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中小企业融资问题探讨中小企业融资问题探讨 所属院系 大位会计学院 专业名称 会计电算化 班级名称 会计0903班 课题名称 中小企业融资问题探讨 学生姓名 吕玉芹 学 号 G0952820 2011年9 月28 日 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable ...
中小企业融资问探讨 所属院系 大位会计学院 专业名称 会计电算化 班级名称 会计0903班 课题名称 中小企业融资问题探讨 学生姓名 吕玉芹 学 号 G0952820 2011年9 月28 日 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 目录 一、绪论 二、中小企业融资的基本理论 (一)中小企业概述 (二)中小企业融资特点 三、中小企业融资问题分析 (一)中小企业自身问题 (二)银行方面的问题 (三)政府方面的原因 四:解决中小企业融资问题的对策方法分析 (一)强化中小企业自身建设 (二)金融机构的自我完善 (三)开辟多渠道融资 (四)政府应采取有效措施,加大对中小企业融资的支持力度。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 中小企业融资问题探讨 【内容摘要】从中小企业融资问题进行分析,主要从政府推动指导,健全中小企业信用担保体系,健全商业银行对中小企业信贷支持的经营机制与建立和完善评级与授信制度。从各方面提出一些可行的参考建议。 【关键词】中小企业 融资 担保 银行 一、绪论 改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了迅猛的发展,对我国国民经济的贡献率不断提高,中小企业在促进经济增长、创造就业机会、增加农民收入、转移农村富余劳动力等方面发挥越来越重要的作用。但是,最近几年,我国中小企业的发展面临着很大的困难。尤其影响我国中小企业进一步发展的最重要的因素是中小企业融资渠道狭窄、融资数量少、融资结构不合理、融资成本高。如对工业增加值贡献率不到30%的国有企业占用了70%以上的银行贷款,但创造了70%的国民生产总值的非国有企业只获得30%的银行贷款。如果这种现象得不到充分改善,中小企业将难以持续快速发展,会直接影响整个国民经济的发展。 二、中小企业融资的基本理论 (一)中小企业概述 1“小”、“灵”、“快” 与大型企业相比较,中小企业的首要特征之一,即在于企业规模小、经营决策权高度集中,但凡是小企业,基本上都是一家一户自主经营,使资本追求利润的动力完全体现在经营者的积极性上。由于经营者对千变万化的市场反应灵敏,实行所有权与经营治理权合一,既可以节约所有者的监督成本,又有利于企业快速作出决策。其次,中小企业员工人数较少,组织结构简单,个人在企业中的贡献轻易被识别,因而便于对员工进行有效的激励,不像大企业那样在庞大的阶层化组织内容易产生怠惰与无效率的情况。可见,中小企业在经营决策和人员激励上与大企业相比具有更大的弹性和灵活性,因而能对不断变化的市场作出迅速反应。所谓企业小、动力大、机制灵活且有效率。当有些大公司和跨国企业在世界经济不景气的情况下不得不压缩生产规模的时候,中小企业却在不断调整经营方向和产品结构,从中获得新的发展。 2“小而专”和“小而精” 中小企业由于自身规模小,人、财、物等资源相对有限,既无力经营多种产品以分散风险,也无法在某一产品的大规模生产上与大企业竞争,因而,往往将有限的人力、财力和物力投向那些被大企业所忽略的细小市场,专注于某一细小产品的经营上urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 来不断改进产品质量,提高生产效率,以求在市场竞争中站稳脚跟,进而获得更大的发展。从世界各国的类似成功经验来看,通过选择能使企业发挥自身优势的细分市场来进行专业化经营,走以专补缺、以小补大,专精致胜的成长之路,这是众多中小企业在激烈竞争中获得生存与发展的最有效途径之一。此外,随着社会生产的专业化、协作化发展,越来越多的企业摆脱了“大而全”、“小而全”的组织形式。中小企业通过专业化生产同大型企业建立起密切的协作关系,不仅在客观上有力地支持和促进了大企业发展,同时也为自身的生存与发展提供了可靠的基础。 3小批量、多样化 一般来讲,大批量、单一化的产品生产才能充分发挥巨额投资的装备技术优势,但大批量的单一品种只能满足社会生产和人们日常生活中一些主要方面的需求,当出现某些小批量的个性化需求时,大企业往往难以满足。因此,面对当今时代人们越来越突出个性的消费需求,消费品生产已从大批量、单一化转向小批量、多样化。虽然中小企业作为个体普遍存在经营品种单一、生产能力较低的缺点,但从整体上看,由于量大、点多、且行业和地域分布面广,它们又具有贴近市场、靠近顾客和机制灵活、反应快捷的经营优势,因此,利于适应多姿多态、千变万化的消费需求;非凡是在零售商业领域,居民日常零星的、多种多样的消费需求都可以通过千家万户中小企业灵活的服务方式得到满足。 4中小企业是成长最快的科技创新力量 现代科技在工业技术装备和产品发展方向上有着两方面的影响,一方面是向着大型化、集中化的方向发展;另一方面又向着小型化、分散化方向发展。产品的小型化、分散化生产为中小企业的发展提供了有利条件。非凡是在新技术革命条件下,许多中小企业的创始人往往是大企业和研究所的科技人员、或者大学教授,他们经常集治理者、所有者和发明者于一身,对新的技术发明创造可以立即付诸实践。正因为如此,20世纪70年代以来,新技术型的中小企业像雨后春笋般出现,它们在微型电脑、信息系统、半导体部件、电子印刷和新材料等方面取得了极大的成功,有许多中小企业仅在短短几年或十几年里,迅速成长为闻名于世的大公司如惠普、微软、雅虎、索尼和施乐等。 由上可见,中小企业以其经营方式灵活、组织成本低廉、转移进退便捷等优势更能适应当今瞬息万变的市场和消费者追求个性化、潮流化的要求,因而在包括发达国家在内的世界各国的经济发展中,中小企业都有着举足轻重的地位,发挥着不可替代的作用。我国现有中小企业约1000万户,劳动密集型出口产品和一些高新技术出口产品大多是中小企业生产的,中小企业产品出口额占全国出口总额的60%;中小企业提供了大约75%的城镇就业机会。改革开放以来,从农村转移出来的劳动力绝大部分被中小企业所吸纳。中小企业每年为国家缴纳的工商税收占总额的50%左右。在20世纪90年代以来的经济快速增长中,工业新增产值的76.7%是由中小企业创造的。因此,在我国这样一个人口众多、地域辽阔、各地经济发展水平差别很大的国家,中小企业的发展更具有重要的意义。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway (二)中小企业融资特点 中小企业由于资产规模小、财务信息不透明、经营上的不确定性大、承受外部经济冲击的能力弱等制约因素,加上自身经济灵活性的要求,其融资与大企业相比存在很大特殊性。 1、中小企业特别是小企业在融资渠道的选择上,比大企业更多的依赖内源融资。 2、在融资方式的选择上,中小企业更加依赖债务融资,在债务融资中又主要依赖来自银行等金融中介机构的贷款。 3、中小企业的债务融资表现出规模小、频率高和更加依赖流动性强的短期贷款的特征。 4、与大企业相比,中小企业更加依赖企业之间的商业信用、设备租赁等来自非金融机构的融资渠道以及民间的各种非正规融资渠道。 三、中小企业融资问题分析 融资渠道比较狭窄。中小企业融资渠道主要分为内源融资渠道和外源融资渠道两大类。其中,内源融资渠道包括内源性权益资本融资渠道和内源性债务资本融资渠道,外源融资渠道包括直接融资渠道、间接融资渠道和政策性融资渠道等。在实际中,我国中小企业的融资渠道比较狭窄,主要是依赖业主投资、内部集资和银行贷款等融资渠道,尽管风险投资、发行股票和债券等融资渠道也被使用,但对中小企业的作用仍很有限。 从银行贷款的难度较大。随着中小企业规模的不断发展,其资金需求增速迅猛。从资金需求的角度来看,单个企业资金的需求量相对于大企业来说并不大,但大部分中小企业都存在资金短缺问题,整体上存在一个较大的资金需求总量。但由于中小企业难以满足银行贷款的抵押担保条件且贷款风险较大,以及财务管理水平较低等,再加上基层银行发放贷款的权限相对有限,致使银行发放贷款的积极性普遍不高。尤其是大型商业银行经常以中小企业财务制度不健全或缺乏抵押资产等为由而将中小企业拒之门外;而一些中小金融机构通过深入了解企业的实际生产经营状况,并客观评估其信贷需求和信贷风险,在满足中小企业融资需求方面发挥了积极作用。从总体上来说,中小企业从银行获取贷款的难度还是比较大的。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 依赖非正规金融渠道。由于受到信息相对封闭、资产抵押能力弱等方面的局限,中小企业从银行等正规金融机构获得融资面临较大约束。企业的融资时效性要求迫使中小企业求助于手续简便的商业信用和民间借贷等非正规金融。虽然这些渠道的融资成本往往高于金融机构的融资成本,但它们能更好地适应中小企业经营灵活性要求。除商业信用外,民间借贷等各种非正规金融活动也是中小企业融资的重要补充。 银行对中小企业的“惜贷”。商业银行的贷款主要是面向国有企业或其他大企业,并且双方已形成了较为稳定的伙伴关系。由于我国是以公有制为主体,在制定经济政策时,所有制性质的价值判断依然存在,即根据所有制、规模大小和行业特征而偏向公有制大企业。我国银行业的制度安排大都以大企业、大项目、大资金需求为工作对象和重点,从评级、风险分类、抵押条件、收费标准等均较少考虑小企业及其融资特点。此外,中小企业在公开市场上通过发行股票和债券等方式进行融资也常受到规模歧视,这在一定程度上也削弱了中小企业融资的能力。 中小企业信用缺失,征信系统不完善。市场经济是信用经济,企业信用关系到市场能否有效运行和健康发展。而目前我国企业信用严重缺失,不但拖欠银行贷款,还借各种名义逃废银行债务。另外,目前我国信用制度建设落后,缺乏信用激励和惩罚制度,在企业融资、市场准入和退出等制度安排中,还没有形成对守信用的企业给予必要的鼓励、对不守信用的企业给予严厉惩罚的规则;信用管理体系建设滞后,尚未建立起作为信用体系基础的信用记录、征信组织和监督制度。因此,银行获得的企业信息往往是片面的,容易产生拖欠和不还贷等问题。 信用担保等中介机构支持中小企业融资服务滞后。我国以法律形式促进中小企业发展,其重视程度可见一斑。但是,能否落实则是一个长期而渐进的过程。国家要求县级以上人民政府及有关部门应当推进和组织建立中小企业信用担保体系,推动对中小企业的信用担保,为中小企业融资创造条件。但现在的担保组织难以落实,担保能力与实际需要有很大差距,urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 中小企业之间依法开展多种形式的互助性融资担保更是难见踪影。风险投资机构对中小企业的投资实际上也少得可怜,这些都严重阻碍了我国中小企业信贷融资的发展。 缺乏统一的中小企业管理机构体系。目前,我国涉及中小企业管理的政府部门主要包括工信部中小企业司、科技部、农业部乡镇企业局、工商管理总局、商务部出口中小企业处等,这些管理机构针对不同类型、不同规模和不同所有制的中小企业以及中小企业的不同业务范围等分别进行管理和指导。但是,这种“条块分割”的管理模式,致使管理机构设置重叠,管理职能重复以及管理效率不高,不利于中小企业总体发展战略的规划和协调,也不利于政府相关政策的有效实施。 从以上融资的现状分析可以看出“融资难”已经严重制约我国中小企业发展。究其根源,既有中小企业自身的原因,也有银行方面的原因,更有国家政策方面的原因。 (一)中小企业自身问题 1)中小企业资本规模小,信息观念淡漠。中小企业经营规模小,生产技术水平落后, ( 产品结构单一且科技含量低,抵御风险能力差,经不起原材料或产品价格的波动,经营风险较大。加上中小企业信誉不高,信用观念淡漠,导致银行放贷慎之又慎。不少中小企业信息披露意识不强,财务管理水平低下,信息缺乏客观和透明。此外,个别中小企业还恶意抽逃资金,拖欠帐款、空壳经营、悬空银行债权,造成信贷资金流失,严重损害了中小企业的整体信用水平。 (2)中小企业财务制度不健全,内部控制制度不完善,会计信息失真,造成银行与企业信息不对称,为中小企业融资增加了难度。椐调查,我国中小企业50%以上财务制度不健全,许多中小企业的经营管理者自身素质较低,缺乏应有的财务管理知识,对重大的财务决策全凭自己拍脑袋来决定,管理非常混乱。同时,企业为了应付监督部门的检查,还要准备两套帐,甚至多套帐,这样,企业很难提供准确的会计信息资料,银行也无法摸清企业的真实面目,增加银行对企业贷款的风险。 (二) 银行方面的问题 (1)体制政策上的失衡直接影响银行贷款与直接融资的渠道。我国金融机构仍以四大商业银行为主,银行业的高度垄断与产业的高度垄断相一致,导致四大银行只愿给国有企业贷款。这主要是企业与国有银行在所有制上的差异,造成银行与企业之间制度障碍。此外,国家还规定对银行的逾期、呆帐等不良贷款实行追究制,因此银行方面对中小企业的放贷自然多一份谨慎和小心。现行的《证券法》对上市公司的严格要求,“主板市场”的上市公司主要是国有大型企业,针对家庭式企业,尤其是非国有科技企业的“二板市场”的缺失,基金组织及其其他形式的融资尚处于初建阶段,使得中小企业直接融资的渠道很难实现。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway (2)信息不对称影响银行与企业之间的关系。银行作为资金的提供者并不能亲自参加企业的日常经营管理,它与资金的使用者(中小企业)之间的信息不对称就带来了矛盾和问题。通常,中小企业资金在经营管理状况方面比银行拥有更多信息,因此,中小企业就有优势在合同签订的过程中或事后的资金使用过程中损害银行的利益,使银行承担过多的风险。由于中小企业与大企业在经营透明度和保证、抵押能力上的差别,以及贷款规模导致管理成本上的差异,使银行缺乏为家庭式中小企业提供更多融资服务的动力。 (3)缺乏与中小企业相匹配的中小金融机构。在我国目前的银行组织体系中,还缺乏专门为中小企业融资服务的政策性银行,虽然我国已有遍及城乡的中小商业银行如农村信用社、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行等,但由于他们没有得到政策性融资权,自身问题还没有解决,无法满足中小企业贷款需要。一些中小金融机构从成立开始,并未从国有企业的体制中解脱出来,经营管理水平不高,发展能力不足,从而减弱了对中小企业的金融支持。金融体制的改革是相对滞后的,从经济延续下来的金融结构不合理的问题仍然没有彻底有效地解决,抑制了中小银行、民营银行发展。 (4)中小企业通过发行股票和债券融资渠道也不畅通。我国《公司法》规定申请股票上市的条件:股份有限公司注册资本不得少于人民币500万元,上市公司股东总额不少于人民币3000万元,公开发行的股份达到公司股份总数的25%以上,公司股本总额超过人民币4亿元的,公开发行股份的比例为10%以上等等,这些硬性条件将中小企业拒之门外,阻碍着中小企业通过资本市场进行融资。我国《公司法》还规定有限责任公司发行债券其净资产不得少于6000万元,股份有限公司净资产不得 该文章转载自得少于3000万元,并且有实力雄厚的企业担保,不允许企业私募发行,这一系列条件也限制中小企业通过发行债券融资的空间。 (三) 政府部门的原因 政府部门对中小企业的扶持力度不够。政府部门仍然保留着计划经济的观念,长期以来,国家扶持政策一直实行向大企业倾斜,尽管这些年来国家政策有所改变,但并没有发生实质性的变化。特别是国家现阶段对国有企业实行大规模的优惠政策,而对中小企业仍然不能享受这些优惠政策。 在我国,中小企业虽然采取了差别利率、两免三减或第一年免征所得税等税收优惠政策,但由于中小企业是小规模纳税人,在生产经营过程中,本应享受的优惠政策往往实际最终无法实现。 四 解决我国中小企业融资问题的对策分析 由于融资难,涉及企业、银行、政府三方,因此,解决中小企业融资难问题,需要三方的共同努力。 (一)强化中小企业自身建设 (1) 要明晰企业的产权,建立股份合作制。积极稳妥地推进企业产权制度改革,只有企业的产权明晰,经营者才对自己的行为和企业未来的发展负责,企业的信用才有可能建立起来。根据现代企业制度的要求和中小企业自身的特点,大力推进股份合作制,促进中小企业的改革。通过产权转让、股份制改造、租赁、拍卖等多种方式,加快放开搞活中小企业的改革步伐。在改革中鼓励员工自愿入股,增强员工对企业资产的关切度,为企业的发展开辟urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 新的融资渠道。 (2) 规范企业财务制度,提高财务管理水平。根据国家的有关规定,建立健全企业的财务、会计制度,不做假帐,建立完善的财务报表体系,提高企业财务状况的透明度和财务报表的可信度。积极清偿银行的债务和应付款项,建立企业的信用制度,提高企业的信任水平。 (3)加强企业内部管理,提高企业的信用等级。通常情况下,A级以上信用级别的企业,金融机构才能考虑其融资申请,因此企业要树立良好的企业法人形象,杜绝不良信用记录,提高企业还款的信誉程度,大力开拓产品市场。同时还要建立一整套信用等级评估制度和指标,积极配合政府有关部门,尽快构筑信用体系。 (二)金融机构的自我完善 (1)金融部门应根据市场经济的发展要求,合理配置金融资本,不应以所有制性质去导向市场。在金融法规允许的范围内,充分利用利率的杠杆作用,对市场的金融贷款进行市场调节。如根据中小企业要求信贷时间短,数额小,频率高的特点,就可以适当提高利率,从而摊低自己的信贷成本,使中小企业也免去了不必要的奔波和民间高利贷的拆借。另外,商业银行应开发更多更新的金融服务项目,提高为中小企业的信贷服务效率,为中小企业提供相关的信息咨询服务,帮助中小企业健康。 (2)多种融资方式共同发展。继续扩大我国股票市场的规模,尽快设立创业板市场,规范直接的企业产权市场,在促进国有大企业上市的同时,允许符合上市条件的中小企业进入资本市场。同时还要解决上市公司股份中尚不能上市流通的国有股、法人股的流通问题,实现股权的全流通,尽快推进我国创业板市场的建设。创业板主要要看企业发展的潜力,这样为中小企业尽早进入国有企业创造条件。 (3)积极培育和发展债券融资市场,大力发展我国投资基金市场,促进中小企业科研开发的创新能力。为了支持中小企业发展应理顺债券发行审核体制,逐步放松规模的限制,扩大发行额度完善债券担保的信用评级制度,支持经营效益好、偿还能力强的中小企业通过发行债券融资。此外还应大力发行包括可转换债券在内的各类企业债券,积极探索资产证券化、房地产抵押贷款证券化等方式。大力推进以开放式基金为主的证券投资基金的发展,丰富基金品种,引导储蓄流向投资。同时还要大力发展创业投资基金。 (4) 建立健全为中小企业服务的银行体系,专门为中小企业服务。大力发展为中小企业服务的中小金融机构,加快中小金融机构的建立。中小金融机构一般了解地方基层,能够利用当地的信息了解本地中小企业的生产经营状况,这样中小金融机构在为中小企业提供金融支持时,具有信息和交易成本低的优势。中小金融机构与中小企业的共同发展两者能够相互促进、相辅相成。(六)提高大型银行对中小企业的服务意识和能力。国有商业银行和股份制商业银行要继续推进中小企业金融服务专营机构建设。大型银行在已建立中小企业金融服务专营机构基础上,要进一步向下延伸服务网点,切实做到单独统计和调控,完善评审机制,使专营机构充分发挥作用,实现中小企业尤其是小企业金融业务的针对性服务。中国邮政储蓄银行要加快改造机构网点,完善小额贷款功能,创新信贷产品,提升对微小企业、个体工商户等重点客户的金融服务。 (三)开辟多渠道融资 (1)提高大型银行对中小企业的服务意识和能力。国有商业银行和股份制商业银行要继续urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 推进中小企业金融服务专营机构建设。大型银行在已建立中小企业金融服务专营机构基础上,要进一步向下延伸服务网点,切实做到单独统计和调控,完善评审机制,使专营机构充分发挥作用,实现中小企业尤其是小企业金融业务的针对性服务。中国邮政储蓄银行要加快改造机构网点,完善小额贷款功能,创新信贷产品,提升对微小企业、个体工商户等重点客户的金融服务。 (2)积极发挥中小商业银行支持中小企业发展的重要作用。中小商业银行要准确把握“立足地方、服务中小”的市场定位,把支持地方经济发展,支持中小企业、私人企业以及个体工商户作为工作重点,努力打造自身“服务中小企业”品牌。充分发挥中小商业银行的地缘优势,挖掘企业信用信息,为降低中小企业融资门槛创造良好环境。建立稳定的信贷员队伍,以适应中小企业特点为标准,探索提供延伸服务,较好满足中小企业的特殊金融服务需求。取消符合条件的中小商业银行分支机构准入数量限制,鼓励其优先到西部和东北地区等金融机构较少、金融服务相对薄弱地区设立分支机构。 (3)推动服务县域中小企业的新型农村金融机构和小额贷款公司稳步发展。鼓励各银行业 坚持小额贷款公司风险防范和规范金融机构到金融服务空白乡镇开设村镇银行和贷款公司。 发展并重,支持符合条件的小额贷款公司转为村镇银行。大中型商业银行在防范风险的前提下,为小额贷款公司提供批发资金业务,但小额贷款公司从银行业金融机构可获得融资资金的余额,不得超过资本净额的50%。 (4)完善中小企业股权融资机制,发挥资本市场支持中小企业融资发展的积极作用。鼓励风险投资和私募股权基金等设立创业投资企业,逐步建立以政府资金为引导、民间资本为主体的创业资本筹集机制和市场化的创业资本运作机制,完善创业投资退出机制,促进风险投资健康发展。加大中小企业上市前期辅导培育力度,支持自主创新和有发展前景的中小企业发行上市。积极发展中小板市场,加快发展创业板市场,努力扩大中小企业上市规模。建立和完善中小板和创业板上市公司再融资及并购制度,完善中小企业上市育成机制。积极推进证券公司代办股份转让系统非上市股份有限公司股份报价转让试点,适时将试点扩大到其他具备条件的国家级高新技术园区,完善监管和交易制度,改善科技型中小企业融资环境。 (5)逐步扩大中小企业债务融资工具发行规模。积极推进完善短期融资券、中小企业集合债券和集合票据的试点工作,适当简化审批手续,对中小企业发行债务融资工具实行绿色通道。对符合国家政策规定的中小企业发行直接债务融资工具的,鼓励中介机构适当降低收费,减轻中小企业的融资成本负担。培育银行间债券市场合格投资者,为中小企业直接融资市场创造条件。进一步完善风险控制、信用增进等相关配套机制,为优质中小企业在债务融资工具发行阶段提供信用增进服务。 (四)政府应采取有效措施,加大对中小企业融资的支持力度。 (1)政府部门为解决中小企业融资难的问题采取一系列政策措施,中国人民银行1998年5月6日下发了《关于改进金融服务、支持国民经济发展的指导意见》,要求各商业银行设立中小企业信贷部,积极为中小企业提供贷款服务;1998年6月20日颁发了《关于进一步改善对中小企业金融服务的意见》,提出了支持中小企业发展的8条措施;1998年10月19日urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 下发了《关于扩大对小企业贷款利率浮动幅度的通知》,决定扩大对小企业贷款利率的浮动幅度;1999年11月17日,颁发了《关于加强和改进对小企业金融服务的指导意见》,提出了进一步强化和完善小企业金融服务的10条措施;国家也成立了中小企业司,2003年《中小企业促进法》通过并实施,它标志着我国促进中小企业发展正式走上规范化和法制化轨道。以上举措对帮助我国中小企业获得资金来源,扶持中小企业起着积极的效果。 (2)完善我国对中小企业资金的扶持政策。政府部门主要以税收优惠、财政补贴、贷款援助等方式给予资金上的支持。税收优惠是国家通过降低税率、税收减免、提高固定资产折旧等优惠条件,以减轻中小企业的税收负担;而财政补贴是政府通过鼓励中小企业吸纳就业、促进中小企业科技进步和鼓励中小企业出口等方式给予的财政援助;政府帮助中小企业获得贷款的方式有贷款担保、贷款贴息、政府直接的优惠贷款等等。 总之,要真正有效地解决中小企业融资难的问题,需要经过政府、企业、银行三方的共同努力,创建一个融资渠道多样化、社会信用完善的社会经济环境,为中小企业的发展提供一个宽松的融资环境。 参考文献 [1]黄永明.金融经济支持与中小企业的发展[M].华中科技大学出版社,2006. [2]王瑞璞.中国民营经济发展与企业家的社会责任[M].人民出版社,2006. 中小企业财务报告行为理论与实证[M].中国财政经济出版社 2006. [3]余应敏. [4]叶倩.中小企业融资困境与融资体系的构建[J].商场现代化,2006(10):145-146. [5]谢继蕴.我国中小企业融资难问题探析[J.]商业现代化,2006(10):176-178. [6]刘淑华.中小企业融资困境及对策研究[J]会计之友,2006(5下):42-43. [ 结 束 ] urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway
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