

2018-08-23 44页 doc 115KB 45阅读




Excel常用公式函数教程Excel常用公式函数教程 excel常用公式函数教程,实例介绍~ 1、ABS函数 函数名称:ABS 主要功能:求出相应数字的绝对值。 使用格式:ABS(number) 参数说明:number代表需要求绝对值的数值或引用的单元格。 应用举例:如果在B2单元格中输入公式:=ABS(A2),则在A2单元格中无论输入正数(如100)还是负数(如-100),B2中均显示出正数(如100)。 特别提醒:如果number参数不是数值,而是一些字符(如A等),则B2中返回错误值“#VALUE~”。 2、AND函数 函数名...
Excel常用函数教程 excel常用公式函数教程,实例介绍~ 1、ABS函数 函数名称:ABS 主要功能:求出相应数字的绝对值。 使用格式:ABS(number) 说明:number代表需要求绝对值的数值或引用的单元格。 应用举例:如果在B2单元格中输入公式:=ABS(A2),则在A2单元格中无论输入正数(如100)还是负数(如-100),B2中均显示出正数(如100)。 特别提醒:如果number参数不是数值,而是一些字符(如A等),则B2中返回错误值“#VALUE~”。 2、AND函数 函数名称:AND 主要功能:返回逻辑值:如果所有参数值均为逻辑“真(TRUE)”,则返回逻辑“真(TRUE)”,反之返回逻辑“假(FALSE)”。 使用格式:AND(logical1,logical2, ...) 参数说明:Logical1,Logical2,Logical3……:表示待测试的条件值或表达式,最多这30个。 应用举例:在C5单元格输入公式:=AND(A5>=60,B5>=60),确认。如果C5中返回TRUE,说明A5和B5中的数值均大于等于60,如果返回FALSE,说明A5和B5中的数值至少有一个小于60。 特别提醒:如果指定的逻辑条件参数中包含非逻辑值时,则函数返回错误值“#VALUE!”或“#NAME”。 3、AVERAGE函数 函数名称:AVERAGE 主要功能:求出所有参数的算术平均值。 使用格式:AVERAGE(number1,number2,……) 参数说明:number1,number2,……:需要求平均值的数值或引用单元格(区域),参数不超过30个。 应用举例:在B8单元格中输入公式:=AVERAGE(B7:D7,F7:H7,7,8),确认后,即可求出B7至D7区域、F7至H7区域中的数值和7、8的平均值。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 特别提醒:如果引用区域中包含“0”值单元格,则计算在内;如果引用区域中包含空白或字符单元格,则不计算在内。 4、COLUMN 函数 函数名称:COLUMN 主要功能:显示所引用单元格的列标号值。 使用格式:COLUMN(reference) 参数说明:reference为引用的单元格。 应用举例:在C11单元格中输入公式:=COLUMN(B11),确认后显示为2(即B列)。 特别提醒:如果在B11单元格中输入公式:=COLUMN(),也显示出2;与之相对应的还有一个返回行标号值的函数——ROW(reference)。 5、CONCATENATE函数 函数名称:CONCATENATE 主要功能:将多个字符文本或单元格中的数据连接在一起,显示在一个单元格中。 使用格式:CONCATENATE(Text1,Text……) (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) 参数说明:Text1、Text2……为需要连接的字符文本或引用的单元格。 应用举例:在C14单元格中输入公式:=CONCATENATE(A14,"@",B14,".com"),确认后,即可将A14单元格中字符、@、B14单元格中的字符和.com连接成一个整体,显示在C14单元格中。 特别提醒:如果参数不是引用的单元格,且为文本格式的,请给参数加上英文状态下的双引号,如果将上述公式改为:=A14&"@"&B14&".com",也能达到相同的目的。 6、COUNTIF函数 函数名称:COUNTIF 主要功能:统计某个单元格区域中符合指定条件的单元格数目。 使用格式:COUNTIF(Range,Criteria) 参数说明:Range代表要统计的单元格区域;Criteria表示指定的条件表达式。 应用举例:在C17单元格中输入公式:=COUNTIF(B1:B13,">=80"),确认后,即可统计出B1至B13单元格区域中,数值大于等于80的单元格数目。 特别提醒:允许引用的单元格区域中有空白单元格出现。 7、DATE函数 函数名称:DATE field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 主要功能:给出指定数值的日期。 使用格式:DATE(year,month,day) 参数说明:year为指定的年份数值(小于9999);month为指定的月份数值(可以大于12);day为指定的天数。 应用举例:在C20单元格中输入公式:=DATE(2003,13,35),确认后,显示出2004-2-4。 特别提醒:由于上述公式中,月份为13,多了一个月,顺延至2004年1月;天数为35,比2004年1月的实际天数又多了4天,故又顺延至2004年2月4日。 上页我们介绍了ABS、AND、AVERAGE、COLUMN 、CONCATENATE、COUNTIF 、DATE 这七个常用函数,今天我们继续介绍下面的七个常用函数: DATEDIF函数:计算返回两个日期参数的差值。 DAY函数:计算参数中指定日期或引用单元格中的日期天数。 DCOUNT函数:返回数据库或列表的列中满足指定条件并且包含数字的单元格数目。 FREQUENCY函数:以一列垂直数组返回某个区域中数据的频率分布。 IF函数:根据对指定条件的逻辑判断的真假结果,返回相对应条件触发的计算结果。 INDEX函数:返回列表或数组中的元素值,此元素由行序号和列序号的索引值进行确定。 INT函数:将数值向下取整为最接近的整数。 8、DATEDIF函数 函数名称:DATEDIF 主要功能:计算返回两个日期参数的差值。 使用格式:=DATEDIF(date1,date2,"y")、=DATEDIF(date1,date2,"m")、=DATEDIF(date1,date2,"d") 参数说明:date1代表前面一个日期,date2代表后面一个日期;y(m、d)要求返回两个日期相差的年(月、天)数。 应用举例:在C23单元格中输入公式:=DATEDIF(A23,TODAY(),"y"),确认后返回系统当前日期[用TODAY()表示)与A23单元格中日期的差值,并返回相差的年数。 特别提醒:这是Excel中的一个隐藏函数,在函数向导中是找不到的,可以直接输入使用,对于计算年龄、工龄等非常有效。 9、DAY函数 函数名称:DAY 主要功能:求出指定日期或引用单元格中的日期的天数。 使用格式:DAY(serial_number) 参数说明:serial_number代表指定的日期或引用的单元格。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 应用举例:输入公式:=DAY("2003-12-18"),确认后,显示出18。 特别提醒:如果是给定的日期,请包含在英文双引号中。 10、DCOUNT函数 函数名称:DCOUNT 主要功能:返回数据库或列表的列中满足指定条件并且包含数字的单元格数目。 使用格式:DCOUNT(database,field,criteria) 参数说明:Database表示需要统计的单元格区域;Field表示函数所使用的数据列(在第一行必须要有标志项);Criteria包含条件的单元格区域。 应用举例:如图1所示,在F4单元格中输入公式:=DCOUNT(A1:D11,"语文",F1:G2),确认后即可求出“语文”列中,成绩大于等于70,而小于80的数值单元格数目(相当于分数段人数)。 特别提醒:如果将上述公式修改为:=DCOUNT(A1:D11,,F1:G2),也可以达到相同目的。 11、FREQUENCY函数 函数名称:FREQUENCY 主要功能:以一列垂直数组返回某个区域中数据的频率分布。 使用格式:FREQUENCY(data_array,bins_array) 参数说明:Data_array表示用来计算频率的一组数据或单元格区域;Bins_array表示为前面数组进行分隔一列数值。 应用举例:如图2所示,同时选中B32至B36单元格区域,输入公式:=FREQUENCY(B2:B31,D2:D36),输入完成后按下“Ctrl+Shift+Enter”组合键进行确认,即可求出B2至B31区域中,按D2至D36区域进行分隔的各段数值的出现频率数目(相当于统计各分数段人数)。 特别提醒:上述输入的是一个数组公式,输入完成后,需要通过按“Ctrl+Shift+Enter”组合键进行确认,确认后公式两端出现一对大括号({}),此大括号不能直接输入。 12、IF函数 函数名称:IF 主要功能:根据对指定条件的逻辑判断的真假结果,返回相对应的。 使用格式:=IF(Logical,Value_if_true,Value_if_false) 参数说明:Logical代表逻辑判断表达式;Value_if_true表示当判断条件为逻辑“真(TRUE)”时的显示内容,如果忽略返 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己)回“TRUE”;Value_if_false表示当判断条件为逻辑“假(FALSE)”时的显示内容,如果忽略返回“FALSE”。 应用举例:在C29单元格中输入公式:=IF(C26>=18,"符合要求","不符合要求"),确信以后,如果C26单元格中的数值大于或等于18,则C29单元格显示“符合要求”字样,反之显示“不符合要求”字样。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 特别提醒:本文中类似“在C29单元格中输入公式”中指定的单元格,读者在使用时,并不需要受其约束,此处只是配合本文所附的实例需要而给出的相应单元格,具体请大家参考所附的实例文件。 价格区间的做法 =IF(K2<200,"200以下 ",IF(K2<300,"200-300",IF(K2<400,"300-400",IF(K2<500,"400-500",IF(K2<600,"500-600",IF(K2<1000,"600-1000",IF(K2>1000 ,"1000以上"))))))) 13、INDEX函数 函数名称:INDEX 主要功能:返回列表或数组中的元素值,此元素由行序号和列序号的索引值进行确定。 使用格式:INDEX(array,row_num,column_num) 参数说明:Array代表单元格区域或数组常量;Row_num表示指定的行序号(如果省略row_num,则必须有 column_num);Column_num表示指定的列序号(如果省略column_num,则必须有 row_num)。 应用举例:如图3所示,在F8单元格中输入公式:=INDEX(A1:D11,4,3),确认后则显示出A1至D11单元格区域中,第4行和第3列交叉处的单元格(即C4)中的内容。 特别提醒:此处的行序号参数(row_num)和列序号参数(column_num)是相对于所引用的单元格区域而言的,不是Excel工作表中的行或列序号。 14、INT函数 函数名称:INT 主要功能:将数值向下取整为最接近的整数。 使用格式:INT(number) 参数说明:number表示需要取整的数值或包含数值的引用单元格。 应用举例:输入公式:=INT(18.89),确认后显示出18。 特别提醒:在取整时,不进行四舍五入;如果输入的公式为=INT(-18.89),则返回结果为-19。 前两页我们介绍了ABS、AND、AVERAGE、COLUMN 、CONCATENATE、COUNTIF 、DATE 以及DATEDIF、DAY、DCOUNT、FREQUENCY、IF、INDEX、INT这十四个常用函数,今天我们继续介绍下面的七个常用函数: ISERROR函数:用于测试函数式返回的数值是否有错。如果有错,该函数返回TRUE,反之返回FALSE。 LEFT函数:从一个文本字符串的第一个字符开始,截取指定数目的字符。 LEN函数:统计文本字符串中字符数目。 MATCH函数:返回在指定方式下与指定数值匹配的数组中元素的相应位置。 MAX函数 :求出一组数中的最大值。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between MID函数:从一个文本字符串的指定位置开始,截取指定数目的字符。 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) MIN函数:求出一组数中的最小值。 15、ISERROR函数 函数名称:ISERROR 主要功能:用于测试函数式返回的数值是否有错。如果有错,该函数返回TRUE,反之返回FALSE。 使用格式:ISERROR(value) 参数说明:Value表示需要测试的值或表达式。 应用举例:输入公式:=ISERROR(A35/B35),确认以后,如果B35单元格为空或“0”,则A35/B35出现错误,此时前述函数返回TRUE结果,反之返回FALSE。 特别提醒:此函数通常与IF函数配套使用,如果将上述公式修改为:=IF(ISERROR(A35/B35),"",A35/B35),如果B35为空或“0”,则相应的单元格显示为空,反之显示A35/B35的结果。 16、LEFT函数 函数名称:LEFT 主要功能:从一个文本字符串的第一个字符开始,截取指定数目的字符。 使用格式:LEFT(text,num_chars) 参数说明:text代表要截字符的字符串;num_chars代表给定的截取数目。 应用举例:假定A38单元格中保存了“我喜欢天极网”的字符串,我们在C38单元格中输入公式:=LEFT(A38,3),确认后即显示出“我喜欢”的字符。 特别提醒:此函数名的英文意思为“左”,即从左边截取,Excel很多函数都取其英文的意思。 17、LEN函数 函数名称:LEN 主要功能:统计文本字符串中字符数目。 使用格式:LEN(text) (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) 参数说明:text表示要统计的文本字符串。 应用举例:假定A41单元格中保存了“我今年28岁”的字符串,我们在C40单元格中输入公式:=LEN(A40),确认后即显示出统计结果“6”。 特别提醒:LEN要统计时,无论中全角字符,还是半角字符,每个字符均计为“1”;与之相对应的一个函数——LENB,在统计时半角字符计为“1”,全角字符计为“2”。 18、MATCH函数 函数名称:MATCH field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 主要功能:返回在指定方式下与指定数值匹配的数组中元素的相应位置。 使用格式:MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array,match_type) 参数说明:Lookup_value代表需要在数据表中查找的数值; Lookup_array表示可能包含所要查找的数值的连续单元格区域; Match_type表示查找方式的值(-1、0或1)。 如果match_type为-1,查找大于或等于 lookup_value的最小数值,Lookup_array 必须按降序排列; 如果match_type为1,查找小于或等于 lookup_value 的最大数值,Lookup_array 必须按升序排列; 如果match_type为0,查找等于lookup_value 的第一个数值,Lookup_array 可以按任何顺序排列;如果省略match_type,则默认为1。 应用举例:如图4所示,在F2单元格中输入公式:=MATCH(E2,B1:B11,0),确认后则返回查找的结果“9”。 特别提醒:Lookup_array只能为一列或一行。 19、MAX函数 函数名称:MAX 主要功能:求出一组数中的最大值。 使用格式:MAX(number1,number2……) 参数说明:number1,number2……代表需要求最大值的数值或引用单元格(区域),参数不超过30个。 应用举例:输入公式:=MAX(E44:J44,7,8,9,10),确认后即可显示出E44至J44单元和区域和数值7,8,9,10中的最大值。 特别提醒:如果参数中有文本或逻辑值,则忽略。 20、MID函数 函数名称:MID 主要功能:从一个文本字符串的指定位置开始,截取指定数目的字符。 使用格式:MID(text,start_num,num_chars) 参数说明:text代表一个文本字符串;start_num表示指定的起始位置;num_chars表示要截取的数目。 应用举例:假定A47单元格中保存了“我喜欢天极网”的字符串,我们在C47单元格中输入公式:=MID(A47,4,3),确认后即显示出“天极网”的字符。 特别提醒:公式中各参数间,要用英文状态下的逗号“,”隔开。 21、MIN函数 函数名称:MIN 主要功能:求出一组数中的最小值。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 使用格式:MIN(number1,number2……) 参数说明:number1,number2……代表需要求最小值的数值或引用单元格(区域),参数不超过30个。 应用举例:输入公式:=MIN(E44:J44,7,8,9,10),确认后即可显示出E44至J44单元和区域和数值7,8,9,10中的最小值。 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) 特别提醒:如果参数中有文本或逻辑值,则忽略。 们在使用Excel制作表格整理数据的时候,常常要用到它的函数功能来统计处理表格中的数据。本文以Excel为例(其它版本请仿照操作),向大家介绍一些在Excel中使用频率最高的函数的功能和使用方法。2003 Excel函数系列之后我们还会推出Excel常用函数实例文章系列,欢迎大家关注。 为方便大家浏览,我们按函数名称的字母进行排序。 前面我们介绍了以下函数的功能和用法: ABS、AND、AVERAGE、COLUMN 、CONCATENATE、COUNTIF 、DATE DATEDIF、DAY、DCOUNT、FREQUENCY、IF、INDEX、INT ISERROR、LEFT、LEN、MATCH、MAX、MID、MIN 我们继续介绍下面的七个常用函数: MOD函数:求出两数相除的余数。 MONTH函数:求出指定日期或引用单元格中的日期的月份。 NOW函数:给出当前系统日期和时间。 OR函数:仅当所有参数值均为逻辑“假(FALSE)”时返回结果逻辑“假(FALSE)”,否则都返回逻辑“真(TRUE)”。 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) RANK函数:返回某一数值在一列数值中的相对于其他数值的排位。 RIGHT函数:从一个文本字符串的最后一个字符开始,截取指定数目的字符。 SUBTOTAL函数:返回列表或数据库中的分类汇总。 22、MOD函数 函数名称:MOD 主要功能:求出两数相除的余数。判断数值奇偶数: =IF(MOD(A1,2)=0,"偶数","奇数") 使用格式:MOD(number,divisor) 参数说明:number代表被除数;divisor代表除数。 应用举例:输入公式:=MOD(13,4),确认后显示出结果“1”。 特别提醒:如果divisor参数为零,则显示错误值“#DIV/0!”;MOD函数可以借用函数INT来表示:上述公式可以修改为:=13-4*INT(13/4)。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 23、MONTH函数 函数名称:MONTH 主要功能:求出指定日期或引用单元格中的日期的月份。 使用格式:MONTH(serial_number) 参数说明:serial_number代表指定的日期或引用的单元格。 应用举例:输入公式:=MONTH("2003-12-18"),确认后,显示出11。 特别提醒:如果是给定的日期,请包含在英文双引号中;如果将上述公式修改为:=YEAR("2003-12-18"),则返回年份对应的值“2003”。 24、NOW函数 函数名称:NOW 主要功能:给出当前系统日期和时间。 使用格式:NOW() 参数说明:该函数不需要参数。 应用举例:输入公式:=NOW(),确认后即刻显示出当前系统日期和时间。如果系统日期和时间发生了改变,只要按一下F9功能键,即可让其随之改变。 特别提醒:显示出来的日期和时间格式,可以通过单元格格式进行重新设置。 25、OR函数 函数名称:OR 主要功能:返回逻辑值,仅当所有参数值均为逻辑“假(FALSE)”时返回函数结果逻辑“假(FALSE)”,否则都返回逻辑“真(TRUE)”。 使用格式:OR(logical1,logical2, ...) 参数说明:Logical1,Logical2,Logical3……:表示待测试的条件值或表达式,最多这30个。 应用举例:在C62单元格输入公式:=OR(A62>=60,B62>=60),确认。如果C62中返回TRUE,说明A62和B62中的数值至少有一个大于或等于60,如果返回FALSE,说明A62和B62中的数值都小于60。 特别提醒:如果指定的逻辑条件参数中包含非逻辑值时,则函数返回错误值“#VALUE!”或“#NAME”。 26、RANK函数 函数名称:RANK 主要功能:返回某一数值在一列数值中的相对于其他数值的排位。 使用格式:RANK(Number,ref,order) field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 参数说明:Number代表需要排序的数值;ref代表排序数值所处的单元格区域;order代表排序方式参数(如果为“0”或者忽略,则按降序排名,即数值越大,排名结果数值越小;如果为非“0”值,则按升序排名,即数值越大,排名结果数值越大;)。 应用举例:如在C2单元格中输入公式:=RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$31,0),确认后即可得出丁1同学的语文成绩在全班成绩中的排名结果。 特别提醒:在上述公式中,我们让Number参数采取了相对引用形式,而让ref参数采取了绝对引用形式(增加了一个“$”符号),这样设置后,选中C2单元格,将鼠标移至该单元格右下角,成细十字线状时(通常称之为“填充柄”),按住左键向下拖拉,即可将上述公式快速复制到C列下面的单元格中,完成其他同学语文成绩的排名统计。 27、RIGHT函数 函数名称:RIGHT 主要功能:从一个文本字符串的最后一个字符开始,截取指定数目的字符。 使用格式:RIGHT(text,num_chars) 参数说明:text代表要截字符的字符串;num_chars代表给定的截取数目。 应用举例:假定A65单元格中保存了“我喜欢天极网”的字符串,我们在C65单元格中输入公式:=RIGHT(A65,3),确认后即显示出“天极网”的字符。 特别提醒:Num_chars参数必须大于或等于0,如果忽略,则默认其为1;如果num_chars参数大于文本长度,则函数返回整个文本。 28、SUBTOTAL函数 函数名称:SUBTOTAL 主要功能:返回列表或数据库中的分类汇总。 使用格式:SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1, ref2, ...) 参数说明:Function_num为1到11(包含隐藏值)或101到111(忽略隐藏值)之间的数字,用来指定使用什么函数在 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己)列表中进行分类汇总计算(如图6);ref1, ref2,……代表要进行分类汇总区域或引用,不超过29个。 应用举例:如图7所示,在B64和C64单元格中分别输入公式:=SUBTOTAL(3,C2:C63)和=SUBTOTAL103,C2:C63),并且将61行隐藏起来,确认后,前者显示为62(包括隐藏的行),后者显示为61,不包括隐藏的行。 特别提醒:如果采取自动筛选,无论function_num参数选用什么类型,SUBTOTAL函数忽略任何不包括在筛选结果中的行;SUBTOTAL函数适用于数据列或垂直区域,不适用于数据行或水平区域。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 我们在使用Excel制作表格整理数据的时候,常常要用到它的函数功能来统计处理表格中的数据。本文以Excel为例(其它版本请仿照操作),向大家介绍一些在Excel中使用频率最高的函数的功能和使用方法。文章末尾提供.xls文件供大家下载参考。2003 Excel函数系列之后我们还会推出Excel常用函数实例文章系列,欢迎大家关注。 为方便大家浏览,我们按函数名称的字母进行排序。 前面我们介绍了以下函数的功能和用法: ABS、AND、AVERAGE、COLUMN 、CONCATENATE、COUNTIF 、DATE DATEDIF、DAY、DCOUNT、FREQUENCY、IF、INDEX、INT ISERROR、LEFT、LEN、MATCH、MAX、MID、MIN MOD、MONTH、NOW、OR、RANK、RIGHT、SUBTOTAL 文章导读 我们继续介绍下面的七个常用函数: SUM 函数:计算所有参数数值的和。 SUMIF函数:计算符合指定条件的单元格区域内的数值和。 TEXT函数:根据指定的数值格式将相应的数字转换为文本形式。 TODAY函数:给出系统日期。 VALUE函数:将一个代表数值的文本型字符串转换为数值型。 VLOOKUP函数:在数据表的首列查找指定的数值,并由此返回数据表当前行中指定列处的数值。 WEEKDAY函数:给出指定日期对应的星期数。 29、SUM函数 函数名称:SUM 主要功能:计算所有参数数值的和。 使用格式:SUM(Number1,Number2……) 参数说明:Number1、Number2……代表需要计算的值,可以是具体的数值、引用的单元格(区域)、逻辑值等。 应用举例:如图7所示,在D64单元格中输入公式:=SUM(D2:D63),确认后即可求出语文的总分。 特别提醒:如果参数为数组或引用,只有其中的数字将被计算。数组或引用中的空白单元格、逻辑值、文本或错误值将被忽略;如果将上述公式修改为:=SUM(LARGE(D2:D63,{1,2,3,4,5})),则可以求出前5名成绩的和。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 30、SUMIF函数 函数名称:SUMIF 主要功能:计算符合指定条件的单元格区域内的数值和。 使用格式:SUMIF(Range,Criteria,Sum_Range) 参数说明:Range代表条件判断的单元格区域;Criteria为指定条件表达式;Sum_Range代表需要计算的数值所在的单元格区域。 应用举例:如图7所示,在D64单元格中输入公式:=SUMIF(C2:C63,"男",D2:D63),确认后即可求出“男”生的语文成绩和。 (www.netzj.cn/ 网络知己) 特别提醒:如果把上述公式修改为:=SUMIF(C2:C63,"女",D2:D63),即可求出“女”生的语文成绩和;其中“男”和“女”由于是文本型的,需要放在英文状态下的双引号("男"、"女")中。 31、TEXT函数 函数名称:TEXT 主要功能:根据指定的数值格式将相应的数字转换为文本形式。 使用格式:TEXT(value,format_text) 参数说明:value代表需要转换的数值或引用的单元格;format_text为指定文字形式的数字格式。 应用举例:如果B68单元格中保存有数值1280.45,我们在C68单元格中输入公式:=TEXT(B68, "$0.00"),确认后显示为“$1280.45”。 特别提醒:format_text参数可以根据“单元格格式”对话框“数字”标签中的类型进行确定。 32、TODAY函数 函数名称:TODAY 主要功能:给出系统日期。 使用格式:TODAY() 参数说明:该函数不需要参数。 应用举例:输入公式:=TODAY(),确认后即刻显示出系统日期和时间。如果系统日期和时间发生了改变,只要按一下F9功能键,即可让其随之改变。 特别提醒:显示出来的日期格式,可以通过单元格格式进行重新设置(参见附件)。 33、VALUE函数 函数名称:VALUE 主要功能:将一个代表数值的文本型字符串转换为数值型。 使用格式:VALUE(text) field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 参数说明:text代表需要转换文本型字符串数值。 应用举例:如果B74单元格中是通过LEFT等函数截取的文本型字符串,我们在C74单元格中输入公式:=VALUE(B74),确认后,即可将其转换为数值型。 特别提醒:如果文本型数值不经过上述转换,在用函数处理这些数值时,常常返回错误。 34、VLOOKUP函数 函数名称:VLOOKUP 主要功能:在数据表的首列查找指定的数值,并由此返回数据表当前行中指定列处的数值。 使用格式:VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) 参数说明:Lookup_value代表需要查找的数值;Table_array代表需要在其中查找数据的单元格区域;Col_index_num为在table_array区域中待返回的匹配值的列序号(当Col_index_num为2时,返回table_array第2列中的数值,为3时,返回第3列的值……);Range_lookup为一逻辑值,如果为TRUE或省略,则返回近似匹配值,也就是说,如果找不到精确匹配值,则返回小于lookup_value的最大数值;如果为FALSE,则返回精确匹配值,如果找不到,则返回错误值#N/A。 应用举例:参见图7,我们在D65单元格中输入公式:=VLOOKUP(B65,B2:D63,3,FALSE),确认后,只要在B65单元格中输入一个学生的姓名(如丁48),D65单元格中即刻显示出该学生的语言成绩。 特别提醒:Lookup_value参见必须在Table_array区域的首列中;如果忽略Range_lookup参数,则Table_array的首列必须进行排序;在此函数的向导中,有关Range_lookup参数的用法是错误的。 35、WEEKDAY函数 函数名称:WEEKDAY 主要功能:给出指定日期的对应的星期数。 使用格式:WEEKDAY(serial_number,return_type) 参数说明:serial_number代表指定的日期或引用含有日期的单元格;return_type代表星期的表示方式[当Sunday(星期日)为1、Saturday(星期六)为7时,该参数为1;当Monday(星期一)为1、Sunday(星期日)为7时,该参数为2(这种情况符合中国人的习惯);当Monday(星期一)为0、Sunday(星期日)为6时,该参数为3]。 应用举例:输入公式:=WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2),确认后即给出系统日期的星期数。 特别提醒:如果是指定的日期,请放在英文状态下的双引号中,如=WEEKDAY("2003-12-18",2)。 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between Excel快捷键大全 对工具栏进行操作的快捷键 激活菜单栏,F10,Alt 选定前一个或下一个工具栏,Ctrl+Tab或Ctrl+Shift+Tab 选定工具栏中的下一个或前一个按钮或菜单,Tab或Shift+Tab(当某 个工具栏被激活时) 打开选定的菜单,Enter 运行选按钮的操作,Enter 在选定的文本框中输入文本,Enter 在对话框中使用的快捷键 取消当前任务,Esc 单击相应命令,Alt+下划线字母 单击选定的按钮,Enter 在选项中前移,Tab 在选项后移,Shift+Tab 在选项卡中前移,Ctrl+Tab 在选项卡中后移,Ctrl+Shift+Tab 刷新“另存为”或“打开”对话框,F5 插入、删除和复制选定区域的快捷键 复制选定区域,Ctrl+C 粘贴选定区域,Ctrl+V 剪切选定区域,Ctrl+X field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 清除选定区域的内容,Delete 插入空白单元格,Ctrl+Shift+加号 删除选定区域,Ctrl+- 撤消最后一次操作,Ctrl+Z 使用“office助手”需要用到的快捷键 关闭“office助手”提供的消息,Esc 通过“office助手”获取帮助信息,F1 显示下一项提示,Alt+N 显示前一项提示,Alt+B 在向导中显示或隐藏“office助手”,空格键 对窗口进行操作的快捷键 切换到下一个程序,Alt+Tab 切换到前一个程序,Alt+Shift+Tab 显示windwos“开始”菜单,Ctrl+Esc 关闭活动工作薄窗口,Ctrl+W 恢复活动工作薄窗口,Ctrl+F5 切换到下一个工作薄窗口,Ctrl+F6 切换到前一个工作薄窗口,Ctrl+Shift+F6 执行“移动”命令(菜单栏中的工作薄图标菜单),Ctrl+F7 运行“大小”命令(菜单栏中的工作薄图标菜单),Ctrl+F8 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 将工作薄窗口最小化为图标,Ctrl+F9 最大化或恢复工作薄窗口,Ctrl+F10 在“打开”或“另存为”对话框中更新可见的文件,F5 使用对话框进行操作的快捷键 切换到对话框中的下一个选项卡,Ctrl+Tab或Ctrl+PageDown 切换到对话框中的前一个选项卡,Ctrl+Shift+Tab或Ctrl+PageUp 移动到下一个选项或选项组,Tab 移动到前一个选项或选项组,Shift+Tab 在活动下拉列表框的选项间移动,或在选项组选项间移动,方向键 招待活动按钮的操作,或选定或清除当前复选框,空格键 取消命令或关闭对话框,Esc 在文本框中进行操作的快捷键 移动到内容的开始,Home 移动到内容的最后,End 向左或向右移动一个字符,左右方向键 向左或向右移动一个字,Ctrl+左右方向键 选定从插入点到开始的输入内容,Shift+Home 选定从插入点到最后的输入内容,Shift+End 选定或取消左面的一个字符,Shift+左方向键 选定或取消右面的一个字符,Shift+右方向键 选定或取消左面的一个字,Ctrl+Shift+左方向键 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 选定或取消右面的一个字,Ctrl+Shift+右方向键 在工作表和工作薄中选定单元格、列、行或对象的快捷键 选定当前单元格周围的区域,Ctrl+Shift+*(星号) 将选定区域扩展一个单元格宽度,Shift+方向键 将选定区域扩展到与活动单元格同一行或同一列的最后一个非空白单元格,Ctrl+Shift+方向键 将选定区域扩展到行首,Shift+Home 将选定区域扩展到工作表的开始,Ctrl+Shift+Home 将选定区域扩展到工作表的最后一个包含数据的单元 格,Ctrl+Shift+End 选定整列,Ctrl+空格键 选定整行,Shift+空格键 选定整个工作表,Ctrl+A 若已选定多个单元格,则只选定其中的活动单元格,Shift+Backspace 将选定区域向下扩展一屏,Shift+PageDown 将选定区域向上扩展一屏,Shift+PageUp 在选定一个对象时,选定工作表上的所有对象,Ctrl+Shift+空格键 在隐藏对象、显示对象与对象占位符之间切换,Ctrl+6 显示或隐藏“常用”工具栏,Ctrl+7 分级显示数据的快捷键 取消行或列分组,Alt+Shift+左方向键 field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 对行或列分组,Alt+Shift+右方向键 显示或隐藏分级显示符号,Ctrl+8 隐藏选定行,Ctrl+9 取消隐藏选定行,Ctrl+Shift+( 隐藏选定列,Ctrl+0 取消隐藏选定列,Ctrl+Shift+) 编辑单元格的快捷键 完成单元格输入,Enter 取消单元格输入,Esc 重复单元格一次操作,F4或Ctrl+Y 在单元格中折行,Alt+Enter 删除插入点左边的字符或删除选定区域,Backspace 删除插入点右边的字符或删除选定区域,Delete 向上下左右移动一个字符,方向键 移到行首,Home 移到行尾,End 编辑单元格批注,Shift+F2 由行或列标志创建名称,Ctrl+Shift+F3 向下填充,Ctrl+D 向右填充,Ctrl+R 用当前输入项填充选定的单元格区域,Ctrl+Enter field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 完成单元格输入并在选定区域中下移,Enter 完成单元格输入并在选定区域中上移,Shift+Enter 完成单元格输入并在选定区域中右移,Tab 完成单元格输入并在选定区域中左移,Shift+Tab 在单元格或编辑栏中使用的快捷键 键入公式,=(等号) 取消单元格或编辑栏中的输入项,Esc 编辑当前单元格,F2 编辑活动单元格并清除其内容,或在编辑时删除前一个字符,Backspace 将名称粘贴到公式中,F3 定义名称,Ctrl+F3 计算所有打开工作薄中的所有工作表,F9 计算活动工作表,Shift+F9 输入“自动求和”公式,Alt+=(等号) 输入日期,Ctrl+; 输入时间,Ctrl+Shift+: 插入超级链接,Ctrl+K 完成单元格输入,Enter 将当前单元格上方单元格中的数值复制到当前单元格或编辑栏,Ctrl+Shift+(双引号) field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 将当前单元格上方单元格中的公式复制到当前单元格或编辑栏,Ctrl+'(单引号) 在显示单元格值与单元格公式间转换,Ctrl+`(撇号) 输入数组公式,Ctrl+Shift+Enter 键入有效函数名后,显示公式选项板,Ctrl+A 键入有效函数名后,为该函数插入变量名和括号,Ctrl+Shift+A 显示“记忆式键入”列表,Ctrl+下方向键 快捷键与数据格式设置 显示“样式”命令,Alt+'(单引号) 显示“单元格”命令,Ctrl+1 应用常规数字格式,Ctrl+Shift+~ 应用带两个小数位的“贷币”格式,Ctrl+Shift+$ 应用不带小数位的“百分比”格式,Ctrl+shift+% 应用带两个小数位的“科学记数”数字格式,,Ctrl+shift+^ 应用年月日“日期”格式,Ctrl+shift+# 应用小时和分钟“时间”格式,并表明上午或下午,Ctrl+shift+@ 应用外边框,Ctrl+shift+& 取消选定单元格区域中的所有边框,Ctrl+shift+_ 应用或取消字体加粗格式,Ctrl+B 应用或取消字体倾斜格式,Ctrl+I 应用或取消字体下划线格式,Ctrl+U field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between 应用或取消删除线格式,Ctrl+5 隐藏行,Ctrl+9 取消隐藏行,Ctrl+Shift+( 隐藏列,Ctrl+0 取消隐藏列,Ctrl+Shift+) field is downwind, brooding House separate from the breeding shed, and ... Building chicken farms must also consider the construction of chicken manure treatment facilities such as septic tanks, methane-generating pit, do not let the chicken manure directly. Five to do a disease prevention and control, do not cut corners. Built into the chicken in chicken farm, will be required to do a variety of vaccine injections and disinfection in chicken farm, do not hold the chance, and do scientific farming. Reasonable problems in building a chicken coop hen house layout, can provide a good environment for chicken, making its full productive potential, so other than in understanding the physiological characteristics of the chicken itself, and must be properly planned and constructed sheds. A chicken layout considerations 1. Sites to choose away from populated areas, traffic convenient, away from the road 2. Gaozao terrain, a lot of sunshine. Winter sun as possible, summer wind, and not after the rain water. Larger, leaving room for development 3. Abundant water resources pollution-free, easy to access, sufficient power is guaranteed 4. Building structure, the economy, saving money, and saving energy, it is facing in accordance with local environmental and physiological condition, lighting is good, easy to ventilation, easy to operate, so conducive to cooling in the summer, to insulation in winter cold 5. Layout of premises should be reasonable, do distinguish between
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