

2018-02-08 10页 doc 35KB 23阅读




如何安全使用煤气罐如何安全使用煤气罐 液化气燃气灶安全使用手册 1、如何安全使用液化石油气瓶 首先要学会更换减压器。检查减压器上的密封圈是否脱落丢失,还要注意减压器与角阀为反扣连接(即反时针旋转),切记安装时不要拧反了。安装好后用手晃动减压器本体,如摆动就需重新安装。 第二要学会试漏。用户还可以经常用肥皂水刷一刷软管、接口处、减压阀与胶管部位的连接,检查有没有漏气。 第三要学会点火。点火这一步是很关键的,如果两次以上没有点着火的话,就要立即停止打火,因为这样一来就会有液化石油气外漏,要停两分钟以上等泄漏的气体散去,再尝试第二次点火。千...
如何安全使用煤气罐 液化气燃气灶安全使用手册 1、如何安全使用液化石油气瓶 首先要学会更换减压器。检查减压器上的密封圈是否脱落丢失,还要注意减压器与角阀为反扣连接(即反时针旋转),切记安装时不要拧反了。安装好后用手晃动减压器本体,如摆动就需重新安装。 第二要学会试漏。用户还可以经常用肥皂水刷一刷软管、接口处、减压阀与胶管部位的连接,检查有没有漏气。 第三要学会点火。点火这一步是很关键的,如果两次以上没有点着火的话,就要立即停止打火,因为这样一来就会有液化石油气外漏,要停两分钟以上等泄漏的气体散去,再尝试第二次点火。千万记住不要开排风扇,如若这时开启排风扇,空气中充斥的高浓度混合气体,遇到打火就有可能发生爆炸。 第四点要学会调风。在使用液化气过程中,如果发现壶、锅被熏黑了,或者发现火灭了,火焰发红或发黄,这时候液化石油气和空气的比例可能不合适,需要调整风门,把风门调至正常,使火焰形成蓝色。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 第五点是一旦出现了着火事故要学会冷静处理。应用浸湿的毛巾立即把气瓶角阀截门关上,并将气瓶转移到室外空旷处防止爆炸。此外,液化气罐不能私自拆装更不能倒置和横放,至于浇热水等方法加热钢瓶也是万万不可取的。阳光的强烈照射也会导致液化罐爆炸事故的发生。为了防止意外事故,禁止在地下室等不通风的居室内使用液化石油气罐,液化气罐中的残液千万不要乱倒,也不能私自修理,液化罐出现漏气现象应立即送回销售点更换。若出现漏气事故与减压阀损坏,这与胶管老化有直接原因,应该购买有资质的生产厂家生产的正规产品。而减压阀使用期限为五年,胶管密封圈使用期限为三年。检查一下液化气部件有没有老化现象,只要有一点点老化现象就要赶紧更换新的部件,千万不要马虎从事。 2、安全用气 煤气和液化气是当今城市居民生活的主要燃料,煤气的成分主要是一氧化碳和氢气,液化气的主要成分为丙烷、丁烷等有机化合物,都具有易燃易爆有毒的特点。人体若吸人一定量的煤气或液化气就会中毒,甚至窒息死亡。 (—)预防煤气、液化气事故的1.选用合格的用具。 2.煤气灶应放在通风良好、周围无易燃物的地方。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 3.使用煤气时,必须有人照看。4.不能私装、改装煤气用具。 5.定期检查煤气软管、接头,防止老化、松动。6.不能在煤气管上吊挂重物。 7.不能把电器设备的接地线接在煤气阀上。8.临睡前、外出时,关闭所有煤气开关。 9.装有煤气管道、煤气用具的厨房等处,不能睡人。 (二)使用家庭燃气用具的注意事项 1.应选用经燃具质量检测站检验合格的家用燃具。 2.应熟悉各种燃气用具的使用方法及要求。3.不要私自接装燃气用具。 4.使用场所必须保持空气流通。 5.若有故障,应及时排除后再使用。 (三)正确使用液化气瓶须知1.钢瓶应直立摆放,严禁加performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 热、火烤、横放、摇晃、日晒。 2.正确装卸减压阀。3.不可互相倒气。 4.不乱倒液化残液。 (四)燃气、液化气泄漏时的处置方法 1.迅速打开门窗,加速通风。 2.立即关闭煤气开关,停止使用煤气。 3.杜绝一切火种,禁止开关电器用具。 4.用肥皂液涂抹法,查找漏气部位。 (1)将肥皂或洗衣粉加水调成泡和溶液。 (2)用毛笔蘸上肥皂液涂抹在怀疑漏气的部位。 (3)发现泡沫或气泡增大,即表明该处是漏气点。 5.查出漏气部位可暂用胶布包扎,并及时煤气公司,请求修理。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination (五)燃气、液化气中毒人员的抢救方法 进人浓度较高的事故现场时,抢救人员应采取防护措施,可用温巾、毛巾等捂口,减少吸人;不要穿鞋带钉的鞋子,以防产生火星引起爆炸。 1.立即打开门窗,加强通风。 2.迅速将中毒者转移到空气流通处。 3.及时对中毒者进行针对性救治。 轻度中毒者可解开衣领、裤带、松开衣服,喝浓茶、咖啡,并注意观察。 重度中毒者应一面施行人工呼吸或胸外心脏按压,一面拨打“120”急救中心,迅速送往具备高压氧舱的医院救治。 (六)燃气液化气失火时的求助措施1.立即关闭煤气开关或液化气阀门。 2.用温布扑打或覆盖着火点。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 3.或用家具灭火机扑灭。 4.若液化气发热发烫,可用冷水浇洒,使其降温。 5.灭火同时,勿忘向“119”报警。 3、管道气用户安全须知 一、室内装饰时不得将燃气管道进行包装密闭。二、不要私自拆卸或改装燃气管道,严禁挪动燃气设施,燃气管道上不得吊挂杂物。 三、连接灶具的胶管使用一年以上的,应及时进行更换。 四、对怀疑漏气的地方可用肥皂水涂在管道上进行检查,如发现冒气泡,则此处就是泄漏点,请立即通知供应单位处理。 五、不使用无检测合格标识的燃气器具。 六、使用燃气时应开启通风设施换气和开窗通风,使用过程中不要离人。 七、在遇管道停气时应关闭管道阀门,送气后应先开窗performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 或开排风扇,再按正常程序开启灶具。 八、用完燃气后或临睡前要关闭煤气表尾阀。 4、钢瓶使用多长时间需检验 国家规定:充装15公斤或小于15公斤的钢瓶,自制造日期起,第一次至第三次检验的检验周期为4年,第四次检验有效期为3年,充装量为50公斤的钢瓶,每3年检验一次。对使用期限超过15年的任何类型的钢瓶,登记后不予检验,按报废处理。 5、燃气灶具安装设置应注意什么? 燃气灶应安装在通风良好的厨房内;利用卧室的套间或用户单独使用的走廊作厨房时,应设门并与卧室隔开;安装燃气灶具的房间净高不得低于2.2米;灶个可燃或不耐火墙壁之间应采取有效的防火隔热措施;灶面边缘与木质家具水平距离不应小于0.2米;灶具钢瓶或燃气立管应保持0.5为水平距离,与燃气表保持0.3米水平距离。 6、为什么不能将钢瓶倒立或卧放使用? 将钢瓶倒立或卧放使用,减压阀将失去减压作用甚至被performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 破坏,直接影响减压阀的正常安全使用,极易造成漏气,一旦遇到明火易发生火灾或爆炸事故;另外,还会造成残渣堵住出口嘴,容易形成泄漏。 7、为什么不准用火烤、开水烫或暴晒钢瓶?如用火烤、开水烫或暴光晒钢瓶,钢瓶会超过所允许的最高使用温度而导致超压,易发生事故;还会使钢瓶产生局部应力和变形,损害材料性能加快钢瓶腐蚀,减少使用寿命,不利于钢瓶的安全使用。 8、为什么不准私自钢瓶过气? 钢瓶过气是指用户私自将一钢瓶中的液化石油气倒灌进另一钢瓶或其它小容器,这是严重的违规操作,易形成重大的火灾隐患。 第一,过气胶管直接输送液体,未经减压,承受的是较高的饱和蒸气,过气胶管易发生破裂; 第二,在过气过程中,各连接部位易发生泄漏;第三,操作者无专业技术知识,环境条件不符合安全要求,火源无法杜绝,一旦泄漏,遇到火源会发生爆炸燃烧事故。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination
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