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导游词英文导游词英文 精品文档 导游词英文 各位游客朋友们,大家好~我先代表我们西西旅行社真 诚的欢迎大家~我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和 我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾 驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。如果你有什么问 题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有 一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的 记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们 可以在这里玩的开心。 Today we are going to visit YongDing Earth B...
导游词英文 精品文档 导游词英文 各位游客朋友们,大家好~我先代表我们西西旅行社真 诚的欢迎大家~我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和 我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾 驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。如果你有什么问 题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有 一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的 记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们 可以在这里玩的开心。 Today we are going to visit YongDing Earth Buildings,which is called the World’s Unique Mountain Residence and the mysterious oriental ancient castels.Among all the residences in the world,Yongding Earth Buildings are famous for its long history, unique style, grand scale, ingenious structure,complete function,and rich culture.It is known as one of China’s five traditional folk residences,and deserves the fame of a fancy ancient architecture in China. There are over3000 Earth Buildings of different styles in Yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.Among them , there are 1 / 25 精品文档 over60 round Earth Buildings,which are most typical. 我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的 山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。世界上所有的民 居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽 的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉 为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。 永定县土楼共2万3千多座,其中以方楼、圆楼为主,典型 的圆楼的数量有360多座。 Today the place we’ll visit is the Hakka Earth Building Folk and Culture Village at Hongkeng of Yongding.Because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous Zhencheng Building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings. OK, Look, this is zhencheng building. Now, please raise your eyes, and look at the characters above the door. Do you know why it was named Zhencheng Building? In fact,for this building,the name Zhencheng comprises two Chinese chatacters Zhen and Cheng, which were taken from the owner’s forefathers Lin fucheng and Lin pizhen for memory. In order to honor them, people selected one character from each of his two sons’ 2 / 25 精品文档 name, and “Zhen Cheng” means that no matter to the country or to the family, we should obey the rules as to be a moral person. 现在请大家抬头看门上的三个汉字,大家知道为什么这 栋楼要叫振成楼吗,其实啊,这个楼名是因为纪念楼主林丕 振和林福成,从他们名字当中各取一字嵌入联首,振成的意 思是无论国还是家,都应当遵纲守纪,才能造就有德有才之 人。 Zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure. The outside wall is 1meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor. There are1bedrooms here, now more than0 families are living in the building. Ok my dear guest, my first question for you! Why there isn’ t any windows on the first and second floor? As a matter of fact, when Hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations. So once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in. And this is one of the functions of the earth building------Defence. 3 / 25 精品文档 振成楼由内外两环楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环则 是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二楼 是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多 户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游客,我的第一个问题来了, 有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不设窗户呢,原来啊,客 家人刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和 左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。这就是我们土楼5大功 能里的第一个功能—防盗防卫功能。 OK now let’s go into the building. Do you feel warm? Yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm. So it’s warm in winter and cool in summer. 好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是 觉得特别暖和,是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具 有冬暖夏凉的功能。 You can see ,between each unit ,there is a fireproof wall. Normally ,one unit accommodates one family.With the doors closed, you will have your own courtyard,while with all the doors opened,the whole building is a big family.And the third function is its fireproofing.As you have just seen, if there is fire in one unit,it will just not go to other units.what’s more, people 4 / 25 精品文档 have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire. 大家看,在楼内的每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常, 一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥有自己 的空间,当打开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向 各位说一说土楼的第三个功能—防火功能。大家看,一旦楼 内发生了火灾,火势不致蔓延,并且楼内挖有两口水井,也 为扑火提供了水源。 The most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof. In the last two years, since Wenchuan and Yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned. Fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago. Look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is . Besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake. 土楼的设计最大的特色莫 过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、 玉树大地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重 视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到了这个重要的功 能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾 5 / 25 精品文档 斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。并且在墙体中放入了 竹片、杉木条,增加了墙体的拉力,大大提高了抗震能力, 防震效果明显。 There is another important function, that is environmental friendly. The earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth. This attracts the great attention of environmentalists. 土 楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥 土,拆毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极 大兴趣。 That’s all for the functions.OK,My dear guides, How time flies! At the end of the tour, on behalf of Xixi Travel Servece again, I am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building. That’s all , Thank you! 以上就是土楼的五大功能,由于时间关系,今天的土楼 讲解就先告于段落了,在即将结束我们的土楼游览的时候, 我也再次代表我们西西旅行社非常欢迎大家可以再来感受 我们土楼的魅力,谢谢~ 鼓 浪 屿 Good morning,ladies and gentleman. Please allow me on behalf of xx Travel Service to extend our sincere 6 / 25 精品文档 welcome to you . My name is Linxi, and I will be your guide during your stay in xiamen. This is our drive, Mr chen, and his bus number is D-12345.If you have any questions or special requets,please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’ll try our best to make your stay of xiamen pleasant and enjoyable. We really ask for your understanging and cooperation, and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience. Today we will visit GULANGYU Islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.It will take us minute to get to the ferry. Now,please pay attention to the islet on your left. This’s Gulangyu Islet, our destination for today. Gulangyu Islet, is00 meters off the southwest shore of xiamen across the xiamen Strait. This tiny,1.91 square kilometers islet has a population of less than0,000. In April 1995, Gulangyu become a national key scenic spot and No.1 of Fujian Province’s Top ten Sites. 现在请大家注意你们左手边的岛屿。这就是鼓浪屿了, 也就是我们今天的要到的目的地。鼓浪屿,穿越过厦门海峡, 濒临厦门西南海岸有600米。这个面积仅有1.91平方千米 7 / 25 精品文档 的微小的岛屿,人口不少于20,000。1995年4月,鼓浪屿 成为国家重点旅游风景区。同时,也是福建省十大旅游景点 之一. A popular xiamen saying goes that you cannot say you've visited xiamen unless you've visited gulangyu. Or more exactly,unless you've visited sunlight rock and set foot on the sky wind stand,file peak of sunlight rock. OK,My dear ,now we will enter sunlight rock scenic area from the front gate. We are now at Dragon Head Hill. Just inside the gate we come to one of xiamen’ s most famous temples, the Sunlight Temple. Its former name was Lotus temple . It was founded during the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt over00 years ago,in 1956. It bathes daily in the first rays of the morning sunshinehence ,so its name Sunlight Tenple. 厦门有句名言:到厦门不游鼓浪屿不算真正到厦门。 更准确的说,除非你游览过日光岩,走上天风台,登上日光 岩最高峰才算真正到过厦门。现在我们将从前门进入日光岩 景区。我们在龙头山,进入大门内,来到的是厦门最为著名 的寺庙——日光岩寺。日光岩寺又称“莲花庵”。它建立于 明朝,在1956年得到重修,已经有四百多年的历史了。由 于每天莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光里,故称为“日光寺”。 8 / 25 精品文档 Turing right we will go to the memory hall of Zheng chenggong, Inside the memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him .Words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it .The form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life. He was born in Japan in 162and returned to China at the age of. On April1st ,1661,he led his troops to Taiwan and retake it from the Dutch after they had colonized it for overyears.He died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at the tender age of9. In memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used. After visiting the Zheng chenggong Memorial Hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.Its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,Go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.This is the entrance to the Dragon Head Hill Fortress.The gate was 157cm.the same height as Zheng chenggong.So if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person. 9 / 25 精品文档 向右走我们来到的是郑成功纪念博物馆,在纪念博物馆 里我们可以看到他的青铜像。在雕像的上方,有用文字记载 着许多他一生的相关事迹。在其右边展现了他一生的伟大事 迹。郑成功,出生于1624年,日本,在七岁时回国。1661 年4月21日,他带领军队,收复了荷兰殖民者统治三十八 年的台湾。次年1662,郑成功逝世,年仅三十九岁。为了可 以加深对他的了解,我们可以浏览一些照片以及他曾经游览 过的地方、所用过的战船。参观完郑成功纪念馆,我们现在 要去古避暑洞。 OK,Let’s go out the memory hall now. Though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only2.meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you .Now I can't wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view of xiamen.Please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs. Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning! On behalf of our travel agency to you a warm welcome! Welcome to the beautiful city of The Mountain Tai, the 10 / 25 精品文档 State Tourism and Cultural City of the Tai’an! This is Mr., our driver, who has many years of driving experience, so you may rest assured but sitting well in his car. My Chinese name is #%,, you can call me Miss *。 I come from The Unit Holiday Travel Agency. Then the next time, I come to you on service, so my job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide. My telephone number is ********, if you have any special interesting, please tell your tour leader or me, we will try our best to make your stay in Tai’ an a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation. Ok. Next time I must tell you that: the Mountain Tai is tall and steep, very steep in some places. So you must pay special attention to safety, to do “walk not viewing, viewing not walk”, especially advantageous location, but also to “simply walk down, not looking up view”. Ok! Now, I want to chat about the Mountain Tai with you. The mountain Tai is located in the central of ShanDong Province, East of The Yellow Sea, West of The 11 / 25 精品文档 Yellow River. The mountain Tai, ancient DongYue, also know as DaiZong、DaiShan. Since ancient time, also know as“the Five Sacred Mountains Domination”. It formedtobillon years ago, the total area of2square kilometers, 154meters sea level Peak Yuhuang Ding. With the surrounding low mountains and hills, its relative height over thirteen hundred meters, which is giving a pull to sky momentum. Based on the large and concentrated, giving a “rock solid” “heavy as Mountain Tai” natural feeling, so people warm to praise her. For the climate, fertile land, they become a thriving ancient human heart and the birthplace of ancient culture. For thousands of years, they have been The East’s political, economic and cultural center. According to legend, in ancient times,emperors had come here to worship Heaven and Earth. Many writers also left inscriptions and steles here, and it gains the reputation as “a Natural Museum of a Art” In China, many emperors including the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shihuang, the Emperor WuDi of Han Dynasty, Emperor XuanZong of Tang Dynasty, and Emperor KangXi、 QianLong of Qing Dynasty and so on, held grand 12 / 25 精品文档 sacrificial ceremonies on its summit. It’s so-called “fengshan”. the “feng”, is built the round alter at the very top of the mountain to Heaven; the “shan”, is built the square alter under the mountains to Earth. If generation Emperor can high offer sacrifices to heaven and earth on the Mountain Tai, they will be to the world as peace and harmony symbol of peace and prosperity, the emperor himself seems to have become “the son of the Heaven”. Therefore, the image of emperors became the spokesman for TaiShan, and left a lot of cultural relics in the number of mountains of the Mountain Domination Position. Mt.Tai was also named the world cultural and heritage by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in December 1987, with the ancient building complex comprising its main contents. In006, the ancient buildings on Mt. Tai successfully entered the list of the Sixth Batch of National Key Protection Units of Historical Relics approved by the State Council, China’s cabinet. The ancient buildings were constructed along a nine-kilometer winding path. 13 / 25 精品文档 The important parts of the buildings are the Guandi Temple, Queen Mother’s Pool, Red Gate Palace, South Heaven Gate, Three Officers Temple, and Temple of Universal Illumination. Emperors over the course of two thousand years came to worship on Mountain Taishan. The Temple to the God of Mt. Taishan, at the base of Mount Taishan and the Azure Cloud Temple at its peak are the two best-known sites. The Azure Cloud Temple is the best-preserved ancient structure on Mountain Tai. The well-preserved state of the ancient building complex is attributed to the scientific and systematic protection and management by related authorities. HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su 14 / 25 精品文档 highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last,000 years history. Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products; tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea. Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment. 15 / 25 精品文档 杭州---人间天堂 意大利的著名旅行家马可?波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,他使人觉得自己是在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。” 杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样土特产。 苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的缎带,飘逸于碧波之上。湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩,湖心亭和小瀛洲。湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。 杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。杭州不仅以自然美景闻名,而且有着传统文化的魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳 肴和漂亮的工艺品。 杭州是中国的“丝绸之府”,丝绸产品品种繁多,其中以织锦尤为引人注目。杭州还生产黑纸扇和檀香扇。其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。 一般来说,游览西湖及其周围景点花上两天时间较为合 16 / 25 精品文档 适,到杭州旅游,既令人愉悦,又能得到文化享受。 O~) 2013-3-27 Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome to Hebei University of Engineering. I am your guide Joyce .Today, we are going to visit the building of architecture department. We hope that all of you will feel as good as today’s sunshine and enjoy yourselves here. In the following time, we will have a visit on the building of architecture department. During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out, I’ll try my best to satisfy you. Wish you a wonderful journey! So what are we waiting for? Let’s go! Look! The grand building behind me is the most characteristic one in this school. It belongs to the institute of urban construction. On my left lies the building No.and the architecture school leans against the building No.7. And now you see on my right is the south gate of this university. It’s said that the design chart comes from the students in this building. Don’ t you think they are so awesome? Do you want to go inside 17 / 25 精品文档 to see it? Let’s go! Look at the gate of the building, do you feel it’ s solemn and grand? After entering the hall, the great ancient scholar Mozi’s famous speech was engraved on the marble wall. It told the later generation that the principle of constructing the ancient palace. It’s just for convenience and not for beauty and pleasure. However, people in the following time violated the principle. Now follow me let’s see some other things. This is a construction building model and here is a something like pillar. On the left of the pillar there is multimedia room, let’s come in and have a look. So do you think it’s more spacious and brighter than our classroom? Walk out of the classroom, a corridor appears in front of us, on the wall paste some design charts, later you’ll see more design charts. Besides the corridor lies a courtyard, the west and east walls were covered with lots of green Boston ivy. So do you feel a little cool in the hot summer’s day? Actually, except for entertainment, there is another use of the courtyard. Can you guess what the function is,Yes, 18 / 25 精品文档 this room is also used to be the job hunting site to offer a platform or opportunities for our students to show themselves. Now let’s get back to the corridor. At the end of the corridor there is a closed corridor, on both sides of the walls paste some landmark design charts of Handan City, like cultural art center and library. Next, we’ll see a window filled with many constructive materials to let our students observe and learn. After visiting the first floor, let’s move on to the second floor and before we go upstairs, I’ll show you another thing. What’s this? I believe you have guessed that it’s a corner of the pavilion. Now let’s go upstairs! Is it fabulous to see the first floor’ scenery on this point? On the second floor, there is a space for us to have a rest. Let’s take some break! Ok, having taken some rest, let’ s move on again. The southern part of the building has some offices and reference rooms. There are still rows of stones piled construction, as well as the introduction of the Architecture School. The environment and equipment engineering department, 19 / 25 精品文档 water supply and some other departments were set up in this college. Now let’s move to the northern part of this building, this part is the headquarter of models. Do you know the graduate of the Architecture School Dong Shuen, the chief architect and engineer of the Bird's Nest? A very excellent senior, do you agree with me? Time flies, our visit is coming to an end and it’ s very difficult for me to say goodbye to you. I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. I don’ t expect that all of you will remember me, but I really hope that my service is of help to you. Thank you very much and best wishes to you. 视频剪切合并器 QQ影音 英文导游词 As is known to all, the silk road into xinjiang, south, north is divided into three sections, the word. And of every faith scenery lets a person miand thoughtful. Therefore, it is the silk road trip to travel. Brief introduction of the first description: xinjiang is located in China's northwest border regions 20 / 25 精品文档 in China, also called, the second-largest pasture, ecological environment. North of continental climate, the winters are long and hard, summer, autumn season and hot chirp is not obvious, relatively strong, solar radiation temperature changes. So remind everybody must pay attention to prevent bask in the night and temperature is too big and prepare appropriate clothes. Meanwhile, xinjiang has the advantageous sunshine, light, heat and planting trees and the crops of thermophilic melon, improve sugar accumulation. So a luscious taste the melon and fruit in xinjiang. Our first stop was the urumqi. It is the farthest from the oceans of the world cities, capital of xinjiang uygur autonomous region, meaning "beautiful", but also the ranch along. We recommend the attraction is the natural pasture, carefree nanshan pasture flocks, paolo maldini, compose in green grassland, spruce, combining the deep valley, and a0 meters high, the waterf-all. Here you can live on the shores of the ZhanFang, taste herdsmen Nang, dairy products, roast lamb kebabs, ZhuaFan hand, etc. Bake complete sheep is a choice JieYang surrounding xinjiang, or under the age 21 / 25 精品文档 of two lambs as raw materials, to fat with flour and entrails, feet, salt water, eggs, pepper, alone powder evenly into paste, in the whole body, then add the sheep are soaking pit, Nang bake until cooked. Baked sheep, golden oil, fragrance waft through the meat, delicious! You can rent a horse galloping on the kazakh nomads, acrothe vast grassland of the thick forest. Also can realize kazak ethnic customs: racing nomads, thanks to the sheep, chasing girls. Urumqi seasons all appropriate, each have different seasons. Our second station is well known in turpan: it's very hot and dry the lowest place. Is extremely arid region unique ecological environment and the representatives of the oasis civilization. You may have noticed that a foot on this land, and we are the only dry! The sun is so frankly, the baking temperature has reached0 to0 degrees Celsius, i.e., steaming eggs. You also don't too boring, let us imagine a pleasant trip to the sauna. First, we went to the fire, the authors of shanxi, surrounded by the farmhouse here, secluded spot, vines with green, a very cool and refreshing and comfortable come, here is the "HuoZhou" summer in 22 / 25 精品文档 heaven. In these grape, as long as the timbrel rang, men and women will be averted dance. Believe that everyone heard that song familiar "to", covering your journey has a small talk "uncle"? How does not show guide So now you for it. Small guide a bit embarrassed, here but dance, unexpectedly township in here, please everybody to me. Now please follow me to visit the shadow of raisins for washing room. Raised my hand against the grapes can be picked you can't decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybody fan. To see the city will be KanErJing, it is spots with wall, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal and called China's three projects, it is the source of life of the local people. Because it is in the ground, also very cool and refreshing and comfortable. Now we came to the tomb ASiDaNa - hara and is, there are many rooms vivid fresco, lifelike lifelike, still have the "turpan documents", it is the current international academic research foundation of words - turpan. Because the climate is hot dry form natural germ-free environment, so 23 / 25 精品文档 the dead bodies and objects, although calendar millennium items without corruption, the body is due to rapid dehydrate and formed the pyramids in Egypt mummy "than" also mummified corpses of exotic, some even seems visible eyes eyelash. Now we reached the place, also is the hami melon is executed. Two thousand years ago, here is the han dynasty ZhangQian first opened the silk road fortress, known as "the macroscopic throats, western". As the saying goes, "the east sea crab hami melons as shrimp," beauty of hami words can't express. Silk road and the grassland culture were also it nurture... Millions of years ago CengFanHua noisy here, all the time, the flowers are circulation of vast desert mysterious buried. Numerous archaeological explorers have again and again into a history to touch, the dust, touch the soul of hundreds of years ago. Loulan ancient site actually is the capital of kingdom ". Have LuoBuBo beside the river, clear. After the han and the tarim river water diverted, though, because human resource and spent a cross-sectional note glacier diversion into loulan, but soon, the time of ancient lou-lan and waste 24 / 25 精品文档 water. From ancient lou-lan died in history! 25 / 25
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