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中医医院中医药文化建设指南中医医院中医药文化建设指南 中医药局关于印发《中医医院中医药 文化建设指南》的通知 国中医药发〔2009〕23号 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅(局)、中医药管理局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局,中国中医科学院,北京中医药大学: 为指导各级中医医院做好中医药文化建设工作,按照《国家中医药管理局关于加强中医医院中医药文化建设的指导意见》,我局在总结部分中医医院开展中医药文化建设试点经验基础上,组织制定了《中医医院中医药文化建设指南》(以下简称《指南》),现予印发。 各省级中医药管理部门要根据《指南》的要求,加强对中医医院中医药...
中医医院中医药文化建设指南 中医药局关于印发《中医医院中医药 文化建设指南》的通知 国中医药发〔2009〕23号 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅(局)、中医药管理局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局,中国中医科学院,北京中医药大学: 为指导各级中医医院做好中医药文化建设工作,按照《国家中医药管理局关于加强中医医院中医药文化建设的指导意见》,我局在总结部分中医医院开展中医药文化建设试点经验基础上,组织制定了《中医医院中医药文化建设指南》(以下简称《指南》),现予印发。 各省级中医药管理部门要根据《指南》的要求,加强对中医医院中医药文化建设工作的指导和督促。各中医医院要根据《指南》结合本院实际情况,切实做好中医药文化建设的组织实施工作。 工作中有何意见和建议,请及时与我局医政司联系。 中医药局 二??九年八月四日 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 中医医院中医药文化建设指南 二??九年七月 第一章 总 则 中医药文化是中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是中医药学发生发展过程中的精神财富和物质形态,是中华民族几千年来认识生命、维护健康、防治疾病的思想和方法体系,是中医药服务的内在精神和思想基础。 中医医院作为中医药文化继承和创新、展示和传播的重要场所,加强中医药文化建设,有利于体现中医医院的基本特征,有利于巩固中医为主的发展方向,有利于提高核心竞争力,更好地保持发挥中医药特色优势,满足广大人民群众对中医药服务的需求。 中医医院中医药文化建设范围非常广泛,内涵十分丰富,主要包括了价值观念、行为规范、环境形象等方面。在建设中,要坚持突出特色,以中医药文化为主体,融合时代文化特征,在继承传统的基础上创新发展,与时俱进,充分体现中医药文化特色;坚持统筹规划,中医药文化建设与医院总体相衔接,与医院文化建设相结合,做到价值观念、行为规范、环境形象的有机统一;坚持因地制宜,按照总体要求,从医院实际出发,制定切实可行的措施,使建设工作充分体现医院个性特征和区域文化特征;坚持促进发展,紧紧围绕医院改革发展的中心工作,以中医药文化建设促进科室建设、技术服务、学术研究、人才培养以及科学管理等各项工作水平的不断提高。 第二章 核心价值体系建设 医院的核心价值体系是医院精神理念、价值取向、道德观念的总和,是医院全体员工信奉和遵守的共同观念。在医院的核心价值体系建设中,应充分体现中work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 医药文化的核心价值。 中医药文化的核心价值是中医药文化的灵魂,决定着中医药文化的存在和发展,是中医药几千年发展进程中积累形成的文化精髓,是中华民族深邃的哲学思想、高尚的道德情操和卓越的文明智慧在中医药中的集中体现。 中医药文化的核心价值,大家普遍认为,主要体现为以人为本、医乃仁术、天人合一、调和致中、大医精诚等理念,可以用仁、和、精、诚四个字来概括。 “仁”,体现了中医仁者爱人、生命至上的伦理思想,以救死扶伤、济世活人为宗旨,表现为尊重生命、敬畏生命、爱护生命。 “和”,体现了中医崇尚和谐的价值取向,表现为天人合一的整体观,阴阳平和的健康观,调和致中的治疗观,以及医患信和、同道谦和的道德观。 “精”,体现了中医的医道精微,要求精勤治学,精研医道,追求精湛的医术。 “诚”,体现了中医人格修养的最高境界,要求心怀至诚于内,言行诚谨,表现在为人处事、治学诊疗、著述科研等方面贵诚笃端方,戒诳语妄言、弄虚作假。 在医院核心价值体系建设中充分体现中医药文化,是坚持以中医为主的办院方向、保持中医药特色优势的灵魂,是改进医院各方面工作、增强员工凝聚力的有效途径,是提高医院创造力和核心竞争力的源泉,是中医药事业生存和发展的基本保证。 在医院核心价值体系建设中,应结合医院自身特点以及民族文化、地域文化等特点,通过将中医药文化的核心价值融入医院宗旨、发展战略、院训、院歌以及行为规范、环境形象等方面加以体现。 一、医院宗旨 医院宗旨,应当充分体现中医医院的办院目的和任务,是指导医院制定方针、发展战略和各项制度的依据。 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 医院宗旨的确定应深刻阐明中医医院存在的价值和目的,找准医院自身的定位;充分体现中医药文化的价值观念;反映时代特征,具有前瞻性;有利于激发员工的责任感和使命感。 二、发展战略 发展战略,应当在中医医院宗旨的指引下,全面分析医院的外部环境(机遇与风险)和内部情况(优势和劣势),明确实现医院宗旨的策略和方法,是制定医院中长期发展规划的基础。 确立医院发展战略,要明确医院继承发扬中医药的使命、愿景与中长期发展目标;要体现医院在发展中医药事业、提供中医药服务等方面的总体定位;要突出中医药在医疗卫生领域的核心竞争力。 三、院训 院训,应当充分体现中医医院宗旨,是医院全体员工奉行的准则。 确立医院院训,要紧紧围绕中医医院宗旨,充分体现中医医院的独特气质和历史文化底蕴;要立意高远、催人奋进,言简意赅、朗朗上口。 四、院歌 院歌,是医院宗旨的艺术表达形式。 院歌的歌词,要在充分体现中医医院宗旨的基础上,着重体现医院的追求和精神,要言简意赅、具有韵味。 院歌的谱曲,应注重民族性、地域性,便于合唱,易于传唱。 五、行为规范 将中医药文化的核心价值融入各种、工作规范以及员工手册的制定和实施过程中,从语言、举止、礼仪以及服务方式、服务流程等方面,建立并不断完善行为规范体系,形成富含中医药文化特色的服务文化和管理文化。 六、环境形象 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 优化医院环境形象建设,通过医院的建筑外观、庭院建设、内部装饰以及医院标识等,使医院的核心价值以视觉的形式得以外化。 第三章 行为规范体系建设 行为规范是中医药文化在医院的执行方式,是保障医院及其职工的行为遵循和体现中医药文化的主要手段。在完善医院行为规范体系中充分体现中医药文化,是医院加强文化建设的基本内容。 在医院行为规范体系建设中充分体现中医药文化,有利于坚持中医为主的医院发展方向,有利于在服务中发挥中医药特色优势,有利于提高医院全体员工的综合素养。 在医院行为规范体系建设中,应充分体现医院宗旨,体现中医药的行业要求,兼顾基本道德与道德理想的统一、协调性与进取性的统一。 医院行为规范体系内涵丰富,涉及方方面面,其中诊疗行为、言语仪表、教学传承、同道相处等方面的行为规范以及特定礼仪,最能体现中医药文化特色。 一、诊疗行为规范 诊疗行为规范,是开展诊察疾病、处方用药等技术服务的行为准则。应明确在诊疗服务中做什么、不做什么,应充分体现中医药理论和技术方法的运用,注重中医药特色优势的发挥。 二、言语仪表规范 言语仪表规范,是医院员工在提供服务过程中,言语、举止、衣着服饰、服务态度等方面的行为准则,应充分体现中医药文化的核心价值,言语温和、待患若亲,动须礼节、举乃和柔,勿自妄尊、不可矫饰,诚信笃实、普同一等。 三、同道相处规范 同道相处规范,是处理同道关系中所持态度、沟通方式、交往方法等方面的行为准则,应体现中国传统所倡导的人格修养,一体同道、互资相长,严于律己、work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 宽以待人,谦逊礼让、顾全大局。 四、教学传承规范 教学传承规范,是传道授业、学医习业等方面的行为准则,应弘扬中医尊师重教、教学相长的优良传统,老师应为人师表、修身正行,平易待人、乐育英才,乐教敬业、口传心授,因材施教、循循善诱,非其人勿教、非其真勿授、示人规矩不示人以巧;学生应尊师重道、谦逊恭敬,持之以恒、精勤不倦,勤求古训、博采众方,学贵专一、思贵沉潜,继承创新、与时俱进。 五、特定礼仪 特定礼仪,是医院员工在重大活动或特定场合应当遵循的行为规范和准则,如庆典活动、职工大会、就职仪式、拜师仪式等。在医院的各种特定礼仪中,应安排体现医院宗旨等方面的内容,注重采用中国传统形式,如在庆典活动中、职工大会上齐唱院歌,在就职仪式上齐诵院训,在拜师仪式上学生向老师行礼敬茶等。 医院行为规范体系建设中,应通过以下方式加强规范的落实和执行: (一)建章立制。建立健全保障中医药特色优势充分发挥的医院各项规章制度,将各种行为规范通过制度固定下来,并在此基础上形成具体明确、切实可行的体现中医医院特点的《员工手册》。 (二)教育培训。将《员工手册》作为重要内容纳入全员培训中,并注重培训形式的多样性、趣味性,提高培训效果。 (三)实施考核。将行为规范的执行情况纳入目标管理,制订考核指标,建立奖惩办法,落实考核结果。 (四)树立典型。在全体员工中开展执行行为规范的先进典型评选表彰活动,立身边标杆,树身边典型,发挥先进的模范带动作用。 第四章 环境形象建设 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 医院环境形象是中医药文化的物质载体,是展示与传播中医药文化的重要方面。 在医院环境形象体系建设中充分彰显中医药文化,有利于体现中医医院的基本特征;有利于巩固中医为主的发展方向,更好地保持发挥中医药特色优势;有利于实现物质文明、精神文明、管理文明的有机结合,达到医院内部的和谐统一;有利于提高医院的竞争力。 医院在环境形象体系建设中,在充分体现医院宗旨、突出中医药文化特色、坚持统筹规划的前提下,还应注重以下原则: 大众化原则:注重通俗易懂,直观简约,学术与科普统一; 实用性原则:因地制宜,量力而行,与医院各区域的总体功能相适应; 个性化原则:注意地域特点和民族特点,充分体现医院的个性,切忌简单模仿,千篇一律; 审美性原则:注重大众审美需求,做到艺术与实用的统一。 环境形象体系建设中,应主要从建筑外观、庭院建设、内部装饰、医院标识等方面体现中医药文化特点。 一、建筑外观和庭院建设 医院建筑及其庭院是展现医院文化的重要方面,是医院文化的重要载体。 (一)建筑外观 医院建筑的外观是对自身环境的营造。良好的医院建筑外观,可以使职工产生归属感和领域感,使公众产生信任感和温馨感。 医院建筑的外观应注入中国传统建筑元素,融入地方建筑特色,主要从屋顶、门楼、窗户、梁柱和颜色等方面体现,不宜采用浓郁异域风格。对原有建筑,如建筑物的外檐轮廓无法改变,可以通过门楼、建筑色彩等的改造,以体现中国传统建筑风格。建筑物的色彩,可以结合中国古代建筑习惯,选用红、棕、米、灰、褐色等,但要因地制宜,合理搭配,因需选择,避免生搬硬套。 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of (二)庭院建设 医院庭院包括医院建筑物周围和被建筑物包围的场地,是医院环境形象体系的重要组成部分,应注意与医院周边环境的和谐,与医院建筑布局、外观、色彩等因素协调统一。在满足庭院使用功能、美化环境的前提下,可以通过庭院建设的各种表达方式,着重体现中医药的历史、理念和知识等,营造浓郁的中医药文化氛围。 表达方式主要有园林小品、主题文化墙、主题雕塑、名医塑像、建筑小品、亭榭、山石、盆景、碑刻、地面文化造型等。 园林绿化尽量采用药用植物,选择适宜当地气候和土壤等条件、有观赏性的中草药,并配以药物功用等文字说明。 (三)标志性构筑物 标志性构筑物是指不具备、不包含或不提供居住功能的人工建造物,是医院最显著的标志,有条件的可以选择适合的位置建造标志性构筑物,作为能够使公众留下长久记忆的标志。如在主楼前等庭院的显著位置设立构筑物,作为彰显医院宗旨、医院特色等的标志。 标志性构筑物应充分体现中医药元素,如体现中医理念或表达医院价值观的抽象艺术雕塑,医史人物或本地历史上有贡献、影响较大的中医药人物的塑像,典型的中医器物或某些中药植物的造型。 二、内部装饰 医院内部装饰的部位主要包括门诊部的大厅、走廊、候诊区、诊室、候药区,住院部的大厅、走廊、病房、医生办公室、护理站、治疗室,办公区域等。通过平面装饰、立体装饰等形式,起到营造氛围、弘扬历史、传播理念、崇尚医德、宣传知识、介绍方法、彰显特色的作用。 营造氛围,主要是营造浓郁的中医药文化氛围。可以通过装饰风格、装潢、色彩搭配等来表达。装饰风格应体现中国传统特色;装潢可以通过含有中医药元work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 素的陈设、摆件、字画、图片等体现;色彩搭配应注意与医院总体色调、区域服务功能相协调。在同一区域内的装饰风格、装潢、色彩应和谐。 弘扬历史,主要是弘扬中医药历史或医院发展史。可以通过文化长廊、壁画、雕塑、中医药器具模型等来表达,有条件的可建立开放式的陈列馆或橱窗、展柜。 传播理念,主要是传播“天人合一”、“阴阳平和”、“上工治未病”等中医药学的核心理念以及医院宗旨等。可以通过历史人物和本院名医塑像、院训、主题墙、雕塑、墙饰等形式来表达。 崇尚医德,主要是宣传“大医精诚”、“医乃仁术”等中医传统美德。可以通过古代名医名言警句的书画作品、木刻、石刻、文化墙等形式来表达。 宣传知识和介绍方法,主要是宣传和介绍中医药的基础知识、养生保健方法,以及中医药防治常见病、多发病的方法,常用中药的识别和功效、中药煎煮常识等。可以通过招贴画、橱窗展柜、实物、触摸屏、视频网络来表达。 彰显特色,主要是展示医院特色、科室特色以及专家特长等。可以通过文化长廊、橱窗展柜、触摸屏、视频网络等方式来表达。 根据医院各区域的特点,确定各区域通过装饰所起到的作用,即明确各区域的装饰主题,在此基础上选择合适的表达方式。 (一)门诊部 门诊部是医院接触患者时间最早、人数最多、范围最广的地方,是医院面向社会的重要窗口,应是医院环境形象体系建设中体现中医药文化特色的最重要场所。 1(门诊大厅。门诊大厅人员流量大、停留时间短,内部装饰应以营造氛围为主,兼顾彰显特色,不宜作过多的知识、方法宣传,不宜过多设置易引起患者驻足的景饰。门诊大厅中的导诊台,应与大厅的总体风格相协调。 2(门诊走廊。是患者进入诊室的通道,有些医院走廊兼作候诊区,患者在此停留时间较长,内部装饰应以传播理念、宣传知识和介绍方法为主,兼顾营造work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 氛围。传播理念、宣传知识和介绍方法的具体内容应与所在区域的科室特色相结合。 3(候诊区。是患者等候诊疗的场所,内部装饰应以宣传知识和介绍方法、彰显特色为主,兼顾传播理念。宣传知识和介绍方法的具体内容,应与区域所在科室的特色相结合,应根据区域所在科室涉及主要病种的变化而及时调整。 4(门诊诊室。是医生为患者进行诊疗的场所,医患直接接触,内部装饰应以营造氛围和崇尚医德为主。根据诊室的特点,内部装饰的总体格调应体现典雅书卷气息,诊桌、诊椅、诊柜等应注重融入中医药元素,不宜装饰过多而转移医生患者的注意力,不宜张挂纷乱的锦旗。 5(中药候药区。是患者诊疗结束后等候取药的场所,内部装饰应以介绍方法和宣传知识为主,兼顾营造氛围。介绍方法的内容应以中药饮片煎煮、服用方法为主,宣传知识的内容应以常用中药的药性、功用、主治、药品真伪鉴别等为主,营造氛围应注重采用常用或名贵中药的标本、煎煮中药的器具等。 (二)住院部 住院部是患者在一段时间内集中接受诊疗并休养、在医院内停留时间最长的场所,是照顾和探视患者的亲友往来频繁的地方。 1(住院大厅。是住院患者以及照顾、探视者经常出入的通道,部分医院还兼有休闲、休息的功能,内部装饰应以营造氛围和传播理念为主。兼具休闲、休息功能的,可以设置药吧等具有中医药特点的服务,可以摆放具有药用功能的鲜花或常绿植物。 2(住院部走廊。是患者及照顾、探视者经常驻足的地方,内部装饰应以宣传知识和介绍方法、彰显特色为主,兼顾传播理念、营造氛围。宣传知识和介绍方法、彰显特色的具体内容,应与所在区域的科室特色相结合。 3(住院病房。是患者治疗康复、休息生活的场所,内部装饰应以营造氛围为主,但不宜过多,可以点缀一些以中医药为主题的书画、实物等。 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 4(医生办公室和护理站。是医护人员的办公场所,内部装饰应以崇尚医德、传播理念为主。 5(治疗室。是患者接受治疗、停留时间较长的地方,内部装饰应以宣传知识和介绍方法、彰显特色为主,兼顾传播理念。 (三)办公区域 医院的办公区域主要面向内部员工,内部装饰应以崇尚医德、传播理念、弘扬历史(医院发展史)为主。装饰范围应包括楼道、办公室、会议室、接待室等。 三、医院标识 医院标识主要包括院徽、标准院名、标准色系三个基础要素及其在指示标牌、办公用品、宣传用品等方面的应用。 医院标识具有整合医院精神、规范行为文化、突出视觉个性、增强公众印象的作用,是医院环境形象体系的基本组成部分。 院徽,是医院标识中最重要的基础要素。内容上应构思深刻,充分反映医院核心价值。形式上应注重体现中医药元素,力求构图简洁、形式典雅、色彩庄重、特色明显。 标准院名,是医院标识中最直观的基础要素。医院名称应使用按规定经有关部门核准的名称,汉字使用规范,字体端庄易识别,不宜采用草书等字体。配用拼音字母、外文字母应规范。地处少数民族地区的中医医院应配用当地少数民族文字。 标准色系,是保持医院环境形象整洁美观的基础要素。标准色系要有主辅之分,但数量不宜过多;色彩要注重体现中医药行业特色,并注意对识别和人们心理的影响。 院徽、标准院名、标准色系要协调,实现视觉一体化。 院徽、标准院名、标准色系应广泛应用于指示标牌、办公用品、宣传用品、服饰等方面。指示标牌包括分布图、引导牌、方位牌、科室牌等,办公用品包括work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of 处方、病历、信封、信笺、药袋等,宣传用品包括宣传栏、文化设施、员工名片 等,服饰包括医院员工工作服、病员服、病床卧具等。 work gradually expanding the scope of the inspection. (3) check daily check, annual inspection and special inspection. 1) daily check should prepare records, found that the problem should be reported to the supervisor in a timely manner and, if necessary, should be accompanied by a photo or sketch. 2) tour of the year ... Summary report, including the findings and the measures to be taken. 3) if exceptional circumstances, such as long-term sustainability of groundwater level high, strong earthquakes, large blasting or blasting out of control, the body changes in the deformation of surrounding rock and abnormal situations, such as a building, special inspection should be carried out. The employer does not pay fees. (4) monitor planted phase at the same time, respond to the site for inspection. (5) keep all without any alteration of the original record, the supervisor has the right to at any time. If the supervisor monitor data error reported, incomplete, false, defect, or delay, right to deduction to pay the costs. (6) monitoring during the contract period, schedule of monitoring data and the original data submitted to the supervisor. 10.7 contract monitoring data collection and preliminary analysis of
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