
初中化学酸碱盐总结知识点 3[1]

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初中化学酸碱盐总结知识点 3[1]初中化学酸碱盐总结知识点 3[1] 酸、碱、盐知识点归纳 一、物质的分类: 金 属:Fe、Cu、Mg、Al 单 质 稀有气体:He、Ne、Ar 固态非金属:C、S、P 非金属 气态非金属:H、O、Cl、N2222 纯净物 酸性氧化物:CO、SO、SO223 可溶:KO、NaO、BaO、CaO 22 氧化物 碱性氧化物 难溶:CuO、FeO、MgO 23 其它氧化物:HO、CO、FeO234 S 无氧酸:HCl、H2 化合物 酸 含氧酸:HSO、HNO、HCO、HPO 2432334物质 可溶碱:NaOH、KOH、B...
初中化学酸碱盐总结知识点 3[1]
初中化学酸碱盐总结知识点 3[1] 酸、碱、盐知识点归纳 一、物质的分类: 金 属:Fe、Cu、Mg、Al 单 质 稀有气体:He、Ne、Ar 固态非金属:C、S、P 非金属 气态非金属:H、O、Cl、N2222 纯净物 酸性氧化物:CO、SO、SO223 可溶:KO、NaO、BaO、CaO 22 氧化物 碱性氧化物 难溶:CuO、FeO、MgO 23 其它氧化物:HO、CO、FeO234 S 无氧酸:HCl、H2 化合物 酸 含氧酸:HSO、HNO、HCO、HPO 2432334物质 可溶碱:NaOH、KOH、Ba(OH)、Ca(OH) 22 碱 难溶碱:Cu(OH)、Fe(OH)、Mg(OH) 232 ---+++2可溶盐:K、Na、NH、NO、SO(除BaSO)、Cl (除AgCl)4344 盐 难溶盐:AgCl、BaSO、CaCO、BaCO、AgCO43323 混合物:空气、水煤气、煤、石油、天然气、石灰石 二、各类物质的主要化学性质:(见下图。短线表示相互间能反应,箭号表示相互间能转化) 1(单质: 1)金属: 氧气?氧化物 0 +2 金属+ 酸?盐+氢气(?H前面的金属;?不能是浓硫酸和硝酸) Fe ? Fe 盐?盐+金属(?排在前面的金属;?可溶性盐) 2)非金属 + 氧气 ? 氧化物 2(氧化物: 金属 非金属 1)酸性氧化物: 水?酸 酸性氧化物+ 碱?盐+水(可溶性碱) 碱性 酸性 氧化物 氧化物 2)碱性氧化物: 水?碱(可溶性碱) 碱性氧化物+ 酸?盐+水 3)水: 碱 酸 酸性氧化物?酸 水+ 碱性氧化物?碱(可溶性碱) CuSO?CuSO?5HO 442盐 盐 3(酸: 石蕊变红;酚酞不变色 金属?盐+氢气(?H前面的金属;?不能是浓硫酸和硝酸) 酸+ 碱性氧化物?盐+水 碱?盐+水 盐?酸+盐(可溶反应物能生成?、?、HO;难溶反应物能生成?、HO) 224(碱: 石蕊变蓝;酚酞变红(可溶性碱) 酸性氧化物?盐+水(可溶性碱) 碱+ 酸?盐+水 盐?盐+碱(反应物必须可溶且生成物之一必须是不溶物) 5(盐: 金属?盐+金属(?排在前面的金属;?可溶性盐) 酸?盐+酸(可溶反应物能生成?、?、HO;难溶反应物能生成?、HO) 22盐+ 碱?盐+碱(反应物必须可溶且生成物之一必须是不溶物) how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and 盐?盐+盐(反应物必须可溶且生成物之一必须是不溶物) 三、化学反应的基本类型: 1)化合反应:(有单质时化合价改变) ?单质+单质?化合物 Mg + O P + O ——22 ?单质+化合物?化合物 C + CO —— 2 ?化合物+化合物?化合物 CaO + HO —— CuSO + HO —— 2422)分解反应:(有单质时化合价改变) ?氧化物分解 HO —— HgO —— 2 ?酸分解 HCO ——23 ?盐分解 KMnO —— KClO —— 43 CaCO —— CuSO?5HO —— 342 Cu(OH)CO ——223 3)置换反应:(化合价一定改变) ?金属+酸?盐+氢气(?H前面的金属;?不能是浓硫酸和硝酸) Fe + HCl — Al + HSO — 24?金属+盐?盐+金属(?排在前面的金属;?可溶性盐) Fe + CuSO — Cu + AgNO —43 ?金属氧化物+H(或C)?金属+水(或CO) 22 CuO + H — C + FeO ——223 4)复分解反应:(化合价一定不变) ?碱性氧化物+酸?盐+水 FeO + HCl — CuO + HSO — 2324 ?酸+碱?盐+水 NaOH + HSO — Fe(OH) + HCl — 243?酸+盐?盐+酸(可溶反应物能生成?、?、HO;难溶反应物能生成?、HO) 22 HSO + BaCl — HCl + CaCO —2423 ?碱+盐?碱+盐(反应物必须可溶且生成物之一必须是不溶物) Ca(OH) + NaCO — NaOH + FeCl —2233 ?盐+盐?盐+盐(反应物必须可溶且生成物之一必须是不溶物) CaCl + KCO — Ba(NO) + NaSO — 2233224※不属于四种基本类型的反应: ?金属氧化物+CO?金属+CO FeO + CO —— 223 ?碱+酸性氧化物?盐+水(可溶性碱) NaOH + CO —2 ?有机物+O?HO+CO CHOH + O —— 222252 ?氧化还原反应: 得到氧的物质被氧化,发生氧化反应,是还原剂; 失去氧的物质被还原,发生还原反应,是氧化剂。 点燃 如:在2Mg+CO 2MgO+C中, 是氧化剂, 是还原剂, 被氧化, 2 被还原。 ?常见的原子团及其化合价: +1 -1 -2 -2 -1 NHCl NaOH HSO HCO HNO424233 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-tructure of underground water nonlove Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete sy and ng for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park communitstruction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, plannir conwith within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North fo n is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning greenstatiouous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park dded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continembe Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and f security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, withtion ondation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundaring and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Founginee, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, egn the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pithow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, desi, 铵根 氢氧根 硫酸根 碳酸根 硝酸根 铵根中N为-3价;硫酸根中S为+6价;碳酸根中C为+4价;硝酸根中N为+5价。 四、金属活动性顺序和复分解反应发生的条件: 1.金属活动性顺序:K Ca Na Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb (H) Cu Hg Ag Pt Au ?判断金属与酸反应时:金属必须排在(H)前面;酸不可用硝酸,因为硝酸具有强氧化性。 ?判断金属与盐反应时:必须同时满足?排在前面的金属;?可溶性盐。 2.复分解反应发生的条件: ?可溶的反应物,能生成?、或HO、或?(CO或NH) 223 ?难溶的反应物,能生成?、或HO 2 ?复分解反应生成的沉淀: (白色) AgCl 难溶于酸 BaSO 4 (白色) 难溶性盐 CaCO 3(白色) BaCO 3(白色) AgCO23 可溶于酸 (白色) Mg(OH)2 (蓝色) 难溶性碱 Cu(OH) 2 Fe(OH) 3(红褐色) 五、物质的鉴别、鉴定(检验)、提纯(除杂)、分离: ?检验物质的试剂: 被检物质或离子 可选用的试剂 CO Ca(OH);湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸 22 NH湿润的红色石蕊试纸 3 +H 石蕊试液;NaCO23 -2+3+ OH 石蕊试液;酚酞试液;Cu;Fe-Cl AgNO+HNO 33-2+2SO Ba{BaCl、Ba(NO)、Ba(OH)}+ HNO 423223-2+2CO Ca{Ca(OH)、CaCl、Ca(NO)};HCl 32232 ?鉴别:鉴别是将不同的物质按其物理性质或化学性质的不同而加以辨别的过程。 写出鉴别下列各组物质所需的试剂或方法: ?鉴别NaCO和CaCO: 233 ?鉴别NaSO和NaCl: 24 ?鉴别H和CH: 、 24 ?鉴别NaCO和NaCl: 23 ?鉴定(检验):检验是用一定的化学方法或物理方法将某种物质确定出来的过程。 写出检验下列各物质所需的试剂或方法: ?盐酸: 、 ?Fe(SO): 、 243 ?除杂:除杂是用物理或化学方法除去混合物中的杂质的过程。 ?所加试剂只与杂质反应,不与主要物质反应; 除杂过程对所加试剂的要求: ?使杂质转化为易与主要物质分离(即状态不同)的物质; ?不能引入新的杂质。 写出除去下列各物质中的杂质所需的试剂或方法: ?除去MnO中的KCl: ?除去NaOH中的NaCO: 2 23?提纯:提纯是用物理或化学方法除去混合物中的杂质除去并得到某纯净物的过程。 写出提纯下列各物质的实验步骤及所需的试剂或方法: how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and ?从KCl与MnO的混合物中提纯KCl: 、 、 2 ?从MgCl与CaCl的混合物中提纯MgCl: 、 、 、 222 ?分离:分离将混合物中的各成分用物理或化学方法分开从而得到各纯净物的过程。 写出分离下列各物质的实验步骤及所需的试剂或方法: ?分离KCl与MnO的混合物; ?分离BaCl与NaCl的混合物。 22六、气体的干燥: ?酸性干燥剂:浓硫酸、PO25 ?干燥剂 ?碱性干燥剂:固体CaO、固体NaOH ?中性干燥剂:无水CuSO4 ?酸性气体:CO、SO、HS、HCl 222 ?气体 ?碱性气体:NH3 ?中性气体:H、O、CH、CO 224 注意:酸性干燥剂不能用于干燥碱性气体;碱性干燥剂不能用于干燥酸性气体。 七、其他: 1(物质的学名、俗名及化学式: ?水银、汞、Hg ?金刚石、石墨、C;硫磺、S;红磷、白磷、P ?干冰、固体CO 2 ?生石灰、氧化钙、CaO;氨气、NH(碱性气体) 3 ?盐酸、氢氯酸、HCl;氢硫酸、HS;亚硫酸、HSO 223 ?熟石灰、消石灰、Ca(OH);苛性钠、烧碱、火碱、NaOH;氨水、NH?HO(碱) 232?纯碱、NaCO;碳酸钠晶体、纯碱晶体、NaCO?10HO;碳酸氢钠、小苏打、NaHCO;232323亚硝酸钠、NaNO(工业用盐);胆矾、蓝矾、硫酸铜晶体、CuSO?5HO;铜绿、Cu(OH)CO 242223 ?甲烷、CH;甲醇、CHOH;酒精、乙醇、CHOH;醋酸、乙酸、(冰醋酸)CHCOOH 43253 2(常见混合物的主要成分: 煤:C; 石油:C、H、O元素 天然气:CH 4水煤气:H、CO 石灰石、大理石:CaCO 石灰水、石灰乳、石灰浆:Ca(OH)232 3(常见物质的颜色: ? 白色固体:MgO、PO、CaO、NaOH、Ca(OH)、KClO、KCl、NaCO、NaCl、无水CuSO 2523234 ? 银白色:镁、铝、锌、铁、汞(液态) ? 黑色固体:石墨、炭粉、铁粉、CuO、MnO、FeO 234 ? 红色固体:Cu、FeO 、HgO、红磷 23 ? 蓝色晶体:CuSO?5HO 42 ? KMnO为紫黑色 4 ? 硫:淡黄色 ? Cu(OH)CO为绿色 223 4(溶液的颜色: 2+? 含Cu的溶液呈蓝色(CuCl溶液为蓝绿色); 22+? 含Fe的溶液呈浅绿色; 3+? 含Fe的溶液呈黄色; ? 其余溶液一般为无色。(高锰酸钾溶液为紫红色) 5溶于水放热的物质:CaO、NaOH固体、浓HSO 24 6刺激性气味的气体:NH、SO、HCl(均无色) 32 ?刺激性气味的液体:盐酸、硝酸、醋酸 ?酒精为有特殊气体的液体 corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and-tructure of underground water nonlove Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete sy and ng for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park communitstruction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, plannir conwith within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North fo n is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning greenstatiouous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park dded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continembe Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and f security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, withtion ondation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundaring and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Founginee, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, egn the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pithow to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, desi, 2+2+7有毒的物质:CO、CHOH、NaNO、Cu(如CuSO)、Ba(如BaCl) 3242 8氮肥的含氮量: NHHCO 17.7%;(NH)SO 21.2%;NHCl 26.2%;NHNO 35%;尿素CO(NH) 46.7% 4342444322 how to ensure that under the prerequisite of stability, design the most economical solution, is the Foundation of the more important issues. In design and construction of Foundation pit, therefore, requires a rigorous, thorough analysis and calculation. This design includes four major aspects: 1 discussion, engineering and support programmes of selection, 2, envelope design and calculation, 3, the construction organization design for Foundation pit dewatering of 4,. According to Foundation pit engineering and its characteristics, taking into account the Foundation of security and economy under the premise of plus four classes of underground diaphragm wall support as a support scheme, with Lang Ken theory calculation of soil pressure, through the load method for calculation of wall deflections, bending moment and embedded depth. 5, described in detail according to the specification for construction of deep Foundation pit underground continuous wall construction technology and construction. First chapter engineering profile 1.1 engineering introduction date Park station is located in date Park West Road and date Park North Road cross junction West, date Park West Road North of planning green with within, and date Park West road parallel layout, around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road to xianyang in XI ' an city, ... Field of concrete structure of underground water non-corrosive, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure under alternating wet and
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