

2017-09-26 29页 doc 79KB 3阅读




春季幼儿营养食谱春季幼儿营养食谱 一、 鸡蛋肉饼, 植物油少许,葱、姜、蒜末适量及番茄酱适量,盐、糖、米醋、味精及水淀粉适量。 制作:将鸡蛋打入碗中放少许盐、味精,鸡蛋打散后,待用;猪肉切成绿豆大小的粒状,待用;将干净炒锅放置炉火,烧热后放少许油,倒入鸡蛋液摊成厚薄均匀的饼状,两面略金黄,完全成熟,盛入一盆中;炒锅中放少许油,再放入葱花、蒜末,煸出香味后,放入适量番茄酱,及少许汤汁煸出红油后,放入肉粒煸炒,加盐、糖、味精炒至肉粒成熟后淋少许米醋,水淀粉勾芡后,盛入装蛋饼盆中即可。 营养小秘密:把鸡蛋做成蛋饼,既香嫩又色泽红亮,尤其是口...
春季幼儿营养食谱 一、 鸡蛋肉饼, 植物油少许,葱、姜、蒜末适量及番茄酱适量,盐、糖、米醋、味精及水淀粉适量。 制作:将鸡蛋打入碗中放少许盐、味精,鸡蛋打散后,待用;猪肉切成绿豆大小的粒状,待用;将干净炒锅放置炉火,烧热后放少许油,倒入鸡蛋液摊成厚薄均匀的饼状,两面略金黄,完全成熟,盛入一盆中;炒锅中放少许油,再放入葱花、蒜末,煸出香味后,放入适量番茄酱,及少许汤汁煸出红油后,放入肉粒煸炒,加盐、糖、味精炒至肉粒成熟后淋少许米醋,水淀粉勾芡后,盛入装蛋饼盆中即可。 营养小秘密:把鸡蛋做成蛋饼,既香嫩又色泽红亮,尤其是口味甜酸的肉粒能大大提起不爱吃鸡蛋宝贝的食趣,很适合1岁半以上的宝贝。 二、蔬菜小杂炒 原料:土豆、蘑菇、胡萝卜、黑木耳及山药各15克,植物油、精盐、味素及芝麻油各少许,水淀粉适量。 制作:先将所有的原料切成片,待用;把洗干净的炒锅放在炉火上,放入少许油,等烧热后放入胡萝卜片、土豆片和山药片,煸炒片刻,再放入适量的汤汁;烧开后,加入蘑菇片、黑木耳和少许盐,烧至原料酥烂,加一点点味素,然后用水淀粉勾芡,再淋上少许芝麻油即成。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 营养小秘密:如果1岁半左右的宝贝不爱吃蔬菜,可利用他们在这个时期好奇心很强的特点,把平日不爱吃的各种蔬菜合在一起,做出色泽鲜艳的饭菜吸引他们。这些蔬菜中含有生长发育十分需要的多种营养,口味也很适宜宝贝。 三、香香炒米饭 原料:米饭50克、土豆10克、黄瓜10克、黑木耳5克及鸡肉10克,植物油、葱花、黄酒、盐、味素各少许。 制作:将土豆、黄瓜切成丁,黑木耳用水发后略用刀切几下,待用;把洗干净的炒锅置于炉火上,加入少许油,待烧热后先放入鸡丁煸炒片刻,再加入少许汤水;烧开后,略微焖烧一会儿,等鸡丁熟烂后放入土豆丁和黑木耳,烧煮片刻取出待用;将洗净的炒锅里放入少许油烧热,放入米饭、葱花煸炒几下,放入黄瓜丁及其他原料,加入少许黄酒、盐、味素一起煸炒至入味即成。 营养小秘密:米饭是2岁以上宝贝的主食,如果宝贝不爱吃,妈咪可在里面加一些别的东西,就会使米饭“面目皆非”,引起宝贝的兴趣。 宝宝长高小菜谱 人体长高,主要取决于人体长骨的发育,尤其是大腿的股骨和小腿的胫骨和腓骨。这些长骨的发育要靠有机物质的生成和骨盐的沉积。有机物质的主要成分是蛋白质。骨盆的主要成分是钙、磷及少量的无机元素,如钾、镁、钠等。因此,要想 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 自己的孩子长得高,饮食应注意提供含丰富蛋白质和钙、磷成分的食物,为孩子的长骨发育创造良好物质条件。 一、猪肝鸡蛋 新鲜猪肝50克,新鲜鸡蛋—个,大米100克。先将大米在锅内熬到开花为度。将猪肝制成泥状,用少许食用油炒热备用。将鸡蛋制成蛋花,与热鸡肝一起放进粥内熬成粥状,待温,调味后食用,隔日一次。猪肝含丰富优质蛋白质,富含钙、磷及维生素A。鸡蛋则含有婴幼儿成长需要的卵蛋白和卵球蛋白,而且钙、磷等无机盐含量也很丰富,是儿童增高的理想食品。 二、鸡蛋黄粉粥 新鲜鸡蛋一个,煮熟后除去蛋白,留下蛋黄。将蛋黄研细,加入已煮好的米粥中拌匀食用,每天1~2次。蛋黄中含有丰富的卵磷脂、钙、磷和维生素A、多种脂类,色香味俱全,适合婴幼儿食用。 三、鸡肝猪腿黄芪汤 取新鲜鸡肝50克,新鲜猪腿骨50克,黄芪30克,五味子3克。将鸡肝切成片备用;将猪腿骨打成碎片状与黄芪、五味子一起放进砂锅内,加适量清水,先用武火煮沸后,改为文火煮一小时,再滤去骨渣和药渣。然后将鸡肝片放进已煮好的猪骨汤内煮熟,按口味加调料,待温后吃鸡肝喝汤。鸡肝含丰富的蛋白质、钙、磷以及多种维生素,猪腿骨也含有钙、磷、镁、铁、钾等多种无机元素,配以黄芪、五味子,有利于蛋白质、钙、磷 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 等成分的吸收,对小儿长骨的生长发育甚为有利。 四、猪骨波菜汤 取新鲜猪脊骨350克,菠菜200克。用清水洗净猪脊骨,砍碎,放入砂锅内,加适量清水,先用武火,后用文火煮两小时;然后将洗净的菠菜放入汤中,再煮10分钟,加入调料,饮汤吃菠菜。猪脊骨含有镁、钙、磷、铁等多种无机盐,菠菜中含有相应的酶,因此对补充镁、铁、钙、磷等无机元素效果较好。 五、牡蛎肉汤 取新鲜牡蛎肉100克,生姜丝少许。将牡蛎肉放入砂锅内,加上生姜丝少许,加适量清水,用中火煨成浓汤,再加入少量调味料,待温后饮汤吃牡蛎肉。牡蛎肉含有丰富的蛋白质、糖类、脂类及钙、磷等无机盐和多种矿物质,是一味简单可行的助长高汤剂。 3岁孩子有好菜 在这个“只生一个好”的时代,每一个孩子就更成妈妈、爸爸的心肝宝贝。为了孩子的健康,爸爸、妈妈们不惜花大钱为他们买许多营养品,可是,营养品是不是就一定好呢?您有没有想过亲手为孩子做上几道他们爱吃的菜,在孩子补充了营养的同时,也体验到了妈妈爸爸的关爱。这起不是一举两得,那么,现在就来教您两手吧! 一、虾仁豆腐 用料:嫩板豆腐1件,小虾仁75克,鸡蛋1只打散。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 调味:鸡汤或肉汤半杯(水也可以)。盐1/6茶匙。糖1/4茶匙。鲜酱油半茶匙。 芡:生粉1茶匙,水2汤匙。 做法: 1.虾仁抽去肠,洗净滴干水。 2. 板豆腐放入滚水中煮3分钟,捞起,片去底及面的皮不要,豆腐切小粒。 3.烧热锅,下油1汤匙,放下调味。豆腐煮滚,下虾仁煮熟,埋芡,加入鸡蛋拌匀即成。 营养与功能:营养丰富,容易消化。 二、妈咪的薄饼 用料:方包皮酌量,做薄饼的芝士刨丝约1杯,番茄450克,洋葱半个切丝,肠仔5条切片。 调味:盐1/3茶匙,糖半茶匙。 做法: 1.番茄放人滚水中浸5分钟,取起去衣去核切碎。 2.下油一汤匙,放下番茄及调味炒至汁干铲起。 3.将一个七寸圆碟(做鸡批的碟也可以)搽上牛油,把方包皮紧密地排在碟上,洒下薄薄一层芝士,放下番茄抹平,然后放下肠仔、洋葱,最后铺上芝士。 4. 预早15分钟把局炉开热,放薄饼入局炉,用高火局约20分钟至面呈黄色,即可取出切件进食。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 说明: 薄饼己成为现今小朋友的时尚食物,自己动手做也不困 难。馅料可随备人口味改变加多或减少。不喜欢肠仔,可以改 为火腿或海鲜。做三文治余下的面包皮,急冻后够一定分量便 可做薄饼了。母亲可教育小朋友利用剩余物资做出新食物,这 样,可能给他一个灵活运用材料的启示 更多 精品 来自 3 e d u 论 文 ; 1 豆腐洗净,整块放于上汤内,文火煮10分钟,取出隔去水分后切成小块放在碟上; 2 皮蛋剥皮切成粗粒,以糖拌匀,与苹果粒同加在豆腐上; 3 将调味料调成汁均匀浇在皮蛋豆腐上即可。 妈妈心得:如果做莱时上汤难找,又想图省事,就用鸡精与凉开水调制。平时做肉、鸡汤、鱼汤时可以用罐装冷藏,以备平时烹调之需。 十五、鸭蛋豆腐 原料 豆腐250克,成鸭蛋1~2个,青菜适量 做法: 1 豆腐切成小块,青莱切碎; 2 咸鸭蛋剥开,将蛋黄与蛋清分离,蛋黄压成泥; 3 油烧至八成热,倒入备好的蛋黄泥,炒散,然后放入豆腐块炒熟, 4 出锅前洒上香油,青菜末出锅。 妈妈心得:这道菜咸鲜可口,营养丰富,均衡。做法简单。 1 豆腐宜选用老豆腐; 2 为引起食欲配色,可选用红色蔬菜,加胡萝卜切成丝,西红柿切成application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 小块儿,更易引起宝宝的食欲。 3 成鸭蛋的选量根据个人口味而定。老豆腐在制作时较难入味,而鸭蛋黄在炒后会均匀附着在豆腐上,便于豆腐入味。 十六、家常豆腐 原料 豆腐1块,瘦肉丝250克,油菜心500克 调料 猪油(食用油)50克,酱油60克,精盐15克,鸡精5克,淀粉100克,葱,姜末少许 做法: 1 将菜心切成1.5厘米的段,用开水烫一下,捞出控净水;豆腐切成1.5厘米厚的小三角形,用热油炸咸淡黄色; 2 肉丝用水、淀粉、盐搅拌,用热锅温油滑散捞出沥油; 3 将猪油放入锅内,下入葱、姜末炝锅,加入肉丝,酱油,翻炒均匀,倒入凉开水烧开后投入豆腐,油菜心,用小火煨2~3分钟,加鸡精,勾芡,出锅即成。 妈妈心得: 最好要嫩豆腐,炸前要控净水,豆腐要分几次下锅炸,否则炸不好易碎。豆腐要等油热时再下锅,火不要太大,投入豆腐后推一推立即捞出,以防炸老。 十七、红烧豆腐 原料 豆腐1块,蒜苗1根 调料 糖、盐、酱油 做法: application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 将豆腐切成骰子大小的方块,蒜苗切成末,倒入菜油,温热时倒入豆腐翻炒,撒姜末、喷料酒后,即盖上锅盖半分钟,然后加糖2小勺(根据个人喜欢增减)、盐(1小勺)、老抽酱油(2大勺)翻炒,最后盛盘,撒蒜苗末即可。 妈妈心得: 下班后在菜场买一小块豆腐、几根蒜苗、一块生姜,应该是“顺手”之事;切豆腐、蒜苗、姜末不费时费事;旺火2分钟即可炒得——快!可以免去宝宝喊“饿”的“骚扰”,而且这道菜味道鲜美,营养价值高。 十八、杂锦蛋丝 原料:鸡蛋2个,青椒50克,干香菇5克,胡萝卜50克及油、盐、味精、水淀粉、麻油适量。 制法: 1、先将鸡蛋蛋清、蛋黄分别打入2个容器内,打散后加入少许水淀粉打匀(不可打起泡)。 2、再分别放入涂油的方盘中,入锅隔水蒸熟(用中小火,大火会起孔变老)。 3、冷却后取出,分别切成蛋白丝和蛋黄丝。 4、香菇用温水浸泡变软,青椒洗净挖去子,胡萝卜洗净,分别切成丝。 5、炒锅中加油,放入胡萝卜丝、香菇丝、青椒丝,煸炒至熟,放入蛋白丝和蛋黄丝,加入盐、味精,翻炒均匀,淋入麻油即成。 春季营养羹 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 一、豌豆枸杞子玉米羹 原料:豌豆50克,枸杞子5克淀粉15克,白糖适量。 制法:鲜玉米粒50克 (1)枸杞子用温水泡开待用,玉米粒用粉碎机打成碎粒,淀粉调湿。 (2)在沸水锅中放人豌豆、枸杞和碎玉米粒,煮酥后力n入白糖,淋入湿淀粉即成。 特点:甜香可口,红黄绿相间,适合2岁以上幼儿食用。 蕾养价值:豌豆营养丰富,尤其钙、磷、铁质含量高;枸杞子中矿物质和维生素齐全;玉米为杂粮,润肠通便,具有清热、明日、解毒等功效。 二、生菜开洋肉汁麦片羹 原料:生菜30克,开洋15克,汤骨100克,麦片50克,淀粉15克,赤豆适量,黄酒、盐和味精少许。 制法: (1)将生菜洗净切成小片,开洋用黄酒泡软,切成细粒,汤骨洗净劈断待用。 (2)在锅中放入葱末、汤骨、赤豆、水和黄酒,烧开后撇去浮沫,改用中火烧20分钟,捞出汤骨和赤豆。力口入葱姜、开洋粒,然后加入生菜,淋入湿淀粉勾芡,再加入盐和味精即成。 特点:鲜美可口,绿白相衬。适合1岁半以上幼儿食用。 营养价值:开洋钙质丰富,汤骨煮汤汁,肥润美味有利于脂溶性维生素的溶解,生菜维生素C丰富,对钙和铁质的吸收有利,麦片为粗粮,适量补充,有利于幼儿的消化与吸收。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 几款宝宝春令进补粥 熬粥的窍门 1.选材要丰富。 2.五谷杂粮,时鲜蔬菜,各类坚果,动物肉和内脏,鱼虾和豆类都可选用。 3.搭配要按比例 粗粮和细粮,荤菜和蔬菜,粮食和豆类需要按比例搭配。一般的搭配比例为1:1.5~2。粗粮营养虽好,但在粥里比例太多,小孩反而不易消化吸收。其他的原料也同样。 4.火候先急后缓 先用旺火烧开,煮滚3~5分钟,再改用文火细煮,而且整个过程最好一气呵成,中途不能断火,不能加水。否则,稀饭煮不稠,味不浓。 5.大厨的小秘方 若煮粥的时候,加一些食用油,即使火急一点,米汤也不会外溢,保证了营养,而且,煮出来的稀饭特别香,特别鲜,特别糯稠滑顺。 一、赤豆莲心血糯粥 原料:赤豆50克,莲心25克,血糯米50克,粳米100克,冰糖50克。 注:煮稀饭时米和其他配料的量若太少,不容易煮稠,故这里提供的是一家三口食用的量。下同。 制法: (1)将赤豆、莲心洗净煮酥;血糯米与粳米分别漂洗后浸泡待用。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check (2)锅中水旺火烧开后,加入血糯米,再旺火烧开5分钟,改用小火煮15分钟,然后加粳米烧至酥烂,再加入煮酥的赤豆和莲心一并烧煮,最后加冰糖溶化即可。 特点:香糯顺滑,红中有白,适合1岁半以上幼儿食用。 营养价值:含有充足的热量和维生素B,、维生素B,、铁、钙等营养素;健脾补血,解毒消肿,有助于幼儿春季强身健体。 二、花生海鲜米仁粥 原料:花生仁30克,水发海参30克,目鱼30克,虾仁30克,米仁50克,粳米100克,盐、酒适量;葱、姜、米醋少许,汤骨100克。 制法: (1)将花生仁洗净煮酥后,碾成小颗粒;海参去肠,洗净切成小粒;目鱼与虾仁洗净、切丁;米仁与粳米分别漂洗备用。 (2)在锅中加入葱、姜和酒适量,放入汤骨(斩断),烧开后,撇去浮沫,滴入米醋少许,再小火烧40分钟。 (3)取出汤骨和葱姜,放入米仁旺火烧开后,改小火煮;米仁开花后,加入粳米一并熬成粥。 (4)加入花生细粒、海参、目鱼和虾仁,一同滚熟,再加入盐、葱末即可。 特点:鲜香独特,润滑糯口,适合1岁半以上幼儿食用。 营养价值:含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和矿物质,钙质尤其丰富,花生中的维生素E和卵磷脂充足,有增智益脑的作用,而且还具有养血润肺、去燥除湿等功效,为幼儿补钙营养粥。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 三、香菜鸡肝小米粥 原料:香菜20克,鸡肝50克,黄小米50克,粳米100克,盐、黄酒适量,葱姜少量,汤骨1段,味精少许。 制法: (1)将鸡肝浸泡去腥洗净后切成细粒:香菜洗净切碎末,黄小米和粳米分别漂洗待用。 (2)在锅中加入葱姜、黄酒和水,而后放劈断的汤骨;水开后,撇去浮沫,改用中火烧20分钟;取出葱姜和汤骨,倒入粳米,烧开后再力口入小米,一并煮成粥;再放进鸡肝粒,滚熟后力n进香菜、盐和味精即可。 特点:鲜香美味,白里透红显绿,适合1岁以上幼儿食用。 营养价值:鸡肝营养丰富,蛋白质含量高,维生素A含量为食品之首:铁、锌和维生素B1B,丰富,小米与粳米粗细粮搭配,营养互补:香菜中维生素C含量多,对铁质吸收有帮助。 适合挑食的宝宝食用: 一、鱼味蛋饼 原料:鸡蛋200克、猪肉50克, 更多 精品 来自 3 e d u 论 文 植物油少许,葱、姜、蒜末适量及番茄酱适量,盐、糖、米醋、味精及水淀粉适量。 制作:将鸡蛋打入碗中放少许盐、味精,鸡蛋打散后,待用;猪肉切成绿豆大小的粒状,待用;将干净炒锅放置炉火,烧热后放少许油,倒入鸡蛋液摊成厚薄均匀的饼状,两面略金黄,完全成熟,盛入一盆中;炒锅中放少许油,再放入葱花、蒜末,煸出香味后,放入适量番茄酱,及少许汤application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 汁煸出红油后,放入肉粒煸炒,加盐、糖、味精炒至肉粒成熟后淋少许米醋,水淀粉勾芡后,盛入装蛋饼盆中即可。 营养小秘密:把鸡蛋做成蛋饼,既香嫩又色泽红亮,尤其是口味甜酸的肉粒能大大提起不爱吃鸡蛋宝贝的食趣,很适合1岁半以上的宝贝。 二、蔬菜小杂炒 原料:土豆、蘑菇、胡萝卜、黑木耳及山药各15克,植物油、精盐、味素及芝麻油各少许,水淀粉适量。 制作:先将所有的原料切成片,待用;把洗干净的炒锅放在炉火上,放入少许油,等烧热后放入胡萝卜片、土豆片和山药片,煸炒片刻,再放入适量的汤汁;烧开后,加入蘑菇片、黑木耳和少许盐,烧至原料酥烂,加一点点味素,然后用水淀粉勾芡,再淋上少许芝麻油即成。 营养小秘密:如果1岁半左右的宝贝不爱吃蔬菜,可利用他们在这个时期好奇心很强的特点,把平日不爱吃的各种蔬菜合在一起,做出色泽鲜艳的饭菜吸引他们。这些蔬菜中含有生长发育十分需要的多种营养,口味也很适宜宝贝。 三、香香炒米饭 原料:米饭50克、土豆10克、黄瓜10克、黑木耳5克及鸡肉10克,植物油、葱花、黄酒、盐、味素各少许。 制作:将土豆、黄瓜切成丁,黑木耳用水发后略用刀切几下,待用;把洗干净的炒锅置于炉火上,加入少许油,待烧热后先放入鸡丁煸炒片刻,再加入少许汤水;烧开后,略微焖烧一会儿,等鸡丁熟烂后放入土豆丁application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 和黑木耳,烧煮片刻取出待用;将洗净的炒锅里放入少许油烧热,放入米饭、葱花煸炒几下,放入黄瓜丁及其他原料,加入少许黄酒、盐、味素一起煸炒至入味即成。 营养小秘密:米饭是2岁以上宝贝的主食,如果宝贝不爱吃,妈咪可在里面加一些别的东西,就会使米饭“面目皆非”,引起宝贝的兴趣。 宝宝长高小菜谱 人体长高,主要取决于人体长骨的发育,尤其是大腿的股骨和小腿的胫骨和腓骨。这些长骨的发育要靠有机物质的生成和骨盐的沉积。有机物质的主要成分是蛋白质。骨盆的主要成分是钙、磷及少量的无机元素,如钾、镁、钠等。因此,要想自己的孩子长得高,饮食应注意提供含丰富蛋白质和钙、磷成分的食物,为孩子的长骨发育创造良好物质条件。 一、猪肝鸡蛋 新鲜猪肝50克,新鲜鸡蛋—个,大米100克。先将大米在锅内熬到开花为度。将猪肝制成泥状,用少许食用油炒热备用。将鸡蛋制成蛋花,与热鸡肝一起放进粥内熬成粥状,待温,调味后食用,隔日一次。猪肝含丰富优质蛋白质,富含钙、磷及维生素A。鸡蛋则含有婴幼儿成长需要的卵蛋白和卵球蛋白,而且钙、磷等无机盐含量也很丰富,是儿童增高的理想食品。 二、鸡蛋黄粉粥 新鲜鸡蛋一个,煮熟后除去蛋白,留下蛋黄。将蛋黄研细,加入已煮好的米粥中拌匀食用,每天1~2次。蛋黄中含有丰富的卵磷脂、钙、application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 磷和维生素A、多种脂类,色香味俱全,适合婴幼儿食用。 三、鸡肝猪腿黄芪汤 取新鲜鸡肝50克,新鲜猪腿骨50克,黄芪30克,五味子3克。将鸡肝切成片备用;将猪腿骨打成碎片状与黄芪、五味子一起放进砂锅内,加适量清水,先用武火煮沸后,改为文火煮一小时,再滤去骨渣和药渣。然后将鸡肝片放进已煮好的猪骨汤内煮熟,按口味加调料,待温后吃鸡肝喝汤。鸡肝含丰富的蛋白质、钙、磷以及多种维生素,猪腿骨也含有钙、磷、镁、铁、钾等多种无机元素,配以黄芪、五味子,有利于蛋白质、钙、磷等成分的吸收,对小儿长骨的生长发育甚为有利。 四、猪骨波菜汤 取新鲜猪脊骨350克,菠菜200克。用清水洗净猪脊骨,砍碎,放入砂锅内,加适量清水,先用武火,后用文火煮两小时;然后将洗净的菠菜放入汤中,再煮10分钟,加入调料,饮汤吃菠菜。猪脊骨含有镁、钙、磷、铁等多种无机盐,菠菜中含有相应的酶,因此对补充镁、铁、钙、磷等无机元素效果较好。 五、牡蛎肉汤 取新鲜牡蛎肉100克,生姜丝少许。将牡蛎肉放入砂锅内,加上生姜丝少许,加适量清水,用中火煨成浓汤,再加入少量调味料,待温后饮汤吃牡蛎肉。牡蛎肉含有丰富的蛋白质、糖类、脂类及钙、磷等无机盐和多种矿物质,是一味简单可行的助长高汤剂。 3岁孩子有好菜 在这个“只生一个好”的时代,每一个孩子就更成妈妈、爸爸的心肝application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 宝贝。为了孩子的健康,爸爸、妈妈们不惜花大钱为他们买许多营养品,可是,营养品是不是就一定好呢?您有没有想过亲手为孩子做上几道他们爱吃的菜,在孩子补充了营养的同时,也体验到了妈妈爸爸的关爱。这起不是一举两得,那么,现在就来教您两手吧! 一、虾仁豆腐 用料:嫩板豆腐1件,小虾仁75克,鸡蛋1只打散。 调味:鸡汤或肉汤半杯(水也可以)。盐1/6茶匙。糖1/4茶匙。鲜酱油半茶匙。 芡:生粉1茶匙,水2汤匙。 做法: 1.虾仁抽去肠,洗净滴干水。 2. 板豆腐放入滚水中煮3分钟,捞起,片去底及面的皮不要,豆腐切小粒。 3.烧热锅,下油1汤匙,放下调味。豆腐煮滚,下虾仁煮熟,埋芡,加入鸡蛋拌匀即成。 营养与功能:营养丰富,容易消化。 二、妈咪的薄饼 用料:方包皮酌量,做薄饼的芝士刨丝约1杯,番茄450克,洋葱半个切丝,肠仔5条切片。 调味:盐1/3茶匙,糖半茶匙。 做法: 1.番茄放人滚水中浸5分钟,取起去衣去核切碎。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 2.下油一汤匙,放下番茄及调味炒至汁干铲起。 3.将一个七寸圆碟(做鸡批的碟也可以)搽上牛油,把方包皮紧密地排在碟上,洒下薄薄一层芝士,放下番茄抹平,然后放下肠仔、洋葱,最后铺上芝士。 4. 预早15分钟把局炉开热,放薄饼入局炉,用高火局约20分钟至面呈黄色,即可取出切件进食。 说明: 薄饼己成为现今小朋友的时尚食物,自己动手做也不困难。馅料可随备人口味改变加多或减少。不喜欢肠仔,可以改为火腿或海鲜。做三文治余下的面包皮,急冻后够一定分量便可做薄饼了。母亲可教育小朋友利用剩余物资做出新食物,这样,可能给他一个灵活运用材料的启示 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 春季幼儿营养食谱 灰堆坡幼儿园 2014年2月 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check
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