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电信宽带长虹CH230无线路由开通指南电信宽带长虹CH230无线路由开通指南 长虹CH230路由功能开通,同样适用于“我的E家”中兴等品牌无线路由器。恢复被阉割的无线路由功能,实现免登陆多台电脑、手机无线上网,畅游互联网。 1、在浏览器中输入192.168.1.1,在弹出登陆界面后,用户名输入:telecomadmin 密码输入:nE7jA%5m(注意大小写) 2、如果可以登入,出现以下界面,那恭喜了,跳入第4步。 注意:电脑要插到端口1,电视机顶盒要插到端口2。有网友说配置时需要拔掉电话线。 3、如果打不页面,就要自行设置IP地址。方法为:右键选...
电信宽带长虹CH230无线路由开通指南 长虹CH230路由功能开通,同样适用于“我的E家”中兴等品牌无线路由器。恢复被阉割的无线路由功能,实现免登陆多台电脑、手机无线上网,畅游互联网。 1、在浏览器中输入192.168.1.1,在弹出登陆界面后,用户名输入:telecomadmin 密码输入:nE7jA%5m(注意大小写) 2、如果可以登入,出现以下界面,那恭喜了,跳入第4步。 注意:电脑要插到端口1,电视机顶盒要插到端口2。有网友说配置时需要拔掉电话线。 3、如果打不页面,就要自行设置IP地址。方法为:右键选择网上邻居----属性----右键选择使用中的网卡属性 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs Windows XP选下图中TCP/IP Win7如下选择 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 手动设置你的计算机的IP地址,填入192.168.1.2~254的如192.168.1.10的任意IP,子网掩码设置为255.255.255.0,网关设置为192.168.1.1(也可以不设置网关,但是破解完路由功能后最好将网卡设置改回自动获取IP的方式,如你懂得当地的DNS设置,也可以直接设置好,就不要用自动获取IP的方式了) 4、选择“网络”菜单之后,按键盘上的PrtSc键,把默认设置存成图片,以便调乱的时候恢复。安全起见,将所有项目分别选择,分别拷屏存档。 5、百度一下全国各城市VPI/VCP,找到当地的VPI/VCP码。 此时可以对号入座当地的配置,比如成都的为VPI/VCP:1/33,则选下图带1和33的项目 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 以下为成都的网络配置拷屏。此项满足成都VPI/VCP:1/33的设置。 以下为成都的网络电视ITV配置拷屏。此项不满足成都VPI/VCP:1/33的设置,但确实是这样配置的。各位在配置前一定不要偷懒,都拷屏下来吧,以免配置失败恢复默认。带Other的那个配置就是网络电视的配置。 6、拷屏完毕后可以将所有连接删除。本人只删除了成都的VPI/VCP:1/33的配置,其它的配置未作改动,之后确认是可以的。 7、将原有的连接删除后,重新建立。上网设置的步骤为:选择新建连接,路由模式选择ROUTE,选择使用PPPOE方式,成都的VPI/VCI设定为(1,33)。 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 设置用户名密码(宽带上网的账号密码),服务名称任意填写,服务模式选择 INTETNET,端口绑定勾选端口1 /无线SSID1/无线SSID2/无线SSID3/无线 SSID4。为什么没有选者端口2呢,因为端口2一般是给ITV使用。如下图 8、如果你没有用电信IP电视,端口2可以一并选上。跳入第10步。 9、如果你有电信IP电视业务,就要进行下面的设置。若之前未删除如下图中的 配置,则只需勾选上端口2即完成配置。若全删除了,则具体配置为:选择模式 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 为桥接(或Bridge),工作方式选中Other,VPI/VCI根据之前的拷屏,成都为(8,43), 端口绑定选择端口2。不绑定ITV可能不能正常工作。 10、最后进入到 管理-设备管理 按重启按钮,重启一下路由器,等待1分钟左 右,整个破解工作就完成了。 祝大家好运~ rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs
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