

2018-08-06 19页 doc 48KB 5阅读




四个月宝宝营养健康食谱四个月宝宝营养健康食谱 宝宝四个月开始添加辅食,先从鸡蛋黄开始添加,防止缺铁性贫血。以后开始添加水质食物:菜汁,果汁,鱼汤,肉汤等。糊状食物:米粉,菜泥,果泥,土豆泥。胡萝卜泥等。半流质食物:稀饭,面条,小馄饨,面片等。等到牙齿出的较全,咀嚼功能也较强的时候,加固体食物:软米饭,馒头,包子,饺子等。今天,食谱网就位妈妈推出四个月宝宝营养健康食谱大全,希望帮助孩子更快更好的成长。 西红柿汁 材料: 西红柿500克、白糖100克 调料: 温开水350克 做法: 1、将成熟的西红柿洗净,用开水烫软去皮,然后切碎,用清...
四个月宝宝营养健康食谱 宝宝四个月开始添加辅食,先从鸡蛋黄开始添加,防止缺铁性贫血。以后开始添加水质食物:菜汁,果汁,鱼汤,肉汤等。糊状食物:米粉,菜泥,果泥,土豆泥。胡萝卜泥等。半流质食物:稀饭,面条,小馄饨,面片等。等到牙齿出的较全,咀嚼功能也较强的时候,加固体食物:软米饭,馒头,包子,饺子等。今天,食谱网就位妈妈推出四个月宝宝营养健康食谱大全,希望帮助孩子更快更好的成长。 西红柿汁 材料: 西红柿500克、白糖100克 调料: 温开水350克 做法: 1、将成熟的西红柿洗净,用开水烫软去皮,然后切碎,用清洁的双层纱布包好,把西红柿汁挤入小盆内。 2、将白糖放入汁中,用温开水冲调后即可饮用。 食谱特点: 酸甜适口,营养丰富. 制作关键: 要选用新鲜、成熟的西红柿做原料。可用纱布挤汁,也可用汤匙压出汁。可用白糖,也可用蜂蜜调口。此菜汁适宜3-4个月的婴儿食用。www.fzlqqtx.cn 胡萝卜汤 材料: 胡萝卜500克、白糖50克 调料: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 清水500克 做法: 1、将胡萝卜洗净,切碎,放入钢精锅内,加入水,上火煮沸约20分钟。 2、用纱布过滤去渣,加入白糖,调匀,即可饮用。 食谱特点: 味略甜,营养丰富。 制作关键: 要选用新鲜的胡萝卜作原料。操作时,要切碎、煮烂,去净胡萝卜渣。此菜汁适宜4-5个月 的婴儿食用。 菜水 材料: 菠菜(油菜、白菜均可)500克 调料: 精盐8克、清水500克 做法: 1、将菠菜、油菜、白菜任选一种,洗净,切碎。 2、将钢精锅放在火上,加入清水、碎菜,盖好锅盖烧开,稍煮,将锅离火,用汤匙压菜取汁,加入精盐少许,即可食用。 食谱特点: 用上述蔬菜制成的菜汁,含有丰富的钙、铁和维生素。 制作关键: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 要选用新鲜的蔬菜做原料。菜要切碎、煮烂。只取菜汁,不要带菜渣。此菜汁适宜4-5个月的婴儿食用。 山楂水 材料: 山楂片500克、白糖100克 调料: 开水1.5公斤 做法: 1、将山楂片用凉水快速洗净,除去浮灰,放入盆内。 2、将开水沏入盆内,盖上盖闷上,至水温下降到微温时,把山楂水盛入杯中,加入白糖,搅至白糖溶解,即可饮用。 食谱特点: 生津止渴,酸甜适口,消食健胃。对增添婴儿的食欲大有益处。 制作关键: 山楂片要迅速用水冲净,否则,冲慢了山楂片一变软,就洗不干净了。沏山楂片的水要用水,晾温后饮用。此水适宜5个月以上的婴儿食用。 鱼松 材料: 鲜鱼1条(750克左右)。 调料: 花生油40克、酱油15克、精盐3克、白糖4克、料酒3克 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 做法: 1、将鱼去鳞,去内脏,洗净,放在锅内蒸熟,去骨、去皮待用。 2、将锅放在小火上,加花生油,把鱼肉放入锅内边烘边炒,至鱼肉香酥时,加入精盐、料 酒、酱油、白糖,再翻炒数下,即成鱼松。 食谱特点: 味咸甜,松香,入口即化。 制作关键: 炒鱼松时火不宜太旺,要边烘边炒。此菜适宜10个月以上的婴儿食用。 蜂蜜橘糊 材料: 桔子300克。 调料: 蜂蜜30克。 做法: 1、将桔子洗干净,剥去皮,再把内皮剥去,然后放入容器内研碎。 2、食用时加入蜂蜜搅拌均匀,使其具有一点柔和的酸味。 食谱特色: 酸甜适口,是补充婴儿维生素C最好的食物。 制作关键: 桔子可以用广柑、招柑和葡萄代替,最好用无核蜜桔做原料。操作时要把桔子研碎,不能太 完整。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 什锦蛋羹 原料: 鸡蛋10个、海米25克、番茄酱(或鲜番茄)125克、菠菜末125克 配料: 香油3克、水淀粉15克、精盐8克 做法: 1、将鸡蛋磕入盆内,加盐4克和1公斤温开水搅匀待用。 2、锅内加水,放在旺火上烧开,把鸡蛋盆放入屉内,上锅蒸15分钟,成豆腐脑状待用。 3、炒锅内放入1.5公斤清水,水开后放入海米末、菠菜末、番茄酱或西红柿末、精盐4克,勾芡淋入香油即成。 食谱特点: 色泽鲜艳,质软嫩,味鲜美,营养丰富。 制作关键: 蛋液内要加凉开水或温水,不能加凉水。蒸时用旺火,防止蒸过火、蒸老。勾什锦汁时不能放酱油,芡不要勾得太稠。吃时茨浇蛋羹上。此菜适宜8个月以上的婴儿食用。 碎菜 材料: 油菜(菠菜、白菜也可)300克 配料: 植物油40克、花椒面少许、酱油10克、味精3克、精盐6克 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 做法: 1、将菜洗净,切碎待用。 2、锅内加入油,热后,下入花椒面、酱油炸锅,随即放入碎菜,用旺火急炒,待菜烂时,放入精盐、味精即成。 食谱特点: 色艳味美,营养丰富。 制作关键: 此菜以绿叶菜为主,取其一种,也可几种合烹。操作时要先洗后切,旺火急炒。此菜适宜7个月以上的婴儿食用。 鸡肝末 材料: 鸡肝150克 配料: 鸡汤200克(无盐)、酱油10克、蜂蜜10克 做法: 1、将鸡肝洗净,放入锅内稍煮一下,除去血后再换水煮10分钟,然后把鸡肝外的薄皮剥去,切成末待用。 2、将鸡肝末放入锅内,加入鸡汤稍煮一会儿,加入酱油和蜂蜜使之入味即成。 食谱特色: 味甜咸,营养极为丰富。 制作关键: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 鸡肝放入锅内加水煮,必须换水,去掉血。待鸡肝煮熟后再切成碎末。做好后不能太甜或太咸,应使其具有淡淡的甜、咸味道。此菜适宜5个月以上的婴儿食用。 三色肝末 材料: 猪肝50克、葱头100克、胡萝卜50克、西红柿50克、菠菜25克 配料: 精盐5克、肉汤适量 做法: 1、将猪肝洗净切碎;葱头剥去外皮切碎;胡萝卜洗净切碎;西红柿用开水烫一下,剥去皮切碎;菠菜择洗干净,切碎待用。 2、把切碎的猪肝、葱头、胡萝卜放入锅内加肉汤煮熟,最后加入西红柿、菠菜、精盐,继续煮片刻即成。 食谱特点: 此菜有红、白、绿、黑等颜色,颇为美观,营养全面。不能下锅过早。此菜适宜5个月以上的婴儿食用。. 制作关键: 菜、肝下锅不要煸炒,必须加汤煮。西红柿、菠菜不能下锅过早。此菜适宜5个月以上婴儿食用。 鱼肉末 材料: 净鱼肉100克(鲤鱼、草鱼均可) 配料: 精盐1克 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 做法: 1、将鱼肉去皮、去骨刺,放入盘内,上锅蒸熟。 2、将鱼肉取出捣烂,加少许盐拌匀即可。 3、同烂米粥或面片一起食用 。 食谱特点: 软嫩,味鲜,营养丰富。 制作关键: 做此菜要用新鲜的鱼,必须把鱼刺剔净。 浓米汤 材料: 大米粉(小米、高梁米均可)250克。 配料: 清水2.5公斤。 制 法: 将大米、小米、高梁米取其一种,淘洗干净,放入锅内,添入水,煮成烂粥,撇取米汤饮用 (注:在上午10时的喂奶时间添用,每天一次,每次一个婴儿两汤匙,以后逐渐增加到4 汤匙)。 食谱特点: 有浓厚的米香味,流质,适宜5个月的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 开锅后用微火熬到米开花、米汤发粘。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 烂米粥 材料: 大米(小米也可)250克 调料: 清水2.5公斤 做法: 将米淘洗干净,放入锅内,添入水,用旺火烧开后,转微火煮透,熬至熟烂成糊状时即成(注:每日可喂1-2次,每次一个婴儿1-2汤匙,逐渐增加到每次4汤匙,并可在粥内加蛋黄泥、肝末、鱼肉末等)。 食谱特点: 有浓厚的米香味,半流质,适宜6个月的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 开锅后用微火熬烂,汤要发粘。 肉末菜粥 材料: 大米或小米250克、肉末150克、青菜200克 调料: 植物油50克、酱油25克、精盐10克、葱、姜末少许、水2.5公斤 做法: 1、将米淘洗干净,放入锅内,加入水,用旺火烧开后,转微火煮透,熬成粥。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 2、将绿叶蔬菜切碎,然后将油倒入锅内,下入肉末炒散,葱姜末、酱油炒匀,投入青菜炒 几下,放入米粥内,加入精盐尝好味,同熬煮一下即成。 食谱特点: 粥稠粘,肉末香,咸淡适口,适宜10个月的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 熬粥不要放碱,以免破坏营养。粥要熬至稠粘。肉末煸炒一下再与粥同熬。 蛋黄粥 材料: 大米250克、蛋黄3个 调料: 清水 2.5公斤 做法: 1、将大米淘洗干净,放入锅内,加水用旺火煮开后,转微火熬成粘粥。 2、把蛋黄放入碗内,研碎后加入粥锅内,煮几分钟即成。 食谱特点: 粥粘,有浓醇的米香味,富含铁质,适宜6个月以上的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 粥要熬至粘稠,米要煮烂,蛋黄研碎后再放入锅内煮。 鸡肉粥 材料: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 大米250克、鸡肉末150克 调料: 植物油50克、酱油30克、精盐10克、葱、姜末少许、清水2.5公斤 做法: 1、将米淘洗干净,放入锅内,倒入清水用旺火煮开,转微火熬至粘稠待用。 2、将油倒入锅内,下入鸡肉末炒散,加入葱姜末、酱油搅匀,倒入米粥锅内,加入精盐,尝好口,用微火煮几分钟即成。 食谱特点: 粘稠,味香,适宜7-8个月的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 粥一定要熬烂、发粘,鸡肉末煸炒入味后再与粥同熬。 鱼肉松粥 材料: 大米250克、鱼150克、菠菜100克 调料: 精盐6克、清水2.5公斤 做法: 1、将大米淘洗干净,放入锅内,倒入清水用旺火煮开,转微火熬至粘稠待用。 2、将菠菜用开水烫一下,切成碎末,放入粥内,加入鱼肉松、精盐、尝好口,用微火熬几分钟即成。 食谱特点: 粥粘,味鲜而香,营养丰富。适宜7-8个月的婴儿食用。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 制作关键: 粥要熬烂、熬粘,鱼肉松,菠菜放入粥内一熬即可,不要熬的时间过长。 肉末软饭 材料: 大米400克、茄子500克、葱头100克、芹菜50克、瘦猪肉末150克 调料: 植物油50克、酱油60克、精盐10克、葱、姜末少许 做法: 1、将米淘洗干净,放入小盆内,加入清水,上笼蒸成软饭待用。 2、将茄子、葱头、芹菜择洗干净,均切成末。 3、将油倒入锅内,下入肉末炒散,加入葱姜末、酱油搅炒均匀,加入茄子末、葱头末,芹菜末煸炒断生,加少许水、精盐,放入软米饭,混合后,尝好口,稍焖一下出锅即成。 食谱特点: 味道咸香,饭软烂,营养丰富,适宜9个月以上的婴幼儿食用。 制作关键: 饭要蒸成软饭,菜、肉要切末,饭菜混凝土合后要烧透、煮烂。这样做法所用的菜可千变万化,具体放哪种菜适幼儿口味、营养素需要,可根据时令菜变化灵活掌握。肉末可改为鸡末、鱼末、肝末等。 豆腐软饭 材料: 大米400克、豆腐250克、青菜250克 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 调料: 炖肉汤(炖鱼汤、炖鸡汤、炖排骨汤均可)适量 做法: 1、将大米淘洗干净,放入小盆内加入清水,上笼蒸成软饭待用。 2、将青菜择洗干净切成末;豆腐放入开水中煮一下,切成末。 3、将米饭放入锅内,加入 肉汤一起煮,煮软后加入豆腐、青菜末稍煮即成。 食谱特点: 饭软烂,味鲜香,营养丰富,适宜9-11个月的婴儿食用。 制作关键: 饭要软烂,菜要切碎。主要靠各种肉汤提味。青菜是指菠菜、油菜、芹菜等绿叶蔬菜。 挂面汤 材料: 挂面(龙须面)400克、熟猪肝150克、鸡蛋150克、菠菜150克 调料: 白鸡汤(骨头汤) 1公斤、香油10克、酱油40克、精盐10克 做法: 1、将猪肝切末;菠菜择洗干净切末;挂面切成短段儿。 2、将鸡汤倒入锅内,加入 挂面、酱油、精盐一丐煮,视挂面煮软后,加入肝末、菠菜稍煮,再将鸡蛋调散后淋和锅内,滴和香油出锅即成。 食谱特点: 面条软烂,汤味鲜香,营养丰富,适宜6个月以上的婴儿食用。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 制作关键: 面条一定要切短段再煮,而且要煮烂。挂面做好后,最后不用带很多汤。 肉末面条 材料: 面粉400克、瘦肉200克、菠菜200克 调料: 香油15克、酱油50克、精盐10克、味精3克、葱、姜末少许 做法: 1、将面粉加冷水和成硬面团,擀成薄片,再切成极细的条;瘦肉剁志末;菠菜择行干净切末。 2、肉末放入碗内,加入葱姜末、酱油、香油调匀待用;将清水倒入锅内,开后下入面条,并加入喂好的肉末搅匀,再加入精盐、菠菜,稍煮即成。 食谱特点: 面条细软,汤味鲜美。 制作关键: 面条要切匀切细,最后汤不要带得太多,但也不能太干,味要香,口不要过重。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine
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