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智利公司注册和公司种类智利公司注册和公司种类 智利注册公司和公司种类 申办公司材料 注册公司材料:资金证明+有效护照 每一个外国自然人都是以旅游身份进入智利,进入智利时随身携带美元经海关申报处报关(智利规定外国人进入智利随身携带现金不能超过1.5万以下美元,海关申报处规定1万美元以才给以办理报关手续),海关申报处给予一张美元申报证明。凭申报证明可以当作注册公司的资本来源。没有经过海关的游客,也可以入境智利后再通过西联汇款方式来证明公司的资本来源。 以下为公司种类供投资商参考: 个体有限责任公司 (相当于中国的个人独资) , 在智利,...
智利公司注册和公司种类 智利注册公司和公司种类 申办公司材料 注册公司材料:资金证明+有效护照 每一个外国自然人都是以旅游身份进入智利,进入智利时随身携带美元经海关申报处报关(智利规定外国人进入智利随身携带现金不能超过1.5万以下美元,海关申报处规定1万美元以才给以办理报关手续),海关申报处给予一张美元申报证明。凭申报证明可以当作注册公司的资本来源。没有经过海关的游客,也可以入境智利后再通过西联汇款方式来证明公司的资本来源。 以下为公司种类供投资商参考: 个体有限责任公司 (相当于中国的个人独资) , 在智利,自然人在个体有限责任公司的名义下可获得法人身份,这是相对较新的2003年2月颁布的19.857号法律的规定。适用于不需第三方参与拥有私人资产的商业性质法人,也可以有第三方股东入股,法人可以不用签字。 , 公司的全称应有名字的部分或者一个与面对社会对象相关的名字,并附有“个人责任有限公司LTDA”或者“E.I.R.L”。公司的经营范围应该和它所标明的具体执行的范围保持一致。 , 创建这种类型的公司手续比较简单,只要公证处声明公证、在报纸版物上和经济部商业登记处注册就可以。申办时间约1-3天,费用低,约在4万比索(66美元)加上佣金总共约10-15万比索(150-200美元)左右。 , 但这类公司它所承载的法律责任范围比较小。智利银行界对这类公司评估风险大缺乏信任,所以在以后业务开展中智利金融界有一定的约束。 有限责任公司 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 有限责任公司LTDA(这是一种被广泛应用的公司):股东们以出资比例来承担公司的责任,公司的管理和监督由股东自由商定显示在公司上。股东可以是智利人也可以是外国人,可以是自然人也可以是法人。公司股东最少不低于2个,最多不超过50个。股东成员凭有效护照可以注册,但法人必须拥有智利长居或短期投资居留来承担固定相应的法律责任。没有限制法人占整个公司投资的比例,可以0.5%,1%或5%, 10%。(这类公司是被智利金融界比较认可的公司,但新公司开立帐户以BANCO SANTANDER银行为例,对新公司开立帐户必须要有不低于三个月的税表,以此证明公司确实开始运营,公司股东如护照注册,监管人(法人)必须有智利长居并占不低于70%的股份。银行资金管理(支票支出签字)权利由股东们自由商量,可以双人签字生效也可以由哪个股东实际操作人签字生效,并不是非法人不可。 注册资金 注册资金没有最低的,根据行业投资而注资或根据公司往后的发展而增资。投资资金可以分期还清。比如注册资金2500万比索,但目前手上实际只有500万资金证明,那么余下的2000万比索可以分几年付清,但必须要显示在公司章程上,否则会影响申办居留。进口进来的经过报关显示货物价值的设备货物也可纳入投资额,增补注册资金实际到位资本。 公司经营地址 在公司注册时经营地址可以先设想,不须要房租。等真正落实经营地址后,再凭房租合同到税务局申请登记。 注册费用: 法律规定官方收取启动资金千分之一的费用。例如,注册资金为$20,000,000智利比索(折合美元约3.3万),那么千分之一就是$20,000比索(33美元)。但是,公证事务所加入了其他费用:如律师费,章程起草费,复印费,官方日志报纸手续费,商业登记处登记费等,使费用相应有所增加。管理员(律师)以公司的注册资金征收0.2%。以注册资金在3到4万美元的情况下总共费用加佣金约30万比索以内。 注册时间 完成公司注册时间:一般为签字之日起的15个工作日之内。 潜规则 一般刚刚到智利的投资商,因为没有当地居留而不能承担公司法律责任,因此行业里会出现一个潜规则:谁来当公司法人,有可靠亲朋好友最好,若没有可靠亲朋好友或者怕欠人情只能找一个挂名法人,找挂名法人就产生出一个法人挂名费。(以浙商投资(智利)服务有限公司为例:为方便广大投资商协助找当地可靠的挂名法人,等公司实际所有人在4到6个月后下来短期投资居留,再一次修改公司章程,把法人转为实际属有人)。 挂名法人费用: are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 付小费10万比索,以后每次涉及法人签字的比如房租合同,税务局开业申请,需要法人亲身前往签字的,公司要承担交通开支和每次付小费约在2万比索。把法人转为实际属有人 再付小费2万比索)。 修改公司: 修改公司章程费用和注册公司费用一样,要经过章程修改,公证处公证,商业登记处登记,官方报纸声明才符合当地法律规定的效果。 公司签名 无论是注册公司还是修改公司章程,所有股东与公司相关人事,须要在公司章程里亲自签名和标明有限责任,股份配比,所有股东将团结一致承担社会责任。 不能亲自到达智利的投资人,可以前往智利驻当地国使领馆给代理签字人办理签字授权委托书,签字代理人凭签字授权委托书可代理签字。 商业法规第352章规定了公司章程中应明确: 1:每个合伙人投入的资金可以以现金形式,信用卡形式,或其他财产形式出资。资金贡献的价值在于动产或不动产;若没有分配某些价值,应当对相同投资做出准确评估。 2:盈亏由每个融资者或股东分摊 3: 企业成立时间 4:每个股东拥有的年开销数额 5:核实公司资产清算及分摊的形式 6:如果公司产生了分歧,是否服从仲裁解决。上述情况下,是否采取任命书的形式。 7:公司经营范围和经营位置 股份集团公司 股份有限公司由基金会形式组成,基金由股东筹建,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任,公司由董事会管理,该机构至少由三个重要的、可被废除的董事组成,他们将选出一个总经理和一个董事长。它另一个特征在于以多数人通过来确定一项决议,也就是说,通过所有股东投票形式表决一项决议。这种类型的公司,购买股份后均可成为公司股东,没有资格限制,因此被冠名为“股份有限”。公司的启动资金在三年内应当全部确定并支付。 , 股份有限公司可以运营或破产 , 运营的是指那些根据市场价的市场法律条例,公开向社会发行股份。拥有500个甚至更多的股东,公司10,的股份掌握在至少100个股东手里。公司接受监事会的监督,应在国家相关部门登记注册。 关闭不符合规定的公司,股份有限公司需遵守相关法律条例。 A) 成立股份有限公司章程: are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 成立有限责任公司的章程需包括: 1 ) 姓名、职业、股东地址,纳税独立名册或者身份证。 2 ) 公司名称及地址 3 ) 公司说明及特定目标 4 ) 公司的持续时间,可以是无限期的,如果没有注明,则表示是上述性质。 5 ) 公司资金被分为等额股份,是否具有名义上的价值。股东认购股份的方式及期限,对股票的价值评估不在于现金。 6 ) 股东公司管理和监督的组织及形式 7 ) 应标明工作结束日期,结算日期,举行股东日常理事会的日期;如果没有标明,则将理解为在12月31日结束工作,股东日常理事会应在每年的前四月中召开。 8 ) 利润分摊形式 9 ) 清算形式 10) 股东在诸如质量等问上与企业或管理者发生分歧,不管是在公司有效期还是在它的清算期,应当服从仲裁解决;若无阐述,则理解为分歧将服从仲裁解决。 11) 在公开股份有限公司,管理机构成员的指派,外部监视人员的指派,以及账户总监的指派,在这种情况下,应该在最基本的公司事务中实行监察。 12) 股东需遵守的其他条约。 , 与有限责任公司类似,股份有限公司也需要在相应的商业部门登记注册,此外,从公司注册日期起60天内需在官方日志上发布提要。 B) 股份有限公司的管理 股份有限公司的管理由股东大会选举的行政管理机构执行。法规应该确定董事人数,领导机构的更新将是全面性的,并在他们任期末执行,每届任期不得超过三年。管理者可以续任,继续履行。在法规没有阐述的情况下,默认为管理机构每年更新一次。 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site
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