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日立电梯的调试资料日立电梯的调试资料 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport...
日立电梯的调试 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 日立电梯的调试资料 II. V/F型电梯操作盘(Ammumciator) II.1 V/F电梯直接将MTC装于主电路板INV-MPU之上,能进行数 据观察、数据值之制定、故障之检测、电梯控制调整等多项工作 II.2 操作盘有下列功能: a. 显示电梯情况(例:位置、运行方向等) b. 制定各项数据,对电梯进行调整及试验性运行 c. 各项有关电梯程序,例如在机房进行慢速运行、楼层高度测定等 d. 电梯内产生各项数据的检验及测定(特别是故障代号码) II.3 为操作盘的安排而在操作盘下方另有六个七割管排成一横列作为显示器,这些七割管的右下角还有一小数点,在V/F电梯中这些小数点另有用途 以下各段将作进一步详细解释 II.4 正常的显示: 如将最左的一个七割管编号为1,然后躺方依次编为2,3,4,5,6,则1号七管用来显示电梯运行方向, 第2、第3号七割管用来显示电梯所在的楼层,设电梯在第23层,第4号七割管显示电脑情况不正常,而VTCD表示副电脑不正常,显示野间歇方式,每次持续1.5秒;第5、6号七割管显示‘故障码’,故障码以八个为一组,按八位元分配如下:10~17、20~27、30~37、40~47、50~57、60~67、70~77、80~87,详细解释见后。如有故障,只须根据所示数值从故障表即可获悉故障为何种类。显示情况如所示,假设数值为62,从故障码可知是同步位置不正常的故障 II.5 操作: 首先根据我们的需求,选择一个适当的模式数,模式数从0开始至69,但其中有不少是空置的,例如8,17,25,33,44,49,58,69 等。根据图一,先按‘模式’键,然后根据实际需求将模式数打入(例如模式数为3,按‘3’键即可),接着按‘置入’键。显示器方面反应:当按下‘模式’键后,原来各项正常显示立即消失,当按下模式数时,模式数即在方出现然后向左移位,由于模式数只是一个两位数,响应由(5)、(6)两个七割管显示,但这只告诉使用者在输入模式数时有无按错,如使用者发现显示数与打入模式数相同,即可按‘置入’键,使电脑进入这项模式,此时模式数自动消失,而显示器将按照该项模式而作茧自缚出各项相应指示。当一切操作完成后,必须将电脑离开模式回复正常控制。故使用者必须再按一下‘模式’键,如前一切当时的显示立即消失,跟着使用者按‘重置’键,使电脑离开该模式,而正常显示亦立即keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 恢复。(有关各不同模式数的作用,可参看后面的模式数表) II.6 不同模式数举例 1. 模式数3 此模式为在机房内进行低速运行,照上述,先进行下列程序:按‘模式’、‘3’、‘置入’各键,然后依据所需进行升或降(如再按‘7’键电梯低速上升;如再按‘4’键电梯低速下降),如进行完毕,必须返回正常操作,可进行下列程序(按‘模式’、‘3’、‘重置’各键) 2. 人工方式进行楼层高度测量,模式数为11 在进行前先将轿厢以正常快速返回最低的一层,按‘模式’,‘3’,‘重置’各键;按‘起动’键,直至电梯起动后才松手。将INV—FIO电路板上的DIP开关封盖小心揭开。注意电梯是否以稳定低速继续上升(如上升至某一高度,电梯突然自动停止即表示测量不成功)如电梯平衡上升至最高层自动停止,则50B继电器将自动释放,此时应立即将DIP开关的第一位置(最左边,推向上,很快可以风到50B重新进入动作,此时却可将 DIP开关的第一位置推下,并把封盖盖好。到此地步,楼层高度测量已完成,可进行下列返回正常操作的程序:按‘模式’,‘1’,‘1’,‘重置’各键。 3. 电梯运行时间显示,此处用模式数1 如前,按‘模式’,‘1’,‘置入’各键。此时显示器即显示出电梯实际运行时间,以小时为单位,并且是常用的十进数,而显示器上的各小数点则保持熄灭。 4. 机房控制的门机械停止 此处实际不须模式,按‘门动作停止’键,此时门动作停止灯(即第6七割管右下角的小数点)应亮,如不再须此项控制,按‘重置’键即可恢复正常 5. 模式数2 照前,按‘模式’,‘2’,‘置入’各键,此时显示器将分为三个部分,左边两个七割管(即1及2)组成一个二位数字显示,而数字为十六进,表示为那一个计算器($0~74),第3,4两个七割管显示ZTCD(主电脑)的故障数据,而第5,6两个七割管则显示VTCD(副电脑)的故障数据。这些显示数据内容广泛,如有足够资料可根据此等数据而了解该电梯在过去所发生的各项出错或不正常现象等。目前我们只须知道如何消除这些数据(注意:它们并不表示故障,但代表在过去某一时间电脑曾发生了出错,或轻微而能自行消失的故障时电脑所进行的一项故障)。方法如下:先看第1,2两个七割管,如已显示$74,表示各计算器并无故障或出错记录,此时以手按‘重置’健即可恢复正常显示,按时要保持直至显示正常才放手。如有故障记录显示器会不变,例如第2号诸器内容并非00,则上述两个七割管将保持显示$02,如要继续观看其他计算器内容,便要按‘递增/递减’键。如不先按‘转移’键则为递增,如先按‘转移’键再按‘递增/递减’键则作用为递减。在此项观察中除非有必要再回头检查,否则可不必使用‘转移’键。如每一个计算器都有记录(即内容不是00),则每次只递增1,但如接连有 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 若干计算器都没有故障或出错记录,按‘递增/递减’键可以一次跳越多个计算器。如此继续下去,即可将全部$74个计算器的内容读出及记下,到这时候就和上一段相同,以手按‘重置’键即可恢复政常显示,故障小数点亦不应再亮。此处要注意的是因计算器数目多,全部清除需一定时间(在五秒之内),故必须保持按下‘重置’键约五秒才能清除完毕回复正常显示。 6. 电脑内数据的读取 在此情况下有两个模式数即22和23,其中22为主电脑,23为副电脑。以主电脑为例,按‘模式’,2,2,‘置入’各键,此时显示器应无任何显示,如要读取某一位址(主电脑)数据,此时即可输入,例如1234(位址,十六进数):按1,2,3,4,‘置入’各键,显示 器开始时将位址逐一显示,但当使用者发现正确而按下‘置入’键时,显示即转为该位址内的数据。‘位址/数据’键亦为一转换键,如上例,当数据显示后欲再显示其对应位址,只须按此 ‘位址/数据’键,即可重新将位址显示。如将该键连续的按,则位址及对应数据将轮流显示,十分便利。如要读对上一个位址的数据,只须在显示数据时进行下列程序:按‘递增/递减’即可达到目的,如要读低一个位址的数据,要使用‘转移’键,程序如下:(显示器正显示位址)按‘转移’,‘递增/递减’,即可知道低一个位址内含的数据。‘转移’键按过后,最右的一个七割管小数点会发亮,表示转移键生效,如返回图一,当按0~7这八个键时输入者实际上为括号内的数字或字母,即8,9,A~F等,而非0~7。在使用上没有那么方便,而且如果忘按‘转移’ 键输入便会错误。如要取消‘转移’作用,只须将‘转移’键再按一次即可,最右的一个小数点亦同时熄灭。 7. 现场调整例 模式数虽然不少,但在工地使用的并不多,一般是负荷调整要使用,帮下而以此为例。在速度达90,105米/分或以上时,轿厢下方一般装设有一个或两个(两个时用串接方式)负荷探测用的差动变压器,这负荷探测器的输出直接反映了轿厢内部的载重。 1) 零点调整及偏压调整: 差动变压器的输入电压检查及位置(指伸缩铁心)调整与一般旧式电梯或直流电梯相同,在此不再重复。 a. 使轿厢保持空载情况 b. 平层(选用中间层),在轿内按下STOP开关,使继电器50B释放 c. 将FIO电路板上的DIP开关最左边一个推上 d. 由操作盘按下列各键:‘模式’,‘3’,‘4’,‘置入’(数据显示应为00)[在此情况下如知道地址,亦可使用下列方式MODE 23 SET 8034 SET] e. 将DIP开关推下,STOP开关还原正常,50B动作。 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, f. 如起动时(上升或下降)没有冲前或逆行现象,则调整已告完成,但一般而言,上述两种情况很可能会出现,此时可再进行下列步骤 2) 上升: A) 重复上面a、b、c各项 B) 按下列各键:‘模式’,‘5’,‘1’,‘置入’则显示出上升偏压,数据应在$0000~$4000范围内 C) 如电梯起动时有冲前现象,可加大该数据,逆行时则相应减少该数据 D) 例如原来数据为$2080,现欲改为$1234,则按下列各键即可:‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’,‘置入’(原来数据$2080已被取代) E) 重复e项,如一切满意,调整即完成,否则须根据情况再重复调整至满意为止 3) 下降 此情况与上升基本相同,唯一不同是使用模式52而非模式51,此外,由于升、降在性质上也基本相 反,故在上面的C)项中,冲前应减少数据,逆行则加大数据 4) 涡载调整 a. 使轿厢载重为100% b. 平层(选用中间层),在轿内按下STOP开关,使继电器50B释放 c. 将FIO电路板上的DIP开关最左边一个推上 d. 由操作盘按下列各键:‘模式’,‘3’,‘5’,‘置入’则显示数据应为$0064或极接近($0064为十进的100)如沿用模式23,应按下列各键:‘模式’,‘2’,‘3’,‘置入’,‘5’,‘0’,‘1’,‘转移’,‘8’,‘转移’,‘置入’ e. 如数据无误,可还原正常,敌后进行试验,如起动时有明显震动,则须进行下列各项 5) 涡载时增益调整: a. 按下列各键:‘模式’,‘5’,‘5’,‘置入’此时显示数据(在$0000~00FF间,一般可能为D0)即为增益,如上升时有冲前,即减少数据,逆行则加大数据,下降时则为:冲前增加,逆行减少 b. 反复进行调整,至涡前为止,一切复原 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, 8. WD20的调整(速度如不超过60MPM,载重不超过1000KG,一般不配备差动变压器) a) 使轿厢载重为20%,然后正确调整WD20 b) 根据下表及7中所提及的普遍程序进行调整 模式 900~1000KG (30,45,60MPM) 450~750KG (30,45,60MPM) 情况(负载) 45 $0900 $0000 超过20% 上升 46 $1500 $1500 0~20% 上升 47 $0000 $0000 超过20% 下降 50 keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, keep clean and harmless. 2.4 localities to implement measures to eliminate mosquito-breeding contract, workers quarters on a regular basis to eliminate ... Properly and keep the living area clean and harmless. 3, team construction 3.1 mortar, in transport and the use of the process do not sprinkle, does not leak, not left, not abandoned. Workers around the place and keep clean, do work at the foot, and finished living area is clean, French gray, concrete, excess materials, semi-finished products, such as clearing, $2000 $2000 0~20% 下降 9. 平层调整 首先要确定每一停泊楼层所对应的金属隔离片,必须位置固定准确,隔离片的中线与RM型位置探测器中线必须对正(此点可测量上、下两方由隔离片边缘至RM的距离昀为112.5毫米而确定)然后控制轿厢逐层停泊测量其平层误差,如有超过10毫米的情况出现即须调整 a) 如前,接STOP开关,使50B释放,推陈出新上DIP开关最左边的一个等 b) 按下列各键:[模式],[5],[3],[置入] 上升;[模式],[5],[4],[置入] 下降,此时显示之数据应为$7B,一般每?1相当于?1毫米,故如上升时误差平均为+10毫米,则$7B—$A=$71。故必须将7B改为71,然后重复测试。如发现误差为负值,例如-6毫米,则$7B+$6=$81 II.7 注意事项
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