

2017-09-25 35页 doc 107KB 66阅读




与孩子用英语对话与孩子用英语对话 日常英语场景 日常英语场景?制止 ........................................................................................................................................ 2 日常英语场景?表扬 ...........................................................................................
与孩子用英语对话 日常英语场景 日常英语场景?制止 ........................................................................................................................................ 2 日常英语场景?扬 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 日常英语场景?提醒注意 ................................................................................................................................ 4 日常英语场景?表达情感Expressing affection ............................................................................................... 5 日常英语场景?道歉 ........................................................................................................................................ 6 日常英语场景?祝福Holiday phrases .............................................................................................................. 8 日常英语场景?中国传统节日Traditional Chinese Festivals ......................................................................... 8 日常英语场景?危险警告To make a stronger impression, on a child who tried to do something very dangerous: ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 日常英语场景?催促 ...................................................................................................................................... 11 日常英语场景?身体body ............................................................................................................................. 12 日常英语场景?颜色color ............................................................................................................................. 12 日常英语场景?生病 ...................................................................................................................................... 13 日常英语场景?看病 ...................................................................................................................................... 14 日常英语场景?感受 ...................................................................................................................................... 15 日常英语场景?天气 ...................................................................................................................................... 15 日常英语场景?动物园 .................................................................................................................................. 16 日常英语场景?昆虫 ...................................................................................................................................... 19 日常英语场景?农场里的动物 ...................................................................................................................... 20 日常英语场景?在路上On the go (transportation) ........................................................................................ 22日常英语场景?在车上in the car ................................................................................................................... 22 日常英语场景?作息时间 .............................................................................................................................. 23 日常英语场景?催促起床 .............................................................................................................................. 23 日常英语场景?早晨的问候 .......................................................................................................................... 24 日常英语场景?穿衣服 .................................................................................................................................. 25 日常英语场景?扣钮扣和拉拉链 .................................................................................................................. 26 日常英语场景?穿裤子 .................................................................................................................................. 26 日常英语场景?关于衣服的其他话题........................................................................................................... 27 日常英语场景?外出准备 .............................................................................................................................. 28 日常英语场景?坐餐椅 .................................................................................................................................. 29 日常英语场景?饭前洗手 .............................................................................................................................. 29 日常英语场景?餐前 ...................................................................................................................................... 30 日常英语场景?三餐 ...................................................................................................................................... 31 日常英语场景?使用餐具 .............................................................................................................................. 33 日常英语场景?准备餐具 .............................................................................................................................. 34 日常英语场景?吃点心 .................................................................................................................................. 35 日常英语场景?就餐 ...................................................................................................................................... 35 日常英语场景?餐桌礼仪 .............................................................................................................................. 36 日常英语场景?不挑食 .................................................................................................................................. 38 日常英语场景?餐后 ...................................................................................................................................... 38 日常英语场景?做噩梦 .................................................................................................................................. 39 日常英语场景?礼貌Manners ....................................................................................................................... 40 1 日常英语场景?制止 You’d better do„You make me angry! 你最好做„„你让我 生气了~ Better not doing that! 做好不要那样做~ It’s too bad! 太糟糕了~ No good to do that! 那样做没有什么好处~ Not again! I told you! 别再这样了,我跟你说过啦~ You shouldn’t have said that. 你不该那样说的。 You are difficult! 你真难缠~ Dont interrupt Daddy/Mommy. 不要打扰爸爸/妈妈。 That was not a nice thing to do. 那样做不是件好事。 Dont step on my feet. 不要踩着我的脚。 You cant go out without shoes. 你不能出去。 日常英语场景?生日Special day phrases Today is your special day. 今天是你特别的日子。 2 Today were celebrating the day you were born. 今天我们庆祝你的诞生日。 This is your day. 这是你的一天。 Today is a very special day. Can you guess what it is? 今天是很特别的一天。你能猜猜是什么日子吗, Happy birthday! 生日快乐~ 日常英语场景?表扬 That’s a good /great idea. 那真是个好主意。 Super/ Perfect/ Marvelous!棒极了~ You are smart/clever! 你真聪明~ Really sensation. 确实精彩。 What a neat outfit/ youre dressed nicely~你穿的漂亮极了~ You are beautiful! 你真漂亮~ Youre the best. 你是最好的。 Youre tops! 你是最棒的~ Top girl/boy! 棒女孩/男孩~ What a champ! 胜利了~ 3 You are good! 你真棒~ Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 Very nice! 非常好~ Wonderful! 太棒了~ You are the winner! 你是胜利者~ You are the first! 你是第一名! Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。 You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。 日常英语场景?提醒注意 Mind your way. 走路当心。 Watch out/Be careful! 小心~ Look after yourself. 照顾好你自己。 Heads up! 当心~ Be quiet~保持安静~ Be serious~严肃点~ 4 Be patient~耐心点~ Be calm~安静点。 日常英语场景?表达情感Expressing affection Youre a peach. 你真让人喜欢。 Youre my everything. 你是我的一切。 My honey/sweetheart/sweetie. 我的甜心。 My Little One. 我的小家伙。 Dear /My Dear One/Dearest~亲爱的宝贝~ My sweet-pea. 我的甜豆。 My sweety-pie/ cutie-pie/ honey-pie/ sugar-pie. 我的可爱姑娘。 Come here, Sweet. 过来,小可爱。 Youre my absolute favorite boy/girl. 你是我最爱的男孩/女孩。 Youre my treasure. 你是我的珍宝。 You make me so happy. 你让我这么愉快~ Come sit on my lap. 来坐在我的腿上。 Come snuggle up next to me. 来紧挨着我。 5 I need some hugs. 我要你的拥抱。 Worlds neatest little girl/boy. 世界上最可爱的小女孩/男孩。 Youre my precious one. 你是我所珍爱的。 You light up my day. 你点亮了我的生活。 Youre (my) number one boy/girl. 你是我最重要的男孩/女孩。 I wouldnt trade you for all the gold in the world. 即使用世界上所有的金子来交换,我也不愿意。 Youre my biggest joy. 你是我最大的快乐。 Youre my sunshine. 你是我的阳光。 They dont make them any better than this one. 他们不能拥有比这更好的了。 日常英语场景?猜猜我有多爱你 How much does Mommy/Daddy love you? 爸爸/妈妈有多爱你, This much! 有这么多~ From here to the moon and back. 从这儿到月亮那儿再返回来。 日常英语场景?道歉 Are you going to apologize? 你打算道歉吗, 6 You don t sound very sorry. 你听起来不像很难过。 Im sorry. 很遗憾。 I apologize. 我很抱歉。 Excuse me. 对不起。 Not at all! 一点也不~ 日常英语场景?鼓励Words of encouragement, compliments I think you will do it well! 我想你会做得很好~ I bet you will do nicely! 我相信你会做得很好~ Try your best to do it well. 尽你所能把它做好。 Try again! 再试一次~ Once more! 再来一次~ Cheer up! 欢呼~# Dont be sad. 不要难过。 Calm down. Lets work this out together. 冷静些,让我们一起来解决这个问题。 See, it works/It doesn’t work! 看,它奏效了。 Great /Good/Nice job. 做得好~ Nice work /Well done! 做得好~ 7 Im so proud of you. 我很为你骄傲。 Way to go! 就这样做~ You did great. 你做得很好。 You were great. 你真棒。 日常英语场景?祝福Holiday phrases Happy New Year! 新年快乐~ Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐~ I wish you a Merry Christmas~ 我祝你圣诞快乐~ I wish you a Happy New Year~我祝你新年快乐~ Happy Valentines Day! 万圣节快乐~ Happy Thanksgiving~感恩节快乐~ Have a good holiday season. 假日快乐~ 日常英语场景?中国传统节日Traditional Chinese Festivals The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together. Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. Burning 8 fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival.春节是我国最重要的节日,是全家人团聚的时候。新 年那天起床后,每个人都穿上新衣。他们给长者送上祝福。每个 小孩子都会得到用红纸包着的新年礼物。燃放爆竹是春节的重要 习俗。 The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. This days important activities are watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles and eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings. 正月十五是元宵节。这一天的重要活动有看花灯, 看灯谜,吃元宵或者圆团。 The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice. People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. 清 明节中既有悲伤,又有欢乐。它是一年中最重要的祭祀日。人们 还喜欢在清明节放风筝。 Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuans body. Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival. 农历五月初五是端午节,有两千多年的 历史了。赛龙舟是端午节的主要习俗。传说是为了拯救屈原的身 体。端午节吃粽子是另一重要习俗。 9 The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. Do you know the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid? 农历七月 初七是乞巧节,这一传统节日充满浪漫的色彩。你知道牛郎和织 女的传说吗, The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The moon looks extremely round, big and bright and people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day. 农历八月十五是中秋节。在那天,月亮看起来特别 圆,特别大,很明亮,人们会赏月,吃月饼。 The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. 农历九月初 九是传统的重阳节,或称重九节。 The Double Ninth Festival is also called "Height Ascending Festival". 重阳节也叫做登高节。 The Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors Day. Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day. 我 国政府把重阳节定为老人节。在这一天,不少家庭的晚辈也会搀 扶着年老的长辈到郊外活动或为老人准备一些可口的饮食。 10 After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. 冬至以后,白天就会一天天变长 日常英语场景?危险警告To make a stronger impression, on a child who tried to do something very dangerous: That was a really stupid thing to do. 那样做很愚蠢。 Have you taken leave of your senses? 你没有判断力了吗, Are you out of your mind? 你神志不清醒了, What possessed you to do that? 是什么让你那么做的, What were you THINKING? 你正在想什么, Real swift, you turned the burner on. Dont you know that could start a fire!? 这够敏捷,你把炉子打开了。你不知道 这样会引起火灾吗, Climb up on the roof? What, are you crazy or something? 爬 到屋顶上,什么,你是不是疯了, Danger! Keep off! 危险~小心~ 日常英语场景?催促 Time’s up/ Hurry up/Be quick! 快点儿~ Time flies, let’s have a race with time! 时间飞逝,让我们和时间赛跑吧~ 11 It’s almost time to get up/go to bed. 该起床/上床睡觉了。 日常英语场景?身体body You are tall/short. 我长得高。 You are thin/fat. 你胖。 Hand in hand. 手拉手。 Wave your fingers. 摆动你的手指。 Touch your stomach. 摸摸你的肚子。 Show me your nose / hands / head. 给我看看你的鼻子/手/头。 日常英语场景?颜色color What color is it? It’s red /blue/green. 这是什么颜色的,它是红色的/蓝色的/绿色的。 Green is the sign of life and of hope. The grass, trees and leaves are green. 绿色是生命和希望的标志。青草、树木和叶 子是绿色的。 Red is blood – life’s blood~It is the color of danger and of bravery. 红色是血液——生命的血液。红色是危险和勇 敢的颜色。 The sea/sky is blue. 大海/天空是蓝色的。 The moon and the stars are yellow. 月亮和星星是黄色的。 12 Yellow brings laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. 黄色给世界带来笑声、欢乐和温暖。 The grape is purple. 葡萄是紫色的。 Purple is the sign of authority and wisdom. 紫色象征着权 威和智慧。 Orange is the color of health and strength. Carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes and papayas are yellow. 橙色 是健康和力量的颜色。胡罗卜、南瓜、柑橘、芒果和番木瓜都是 橙色的。 The milk is white. 牛奶是白色的。 White is the representation of purity. 白色是纯洁的代表。 Dark is the color of mystery, loneliness, darkness, pressure, somberness. 黑色代表神秘、寂寞、黑暗、压力、严 肃。 There are so many colors in the rainbow. It is colorful. It is so beautiful. 彩虹由很多颜色组成。它是多彩的。它是 如此美丽。 日常英语场景?生病 Do you not feel well? 你觉得不舒服吗, 13 She has a cough. 她咳嗽。 He got headache. 他头疼。 He got cold. 他发烧了。 Her teeth got a pain. 她牙疼。 He looks very pale. 他看起来很苍白。 He hasnt been very active. 他没有什么劲儿。 She seems listless. 她看起来没精打采的。 She has a glazed-eye look. 她看起来目光呆滞。 Shes not herself today. 她今天身体不好。 日常英语场景?看病 Check it out. 检查完善。 You need to get a shot. 你需要打一针。 It wont hurt very bad. 那不会很疼的。# You get a sticker. 你得到一张贴纸了。 You were so good/great! 你很好~ You were so brave! 你真勇敢~ You need to stay home today. 你今天需要待在家里。 14 You need to rest. 你需要休息。 You need to stay in bed. Im sorry its boring. 你需要待在床上。我很抱歉那很枯燥乏味。 It will heal soon. 它很快会健康的。 Come on, be brave/ be a brave boy/girl. 来吧,做个勇敢的男孩/女孩。 Is he allergic to any medication? 他对药物过敏吗, Does he have any allergies? 他对什么过敏吗, 日常英语场景?感受 She is happy / angry / sad. 她高兴 / 生气 / 沮丧。 Are you tired? 你累了吗, What’s wrong with you? 你怎麽了, 日常英语场景?天气 The spring is coming, and the weather is very changeable. 春天快要到了,天气变化的很快。 What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样, Do you like rainy? 你喜欢下雨吗, 15 It’s rainy, let’s go home. 下雨了,让我们回家吧。 It’s raining. 下雨了。 It’s a sunny/cloudy/rainy day! 今天是晴天/阴天/雨天。 It’s cold / hot / warm. 天气冷/热/暖和。 日常英语场景?动物园 Do you see the duck? 你看到鸭子了吗, See that duck over there? 看到在那边的鸭子了吗, Can you see the duck swimming in the river. 你能看到鸭子 在河里游泳吗, What do donkeys say? Donkeys say hee-haw. 驴子说什么,驴 子说“嘿—嚯”。# Look at that horse there. And theres another horse! Do you see it too? 看那边的那匹马。那儿还有一匹~你也看到它了吗, See you later, alligator. 再见,鳄鱼。 There are many kinds of animals in the world and they are different sizes, shapes, and colors. 世界上有很多种动物, 它们的大小,形状和颜色都各不相同。 16 Some animals can walk by four legs, such as tigers, lions, pandas and bears. 一些动物用四肢行走,如老虎,熊猫和狗熊。 Wolves, lions and tigers live on meat. 狼、狮子和老虎吃 肉。 Some animals can live in water, such as seals/sea dogs, dolphins, whales and fishes. 一些动物生活在水里,比如海 狗、海豚、鲸鱼和其他一些鱼。 Fishes swim in the river. 鱼在水里游泳。 Dolphins are playing games in the sea. 海豚在海里玩游戏。 Look! The dolphin is jumping out of the water. It is dancing on the top of waves. 看~海豚跳出了水面。它在浪尖上跳舞。 Some animals can swim on water, such ducks, goose, swans and pole bears. 一些动物会在水里游泳,比如鸭子、鹅、天鹅 和北极熊。 Swan is an elegant bird. It swims on the surface of the lake in style. 天鹅是优雅的鸟。它在湖面上游弋。 Some birds can fly in the sky, such as doves, tropical birds, parrots, owls. 一些鸟会在天上飞,比如鸽子、热带鸟、鹦鹉、 猫头鹰等。# Doves bring us peace. 鸽子给我们带来和平。 17 Tropical birds have bright feathers。热带鸟有靓丽的羽毛。 Parrot says “hello to you”. 鹦鹉会对你说:你好。 Owls often fly out at night. They can catch mice. 猫头鹰 通常在晚上飞出来。它们会抓老鼠。 Some animals drink milk from their mommy when they were new born, and they are mammals. 一些动物生下来时吃它们的妈妈 的奶,它们是哺乳动物。 We human are mammals. 我们人类是哺乳动物。 Both elephant mommy and babies have long nose. They are huge and heavy. 大象妈妈和宝宝都有长鼻子。它们很高大,很重。 We call babies of lions and tigers as cubs. 我们称狮子和 老虎的宝宝为幼兽。 Little cubs like nuzzling with their mother. 小幼兽紧挨 着它们的妈妈。 Crocodile lives in shallow part of the river or in the wetland, but sometimes it climb up to the land. It is a very dangerous animal. 鳄鱼生活在河流的浅滩处或湿地里,但有时 它也爬到岸上来。它是非常危险的动物。 18 日常英语场景?昆虫 Bees work hard in flowers. They collect honey. 蜜蜂在花 丛里辛勤地工作。它们在采蜜。 Bees have two big eyes and wear black and yellow stripes. 蜜蜂有两只大眼睛,身上有黑黄相间的条纹。 Don’t be close to a bee and don’t catch it for it will sting you. 不要靠近蜜蜂,也不要抓它,否则它会叮你的。 Butterflies have beautiful wings. 蝴蝶有美丽的翅膀。 Ants usually work in group and they live together. 蚂蚁 通常群体工作,它们生活在一起。 Dragonflies kill mosquitoes. 蜻蜓消灭蚊子。 Mosquitoes and flies are harmful insects. They spread diseases and threaten out health. 蚊子和苍蝇是害虫。它们 散播病菌,威胁 我们的健康。 Grasshopper is good at hopping. They can destroy crops. 蝗 虫很擅长跳跃。它们会毁坏庄稼。 Cicadas like singing a happy song in the summer afternoon. 夏日午后,蝉像在唱一首欢乐的歌。# 19 Crickets like singing a happy song in the summer evening. 夏天的夜晚,蟋蟀像在演奏一首快乐的歌。 Praying mantis has two powerful claws like sharp knives. 螳螂有一对强大的爪子,它们像锋利的刀。 Ladybug has some black points on its back. 瓢虫的背上有 一些黑点。 Spider weaves net everyday. Its net can stick small flying insects. 蜘蛛每天织网。它的网能粘住小飞虫。 Snail is crawling slowly with its house on its back. 蜗 牛背着壳慢慢地爬。 日常英语场景?农场里的动物 Ox is powerful. It helps farmer working in the field. 牛 很强壮。它帮助农民耕地。 Ox/Cow/Goat/Sheep lives on grass. 牛/奶牛/山羊/绵羊吃草。 Cows give us milk. 奶牛贡献给我们牛奶。 Cows are black and white. 奶牛是黑白相间的。# Hens give us eggs. They like eating grains and worms. 母 鸡下蛋。它们喜欢吃谷物和虫。 We can ride horses. 我们可以骑马。 20 Horses can run fast, and it can climb up the mountains. 马 跑得很快,还可以爬上山。 Horses /dogs are honest and clever. 马/狗很忠诚、聪明。 They can understand part of man’s words. 它们能理解一些人类的语言。 Dogs are out gate-keepers. 狗不仅仅是看门者。 Pollywogs are frog’s babies. 蝌蚪是青蛙的宝宝。 Frog hops on the leaves of lotus. 青蛙蹲在荷叶上。 Frogs likes eating harmful insects. They protect our crops. 青蛙喜欢吃害虫。它们保护我们的庄稼。 Rabbit hops on the grass. Rabbit like eating carrot and greens. 野兔在草地上跳跃。兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜和蔬菜。 Rabbit has two red eyes and long ears. 兔子有红眼睛和长 耳朵。 Rabbit lives in holes, and its holes have many exits. 兔 子住在洞里,它的洞有很多出口。 Pig is very fat and lazy. 猪很肥,而且懒惰。 21 日常英语场景?在路上On the go (transportation) Where is the restaurant? 餐厅在哪里, How far is the bank / hospital? 银行/医院里这里有多远, Where are you going? 你去哪里, Nearly there. 快到了。 Im on my way. 我正在路上。 日常英语场景?在车上in the car Lets go for a ride. 让我们开车去吧。 Buckle yourself in. / Buckle up! 系好安全带。 Get in your seat. 在你的座位上坐好。 Dont touch the gear shift. 不要碰引擎。 Dont unbuckle your seat belt while were driving. 开车时不要把安全带松开。 Look at the car wheels turning. 看车轮子在动。 The car wheels go round and round. 车轮不断地滚动。 22 The concrete truck rolls along the road. 压路车滚过了路面。 Look at that car over there. Its coming towards us. 看那边的那辆车,它正朝我们开过来。 日常英语场景?作息时间 When do you get up every day? 你每天几点起床, When do you have breakfast each morning? 你每天几点吃早饭, When do you go to school every morning, 你几点钟上学, When do you have lunch every day? 每天几点钟吃午饭, When do you have your nap each noon? 你中午几点睡午觉, When do you go home every day? 每天几点钟回家, When do you have your supper every evening? 每天几点钟吃晚饭, When do you usually go to bed? 你每天几点睡觉, 日常英语场景?催促起床 Wake up! 起床。 Time to get up. 该起床了。 23 Wake up, sleepyhead. 起床,睡过头了。 Time to get going. 时间溜走了。 We need to get moving. 我们要赶快行动。 Its already late. 已经迟啦。 Are you still lazing around? 你还磨磨蹭蹭的。 Rise and shine! 快起来,动作迅速些~ Its time to get dressed. 该穿衣服啦。 日常英语场景?早晨的问候 Good morning! 早上好~ Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗, Did you have a bad night? 晚上过得好吗, 日常英语场景?穿什么衣服, What do you want to wear today? /What do you feel like wearing today? 今天你想穿什么衣服, Its too cold for short sleeves. 今天穿短袖太冷了。 Is this shirt too tight? 这件衬衫太紧吗, 24 Heres a pretty little shirt for you. 这件漂亮的小衣服是 给你的。 日常英语场景?穿衣服 Now put on your sweater. 现在穿上你的羊毛衫。 First put your arm through the sleeve, now put your head through. 先把你的胳膊伸进袖子,现在把你的脑袋钻出来。 Your sweater is on backwards. 你的羊毛衫穿反了。 You have your sweater on backwards. 你把羊毛衫穿反了。 Your sweater is inside-out/ You have your sweater on inside-out.你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了。 Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one. 把 你的手穿过袖子。现在另外一只。 Put your clothes on. / Get dressed. 穿上衣服。 Your right arm goes in the right sleeve. 你的右手放到右 边的袖子里。 Now put your other arm in the other sleeve. 现在把你的另 一个胳膊放到另一只袖子里。 Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out. 你的小手指卡在袖子里了,让我帮你弄出来。 25 Take your clothes off. / Take off your clothes. 脱衣服。 Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套。 日常英语场景?扣钮扣和拉拉链 Let me button up your shirt. 让我帮你把衬衫扣起来。 Your shirt is buttoned up wrong. 你的衬衫纽扣扣错了。 Will you button up the coat by yourself? 你会自己把外套扣好吗, Unbutton your shirt. 把你的衬衫纽扣解开。 Zip up your jacket; its cold out. 把你的夹克衫的拉链拉上,天气冷了。 Unzip your jacket. 把你的夹克衫的拉链拉开。 日常英语场景?穿裤子 Come on, we need to get these pants on. 来吧,我们需要把这些裤子穿上。 Did you outgrow these pants already? Wow, youre growing fast. 你已经比裤子长得快啦,喔,你长得真快。 You tore these pants; you cant wear them today. 你把这些裤子脱掉,你今天不能穿它们。 26 Your pants are on backwards. 你的裤子穿反了。 Straighten out your legs/ Put your legs straight out.把你的腿伸出来。 Dont bend your legs. 不要弯腿。 I cant get your pants on with your legs like that. 你把腿那样我没法给你穿裤子。 Stretch your legs. Dont bend over. 把腿伸直。不要弯腿。 Lift up your leg. 把腿抬起来。 Put your foot through here / through this opening. 把你的脚穿过这里。 Now your other foot / leg. 现在另一只脚/另一条腿。 日常英语场景?关于衣服的其他话题 How did your clothes get so dirty? 你的衣服怎么会这么脏的, You look smashing! 你看起来好极了~ Its not really your look. 看起来都不像你了。 Red is definitely your color. 红色是很适合你的颜色。 27 Do you really have to change clothes three times a day? 你真的有必要一天换三次衣服吗, Why does it take an hour to get dressed? 穿一下衣服干吗需要一个小时, 日常英语场景?外出准备 It’s time for school. 该上学了。 It’s time to go! 该走了~ You need to change; were going to the store. 你要换一下衣服,为了要去商店里。 Bundle up; its cold out there. 围好,那儿冷。 Wait for me. 等等我。 Close the door. 关门。 Open the door. 开门。 Ill be right there. 我马上就去。 Take your time. 抓紧时间。# Lets go for a walk. 让我们出去散步吧。 Hurry up. 快点。 28 日常英语场景?坐餐椅 Let mommy help you sit on the high chair . 妈妈帮你坐餐 椅。 And buckle up the belt. 扣上安全带。 Lay down the tray. 把托盘放好。 日常英语场景?饭前洗手 Before you have breakfast /lunch/dinner, you should wash your hands first. 吃饭前先洗手。 Wait a minute please, Mommy will get the water and soap for you. 等一下,妈妈去拿水和香皂。 Here they are. Mommy put them on the table . 拿来了,把 它们先放在桌子上。 Where is your handkerchief? 你的手绢在哪, Now, put your hands in the water. 把你的手放进水里。 Do you feel cool? The water is cool, isn’t it ? 是不是觉得很凉啊,水很凉,是不是, Wet your hands and put on the soap. 把手弄湿,然后抹香皂。 Rub your hands together. Look, here come the bubbles! 两 只手互相搓一搓,瞧,泡沫出来了! 29 Look! The bubbles are dark now. Your hands are too dirty and make the bubbles dark. 看! 泡沫变黑了。你的手太脏了, 把泡沫都弄黑了。 Now , put your hands into the water again. 把你的手再放 进水里。 Wash off the bubbles. 把手上的泡沫洗干净。 Ok, your hands are clean now.好, 手洗好了。 Let mommy dry your hands. 妈妈把你的手擦干。 Left hand, and then right hand . 左手,然后右手。 Did you wash your hands well? 手洗干净了吗, 日常英语场景?餐前 I bet you are hungry! Let’s have some meals. 我想你肯定 饿了,吃点东西吧~ Wash up, its time to eat. 洗洗手,该吃饭了。 Wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前要洗手。 Din-din is ready. 食物准备好了。 Come sit at the table. 坐到桌子这儿来。 30 Were having your favorite today! 我们今天准备了你最爱吃的东西。 Ok! Put on the bib. Now you are ready to eat! 好了~戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭了。 Please go ahead. 请先吃吧。 Come and get it! 开饭啦! Its time for dinner! 该吃晚饭啦~ Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready! 早饭/午饭/晚饭准备好了~ Finally. 终于吃上饭喽~ Im coming. 这就来啦~ Dont spill it!/Dont tip it over. 别弄洒了。 日常英语场景?三餐 Is breakfast ready? 早饭准备好了吗, Do you want any more rice? 你还要添点饭吗, I will bring you some rice. 我给你盛点米饭来。 The breakfast is delicious! 早饭美味极了。 31 What do you like to have for your breakfast? Cake or Fried Rice? 早上你想吃蛋糕还是炒饭, Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点什么, How about some cake/steak? 吃点蛋糕/牛排怎么样, It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper. 该吃早饭/中饭/晚饭了。 What’s for breakfast/ lunch/ supper? 早饭/中饭/晚饭吃什么, What’s for dinner? 吃什么饭, Lets take a short break for lunch(让我们休息一会儿,去吃午饭。 I must go home to cook lunch for us. 我必须回家给我们做中饭吃了。 What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么, What do you want for dinner? 晚饭吃什么, What do you want to eat for dinner? 晚饭你想吃点什么, What should I make/ cook/ fix for dinner? 晚饭做什么好呢? Today, were having curry. 今天吃咖哩饭。 32 Were having curry today. 今天我们吃咖喱饭。 Let’s see what are there for breakfast /lunch/dinner. 让我们看看今天吃什么饭。 For breakfast, we have fried rice, potato and green bean soup. 今天我们早餐吃炒米饭、土豆和绿豆粥 。 You are hungry, arent you? Dont worry. Mommy will serve you. 你饿了,着急了,是不是,先别着急。妈妈给你盛。 Mommy will give you some rice, then some potato, then some soup and stir them together. 妈妈先给你的碗里盛一些米饭 , 然后再盛一些土豆,再给你放一些菜汤,拌一下. Ok, here you go! Let Mommy put them on your trap. You can eat now. 好了,可以吃了。给你。妈妈把碗放到你的托盘上。 吃吧~ Eat slowly. Don’t eat so fast! Or else you will get choked. 吃慢一点,不要吃那么快~当心噎着~ 日常英语场景?使用餐具 You know how to use the chopsticks. Great! 你会用筷子了, 真棒~ Use your chopsticks. 请用筷子。 33 Your little sister doesnt know how to use the chopsticks; she can only use a spoon. 妹妹不会用筷子,她只会用汤匙。 Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand. 用勺子盛饭的时候,用另一只手扶着碗。 So the bowl wont move around and its easier to scoop up the rice with your spoon. 这样碗就不会动来动去,你用勺子盛饭 就会比较容易。 Dont scoop up too much with your spoon. 每次用勺子盛得少 一点,别盛那么多。 This knife cuts well, doesnt it? 这刀挺好使的,是不是, Dont poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。 Dont play with the chopsticks. 不要玩筷子。 Dont bite the chopsticks.不要咬筷子。 日常英语场景?准备餐具 Would you please/help me set the table? 你能帮我准备餐具 吗, Help me set up the table, will you? 你能帮我把餐具摆好 吗, Help Mommy set the table. 帮妈妈准备好餐具。 34 Can you set the table for me? 可以帮我摆碗筷吗, Did you put two forks with each plate? 你有没有给每个盘子配两把叉子, Does the table look nice? 餐桌好看吗, Please set the table for 5 tonight. 请摆5个人的餐具。 日常英语场景?吃点心 We have some snacks. 吃点儿点心吧。 Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿, Theyre in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。 Have some water/ tea/ milk. 喝一些水/茶/牛奶。 Are you thirsty? 你渴吗, 日常英语场景?就餐 Lets tuck in. 都到齐了,开动了。 Shall we begin? 可以吃了吗, Please go ahead. 请先吃吧。 Please help yourself. 请别客气。 35 Do you like fish/beef/lamb,你喜欢鱼肉/牛肉/羊肉, That is delicious apple/banana/orange. 美味的苹果/香蕉/ 橙子。 Have an apple. 有一个苹果。 Do you want more rice / vegetable?你还要米饭 / 菜吗, There is no tissue paper. 没有餐巾纸了。 What kind of juice? 什么果汁? You are having porridge now. 你正在吃麦片粥。 日常英语场景?餐桌礼仪 Dont throw food on the floor. 不要把食物扔在桌上。 Stop playing with your food. 不要玩食物。 Dont smear that all over the table. 不要把整个桌子都弄脏。 Dont talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。 Just eat one at a time. 一次吃一个。 Dont put all of those in your mouth at once; you could choke. 不要把那些一次都放在你嘴里。你要嚼一嚼。 Dont spill tomato sauce on your clothes; its very hard to remove. 不要把番茄汁翻在衣服上,它很难洗掉。 36 You know youre not supposed to spill food on your clothes. 你知道我们不喜欢你把食物漏在身上。 Youre excused. 你可以离开了。 Dont pick at your food./ Dont be choosy. 不可以挑食 Where are your manners?/ Manners, please. 要有规矩。 Concentrate on eating. 专心吃完。 Dont talk too much. 别说太多话。 Eat faster. 吃快点。 Finish your meal. 快吃完。 Slow down and dont eat like a pig. 吃慢点,别像猪一样。 Stop horsing around while you eat. 吃饭时别跑来跑去的。 Please sit properly. 请你坐好。 If you want to cough, remember to cover your mouth. 咳嗽时记得掩住嘴巴。 Dont spit your food everywhere. 不要把食物喷的到处都是。 Hold you bowl. Dont drop it. 扶好你的碗,别掉了。 Dont spill it. 不要把它(菜或汤)溅出来。 Tom has spilt his milk. 汤姆把牛奶撒了。 37 Dont put the food back on the plate after you havetaken a bit from it. 咬过的食物不要再放回盘里。 Dont put too much food into your mouth each time. 一次少 吃点。 Dont dip the bread in the milk.不要用面包蘸牛奶。 Dont touch the pot, or youll burn yourself.不要碰锅,小 心烫着。 Dont knock your mug over.不要碰倒杯子。 Eat all of your vegetables./ Finish your vegetables./ Finish up your vegetables.把碗里的菜吃光。 Finish up your plate. 把饭吃光。 Finish up your plate. 把碗里的饭吃干净。 日常英语场景?不挑食 Dont be fussy. Take any one. 不要挑三拣四,拿一个。 Dont be fussy with your food.不要挑食。 Dont be picky. 不挑食 日常英语场景?餐后 Help us clear off the table. 帮我们清理餐桌。 38 Will/Would you clean the table? 你可以擦桌子吗? Help Daddy do the dishes. 帮助爸爸清洗餐具。 (Adult gives child permission to leave the table.) Will you do the dishes? 你可以洗碗吗? Ok, you can come down from the high chair. 好了,你从餐 椅上下来吧。 Look,there are lots of rice on you clothes. Let mommy take them off. 看,你的衣服上都是饭,妈妈给你把它们掸下去。 Ok, take off the bib. Go to play. 好了,把围嘴摘下来,去 那边玩去吧。 Ill dry the dishes. 我要把餐盘擦干。 Would you put the dishes away? 能把这些餐盘拿走吗, Do/Wash the dishes! 把盘子洗了。 日常英语场景?做噩梦 It was just a nightmare. Nightmares arent real. Theyre like playing pretend.那只是个噩梦。噩梦不是真的。它们就像玩假 装游戏。 39 Everyone has nightmares. Mommy and Daddy have them sometimes too. 每个人都做噩梦,妈妈和爸爸也会做噩梦。 Theres nothing to be scared of. 没有什么可害怕的。 I know it must have been scary, but its all over now. 我 知道它很让你害怕,但是已经都过去了。 Are you feeling better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗, Do you want Mommy to stay here for a while? 你需要妈妈在 这里陪你一会儿吗, Were right in the next room. 我们就在隔壁房间。 日常英语场景?礼貌Manners Dont bother me while Im on the phone. 我打电话的时候不要 打扰我。 Dont call people names. 不要叫别人的名字。 No whispering. 不要耳语。 Say please. If I cant hear you, its because you didnt say please. 说“请”。如果我不能听到,是因为你没有说“请”。 I expect you to behave nicely while youre visiting your friend. 我希望你去朋友家时局自让人满意。 Dont cough in someone elses face. 不要对着别人的脸咳嗽。 40 I know you dont like her shirt, but its not nice to tell her that. 我知道你不喜欢她的衬衫,但是那样告诉她是不友好 的。 Lucy cant help it that she doesnt have a mother/father. Dont talk about it around her. 露西没有妈妈/爸爸是她自己没法 控制的。 不要在她面前提起。 41
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