

2017-09-29 37页 doc 100KB 223阅读




各地花鸟鱼市场各地花鸟鱼市场 北京市: 1.官园花鸟市场。(二环阜成门桥东北角。387西站上车,阜成门下车。) 2.潘家园花鸟市场。(西客站乘公交车,到潘家园下车,往前走30米左拐,走到头200米左右 ,在往右看就能看到潘家园花鸟市场。网友评论:您说的是华声天桥吧,搬到十里河啦) 3.团结湖花鸟市场。 4.玉泉路花鸟鱼虫市场。(地铁可达,地铁玉泉路站下车向南第一个十字路口向西100米。小巧玲珑,花鸟各半。) 5.南顶村花鸟市场。(在南三环木犀园桥向南约1公里。火车西站上乘40路,木樨园下车,换乘341南 顶中学下车。南顶村在大红门,...
各地花鸟鱼市场 北京市: 1.官园花鸟市场。(二环阜成门桥东北角。387西站上车,阜成门下车。) 2.潘家园花鸟市场。(西客站乘公交车,到潘家园下车,往前走30米左拐,走到头200米左右 ,在往右看就能看到潘家园花鸟市场。网友评论:您说的是华声天桥吧,搬到十里河啦) 3.团结湖花鸟市场。 4.玉泉路花鸟鱼虫市场。(地铁可达,地铁玉泉路站下车向南第一个十字路口向西100米。小巧玲珑,花鸟各半。) 5.南顶村花鸟市场。(在南三环木犀园桥向南约1公里。火车西站上乘40路,木樨园下车,换乘341南 顶中学下车。南顶村在大红门,走南三环出木樨园桥往南,路比较乱,最好到那再问,很难在这里 说明白。走南四环的话,进大红门桥往北,第一个路口向东,顺着路走,是一条弯路,过了一条铁 路,左手就是,有个明显的公厕,公厕后面就是。) 6.菜户营北面的三路居,(公交车鸭子桥站,下车向西,过铁路后路南。) 7.通县鸟市。(大中音城的西边。) 8.木樨园花鸟市场。(木樨园南边,北四环里边,东关建材市场的南边。) 9.鸭子桥花鸟市场。(西站上乘721路,鸭子桥北里下车,十字路口向西到头向南到头向西过了铁道 就是。) 10.天宁寺花鸟市场,(西站上乘40路,广安门北站下车向北路口既是,鸟比较少)。 11.北沙滩花鸟市场。(在西客站乘到北沙滩的公交车,到北沙滩立交桥,就找到该鸟市了,只有星期 天才有。) 12.红桥花鸟市场。 13.南沙滩鸟市。(键翔桥北)。 14.门头沟鸟市。 15.昌平鸟市。 、日)。 16.顺义鸟市。(周6 17.水锥子鸟市。(平常下午2点后) 18.南头花鸟市场。(在天安门南面,做110车直到南头下车,前走20米右看就是啦。) 天津市: 1.天津一宫花鸟市场以迁至河北区建昌道和普济河道两处 2.西南楼白云路花鸟市场。 3.宝鸡道花鸟鱼虫市场。(西开天主教教堂后面。) 4.广东路原利民道宠物市场。 5.长虹公园市场。 6.登发花鸟鱼虫市场。(东兴立交桥 。) 7.水上公园花鸟鱼虫市场。(周邓纪念馆附近。) 8.西沽公园鸟市。( 几乎都是小商店,鸟不太全,价格低廉。) 9.王串场鸟市。(人气不错,价格比价公道。) 10.西横堤鸟市。(新近形成,有待发展 。) 11.大丰桥花鸟市场。 12.天津西客站前街,(规模中等,都是长摊) 上海市: 1.万商花鸟市场。(西藏路浏河路口。东台路古玩市场对面,虫多鸟多,较有味道。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 2.黄家蕨路花鸟市场。(近老西门,那里有个华联吉买胜。) 3.凤阳路花鸟市场。(在凤阳路近成都路高架。花、鸟各半,较有味道。/已拆迁) 4.曹安路花鸟市场。(武宁路/大渡河路,花草较多,买鸟的较少。地理位置:坐落在上海西侧,离沪西工人文化宫也不远。古董花瓶玉器,花鸟鱼虫,狗猫宠物。沪西工人文化出发,出租车15.00元即到,另西宫后门有63路公交车可到。另双休日后门有摆地摊但规模不大,都是卖些小型鱼,为皮包客...) 5.新江阴路花鸟市场(安澜路/近西藏南路);(已拆迁) 6.人民广场三角花园。(遛鸟及买自家鸟的较多。双季花艺,浦建路/杨高路 /已取缔) 7.金桥枣阳路花鸟市场。(浦东枣庄路近张扬路。地方很大,花鸟各半。) 8.浦建路花鸟市场。(浦东杨高南路易初莲花。 ) 9.云台路花鸟市场。(云台路/昌里路,云台路上。小巧玲珑,花鸟各半。) 10.虹航花鸟市场。(虹桥路,動物園再下去,虹井路718號虹橋花市) 。 11.烨锦花鸟市场。(浦东南路和浦三路口,) 12.提篮桥花鸟市场。(舟山路) 。 13.五角场花鸟市场。(大西洋百货后,在五角场环岛。环岛花鸟市场,五角场/近黑山路)14.徐汇花鸟市场。(徐汇区宛平南路88号,宛平路近肇家浜路。宛平路花鸟市场肇嘉浜路以南百米距离,大门朝东,保华海洋馆就在宛平 路沿街处。) 15. 岭南路花鸟市场(保德路) 16.丰缘花鸟市场。(闸北区西藏北路中兴路附近。/已拆迁) 17.岚灵花鸟市场。(在龙州北路上,靠近上海植物园,龙川北路/罗成路,离地铁上海南站不远, 111、847路可到达)。 公交720、 18.沪西工人文化宫花鸟市场。(曹杨路520号或武宁路225号坐落在上海普陀区,离著名大型卖场家乐福武宁店很近。沪西工人文化宫内,有近 三十家大大小小的水族店。邮票钱币,花鸟鱼虫,狗猫宠物。以人民广场为出发点,36路武宁新村下。轻轨到曹杨路下、44、923、63、62、562路等都到, 三泉路保德路口。) 19. 黄山花鸟市场(云山路/张杨路) 20. 新颖花鸟市场(安顺路/凯旋路) 21.锦江乐园---梅陇花鸟市场。(交通:上中西路进去。 ) 22.钦州路花鸟市场(近田林路) 23.牡丹江路鱼市。(在吴淞医院后门。乘116路。) 24.烨锦花鸟市场。(在浦东南路,南浦大桥下来就是。) 25.钦州路鱼市。(坐落在上海徐汇区,钦州路639号,近田林路口,离著名的八万人体育场很近。古董花瓶玉器,花鸟鱼虫,狗猫宠物。以人 民广场出发点,地铁一号线,田林路下,步行10分钟即可。以上海八万人体育场为出发点,出租车起步价10.00元便到。) 26.闵行一家私人店铺。(东川路千代广场对面 。) 27.亦展花鸟市场。(北艾路近杨高路 。新建的,挺大), 28.上钢花鸟市场。(成山路灵岩路附近。) 29.上南花鸟市场。(上南路近杨思。上南路/永泰路) 30.中环花鸟市场。(浦电路/崂山东路,潍坊二村内 旁边) 31.龙门水族。(恒丰北路71号恒丰路桥下面的(批发)。天目路上的呈浩老巢。) 32.本溪路鱼市(坐落在上海杨浦区江浦路,本溪路交口处。 古董花瓶玉器,花鸟鱼虫,狗猫宠物。以人民广场 为出发点123路,145路,14路。) 33.五角场黑山路鱼市:(国和路493号。) 34.建工水族(006)市场。(浦东大道2507号。近居家桥,枣庄路上张扬路博山路之间 。r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 自己有车去不错,乘车只有大桥三线、787路、791路 、772路、川歇线。) 35.曲阳花鸟市场。(近曲阳家乐富。 ) 36.文庙花鸟市场。(近文庙 。)(很少) 37.沪太路花鸟市场。(地址:沪太路1010号(靠近宜川路路口),702路,710路,58路(新客站上车),845路(新客站上车),529路,767 路鱼市概况:走进市场首先看到的一些小店铺,总共8到9家左右,其中3到4家是以热带鱼和金鱼为主。大家如果仔细看的话有时也会有意外发现。当然好戏在后头拉,经过这些小店铺,随后就是两家规模很大的鱼店。分别是广州的永锋水族和上海沪太水族批发总汇。沪太路花鸟市场多为花木奇石批发部,如果要买花,树,盆景也可以过去看看。) 38.洛川东路市场。(西宝兴路洛川东路附近。) 39.长桥花鸟市场。(上中西路上海中学对面的马路内。 龙川北路,.轻轨到上海南站下走过去10 分钟) 40.新泾花鸟市场。(天山西路。) 41.新杨浦花鸟市场。(隆昌路控江路路口。) 42.吴淞花鸟市场,(牡丹江路淞宝路口) ; 43.邯郸路(近曲阳路)。 44.三林花鸟市场,(凌兆路上南路口) 45.高阳路唐山路花鸟市场。 46.广粤路建材市场往南500米还有一个(与一农贸市场并一起)。 47.万商。周家嘴路大连路 。 48.周家嘴路(万商斜对面)。 49.好象安化路附近也有一个(静安区)。 50.江湾镇轻轨下面的轻纺市场。 51.泗塘集市。 52.岭南路集市 53.运光新村轻纺市场。 54.福山路近乳山路 。 55.岚灵花乌市场.(灵石路新村路); 56.崇德路(近江湾镇轻轨站轻纺市场) 57.三泉路保德路口。 58.广粤路建材市场边。 59.浦东花木花卉交易中心; (龙阳路地铁南端); 60.上海恒大花木世界;(浦东三林) 河北省: 石家庄市: 1.北方路花鸟市场。 2.槐南路最西头与时光街交*口。逢阴历二,七是集市石家庄市最大的花市应属西三教花卉市场,在中华大街与南二环交叉口西南角,兼有鱼市。另有槐特花鸟鱼虫市场,在槐安东路(老市场在东岗路,仍有摊点);赵陵铺花鸟市场在中华北大街。还有几个小市场,具体名字记不清了。 张家口市: 1.游泳馆对面,不过这是一个不规范的鸟市 r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 保定市: 1.保定花鸟市场。(在大西门东风桥。) 2.东外环花鸟市场。 邢台市: 1.邢台花卉宠物市场。(顺德南路路东。邢台的火车站和汽车站在一起。到邢台站坐公车是18路,到桥东旅社下车向前走十二米就到了,在路东面。) 秦皇岛市: 1.老天桥花鸟市场。(在海港区,星期六、日人多。) 沧州市: 1.金街花鸟鱼市。在南湖广场对面。 黑龙江省:哈尔滨市: 1.道外大新街花鸟鱼市场。(哈尔滨市最大的花鸟市场。) 2.南岗区工大花鸟鱼市场。 3.故乡大发花鸟鱼市场。 4.道里花鸟鱼市场。(儿童医院附近。) 5.任家桥花鸟鱼市场。(动力区。) 大庆市: 1.铁西中九路鸟市。(萨尔图区,3-5家全天)。 吉林省:长春市: 1.青怡坊花鸟鱼交易中心。 2.万隆花鸟鱼交易中心。(长春重庆路二胡同里。) 3.吉鑫花鸟市场。(最大的鸟市,在火车站前,长白路上。鸟很全,比青怡坊大多了。) 4.长江路步行街花鸟鱼虫专卖。(长江路步行街,火车站不远,黄河客运站旁) 5.东一条花鸟市场。(在长春东一条。) 6.维北公寓花鸟市场。(昌邑区。) 辽宁省:沈阳市: 1.青年公园鸟市。(在青年公园外,公园的东南角方向,南运河边上。) 2.沈阳宠物市场。(在塔湾,离市中心很远,主要是卖狗也有鸟。) 3.皇姑区塔湾有个宠物市场。 4.小津桥花鸟市场。 5.万柳塘公园花鸟市场。(已经搬到泉园二路花卉市场二楼了,规模比以前小了) 6.劳动公园花鸟市场。(劳动公园南门。) 7.辽宁省阜新市花鸟鱼市在人民公园南侧 鞍山市: 1.辽南大市场:(火车站向南2站,10路、13路、411等到辽南大市场站下,卖鸟的现在很少,主要是鱼和鱼具,原来周四早有鱼市很大。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 2.虹桥花鸟鱼市场:(火车站西北200米,上虹桥过铁路就能看到。平时有七八家鸟店,三四家笼具店。鸟的种类较丰富,鸟店多往其他市县做转批业务。六日有很多个人卖鸟的,芙蓉较多。) 铁西开发区有花鸟鱼市场((周三有鱼市、)沙河有宠物市场(狗市)。 大连市: 1.新吗特商场 。(五搂有宠物店。) 2.欲竟商城。 3.香炉焦花木市场。 锦州市: 1.有个花鸟鱼市。(花鸟鱼市在:市中心医院跟前,是个一层的楼,很大的。花、鸟、鱼 、俱全。) 2.一个宠物市场。 葫芦岛市: 1.辽化建小区,到百货大楼后2块钱人力车就行了。星期天人多,是个露天圆广场。花、鸟、鱼具全 。 内蒙古自治区:通辽市: 1.科而沁向阳花鸟市场。 山东省:济南市: 1.凤凰山花鸟市场。(只有礼拜天早上有,不过规模最大,东西也便宜,乘4路、5路、35路、等公交车 到工人新村下车,沿标山南路向东走500米左右。) 2.英雄山花鸟市场。(周一至周六的早上,乘4路、35路、42路等公交车到“八一立交桥”下车,沿国 美商场门前的路向东走100米左右) 3.成丰桥花鸟市场。(一般是早上都在凤凰山或英雄山,下午一些贩子在成丰桥。还是乘4、7路、35路等公交车到成丰桥下车,沿工商河南岸向西走100米左右) 4.西门花鸟市场。(历下区。) 青岛市: 1.南山花鸟鱼虫市场。(市北区。) 2.南山花鸟鱼虫市场。 3.团岛花鸟鱼虫市场。 4.海泊桥花鸟鱼虫市场。 5.李村集花鸟鱼虫市场。 烟台市: 1.祥和花鸟市场。(已经搬迁到祥和小区,原称“大庙花鸟市场”,现称“祥和花鸟市场”,市区乘8 、18、26、42、44路公交至祥和中学站下车即到。) 东营市: 1.东营花鸟虫鱼市场。(济南路“哥达寻呼公司”对面。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 潍坊市: 1.北王花鸟市场。(潍洲路南,潍坊棉纺厂南。较大,农历逢五,十日及周六,日开市。) 2.虞河路花鸟市场。(虞河路与福寿路的路口,向西20米路北白浪河边) 3.南环路花鸟大世界。(南环路附近。) 临沂市: 1.东关鸟笼鸟具批发市场。 河南省:郑州市: 1.陈寨植物园。(有鸟,鱼,龟,狗,都在市场东边。29,83,906,K62,504,都可以到,在国基路南边;路北边也有,不过卖鸟的好象只有一两家。) 2.北环有一大型花鸟鱼市场。另外,周六周日,在沿河路(陇海铁路和金水河交*,也叫北闸口)还有,西站路月季公园对面也有一个小型的花鸟鱼市场;(京广北路也有一个小型花鸟鱼市场,不过忘了是与哪条路交*口了。) 开封市: 1.开封花鸟市场。开封市汴京公园旁。 江苏省:南京市: 1.夫子庙花鸟市场 (。瞻园路东头,白路洲公园西门旁,夫子庙菜场南边。公交1路到底站,火车站到夫子庙下。白鹭洲公园北大门,31路、49路、95路、44路公交车都可到。) 2.乌龙潭公园花鸟市场。(在省人民医院对面,乌龙潭公园门外,43路、3路、9路、6路、等公交车都可到。规模较小。) 3.江宁路花鸟市场。(江宁路大树城车站下车,14路公交车可到。) 苏州市: 1.观前街工艺品花鸟市场 。(平江区观前街。) 2.石路花鸟市场。 3.南门花鸟市场。(在人民南路南门小商品批发市场里面。) 4.南门花鸟市场。(南门小商品市场二楼。长途汽车南站往北,是新开的,人气比皮市街的差。不过开在室内比较正规.鱼鸟较多,有个茶室。) 无锡市: 1.南禅寺花鸟市场。(南长区,朝阳广场对面,到火车站可坐12路公交车坐到终点站朝阳广场下车,对面就是。) 常州市: 1.小东门花鸟市场。(规模较大,火车站旁、长途汽车站向东200米。) 2.红菱塘花鸟市场。(规模较大,鸟较便宜。 ) 3.同济桥花鸟市场。 4.华东花鸟市场。(广化桥堍,从火车站乘12路。卖画眉、绣眼、百灵。) 5.文化宫花鸟市场。(卖画眉、绣眼、百灵 。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 徐州市: 1.新生里批发市场。(有两处,都在新生里长途汽车站附近,东面一个,西面一个大,相隔100米左右 。) 2.人民公园花鸟市场。(城门口有几家,公园里面的小湖旁边还有几家。) 3.黄河花鸟市场。(黄河公园的合群新村正对面,也有两处,一处在花市后面大,一处在狗市旁边,只有几家)。 南通市: 1.长安花鸟市场。 2.濠西花鸟市场。 连云港市: 1.连云港市花鸟市场。(在新浦公园北墙一条街。) 淮安市: 1.承德路花鸟市场。(规模中等,有花、鸟、虫、鱼、古玩、字画、玉石,鸟较便宜。) 扬州市: 1.瘦西湖花鸟市场。(坐22路、16路、5路均到,花鸟鱼虫猫狗均有经营者,卖鸟的大户4家。另有一家 专营信鸽的店~鸟主要是画眉、芙蓉、嘹哥、及各种季节性野鸟。扬州花鸟市场周边环境优美,紧 靠瘦西湖,中老年龄养画眉鸟之风盛行,每天集多的人带着画眉来这里溜鸟。) 昆山: 1。合兴路,雍景湾西苑有个花鸟市场 安徽省: 合肥市: 1.裕丰花鸟市场。(乘135,21,168路公车都可以到达,裕丰花市站下。) 2.花冲公园。(逢周三、周日开放,主要是宠物市场,有一定的鸟,其中野鸟居多,鸽子很多。乘2、102路车可达,花冲或五里井站下。) 3.城隍庙花鸟市场。 4.含山北路花鸟市场。 山西省:太原市: 1.后北屯花鸟市场。 陕西省:西安市: 1.友谊路花鸟市场。(文艺南路。) 2.经二路花鸟市场。(周五 。) 3.文艺南路花鸟市场。(已经转移到了原市场南侧的友谊路了,不过距离很近。) 4.莲湖区西仓鸟市。(西仓庙会,周四、周日。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 5.朝阳广场花鸟市场。(朝阳广场对面,到火车站可坐12路公交车坐到终点站朝阳广场下车, 对面就是 。) 6.土门花鸟市场。(西郊。) 四川省:成都市: 1.青石桥农贸市场。 2.送仙桥花鸟市场。四川成都青羊宫(锦绣桥)鸟市. 3.成都市青羊鸟市以在今年一月从机坄镇迁往黄田坝.可从市区乖78路32路和408路公交车直达. 4.城东十灵花鸟宠物市场,(那是成都市最大的。) 5.城东建设路花鸟市场。(那是最老的。) 6.城西还有一处,金牛花鸟宠物市场,(三环路外,那是一处最短的。) (其他还有一些鸟市,规模大小不一,即便有些很大,但人气都没有传统的鸟市 旺。) 重庆市: 1.人民公园后门的鸟市。(最老也是规模最大的 。) 2.杨家坪花鸟市场。(在农贸市场旁边,只有几家卖鸟的,卖花草的倒挺多。) 3.沙坪坝花鸟市场。(在沙坪公园那边,也是很小规模。) 南岸不知道在哪里,(因为没去打听。) 4.江北望海花鸟市。(准确地来说应该是花草鱼市场,卖花草盆景假山的多得很,还有卖鱼 的也很多,品种很齐全很专业,卖鸟的没几家,要买鸟还是去人民公园吧。) 5.石桥铺花鸟市场。 湖北省:武汉市: 1.武汉花鸟市场。(江岸区。) 2.港口花鸟市场。(原滨江公园花鸟市场,武汉市汉口区,从船码头上岸不远就是 ,步行10分钟路程,以画眉见长,有专营贵阳画眉的门店)。 3.球场花鸟市场。(武汉市汉口区,以画眉见长,有专营贵阳画眉的门店。 ) 4.中山路花鸟市场。(武汉市汉口区,此地以高档笼具配件见长,有红木笼,黄杨木画眉笼(一般需要预定),高档食杯,想买高档东西就来这个市场,就怕你钱没带够。) 5.大洞门花鸟市场。(武汉市武昌区,东西一般,也是最小的一个市场。) 6.二桥花鸟市场,(武汉市汉口区长江二桥旁,以画眉和野生鸟类见长,有专营贵 阳画眉的门店,同时野生鸟最多,喜欢野鸟的朋友可直接来这个地方。) 7.武汉市汉阳花鸟市场。(武汉汉阳区。地点就在上高速公路口那里,是武汉市最大 的花鸟市场,这个地方东西最全,鸟类品种最多。) 溜鸟,打鸟,玩鸟聚会地点 8.汉口海员康复。(这个地方比赛最多,玩鸟的人也最多,环境好,是武汉最大的一 个接交鸟友的好地方,如果来武汉不妨去这个地方玩玩。) 9.解放公园。 10.中山公园。 湖南省:长沙市: 1.红星花鸟市场。(西牌楼,北站。) 浙江省:杭州市: r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 1.凤起路花鸟城。(汽车南站对面。鸟比较多,也有高档的笼子、杯,但没吴山的 多,绣眼、画眉、 鹦鹉、八哥、鹩哥,各类雏子都不少 ,也有好多热带鱼、花卉、龙猫、仓鼠、龟。东西比较多, 价格比较便宜,是个好地方,但离市中心较远,交通不大方便。) 2.钱江花鸟城。(上塘路钱江小商品市场北边。比南站稍差,但交通较方便。乘12路、58路至钱江花鸟 城。) 3.城西花鸟城。(古翠路89号,文一和文二路之间。) 4.吴山花鸟城。(杭州最有名的地方。杭城最大、最豪华、最贵的花鸟城,有中央空调,夏天去比较好 。吴山广场东面。东西比较好,比较全,也比较贵,特别是鱼和虫子)。 5.凤起花鸟城。(在凤起路东面,刚开张。) 6.湖墅南路花鸟市场。(湖墅路与夹城巷交*口。市场比较小,东西也少) 7.西湖区岳王路花鸟市场。 8.岳王路小弄堂(小型集市):(双休日可以去看看,偶尔有好东西,经常有卖绣眼、画眉等野鸟的。 杭州资格最老的鸟市旧址。) 9.南站花鸟城:(汽车南站对面,东西便宜,地处偏僻,吴山的老尉和专卖芙蓉的老杨都搬到南站了。) 10.四季青花鸟城:(钱江三桥边,规模小。) 11.米市巷花鸟市场:(现在鸟店就两家,外面的那家卖相思、画眉、绣眼、鹩哥什么的。) 杭州鸟市大盘点(内附详细公交路线介绍) 武林小广场乘14路、12路、55路、58路。城站火车站21路。 汽车东站乘35路。汽车南站乘14路、71路、35路。 汽车西站乘526路至市府大楼、换乘21路至双菱路北口(凤起路花鸟城)。 汽车北站乘813路至半道红换乘36路至大关西六苑(钱江花鸟城)、走路至市府大楼乘21路至双菱路北口(凤起路花鸟城)。 建议:如果日程和手头都较紧,可按如下次序逛杭州主要鸟市: 岳王路小弄堂(平海路),乘35路到凤起路花鸟城(双菱路北口),乘35路到吴山花鸟城(吴山广场),乘60路到南站花鸟城(海潮路口),乘536路到钱江花鸟城(大关东五苑)。公交站点随时都会有变化,出门之前请仔细浏览杭州公交主页。 宁波市: 1.西苑花鸟市场。(火车站乘10,15路等公交车到西门口下,十五中学对面. ) 2.东苑花鸟市场。(2路等公交车到塑料厂下,和丰纱厂斜对面 。) 3.白沙花鸟市场。 4.姜斌桥花鸟市场。(很小,没什么意思,大多是虎皮鸟。 ) 5.东胜花鸟市场。(在江东北路,坐821路车可到门口。) 6.三市花鸟市场。(在南火车站附近,坐6路车到海曙JJ队下车就到,这个花鸟市场东西很多。) 7.天胜花鸟市场。(环城西路,5路车可到达。) 屋市: 1.妙果寺花鸟市场。 2.景山花鸟市场。(将军桥边,将军大酒店对面。 ) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 3.洪殿花鸟市场。 衢州市: 1.衢州花鸟市场。 舟山市: 1.洁康花鸟市场。(定海海山公园内,有三家鸟店,两家较大,但价格有点高,另一家鸟不多 但主要经营八哥画眉等。) 江西省:南昌市: 1.千花伴花鸟市场。(火车站坐18路到福州路口。) 2.青山路花鸟市场。(鸟少。18路火车站,到省花鸟中心。) 3.孺子亭公园。(星期3、5、7有自由交易。火车站坐5路到六眼井下,插过马路100米。) 景德镇市: 1.昌南花鸟大市场。(花鸟不少,在新市请遵守版规~对面的锦绣昌南下面。具体地址:乾隆街30甲。可直接乘 4路、5路、9路公交车直达。) 福建省:福州市: 1.福州花鸟城。(六一中路、光明家具城边上。画眉鸟很多。价格适中。) 2.王庄花鸟市场。(专业的传统花鸟市场,狗、鱼、鸟、花齐全,星期天有鸟集,鸟类丰富 ,价格便宜。) 3.左海公园花鸟市场。(鸟、鱼花,少量鸟。) 三明市: 1.江滨公园花鸟市场。(在列东大桥江滨公园。每个周末都有很多买卖笼子和鸟的,以画眉鸟为主。) 厦门市: 1.康乐花鸟市场。 广东省:广州市: 1.芳村区花鸟市场。(广州的是花地湾最大 ,据说是东南亚最大的花鸟市场,狗、猫和鱼比较多,鸟的品种较少,但是市场非常大,要逛完 的话,没有一天的工夫下不来。就在地铁口,交通极为方便。坐火车来广州的话,就在火车站有地铁可直达。) 2.流花鸟苑。(东风西路,在流花公园一侧,是一个老的鸟市。) 3.清平市场。 4.越和花鸟鱼艺大世界。 深圳市: 1.荔枝公园花鸟市场 。(荔枝公园北门。已经撤掉了,罗湖鱼市的在洪湖沃尔玛地下有一条街) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 2.花鸟鱼虫市场:(深圳宝安南路,东门批发市场。) 3.福田农批市场一层。 云南省:昆明市: 1.白龙花鸟市场。 2.西部花鸟大世界。 3.瑞丰花鸟市场。 4.景星花鸟市场。 5.北大门花鸟市场 。 大理市: 1.洱海边花鸟市场,(到那一问就知道,多是批发的。) 甘肃省:兰州市: 1.中立桥花鸟市场。(周六,周日。) 2.土门墩花鸟市场。 3.原兰州市灯泡厂花鸟市场。 4.西站花鸟市场。 5.雁宁路花鸟市场。 青海省:西宁市: 1.小桥花鸟市场 新疆自治区:乌鲁木齐: 1.华凌鱼草市场。 广西省:南宁市: 1.望州岭花鸟市场。 柳州市: 1.荣军花鸟市场。(柳州市荣军路,既整个桂中最大的品种最齐全的花鸟市场,这个花鸟市场是整个桂中地区最大的花鸟批发零售市场。公交30路车,在假肢厂下车往前走200米即到。) 2.西环的春茂市场 桂林市: 1.屏风花鸟市场(环城北一路屏风村)。在火车总站(汽车站离火车站就一站路)大门口坐16路到最后一站(公交东环车站),再转坐15路或者17路过去两站就到。火车北站坐32路到。机场的朋友从机场出来,在机场大巴的终点站(航空酒店)路对面(来的方向,因为终点站过马路才停)坐16路到公交东环车站转15或者17路两站就到~ 玉林市: 1.同花顺花鸟市场。(在城区内。) 贵州省:贵阳市: r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 1.贵阳花鸟市场。(在油榨街。) 海南省:海口市: 1.海口市花鸟市场。(在海口公园大门口。) 2.东门市场。(有几家鸟店。) 香港: 1.旺角花鸟市场。(西洋菜街,通菜街 。在旺角花墟道雀鸟公园內。) r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be
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