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春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理 春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站QC小组 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62...
春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理 春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站QC小组 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 一、工程概况 1、概述 春申特大桥属于上海金山铁路改建工程I标段~由铁道部第四勘测设计院设计~中铁二十局集团负责组织施工。桥中心铁路里程HYDK001+399~与既有沪昆铁路相交16?~位于上海市松江区境内~全桥位于曲线上。96m钢桁梁主桁类型为无竖杆整体节点平行弦三角桁架下承式钢桁结合梁~主桁宽6.6m~主桁跨度96m~全长98m~桁高12.8m~横桥向支座中心距为6.6m。由主桁、横梁、上平纵联、桥门架及横联、桥面板等附属设施等部分组成。 钢桁梁主体钢结构总重815t。 2、现场周边环境 春申特大桥19#墩附近场地较为宽阔,约5000m2左右,~场地经过换填之后可以作为钢桁梁拼装场地及各种钢结构杆件存放场地,各类管线均已移到既有围栏处。对临时墩地基处理以及支架的搭设不会造成影响。 3、设计主要技术 ,1,铁路等级:?级, ,2,正线数目:单线, ,3,设计速度:160Km/h, ,4,、轨道类型:有碴轨道。 ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; tclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 112 第3页 钢桁梁结构形式 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 二、小组概况 小组成立与2010年元月2日~小组设组长1人、副组长1 人~总协调1 人~安全监理工程师1人、测量监理1人、试验监理1人、专业监理工程师2人、监理员2人~小组人员详细情况~见下表。 小 组 概 况 QC小组名称 金山铁路改建工程春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体QC小组 成立日期 2010.1.2 注册日期 2010.1.1 注册号 QC/X-J(L)SH-10-001 课题名称 春申特大桥钢桁梁拼装及转体监理 小组类型 现场型 2010年1QC/X-J(L)活动起止日期 2010.1.2-2011.5.25 注册日期 注册号 月1日 SH-10-001 序年性 组内 姓名 文化程度 职务 组内职务 号 龄 别 分工 林开灵 58 男 本科 高工 组长 全面负责 1 郑树林 56 男 大专 工程师 副组长 组织实施 2 周 麟 42 男 大专 工程师 组员 全面协调工作 3 梁 娟 39 女 大专 工程师 组员 负责试验工作 4 宋大正 48 男 本科 工程师 组员 负责安全工作 5 朱 杰 36 男 大专 工程师 组员 具体实施 6 赵艳鸿 38 男 大专 工程师 组员 具体实施 7 王勇超 27 男 大专 工程师 组员 具体实施 8 关金田 25 男 大专 助工 组员 具体实施 9 马乐 25 女 大学 助工 组员 具体实施 10 刘 伟 25 男 大专 助工 组员 具体实施 11 小组成员平均受QC教育时间 80小时 年份 成果名称 级别 获奖 情况 制表日期:2010年2月12日 ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; tclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 114 第5页 三、课题选择 选题理由如下: ?春申特大桥18#-19#墩的1-96m钢桁梁跨越既有营业线沪昆铁路~与既有线16?斜交。既有沪昆铁路为电气化铁路~是繁忙干线~列车密度大~安全压力非常大。 ?钢桁梁主体钢结构总重815t~重量较大。 ?钢桁梁采用在既有线旁侧支架法拼装钢桁梁~再平面转体至设计位置~然后落梁就位的施工。 滑道梁 既有沪昆线 钢桁梁与沪昆线关系示意图 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 四、现状调查 ,1,施工前已与通信、信号、供电等相关设备管理部门联系~详细调查工点地下埋设的电力~通信光缆等地下管线情况。 ,2,地下管线、电缆等隐蔽设施无法提供准确位置时采取人工开挖探槽,探沟深度不小于1.8m~提前开挖探沟~并探清管线数量及线路走向。 ,3,施工现场用白灰标出既有地下管线位置,在管线两侧设警示标示杆、牌。积极与设备管理单位取得联系改移,在地下管线改移完成后再进行施工。 ,4,由中铁十一局将既有沪昆铁路接触网、回流线进行降低标高和包裹绝缘套处理。 ,5,钢桁梁拼装场地和各种车辆,吊装及运输车辆,工作场地需提前进行换填处理。 class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; t6 第7页 五、活动目标 其一要掌握铁路营业线钢结构拼装、转体施工质量、安全监理控制要点~形成钢结构拼装、转体施工监理控制标准。 其二要培养一批现场专业监理骨干和监理人员~为后续及类似工程监理提供人才保障。 其三要保证钢桁梁转体施工保质量、保安全、按工期要求顺利完成。 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 六、活动过程 PDCA循环,起止日期:2010年元月10日—2011年4月15 日, 1、计划,P,阶段 a(质量、安全监理影响因素调查及 1、现场监理人员人 法 4、未做到全方位 心不强 监理控制 2、现场监理人员5、未做到全过程质专业知识不足 监理控制 量 安3、现场监理人员质6、监理控制措施不全 量、安全意识不强 力 问 题 或10、人员工作量7、检测工具设备 事 大,时间长,易疲不全 故 劳 11、登高检查工作量8、检测工具设备 大,身体素质不够 不合格 12、营业线列车车9、检测工具设备 次频繁,影响较大 维护不及时 环 工具 class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; t8 第9页 b(确认要因 要因确认表 序得要因 因素 “0,1”打分法 得分情况 号 分 确认 1 现场监理人员责任心不强 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 YES YES 2 现场监理人员专业知识不足 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 4 YES 3 现场监理人员质量、安全意识不强 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 5 4 未做到全方位监理控制 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 NO 5 未做到全过程监理控制 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 5 YES 6 监理控制措施不力 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 NO 7 检测工具设备不全 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 NO 8 检测工具设备不合格 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 5 YES NO 9 检测工具设备维护不及时 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 NO 10 人员工作量大,时间长,易疲 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 NO 11 登高检查工作量大,身体素质不够 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 12 营业线列车车次频繁,影响较大 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 YES 注:得分4分及以上确定为主要原因。 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure c(对策措施 对 策 表 序号 要 因 对 策 负责人 起止时间 林开灵 2010.元.5, 1、 签订质量安全监理责任书; 现场监理人员责任郑树林 1 心不强 2、 制定奖罚。 2010.元.8 周 林 1、 编制专项细则; 林开灵 2010.元.2, 现场监理人员专业2 2、 现场监理技术、安全交底; 郑树林 知识不足 2011.4.15 3、 定期组织培训、考试。 周 林 1、 定期组织学习、宣传相关案例; 2010.元.10, 现场监理人员质郑树林 3 2、 每周进行质量、安全总结、通报; 量、安全意识不强 宋大正 2011.4.15 3、 每月召开一次总结会议。 林开灵 2010.元.2, 未做到全过程监理1、 编制关键工序清单; 4 郑树林 控制 2、 编制关键工序控制措施清单。 2010.元.15 周 林 2010.元.15, 检测工具设备不合1、 检测工具、设备专人保管; 郑树林 5 格 2、 检测工具、设备定期检查、校验. 梁 娟 2011.4.15 1、 编制营业线施工监理人员人身安宋大正 2010.元.8, 营业线列车车次频全工作准则; 6 赵艳鸿 繁,影响较大 2、 制定每日工作班前安全监理交底2010.元.15 朱 杰 会制度。 2、实施,D,阶段 根据对策表中制定的措施~小组成员按照任务分工分头进行实施: 实施1、对QC小组全体监理人员按岗位签订了质量安全监理责任书,针对本QC小组监理人员~在公司原有的奖罚制度的基础上加大了奖罚力度。 实施2、编制了专项监理细则~首道工序都进行了监理技术、安全现场交底~每个月针对目前施工内容~组织培训、考试一次。 class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 11ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; t10 第11页 春申特大桥96M下承式钢桁梁安装架设监理细则 现场管理制度 实施3、定期组织学习、宣传铁路质量、安全事故案例~使 大家接受事故教训~每周进行质量、安全总结专题会~并在全 监理站进行通报,每月召开一次总结工作会议。 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 召开月总结工作会议 实施4、编制了关键工序清单和控制措施清单~QC小组每人一份~过程中不断增加和完善~对照清单~严谨监理。 实施5、检测工具、设备专人保管~检测工具、设备定期检查、校验~建立台账,实行领用登记签认~使用完后及时归还~注销登记。 实施6、编制营业线施工监理人员人身安全工作准则,每日上班前由专监主讲~针对当日监理工作内容~召开安全监理班前会。 3、检查,C,阶段 通过每月一次的总结工作会议~我们QC小组总结阶段工作存在的问题和不足~加以改进~客观评价阶段工作取得的成绩~加以推广。 ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; tclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 1112 第13页 七、活动效果 在小组全体人员的共同努力下~本次活动不但实现了预期的目标~提高了监理质量~而且也使得小组成员掌握了铁路营业线钢结构拼装、转体施工质量、安全监理控制要点~形成钢结构拼装、转体施工监理控制标准,见完善后的监理细则,。通过这次活动~小组成员的质量、安全监理意识、参与意识、监理水平得到了进一步提高~解决问题的信心也更一步加强~更让人感受到了团队的巨大力量。 通过本次活动培养和锻炼了一批现场专业监理骨干和监理人员~提高了监理人员监理水平和现场监控能力~为后续及类似工程监理提供人才保障。 通过本次活动保证了施工现场钢桁梁转体施工质量、安全、和工期的要求~为顺利完成既有线电气化区段高风险状态下的施工和安全监理提供了有力的技术、安全保障。 本次活动也为监理人员和监理企业积累了此类施工的第一手经验和教训~为今后指导此类施工监理提供了依据和教材~为监理企业的发展壮大提供了良好的基础和环境。 上海华东铁路建设监理有限公司上海金山铁路改建工程监理站design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for mQC小组 asonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 八、今后打算 ? 今后打算 1、在以后的活动中~严格按照PDCA循环开展QC活动~加强检查落实~确保目标实现。 2、进一步普及TQC教育~坚持开展QC活动~使之经常化、制度化、全员化。 3、本次活动所形成的钢结构拼装、转体施工监理控制标准等有关方面的经验可以在全公司推广开来~为以后有关方面的项目顺利施工奠定坚实的基础。 ing system of underground space and its supporting. To ensureautomobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a support ct theheory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which refledents ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; tclass teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering stu-s, small: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training course, tasknd nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2epair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty seco2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning r-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-TG D602011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (J-design of urban bridge (CJJ 1114
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