

2018-04-29 24页 doc 61KB 15阅读




DNS反劫持DNS反劫持 ?使用\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -住:中文版有部分bug,比如一些代码也给翻了,可以参照下面的英文版修改,我就不了. 作者:季天冬 最好是如果你懂英文: ——看文下的英文版 ——原文:#setup ——原版PDF下载: 中文版: ----------------------- ----------------------- 1页 配置您的网络设置使用谷歌公共DNS 当您使用谷歌公用DNS,你正在从你的ISP的DNS“总机”运营商 谷歌公共DNS。 在大多数情况下,IP地址由您的ISP的域名服...
DNS反劫持 ?使用\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -住:中文版有部分bug,比如一些代码也给翻了,可以参照下面的英文版修改,我就不了. 作者:季天冬 最好是如果你懂英文: ——看文下的英文版 ——原文:#setup ——原版PDF下载: 中文版: ----------------------- ----------------------- 1页 配置您的网络设置使用谷歌公共DNS 当您使用谷歌公用DNS,你正在从你的ISP的DNS“总机”运营商 谷歌公共DNS。 在大多数情况下,IP地址由您的ISP的域名服务器使用的是自动设置您的ISP通过 动态主机配置(DHCP)。要使用谷歌公用DNS,你需要明确 改变您的作业系统或设备使用谷歌公用DNS IP地址的DNS设置。该 改变你的DNS设置程序根据不同的操作系统和版本(Windows,苹果机 或Linux)或设备(电脑,电话,或路由器)。我们给这里的一般程序可能不适用 您的操作系统或设备,请咨询您的权威信息供应商文档。 注:我们建议,谁与配置操作系统设置只有用户作出精通 这些变化。 重要事项:在您开始 在更改您的DNS设置,使用谷歌公用DNS,请务必记下当前的服务器 地址或设置在一张纸上。这是非常重要的,你保留备份这些数字 的目的,如果您需要在任何时候恢复它们。 更改设置后,如果遇到问题,无法连接到Internet,请拨打我们的 故障排除说明支持号码。 我们还建议您下载并打印此页,倘若您遇到了问题, 需要参考这些说明。 谷歌公用DNS电话支持 ?在美国877-590-4367 ?770-200-1201美国以外的 谷歌公共DNS IP地址 在谷歌公用DNS IP地址如下: ? ? 您可以使用您的主要或辅助DNS服务器或者数。您可以指定两个数字,但 未指定为小学和中学一个数字。 ----------------------- -----------------------第2页 更改您的DNS服务器的设置 因为不同版本之间的指示/每个操作系统版本不同,我们只给 一个版本为例。如果您需要为您的作业系统/版本的具体说明,请咨询 供应商的文档。您也可以找到我们的用户群的。 许多系统允许你指定多个DNS服务器,要在优先顺序联系。在下面的 说明,我们提供的步骤,只指定谷歌公共DNS服务器作为中小学 服务器,以确保您的设置将在所有情况下正确地使用谷歌的公共DNS。 注:根据您的网络设置,您可能需要管理员/ root权限才能更改这些 设置。 微软Windows DNS设置中指定的TCP / IP属性为选定的网络连接窗口。 范例:更改DNS上微软Windows 7服务器设置 1。转 2。单击网络和Internet,然后网络和共享中心,然后更改适配器设置。 3。选择连接,而您要配置谷歌公共DNS。例如: ?要更改以太网连接的设置,右键单击本地连接, 单击属性。 ?要更改无线连接,右键单击无线网络连接的设置, 然后单击属性。 如果管理员密码或确认,提示键入密码或提供 确认。 4。选择网络选项卡。在此连接使用下列项目中,单击Internet 协议版本4(TCP/IPv4),然后单击属性。 5。单击高级,然后选择DNS选项卡。如果有任何DNS服务器的IP地址列在那里,写 它们以供将来参考下来,然后从这个窗口中。 6。点击OK。 7。选择使用下面的DNS服务器地址。如果有任何的IP地址在首选上市 DNS服务器或备用DNS服务器,把它们写下来以备将来参考。 8。替换为谷歌DNS服务器的IP地址,这些地址:和8.8.4.4。 9。重新启动连接,您在步骤3中选择。 10.Test您的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 11.Repeat了额外的网络连接,您要更改的程序。 的Mac OS X DNS设置中指定的网络窗口。 例如:在Mac OS 10.5更改DNS服务器设置 1。从Apple菜单中,单击系统首选项,然后单击网络。 2。如果在左下方窗角锁图标已锁定,点击图标进行修改, 当提示进行身份验证,输入密码。 3。选择连接,而您要配置谷歌公共DNS。例如: ----------------------- -----------------------第3页 ?要更改以太网连接的设置,选择内置以太网,并点击 高级。 ?要更改无线连接的设置,选择机场,然后单击高级。 4。选择DNS选项卡。 5。点击+来取代任何上市解决了,或添加,在顶部的谷歌的IP地址 名单如下:和8.8.4.4。 6。单击应用和确定。 7。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 8。重复了对额外网络连接时,您要更改的程序。 Linux的 在大多数现代Linux发行版,DNS设置是通过配置网络管理器。 范例:更改DNS服务器设置在Ubuntu 1。在系统菜单上,单击首选项,然后单击网络连接。 2。选择连接,而您要配置谷歌公共DNS。例如: ?要更改以太网连接的设置,选择有线标签,然后选择 网络接口列中。它通常被称为eth0的。 ?要更改无线连接的设置,选择无线标签,然后选择 适当的无线网络。 3。单击编辑,并在出现的 4。如果选择的方法是自动(DHCP),打开下拉并选择自动(DHCP) 地址改为只。如果该方法被设置为别的,不要改变它。 5。在DNS服务器字段中,输入谷歌公用DNS IP地址,用空格隔开: 6。单击应用以保存更改。如果您正在寻找一个密码或确认的提示,键入 密码或提供确认。 7。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 8。重复了对额外网络连接时,您要更改的程序。 如果你的发行不使用网络管理器,您的DNS设置是指定在/ etc / resolv.conf中。 范例:更改一个Debian服务器的DNS服务器设置 1。编辑/ etc / resolv.conf中: sudo的VI / etc / resolv.conf中 2。如果任何域名服务器线出现,写下以备将来参考的IP地址。 3。更换或添加,以下各行的域名服务器线路: 域名服务器8.8.8.8 域名服务器8.8.4.4 4。保存并退出。 5。重新启动任何Internet客户端使用。 6。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 此外,如果您使用的是DHCP客户端软件,覆盖的设置在/ etc / resolv.conf中,你会 需要设置通过编辑客户端的配置文件中相应的客户端。 ----------------------- ----------------------- 4 例如:Debian服务器上配置DHCP客户端软件 1。备份/ etc / resolv.conf文件: sudo的CP / etc / resolv.conf中的/ etc / resolv.conf.auto 2。编辑/ etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf: sudo的VI / etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf 3。如果有一个行包含域名,服务器,写下对未来的IP地址 参考。 4。替换与行,或添加,下面一行: 前面加上域名,服务器8.8.8.8,; 5。保存并退出。 6。重新启动任何Internet客户端使用。 7。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 路由器 每个路由器使用配置DNS服务器设置不同的用户界面,我们只提供一个通用的 以下步骤。欲了解更多信息,请咨询您的路由器文档。 注:某些ISP硬编码到他们的DNS服务器所提供的设备,如果你使用的是这样的 设备,则无法配置它使用谷歌的公共DNS。相反,你可以配置每个 计算机连接到路由器,如上所述。 要更改路由器的设置: 1。在您的浏览器,输入IP地址来访问路由器的管理控制台。 2。出现提示时,输入密码才能访问网络设置。 3。找到其中的DNS服务器设置指定画面。 4。如果有在主DNS服务器和seconday领域指定的IP地址,把它们写 为未来的参考。 5 6。保存并退出。 7。重新启动浏览器。 8。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 手机或其他设备 DNS服务器通常所指明先进的Wi - Fi设置。不过,由于每一个移动设备使用 配置DNS服务器设置不同的用户界面,我们只提供一个通用的步骤操作。对于 更多信息,请咨询您的移动服务提供商的文档。 要改变在移动设备上的设置: 1。转至哪一款Wi - Fi设置指定画面。 2。找到其中的DNS服务器设置指定画面。 ----------------------- -----------------------第5页 3。如果有在主DNS服务器和seconday领域指定的IP地址,把它们写 为未来的参考。 4。与谷歌的IP地址替换这些地址:和8.8.4.4。 5。保存并退出。 6。测试你的设置是否正常工作,请参阅测试新的设置如下。 测试新的设置 为了测试,谷歌DNS解析工作: 1。从您的浏览器,输入一个主机名,如。如果解析正确, 书签的页面,并尝试从书签访问页面。如果这些测试都工作, 一切正常。如果没有,请转到步骤2。 2。从您的浏览器,输入一个固定的IP地址。您可以使用(它指向 网站)作为URL *.如果工作正常,书签页面,并尝试 访问从书签页面。如果这些测试工作(但第1步失败),那么有一个问题 与您的DNS配置,检查上面的步骤,以确保你已经配置一切 正确。如果这些测试不工作,请转到步骤3。 3。回滚所做的更改DNS和再次运试。如果测试仍然不工作,则 是您的网络设置的问题;联系您的ISP或网络管理员寻求帮助。 *谷歌感谢麻省理工学院授予的权限使用网络连接测试的目的这个网址。 诊断解析问题 如果您遇到问题时解决特定的名称,并要验证问题是否 与谷歌公用DNS,请尝试执行下列诊断程序。如果你想报告 问题的谷歌公共DNS用户组,请复制并粘贴在你的命令的结果 电子邮件。这些信息是非常重要的帮助我们找出问题的原因。 步骤1:验证您的客户端可以与谷歌的公共DNS服务器 打开命令提示符,运行以下命令: 在Windows上: TRACERT - D 在Mac OS X: / usr / sbin目录/跟踪- N - W 2 - Q 2米30 在Linux上: 须藤的traceroute - N - W 2 - Q 2米30 如果输出的最后一行没有列出的最后一跳为8.8.8.8,或者有重大超时,也有可能 是网络问题阻止您联系我们的服务器。请包含该命令的输出 在任何与谷歌公共DNS团 ----------------------- -----------------------第6页 如果输出的最后一行并作为最后一跳列表8.8.8.8,继续执行步骤2。 第2步:验证,谷歌公共DNS可以解析主机名的选择 在命令提示符下,运行以下命令,其中hostname是名称,你有 解决困难: 在Windows上: NSLOOKUP调试主机8.8.8.8 在Mac和Linux: dig@主机名 如果输出显示一个带有一个主机名记录答案部分,那么谷歌公用DNS能够 解析名称。检查您的设置,以确保您的系统是正确配置为使用谷歌 公共DNS。如果仍无法解决问题,请包括任何输出的命令 通信与谷歌公共DNS队。 如果输出不显示主机名的答案,请继续步骤3。 第3步:验证另一个打开的解析器可以解析所选的主机名 在命令提示符下,运行以下任何一个命令,其中hostname是你的名称 有困难的解决: NSLOOKUP主机4.2.2.1 NSLOOKUP主机4.2.2.2 NSLOOKUP主机208.67.222.222 NSLOOKUP主机208.67.220.220 (前两个命令测试3级的DNS服务器,最后两个命令测试OpenDNS的“DNS服务器)。 如果你不能够得到成功的结果,这意味着有最有可能是与服务器的问题 您试图接触。等待一段时间,并尝试再次运行测试。这可能是暂时性的问题 在服务器的一方,最终将有可能自行解决。如果没有,你应该联系的主人 服务器。 如果你得到了成功的结果,有可能是与谷歌公共DNS的问题。请包括输出 这个命令和步骤在任何与谷歌公共DNS团队沟通2之一。 ----------------------- -----------------------第7页 切换回旧的DNS设置 如果你以前没有配置在任何自定义的DNS服务器,切换回旧的设置, 窗口,在其中指定了谷歌的IP地址,然后选择选项以使获得DNS服务器 地址自动和/或删除谷歌的IP地址。这将恢复你的设置,以使用 ISP的默认服务器。 如果您需要手动指定任何地址,请使用上述步骤来指定旧的IP地址。 如有必要,重新启动系统。 -English: ----------------------- Page 1----------------------- Configuring your network settings to use Google Public DNS When you use Google Public DNS, you are changing your DNS "switchboard" operator from your ISP to Google Public DNS. In most cases, the IP addresses used by your ISP's domain name servers are automatically set by your ISP via the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). To use Google Public DNS, you need to explicitly change the DNS settings in your operating system or device to use the Google Public DNS IP addresses. The procedure for changing your DNS settings varies according to operating system and version (Windows, Mac or Linux) or the device (computer, phone, or router). We give general procedures here that mifor your OS or device; please consult your vendor documentation for authoritative information. Note: We recommend that only users who are proficient with configuring operating system settings make these changes. Important: Before you start Before you change your DNS settings to use Google Public DNS, be sure to write down the current server addresses or settings on a piece of paper. It is very important that you keep these numbers for backup purposes, in case you need to revert to them at any time. After changing your settings, if you encounter a problem and cannot connect to the Internet, please call our support numbers for troubleshooting instructions. We also recommend that you download this page and print it, in the event that you encounter a problem and need to refer to these instructions. Google Public DNS telephone support ? 877-590-4367 in the U.S. ? 770-200-1201 outside the U.S. Google Public DNS IP addresses The Google Public DNS IP addresses are as follows: ? ? You can use either number as your primary or secondary DNS server. You can specify both numbers, but do not specify one number as both primary and secondary. ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- Changing your DNS servers settings Because the instructions differ between different versions/releases of each operating system, we only give one version as an example. If you need specific instructions for your operating system/version, please consult your vendor's documentation. You may also find answers on our user group. Many systems allow you to specify multiple DNS servers, to be contacted in a priority order. In the following instructions, we provide steps to specify only the Google Public DNS servers as the primary and secondary servers, to ensure that your setup will correctly use Google Public DNS in all cases. Note: Depending on your network setup, you may need administrator/root privileges to change these settings. Microsoft Windows DNS settings are specified in the TCP/IP Properties window for the selected network connection. Example: Changing DNS server settings on Microsoft Windows 7 1. Go the Control Panel. 2. Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, then Change adapter settings. 3. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example: ? To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click Local Area Connection, and click Properties. ? To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and click Properties. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 4. Select the Networki Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties. 5. Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. If there are any DNS server IP addresses listed there, write them down for future reference, and remove them from this window. 6. Click OK. 7. Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference. 8. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers: and 9. Restart the connection you selected in step 3. 10.Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. 11.Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change. Mac OS X DNS settings are specified in the Network window. Example: Changing DNS server settings on Mac OS 10.5 1. From the Apple menu, click System Preferences, then click Network. 2. If the lock icon in the lower left-hand corner of the window is locked, click the icon to make changes, and when prompted to authenticate, enter your password. 3. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example: ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- ? To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, select Built-In Ethernet, and click Advanced. ? To change the settings for a wireless connection, select Airport, and click Advanced. 4. Select the DNS tab. 5. Click + to replace any listed addresses with, or add, the Google IP addresses at the top of the list: and 6. Click Apply and OK. 7. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. 8. Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change. Linux In most modern Linux distributions, DNS settings are configured through Network Manager. Example: Changing DNS server settings on Ubuntu 1. In the System menu, click Preferences, then click Network Connections. 2. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example: ? To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, select the Wired tab, then select your network interface in the list. It is usually called eth0. ? To change the settings for a wireless connection, select the Wireless tab, then select the appropriate wireless network. 3. Click Edit, and in the window that appears, select the IPv4 Settings tab. 4. If the selected method is Automatic (DHCP), open the dropdown and select Automatic (DHCP) addresses only instead. If the method is se 5. In the DNS servers field, enter the Google Public DNS IP addresses, separated by a space: 6. Click Apply to save the change. If you are prompted for a password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 7. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. 8. Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change. If your distribution doesn't use Network Manager, your DNS settings are specified in /etc/resolv.conf. Example: Changing DNS server settings on a Debian server 1. Edit /etc/resolv.conf: sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf 2. If any nameserver lines appear, write down the IP addresses for future reference. 3. Replace the nameserver lines with, or add, the following lines: nameserver nameserver 4. Save and exit. 5. Restart any Internet clients you are using. 6. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. Additionally, if you are using DHCP client software that overwrites the settings in /etc/resolv.conf, you will need to set up the client accordingly by editing the client's configuration file. ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- Example: Configuring DHCP client sofware on a Debian server 1. Back up /etc/resolv.conf: sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.auto 2. Edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf: sudo vi /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf 3. If there is a line containing domain-name-servers, write down the IP addresses for future reference. 4. Replace that line with, or add, the following line: prepend domain-name-servers,; 5. Save and exit. 6. Restart any Internet clients you are using. 7. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. Routers Every router uses a different user interface for configuring DNS server settings; we provide only a generic procedure below. For more information, please consult your router documentation. Note: Some ISPs hard-code their DNS servers into the equipment they provide; if you are using such a device, you will not be able to configure it to use Google Public DNS. Instead, you can configure each of the computers connected to the router, as described above. To change your settings on a router: 1. In your browser, enter the IP address to access the router's administration console. 2. When prompted, enter the password to access network settings. 3. Find the screen in which DNS server settings are specified. 4. If there are IP addresses specified in the fields for the primary and seconday DNS servers, write them down for future refe 5. Replace those addresses with Google IP addresses: and 6. Save and exit. 7. Restart your browser. 8. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. Mobile or other devices DNS servers are typically specified under advanced wi-fi settings. However, as every mobile device uses a different user interface for configuring DNS server settings, we provide only a generic procedure below. For more information, please consult your mobile provider's documentation. To change your settings on a mobile device: 1. Go to the screen in which wi-fi settings are specified. 2. Find the screen in which DNS server settings are specified. ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- 3. If there are IP addresses specified in the fields for the primary and seconday DNS servers, write them down for future reference. 4. Replace those addresses with Google IP addresses: and 5. Save and exit. 6. Test that your setup is working correctly; see Testing your new settings below. Testing your new settings To test that the Google DNS resolver is working: 1. From your browser, type in a hostname, such as . If it resolves correctly, bookmark the page, and try accessing the page from the bookmark. If both of these tests work, everything is working correctly. If not, go to step 2. 2. From your browser, type in a fixed IP address. You can use (which points to the website ) as the URL*. If this works correctly, bookmark the page, and try accessing the page from the bookmark. If these tests work (but step 1 fails), then there is a problem with your DNS configuration; check the steps above to make sure you have configured everything correctly. If these tests do not work, go to step 3. 3. Roll back the DNS changes you made and run the tests again. If the tests still do not work, then there is a problem with your network settings; contact your ISP or network administrator for assistance. * Google thanks MIT for granting permission to use this URL for the purposes of testing web connectivity. Diagnosing resolution problems If you are encountering problems when resolving particular names, and want to verify whether the problem is with Google Public DNS, please try running the following diagnostic procedures. If you want to report a problem to the Google Public DNS user group, please copy and paste the results of the commands in your email. This information is vital to help us to identify the cause of the problem. Step 1: Verify that your client can communicate with the Google Public DNS servers Open a command prompt, and run the following command: On Windows: tracert -d 8.8. On Mac OS X: /usr/sbin/traceroute -n -w 2 -q 2 -m 30 On Linux: sudo traceroute -n -w 2 -q 2 -m 30 If the last line of the output does not list as the final hop, or if there are significant timeouts, there may be a network problem preventing you from contacting our servers. Please include the output of the command in any communication with the Google Public DNS team. ----------------------- Page 6----------------------- If the last line of the output does list as the final hop, continue to step 2. Step 2: Verify that Google Public DNS can resolve the selected hostname At the command prompt, run the following command, where hostname is the name that you were having difficulty resolving: On Windows: nslookup -debug hostname On Mac and Linux: dig @ hostname If the the output shows an answer section with an A record for the hostname, then Google Public DNS is able to resolve the name. Check your settings to make sure your system is correctly configured to use Google Public DNS. If you are still unable to solve the problem, please include the output of the command in any communication with the Google Public DNS team. If the output does not show an answer for the hostname, continue to step 3. Step 3: Verify that another open resolver can resolve the selected hostname At the command prompt, run any one of the following commands, where hostname is the name that you were having difficulty resolving: nslookup hostname nslookup hostname nslookup hostname nslookup hostname (The first two commands test Level 3's DNS servers. The last two commands test OpenDNS' DNS servers.) If you are not able to get a successful result, this means that there is most likely a problem with the server you are trying to contact. Wait some time and try running the tests again. This may be a temporary problem on the server's side that will likely resolve itself eventually. If it does not, you should contact the owner of the server. If you do get a successful result, there may be a problem with Google Public DNS. Please include the output of this command and the one from step 2 in any communication with the Google Public DNS team. ----------------------- Page 7----------------------- Switching back to your old DNS settings If you had not previously configured any customized DNS servers, to switch back to your old settings, in the window in which you specified the Google IP addresses, select the option to enable obtaining DNS server addresses automatically, and/or delete the Google IP addresses. This will revert your settings to using your ISP's default servers. If you need to manually specify any addresses, use the procedures above to specify the old IP addresses. If necessary, restart your system. [
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