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石膏板吊顶工艺石膏板吊顶工艺 装饰石膏板吊顶的施工工艺 2008-11-22 21:12 装饰石膏板吊顶的施工工艺 1.安装固定方法装饰石膏板的安装可根据各地的材料情况采用搁置平放,螺钉固定及胶粘剂粘结等安装方法。 (1)搁置平放法:当采用T型铝合金龙骨或轻钢龙骨时,可将装饰石膏板搁置在由T型龙骨组成的各格栅框内,即完成吊顶施工。 (2)螺钉固定安装法:当采用U型轻钢龙骨时,装饰石膏板可用镀锌目攻螺钉与U型中、小龙骨固定。针眼用腻于我平,再用与板面颜色相同的色浆修补。 当采用水龙骨时,装饰石膏板可用镀锌元钉或螺钉与木龙骨钉牢...
石膏板吊顶 装饰石膏板吊顶的施工工艺 2008-11-22 21:12 装饰石膏板吊顶的施工工艺 1.安装固定装饰石膏板的安装可根据各地的材料情况采用搁置平放,螺钉固定及胶粘剂粘结等安装方法。 (1)搁置平放法:当采用T型铝合金龙骨或轻钢龙骨时,可将装饰石膏板搁置在由T型龙骨组成的各格栅框内,即完成吊顶施工。 (2)螺钉固定安装法:当采用U型轻钢龙骨时,装饰石膏板可用镀锌目攻螺钉与U型中、小龙骨固定。针眼用腻于我平,再用与板面颜色相同的色浆修补。 当采用水龙骨时,装饰石膏板可用镀锌元钉或螺钉与木龙骨钉牢。钉子与板边距离应不小于15mm,钉子间距以150,170mm为宜。均匀布置,并与板面垂直。针头嵌入石膏板深度以0.5,1.0mm为宜,钉帽应涂刷防锈涂料。针眼用腻子找平,再用与板面颜色相同的色浆修补。木龙骨底宽要求不小于60mm,厚不小于40mm.安装的螺钉宜用20,25mm的木螺钉,亦可采用铝压条或托花修饰。 (3)粘结安装法:当施工轻钢龙骨(UC型)组成的隐蔽人装配吊顶时,亦可采用胶粘剂将装饰石膏板直接粘贴到龙骨上。胶粘剂应涂抹均匀,不得漏涂,粘实粘牢。 2.注意事项 (1)石膏制品怕水,不得在露天存放,要有防水、防潮措施。 (2)装饰石膏板在运输安装时,要轻拿轻放(以集装箱运为宜),注意洁净。如石膏板被污染,安装后要求涂刷一次白色或其它要求色调或涂料。 (3)安装前要对其型号、尺寸、方正、厚度、表面平整度进行全面检查,不符合要求者,要及时修整和调换。 (4)为防止石膏板的结构位移,安装时板与板之间要留一定的空隙。 (5)装饰石膏板吊顶存在的最大问是变形较大,究其原因主要是空间湿气不散,通风问题尚未解决。因此,装饰石膏板应贴放于通风干燥的室内,以防止受潮而变形。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 3. 安装施工技术 (一)纸面石膏板铺设1.固定方法纸面石膏板的铺设,关键是板的固定,根据龙骨的断面,饰面板边的处理及板材的类型,常分为三种固定方式。 (l)石膏板(包括基层板和饰面板)用螺钉固定在龙骨上。金属龙骨大多采用自攻螺钉,木龙骨采用木螺丝。 (2)用胶粘剂将石膏板(指饰面板)粘到龙骨上。 (3)将石膏板(指饰面板)加工成企口暗缝的形式,龙骨的两条肢插入暗缝内,不用针,也不用胶,靠两条肢将板担住。 普通纸面石膏板和防火纸面石膏板为基层板,纸面石膏装饰吸声板为饰面板,通常都以采用螺钉固定安装法为好。 2.罩面板饰面处理中如果考虑选用的是基层板,要想获得满意的装饰效果,那么必须在其他表面饰以其它装饰材料。吊顶工程的饰面做法繁多,常用的有:裱糊壁纸、涂饰乳胶漆、喷漆、镶贴各种类型的镜片,如玻璃镜片、金属抛光板、复合塑料镜片等。在众多的饰面做法中,首推裱糊壁纸。壁纸规格、种类繁多,色泽和图案相当丰富,可供设计选择的机会相当多。又因壁纸在光感、质感等方面差异较大,通过不同的选择,可以获得不同的艺术风格。再则,壁纸易于施工,容易同基层粘结,随基层起伏变化,因而采用纸面石膏板为基层板,壁纸裱糊吊顶,有其独特的优点,乐于为大家所使用。尤其是在餐厅吊顶及宾馆客房的吊顶中,应用更为普遍。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 如若选用镜面材料镶贴,要特别注意表面材料的固定问题。除了用胶粘剂粘贴以外,还需用针紧固或用压条周边压紧。如选用镜面玻璃,粘贴应用安全玻璃。镶贴不同规格的材料,固定方法可能有变化,但不论如何,安全、牢固应为第一。 3.施工注意事项 (1)吊顶用的纸面石膏板,一般采用9mm厚的纸面石膏板。 (2)板材应在无应力状态下进行固定,防止出现弯棱、凸鼓现象。 (3)纸面石膏板的长边(即包村边)应沿纵向次龙骨铺设。 (4)自攻螺钉与纸面石膏板边距离:面纸包封的板边以 10, 15mm为官;切割的板边以15,20mm为宜。 (5)固定石膏板的次龙骨间距一般不应大于 600mm,在南方潮湿地区,间距应适当减少,以300mm为宜。 (6)钉距以150,170mm为宜,螺钉应与板面垂直。弯曲、变形的螺钉应际会,开在相隔50mm的部值另钉螺钉…… (7)安装双层石膏板时,面层板与基层板的接缝应错开,不允许在同一根龙骨上接缝。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (8)石膏板的对接缝,应按产品要求进行板缝处理。 (9)纸面石膏板与龙骨固定,应从一块板的中部向板的四边固定,不允许多点同时作业。 (10)钉子的埋置深度以螺钉头的表面略埋入极面,并不使纸面破坏为宜。针眼应除锈,并用石膏腻子抹平。 (11)拌制石膏腻于,必须用清洁水和清洁容器。 (二)配套材料及施工机具在安装铺设纸面石膏板过程中,应该使用专门的配套材料与机具、工具,以避免影响工程质量。如纸面石膏板的嵌缝石膏及嵌缝纸带,有不少单位在购置石膏板时不是一同配套采购。施工时用其它材料代替,再加之操作不认真,就出现前面提到的拼板处裂缝问题。 4. 工程验收 (1)石膏板表面应平整,不得有污染、折裂、缺棱掉角、锤伤等缺陷,接缝应均匀一致。 (2)搁置安装的石膏板不得有漏、透、翘角现象。 (3)穿孔板的孔距应排整齐,穿孔应垂直干板面,桂边形状为直角形的板材,侧面应与板面成直角。 (4)装饰石膏板正面不应有影响装饰效果的气孔、污痕、裂纹、缺角、色彩不均匀和图案不完整等缺陷。 (5)纸面石膏板面应平整,对于波纹、沟槽、污痕和划伤等缺陷,按规定方法检验时,应符合表4,3,12规定。 (6)吸声穿孔石膏板不应有影,向使用和装饰效果的缺陷,对以纸面石膏板为基板的板材不应有破损、划伤、污痕、凹凸、纸面剥落等缺陷;对以装饰石膏板为基板的板材不应有裂纹、污痕、气孔、缺角、色彩不匀等缺陷。暗装的吸声材料应有防散落措施。 (7)嵌装式装饰石膏板正面不得有影响装饰效果的气孔、污痕、裂纹、缺角。骨架结构的验收装饰工程中的骨架结构主要是吊顶骨架、间隔墙或墙面骨架以及装饰体骨架等。骨架的种类有木方骨架、角铁骨架和轻钢龙骨骨架。 一。 木骨架结构 (1)顶棚的主梁应悬吊在指架下弦的节点上,顶棚搁栅固定在主梁上。 非保温顶棚可将顶棚搁栅直接悬吊在衍架下弦上。 顶棚的吊杆宜采用圆钢,非保温顶棚也可采用木吊杆,但应采用不易劈裂的干燥木材,to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 端头用两个钉子固定,劈裂的木吊杆应立即更换。 (2)吊杆经检验合格后,方可钉装吊顶面板。 (3)吊杆的固定必须牢固,吊点固定的方式要根据上人或不上人为吊顶的载重要求。 (4)单层灰板条的间隙应取7-10mm,板条接头应设在顶棚搁栅或隔墙立筋上,其端头及中部每隔一根搁栅(或立筋)应用 两个钉子固定。板条端面间宜留3-5mm的空隙。板条接头应分段交锗布置,每段长度不宜大于50cm.钉在衬板上的双层灰板条的空格不应大于35mm.衬板接缝应留10—15mm的空隙。 (5)隔墙骨架必须与地面、顶面和墙面固定,隔墙的倾斜度应在3度以内。 (6)木骨架的互相对接要在同一平面上,两者之间要固定衔接。 (7)木骨架吊顶在固定完毕后,要进行1次全面检查和校平,并检查安装位置是否正确。 (8)木骨架所用木方规格应按设计要求,各木方之间应钉接固定,与罩面板接触的一面必须刨平。 (9)木骨架吊顶的允许偏差见表。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (10)木骨架可用25*30mm木方,组合成300*300mm方或用40×60mm木方,组合成400*400mm的方框架。 (11)木骨架用木方材料应用东北松或花旗松,木材用烘干或风干的干燥料。 (12)顶棚木骨架结构必须按防火要求,涂刷三遍防火漆。 角铁骨架和轻钢龙骨骨架的验收忽略。罩面板的验收 一。 木夹板罩面 (1)罩面板安装前,应按分块尺寸弹线;安装顶棚应由中间向两边对称进行,墙面与顶棚的接缝应交圈一致。 (2)胶合板如用钉子固定,钉距为80—150mm,钉长为25—35mm,钉帽应打扁并进入板面0.5-1mm,钉眼用油性腻子抹平。 (3)胶合板面如涂刷清漆时,相邻板面的木纹和颜色应近似。 (4)中密度纤维板如用钉子固定,钉距为80-120mm,钉长为20-30mm,钉帽宜进入板面0.5mm,钉眼用油性腻子抹平。 硬质纤维板应用水浸透、晾干后安装。 (5)胶合板用木压条固定时,钉距不应大于200mm,钉帽应打扁,并进入木压条面0.5-1mm,钉眼用油性腻子抹平。 (6)罩面板的接缝宽度,如设计无要求时,可采用V形缝或采用平缝,缝宽3-5mm,缝的宽度应一致,且应平直、光滑、通顺,十字缝处不得有错缝,如有不顺或毛刺等缺陷,to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 应修平滑。 (7)当木板钉完后,要检查一遍,有否凸凹处、翘边处,并将未沉人的钉头打进夹板中。 (8)采用压条时,根据设计的间距位置,先弹墨线,按线钉压条。如采用木压条,必须用干燥、无节疤、无裂纹的木材,规格尺寸一致,表面平整光滑,不得有扭曲现象。木压条应宽窄一致、平直,接缝处两端用小齿锯断料,接头割角平整严密。当夹板钉完之后,认真进行自检,发现质量缺陷,及时进行修整,确认合格,方可转到下道施工项目。 (9)墙和柱的罩面板下端,如用木踢脚板覆盖,罩面板应离地面20—30mm;用大理石、水磨石踢脚板时,罩面板下端应与踢脚板上口齐平,接缝严密。 二。 石膏板罩面: (1)在装钉石膏板前,先检查骨架质量,重点检查吊杆顺直、受力均匀、龙骨间距不大于500n皿(潮湿环境按设计要求适当减小间距),龙骨下表面平顺无下坠感,主、配件连接紧密、牢固等,确认合格方可装钉。 (2)板的切割,先用刀片切割正(纸)面,沿切割线折断,然后切割背面纸,使切割板的边缘平直方正,无缺楞掉角等缺陷。 (3)铺板固定。将石膏板的长边(包封边)与支承龙骨相垂直铺设,板不得有悬挑现象。石膏板对接时应靠紧,但不得强压就位。可从一板角或中间行列开始,不宜多点同时铺钉。要求板缝顺直,宽窄一致,不得有错缝现象。 石膏板用4×25mm或4×35mm的自攻螺钉与龙骨钉牢,不得有松动现象。螺钉位置布置均匀,钉眼距包封边不小于10mm、距切割边不小于15mm;钉距在板边处宜150-200mm、在板中心处宜200-300mm;钉头嵌入板面0.5-1mm,以不损坏纸面为宜;钉眼用石膏腻子嵌平。 (4)板缝处理,在包边的板缝处,用刮刀将嵌缝腻子填嵌密实,再刮厚约1mm、宽约60mm腻子,随即贴上穿孔纸带;用刮 刀顺着纸带方向刮压,使腻子均匀地挤出纸带外。在切割边接缝处应清理干净,用石膏腻子填嵌密实、平滑。 (5)接缝。石膏板对接时要靠紧,但不能强压就位5板的对接缝要错开,墙两面的接缝不能落在同一根龙骨上;采用双层板时,第二层板的接缝不能与第一层的接缝落在同一竖龙骨上,双层石膏板应错位拼接。 罩面板拼接的越紧密,越容易出现吊顶开裂。家装施工规范要求吊顶罩面板与板之间应留3—5mm缝隙,并进行45度倒角,使用原子灰或弹性腻子刮缝,然后贴牛皮纸或涤纶布绷带,这个过程是家装中通用的吊顶防开裂处理方法。家装中吊顶开裂是最常见的问题,一般要经过一轮四季变化的考验,再进行维修晚上处理,吊顶开裂问题才能基本被消除。家装中吊顶面板留缝,是为下一步防开裂处理创造条件,虽然这种处理方法不能完全保证吊顶不开裂,但可以大大降低吊顶开裂的几率。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor ... We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisor's decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate
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