

2017-12-10 10页 doc 35KB 21阅读




桌面没有图标的解决方法桌面没有图标的解决方法 当你遇到桌面上一个图标都没有的情形怎么办? 当你遇到桌面上一个图标都没有的情形时~可以先右击桌面空白处-----排列图标----显示桌面图标,如不行~打开任务管理器,按下‚Ctrl+Alt+Del?组合键即可打开,~点击‚文件??‚新建任务?~在打开的‚创建新任务?对话框中输入‚explorer?~单击‚确定?按钮后~稍等一下就可以见到桌面图标了。 见到了熟悉的系统桌面是不是很兴奋,只是咱们还不能高兴的太早哦:因为在下次进入系统时~很可能还是看不到桌面图标。这说明上面的方法只能‚治标?~还不能‚治...
桌面没有图标的解决方法 当你遇到桌面上一个图标都没有的情形怎么办? 当你遇到桌面上一个图标都没有的情形时~可以先右击桌面空白处-----排列图标----显示桌面图标,如不行~打开任务管理器,按下‚Ctrl+Alt+Del?组合键即可打开,~点击‚文件??‚新建任务?~在打开的‚创建新任务?对话框中输入‚explorer?~单击‚确定?按钮后~稍等一下就可以见到桌面图标了。 见到了熟悉的系统桌面是不是很兴奋,只是咱们还不能高兴的太早哦:因为在下次进入系统时~很可能还是看不到桌面图标。这说明上面的方法只能‚治标?~还不能‚治本?。能否将这个问题澈底解决呢,我们一起来试试吧。运行注册表编辑器~定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon~然后查看该分支下的Shell值是否为‚Explorer.exe?。如果不是~请手动修改为‚Explorer.exe?。 一般情况下~用上面的方法应该就可以解决掉桌面无图标的问题了。但是不同问题要不同对待~如果真的是由于病毒破坏造成的~这个方法就起不到什么作用了。这时你要做的就是杀毒~或者重装系统了。 方法一: 1、重新启动Windows XP~在启动画面出现后的瞬间~按F8~选择"带命令行的安全模式"运行。 2、运行过程停止时~系统列出了超级用户administrator和本地用户的选择菜单~鼠标点击administrator~进入命令行模式。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 3、按Alt+ctrl+del片刻以后出现系统资源管理器。点选文件?打开然后查找WINXP盘中windows根目录下的explorer.exe~运行它. 方法二: 在登陆的时候按ctrl+alt+del两下~就会出现登陆界面~输入administrator以及密码就可以了。 开机即按F8\进安全模式\将系统目录下windows NT\system32\config 把此目录下的SAM文件名的文件删除,重机开机.就可以了. 方法三:开机即按F8\进安全模式\在运行输入gpedit.msc\点确定\打开组策略\点安全设臵\帐户策略\调整右边框里的选项,都把它调整为\"没有定义".重启电脑. 方法四: ,1,在Windows2000启动之后~按照屏幕提示按下ALT,CTRL,DEL进行登录~在登录界面将光标移至用户名输入框~按键盘上的Ctrl+Shift键进行输入法的切换~屏幕上出现输入法状态条~在出现的‚全拼?输入法中将鼠标移至输入法状态条点击鼠标右键~出现的选单中选择‚帮助?~然后继续选择‚输入法入门?~在窗口顶部会出现几个按钮~奥妙就在‚选项按钮?上。 ,2,如果系统未安装Windows2000 ServicePack1或IE5.5~那么现在就可以在‚操作指南?窗口上边的标题栏单击右键~选择‚跳至URL?~此时会弹出Windows 2000的系统安装路径并要求side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 输入路径~输入c:WinNTsystem32,假设Windows 2000安装在c: WinNT下,~按下‚确定?~我们就成功地绕过了身份验证进入系统的system32目录。 ,3,在system32目录下找到‚net.exe?~用鼠标右键单击并选择‚创建快捷方式?,右键单击该快捷方式~在‚属性?\‚快捷方式?\‚目标?里输入‚c:winntsystem32et.exe user backup ABC/ADD?~然后点击‚确定?。 这一步骤的目的在于用Net.exe创建一个backup用户~密码为大写的ABC~双击该快捷方式完成用户的添加。 ,4,现在把backup用户添加到Administrators,管理员组中,~同样把Net.exe的快捷方式目标修改为‚c:winntsystem32 et.exe LOCALGROUP Administrators backup/ADD?~双击执行。 ,5,最后用backup用户登录,并修改你原先用户的密码~最后当然不要忘了删除这个backup用户。 另外光盘里还有很多的工具,大家不妨充分利用. 在使用电脑的过程中~由于误操作或者是其他方面的原因~可能会导致桌面图标的丢失。如果是各种应用软件的图标那还好说~到程序的安装目录下~找到相应程序的可执行性文件~发送一个快捷方式到桌面就OK了。可是如果是系统级图标如:我的电脑、我的文件、网上邻居、IE、回收站等等~那么要想重现可不是一件容易的事。今天就让我们来看看怎样让这些迷失的孩子安side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 全回‚家?。 第一招:请显示属性‚帮忙?,适用于Windows XP/2003操作系统, 在桌面上单击鼠标右键~在弹出的快捷菜单中选择‚属性?~打开‚显示属性?对话框。点选‚桌面?选项卡~接着单击‚自定义桌面?按钮。在弹出的‚桌面项目?窗口中~单击‚常规?选项卡~将丢失的桌面图标前的复选框打上对钩~如图1所示~单击‚确定?按钮接着再单击‚应用?按钮~按F5刷新一下~看看迷失的桌面图标是不是又回来了。 小提示 : 如果一次无效~请重复两次~首先将复选框中的对钩清除掉~单击‚应用?~再打上对钩~单击‚应用?~保证可手到病除。 第二招:请组策略‚助威?,适用于Windows 2000/XP/2003 操作系统, 单击‚开始?运行?~在弹出的‚运行?对话框中输入gpedit.msc~回车后打开‚组策略?编辑器。在组策略编辑器中依次展开‚本地计算机策略?用户配臵?管理模板?桌面?选项~在右侧的内容框中有:‚删除桌面上的‘我的电脑’图标?、‚删除桌面上的‘我的文件’图标?、‚隐藏桌面上的‘网上邻居’图标?、‚隐藏桌面上的Internet Explorer图标?等选项~将相应的选项的属性设臵为‚已禁用?即可找回桌面上丢失的系统级图标。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 第三招:请‚开始?菜单协查,适用于Windows XP/2003 操作系统, 打开‚开始?菜单~在上面找到对应的丢失项目~右键单击并选择‚在桌面上显示?命令即可。假如是桌面上的‚我的文件?图标丢失~就在‚我的文件?选项上点右键~选择‚在桌面上显示?即可~如图2所示。 注意:该方法仅仅适用于Windows XP/2003操作系统的Windows XP模式即梦幻模式。另外~用该方法无法恢复桌面上的Internet Explorer图标。 第四招:到IE选项中寻宝,适用于Windows98操作系统中的IE5.0, 如果桌面上的IE图标丢失~你除了用上面的方法来恢复外~还可以试试用IE选项来恢复。启动IE~单击菜单栏的‚工具?Internet 选项?~打开‚Internet 选项?窗口。在该窗口中~点选‚高级?选项卡~在‚设臵?列表框中找到‚在桌面上显示Internet Explorer?选项~如图3所示~在其复选框中打上对钩~单击‚确定?按钮即可。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations
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