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2019-04-19 5页 doc 21KB 34阅读




注塑及模具英文Hopper Dryer 料斗干燥器Injection Molding Cycle 注塑周期Crushing Mill 粉砕机Precision Injection 精密成形Gas Injection / AGI 吹气成形、气辅成形Set the condition 设定注塑前提Machine 机械Mold Set-Up 上模Screw 螺杆、螺钉、螺旋Mold Down 下模Screw Head 螺杆头Pressure 压力Joint 接头、接缝Low Pressure 低压Injection 注塑Low Pressure ...
Hopper Dryer 料斗干燥器Injection Molding Cycle 注塑周期Crushing Mill 粉砕机Precision Injection 精密成形Gas Injection / AGI 吹气成形、气辅成形Set the condition 设定注塑前提Machine 机械Mold Set-Up 上模Screw 螺杆、螺钉、螺旋Mold Down 下模Screw Head 螺杆头Pressure 压力Joint 接头、接缝Low Pressure 低压Injection 注塑Low Pressure Clamping 低压锁模Feeder 送料(加料)器Holding Time 保压时间Compound 混炼料;Back Pressure 背压Blend 搅混、调合Clamping Force合模力Mixer 混淆器Hold Clamping pressure 锁模型压成力Mixing 混淆Clamping Stroke 合模行程Cooling 冷却Clamping Unit 锁模装配Cooling Tower 冷却塔Mold Opening 开模Chiller冷水机Mold Closing 合模Temperature Controller 温调机Speed 速率Cylinder 料筒Injection Speed 射出速率Heater 加热器Injection Capacity 注塑量Band Heater 加热圈Charging 计量Thermocouple 热电偶Charging Stroke 计量行程Nozzle 射嘴Rib 骨位、筋位、增强筋Nozzle Head 射嘴头子Insert 嵌件、镶嵌Tie Bar 、Tie rod 拉杆、拉杠Wall Thickness 胶厚、壁厚Distance Between Tie rods 拉杆距离Plasticizing 塑化Limit Switch 限位(限定)开关Thermal Decomposition 热分化Operation Switch 操作开关Shrinkage収缩Operation Guide 操作指南Resin 树胶Control Panel 节制器Material 原料、质料Automatic 全自己主动Plastics 份子化合物塑料、塑胶成品Semi Auto 半自己主动Rubber 橡胶Hand 手动Master Batch 色母Handle 手柄Powder 色粉、粉、粉末Extruder 押出机、挤塑机Dry Color 色粉、干色料Extrusion Molding 挤塑Pellet 粒、塑胶粒Blow Molding Machine 吹塑机Glass Fiber, Fibrous Glass 玻璃纤维Blow Molding 吹塑Hose 软管、管Program Control 步伐节制Over Packing 过充填Process 、工序、历程Mold Mark 马克模伤、模痕Inject visor 注塑工艺步伐节制装配Shock 冲击、冲击Damage 损坏、毁伤Cold Slug 冷料Sink 马克抽水、紧缩Cold Slug Well 冷料井Short Shot 充填不足、欠料Freeze 冷凝Flash 毛刺、披峰Hydraulic 液压、油压String Flash 胶丝Hydraulic Ejector 液压顶出、液压脱模White 马克白化、顶白Hydraulic Pump 液压泵Silver 雪白、银痕Hydraulic 摩托液压电动机Flow mark 流纹Air Compressor 空器压缩机、空压机Burn 烧黑、烧焦Oil Leakage 漏油异物Black Spot 异物、黑点Oil tank 油箱、油槽Sticking 粘模Piston 活塞Weld 溶接线、联合线Air Cylinder 气缸Flash 料花Alarm 报警Oil 马克油污、油渍Safety Gate 太平门Damage 打痕、击伤Emergency Stop 紧迫遏制Cracking 裂、开裂Color Change 换色Jetting 气纹Purge Material 清机份子化合物塑料Deform 变型Resin Thermal 胶料温度Warping 屈曲、翘曲、外倾Mold Thermal 模温Bend 屈曲Heat Up 升温、升热Torsion 扭曲Air Shot 空射胶、空打Uneven Color 色彩不匀称Try 试模Eccentric Wall Thickness 壁厚不匀称Mold Release 脱模Bladder、Cell 气泡儿、浮泛、空地Mold Release Agent 脱模剂Stripes 条纹Rust Preventatives 防锈剂Dirty 污痕、污点、渗溢Can’t Release (产物)没有办法脱模Flaking 脱落、剥落Shot 注、射、啤Tear Off 上下翻动Gate 进点,浇口Float 浮起Center Gate 中间浇口Screw Damage 螺钉滑牙Sprue Runner 水口,注口、流道料Shortage 员数不足、欠品Clearance 距离、余隔Run out 跃动度、偏疼Sprue 主流道注(塑)口Contraction 紧缩Runner 流道、流道料Assembly NG 嵌合不良、装配不良Air V ent 散气眼、透风口Stress 应力Breathing 排气、散气Internal Stress 内部策应力Anneal 热措置惩罚、退火Preparation 摆设、筹办Mold 生产模型Stopper 挡块Machining Center 加工 中间Stripper 推板、脱模型板Universal Milling Machine 刨床、锣床Spacer Plate 垫板Latter 车床Mould Base 模胚Surface Grinder 最简单的面磨制机床Support Plate 托板Grinding Drilling 钻床Support Pillar 撑头Electric Discharge Machine 火花机加工Puller Lock 拉塞Wire EDM 线割切Puller Bolt 拉杆Nitride Steel 氮化钢取付板Top clamp Plate 工字板、水口板Nitrogen 氮气Bottom Plate 底板Nitride 氮化措置惩罚Return回针Titanium 钛Guider Pin 导柱Heat Treatment 热措置惩罚Guider Bush 导套Hardening 淬火Die 生产模型、动模、移动模型板Temper 回火Die Plate 模型板、载模型板Annealing 退火Module 板块、模件、模数Pre harden 预加硬钢Parts 零件、生产模型零件Hardness 硬度Eye Bolt 吊环螺栓Soft 软、软的Crane 吊车、吊车、行车Electrodes 铜公Hook 勾、吊勾Insert 镶件Wire 钢丝、钢丝绳Slide 行位、滑块File 锉子Taper 斜度Oil Stone 油石Taper 斜度、锥度、锥形的Sand Paper 砂纸Draft 脱模斜度Mesh 节号、目Guide Pin 导向柱刻印Engrave 刻印Sleeve Pin 司筒针Texture 蚀纹Square Pin 扁顶针放电目EDM Texture 火斑纹Angular Ejector 斜顶针Rough 粗的Cavity 模腔、前模、母模Trifling 细的、幼的Core 模心、后模、公模Diamond Cut 钻石纹Number of Cavities 取数、模腔数Roulette 滚花刀、刻痕Rocket Ring 定位环Blast 喷沙O Ring O环;胶圈Hot Runner 暖流道Wall Thickness 肉厚、胶厚Repair 补缀Add Material 加胶接Welding 溶接、焊接Building 加胶溶接机Welder 焊机、电焊机Cut Material 减胶溶接棒Welding Rod 焊条、电焊条Modify the tooling 改模(因设变补缀)Argon Arc Welder 氩弧焊Repairing the tooling 生产模型补缀Torch Bumper 喷燃烧现象器、火苗燃烧现象器Design 预设Ejector Pin 顶出Design Drawing 预设图Ejector Pin 顶针 Design Change 预设变动、设变Gate Type 水口体式格局Designer 预设者、预设职员Tunnel Gate 隧道式浇口、潜入水下口Designer 预设者Pin Point Gate 针孔形浇口、细水口Mold Design 生产模型预设Side Gate 侧水口、洪流口Mold Specification 生产模型建造仕样Direct Gate 直接浇口Specification 规格Multi Gate 复式浇口Mold Construction 生产模型机关、生产模型布局Fan Gate 扇形浇口Input 输入Film Gate 扇形浇口Programming 编程Jump Gate 搭接浇口3D Drawing 3D图、3维图Gate Balance 浇口均衡2D Drawing 2D图、最简单的面图Undercut 凹槽、倒扣Front Elevation 正面图Cooling Line 水管、运水Plan 平面图Cross-sectional Drawing 剖面图Cooling 冷却回路、运水CAD Date CAD 数值Modeling 模Mock-up 模子、原尺寸模子Software 软体Hand Made Sample 手板、手工样品Mold Drawing 生产模型图Module 模数、模量;模件Part Drawing 零件图Gear 齿轮;传动装配Diagrammatic Sketch 草图Helical Gear 螺旋齿轮Drawing 绘图Solid 群体的;固体Revised Drawing 图订変换Transformation 变换、转换Dimensioning 记入尺寸Floppy Disk 磁盘、软盘Out Mold Direction 出模标的目的Computer 台式机、计较机Draft 出模斜度Personal Computer 私家用电器脑、手提台式机Pitch 间距;齿距V ersion 情势、品类(译文,翻译,译本)Angle 角度Reading 读取Projected Area 投影平面或者物体表面的大Readout 读出Taper 锥度;斜度Reading 读数Under cut 倒扣圧缩Compression 压缩2 Plate 两板模开Open 打开;读出文件(软体)3 Plate 三板模Not Open 打(解)不开、读不出Offset 偏置、偏移Miss 纰缪、掉误Mold Layout 分模Condition of the progress 进程项度状态Split Mold 对于开式生产模型Finishing 打光、磨光Slide Core 滑动模芯Polish 研磨、打磨Loose Core 勾 当模芯Target 方针、目的、对于准Loose Mold 勾当生产模型Schedule 每一日安排表Press 冲压、压床、压Maintenance 维护、调养Press Machine 冲床Did Casting 压铸Progressive 级进Sintering 加热使黏结Single 单冲Monkey 勾当板子Packing Plate 垫板Clamp 夹具(固定生产模型用)Punch 冲头、凸模、冲床Scrap 废铁;废物、废渣Punch Press 冲孔机Rust 生锈Die 下模Rust Inhibitor 防锈剂Die Set 模座、模架Washing Agent 洗濯剂Press Mold 冲压模、五金模Ultrasonic Cleaning 超音波洗濯Leveler 整平滚;矫平机Feeder 送料机;加料机Burr 反边、毛刺Drawing 拉伸Thinner 天纳水;淡薄剂Burring 去毛刺Triclinic 三氯乙烯脱脂剂Blank 复合Trivalent Chromium 六价铬Cutting] 落料、冲孔Bending 折弯Degreasing 脱脂、去油Bend 折弯、屈曲Harmful Metal 有害物Box-Bending 箱Cut 割切L-Bending L拆弯Press;Sheet Metal 板金V-Bending V折弯Cut 堵截、割断Punching 冲孔、钻孔Iron Plate 铁板SECC 镀锌板Cutting 冲压、抽去Silver Top 镀锌板Shirk 避空Stainless 不锈钢Calking 铆接Copper 铜Tap 螺丝攻Brass 黄铜Dies 板牙Steel 钢Reamer 铰孔Aluminum 铝Reamer 铰刀;扩孔器Width 宽度End Mill 刨刀板厚Thickness 板厚Grinder 砂轮儿机、磨制机床Density 疏密程度Barrel 滚筒Coil 卷材Barrel Tumbling 滚(桶抛)光Width Cut 片材Plating 电镀Nut 螺丝帽、螺帽Electro plating V acuum真空电镀Bolt 螺栓、螺杆Spot Welding 点溶接、点焊Chrome plating 镀铬Jip 夹具,治具Galvanization 镀锌Clearance 间隙Shave 切、削Matching 接口Assembly 装配、组装Counter 统计器Assembly Unit 装配组件Count Method 统计法Assembly Time 装配工数Timer 按时器Line 出产线、拉线Digital 数码(的)、数码Self 单人装配Digital Camera 数码拍照机
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