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超级智能云辅导系统帐号使用方法超级智能云辅导系统帐号使用方法 1.输入网址:s.wanxue.cn 进入超级智能云辅导系统 2.点击右下角免费注册 3.填写注册信息,点击注册 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization ...
超级智能云辅导系统帐号使用方法 1.输入网址:s.wanxue.cn 进入超级智能云辅导系统 2.点击右下角免费注册 3.填写注册信息,点击注册 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 4.完善账户并激活,点击使用激活码激活 在激活码输入使用激活码激活 5.选择任意两门课程,点击开始学习 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 6.在学习中心里,点击你选的课程进行学习 点击主流学习进行学习 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 超级辅导系统功能模块说明1.0 一、学习中心 1. 主流程学习 点这里,进入本科目课程的智能学习流程。这是承载主体学习内容的核心流程,由超级智能云系统全程精准引导。你经历的每一个学习步骤都将被记载和,你迎来的每一个学习步骤都是超级智能动态设定的,专属于你的最佳学习路径和最优学习资源。 主流程学习,由九类学习任务包所精密衔接和科学组合而成,每一类学习任务包,就是实现考研最佳学习效果的一种重要力量,九种力量的契合,恰如独孤九剑之威力,让你无敌于考研江湖。 (1) 标准学习任务包 超级智能系统按照逻辑深层关联、最佳认知量度、思维兴奋驱动等十二种高级学习原理,将考研学习的全部内容,细分为若干知识模块。每一个知识模块的标准与多倍精细阐述文本、标准与多倍精细课程、基本与补充习题组、习题标准与多倍精细解析、高效索引等多项学习内容组合构成了一个标准学习任务包。学员通过标准学习任务包对各个知识模块完成最佳效果的第一轮学习。 (2) 加强学习任务包 超级智能系统会自动分析锁定学员在标准学习任务包中未能达标的知识模块。每当学习进程达到一定任务量和时间量,系统将启动加强任务包对学员在第一轮标准学习中未达标的知识模块进行第二轮加强学习。 (3)难点学习任务包 超级智能系统会自动分析锁定学员在加强学习任务包中仍未达标的知识模块。每当学习进程达到一定的任务量和时间量,系统将启动难点任务包对学员在第二轮加强学习中未达标的知识模块进行第三轮难点攻克学习。 (4)复习循环任务包 每当学员学习进程达到一定的任务量和时间量,系统将启动复习循环任务包,对一定范围的知识模块,进行第三至五轮的复习循环,从而完整及时的巩固所学的全部知识模块。 (5)重点循环任务包 在复习循环任务包针对全部知识模块巩固学习的基础上,系统将启动重点循环任务包,将对重要知识模块,进行第四至七轮的重点学习,从而确保学员对高概率成为考点的知识模members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 块达到更深层次的掌握程度。 (6)高难点循环任务包 超级智能系统会阶段性对第六至七轮学习中仍未能达标和考试中命题难度高的知识模块,启动高难点循环学习任务包,按照特定对高难知识模块进行第八至十轮集中循环学习,从而帮助学员全面和有效的清除所有高难度学习障碍。 (7)突破循环任务包 超级智能系统会在考研进程的中后期,精准筛选出学员最难掌握并对整体学习效果负面影响最大的知识模块,然后启动突破循环任务包,调配高端学习资源对此类知识模块进行第十至十一轮学习,从而突破最后瓶颈。 (8)通测循环任务包 超级智能系统会在考研进程的中后期,启动通测循环任务包,对已学全部知识模块进行拉网式无遗漏测评,逐点锁定未能达到稳定掌握状态的知识模块,并进行深度强化训练,以达到稳定高水准的掌握状态。 (9)模考循环任务包 超级智能系统会在考研进程后期,启动模考循环任务包,对学员进行贯穿全部考点和细分题型的多轮次全真模考训练,并根据训练与测评结果,调用特定程序,确保生成应对考研的完美能力体系。 超级辅导系统主流程学习模块,包含五项核心功能: (1)运用革命性的智能反馈与动态任务系统为考生全程设定最优学习路径 考研学习之目的,就是对各科总计1800至2100多个知识模块,分别投入恰当数量的学习循环,从而有效掌握各个知识模块。 当一次学习循环,不能有效掌握某个知识模块时,就必须补充更多次数的学习循环。 由于基础知识和学习能力差异,对于每个知识模块,不同考生所需学习循环次数各不相同。 不同学习循环次数的各个知识模块,就连接形成了不同的学习路径。例如,A考生学习3个知识模块,第一个需要3次学习循环可以掌握,第二个需要5次,第三个需要4次,那么A考生的最佳学习路径就是3-5-4。 如果A考生在这三个知识模块的实际学习路径与其最佳路径3-5-4偏差越远,就将学得越差。例如,A考生实际学习路径为5-2-2,那么,他在第一个知识模块浪费了2个循环的members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 时间,在第二个知识模块少了3的学习循环,在第三个学习模块少了2的学习循环,从而学习量严重不足。因此三个知识模块的学习都有较大问题。 由于一年内,可投入考研学习的有效时间必定少于2000小时,因此一个知识模块最多投入8个学习循环。对每个知识模块就有投入0至8个学习循环的9种可能,所以1800个知识模块就可能有1800的9次方条可能的学习路径。所有路径中,只有最优和接近最优的极少数学习路径才能通向考研成功,其他注定失败。 考生在实际自学中,根据自我感觉判断某个知识模块该投入多少学习循环,是非常盲目和随意的。因此,大部分考生,包括很多既勤奋又聪明的考生,都误选了低效和错误路径去学习,结果必然落榜。 当有老师帮助考生判断和选择学习路径时,情况会有所改善,但要帮助考生分析选定最优路径,必须要对考生每个知识模块的每次学习效果进行有效测评,然后合理配置下一步学习内容,这是需要超过20个老师全程追踪,不间断分析反馈才可能完成的辅导任务。 超级辅导系统,运用特殊数据模型,集成了数百名中国最顶级考研辅导专家的智慧与能力,相当于一个无限人数,无需休息的专家团队全程无遗漏的分析反馈学员每个知识模块的每次学习效果,并实时配置下一步最佳学习任务,从而确保考生沿着精准设定的最优学习路径,通达考研成功。 (2)为考生优化配置了最高品质的学习资料组合(知识标准与精细阐释文本) 考研学习的第一步骤是对知识模块的理解,传统的方法是看书,而书的作用是对知识 模块进行阐述和解释,其实质是知识阐释文本。 考生所用书的质量与数量极其重要,如果质量差了,数量过多过少,都会直接折损学习效果。常规考研书籍由于印刷成本,书本厚度等因素的限制,其阐释的考点都是跳跃、不完整和不够精细的。而且,目前公开出版的各类考研书籍,多达870多种,非公开出版的各种内部资料多达650多种,考生在有限时间内,只能选用其中二十几种资料进行学习。从1500多种书中筛选出最好的二十几种学习资料,对于考生是难以完成的任务,所以很多考生耗费大量时间精力,也只能找到质量二三流,数量不当的辅导书籍。 超级辅导系统的研发专家团队将1500多种学习资料进行了全面筛选排序,整合萃取了最高品质的220余种书籍和资料,充分优化升级为最优学习资料组合,并细分配置到考研全程52个特定阶段。从而确保学员无需耗费丝毫奔波选书的时间,即可全程享用最高品质的学习资料。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 超级辅导系统为学员提供了学习效果大幅度优于常规书籍的两类阐述文本: ? 标准阐释文本 内容品质大幅度优于常规辅导书籍,阐释完整考点,精细程度是常规辅导书的1.2 倍。 ? 多倍精细阐文本 内容品质大幅度优于常规辅导书籍, 阐释重点和难点,精细程度是常规辅导 书的2至3倍,并进行了提升学习效率的逻辑结构导引。 当系统分析确定学员某知识模块的标准学习任务不达标时,将要求学员对该知识模 块的精细阐释文本进行深度学习。 (3) 为考生提供了大幅度超越常规课程效果的新型课程体系(标准与精细优化课程) 学习过程中,为什么看了书还要听课,因为常规辅导书对一个知识点阐释的精细程 度只有课程的二至三分之一。例如,对同一个知识点,书上用50个字阐释,而课程则 会用100至150个字阐述。所以,考生看完书后理解不到位的知识点,通过听课都可以 更好理解。 但是,当前全国绝大多数考研课程均存在以下四大问题: ? 课程讲了很多根本不是考点的内容 ? 课程只覆盖了40~60%考点 ? 课程对重要考点讲的粗浅,对次要考点却讲的精细 ? 按1至1.5小时划分的授课时段,导致40%以上后段课程学习效果严重衰减 造成以上问题的根本原因是任何老师的能力和时间都是有限的,单个老师独立研发的课程,必然存在诸多缺陷。 超级辅导系统为学员提供全面升级的超级优化课程体系,从讲解精度、考点覆盖、表达逻辑到辅导实效,均大幅度超越任何传统考研课程。 优化课程体系的研发组成员,包括33名原国家命题组和阅卷组成员和301位考研各科目教授博士硕士。 课程研发组通过三大核心步骤,创造了极高价值的超级优化课程。 ? 深度分析了全国排名前269名的考研公共课辅导名师,总计5123小时全部授课内容,并针对所有的授课内容,根据考点进行细分模块提炼,形成了覆盖全部考点的8295members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 个课程模块。 ? 在对应同一考点的多个课程模块中,严格甄选出品质最高的优等课程模块,并由专家团队对优等模块,再次修正完善和优化升级,确保对每个考点实现足够精细的阐释,并按照22至35分钟的最佳认知时长划分课程时段,从而生成最优课程模块。 ? 将各个最优课程模块,用高效逻辑框架重新衔接组合,进而生成完美的超级优化课程体系。 超级优化课程体系的实质,就是中国考研培训行业全部课程名师的最大智慧结晶,必将帮助学员大幅度提升学习效果。 超级优化课程分为两类: ? 标准优化课程 内容品质大幅度优于常规考研课程,讲解完整知识点,精细程度是常规课程的 1.2倍。 ? 精细优化课程 内容品质大幅度优于常规考研课程,讲解重点和难点,精细程度是常规课程的 2至3倍。 当系统分析确定学员某知识模块的标准学习任务不达标时,将要求学员对该知 识模块的精细课程进行深度学习。 (4)为学员提供最高效率提升解题能力的超级解题训练系统 考研学习过程,在微观层面是由每个知识模块的理解、记忆和解题训练所构成的学习循环。对一个知识模块完成一次理解、记忆和解题训练,就是一个学习循环。上万个学习循环就连接形成了整个学习过程。一年内可投入考研的极限时间,不到2000小时,其中约23%应分配在知识模块的理解记忆,而约77%则应分配给解题训练。因为一切学习循环所需达到的最终成果,都是解题能力。 85%以上的落榜考生,是因为解题训练阶段的种种问题而落榜。 通过对大量考生的行为统计分析,导致落榜的主要原因是以下三类解题训练问题: ? 约28%考生解题训练总量不足; ? 约33%考生解题训练总量虽然充足,但没有覆盖全部考点题型; ? 约39%考生解题训练虽然覆盖全部考点题型,但训练题型难度不到位; 在常规自学和辅导中很难将三类问题全部解决。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 超级辅导系统,科学构建了解题训练的先进模型,通过五个步骤,帮助学员非常有效的解决三类问题,从而极高效率生成优异解题能力。 ? 从约1367种考研辅导书籍资料中科学精选出24352道优质题目,并与万学高端研发中心命制的11272道高品质题目,组合构成最高品质的超级题库。 ? 将超级题库的题目,严格以考点题型为核心,进行分组。每一组题目对应一种考点题型,既确保了题目总量,又覆盖了全部考点题型。 ? 每组题目具有多层难度梯级,确保包含了每种题型可能命题的全部难度等级。 ? 应用先进测试监控技术,完整记录学员全部解题训练效果,并精准分析锁定学员每一个未能掌握的考点题型。 ? 应用先进解题强化技术,针对学员未能掌握的考点题型,分配适量题目进行加强训练,然后再测试,再强化,直至学员每一个薄弱考点的每一级难度题型,全部达到优秀解答水平。 超级辅导系统在九类学习任务包中,配置了不同功能的十种习题组及其标准与精细解析,以帮助学员实现最优效果的解题训练与测评。 ? 习题组 基本习题组、补充习题组、加强习题组、难点习题组、复习循环习题组、重点循环习题组、高难点习题组、突破习题组、通测循环习题组、模考循环习题组。 ? 习题组标准与精细解析 标准解析是按常规精细程度对习题组进行解答与分析。当系统分析确定学员某个习题组训练达标时,为学员提供该习题组的标准解析。 精细解析是按超过常规2至5倍精细程度对习题组进行深度解答与分析,相当于老师对问题的答疑解析。当系统分析确定学员某个习题组训练未达标时,为学员提供该习题组的精细解析。 (5) 为考生提供全面超越常规答疑指导的难点全程深度解析 在考研学习过程,看完书,听完课,自我思考之后,仍然不能有效理解的知识模块,我们称之为难点,这是导致考研失败的主要原因之一。在常规学习中,考生对于难点,需要求助老师或高手讲解答疑。但在难点讲解答疑过程,却存在两大问题: ? 对于考生,难点有两种,一种是自己感知的显性难点,还有一种是自己没有感知的隐性难点。考生往往只会求助讲解显性难点,而隐性难点就成了丢分的隐患。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine ? 由于老师指导成本和时间匹配等因素,目前最完善的人工讲解答疑服务,最多只能完成约40%的显性难点讲解答疑,对于隐性难点无法解决。 超级辅导系统,对所有考研知识模块进行了多倍精细的深度阐释,相当于将所有考研知识模块答疑讲解的内容储存在系统中,然后根据对学员学习效果测评,无遗漏地锁定学员的显性和隐性难点,然后由系统为你精准提供对应的深度讲解。超级系统完全突破了人工辅导的成本与时间极限,不仅可以及时完成100%显性难点的解析阐释,而且可以精准锁定学员的隐性难点,进行充分解析阐释。 2、单模块复习 点这里,学员可对已学过的各个知识模块,进行单模块自选复习。复习内容为该知识模块对应的标准阐述文本、精细阐述文本和高级笔记索引。 3、学习导图 点这里,学员可查看各科目的完整学习路线图。并且可在导图上点击进入单模块复习。 二、进度监控 1、实效学习进程 学员所学科目知识模块的实际达标和有效掌握程度,由学习能量值决定。系统 连续监测学员每项学习任务的达标状态, 计算确定学习能量值。 2、实效学习进程排序: (1)学员的学习能量值在进入本系统的全国学员中的排名 (2) 学员的学习能量值在进入本系统的同目标院校学员中的排名 3、实效学习速度排序 学员实效学习进程的增长速度,由每周增长的学习能量值决定。 (1)学员每周增长的学习能量值在进入本系统的全国学员中的排名 (2)学员每周增长的学习能量值在进入本系统的同目标院校学员中的排名 4、实效学习进程与参考标准的对比 通过学员当前进程与两个标准的对比,判断学员学习进程的差距与优势 (1) 正常标准是最终能考上常规硕士点,当前需达到的学习进程 (2) 优秀标准是最终能考上优秀硕士点,当前需达到的学习进程 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 5、实效学习进程的精细状态 全面和深度监控所有知识模块每项学习任务达标状况的高级指标。通过本项指标 可以非常精准的判断学员的学习状态和薄弱所在。 三、 辅导矩阵 1、基本说明 在这个只属于学员个人的VIP私密专区,综合指导、政治辅导、英语辅导、数学辅 导、专业课辅导,五个专家组将为学员提供全过程和全方位的深度辅导与高价值互动。 在这里,学员可以连通满载千名专家智慧的矩阵云系统,得到考研关键任务的高端 指导与交流。 、深层原理 2 在所有考研学习任务中,约28%是重要性和复杂性都很大的关键学习任务。大部分 考生落榜,是因为关键学习任务完成不到位。 因为在关键任务的学习期间,考生会集中遭遇大量高难度学习障碍和多种自身能力 难以攻克的学习瓶颈。所以,必须获得足以突破障碍与瓶颈的强大外力。 超级智能云辅导系统,为学员配置了由集团总部统管组和五个直管组所构成的专家 团队,应用云矩阵辅导模型,在系统的特定交流空间为学员提供针对全程关键学习任务 的强大指导。 云矩阵专家团队定期汇总分析学员在关键学习任务中出现的问题与瓶颈,然后逐项 研讨,精心制定凝聚集体智慧的解决,同时提供深度咨询与指导。并且,在突破关 键任务瓶颈的基础上,专家团队还将根据学员学习进程,倾力传授与学员目标硕士点高 度匹配的精华策略和宝贵经验,从而将顶尖专家团队多年积累的顶级考研能量,最大限 度传递给学员。 四、交流空间 1、同学: 在这里,来自天南海北的50至99个睿智激情、志存高远的同学,将与你结成一 个跨越时空的班级。你们将心心相连、风雨相伴、携手并肩、同舟共济,为了同 一个梦想而奋斗飞扬。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 2、高手: 在这里,由数十名全国状元级考研高手所组成的团队,将在考研征途的所有关键阶段,向各位学员传授与分享自身以及从590余名顶级考研高手备考历程中研究萃取的超常学习规律和高价值经验。 ? 状元级考研高手是指考研能力最强的三类群体: ? 用一年时间,以名列前茅的成绩考入中国最顶级名校竞争的成功考生; ? 用一年时间,总分全国名列前茅的成功考生; ? 用一年时间,单科分数全国名列前茅的成功考生; 此类考生能用一年时间战胜几乎全部勤奋程度、 智力水平和投入时间都大于自己 的竞争对手。在常规要素并无绝对优势的情况下,能考出趋于完美的成绩,最核心的 原因在于他们每个人都洞悉和运用了某种超越常人的学习规律。 3、星空 这是一个阶段性开放的特殊空间,为学员传送两类资源: (1)来自全国研招单位的重要内部信息 全国高校与研究所的大量研究生招考重要信息是从外部渠道很难获取的,所以万学教育集团利用连通全国研招单位的高端资源渠道,获取重要内部信息并通过此空间及时传达学员。 (2)来自所有渠道的考研资讯精华 各种线上线下的途径和载体,传播着不计其数的海量考研资讯,但这些资讯中,90% 以上都是冗余、过期、偏差和错误的信息。很多考生耗费了大量时间精力去采集研究这 些资讯,不仅得不偿失,而且常被误导。 万学教育集团的专业部门,将全面采集和甄选所有渠道的考研零散资讯,整合提炼 为精华资讯,在此空间传达学员。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine 五、报考决策 在这里,所有超级系统的学员都将填录自己计划报考的院校和学科,同时万学教育 集团将在全国高校大范围采集2015考研报考意向信息输入系统。学员可以通过这一空间 随时了解全国各研招单位的各专业学科的2015考研报考意向人数分布及其动态情况,从 而可以结合自身情况,制定最恰当的报考决策。 members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the party's construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of "two" learning the importance of education, put "two" education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in "learn, and do, and modified, and promoting" upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the "two" educational focus ... Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine
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