

2017-09-28 12页 doc 37KB 10阅读




肯德基打工心得肯德基打工心得 社会实践—肯德基打工心得 随着大学的普及教育,和大学生就业形势的加剧困难,现在的大学生们也逐渐觉察到了“危机”的存在,觉察到光在学校做一名好学生是不够的。走出象牙塔,去接触社会,来增长社会经验也会成为一个必然趋势。近期对在校大学生做的调查中显示超过60%的在校生有过打工的经历,这里面也不乏刚刚入学的新生。打工越来越成为一种潮流,尤其是在学生生活相对独立的大学里面,打工之风悄然刮起。 我、林静和何丹三人,觉得打工不仅可以赚钱,还可以锻炼一下自己。于是我们先后进了肯德基打工,那里的人很好,在那儿还可以练习我们的...
肯德基打工心得 社会实践—肯德基打工心得 随着大学的普及教育,和大学生就业形势的加剧困难,现在的大学生们也逐渐觉察到了“危机”的存在,觉察到光在学校做一名好学生是不够的。走出象牙塔,去接触社会,来增长社会经验也会成为一个必然趋势。近期对在校大学生做的调查中显示超过60%的在校生有过打工的经历,这里面也不乏刚刚入学的新生。打工越来越成为一种潮流,尤其是在学生生活相对独立的大学里面,打工之风悄然刮起。 我、林静和何丹三人,觉得打工不仅可以赚钱,还可以锻炼一下自己。于是我们先后进了肯德基打工,那里的人很好,在那儿还可以练习我们的普通话。 一、相关调查 (一)当代大学生有很多都做过兼职 在我们调查的人当中,有99%做过兼职,这些做过兼职的人中有40%做兼职无目的性,30%的人是为了减轻家里的经济负担,20%的人是因为拥有某方面的特长,比如艺术、英语等,于是去当家教之类的。10%的人纯粹是为了提前跨入社会寻求社会经验,而这10%的人中有80%认为自己所学的专业对自己的前途无用。 (二)大学生打工的目的 大学生兼职打工的目的很多,但期望在打工中成熟,获取宝贵的助学金则是他们最基本的想法。对于家境窘迫的学生而言,打工则更是他们梦寐以求的。兼职打工还有一个好处:丰富个人经历。时下用人单位在招聘人才时往往要求有工作经历,大学毕业生虽然没有工作investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 经历,但若有“丰富”的打工兼职经历,在毕业求职时也是一个重要的砝码。 我打工的目的:一是赚钱,减轻家里的经济负担;二是淘经验,学会和学校以外的人们相处,认识更多的朋友,锻炼自己的社会适应能力和社交能力。 (三)做兼职对学习是否有影响 有过兼职经历的人中,80%的人认为做兼职对学习没有影响,12%的人觉得作兼职对学习还是或多或少有点影响,因为毕竟做兼职了就没有那么多时间放在学习上,8%的人对于这个问题没有留意过,因为他们从没把心思放在学习上。 我觉得,做兼职,只要时间安排的好,应该是不会影响学习的。 二、我寻找兼职的经历 (一)一颗渴望兼职的心 1.想做兼职,但是没机会 一直以来,我都很向往那种边读边打工的大学生活,因为我觉得我已经是成年人了,不能一直都要靠父母养活,我有能力照顾自己,并做点事情以减轻父母的负担。我的父母为了抚我上大学已经很辛苦,学习之余去做做兼职可以减轻家里的经济负担,同时也锻炼自己的社会生活和适应能力。可以,一份合适自己的兼职并不是那么好找的。 2.找一份适合自己的兼职很难 对于学生来说,要找到一份兼职,上班时间和上课时间不冲突,investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 同时自己也要喜欢这份兼职,这样的工作很难找。比如说发传单,并不是每天都有得传单发,有时顾主要求去发传单的时间恰恰的自己的上课时间。 我曾经先后两次去过两家肯德基填写了资料,第一家通知我去面试,没过,第二家连面试都没通知我去。当时很想找份兼职的心情,在失败后很失望,对去肯德基工作已不抱任何希望,因为感觉要进肯德基打工不容易。 3.歪打正着 我的一位室友何丹在大西门那儿的肯德基腾达餐厅做兼职,我请她帮忙拿了张资料单给我妹妹填,可是我妹妹嫌肯德基不包吃也不包住,没与填那张单子。我觉得丢了也浪费,于是我自己填了那张单子。请何丹帮我交上去,我当时就想,反正得就得,不得也没关系。没想到当天中午腾达店就打电话通知我下午去面试,我抱着试试看的心态去面试,没把它看得很重。状态很好,没那么紧张。 面试我的是一个胖胖的男人,我当时不知道他是餐厅经理,因为看他的样子不像,我觉得经理之类的人物都是西装领带装扮,而他没有,而且他说话也没有经理那么拽。所以我一直笑着跟他交谈,回答他所提的问题。完了之后,他问我哪天可以开始上班,他们好给我排班,我当时傻呆了,没反映过来:怎么我的面试就通过了,这么快,心里一高兴,我笑得更乐了,面试我的人说:“我们餐厅就需要你这种笑容,在肯德基的员工就是要面带笑容招呼顾客。” 二、在肯德基,我学到了很多 3 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against (一)必备的要求 1.着装 首先是着装,要把制服穿戴整齐,必须把头发全部放在帽子里。每次上班前先洗手消毒,保持手部干净。 2.忍耐 忍耐,这是我们当服务员的必须学会的。还记得有几次,有些顾客真的是很无理取闹,没事找事,记得那次跟那个顾客几乎可以说是吵起来了,其实并非是我的错。开始,我跟她好好说,可是她呢,一直乱吼。我很冤呀,重复餐点的时候她没说有问题,等都收完钱了,她才说要点的东西没点到,还一直叫劲是我的错,收了钱了就改不了餐了。后来前台IC来帮我解决,跟他说明情况,把上笔餐点内容找出来,给她改餐。 那次我就在想,其实大家都是人,更何况都是女的,女人何必为难女人呢,怎么有些人就那样刻薄呢,如果有天让他们来上这个班,看她遇到像她一样的顾客是会作何感想,看她会不会还是这样的嚣张。 3.耐心 耐心,对待老人对待小孩,对待这我们这里不熟悉的客人,耐心的听他们所需的东西,耐心的给他们讲解,为他们介绍餐点,向他们建议合价的销售。 4.微笑 微笑,正如我们自己所期待的一样,有时人们来一个地方,不仅investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 仅是因为这个地方干净或其他原因,还会因为这里会让你感到轻松快乐,因为遇到很和睦的人。 微笑,真的很重要,上班后我才感悟到,可能当初正是我的微笑,让我赢得了这份兼职。 5.速度 速度,这是我们前台的每个收营员所必备的。因为我们要为顾客配餐,还要收银,如果速度慢了,会耽搁顾客的时间,同时也耽搁了自己的时间,有的顾客会不高兴,甚至不在我们这里消费了,这样一来就是造成了餐厅的损失。 6.配合 配合,我们店里的每一个人只有彼此配合起来,才能使店更好的运行下去,对别的工作站的伙伴的讯息要及时进行回应,比如有的产品售完了,发现这点的伙伴要及时的提醒总配,他们就会在做出产品,以便顾客来时能点到自己想要的餐点。 (二)工作中遇到的困难 1.普通话不流利,影响自己的工作质量 我们班的同学都是贵州的,平时都是讲贵州话,所以基本上没有练习普通话的机会。我讲普通话的时候就会紧张,而且说得很不通顺。在肯德基里工作的员工,都要求说普通话,尤其是前台的收营员。一开始那几天,我说普通话总感觉不流利,招呼完一个顾客后感觉脸烫烫的。在师傅和同事们的帮助加上自己的努力下,我渐渐地适应了,而且当收营员是越当越起劲,面对顾客也不再那么紧张,很自然地和 5 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 他们对话。 2.辨别钱的真假 走上我们的工作台,第一步就是启动收营机,开始点今天你的零钞是否正确。这是我们工作的基础,也是结帐是否正确的关键一步。刚开始,对于接触钱的我来说,数钱似乎很难……因为我们清点钞票是要求速度的。不过,在出纳的悉心教导和本人的努力下,客服它了。可是问题又接踵而来——要自己辨别钱的真假。这实在是难呀。因为一开始自己也不知道怎么辨别,收了一次假钱,不过还好,是个20。可是收了假钱就的自己赔。怎么办——拿自己的钱垫呗。这一天的心情都不怎么好,之后收到的钱总是要请旁边的同事认过才放心,我对认钱完全失去了信心。怎么这么倒霉啊,什么事都让我遇到,哎……不过,我该学学怎么辨别钱的真假,这才是我该做的,出纳也在一旁耐心地教我看变色点、摸人头、衣领和钱背面的钢印都可以辨别它是真是假,还可以听声音。不过,自己太笨,听不出声音,只好用看和摸来辨别。不过,这以后,我倒真没有在收到过假钱,这到是值得我欣慰。 (三)工作中的感悟 1.柜台服务七步骤 柜台服务七个步骤包括欢迎顾客、点餐、建议性销售、确认点餐内容、包装产品、找零并再次确认点餐内容、呈递餐饮并感谢顾客。这七个步骤都很重要,没一位柜台服务员都必须按正确的操作步骤进行,这样可以避免漏点、错点餐饮,提高柜台服务的质量。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 这也让我想到,我在今后的学习和生活中,要按照一定的规律去进行,这样,才能提高自己的学习效率,提高生活的质量。 2.服务态度致关重要 一个餐厅营运状况的好坏,除了与餐厅产品的质量、用餐环境的好坏有关外,还与服务员的服务态度大有关系。换位思考一下,如果我去一家餐厅用餐,服务员的服务态度不好,就算这家餐厅的东西再好吃,我也没什么胃口了,因为我已经没有心情去欣赏美食了。下一次来这家餐厅用餐的几率也会很小。因此,面对每一位顾客,我都以诚相待,面带微笑招呼他(她)们,不论对方是老人、年轻人还是小孩子。我尽量不和顾客起冲突,如果遇到那种瞒不讲理的顾客,就请前台IC或值班经理来处理。 3.不要把生活中的情绪带到工作上 我们在生活中都会遇到这样那样的不愉快,从而影响自己的心情,自己的心情不好了,就会哭丧着脸,没了笑容,不要说面对顾客了,就是在同事之间,你老是哭丧着脸,动不动就发脾气,和同事因一点小事就闹起了矛盾,弄得大家都不愉快,影响工作效率,这样是不行的。 不管我的心情有多差,在工作时,都要以愉快的心情去面对一切,把自己的不开心暂时放一边。如过自己真的太难过了,实在做不来,那么我觉得最好是请假,直到自己心情调整好了再去上班。 我们在生活中,要怀一颗宽宏大量的心,遇到不愉快时,要坚信:忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。和别人有矛盾时,换位思考一下,站在对方的立场,理解对方,互相谅解,这样一来,矛盾就很快得到 7 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 化解,从而可以怀着愉快的心情去学习、工作。 打工生活带给我的感受很深。在实践活动中我感受到自己的微薄,体会到整个社会强大的凝聚力。一方面,我锻炼了自己的能力,在实践中成长,在实践中学习,充实了自我,增强了口头述能力,与人交流,真正地走出课堂。去服务别人,让别人享受自己的成果,使自己陶醉在喜悦之中。有时会很累,但更多的感觉是我在成长,我在有意义地成长,在这之后,我明显地发现自己的心情豁然开朗了。 这一次的打工时间虽然还不是很长,虽然接触到的工作很浅,但是依然让我学到了许多知识和经验,这些都是书本上无法得来的。通过实践我们能够更好的了解自己的不足,能够让我更早的为自己做好职业规划,设定人生目标,向成功迈进一大步。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against
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