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党朝锋实习报告党朝锋实习报告 陕西能源职业技术学院 毕业实习报告 系 部: 地质测量系 专 业:煤田地质勘察 班 级: 煤田地质082 学生姓名: 党朝锋 学 号: 40号 2011年5月12日 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Departm...
党朝锋 陕西能源职业技术学院 毕业实习报告 系 部: 地质测量系 专 业:煤田地质勘察 班 级: 煤田地质082 学生姓名: 党朝锋 学 号: 40号 2011年5月12日 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 毕业实习任务书 1(时间:2011年3月至2011年6月 2. 实习单位:江苏省泗洪县万源岩土工程勘察有限公司 3. 实习目的:通过实习,全面地了解和掌握本专业基础的生产实际知识,巩固 和加深已学过的理论知识,将所学的课本理论知识应用到实际生产中,理论结合实际, 最大效应的完成实际生产任务,并为后续专业课的教学,课程设计,毕业设计打下基础。 4. 实习任务: 1 了解相关工程地质技术资料,熟悉各地层的地质资料。 2 通过实习获得基本生产的感性知识,理论联系实际,扩大知识面。 3 培养自己吃苦耐劳的精神,使以后能更好的接触社会。 4 逐步实现由学生到社会的转变,初步培养自己担任技术工作的能力。 5 使专业理论知识与实践紧密结合起来,提高实际工作能力与分析能力,以达到 学以致用。 6 通过完成毕业实习过程,结合毕业设计或论文选深入工厂企业实地参观与调 查,达到以下的实习目的在这个基础上把所学的专业理论知识与实践紧密结合起来,提 高实际工作能力与分析能力,以达到学以致用的目的。 实习报告 1概况 1.1目的任务 1.2拟建物概况 1.3勘察依据 1.4工作量布置及完成工作量 1.4.1岩土工程勘察等级 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw2 1.4.2工作量布置 1.4.3勘察手段 1.4.4完成工作量 2场区自然条件7 2.1地理位置及地形地貌 2.2气象水文 2.2.1气象 2.2.2水文 2.3区域地质构造 3场区岩土层分布及其物理力学性质 4岩土工程分析与评价 4.1场地的稳定性及适宜性评价 4.1.1不良地质作用的评价 4.1.2稳定性及适应性 4.2地基均匀性评价 4.3地基土力学性质分析 4.4地基岩土承载力评价 4.5场地土类型及建筑场地类别 4.6地震效应 4.7天然地基评价及基础建议 5.结论与建议 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 5.1.结论 5.2.建议 2.实习任务 1概况 1.1目的任务 拟建的徐港电子综合楼位于宿迁市泗洪县衡山北路与西湖路交叉处西南侧。受徐港电子有限公司委托,由我公司进行岩土工程勘察工作。为拟建物基础的设计、提供岩土工程资料。目的是: (1) 搜集附有坐标和地形的建筑总平面建筑物的性质、规模、荷载、结构 特点、基础形式、埋置深度等资料。 (2) 查明场地各层岩土的类别、结构、厚度和坡度及工程特性。 (3) 提供满足设计,施工要求所需的岩土参数,确定地基承载力特征值, 对地基的稳定性做出岩土工程分析与评价。 (4) 查明场地范围内有无不良地质作用,做出评价,并提出整治所需的技 术参数和整治方案。 (5) 查明地下水埋藏条件,判定地基及地下水在建筑物施工和使用期间可 能产生的变化及其对工程的影响。判定地下水对建筑材料的腐蚀性。 (6) 划分场地土类型和建筑场地类别,分析预测地震效应。 (7) 根据场地岩土工程条件,结合拟建物的特点,建议基础型式及持力层, 对地基处理与设计施工方案提出建议并做出评价,对可能采用的桩型 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw4 提供设计参数,预估相应单桩承载力标准值。 1.2拟建物概况 本次勘察共1幢5F综合楼、1幢5F宿舍楼。本次勘察的拟建物概况如下表所示: 表1 拟建物概况一览表 建筑物名称 层数(m) 占地面积(?) 基础形式 综合楼 5F 15×62.8+66.5×14.8 条基 宿舍楼 5F 11.76×34.81 条基 1.3勘察依据 1、《徐港电子综合楼规划总平面图》; 2、《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB 50021-2001)(2008版); 3、《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB 50007-2002); 4、《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2001); 5、《建筑工程抗震设防分类标准》(GB 50223-2008); 6、《土工试验方法标准》(GB/T 50123-1999); 7、《建筑工程地质钻探技术标准》(CECS240- 2008) 8、《原状土取样技术标准》(JGJ 89-92); 9、《静力触探技术标准》(CECS 04:88); 10、《岩土工程勘察报告编制标准》(CECS 99:98); 11、《建筑工程勘察文件编制深度规定》,试行,; 12、《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ94-2008); 13、《勘察》等。 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 1.4工作量布置及完成工作量 1.4.1岩土工程勘察等级 根据《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB50021-2001),拟建建筑重要性等级为二级,场地等级为三级,地基等级为二级;勘察等级为乙级。 1.4.2工作量布置 依据《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB50021—2001)第4.1.15、4.1.16节的有关规定,沿拟建楼轮廓布设勘探孔,共计布设孔18个,一般性孔孔深6—8 m,控制性孔孔深10—12 m,预计总进尺约186 m。 1.4.3勘察手段 本次勘察主要手段有:钻探、双桥静力触探,取土样、标准贯入试验、室内试验、资料收集、岩土工程勘察文件编制等。 (1) 钻探:采用XY—1型钻机回转钻进,钻孔直径110?。 (2) 采取土样:土样采用连续快速静力压入法或重锤少击法采取。 (3) 标准贯入试验:采用机械式自动脱钩的自由落锤法进行标准贯入试 验。 (4) 室内试验:土样做常规测试。 (5) 资料收集:收集有关区域地质、地震、气象、水文等资料。 (6) 岩土工程勘察报告的编制:严格按照国家(行业)现行的有关规范、 规程进行。 1.4.4完成工作量 该场区住宅区的野外勘探施工于2010年5月21日至2010年5月31日完成,累计完成工作量如下表: ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw6 表2 完成工作量一览表 工程量名称 数最大深度最小深总进尺(米) 采用设备型备 量 (米) 度(米) 号 注 放线测量 18 机钻孔 9 10.8 7.3 85.93 XY -100 静力触探孔 9 10.3 7.3 82.70 3T 采取原状土30 样 扰动样 30 标准贯入试12 验 土工试验数30 量 2场区自然条件 2.1地理位置及地形地貌 徐港电子综合楼位于宿迁市泗洪县衡山北路与西湖路交叉处西南侧,交通十分便利。场区原为工厂花园区,地势较开阔平坦,场区高程采用黄海高程系,以原厂房东南拐角点为高程基准点(其高程为15.87m),测量了各钻孔孔口高程,场区高程在15.85—15.87 m之间,最大高差为0.02 m。 场区宏观地貌属古淮河冲积平原。 2.2气象水文 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 2.2.1气象 本区属于北暖温带半湿润季风气候区,四季分明,多年平均气温在14?,历年最高气温40.2?,最低气温-16.1?,最热月份在7-8月份,最冷月份1-2两个月。年平均日照总时2291.6小时。多年平均降水量915mm,最大年降水量为1373.0mm,最小年降水量531mm。夏季多东南风,冬季多西北风。 2.2.2水文 场地地下水主要为上层滞水,以大气降水入渗为主要补给源;以人工开采及蒸发排泄为主要排泄途径。勘察时测得初见水位埋深约为2.6米,测得稳定水位埋深约为2.7米。地下水位受季节影响,根据区域水文地质资料,地下水位年变化幅度在1.5米左右。年最高水位为0.8米 勘察期间,由钻孔中测得场区地下水稳定水位埋深3.5—3.7m,稳定水位标高在12.35m左右;由邻近红苹果工贸勘察水质分析资料可知:地下水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型,PH均为7.7,矿化度分别为950.94mg,L、955.3mg,L,无侵蚀C02,依据《岩土工程勘察规范》GB50021—2001第12.2节地下水腐蚀性评价,按II类环境类型,干湿交替考虑,地下水对混凝土无腐蚀性,对钢筋混凝土中的钢筋钢结构具弱腐蚀性。 2.3区域地质构造 据泗洪县地震局资料,此县地质构造主要为断裂构造,由新华夏系和北西向断裂构造组成,主要构造有: 1、 郯—庐断裂带 在县城西北东10度左右方向通过,由4条断裂组成,宽度约16 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw8 公里。 2、 海—泗断裂 沿连云港海州到该县龙集一线通过(淮阴断裂)。 3、 该县有多条北西向次一级断裂 根据《江苏省地震构造图》,该断裂均非全新活动断裂,因此可不考虑对拟建场区影响。 3场区岩土层分布及其物理力学性质 经勘察查明,在勘察深度范围内,拟建场地2层、3层、4层均为第四纪(Q)沉积的土层,,层、,层为第四纪晚更新世(Q)沉积的土层,,, 据钻探揭露,在钻探深度范围内场地土可分,层,土层自上而下描述如下: 1层杂填土: 杂色,松散,成分主要为建筑垃圾和砼块。厚度:0.60,1.70m,平均1.01m;层底标高:17.93,19.04m,平均18.58m;层底埋深:0.60,1.70m,平均1.01m。 2层粘土(Q): 黄褐色,可塑,切面光滑,干强度中等,韧性中等,压缩, 性中等,含铁锰结核。厚度:2.40,3.90m,平均3.03m;层底标高:15.03,16.23m,平均15.55m;层底埋深:3.70,4060m,平均4.04m。 3层粉质粘土(Q): 褐黄色,可塑,切面稍光滑,干强度中等,韧性中等,3 压缩性中等,含铁锰结核及钙质结核,夹薄层粉土。场区普遍分布,厚度:4.20,6.30m,平均4.79m;层底标高:10.23,11.34m,平均10.77m;层底埋深:8.30,9.400m,平均8.83m 4层粘土(Q): 黄褐色,可塑,切面光滑,干强度中等,韧性中等,压缩性3 中等,含铁锰结核及少量钙质结核。场区普遍分布,厚度:1.70,2.900m,instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 平均2.29m;层底标高:7.89,9.03m,平均8.47m;层底埋深:10.60,11.70m,平均11.12m。 ,层粉质粘土(Q): 褐黄色,可塑,切面稍光滑,干强度中等,韧性中等,3 压缩性中等,含铁锰结核及钙质结核,夹薄层粉土。场区普遍分布,厚度:1.70,2.70m,平均2.05m;层底标高:5.84,7.24m,平均6.42m;层底埋深:12.40,13.80m,平均13.17m。 ,层粘土(Q):黄褐色,硬塑,切面光滑,干强度高,韧性中等,压缩性3 中等,含铁锰结核及大量砂姜,局部夹粉土。场区普遍分布, 7层粉细砂(Q):浅黄色,中密,湿-饱和,主要成分为石英及长石,3 分选性一般,磨圆度高。该层未穿透。 上述各土层的空间、厚度变化情况详见1--1',6--6'工程地质剖面图。 各层土物理力学性指标建议值 :主要是根据物理力学性指标统计结果推荐,按照《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007-2002)第4.2.2条,其中物理性指标、压缩性指标采用平均值(最大试验压力为 8kg),抗剪强度指标采用标准值 ,详见各层土的物理力学性质指标建议值表3。 土土层 名含密孔隙塑液压缩系压缩抗剪强度(快层称 水度比 性性数 a 模剪) 编量 (g(е指指1-2 (1量粘聚力内摩号 (%/cm) 数数/MPa) Es C (KPa擦φ ) 3) I P I L (MPa) (? ) ) 2 粉土 31.1.9 0.9512.0.80.33 7.99 15 12.1 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw10 7 2 5 3 3 粘土 5.49 35 8.6 4 1 2 1 0 4 粘土 9.19 55 21.9 6 4 5 1 9 5 粉质粘26.1.90.7914.0.40.23 8.87 31 15.9 土 1 3 0 4 9 6 粘土 9.89 66 15.7 2 5 5 6 5 4岩土工程分析与评价 4.1场地的稳定性及适宜性评价 4.1.1不良地质作用的评价 根据区域地质资料。场地周边地形地貌、地质条件及场地土的地层 结构综合分析,场地内无岩溶、滑坡、危岩、崩塌、泥石流、采空区等 不良地质作用。 4.1.2稳定性及适应性 场区地形平坦,地势开阔,地貌单一,地层简单,交通便利,根据 区域地质资料,场区内及其附近无构造活动痕迹,根据现场踏勘及勘探 亦不存在对抗震不利的高陡临空面和地基土压缩层内的地下空洞,场区 内主要受力层较稳定,地基岩土的强度总体较好,因而场地是稳定的, 适宜该工程的建设。 instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work ,.2地基均匀性评价 拟建场地土层空间分布:经钻探原位测试手段综合分析,拟建场地土层界面清晰,层面标高变化较小,一般层面高差小于10%,层面分布稳定;各勘察点揭露的土层厚度差值在水平方向变化不大,无显著差异,均匀性较好。 4.3地基土力学性质分析 场区浅部土层分布较为紊乱,中下部岩土层较稳定。 ?层填土,松散,本层具高压缩性,力学性质差。 ?层素填土,硬塑—坚硬。局部了塑,中密,稍湿,分布不均,具中压 缩性,力学性质稍差; ?层中粗砂,松散,稍湿—饱和,具中压缩性,力学性质一般;?—1 层粉质粘土,硬塑,具中压缩性,力学性质一般; ?层细沙,松散—稍密,湿—饱和,具中压缩性,力学性质一般; ?层及以下地层具中或低压缩性,力学性质较好,的较好的地基下卧层, 是较好的桩端持力层。 4.4地基岩土承载力评价 本次勘察对地基承载力评价采用土工试验成果、标准贯入试验成果、静力触探试验,结合当地工程经验和拟建建筑工程特征进行综合评价并提供地基土的承载力特征值fak按表7 承载力特征值(fak)表 表4 土土层名按 物 理 力 学 按 静 探 按标贯指标 综合 称 性 质 指标 指标 取值 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw12 层 W (%e IL fak qc (fak N (fak (K ) (KPaMPa) (KPa击) Pa) ) ) 2 粉土 31.7 0.90.890 1.3590 5.3 90 90 52 3 9 3 粘土 33.4 0.90.670 0.6470 5.1 70 70 72 0 6 4 粘土 27.6 0.80.3180 2.38180 9.1 180 180 05 9 3 5 粉质粘26.1 0.70.4200 6.02200 12.0 200 200 土 90 9 7 6 粘土 23.2 0.70.1280 3.05280 14.4 280 280 35 5 6 表中的贯入击数为经杆长修正后的平均值 4.5场地土类型及建筑场地类别 根据我院勘察施工期间所作的《泗水滨河水苑住宅小区场地土波速测试报告》可知:场区等效剪切波速值在294—320m/s之间,根据区划地质资料,场区覆盖层厚度在3—50之间,依据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB,,,11,,,,1)第,.,.,条的有关规定,判定本场区场地土类型为中硬场地土,建筑场地类别为II类,属抗震一般地段。 ,.,地震效应 依据《中国地震动参数区划图》(,,,,,,,,,,,1)及《建筑instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 抗震设计规范》(,,,,,11,,,,1)有关规定,泗水地区抗震防烈度为七度,设计基本地震加速度值为,.1,,,根据场地土类别调整后的设计特征周期为,.35,,设计地震分组为第一组,可不考虑场区地基的液化影响。 ,.,天然地基评价及基础方案建议 根据拟建物特点和场区地层条件分析,场区2层粘土及以下土层强度较高。均可作为岩土地基持力层。由于浅部土层较不稳定,因此可将上部填土清除,开挖至设计标高后,以2层及以下土层同时作为地基持力层,根据上部荷载、工程地质条件分析,可以采用条型基础。 5.结论与建议 5.1.结论 5.1.1场区交通便利,地形相对平坦,地势开阔,无不良地质作用。测得场区地层等效剪切波速值为294—320m/s,判定场地土类型为中硬场土地,建筑场地类别为II类,属抗震一般地段,稳定性较好,建筑适宜。 5.1.2场区HCO,Ca型,PH均为7.7,矿化度分别为950.94mg/L、3 955.31mg/L,无侵蚀性CO,依据《岩土工程勘察规范》GB50021—2001第2 12,2节地下水腐蚀性评价,按II类环境类型,干湿交替考虑,地下水对混凝土无腐蚀性,对钢结构及钢筋混凝土中的钢筋具有弱腐蚀性。 5.1.3泗洪地区抗震设防裂度为七度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.15g,根据场地土类别调整后的设计特征周期为0,35s,可不考虑场区地基土的液化影响。 5.2.建议 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw14 5.2.1建议多层住宅楼将上部填土清除,开挖至设计标高后以2层作为 地基持力层。基础型式采用条型基础。 5.2.2基槽开挖时应做好验槽工作。 3.自我感受 刚实习时,我被单位安排在办公室整理资料,课本上的理论知识与实际还比较接近,感觉还能做一点。后来我被调到公地上实地操作,进行地质的调查与研究,我想任何工作刚开始,就应该踏踏实实的干好,现在有机会了就要从各方面锻炼自己。记得在校时,有不少同学说实习比较累和无聊,而我不会,这也许是我一直有着对拥有工作的憧憬所致的吧!我利用此次难得的实习机会,努力学习,严格要求自己,虚心向师傅们求教,掌握了编写报告的基本方法,能够独立操完成地质勘查报告,我真的感觉好高兴的啊~实习期间,我努力将自己在学校所学的理论知识向工作实践转化,做到理论与实践相结合。在实习期间能够遵守工作纪律,不迟到、不早退,认真完成领导交办的工作任务。没有经过实践烤炼的理论永远都是纸上谈兵,在短暂的实习过程中,我深深的感觉到自己所学知识的肤浅和在实际运用中的专业知识的匮乏,一旦接触到工作实际,才发现了自己的许多不足之处,这时才真正领悟到“学无止境”的含义,并对地质调查生产有了更深的了解。 刚开始到工地实习的一段时间里,对一些工作感到无从下手,茫然不知所措,这让我感到非常的难过。在学校总以为自己学的不错,一旦接触到实际,才发现自己知道的是多么少,这一段时间所学到的经验和知识大多来自先前技术人员的教导,这是我一生中的一笔宝贵财富。这次实习也让我深刻了解到,在工作中和同事保持良好的关系是很重要的。做事首先要学做人,要明白做人的道理,如何与人相处是现代社会的做人的一个最基本的问题。对于自己这样一个即将步入社会的人来说,需要学习的东西很多,他们就是最好的老师,正所谓“三人行,必有我师”,我们可以向他们学习很多知识、道理。在这段时间里大家给予了我足够的宽容、支持和帮助。 通过这次实习我学到了很多的东西,课本上学的知识都是最基本的知识,不管现实情况怎样变化,抓住了最基本的就可以以不变应万变。如今有不少学生实习时都觉得课堂上学的知识用不上,出现挫折感,可我觉得,要是没有书本知识作铺垫,又哪应付瞬息万变的社会呢,经过这次实践,虽然时间很短。可我学到的却是我一个学期在学校难以了解的。就比如何与同事们相处,相信人际关系是现今不少大学生刚踏出社会遇到instrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accessories) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instructions, complete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment drilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineering work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection all drilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) monitoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract work 的一大难题,于是在实习时我便有意观察前辈们是如何和同事以及上级相处的,而自己也尽量虚心求教,不耻下问. 4.社会需求及专业发展、自我定位 目前,我国煤、油气和金属矿产资源的勘探、开发以及岩土工程勘察和地质灾害防治方面的任务艰巨,但相关企业地质人才严重短缺,因此,培养高素质的地质人才是国民经济建设之急需。众所周知,地质类专业为长线艰苦专业,工作环境较差,不是野外就是井下,若没有吃苦耐劳的敬业精神,是搞不好本职工作的,也难以出成果,大部分学生受社会不良思潮的影响,贪图享受,吃苦受累精神不足。就我而言,必须更好地了解社会人才的需求,从而做到因社会而学,因需要而学,做好思想准备,严格要求自己,不怕吃苦,力争在此行业从基础做起,理论联系实际,逐步壮大自己的专业理论知识。为将来的发展做下坚实的基础。 ical terms and the technical requirements to monitor contract workoring contract monitoring equipment installed and buried timely records after the initial reading, and according to the technmonitdrilling operations. 2) drill backfill: cement mortar or grout. 3) concrete: including concrete work at the Observatory. (3) work, including (but not limited to): 1) drill: including monitoring hole drilling, borehole flushing, opening protection allring rilling, drilling, backfill, concrete pouring work. And monitoring equipment installation and laying of related civil engineecomplete the installation of monitoring equipment at the site and lay, as well as the necessary for installation, Embedment d tions,tion, Embedment and the associated civil works construction drawings under this contract requirements and supervision instruces) of procurement, and transport, and test, and custody, and Assembly, and rate set, work. (2) monitoring equipment installasoriings requirements and supervision Department indicates, completed monitoring instrument equipment (including cable, and accesinstrument equipment of procurement, and test and rate set according to this technology terms provides, and construction draw16
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