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【2017年整理】干香菇的营养与做法【2017年整理】干香菇的营养与做法 干香菇的营养与做法 基本介绍 香菇(冬菇)又名椎茸,是生长在大自然环境下的山活中珍贵的一种副食品。 野珍品,其具有一种独特自然风味。是含有多种价值较高的一种食 用菌,也是生香菇可以用来炖、炒、煮 等各种做法,其口味鲜美,口感细嫩,是历来人们为席上佳肴。 烤制与贮藏 在香菇栽培过程中,由于管理不及时,或者气候异常、温差大,易形成一些畸形菇和劣质菇(统称菜菇)。这些劣质香菇如果不做处理,直接作为鲜菇进入市场售价很低,而且销路不好。如果将其烤制成干菇,不但可以升值,而且销路也好。但一些...
【2017年整理】干香菇的营养与做法 干香菇的营养与做法 基本介绍 香菇(冬菇)又名椎茸,是生长在大自然环境下的山活中珍贵的一种副食品。 野珍品,其具有一种独特自然风味。是含有多种价值较高的一种食 用菌,也是生香菇可以用来炖、炒、煮 等各种做法,其口味鲜美,口感细嫩,是历来人们为席上佳肴。 烤制与贮藏 在香菇栽培过程中,由于管理不及时,或者气候异常、温差大,易形成一些畸形菇和劣质菇(统称菜菇)。这些劣质香菇如果不做处理,直接作为鲜菇进入市场售价很低,而且销路不好。如果将其烤制成干菇,不但可以升值,而且销路也好。但一些农户由于烤制方法不当,同样的干菇,价格往往相差好几倍。 1、进行原料处理。将鲜菇剪柄。剪柄长短应根据菇形、菇肉、菇质、菇面来确定,并可分为去糠、剪半脚、剪平脚三个等级。一般而言,菇面小、菇肉薄、菇脚长的香菇,以去糠为宜(保持全脚);菇面大而圆、菇肉薄、菇质松软的菇,可取其半脚(即剪去菇脚的一半),取值范围为1,1、5厘米左右;菇面大而圆,菇肉厚而坚硬的,以取平脚为宜,即剪去脚,剩下0、5厘米左右。根据菇面大小、菇肉厚薄,菇面圆度、菇质好坏,分长短剪留菇脚,对成品菇干的价格和菇干的所得率影响很大。 2、烤制方法:关键是掌握好烤制过程的温度。香菇按不同长度进行剪柄后,排放于烘筛上,将烘筛推入烘干机烘箱内,紧闭箱门开始点火起烘。脱水初期温度不能低于30?,最好是32?起烘;在40?,50?的范围内烘6小时;停火1小时后,再在 45?,50?热风温度条件下,脱水6小时;停火2小时,进行检菇。最后在50?,60?下脱水直到烘干为止。在烘制时不宜升温太快,每小时升温不能超过 3?,5?。骤然升温会引起菇体急剧收缩,造成菇盖向外倒卷并变黑,严重影响菇干品质。在烘制过程中,检菇也是不可忽视的环节。因为菇肉厚薄不一,其含水量差别很大,对烤制时间自然不一。所以在第二次停火后,就必须逐筛进行检查,发现已烘干的应先捡起放入塑料袋内,未干的推入箱内继续再烘。这样可防止部分香菇因烤制过度而变焦,影响干菇的品质。 3、干菇的贮藏:香菇烘干后,如果不妥善贮藏,很容易反潮。特别是在雨季气温高、湿度大时更易引起霉变及虫蛀。所以香菇烤干后,要迅速分等级装入塑料袋中。为了防止潮气侵入,可在塑料袋中放入一小包无机氯化钠,以免菇体内的糖分渗出而变色,同时防止麦蛾等产卵和孵化。为了防止香菇蛾等虫害,也可在贮藏前用二硫化碳将贮藏室熏蒸24小时,等排除余气后再行贮藏。 干燥贮存: 香菇吸水性强,含水量高时容易氧化变质,也会发生霉变。因此,香菇必须干燥后才能进行贮存。贮存容器内必须放入适量的块状石灰或干木炭等吸湿剂,以防反潮。 低温贮存: 香菇必须在低温通风处贮存,有条件的可把装香菇的容器密封后置于冰箱或冷库中贮存。 避光贮存: 光线中的红外线会使香菇升温,紫外线会引发光化作用,从而加速香菇变质。因此,必须避免在强光下贮存香菇,同时也要避免用透光材料包装。 密封贮存: 氧化反应是香菇质变的必经过程,如果切断供氧则可抑制其氧化变质。可用铁罐、陶瓷缸等可密封的容器装贮香菇,容器应内衬食品袋。要尽量少开容器口,封口时要排出衬袋内的空气,有条件的可用抽氧充氮袋装贮。 单独贮存: 香菇具有极强的吸附性,必须单独贮存,即装贮香菇的容器不得混装其他物品,贮存香菇的 库房不宜混贮其他物资。另外,不得用有气味挥发的容器或吸附有异味的容器装贮香菇。 营养价值 香菇素有"山珍"之称,宋朝就有将其列为贡品的文献记载,也是我国民间筵席上不可缺少的 "素中之荤"的名菜。日本人称香菇为"植物性食品的顶峰",罗马人将其列为"上帝食品"。香 菇营养丰富,对人体健康十分有益。据食品专家,每100克的干香菇中,含蛋白质13 克,脂肪1、8克,碳水化合物54克,粗纤维7、8克,灰分4、9克,钙124毫克,磷415 毫克,铁25、3毫克,以及维生素B1、B2、C等。此外还含有较多的麦角甾醇及甘露醇等, 经日光或紫外线照射,均可转变成维生素D2,可增强人体免疫能力,并能帮助儿童骨骼和 牙齿的生长。据报道香菇中有30多种酶,是纠正人体酶缺乏的独特食品。 Basic introduction Mushrooms (also known as shiitake mushrooms), is the growth in the naturalenvironment of mountain life precious a non-staple food. Wild treasures, it has aunique natural flavor. Is a kind of edible fungi with www.macabuy.com higher values, but also can be used to cook, aroma of mushroom fried, boiled and other practices, its delicious taste,delicate taste, is always the people for the table delicacies. Roasting and storage In the cultivation of mushrooms, because management is not timely, or abnormal climate, large temperature difference, easy to form some mushroom deformity and inferior mushroom (referred to as the food mushroom). These inferior mushrooms if left untreated, directly as fresh mushroom into the market price is very low, but do not sell well. If it is made of roasted dried mushrooms, not only can rise, and sells well. But some farmers due to improper method of baking, the same dry mushroom, prices tend to vary several times. 1, raw material treatment. Fresh mushroom shear handle. Shear handle length should be based on the mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom www.dubohg.com meat quality is determined, which can be divided into chaff, scissors, cut a half foot foot three grades.In general, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom meat thin foot long mushrooms, thechaff is appropriate (keep the whole foot); mushroom is big and round, mushroom,mushroom, meat thin soft mushroom, it is desirable to its half foot (i.e. half cutmushroom foot), ranging from 1 to 1, about 5 cm; mushroom is big and round,mushroom thick and hard, as were the foot is appropriate, namely cut feet, left 0, 5 centimeters. According to the size of the mushroom, mushroom meat thicknessroundness, mushroom, mushroom quality, long or short cut mushroom foot, a great impact on the finished product mushroom stem price and mushroom stem incomerate. 2, the key is to master the cooking method: baking process temperature. According to the different length of the scissor handle mushrooms, emissions from drying sieve,sieve into the baking in the oven drying machine, closed door to start the ignitioncarbonadoing. The initial dehydration temperature cannot be lower than 30 ?, the best is 32 ? carbonadoing; at 40 ? and 50 ? within 6 hours of drying; to cease fire for 1 hours, and at 45 ? ~ 50 ? hot blast temperature, dehydration 6 hours; to cease fire for 2 hours, mushroom. Finally in the 50 ? ~ 60 ? drying dehydration until now. In the baking time should not be reached too fast, hourly temperature should not exceed 3 ? ~ 5 ?. The sudden warming will cause the mushroom body contracted sharply,causing mushroom cap outward rewind and black, seriously affecting the quality ofdried mushrooms. www.macabuy.com In the baking process, inspection mushroom is not be ignored.Mushroom meat because of different thickness, the large water content difference, on the baking time not a natural. So in second after the ceasefire, must by screening for inspection, found to have dried should pick up into a plastic bag, wet into the box to continue to bake. This prevents the part baked mushrooms because of excessive andzoom, dried mushroom quality influence. 3, dry mushroom storage: mushrooms after drying, if not properly stored, easilycounter tide. Especially in the rainy season air temperature is high, humidity is bigmore easily lead to mildew and moth. So after being dried mushrooms, to quickly rankin a plastic bag. In order to prevent moisture intrusion, can be put into a packet ofinorganic sodium chloride in a plastic bag, lest the mushroom body of sugar exudationand discoloration, while preventing the feeding, spawning and hatching. In order to prevent the mushrooms moth and other pests, also can be in storage before the store room with carbon bisulfide fumigation for 24 hours, after removing the residual gasstorage. Dry storage: Mushrooms of strong water absorption, water content is easily oxidized, will mildew.Therefore, mushrooms must be dried before storage. Storage containers must beplaced in the massive amount of dry lime or charcoal absorbent, to prevent the antisurge. Low temperature storage: Mushrooms have stored in low temperature ventilation, conditional can make storagecontainers sealed in the refrigerator or mushrooms after cold storage. Avoid light storage: The light in the infrared temperature will make the mushrooms, ultraviolet radiationcan cause photochemical action, thereby accelerating deterioration of mushrooms.Therefore, must avoid storage mushrooms in bright light, at the same time to avoid the use of transparent materials packaging. Sealed storage: The oxidation reaction is a necessary process of mushrooms qualitative change, if cut off the oxygen supply can inhibit the oxidative modification. The container can be usedcans, ceramic cylinder can be sealed storage containers should be lined withmushrooms, food bag. As little as possible to open the container port, sealing todischarge lining the air bags, the available oxygen pumping nitrogen filling bagstorage conditions. Separate storage: Mushrooms have a very strong adsorption, must be stored separately, the containeris stored in the other articles shall not be mixed mushrooms, mushrooms storagewarehouse should not be mixed with other materials storage. In addition, no containercontainer or adsorption odor volatile odor of stored mushrooms. Nutritive value Mushrooms known as " " mountain; said, the Song Dynasty had listed itrecords a tribute to the literature, also is our country folk feast of the indispensable " prime in the dirty dishes ". Japan called mushrooms as " plant foodsummit, " Romans as its " God food ". Mushrooms are rich in nutrition, very beneficial to human health. According to food expert analysis, each 100 grams of dried mushrooms, containing 13 grams of protein, 1 fat, 8 grams, 54 grams carbohydrates, crude fiber 7, 8 grams, 9 grams, 4 ash, 124 mg of calcium,phosphorus 415 mg, iron 25, 3 mg, and vitamins B1, B2, C etc.. In addition also contains a lot of ergosterol and mannitol, the sunlight or ultraviolet radiation, can beconverted into vitamin D2, can enhance the body's immune ability, and can help the child to the growth of bones and teeth. According to reports mushrooms in 30 kinds of enzymes, is to correct the human body lacking enzymes.
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