

2017-12-05 21页 doc 56KB 32阅读




纺纱体,孩子体,走近科学体,咆哮体,淘宝体,梨花体,银镯体,剪刀体,排比体,红楼体,蜜糖体纺纱体,孩子体,走近科学体,咆哮体,淘宝体,梨花体,银镯体,剪刀体,排比体,红楼体,蜜糖体 纺纱体,孩子体,走近科学体,咆哮体,淘宝体,梨花体, 银镯体,剪刀体,排比体,红楼体,蜜糖体„ 【纺纱体】 范文:因为人用大脑思考你是苹果你用果核所以你不懂 我亲爱的朋友们也许是时候听听一些忠告了 虽然难免会有些刺耳但不可否认的是这将非常的诚恳 贯彻倒装句决不用标点 文体由来:最早是从百度贴吧传出,网名“女王夜叉”的女吧主经常用一种居高临下、盛气凌人的古怪文体“训示”吧友,从一开始被网友鄙视、批判到后来模仿跟风,演变至最后甚至有...
纺纱体,孩子体,走近科学体,咆哮体,淘宝体,梨花体,银镯体,剪刀体,排比体,红楼体,蜜糖体 纺纱体,孩子体,走近科学体,咆哮体,淘宝体,梨花体, 银镯体,剪刀体,排比体,红楼体,蜜糖体„ 【纺纱体】 范文:因为人用大脑思考你是苹果你用果核所以你不懂 我亲爱的朋友们也许是时候听听一些忠告了 虽然难免会有些刺耳但不可否认的是这将非常的诚恳 贯彻倒装句决不用标点 文体由来:最早是从百度贴吧传出,网名“女王夜叉”的女吧主经常用一种居高临下、盛气凌人的古怪文体“训示”吧友,从一开始被网友鄙视、批判到后来模仿跟风,演变至最后甚至有人成立了“纺纱教”专门学习此类文体――当然,其中暗含对其创始人的讽刺是不言而喻的。 文体特点:顾名思义就是仿照莎士比亚语体,需要达到那种由英文翻译成中文的阅读效果,使说话如莎士比亚戏剧一样优美。 简单教程:倒装句决不改成主动句式,翻译时尽量词不达意,决不能使用粗俗字眼,坚决摒除网络流行语如偶(我)、表(不要)等等,称呼应该注意使用敬语,如“您、阁下、在下”,最重要的是发言决不能使用标点符号。 【走近科学体】 范文:深夜,一声巨响,一个不明物体从天而降,撞断树枝,砸穿屋顶,深陷地面十几厘米。 村民们回忆,“那东西”掉落下来时温度很高,摸起来还特别烫手,大家议论纷纷,有人说是陨石,有人说是飞机零件„„到底是天外来物还是另有原因, 《走近科学》为您揭开谜底――一个私灌氢气的小贩弄炸了氢气筒,碎片四处散落所致。 过程很悬乎 结果太平常 文体由来:模仿自中央电视台科教频道同名节目解说词。 文体特点:故弄玄虚,先吊足读者胃口,然后呈现一个再平常不过的结果。 简单教程:“打呼噜”不叫“打呼噜”,叫“深夜里的恐怖怪音”;“神经病”不叫“神经病”,叫“灵魂出窍”或“僵尸附体”。全文需大量使用“然而,意想不到的事发生了”、“事情远quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 非这样简单„„”等语句。 【孩子体】 起源于ID:八月是恨 在天涯八卦的帖子《请你们放过小四好吗,他不过是个孩子 》,迅 速流行 美文欣赏:K 作者:八月是恨 提交日期:2007-6-6 12:12:00 访问:25432 回复:1836 日复一日的折腾,你们有没有想过他的感受( 满足了自己无聊的空虚,却伤害了别人( 你们不喜欢他就请忘了他( 他还 只是个孩子,你们可曾想过这些会给他带来什么 请你们放过小四好吗, 请你们放过小四好吗,( 为了自己的私欲,这样不好( 网上不是泄愤的地方( 不要因为自己的语言污染了别人( 谢谢( 谢谢( 【剪刀体】 起源于ID:双股剪刀,属于八卦小语种,未见广泛传播 文体特点:呀、哦、拉 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 美文欣赏: K 作者:双股剪刀 提交日期:2007-3-11 12:45:00 访问:3729 回复:128 刘粉总是说我在黑LYF哦,其实我对她也没什么特别的看法拉,只是感觉她做为演员没什么亮点,过于普通了呀。还有就是感觉她穿衣服化装问题很大的拉,不会掩盖缺点拉。既然刘粉很说我是黑了哦,我就认真的黑她依次拉,也没枉担虚名了拉。 今天看到一个帖子,是说LYF在美国纪几年的问题拉,我对这个不了解,于是去GOOGLE了一下拉,得到这样一个说法“刘亦菲1987年8月出生在武汉,94年从幼儿圆毕业,小学5年级10岁时随父母远赴美国。2002年年初回到北京”。首先我查了查,好象这个说法很得到认可的拉。但是这里有个很明显的时间错误,大家有没有注意到呢,LYF是87年出生的呀,她94年上小学的话哦,小学入学是在年中吧,所以LYF就是7岁上的小学了呀,她升到小学5年级应该是12岁了呀。怎么能说她是“5年级10岁时随父母远赴美国”呢呀, 这样算出来,LYF在美国的时间就是2年半左右了呀。 【红楼体】 范文:一天,我发现我最爱的《红楼梦》磁带被人洗去了几段,一个要好些的女孩儿悄悄告诉我:“人家这会子都听李玟、张惠妹,独你这样不入流,总听这些悲悲切切的音乐„„扰了大家的兴致„„往后还是改了吧,到底还是合群些的好„„” 模仿《红楼梦》装成清才女 文体由来:红楼梦中人选手闵春晓的博文风格令读者捧腹,在网上迅速兴起一股模仿之风。 文体特点:被网友们一致称作“对《红楼梦》文风的拙劣模仿”,文中大量出现“这会子”、“那些人儿”等今时今日读来不伦不类的语句。 简单教程:把自己想像成一个清朝才女就对了。 【排比体】 范文:难道,你们都忘了吗,忘了宝蓝旗帜下的誓言,忘了朱红色下的庄严宣誓,忘了13只无比喜感的表演,忘了5只极有戏剧性的一切,忘了,你们都忘了~ quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 确定中心词无限用排比 文体由来:起源于百度哈韩贴吧。 文体特点:华丽排比。 简单教程:用相同的句式写出你想写的所有意思,最简单的方法,先确定一个中心词,然后围绕此中心词进行排比式造句。 咆哮体 简介 咆哮体一般出现在回帖或者QQ、MSN等网络聊天对话中。使用者有时候激动的时候会觉得1个感叹号不能表达自己的情感,而打出很多感叹号。 有些人回复的时候也会用来凑字数。 咆哮体没有固定的格式或,就是带许多感叹号的字、词或者句子。这种看上去带有很强烈感情色彩的咆哮体引来了粉丝的追捧。 很多咆哮体的粉丝还很注意感叹号的排序,适当的排序可以使咆哮体显得美观,而又能表达自己的情感。 起源 咆哮体最早起源于豆瓣网。豆瓣网的景涛同好组最为出名。他们奉在影视作品中经常表情夸张,以咆哮姿态出现的电视演员马景涛为教主。 后 在人人网上有人发起一篇题为《学法语的人你伤不起~~~》的文章,自称为“校内咆哮体”。在豆瓣等社区引起部分争论。一时间各种专业版本的咆哮体文章陆续 出现,有英文版、西语版、日语版等等,在网络上被疯狂转载。从而引申出了各个专业的咆哮体版本,甚至各路粉丝也纷纷开始撰写关于他们的偶像的咆哮体文章。 危害 咆哮体一般是用来自嘲,诉说自己的遭遇和感受,让人看了之后忍不住哈哈大笑。网友分析说:其实使用“咆哮体”自嘲是一种乐观的表现。咆哮体可用于任何主题的讨论,而现实生活中,这些常用咆哮体的人,其实离咆哮这种状态非常遥远。 咆哮体能充分表达自己的惊讶、愤怒的心情。 但是,过分的使用可能危害我们的思想境界,甚至遗忘了了中华文学的本来面目。我们可以在网上用咆哮体宣泄自我,但在生活中仍要以传统文学为主题,不可偏离正确的道路。 重庆明亮心理咨询所邱驷医生认为,如果“咆哮体”真的可以成为一部分人减压发泄的手段,也未尝不可。“网上排解心理压力有一定效果,但人们最终要落实于现实中。如果网络的发泄让人在现实生活中越发退缩,就不是一件好事了” 淘宝体 说话的一种方式,常见于淘宝网卖家对商品的描述 常见字眼: 亲„„ 哦„„ 举例: 亲~~~ quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 熬夜不好哦~~~ 包邮哦~~~ 不抹零哦~~ 送小礼品哦~~ „„„„ 银镯体 银镯体是一种以辞藻空洞华丽、使用生僻词语、频繁地利用句号、表现出使人感到浅薄多余的情感(矫情)为特征的文体。原本的主要(乐于)使用者是00 后,90后,以及部分80后。后因为其夸张、矫情而经常缺乏有价值的内容,与梨花(丽华)体、知音体等并为大陆网友(豆瓣)对某些群体文化的谐仿。 简介 “银镯”一词源于大陆女作家安妮宝贝的作品。 安 妮宝贝的作品由于其表现的所谓“小资情调”(如“无病呻吟”、故作“淡然”)、反复的主题与词句(“诵经。参禅。”、“又静又好”、称呼男性、女性时都模 仿佛经的语言作“男子”、“女子”)、刻意错用的词语(如形容人时用“凛冽”一词,而“凛冽”在 新华词典、台湾国语词典中均作“寒冷刺骨”解)以及不恰当地引用术语及经典、模仿法国女作家杜拉斯痕迹严重而没有获得神韵不能作为成熟的作品等等问题为一 部分人所诟病。 不过安妮宝贝如同黄晓明等艺人一样在大陆拥有大批的支持者,这其中主要以12~50的女性为主体。 安的作品《清醒纪》里提到了“银镯。”文中安妮宝贝表达了对银镯的喜爱与敬重之情,语气神秘空灵。其中出现的经典句式“„„的人,本来就是„„的人”、“„„的男子\女子”更是被网友频繁谐仿。 影响 在 银镯体的谐仿中还混合了对于在90后中极其流行的畅销书作家郭敬明的文风以其辞藻华丽空洞而不切主题、多用句号、频繁换行的廉价技巧以及经典字句 (如:45度仰望天空,笑着流泪,明媚而忧伤)的恶搞。这种文风极大地影响了其后90后的作文风格,这类风格的文章大量地出现在大陆青少年喜爱的社交网站 上。如QQ空间,人人网,校内网。 起初对银镯体的谐仿只在豆瓣、百度贴吧、天涯的回帖中偶尔地出现(有时会将所谓“脑残句式”如“每个„„ 的女孩上辈子都是折翼天使”等予以混合使用)这些网友(80,90后)时常以此嘲讽使用银镯体及相关风格者的常识缺乏,情感空虚浅薄。后来出于同样的原因 以及为了娱乐,一些网友在豆瓣的小组“文艺青年装逼会”上编写教程,教授如何快速掌握银镯体,受到讽刺性的欢迎。并在大陆著名杂志《格言》上被刊登。攥写 者的豆瓣账户已注销。目前豆瓣上有几个小组专门发布恶搞银镯体的帖子,如“银镯男子”“金链汉子“”银镯女子?小清新?”等等。 目前影响基本还未扩大到大陆以外的华语地区。 梨花体 “梨 花体”谐音“丽华体”,因女诗人赵丽华名字谐音而来,因其有些作品形式相对另类,引发争议,又被有些网友戏称为“口水诗”。赵丽华,中国作家协会会员,国 家一级作家,曾担任第二届鲁迅文学奖诗歌奖评委,兼任《诗选刊》社编辑部主任。现在,赵丽华的诗歌风格和仿制她诗歌风格的诗歌,被人们称为“梨花体”。 先附上“梨花体”的发明人,乃“梨花体”的鼻祖赵丽华女士的诗歌几首: 1、《一个人来到田纳西》 毫无疑问 我做的馅饼 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 是全天下 最好吃的 2、《我坚决不能容忍》 我坚决不能容忍 那些 在公共场所 的卫生间 大便后 不冲刷 便池 的人 写作要点: 一定要大白话,而且是大白的废话,就是会讲话的人在自己的话里随意加上几个标点符号~ 如: 我 今天 吃的很饱,天气这般好呀~ 其次,一定要善于使用回车键。 (梨花体示例) 蜜糖体 “蜜 糖体”,是2009年网上最新流行的文体,这种文体的特点是甜到腻、腻到呕。“蜜糖体”起源于天涯社区网友“爱步小蜜糖”,她2009年2月15日刚刚在 天涯注册ID,却因为嗲到不能再嗲,腻到不能再腻的说话方式和语言词汇,仅凭几个回帖就在三天内迅速走红,创下了天涯成名最快的纪录。 特点 网友们总结“蜜糖体”的特点:无论称呼别人还是自己一定用叠字昵称,叫妈妈mammy,叫爸爸daddy,5555```(呜呜呜)挂嘴边,O(?_?)O~表情不能少。 一些日常的词语,用“蜜糖体”说出来立刻感觉大变,如把“是”说成“素”,“可是”变成“可素”,“这样子”说成“酱紫”,“非常”说成“灰常”;“的”和“地”都用“滴”代替,句子的最后总要加上“鸟”作为语气词„„ 范例 “555```糖糖也好想要一个LV滴包包啊```糖糖滴mammy用滴就素LV```而且有好多```好多个哦```糖糖滴daddy说```等糖糖考上大学了```一定会买个LV滴包包送给糖糖哦```好期待呀```嘻嘻``` O(?_?)O~” 糖糖也素粉稀饭```粉稀饭小叮当滴哦``` 偶滴猪猪也粉稀饭滴哦```伦家最稀饭小叮当滴肚子啦```里面有灰常```灰常多滴宝贝哦~ 伦家经常想```要是真滴有一个小叮当陪偶就粉好粉好了哦``` 嘻嘻```O(?_?)O~ 知音体 知音体的叫法来源于知名杂志《知音》,指用煽情的标题来吸引读者。2007年8月,一网友在天涯发帖呼吁:大家用无敌优雅冷艳的“知音体标题”来给熟悉的童话、寓言、 蜜糖女孩故事等重新命名~激起无数网友的创作欲望。 知音体要点:标题华丽,情绪哀怨。 如: quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 《白雪公主》重新命名为《苦命的妹子啊,七个义薄云天的哥哥为你撑起小小的一片天》 《卖火柴的小女孩》——《狠心母亲虐待火柴幻想症少女,祖母不忍勾其魂入天国》 《嫦娥奔月》——《铸成大错的逃亡爱妻啊,射击冠军的丈夫等你悔悟归来》 《唐伯虎点秋香》——《我那爱人打工妹哟,博士后为你隐姓埋名化身农民工》 红楼体 北京电视台为重拍《红楼梦》而举办的《红楼梦中人》选秀节目的选手闵春晓的博文风格令读者捧腹,在网上迅速兴起一股模仿之风,红楼体自此而来。 特点 被网友们一致称作“对《红楼梦》文风的拙劣模仿”,文中大量出现“这会子”、“那些人儿”此类今时今日读来不伦不类的语句。 教程 把自己想象成一个清朝才女就对了。 奇文欣赏 直到有一天,当我回到寝室,发现录音机里,我最爱的《红楼梦》磁带被人洗去了几段„„伤心惶惑间,一个要好些的女孩儿悄悄告诉我:“人家这会子都听李玟、张惠妹,独你这样不入流,总听这些悲悲切切的音乐„„扰了大家的兴致„„往后还是改了吧,到底还是合群些的好„„ 姐妹们好兴致,我不过去了一会子,这楼就盖这么高了,还开坛做起诗来了~我也不懂什么湿咧干的,勉强胡诌了一首。到底是不好,只是我原也没什么诗才,在诗社里,给姐妹们磨个墨点个香倒还使得。因此胡乱对付了几句,不过大家一起乐和乐和,笑一会子罢了 琼瑶体 琼瑶体,又名奶奶体,起源于言情小说家琼瑶的文章以及琼瑶剧的对白,通常都给观众肉麻至极不能忍受之感。 网友将琼瑶体的特点总结为:琼瑶体的语言绝对删简就繁,宁滥毋缺,能绕三道弯的决不只绕两道半,能用复句结构的决不用单一结构,能用反问句的决不用陈述句,能用排比句的决不用单句,能哭着说喊着说的决不好好说。 如: 男:“你无情你残酷你无理取闹~” 女:“那你就不无情不残酷不无理取闹,” 男:“我哪里无情哪里残酷哪里无理取闹,” 女:“你哪里不无情哪里不残酷哪里不无理取闹,” 男:“我就算再怎么无情再怎么残酷再怎么无理取闹,也不会比你更无情更残酷更无理取闹~”„„(无限循环) 校内体 校内体,就是原来的校内网、现在的人人网常用的几种标题形式。总的说来,校内体总是有一种说不出的想撞墙感,不是疼痛就是伤感。 常用的标题形式有: “每个××上辈子都是折翼的天使”; “遇到××的人,就嫁了吧”; “女孩,还记××的那个男孩吗?” 装13体 文体由来:来自网络,具体源头已无从考证。 文体特点:作者多少有些无病呻吟,总想彰显自己的品位、格调以及突出某种意境,但看多了却适得其反,令人反胃。 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 简单教程:能用英文绝不用汉语。说东西的时候一定要把一样东西的牌子和产地都一起说出来,不论有多么别扭。另外就是大量使用没有实际意义的书面语、形容词等。 奇文欣赏: 原文:下午去买了瓶矿泉水和纸巾,然后喝了一口,擦擦嘴,开始考虑一会是去地下商场买那条12元的大裤衩还是13元的大裤衩呢, 经装13体改写后: 下 午的时候,觉得有些渴了,就去买了Robust的纯净水。轻轻地喝一口,味道的确比Wahaha的要好些。看来我最钟爱的牌子,果然是没错的。用Pure 的Handkerchief擦了擦嘴角以后,我开始在两个同样钟爱的品牌中摇摆不定。是去买佳侬新出的Wolfboy限量版呢,还是选择Keaoor的 呢, quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you
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