制度~形成合理的流动制度~推行校长职级制~建立和完善校长能力和绩效考评办法~促进校长专业化发展~提高校长管理水平。 实施校长素质提升工程。全面落实新一轮中小学校长培训制度~组织校长参加省级培训~开展市级培训~扎实开展新一轮的校长全员培训~提升培训能力和水平。 建立校长挂职锻炼和挂职学习制度。在城区中小学选派一批骨干副校长到乡镇挂职锻炼~从乡镇选派一批业务领导到城区挂职学习~上下互动~挂实职~有实权~办实事。 建立科学的绩效考评制度。结合教师绩效工资的实施~深化学校分配制度改革~建立教师岗位职责、工作绩效和实际贡献的分配激励机制。 合理选调城区中小学教师。因城区中小学学生多、班额大~农村学校学生少、麻雀学校多~为切合实际建议城区按师生比配备教师编制、农村按班数比例配备教师编制。按照《中小学教职工编制标准的实施办法》中有关教职工与学生人数的配备比例规定:城区小学1:23~初中1:17~高中1:14。按照比例计 12us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an 算~高中生9641人~应配备教职工688人~编制数601人~差距87人,实际406人~缺编195人,城区初中生14973人~应配备教职工880人~编制数905人~差距35人,实际697人~缺编208人,城区小学生19369人~应配备教职工842人~编制数624人~差距218人,实际602人~缺教师240人。城区中小学合计缺教职工643人。为促进教师合理流动~满足城区中小学教育教学需要~拟通过公开说课、上课等形式~公平、公正、公开选调城区教师。 招聘高中教师和小学英语、音乐、美术、体育、信息技术等专任教师100人。目前~省编委下达我市中小学教职工编制总数4871人~实际4616人~共缺编255人。另外~每年退休的教职工约计80人~以及部分教师体弱多病不能上课~实际缺编达到400人。高中教师按师生比1:14的比例应配备教师683人~编制数601人~实际406人~缺编195人。从整体来看~教师缺编严重~中学教师严重不足~小学教师有所超编。根据当前的发展形势~高中教育要适当扩招~高中教师的压力不断加大~因此~急需招聘高中教师。小学教师从数量上看有所超编~但是~学科结构不合理~英语、音乐、美术、体育、信息技术等学科教师紧缺。因此~今后3年~每年需要招聘特岗教师70名~小学紧缺学科教师30名~才能缓解高中教师以及小学术科教师紧缺状况~才能按要求开齐开足课程。 加快职业学校“双师型”教师队伍建设~吸引行业、企业技术人员到职业学校兼职~全面推行教师职务聘任制~研究建立现代教师人事制度和分配制度~大力加强中青年教师培养工作。 13, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootidentsral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accn sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to periphefectionts (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 inCG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requireme(?) E s 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases timesmber (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorderses nutment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species caal disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treaocardiiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, mylasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericarddisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiop ,三,加强教育系统的党风廉政和行风建设 从严治教~从严治校~依法办学~推行校务公开。改进教育行政部门的管理水平~改进并加强对学校工作的考核~进一步加强校风、学风建设和校园文化建设。 切实规范办学行为~加强行风建设。健全财务~切实加强对学校收费、基建工程、物资采购、后勤等工作的管理和监督。义务教育阶段实行零收费制度~继续实行和完善公办高中招收择校生的“三限”政策~推行收费公示制度~规范收费行为~解决突出问题~提高群众对教育的满意度~促进教育事业健康发展。 完善学校安全管理机制。健全各项规章制度~落实安全保卫工作主要负责人责任制~增强其安全防范意识~提高防护能力。广泛开展安全文明校园创建活动~建设一批安全文明学校~创造良好的学习、生活和工作环境。高度重视学校维稳工作~提高突发事件应急处置能力~建立维护学校稳定长效工作机制~确保学校平安和谐。 14us drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootravenoor constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intisease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 fnts: dation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requiremeirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrilly requ10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technologes and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy speci chocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning diseaseial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart ertificd application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and ad treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication andisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis an
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