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沉睡的佛山文化沉睡的佛山文化 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integr...
沉睡的佛山文化 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader “沉睡的”佛山文化如何“墙外开花墙内香”?::: 来源:南方日报 日期:2009-2-27 佛山市委书记林元和曾在不同场合说,“岭南文化是佛山最大的优势”。的确,佛山从来就不缺少独特优质的本土文化,从风靡大江南北的黄飞鸿,到最近红极一时的叶问、李小龙,从70多万游客“行通济”到20多万人等待“观音开库”,浸润岭南文化的民俗经久不衰。尴尬的是,这些本土文化在香港商业力量的催化下,正上演着“墙外开花”的故事,还无法转化为佛山的城市竞争力。如何让这些“墙外开的花”回到佛山的“墙内”香起来?这是佛山面临的一大课题。佛山城市形象提升到底还缺少哪些环节?佛山这些优质文化资源能够发挥怎样独特的作用呢? 编者按:本土论坛C2000网友“木村托腮”昨日发贴《不拘一格发掘培养本地人材才能将佛山的文化品牌做大做强》,希望本报记者王基国回应。这期“基国一席谈”就是探讨如何推动佛山本土文化品牌发展问题。 关键词1代言 能不能请甄子丹做形象大使? 能不能找甄子丹做佛山形象大使?本报话题的抛出引发网民这样的畅想。网民“顶翻了天”。 《叶问》、《云南映象》、冯小刚拟拍的新片《唐山大地震》,这几个艺术作品均有着明确的地域归属性,不同的是,后两者都有当地政府的推手。2004年至今,当《云南映象》在南国佛山的演出依然爆满时,已经没有人能回答:云南与《云南映象》是谁火了谁?《唐山大地震》由《余震》更名而来,背后有唐山市政府的投资,“希望能通过电影宣传唐山”。 那么,佛山如何从“墙外开花分外香”的故事中找到能惠及“墙内”的切入点? ?声音 功夫明星、《叶问》主角甄子丹: 《叶问》让别人了解佛山感到欣慰 李小龙是我心中唯一的偶像。愿意为推广佛山武术文化做出自己的努力,这也是接拍《叶问》的初衷之一。听到有人说是通过《叶问》这部影片了解到叶问是佛山人,也加深了对佛山的认识,这让我感到欣慰。 中国策划研究院执行院长(百年省运、千年佛山策划团体负责人)陈荣彪: 《叶问》续集中能否强化佛山元素? 问外国人对佛山的印象,几乎所有人都说李小龙、黄飞鸿,或者说武术。据不完全统计,香港等地拍黄飞鸿、李小龙的影片有100多部,“墙外很香”,但似乎这些跟佛山无关,因为从头到尾都未见佛山政府层面 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 主动利用、整合这些影视宣传影响力。 最近,冯小刚把要拍的《余震》更名为《唐山大地震》,原因之一是“希望能通过电影宣传唐山”,当然唐山市政府也投入大量资金。这对佛山是一个启发。 当前与佛山直接相关的影片《叶问》十分火爆,佛山能否抓住新的契机?比如,佛山能否与剧组协商相关投资,从而加强佛山元素,从剧本、策划、开拍、杀青、首映等包括支持其在国外的推荐都可参与、市领导去看首映,包括有人提出让甄子丹当形象代言人,这些都是可以考虑去做的。佛山就该跳出自身的壳。 另外,佛山也没有自己的城市推介语和城市宣传片,作为产业发达的制造业强市,对本身文化品牌包装推介有所忽视。 应该借武术文化好好宣传一下 很多人知道黄飞鸿、叶问、李小龙,但不一定知道佛山(广东人除外吧),佛山的确应该借这些(武术文化)好好宣传一下,找甄子丹做形象大使就不错啊。不过,感觉电视电影里的佛山,乡土气息都很浓,搞不好外省人都以为佛山就这样。 关键词2整合 如何激活“沉睡中”的佛山文化资源? 打造“岭南风情园”、把“行通济”变成“慈善大会”、加强对“南风古灶”宣传等等,在今年佛山“两会”的提案里,有关佛山旅游文化产业的内容并不少。的确,很多佛山特色的文化资源在“沉睡中”,需要一剂猛药,让它出“身”大汗、焕发生机。 这“药”怎么下?多猛才能脱胎换骨?在佛山的政府工作报告里,就能找到“利用好陶艺、粤剧、武术等传统文化的优势,打造有影响力的佛山特色旅游文化品牌。”的描述。可以肯定的是整合各放资源,这已经是各方的共识。 ?声音 知名实战派品牌营销专家、中国品牌营销学会常务副秘书长李易洲: 城市品牌的打造首先是对本土文化的梳理 我国的城市经营经历了从城市形象到城市营销,再到目前的城市品牌的萌芽阶段。高速城市化浪潮中的新造城运动,其实就是一个城市品牌的重塑过程,而城市品牌的打造首先是对本土文化的梳理。 除了黄飞鸿、李小龙、叶问,还有一些武术名家应该及早挖掘、整理、推出:譬如梁赞、叶问的师傅陈华顺、“咏春三雄”,除了叶问之外的阮奇山、姚才等。遗憾的是,叶问拳馆现已拆除,可否根据历史照片重建?此外,电影《叶问》里有“武馆街”,可否据此开建仿古“武馆街”,把相关武术家事迹、纪念场所围绕此街开建,让“武馆街”成为一个热门旅游线路。 历史、现实资源丰厚的佛山,现在迫切需要解决的是做好资源的整合工作。佛山是武术之乡,武术可 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 以健身;佛山是“美食之乡”,饮食文化可以养生、食疗;三水被誉为“长寿之乡”;佛山是“岭南成药之乡”,佛山第一人民医院、佛山中医院都处于国内领先水平。这些可以整合提炼出“健康产业”的概念,这是非常符合现代社会消费者需要的。可以凭借影视剧最初吸引带动海内外游客,以“健康产业”持续吸引、留住游客,在这个过程中,不仅文化资源,佛山很多优势资源都大有作为,并能形成合力。相信“健康产业”的牌一出,还很可能会吸引其他投资者。 值得关注的是,1940年出生的李小龙,2010年就是70岁诞辰了,海内外很多人关注,可以及早策划准备,两年后,一个全新的佛山,融武术、美食、养生、健康产业、旅游等于一体,将展开胸怀迎接海内外宾客。 能否成立文化产业推广委员会 佛山的文化名片是黄飞鸿李小龙等名人。佛山有很多“名片”,例如佛山石湾公仔陶瓷、历史名人、文俗(秋色、剪纸、行通济等)、岭南龙狮等等……可惜就是没有很好的规划与传承,佛山没有具营销(商业)脑的文化人(或文化官员),保守性格、小城文化、地域局限等原因导致没有很好地将佛山文化名片擦亮。虽然举办了一些大型的文化活动,如选美等,但仍然缺乏利用活动推广佛山的意识。 是否可以成立专门的部门,如佛山文化产业推广委员会,整体打包将佛山的文化优势推广给全国全世界,本身佛山人自己要达成共识,形成合力。但也可以引入一些大型的企业一同做大文化产业。 佛山市新珠江机械设备公司董事长罗青: 地方文化决定产业发展因素 地方文化是最后决定产业能否可持续发展的关键因素,文化有没有人去传承,有没有人去做有文化的事,这不是办几场晚会,开几次运动会就能解决的。如果没有文化气息,周围都是卡拉OK,没有书店,这种文化层次太低了。 关键词3投入政府能投入多少? 唐山政府投资冯小刚担纲的《唐山大地震》,在本土论坛C2000上,就有网友追问,佛山政府会不会花钱来拍《叶问》之类的电影。 在市场经济时代,文化品牌的打造、城市形象的提升、商业力量的介入不容回避。政府的投入在一定程度上能决定本土文化的发展前景。除了钱,佛山文化产业还缺少什么? ?声音 佛山资深新闻人龙建刚: 佛山文化资源还处于“卖原材料”阶段 上周,随南海政府一起考察了华东5市的文化产业,这让我看到佛山与华东地区的差距,华东5市把文化建设作为政府工作重心,把它纳入政府发展规划、当成提升城市形象、软实力的手段。在政府工作报告、 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 里,有关城市文化建设也有很大篇幅。 我明显感觉得到,华东这些地方已经走出GDP误区,把抓文化做为科学发展的重要内涵。文化建设成为这些城市运营的重要的内容。譬如幸福江阴、休闲杭州、富民昆山、运动富阳,朗朗上口的城市口号在提升城市的形象。 佛山有丰富的文化资源,但没有去包装,都还处于“原生态”的阶段,像叶问这样的影视剧的走红,在文化产业领域,佛山还处于“卖原材料”的阶段。也就是说佛山的文化还是原生态的文化,只能自娱自乐,这需要向都市文化进化,这样才能“娱人”,上升到文化产业的高度。 现在佛山本土文化就像当年的南海经济,只见星星,不见月亮。其实佛山文化建设不缺硬件,像体育场馆建设、博物馆等;缺的是软件,这包括城市文化营销意识、城市包装理念。特别是我觉得佛山缺少文化冲动力,文化的野心。 对于城市来说,经济决定实力,文化决定地位。有钱就有实力,但有实力不一定有魅力。从有实力到有魅力的转化,城市的文化氛围就特别重要。只有这样,生活在这里的人才能够感受到浓浓岭南文化,温情起来,浪漫起来。 市政协委员、佛山市新石湾美术陶瓷厂有限公司董事长陈月华: 关键是要“筑巢留凤” 本土的文化要有包容性,但是文化艺术„外来香?不利于本土文化发展,譬如佛山喜欢专家、名人。佛山本土文化资源缺少统一品牌,特别是本土文化人才流失令人担忧,因为文化的兴旺关键是要优秀人才的因素。 政府关键是要去“筑巢留凤”,佛山有很多特色的本土文化,也有很多优秀的本土人才,譬如陶艺大师。如果佛山没有很好的氛围,那么这些人也会像凤凰一样飞走。 在两会期间,我就提过擦亮石湾公仔品牌的建议,石湾公仔是一个具有500多年历史的区域品牌,但其影响仅仅局限在珠三角,这也是很多佛山本土文化品牌普遍面临的尴尬。政府“力度还不够”,在品牌开拓上应该扮演重要角色。 应该要以集体商标提升石湾陶艺,目前,佛山本土特色文化品牌,都缺少积极主动的市场推荐和品牌营销,我就建议应该在政府牵头和支持,包括资金扶持,以佛山市陶瓷行业协会申请石湾公仔集体商标,达到一定水准的企业或作坊才可使用石湾公仔商标,从质量上保证这一品牌。 ?回应 佛山文联主席、佛山市委宣传部副部长商学兵: 对外宣传要用好文化品牌的力量 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 希望在任期内能为加强佛山品牌建设出份力,未来5年文联计划开展千项文艺活动,在筹办这些活动的过程中我们将加强品牌策划观念,在佛山对外宣传中用好文化品牌的力量。另外,在促进文化产业的发展,推动文艺走向市场,接下来将做一些尝试。 市政协委员、佛山青年粤剧团团长李淑勤: 京剧的推广值得粤剧借鉴 京剧的推广经验值得粤剧借鉴。根据教育部安排,北京、天津、上海、江苏等10省市中小学开展国粹京剧进课堂试点。那么,粤剧有无可能进佛山中小学生课堂、进社区? 另外,我建议规划一个具有粤剧发源地特色的、有标注性的、综合性的粤剧发展基地,把其作为佛山的旅游观光点之一。可以把佛山琼花会馆、祖庙戏台、粤剧博物馆等结合一起,形成一个粤剧文化之旅,与广州的粤剧优势互补、错位发展、资源共享。 市政协委员、佛山市太吉酒厂有限公司董事长范绍辉: 酒店周末入住率不及平时值得深思 因为我们经营禅城酒店,所以对酒店业有一定的了解。在佛山有个很奇怪的现象,就是周一到周五酒店的入住率还是比较理想的,主要是商务人士来往带来的客源。不过到了周末,酒店的入住率却不到20%,这是个值得思考的现象。 这说明佛山旅游文化业并不发达,尽管佛山有很多不错的特色资源,不管是武术、中药还是各种民俗。佛山的岭南文化发源地魅力并没有被发掘,这需要政府的大力扶持,去推荐城市旅游资源,推荐城市的特色文化。 C2000网友木村托腮: “佛山黄飞鸿”全是香港造 影视作品不但能提升城市的形象、是城市的名片,还是零污染的创意产业。佛山为什么没有一部有影响力的、受广大人民群众喜闻乐见的影视作品?原因很简单:有能力运用这部分资源的人不重视本地人才。 佛山为何花大量的人力物力来重拍《孔子》这样博大的题材,舍弃花少钱就能发掘的本地题材?《孔子》就算拍得非常成功,花钱买吆喝,还不是为佛山吆喝。众多的黄飞鸿电影,有谁记得起哪部片是哪家公司拍的?印在脑海里最深印象的,还是“佛山黄飞鸿”。 香港这方面就做得非常成功,不但能赚钱,从而形成产业链拉动GNP,还大大提升了香港的形象,成为东方好莱坞,使香港被评为人生50个必到之地之一。 ?网友热议 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 企业要保持优势提高品牌底蕴 “基国一席谈”抛出的“„保增长?如何让中小企感觉更实在?”话题,在业界、官方激起千层浪,大家针砭弊端,描绘复兴蓝图。 “企业要的是环境、治安、生态、交通、政策,政府做好份内事,无难、无贪,企业会很有办法。佛山企业更要保持优势,提高综合实力和品牌。”……也许昨日网民回复的部分看法在专家眼里不够敏锐,缺乏理性思考,但是,通过集思广益,为处于金融风暴下的佛山中小企业,撕破“资金慌”、“政策滞后”等重重枷锁,是不容质疑的。 三声叹息: 企业要的是环境、治安、生态、交通、政策,政府做好份内事,无难、无贪,企业会很有办法。 问道于盲: 佛山企业大多数热衷于做自有品牌,并同时开拓国内国外两个市场,内外向并重,甚至很多企业都偏向于内向型。在国际宏观环境向好的时候,无论内向和外向,都有广阔的市场空间和盈利能力。佛山企业的综合实力和品牌底蕴要深厚很多,其制造业受国际金融风暴的影响自然要小很多,抗寒能力较强。所以佛山更要保持优势,提高企业的综合实力和品牌底蕴。 麻辣烫: 我不觉得,佛山这些产业集群广泛而分散,每个产业集群形成了一个个规模大小不等的城镇,从而形成了一个个卫星城市。因此,佛山是一个中心城市较小、卫星城市较多的分散型城市。这种分散性质的卫星城市有着容易铺“大饼”、形成仙女散花般发展形势的优势,但也存在着城市集约度低,资源整合性差的致命缺点,导致城市的张力比较弱。 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party
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