首页 > 2铁磁性物质的磁化


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2铁磁性物质的磁化2铁磁性物质的磁化 新课 5.4铁磁性物质的磁化 课型 课 题 授课班级 授课时数 3 1(了解铁磁性物质的磁化。 2(了解磁化曲线、磁滞回线对铁磁性物质性能的影 响。 教学目标 铁磁性物质被磁化的内因。 教学重点 磁滞回线的形成。 教学难点 学情分析 教学效果 教后记 课前复习 1(磁场力大小的公式、磁场力方向的规定。 2(磁场的主要物理量 新课 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or...
2铁磁性物质的磁化 新课 5.4铁磁性物质的磁化 课型 课 题 授课班级 授课时数 3 1(了解铁磁性物质的磁化。 2(了解磁化曲线、磁滞回线对铁磁性物质性能的影 响。 教学目标 铁磁性物质被磁化的内因。 教学重点 磁滞回线的形成。 教学难点 学情 教学效果 教后记 课前复习 1(磁场力大小的、磁场力方向的规定。 2(磁场的主要物理量 新课 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 5.5 铁磁性物质的磁化 一、铁磁性物质的磁化 1(磁化:本来不具磁性的物质,由于受磁场的作用而具有了磁性的现象。非铁磁性物质是不能被磁化的。 2(磁化内因:在外磁场的作用下,磁畴(磁性小区域)沿磁场方向作取向排列,形成附加磁场,从而使磁场显著增强。去掉外磁场后,有些铁磁性物质中磁畴的一部分或大部分仍保持取向一致,对外仍显磁性,这就成了永久磁铁。 3(应用:用于电子和电气设备中。 二、磁化曲线 1(磁化曲线(B,H曲线):铁磁性物质的B随H而变化的曲线。 B =μH 即 μ , B , H 2(测试原理图 3(磁化曲线图 O,1段:起始磁化段。B增加得较慢(由于磁畴惯性)。 1,2段:直线段。B随H增加很快(由于磁畴在外磁场的作用下大部分趋向H的方向)。 2,3段:B增加变慢(由于随着H的增加只有少数磁畴继续转向)。 3以后:饱和段,B基本不随H变化(已几乎没有磁畴可转向了,为饱和磁感应强度)。 4(说明: (1)对于变压器和电机,通常工作于2,3段。 (2)每一种材料B的饱和值一定,不同铁磁性物质,B的饱和值不同。 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 123 (3)B愈大导磁性能愈好。 三、磁滞回线 1(曲线 2(剩磁:当H 减至零时,B值不等于零,而是保留一定的值,称为剩磁。用B表r示。 矫顽磁力:为克服剩磁所加的磁场强度。用H表示。 c 3(磁滞现象:B的变化总是落后于H的变化。 磁滞回线:abcdefa为一封闭对称于原点的闭合曲线,称为磁滞回线 4((1)基本磁化曲线:连接各条对称的磁滞回线的顶点,得到 的一条曲线称为基本磁化曲线。 (2)磁滞损耗:反复交变磁化过程中有能量损耗,称为磁滞损耗。 (3)剩磁和矫顽力愈大的铁磁性物质,磁滞损耗就愈大。 1(铁磁性物质的磁化;它能够被磁化的原因。 2(铁磁性物质的磁化曲线和磁滞回线。 3(铁磁性物质的概念以及它的分类。 小结 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 习题(《电工技术基础与技能》周绍敏主编) 1(是非题(7)、(8)。 2(选择题(8)、(10)。 布置作业 3(填充题(9)、(10)。 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 125 新课 5(5磁路的基本概念 课 题 课型 授课班级 授课时数 2 1(理解磁动势和磁阻的概念。 2(掌握磁路的欧姆定律。 教学目标 磁路的欧姆定律。 教学重点 磁路欧姆定律的应用。 教学难点 学情分析 教学效果 教后记 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 课前复习 1(什么是铁磁性物质的磁化,它能够被磁化的原因。 新课 2(铁磁性物质的磁化曲线和磁滞回线的概念。 第五节 磁路的基本概念 一、磁路 1(磁路:磁通经过的闭合路径。 2(说明主、漏磁通。 3(磁路:无分支和有分支。 无分支 有分支 二、磁路的欧姆定律 1(通电线圈产生磁场,磁通随线圈匝数和所通过的电流的增大而增加。把通 过线圈的电流和线圈匝数的乘积称为磁动势。 E, , N m 单位:安培(A) 2(磁阻:磁通通过磁路时所受到的阻碍作用。 lR, m ,S 式中:l ,磁路长度(m); 2S , 磁路横截面积(m); μ, 磁导率(H,m); R, 磁阻(1,H)。 m 3(磁路的欧姆定律 (1)内容:通过磁路的磁通与磁动势成正比,与磁阻成反比。 Em(2), , Rm (3)磁路与对应的物理量及其关系式。 电 路 磁 路 磁通 , 电流I 电阻R , , l , S 磁阻 R l , ,S m 电阻率 , 磁导率 , maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 127 电动势E 磁动势 E I N m 电路欧姆定律 I , E , R 磁路欧姆定律 , =E , R mm 1(在磁场中,各点的磁场强度的大小不仅与电流的大小和导体的形状有关,而 且与媒介质的性质有关。( ) 练习 2(磁路的欧姆定律是指:磁感应强度与磁动势成正比,与磁阻成反比。( ) 1(磁动势和磁阻的概念。 2(磁路的欧姆定律。 3(全电流定律。 小结 习题(《电工技术基础与技能》周绍敏主编) 4(问答与计算题(9)、(10)。 布置作业 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and
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