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中英文输入法教案中英文输入法教案 中英文输入法 教学内容:中英文输入法 教学目标:通过本项目的学习,认识键盘的作用,掌握键盘的布局组成。掌握正确的坐姿和正确的指法,了解几种输入法:区位码、全拼输入法、双拼输入法、智能 ABC输入法。掌握五笔字型输入法的使用 教学重点:五笔字型输入法的使用 教学难点:五笔字型输入法的使用 教学时间:二个课时 教学过程: 1、 键盘的使用 1.1 键盘的布局和作用 常用的键盘有101、104键等若干种。为了便于记忆,按照功能的不同,我们把这101个键划分成主键盘区、功能键区、编辑键区和数字键...
中英文输入法教案 中英文输入法 教学:中英文输入法 教学目标:通过本项目的学习,认识键盘的作用,掌握键盘的布局组成。掌握正确的坐姿和正确的指法,了解几种输入法:区位码、全拼输入法、双拼输入法、智能 ABC输入法。掌握五笔字型输入法的使用 教学重点:五笔字型输入法的使用 教学难点:五笔字型输入法的使用 教学时间:二个课时 教学过程: 1、 键盘的使用 1.1 键盘的布局和作用 常用的键盘有101、104键等若干种。为了便于记忆,按照功能的不同,我们把这101个键划分成主键盘区、功能键区、编辑键区和数字键区4个区域,如图1-1所示。图中最大的一块区域叫做“主键盘区”,最上面的一个长条区域叫做“功能键区”,最右面的一块区域叫做“数字键区”,夹在主键盘区和数字键区之间的一块区域叫做“编辑键区”。 功能键区 编辑键区 主键盘区 数字键区 键盘各部分的组成及功能见上机实训P1。 1.2 正确的指法 1. 技巧提示: 打字姿势归纳为“直腰、弓手、立指、弹键”。 2(正确的指法 母键(基准键):在键盘上的F和J键上,这两个字母的键面上,各有一个凸起的细短线或圆点。有了这两个标志,操作时不用看键盘就能摸到手指应放的正确位置。 基本键:是键盘中排的8个键位,“A”、“S”、“D”、“F”、“J”、“K”、“L”、“;”。 按键的姿势:将左手食指放在F键上,其余三指分别放在A、S、D键上,右手食指放在J键上,其余三指放在K、L、 ;键上,双手的大拇指轻轻放在空格键上。操作键盘进行打字时,十个指头都要充分利用起来,每个手指都有明确的分工。熟练掌握基本键位的指法是学好打字的基础。 键盘指法分区如图所示。 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 2 汉字的输入 2.1 输入法的界面 • 打开输入法界面 1. 键盘输入的四大: 音码输入、形码输入、音形码输入、数字码输入。 2. 常用的输入法有五种: 区位码、全拼输入法、双拼输入法、智能 ABC输入法、五笔字型输入法。 2.2 区位码输入法 区位码输入法是利用国标码作为汉字编码,特点主要是没有重码,输入的速度快。 • 1. 区位码输入状态 • 2. 如输入汉字“冰”, • 区位码是1789。方法是: a.进入区位码输入状态窗口,键入“178”,如上图所示。 • b.键入数字“9”后,即可输入“冰”字。 2.3 全拼输入法 • 全拼输入法是按汉语拼音的顺序输入全部拼音字母,同音字可用数字键或鼠标在词 语选择框中选字。 • 1.全拼输入法的规则 • ? 汉语拼音中的“ü”用西文字母“v”代替,而汉语拼音“u”仍用西文字母“u”表示; • ? 输入时可对提示行中的拼音进行编辑,这样有利于输入长句或短语; • ? 要求用户必须会使用汉语拼音; • ? 按【ESC】键清除拼音码,按【,】或【,】键可向前或向后翻页 。 • 2.全拼输入法的使用 如输入汉字“猴”,方法是: main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must a.进入全拼输入状态窗口,键入“hou”,如图所示; b.键入数字“7”后,即可输入“猴”字。 2.4 双拼输入法 • 双拼输入法又称声韵双拼,是把汉语拼音的声母和韵母分别用一个西文字母表 示,在输入时不超过三键的一种输入方法。 • 1.双拼的键位图 • 2.双拼输入法的使用 在windows的任务栏中单击“输入法”按钮En,弹出输入法选择菜单,选择“双拼输入法”即可进入双拼输入状态,如图所示。 输入汉字“凹”,方法是: • a.进入双拼输入状态窗口,键入“k”; • b.键入数字“2”后,即可输入 2.5 智能ABC输入法 智能ABC是以拼音为基础输入单字和词组,具有一定智能化功能的输入法。 智能ABC设置了标准和双打两种输入方式 。 • 1.全拼输入模式:按汉语拼音输入字或词或完整的声母和韵母 。 • 2.简拼输入:用词组每个字拼音的第一个字作为输入码,只适用于词组输入 。 • 3.混拼输入:将简拼与全拼方式同时用于词组的输入,一个词组中有的词用 简拼,有的词用全拼。 • 4.笔形输入:将汉字按写顺序用基本笔画表示 。 3 五笔字型输入法 3.1 汉字的层次 1(汉字的五种笔画 在汉字的3个层次中,最基本的是笔画,为了分析汉字的基本笔画,首先要对什么是笔画下一个较确切的定义。我们把在书写时不间断地一次连续写成的一根线条叫做汉字的“笔画”。 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 按某个笔画书写时的运笔方向作为分类的依据,五笔字型将众多的笔画分为五类,分别是:横、竖、撇、捺、折。 为了便于记忆和应用,并根据它们使用概率的高低,依次用1、2、3、4、5作为代号,代表上述五种笔画,如表3-1所示。 2(汉字基本字根的组成 分析了汉字的基本笔画,一个汉字一般又可以拆成几部分,这每一个部分称之为字根。与笔画一样,我们也可以给字根下一个较明确的定义。字根是由若干笔画单独或者经过交叉连接而成的,在组成汉字时它是相对不变的结构。例如“李”字中的“木”,就是一个字根。 为了便于编码和输入,把这130种基本字根按它们的起笔笔画代号分为五大区,即横区、竖区、撇区、捺区和折区。同时,考虑到键位的需要,又把每个区分成5个位,因此,对应于键盘上的每个键就有一个区位号,例如25就表示2区5位的键。这样再把130种字根按规则分配在25个英文字母键上。 3.2 基本字根 (字根分配 1 “五笔字型”用了25个字母键,25个字根键位各与一个英文字母对号入座之后,区位号和字母的作用就完全相同了。对应的键盘分区如图所示。 2(字根图 五笔字型优选的基本字根,按照其起笔代号,并考虑键位设计需要,分成5个大区,分别是横、竖、撇、捺、折。每个区又分为5个位,命名为区号位号,以11,55共25个代码表示。其中横为1区,竖为2区,撇为3区,捺为4区,折为5区。所有的字根见教材P318。 3(助记词 为了记忆这些基本字根,五笔字型提供了相应的助记词。每句助记词的第一个字是该键的键名字。键名字共25个,应注意记忆。助记词见教材P319。 3.3 汉字的结构 1(汉字的3种字型 (1)左右型 (2)上下型 (3)杂合型 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 在汉字的字型中杂合型是最不易区分的一种字型,关于杂合型还有以下一些具体的特殊规定。 • ? 单笔画与字根相连的汉字规定为杂合型,如“自、尺”。 • ? 带点的汉字结构归为杂合型,如“术、太、斗”。 • ? 含两字根且两字根相交的汉字归为杂合型,如“东、电、本”。 • ? 带“走之”的汉字为杂合型,如“边、远、这”。 • ? 内外型汉字为杂合型,如“母、因、廊”。 • ? 包围和半包围结构的字,都属于杂合型。 • ? 不能分上下、左右的字,都属于杂合型。 3.4 键名和成字根的输入 1(键面字 在键面上,有些字根本身就是一个独立的汉字。键面字分为两种,一种是每个键位的中文键名,即键名字(最后一个键名“纟”视为一个汉字),这种键名只有25个(比如“王、土、大”等);另一种是每个键位上除键名以外的那些独立成字的字根,称为“成字字根”,大约共有60余个(比如“文、方、九”等),这里还包括五种基本笔画“一、丨、丿、丶、乙”。 2(键面字的输入 (1)键名字 各键位左上角的第一个字根,叫“键名”。如:王、大、口、金等,共计,,个,它们的输入方法是把所在键连击四下。 王:,, ,, ,, ,, (,,,,) 大:,, ,, ,, ,, (,,,,) 之:,, ,, ,, ,, (,,,,) 言:,, ,, ,, ,, (,,,,) 纟:,, ,, ,, ,, (,,,,) (2)非键名成字字根输入 字根总表中,键名以外、本身即汉字(“亻”、“氵”等有国标码的部首在内)的字根,叫“成字字根”。其输入方法为: • 先打该字根所在的键一下(报户口),再打该字根的第一、第二及最末一个单 笔画,不足4键时,加打一次空格键 (“报户口”后一定是单笔画),如: • 方:41 41 11 51(YYGN) • 石:13 11 31 11(DGTG) • 用:33 31 51 21(ETNH) • 氵:43 41 41 11(IYYG) (3)5个单笔画 许多人都不太注意,5种单笔画—、|、丿、丶、乙,在国家标准中都是作为“汉字”来对待的。在五笔字型中规定5个单笔画的输入方法是连续输入两次其所在的键,再输入两个,,main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 如:“丿”是“TTLL”。 例:一:GGLL 丶:YYLL 丨:HHLL 乙:NNLL 丿:TTLL 3.5 汉字拆分原则 ? 书写顺序:拆分“合体字”时,一定要按照正确的书写顺序进行。 ”只能拆成“立、木、斤”,不能拆成“立、斤、木” “中”只能拆成“口、丨”,不能拆 例:“新 成“丨、口”;“夷”只能拆成“一、弓、人”,不能拆成“大、弓”。 ? 取大优先:“取大优先”,也叫做“优先取大”。按书写顺序拆分汉字时,应以“再添一个笔画便不能成其为字根”为限,每次都拆取一个“尽可能大”的,即尽可能笔画多的字根。 例1:世:第一种拆法:一、凵、乙(误) 第二种拆法:廿、乙 (正) 显然,前者是错误的,因为其第二个字根“凵”,完全可以向前“凑”到“一”上,形成一个“更大”的已知字根“廿”。 ? 兼顾直观:在拆分汉字时,为了照顾汉字字根的完整性,有时不得不暂且牺牲一下“书写顺序”和“取大优先”的原则,形成个别例外的情况。 例1:国:按“书写顺序”应拆成:“冂、王、丶、一”,但这样便破坏了汉字构造的直观性,故只好违背“书写顺序”,拆作“囗、王、丶”了。 例2:自:按“取大优先”应拆成:“亻、乙、三”,但这样拆,不仅不直观,而且也有悖于“自”字的字源(这个字的字源是“一个手指指着鼻子”),故只能拆作“丿、目”,这叫做“兼顾直观”。 ? 能连不交: 例1: 于:一 十 (二者是相连的) 二 丨 (二者是相交的) 丑:乙 土 (二者是相连的) 刀 二 (二者是相交的) 当一个字既可拆成相连的几个部分,也可拆成相交的几个部分时,我们认为“相连”的拆法是正确的。因为一般来说,“连”比“交”更为“直观”。 ? 能散不连: 如:占:卜 口 两者按“连”处理,便是杂合型(3型)。 两者按“散”处理,便是上下型(2型 正确)。 严:一 厂 后两者按“连”处理,便是杂合型(3型) 后两者按“散”处理,便是上下型(2型 正确)。 当遇到这种既能“散”,又能“连”的情况时(我们规定:只要不是单笔画,一律按“能散不连”判别之。因此,以上两例中的“占”和“严”, 都被认为是“上下型”字(2型)。 3.6 单字的输入 凡是“键盘表”上没有的汉字,即“表外字”或“键外字”,都可以认为是“由字根拼合而成的”,故称其为“合体字”。可以将合体字分为2到4个字根的情况进行输入。 键外字的编码规则如下: ?汉字有两个字根:首字根码+次字根码+末笔识别码 ?汉字有三个字根:首字根码+次字根码+第三字根码+末 笔识别码 ?汉字有四个及四个以上字根:首字根码+次字根码+第 三字根码+末字根码 3.7 末笔交叉识别 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must ?“识别码”的组成:它是由“末笔”代号加“字型”代号而构成的一个附加码。由于教不得法,以前许多人对“识别码”望而生畏。其实,按如下做法,你只要5分钟定能学会: A、 “1”型(左右型)字:字根打完之后,补打1个末笔画即等同于加了“识别码”。 例: 沐:氵木 丶 (“丶”为末笔,补,个“丶”) 汀:氵丁 丨 (“丨”为末笔,补,个“丨”) ”为末笔,补,个“一”) 洒:氵西 一 (“一 B、 “2”型(上下型)字:字根打完之后,补打由2个末笔画复合构成的“字根”即等同于加了“识别码”。 例: 华:亻匕十(末笔为“丨”,2型,补打“ ”作为“识别码”) 字:宀子二(末笔为“一”,2型,补打“二”作为“识别码”) 参:厶大彡(末笔为“丿”,2型,补打“ ”作为“识别码”) C、 “3”型(杂合型)字:字根打完之后,补打由3个末笔画复合而成的“字根”即等同于加了“识别码”。 例: 同:冂一口三(末笔为“一”,3型,补打“三”作为“识别码”) 串:口口(末笔为“丨”,3型,补打“ ”作为“识别码”) 国:囗王丶氵(末笔为“丶”,3型,补打“氵”作为“识别码”) ? 关于“末笔”的几项说明: A、 关于“力、刀、九、匕”。鉴于这些字根的笔顺常常因人而异,“五笔字型”中特别规定,当它们参加“识别”时,一律以其“伸”得最长的“折”笔作为末笔。 “乙”,,型) 如: 男:田 力 (末笔为 花:艹 亻 匕 (末笔为“乙”,,型) B、 带“框框”的“国、团”与带走之的“进、远、延”等,因为是一个部分被另一个部分包围,我们规定:视被包围部分的“末笔”为“末笔”。 如: 进:二刂 辶 (末笔“丨”3型,加“ ”作为“识别码”) 远:二儿 辶巛 (末笔“乙”3型,加“巛”作为“识别码”) 团:囗十丿 彡 (末笔“丿”,型,加“彡”作为“识别码”) 哉:十戈 口 三(末笔“一”,型,加“三”作为“识别码”) C、“我”“戋”“成”等字的“末笔”,由于因人而异,故遵从“从上到下”的原则,一律规定撇“丿”为其末笔。 如: 我:丿 扌 乙 丿(TRNT,取一二三末,只取4码) 戋:戋 一 一 丿(GGGT,成字根,先“报户口”再取1、2、末笔) 成:厂 乙 乙 丿(DNNT,取一二三末,只取4码) D、 单独点:对于“义、太、勺”等字中的“单独点”,离字根的距离很难确定,可远可近,我们干脆认为这种“单独点”与其附近的字根是“相连”的。既然“连”在一起,便属于杂合型(,型)。其中“义”的笔顺,还需按上述“从上到下”的原则,认为是“先点后撇”。 如: 义:丶 氵(末笔为“丶”,型,“氵”即为识别码) 太:大 丶 氵(末笔为“丶”,型,“氵”即为识别码) 勺:勹 丶 氵(末笔为“丶”,型,“氵”即为识别码) 3.8 词语的输入 1982年底,“五笔字型”首创了汉字的词语,依形编码、字码词码体例一致、不需换挡的实用化词语输入法。不管多长的词语,一律取四码。而且单字和词语可以混合输入,不用换挡或其他附加操作,所以叫“字词兼容”。 1(两字词的输入 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must 每字取其全码的前两码组成,共四码。 如:经济:纟 又 氵 文 (55 54 43 41 XCIY) 操作:扌 口 亻 (32 23 34 31 RKWT) 2(三字词的输入 前两字各取一码,最后一字取两码,共四码。 如:计算机:讠 竹 木 几 (41 31 14 25 YTSM) 32 34 23 25 RWKM) 操作员:扌 亻 口 贝 ( 3、 四字词:每字各取全码的第一码。 如:科学技术:禾 扌 木 (31 43 32 14 TIRS) 汉字编码:氵 宀 纟 石 (43 45 55 13 IPXD) 王码电脑:王 石 曰 月 (11 13 22 33 GDJE) 4、 多字词:取第一、二、三及末一个汉字的第一码,共四码。 如:电子计算机:曰 子 讠 木(22 52 41 14 JBYS) 中华人民共和国:口 亻 人 囗(23 34 34 24 KWWL) 美利坚合众国: 禾 囗(42 31 22 24 UTJL) 五笔字型计算机汉字输入技术:五 竹 一 木(11 31 11 14 GTGS) 3.9 简 码 为了减少击键次数,提高输入速度,一些常用的字,除按其全码可以输入外,多数都可以只取其前边的一至三个字根,再加空格键,就可以完成这个汉字的输入,即只取其全码的最前边的一个、二个或三个字根输入,形成所谓一、二、三级简码。 (一级简码字 1 五笔字型的每个键位上都对应一个一级简码字,共25个。键位和汉字的对照表见教材P319 当需要输入这些一级简码汉字时,只要输入该字所在的键,再按空格键,就可以完成这个汉字的输入了。例如“中”字应按23所对应的,键,再按空格键。 2(二级和三级简码字 二级简码字是指每个字只输入前两个字根所对应的键,再按空格键就可以完成输入的汉字。 例如:“明”是二级简码字,只要键入“JE”,再按空格键就完成了“明”字的输入。 三级简码字是指每个字只输入前三个字根所对应的键,再加打空格键就可以完成输入的汉字。 例如:“根”是三级简码字,只要顺序输入“SVE”,再按空格键就输入了“根”字。 3. 重码 五笔字型中出现的重码,和拼音输入法一样,在录入框中选择所需字的序号即可。 4. 万能学习键 可用“z”键来代替任何一个键。 main construction machines configured list of main construction equipment number equipment name model units number remark, lifting and transportation equipment 1 car SCC6000 3 2 1 rental car SCC2600 1 rental car QY50C 2 4 car QY25C 4-owned 5-owned truck crane QY12C 3 6 TC6024 tower crane-owned 2-7 TC5513 3 tower cranes-lease 8 upgrade SMZ20 3 owned 9 flatbed trailer 10 truck 25t 50T 2 rental 5-owned 11 tools 1.5T set SY5250GJB3A 2-owned 12 concrete pump truck set 5 lease 13 SY5310THB40R 14 2 rental of concrete pump truck forklift truck 5T 1-owned 25t 2 owned 16 15 electric winch hoists 10T 3 owned 17 manual hoists 10T 40 owned 18 manual hoists 5T 10 owned 19 manual Hu Lu 2T 3T 10 owned 20 manual hyacinth 10 owned 21 hydraulic jack 20T 15 owned 22 hydraulic jack 10T 10-owned three-, welding and lathe equipment and pipeline installation machinery 1 C620 3 2 radial drilling machine-owned Z50 4 3-owned semi-automatic cutting machine GZ-100A 15-owned 4 wheel cutter φ 400 20 5 plasma cutting machine 25-owned owned φ 150 100-owned 6 angle grinder 7 angle grinder diameter 100 180 owned 8 internal grinding machine 75 owned 9 electric test pump SY600 4-owned 2U-6/8 10 portable air compressor 2-owned 1/2 ″ ~4 ″ 11 tube Bender 5-owned 12 electric pipe threader 5 out of ... A comprehensive system of education for construction through technology to give the low-down, deeper knowledge of engineering construction personnel, enhance the quality of construction, security, and civil construction. (2) machine check: needed for construction machinery inventory verification, see construction equipment, machinery is intact, a variety of motor are working properly, is safe and reliable. Detection tools are complete and in good condition, discovered the problem in time to replace or repair. (3) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must have the materials quality certificate, its content and form must
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