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win7系统盘清理技巧win7系统盘清理技巧 win7系统盘清理技巧: 删除还原点可以减少系统盘的空间。还原点的删除:操作如下:我的电脑->属性->高级系统设置->系统保护->配置->删除(还可以:程序,附件,系统工具,磁盘清理,选中系统盘,确定,选择要删除的垃圾,清理系统文件,选中系统盘,确定,其他选项,清理(第2个)) 为什么我的C盘空间越来越少,每次启动Windows 7,什么都没做,甚至还卸载了一些软件,却发现C盘空间变的更大了。难道装了WIN7,C盘就得越来越小么,到底怎么回事,如何解决这个C盘系统盘空间的问题, 作为10大常见W...
win7系统盘清理技巧 win7系统盘清理技巧: 删除还原点可以减少系统盘的空间。还原点的删除:操作如下:我的电脑->属性->高级系统设置->系统保护->配置->删除(还可以:程序,附件,系统工具,磁盘清理,选中系统盘,确定,选择要删除的垃圾,清理系统文件,选中系统盘,确定,其他选项,清理(第2个)) 为什么我的C盘空间越来越少,每次启动Windows 7,什么都没做,甚至还卸载了一些软件,却发现C盘空间变的更大了。难道装了WIN7,C盘就得越来越小么,到底怎么回事,如何解决这个C盘系统盘空间的问, 作为10大常见Windows 7问题之一,这个问题的普遍性,在此就不说了,我们直接进入主题,并且,给出大家最完美的解决。 不过,这里面涉及到一些系统设置和优化,虽然没有什么危险,但是也建议大家都看仔细,起码,你要知道原理和方法,能随时恢复过去。毕竟,WIN7有些占用C盘空间的原因,还是对大家的系统有好处的,例如应用程序缓存等等。 提醒大家注意,本文用C盘泛指安装了Windows 7 的那个盘符,用C盘代,你装WIN7到其他盘符,也照着葫芦画瓢行了。 一、深度剖析和完美解决 1、休眠文件 hiberfil.sys : 该文件在C盘根目录为隐藏的系统文件,隐藏的这个hiberfil.sys文件大小正好和自己的物理内存是一致的,当你让电脑进入休眠状态时,Windows 7在关闭系统前将所有的内存内容写入Hiberfil.sys文件。而后,当你重新打开电脑,操作系统使用Hiberfil.sys把所有信息放回内存,电脑恢复到关闭前的状态。可Windows 7 并不会将这个文件删除,而是一直放在硬盘上,会白白地占用一部分磁盘空间。有了睡眠功能就可以了,休眠功能可以选择不要的,团队的人就统统关闭了这个硬盘大户。又占空间,又要频繁读写硬盘。刺客的t61就这么一下多了4个G的空间。 Windows 7下面安全删除休眠文件的方法一:用管理员身份运行cmd.exe 打开命令行窗口,然后运行:powercfg -h off,注意,C盘残留的hiberfil.sys隐藏文件可以取消隐藏后,直接删除。 2、虚拟内存 pagefile.sys: Windows 系统,包括Windows 7 ,默认设置物理内存的1.5倍大小,作为分页交换文件,如果你是系统管理的大小,那么,这个体积是自动变化的,往往越来越大。如果你的物理内存比较少,只有512m或者1g,你可以选择保留这个文件。 如果保留这个文件,我们建议你把他放到另外一个分区里面,不和C盘(系统盘)放到一起,不然,你到时候做Ghost或者其他备份的时候,还是需要手动删除它。建议你一定要指定大小,就指定成1.5倍的Ram物理内存大小即可。 如果你的内存在2G以上,我们建议你直接关闭虚拟内存功能,你会发现,你should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 的整个Windows系统都“飞”了起来。 设置虚拟内存的方法:控制面板 - 经典视图里面点击系统,点击左侧高级系统设置,点击第一个设置(性能),再点击高级,在虚拟内存那儿,点击设置。注意,C盘残留的pagefile.sys隐藏文件可以取消隐藏后,直接删除。 3、Superfetch功能带来的应用程序缓存: 在Windows 7系统里面,使用了Vista Superfetch的技术特性,详情,请参考:Windows WIN7 SuperFetch/Prefetch技术详解,教你如何设置WIN7启动预读和应用程序预读这两篇文章。 清理方法:直接把 c:\windows\prefetch 文件夹中的文件统统删除即可。 4、应用程序产生的临时文件: 一般保存在windows\temp文件夹中,和用户文件夹的temp文件夹中 清理方法:直接把 c:\windows\temp 和 C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Temp 文件夹中的文件统统删除即可。 5、IE等浏览器产生的临时文件: 清理方法:控制面板 Internet选项里面,删除cookie和IE临时文件即可,尤其实在备份系统前最好删除的干干净净。 6、系统还原,System Volume Information文件夹: System Volume Information 文件夹,中文名称可以翻译为“系统卷标信息”。这个文件夹里就存储着系统还原的备份信息。 “系统还原”是Windows 操作系统最实用的功能之一,它采用“快照”的方式下系统在特定时间的状态信息,也就是所谓的“还原点”,然后在需要的时候根据这些信息加以还原。还原点分为两种:一种是系统自动创建的,包括系统检查点和安装还原点;另一种是用户自己根据需要创建的,也叫手动还原点。随着用户使用系统时间的增加,还原点会越来越多,导致硬盘空间越来越少,最后还要被警告“磁盘空间不足”。它也是系统盘中最容易占用空间的一个文件,时间一长,这个文件大小可达4G,甚至更大~ 7、自动升级的补丁包产生的系统文件新的备份 建议这个就不用动了,留着吧最好。如果要删除呢也是可以的哦 8、Windows 7系统日志和事件日志 一般在Windows文件夹的System32文件夹下面的 LogFiles 文件夹里面,直接删除也ok的 9、NTFS分区可以压缩,选择全部忽略即可。 偶的全部软件装完,才用了7G多 二、C盘空间垃圾自动清除,扩大C盘空间 @echo off echo 正在帮您清除系统垃圾文件,请稍等...... echo本工具由aznmv3修正 del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.gid del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.chk del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\recycled\*.* del /f /s /q %windir%\*.bak del /f /s /q %windir%\prefetch\*.* rd /s /q %windir%\temp & md %windir%\temp del /f /q %userprofile%\cookies\*.* del /f /q %userprofile%\recent\*.* del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp\*.*" del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\recent\*.*" echo 清除系统垃圾完成~ echo. & pause 大家可以把上面的这些代码保存成一个 clean.bat,直接运行即可。 大家可以把上面的这些代码保存成一个 clean.bat,直接运行即可。 记的自己刚买电脑时系统是win 7 ,用了一些时间,我记的自己的C 盘,可用空间是30G 但是半个月后,我再看时发现只有15G了 最后再知道,原来是系统还原点的原因,最后我把还原点删除就好了 操作如下:我的电脑->属性->高级系统设置->系统保护->配置->删除这是我个人的意见 这样就可以减少C盘的空间了 点评:一般情况下删除还原功能即可,删除还原点可以减少系统盘的空间。还原点的删除:操作如下:我的电脑->属性->高级系统设置->系统保护->配置->删除(还可以:程序,附件,系统工具,磁盘清理,选中系统盘,确定,选择要删除的垃圾,清理系统文件,选中系统盘,确定,其他选 1、休眠文件 hiberfil.sys : 该文件在C盘根目录为隐藏的系统文件,隐藏的这个hiberfil.sys文件大小正好和自己的物理内存是一致的,当你让电脑进入休眠状态时,Windows 7在关闭系统前将所有的内存内容写入Hiberfil.sys文件。而后,当你重新打开电脑,操作系统使用Hiberfil.sys把所有信息放回内存,电脑恢复到关闭前的状态。可Windows 7 并不会将这个文件删除,而是一直放在硬盘上,会白白地占用一部分磁盘空间。有了睡眠功能就可以了,休眠功能可以选择should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 不要的,团队的人就统统关闭了这个硬盘大户。又占空间,又要频繁读写硬盘。刺客的t61就这么一下多了4个G的空间。 Windows 7下面安全删除休眠文件的方法一:用管理员身份运行cmd.exe 打开命令行窗口,然后运行:powercfg -h off,注意,C盘残留的hiberfil.sys隐藏文件可以取消隐藏后,直接删除。 2、虚拟内存 pagefile.sys: Windows 系统,包括Windows 7 ,默认设置物理内存的1.5倍大小,作为分页交换文件,如果你是系统管理的大小,那么,这个体积是自动变化的,往往越来越大。如果你的物理内存比较少,只有512m或者1g,你可以选择保留这个文件。 如果保留这个文件,我们建议你把他放到另外一个分区里面,不和C盘(系统盘)放到一起,不然,你到时候做Ghost或者其他备份的时候,还是需要手动删除它。建议你一定要指定大小,就指定成1.5倍的Ram物理内存大小即可。 如果你的内存在2G以上,我们建议你直接关闭虚拟内存功能,你会发现,你的整个Windows系统都“飞”了起来。 设置虚拟内存的方法:控制面板 - 经典视图里面点击系统,点击左侧高级系统设置,点击第一个设置(性能),再点击高级,在虚拟内存那儿,点击设置。注意,C盘残留的pagefile.sys隐藏文件可以取消隐藏后,直接删除。 3、Superfetch功能带来的应用程序缓存: 在Windows 7系统里面,使用了Vista Superfetch的技术特性,详情,请参考:Windows WIN7 SuperFetch/Prefetch技术详解,教你如何设置WIN7启动预读和应用程序预读这两篇文章。 清理方法:直接把 c:\windows\prefetch 文件夹中的文件统统删除即可。 4、应用程序产生的临时文件: 一般保存在windows\temp文件夹中,和用户文件夹的temp文件夹中 清理方法:直接把 c:\windows\temp 和 C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Temp 文件夹中的文件统统删除即可。 5、IE等浏览器产生的临时文件: 清理方法:控制面板 Internet选项里面,删除cookie和IE临时文件即可,尤其实在备份系统前最好删除的干干净净。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 6、系统还原,System Volume Information文件夹: System Volume Information 文件夹,中文名称可以翻译为“系统卷标信息”。这个文件夹里就存储着系统还原的备份信息。 “系统还原”是Windows 操作系统最实用的功能之一,它采用“快照”的方式记录下系统在特定时间的状态信息,也就是所谓的“还原点”,然后在需要的时候根据这些信息加以还原。还原点分为两种:一种是系统自动创建的,包括系统检查点和安装还原点;另一种是用户自己根据需要创建的,也叫手动还原点。随着用户使用系统时间的增加,还原点会越来越多,导致硬盘空间越来越少,最后还要被警告“磁盘空间不足”。它也是系统盘中最容易占用空间的一个文件,时间一长,这个文件大小可达4G,甚至更大~ 7、自动升级的补丁包产生的系统文件新的备份 建议这个就不用动了,最好留着吧。如果要删除,也是可以的。 8、Windows 7系统日志和事件日志 一般在Windows文件夹的System32文件夹下面的 LogFiles 文件夹里面,直接删除也ok的。 9、NTFS分区可以压缩,选择全部忽略即可。 我的全部软件装完,才用了7G多。 10、C盘空间垃圾自动清除,扩大C盘空间 复制代码 代码如下: @echo off echo 正在帮您清除系统垃圾文件,请稍等...... echo本工具由aznmv3修正 del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.gid should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.chk del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\recycled\*.* del /f /s /q %windir%\*.bak del /f /s /q %windir%\prefetch\*.* rd /s /q %windir%\temp & md %windir%\temp del /f /q %userprofile%\cookies\*.* del /f /q %userprofile%\recent\*.* del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp\*.*" del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\recent\*.*" echo 清除系统垃圾完成~ echo. & pause 大家可以把上面的这些代码保存成一个 clean.bat,直接运行即可。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and
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