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电脑对人体的危害图电脑对人体的危害图 电脑对人体的危害主要有以下11种: 辐射症状:电脑性皮炎、计算机皮肤血液病、坏血病、生育 能力下降。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectivel...
电脑对人体的危害图 电脑对人体的危害主要有以下11种: 辐射症状:电脑性皮炎、计算机皮肤血液病、坏血病、生育 能力下降。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 电脑眼病:视力模糊;视力下降;眼睛干涩疼痛。 电脑躁狂症:感觉心情烦躁;精神紧张焦躁不安;诱发癫痫。 颈肩综合症:颈、肩部酸痛;颈部转动不灵活;肩周炎、脊椎疼痛。 鼠标手:手部麻木、灼痛;影响手的精细功能。 高科技办公室病:莫名其妙的烦躁;做事无精打采;耳鸣;迟钝;爱钻牛角尖。 疲劳综合症:四肢无力;疲劳麻木;精神萎靡。 电脑健忘症:过分依赖电脑;使脑功能减弱;健忘、思维迟钝。 胸闷头痛:电磁波、放射线刺激引起头晕头痛;导致呼吸不畅、胸闷。 腕管综合症:手指、手掌发麻;手腕、前臂胀痛;腕关节肿胀无力。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 电脑失写症:人际关系处理困难;难以体谅别人;经常无所适从;产生严重心理障碍。 【90,的明显症状与补救方法】 肌紧张性头痛:久坐不动头部显得沉重 小微是个“工作狂”,用电脑经常保持一种姿势。现在,小微看电脑时间稍长点,到下午太阳穴就很痛,头部还有沉重感、箍紧感,精力难于集中,疼痛起来甚至影响睡眠质量,医生诊断说她得了肌紧张性头痛。 补救措施: 工作两小时左右活动一下颈部,自己用手按摩颈部或双手互相按摩已达到放松颈肩肌肉的目的。一旦头痛来临,应换一个阴凉、安静的环境,还可洗一个热水澡,同时在医生指导下服用一些镇痛剂类药物。 电脑脸:与人交流太少的后遗症 小微说,男友说她越来越没热情,有点固执,有时像电脑Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 一样不通人情。心理医生张洁解释,这些也不能怨小微,由于她长期打交道的是没有生命,只会执行命令、不会反抗的电脑。聊天用QQ,通知用邮件,与人面对面交流机会很少,久而久之变得有些自我。 补救措施: 多跟朋友联络,通过面对面的交流增进感情(感情博客,感情说吧)。此外,积极参与体育锻炼能大大释放心理压力,提高大脑皮层神经过程的兴奋性、均衡性和灵活性。 干眼症:长时间盯着屏幕眼睛干涩 现在,小微的眼睛常常发干发涩,视力也直线下降。医生说,可能是小微看电脑时注意力过于集中,眨眼次数降低,最终引起血管神经调节紊乱,结膜充血。上班又在空调环境下,眼球水分蒸发过快,冲洗眼内异物的能力随之减弱,患上了干眼症。 补救措施: 在电脑前每工作1个小时,就应休息10分钟,闭目养神,做做眼保健操放松眼部周围的肌肉,或者眺望远处的景物等;在眼睛出现酸涩、干燥和视力模糊等症状时应该及时就医,在医Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 生的指导下,选择合适的滴眼药水。 鼠标手:肩肘负担重手指不听使唤 作为一个多年与电脑打交道的上班族,小微的手还染上所谓“鼠标手”,有时食指在拖曳鼠标时不灵活容易抽筋,手掌发麻,而活动及用力甩手后可减轻。原来,小微每次操作鼠标时,手臂处于一个被抬高位置,受力长期由肩肘负担,也就患上了医学上的“腕管综合症”。 补救措施: 鼠标放置的最健康位置是:坐姿情况下,上臂与地面垂直时肘部的高度。敲击键盘或使用鼠标半小时或一个小时要及时休息,活动一下手腕。如果发现用完电脑后出现手指的僵硬不适,掌腕部疼痛,及时与医生沟通,采取相应措施,不可一拖再拖。 颈椎病:玩电脑不重坐姿压迫脊椎 小微脖子酸痛的原因则是因为她长期坐姿不正确引起。小微用电脑时确实不太注重坐姿,座位高于屏幕,总低头伏案工作,又爱跷着二郎腿。这些不良坐姿直接导致脊椎受到压迫,继而患上颈椎代偿性增生。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 补救措施: 一般认为坐直身子能防止颈椎问题的发生,但英国一项医学研究指出,相对坐直上身,向后呈45度的坐姿,可以减少背痛。操作电脑时上身可以向后仰,但下半身腰部挺直,膝盖自然弯曲呈90度,维持双脚着地坐姿,而且注意每半小时能够活动一下颈部。 脊椎疼痛的初期患者只要适当休息和正确运动就能改善。 【电脑族的最佳坐姿】: ?电脑屏幕中心与操作者胸部处在同一水平线上。 ?眼睛与屏幕的距离根据屏幕大小而定:一般14英寸应在50至60厘米,15英寸应在60至70厘米,以此类推。 ?视线应保持水平向下约30度。 ?下半身腰部挺直,膝盖自然弯曲呈90度,并维持双脚着地的坐姿。 下半身循环损害:坐的时间过久,下肢持续屈曲,缺少活Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 动,腿部肌肉的张力和收缩力就会下降,造成静脉血液回流不畅。 对策:坐姿,双脚或单脚足尖着地,足跟上抬,然后放下,如此反复进行30至50次。 功效:可以促进下肢静脉血液回流,预防下肢静脉曲张。 以上是一些局部针对性锻炼方法。建议电脑一族还是应抽时间进行一些全身性有氧运动,以改善电脑综合征。 【怎样在使用电脑中预防肩背酸痛】 1.现象:键盘太高,敲键盘时要提起双臂,令肩膀的肌肉过于紧张,造成酸痛。 改善方法:将键盘位置降低,以自己坐下时手肘水平位置为宜。如不能降低键盘位置,就要调高座位。 2.现象:电脑屏幕放得太低,观看屏幕时要垂下头来看,时间过久会令颈背受到过大牵拉,引致疼痛。 改善方法:把电脑屏幕抬高一点,使颈部不需要下弯超过Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 35度为准。另外,不要把头向前伸得太厉害,这也是造成肩背 酸痛的关键所在。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To
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