

2017-09-20 50页 doc 588KB 63阅读




[精华]函电-毛遂自荐[精华]函电-毛遂自荐 学习外贸函电 前序: 最近,老听到一些爱学习的朋友说,他们的英语好象不怎么行了,而且一些原来读商务英语的朋 友在给客户写邮件的时候都好象遇到了困难。自己想了想,好象自己的写作水平也在退步,尤其 一些函电该怎么写才能把那封信变得漂漂亮亮呢,因此,突然有种想法,就是每天摘录一封函电 信件并附上注解,好让自己有个加深记忆的复习,同时也能让更多的刚加入外贸的师弟师妹们一 个学习的机会,同时也想让那些已经在外贸行业打滚多年的老前辈们出来给点实际的意见和交 流,谢谢~ 如果喜欢这个帖的朋友们,那就请留下你们的...
[精华]函电-毛遂自荐 学习外贸函电 前序: 最近,老听到一些爱学习的朋友说,他们的英语好象不怎么行了,而且一些原来读商务英语的朋 友在给客户写邮件的时候都好象遇到了困难。自己想了想,好象自己的写作水平也在退步,尤其 一些函电该怎么写才能把那封信变得漂漂亮亮呢,因此,突然有种想法,就是每天摘录一封函电 信件并附上注解,好让自己有个加深记忆的复习,同时也能让更多的刚加入外贸的师弟师妹们一 个学习的机会,同时也想让那些已经在外贸行业打滚多年的老前辈们出来给点实际的和交 流,谢谢~ 如果喜欢这个帖的朋友们,那就请留下你们的小脚印吧~开始的时候,我想在我的Q-ZONE里 帖,但是想了想,QQ上的朋友们更多的喜欢是轻松愉快的东西,或许要找到懂得欣赏这个帖的 朋友应该在这里,所以又转到这里来了。 PS:我个人觉的,其实外贸,不外乎就几个步骤:introduction (开发新客户),enquiry (询 盘),offer (报价),counter-offer (还盘),之后就是洽谈合作的各项细节,谈好了当然就 是签contract,之后就备货、生产、出货。但是,在我认为,销售的洽谈这个环节是至关重要的, 尤其当你开发一个新客户的时候,一封漂亮好的邮件就更是吸引欧洲客户眼球的亮点~ 如果不认同我的看法的朋友,也可以紧跟着发表下你的意见和看法~ 今天的题目是: Self-introduction 例文如下: Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation,handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines,we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you,please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries,we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote,by joint efforts,both trade and friendshp to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl. 注解: 随后 函电 (1) ------ 注解 A 1. owe ...... to ...... 把.....归功于...... 例句: We owe your name and address to ....... 2. Commercial Counsellor's Office 商务参赞处 3. be in the market for 想要购买.... 例句: We are in the market for Groundnuts. be in the market 要买或卖 例句: Please advise us when you are in the market. 4. avail oneself of ...... 利用..... 例句: We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation. 5. approach v. 与......接洽 例句: We have been approached by several buyers for the supply of walnuts. 6. state-operated corporation 国营公司 7. handle v. 经营 例句: This shop handles paper and stationery. 8. acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解某事 例句: You will have to acquaint us with the details. 9. line n. 行业 ; (一类)货色 例句: We have been for many years in the chemical line. This is a good line of hardware. 10. enclose v. 随函附上 例句: We enclose a copy of our pricelist. Please refer to the pricelist enclosed with (or : in) our letter of August 5. Enclosed please find a copy of our pricelist. (Or: Please find enclosed a copy of our pricelist.) We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. enclosure n. 附件 (信内有附件时,常用 Encl. 或 Enc. 注明与信末坐下角,如例文.) 例句: We thank you for your letter of April 15 with enclosures. (稍后继续.......) 函电 (1) ------ 注解 B 11. covering 包括......的 , 涉及......的 , 有关......的 例句: Please let us have your pricelist covering your typewriters. 12. sth. be of interest to sb. 使感兴趣 , 有兴趣 例句: This article is of special interest to us. 注意区分: sb. be interested in sth. 13. upon (or : on) receipt of 收到......后 (即......) 例句: On (or : Upon) receipt of your instrucions we will send the goods. 14. requirement n. 需要 ; 需要之物 例句: We can meet your requirements for (or: of) Walnutmeat. 15. trade n. 贸易 ; 行业 例句: They have been in the wool trade for quite a number of years. trade v. 从事贸易 ; 做生意 ; 经营 例句: They trade in cotton piece goods with many countries. 16. adhere to = stick to 忠于 ; 坚持 例句: We always adhere to our commitments. 17. principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等和互利的原则 18. both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage 对双方都有利的贸易和友谊 经典句子: (曾经我尝试过在我客户的身上运用此句子,收到的效果不错.) It is our hope to promote,by joint efforts,both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. (今天的例文讲解到此结束,请各位继续关注明天的例文和讲解,谢谢!) 函电 (2) ------ A 今天例文的题目是: (今天会有两封信,因为有一封是回信) (A) Request for the establishment of business relations 例文如下: Dear sirs, Having obtained your name and address from Messrs. Anderson & Co.,Rotterdam,we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We have been importers of Arts & Crafts for many years. At present,we are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are in line,we trust important business can materialize. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. Yours faithfully, (从以上的信件中可以看出,这就是客户的 inquiry,继续看下面供应商的回复.) 函电 (2) ------ B (B) A reply to the above Dear sirs, We thank you for your letter of the 3rd this month and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request,we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and pricelist covering our exports. Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. If you find business possible,please cable us for offers. Yours faithfully, (注解随后) 函电 (2) ------ 注解 A 注解: 1. obtain v. 获得 例句: We regret to say we cannot obtain any interest. 例文中的 Having obtained ...... from ...... 也是一句向对方表达如何获得对方联系方式的句型. (今天学的是第二句) 还记得昨天学的第一句表达如何取得对方联系方式的句子吗? We owe your ...... to ...... 这些 句型是在你向初次联系的客户发邮件时可使用的好句子,这样,客人就不会觉得你的联系太突然 了. 2. appreciate v. 感谢,感激 ; 理解,体会 例句: We highly appreciate your kind cooperation. We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and two sample books by air immediately. We hope you will appreciate our position. 这是一个在函电里用的频率比较高的一个词, 这个词的好的运用会使你的信件增添一份美. 3. in line (with) = in agreement (with) ------- mean : suitable 例句: If your price is in line,we can take large quantities. 4. materialize v. 实现 例句: We hope the business will eventually materialize. (后面的注解稍后继续) 函电 (2) ------ 注解 B 5. enter into ph.v. 开始(某种关系、事业、谈判等) ;缔结(契约等) 例句:We wish to enter into business relations with your corporation for the supply of light industrial products. We expect to enter into (=begin) business talks with them next week. 6. comply (with) vi. 依照,符合 例句: We hope you will be able to comply with our request. This offer does not comply with our requirements. 表示 “ 按照...... ; 和......一致" 意思的,除了 comply with 外, 还有 in compliance with , in line with , in accordance with , in comformity with . 7. under separate cover 另邮 , 另寄 也可以说 by separate mail ; 如附在信里则用 under cover (随函) 或 enclose (见上一个例文). 例句: We are sending you catalogue under separate cover. = We are sending you catalogue by seperate mail. We are sending you under cover a copy of pricelist. = We are enclosing a copy of our pricelist. 8. cable v. 打电报 注意: cable sb. sth. 把某事物电达给某人 cable sb. for sth. 向某人电索某事物 例句: Please cable us offers. Please cable us for offers. cable n. 电报 例句: Please make us an offer by cable. = Please make us an offer by telegram. Please make us a cable offer. = Please make us a telegraphic offer. (今天的例文讲解完毕, 因明天为周六,休息, 周六日不发帖, 因此为各位带来的不便敬请原谅! 请星期一继续关注写的例文. 谢谢!) 今天例文的题目是: Transferring Business Relations 例文: Dear sirs, Enamelled Copper Wire Your letter of 1st August addressed to our Shanghai Branch Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply, as the captioned goods lie within the scope of our business activities. We regret to inform you, however, that this particular line has already been represented by ABC & Co., Ltd., 144 Broad Street, Alexandria, Egypt. As a result, we are not in a position to supply you with the goods but would rather recomment that you approach them direct for your requirements. If you are interested in any other items, please let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers. Yours truly, cc ABC & Co., Ltd., Alexandria, Egypt (注解随后) 函电 (3) ------ 注解 1. enamelled copper wire 漆包线 2. pass on ph. v. 传递 , 转交 例: We will pass on your decision to the buyers. 3. captioned adj. 标题项下的 , 标题所说的 例: We are pleased to advise you that the captioned goods were shipped yesterday per s.s. Pearl. caption n. 标题 例: We have noted your letter of August 6 under the above caption. 4. lie within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围 5. regret v. 抱歉 , 惋惜 , 引为遗憾 + sth. / doing sth. / to do / that ... 例: We very much regret our inability to comply with your wishes. We regret being unable to offer you this article at present. We regret to note (or : learn) that you cannot make any headway with our offers. We regret that the business has fallen through. regret n. 抱歉 , 遗憾 例: Much to our regret,we are unable to even shade the price. 6. be in a position to 能够 例: We are not in a position to take on new business at present. 7. resommend v. 推荐 , 劝告 , 建议 + n. / doing sth. / sb. to do / that 例: We strongly recommend acceptance for our stocks are running low. We recommend buying a small quantity for trial. We recommend you to buy a small quantity for trial. 8. be only too pleased to ... 十分乐于...... (今天的例文注解完毕. 稍后会奉上这三篇例文里的一些 useful sentences 的总结,谢谢各位关 注与收看!) Supplement of Unit 1 (A) 前三篇例文讲的主要大主题是: Establishing Business Relations 现在就是三篇例文里总结出来的和补充进去的 Some Useful Sentences : 1. We owe your name and address to ... who have informed us that you are in the market for ... 2. On the recommendation of Messers. ... , we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. 3. Your firm has been recommended to us by ... 4. Having had your name and address from ... , we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with your coporation. 5. Your name and address have been passed on to us by ... , and we are glad to forward to you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us. (继续......) Supplement of Unit 1 (B) 6. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs. 7. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in ... 8. Being specialized in the export of ... , we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 9. Our lines are mainly ... 10. We have lately received a number of shipment from ... and found among them some parcels of ... bearing your shipping marks. These commodities have proved to be of satisfactory quality, and therefore we should be interested in regular supplies from you direct. (继续......) Supplement of Unit 1 (C) 11. To acquaint you with the ... we handle, we are sending you, by seperate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference. 12. In order to give you some idea of various qualities of ... we have for export, we take pleasure in forwarding you by air one catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal. 13. In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples under separate cover for your inspection. 14. We are glad to note from your letter of ... that you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. 15. We thank you for your letter of ... offering your services and should be glad to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you. 16. We very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with ... direct, as we are already represented by Messrs. ... for the sales of this commodity in your district. We would advise you to approach them direct for your requirements. (待续......) Supplement of Unit 1 (D) 另外,这里还有一些常用的归类的词组的总结与补充: 1. 得知消息: We owe your name to ... On the recommendation of ... Having obtained ... from ... We have learned from ... Your company has been kindly introduced by ... 2. 经营: handle / trade in / deal in / be in the line of / specialize in 3. 有兴趣: sb. be of interested in sth. / sth. be of interested to sb. / appeal to 4. 建立关系: enter into / establish / set up 5. 价钱合理: in line / suitable / acceptable / workable (今天的例文讲解和第一单元的句子与词组的补充就到此结束了,谢谢喜欢此帖的朋友! 请明天再 继续留意新的一个单元的例文,大家一起来多多学习!) 函电 (4) ------ A 今天进入第二个主题: Enquiries & Offers 在开始今天的例文之前,先插几个知识点的讲解. 1. 在给对方写信时,在要提起某个问题来回答时,常有 "关于(你方的要求),至于......" ,那可用的 词组有哪些呢? as to / as for / in regard to / regarding / referring to / in respect of / concerning 2. offer n. & v. 的用法: 1) Your offer of ... 2) 常与动词 make , cable , send 连用 3) 常与介词 for , of , on 搭配 3. Enquiry / Inquiry : An enquiry must be acknowledged in terms that establish good will if an immediate sale is not possible. If it is from an old customer,say how much you appreciate it ; if it is from a new customer,say you are glad to receive it and express the hope of keeping up friendly business relationship. 1) a general inquiry 普通询盘 general information : a catalogue , pricelist , sample , photo 2) a specific inquiry 具体询盘 detail information : name of the commodity , specification , quantity , unit price (CIF,FOB,etc.) , shipment date , terms of payment 4. Offer : 1) non-firm offer 虚盘 Non-firm offers are usually indicated by means of sending catalogues, pricelists, proforma invoices and quotation ; though quotations with certain qualifying words sometimes play the function of firm offers. 2) firm offer 实盘 A firm offer is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. The promise may be expressed (i.e. clearly stated in words), as when it takes the form of a letter ; or it may be implied (i.e. understood), as when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the words "for acceptance within seven days", or similar qualifying words. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree by accepting the offer, to transform the offeror's promise into a contractual obligation. Thus, once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn. 3) A satisfactory offer will include the following: a) an expression of thanks for the enquiry, if any ; b) names of commodities , quality , quantity and specifications ; c) details of prices , discounts and terms of payment ; d) a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. packing , freight and insurance) ; e) packing and date of delivery ; f) the period for which the offer is valid. 以上这些只供参考,这些纯粹是一些理论的知识. 似乎在实际操作中,也不会把那么多个point放 在同一封信里描述. (例文紧挨着过来......) 函电 (4) ------ B 今天例文的题目是: An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods 正文如下: Dear sirs, We are glad to note from your letter of 1st September that , as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods , you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire. At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information, regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile, please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully, (注解随后......) 函电 (4) ------ 注解 A Notes: 1. note v. 注意到 例: We note from your letter that you are in the market for chemicals. 2. be desirous of 渴望 , 想要 + doing sth. / sth. 例: We are desirous of entering into (or : to enter into) direct business relations with you. desire n. & v. 期望 , 渴望 ; 要求 , 请求 例: They have no desire to buy anything at the moment. What do you desire us to do? 3. coincide v. (意见等) 一致 ; (时间上) 相同 一般搭配为 coincide with 例: We are glad that our ideas coincide. Your enquiry coincided with our offer. 4. catalogue n. 目录 (本) 单页的商品说明书称为 leaflet. (待续......) 函电 (4) ------ 注解 B 5. workmanship 做工 6. regarding prep. 关于 与 with regard to , in regard to , as regards 同义,一般可以换用. 例: We have already written to you regarding this matter. 7. supply n. 供应 例: Supply now exceeds demand on our market. (供大于求) The goods are in short (scarce , light , free , abundant , ample) supply. We are replenishing supply (or : supplies). 8. inclusive adj. 包括......的 ( inclusive of = including ; exclusive of = not including) 例: This offer (or: price) is inclusive of your commission of 2%. (= This offer (or : price) includes your commission of 2%.) This applies to Items 1 to 10 inclusive. (待续......) 本帖最后由 yukio524 于 2006-11-14 14:39 编辑] [ 函电 (4) ------ 注解 C 9. competitive adj. 有竞争力的 例: Our price is competitive enough to induce business. compete v. 竞争 例: We have to compete against (or : with) other countries in trade. competition n. 竞争 例: To enable us to meet competition, you must quote the lowest possible price. competitor n. 竞争者 例: Competitors are offering lower prices. 10. place v. 置......于 ; 订购 ; 售出 "给某人下单,给某人定货" 为 place order with sb. 例: If you cannot effect shipment in time, you will place us in an awkward position. If your price is competitive, we shall be glad to place a substantial order with you. If your price is right, we believe we can place additional quantities in our market. (今天的例文讲解到此完毕,谢谢收看! 明天继续!) 函电 (5) ------ A 没人喜欢看不要紧,没人支持也无所谓,自己复习才是最重要的!要坚持自己的原则,说过每天坚持 帖一篇例文的(周六日除外). 好,今天的第一篇例文的题目是: A " First " Enquiry 正文如下: Dear sirs, We learn from Spett. Ditta Fratelli of Rome that you are producing for export hand-made golves in a variety of natural leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality and although sales are not particularly high. good prices are obtained. Will you please send me a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. I should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins of which the gloves are made. Yours faithfully, (待续......) 函电 (5) ------ B Reply: Dear sirs, We welcome your enquiry of 22nd August and thank you for your interest in our products. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today, with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in our manufactures. Unfortunately, we cannot send you immediately a full range of samples, but you may take it that such leathers as chamois and doeskin, not represented in the parcel, are of the same high quality. Mr Wang, our overseas director, will be in Rome early next month and will be pleased to call on you. He will have with him a wide range of our manufactures and when you see them we think you will agree that the quality of the material used and high standard of craftmanship will appeal to the most selective buyer. We also manufacture a wide range of hand-made leather hand-bags in which we think you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our gloves. Mr Wang will be able to show you samples when he calls. We look forward very much to the pleasure of receiving an order from you. Yours faithfully, (注解随后) 函电 (5) ------ 注解 1. supply sb. with sth. supply sth. to sb. 2. manufacture n. (单数) 制造 , 生产 ; (复数) 制造品 , 产品 如: They are engaged in the manufacture of plastics. They sell their various manufactures locally. manufacture v. 制造 , 生产 如: Your order is being manufactured and will soon be ready for shipment. manufacturer n. 制造工厂 , 制造者 如: We have already bought the goods from another manufacturer. 3. be made of (看得到原材料的) be made from (看不到原材料的) 4. illustrated adj. 有插图的 5. range n. 范围 a full range 全套的 a wide range 大量的 如: We can supply carpets in a wide range of designs. 6. chamois n. (单复数同形) 小羚羊 ; 羚羊皮 ; 麂皮 7. doeskin n. 母鹿皮 8. appeal to ph. v. 引起好感 , 引起兴趣 如: We trust this new product of ours will appeal to your market. 9. selective buyer 善于挑剔的买住 , 有眼力的买主 " 挑剔的 " 还有 picky , fussy (今天的例文讲解完毕,明天继续......) 函电 (6) ------ A 今天的例文的题目是: (A) An Enquiry for Iron Nails 正文: Dear sirs, Iron Nails We are interested to buy large quantities of Iron Nails of all sizes and should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per metric ton C.F.R. Lagos,Nigeria. It would also be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be forwarded to us. We need to purchase this article from other sources but we now prefer to buy from your corporation because we are given to understand you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices. Besides,we have confidence in the quality of Chinese products. We look forward to hearing from you by return. Yours faithfully, 函电 (6) ------ B (B) A Reply to the Above Dear sirs, In reply to your letter of August 15, we are giving you an offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows: Commodity : Common Round Iron Wire Nails Specifications : As per attached list Packing : Loose in plywood keg of 60 kgs. net Quantity : 100 kegs Price : US $ ... net per keg CFR Lagos Shipment : September / October, 20.. Payment : Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes and the brochure required. If you find the above acceptable, please cable us for confirmation. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (6) ------ 注解 A 注解: 1. be obliged 感激 (陈腐的客套语) = be appreciated 如: We shall be obliged if you will cable us an offer. Your prompt reply will oblige. 2. brochure n. 小册子 (法语) 相当于英语的 pamphlet. 3. be given to understand = be informed 如: We are given to understand that you deal in brushes of all kinds. 4. have confidence in sb. / sth. 5. by return 立即 , 收信后立即 (待续......) 函电 (6) ------ 注解 B 6. in reply to (= in answer to) 为答复...... 如: This is in reply (or: answer) to your letter of August 25. 7. subject to 以......为条件的 , 以......为有效 如: The offer is subject to confirmation. The plan is subject to the manager's approval. 8. as per ph. prep. 按照 (仅用语商业书信) 如: We handle a wide range of light industrial products as per list enclosed. 9. net adj. 净的 (英国习惯写作 nett) net price 实价 , 净价 (不含佣金或折扣) net weight 净重 (不包括皮重) net profit 净利 , 纯益 (今天的例文讲解结束,明天继续......) 函电 (7) 看来一不自救,我的帖子又沉了........ 今天的例文的题目是: A Firm Offer 内容如下: Dear sirs, Groundnuts & Walnutmeat We confirm your cable of 2nd September asking us to make you firm offers for both Groundnuts and Walnutmeat CFR Copenhagen. We cabled back this morning, offering you 250 metric tons of Groundnuts, Hand-picked, Shalled and Ungraded at RMB,1,800 net per metric ton CFR Copenhagen or any other European Main Port for shipment during October / November,1985. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of reply by us before 25th September. Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counteroffer. As regards Walnutmeat, we would inform you that the few parcels we have at present are under offer elsewhere. However, if you should make us an acceptable bid, there is a possibility of your obtaining them. As you are aware that there has been lately a large demand for the above commodities, such growing demand has doubtlessly resulted in increased prices. However you may avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market if you will send us an immediate reply. Yours truly, (注解随后......) 函电 (7) ------ 注解 A 1. groundnut 花生 walnutmeat 胡桃肉 2. firm adj. 确定的 , 有效的 如: The offer is firm (for) 3 days. firm adv. 确定地 , 有效地 如: We offer firm as follows. We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 p.m. our time, Wednesday, October 3. firm offer 实盘 non-firm offer 虚盘 (即 offer without engagement / obligation 无约束力的报盘) 3. European Main Ports 常缩写成 EMP. 4. favourable adj. 有效的 , 赞成的 如: We are favourable to your proposal. The time is not favourable for the disposal of the goods. (待续......) 函电 (7) ------ 注解 B 5. entertain v. 考虑(引申为接受) 如: We shall be glad to entertain any constructive suggestion you make. We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders. 6. parcel n. 小包 ; 一批货 如: We are sending you a parcel of samples. 商业上常用 parcel 指 "一批货", 相当于 a lot. 如: This is the only parcel left. 7. under offer 在出售中 如: We have only a parcel of 100 tons left, which is under (or : on) offer elsewhere. 8. bid n. & v. 递价 , 出价 如: If we ask the buyers for a bid, probably they will name a low price. They made a bid at US$... for Walnutmeat. Last week we bid US$... per ton for Green Tea. Now we can do a little better. (待续......) 函电 (7) ------ 注解 C 9. aware adj. 意识到的 , 知道的 如: We are fully (or : well) aware of the change in the market. We are not aware (of) why you have not opened the L/C. 10. lately adv. 最近 , 不久前 如: We have received a crowd of enquires lately (or : recently ; of late). We received a crowd of enquires lately (or : recently). 11. result in ph. v. 导致 , 终归 如: We confirm cables exchanged resulting in the sale to you of 15 metric tons Licorice. result from ph. v. 产生于 如: We confirm the sale to you of 15 tons Licorice resulting from cables exchanged. 12. strengthen vt. 加强 vi. 价格上涨 如: We agree to your proposed terms for this transaction in order to strengthen our relations. The market is strengthening. (= The market is becoming stronger.) 函电 (8) 新的一周来临,先祝大家新的一周有好心情和好运气! 今天的例文的题目是: A Voluntary Offer 正文: Dear sirs, A year ago you placed a substantial order for Type CB555 Rechargeable Battery, a discontinued line that we had on offer at the time. As we now have a similar line on offer, i.e. Type AP303, it occurs to us that you may be interested. We have a stock of 1,200 dozen of Type AP303 (see enclosed leaflet) which we are selling off at Stg ,60 per dozen with a quantity discount of up to 15%, though we are prepared to give 20% for an offer to buy the complete stock. We are giving you the first chance in view of your previous order, but we should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can put the offer out in the event of your not being interested. Yours faithfully, Encl. (注解随后......) 函电 (8) ------ 注解 1. discontinued line 中断或停止 (生产、使用、供应等)的货色 2. occur v. 发生 , 想到 如: If another instance of this discrepancy should occur, it would be very embrassing. It has occurred to us that Type 32 might suit your purpose just as well. 3. sell off ph. v. 卖掉 (尤指廉价出售) 如: It was sold off below prime cost. 4. discount n. 折扣 , 贴现 如: The highest discount we can allow on this article is 10%. at a discount 按较低价格 ; 无销路的 ; 不受欢迎的 如: The goods are selling at a discount. Off-grade goods are now at a discount. discount v. 贴现 ; 打折扣 ; 不完全置信 如: Bills can be easily discounted in London. 5. up to (15%) 达到 , 多达 (15%) 这是在累进的数量折扣(progressive discount for quantity)中,最多达到某种程度的一种说法, 如买100打,给5%的折扣;买500打,给10%的折扣;买1000打,给15%的折扣。 6. be prepared to 准备,打算 (含有既愿意又能够的意思) 如: If you require additional, we shall be prepared to arrange. 7. put the offer out 普遍发出报盘 8. in the event of 如果发生,万一 (= in case of) 如: The seller may cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim in the event of buyer's breach of contract. (今天例文讲解均已完毕,请继续关注明天的精彩~) 函电 (9) 今天例文的题目是: A Special Offer 内容如下: Dear sirs, We are in receipt of your letter dated March 21 and, as requested, are airmailing you, under separate cover, one catalogue and two sample books for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows: Art. No. : 81000 Printed Shirting Design No. : 72435-2A Specifications : 30 x 36 x 72 x 69 35" x 36" x 42 yds Quantity : 12,600 yards Packing : in bales or in wooden cases, at seller's option Price : US$ ... per yard C.I.F. C. 5% Vancouver Shipment : to be made in three equal monthly instalments, beginning from June 19.. Payment : by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest. Yours faithfully, (注解随后......) 函电 (9) ------ 注解 1. be in receipt of 已收到 商业书信表示"收到"的一种比较陈旧的说法. 表面上是一般现在时,含义上是现在完成时,即等于have received. 2. as requested 按照要求 (或请求) 商业书信应对方要求办某事后,常用 as requested 于句首. 3. in due course 在适当的时候, 如期地 (有时用duely). 例: We trust the shipment will reach you in due course. We have duly noted the reason for the late delivery. 4. take pleasure in (某人) 高兴地 (做某事) 例: We take (或 have) pleasure in + 动名词 We take (或 have) the pleasure of + 动名词 We take (或 have) the pleasure to + 不定式 5. option n. 选择 例: The destination on the B/L is to be written "London option Hamburg". at seller's option = up to the seller 6. instalment n. 分期 原指"分期付款". 例: How many instalments did it take to pay off the loan? 用于分批装运 three equal monthly instalments = three equal monthly shipments 7. be acceptable to sb. be accepted by sb. 8. with keen interest 殷切地 (今天的例文已结束,明天继续.) 函电 (10) ------ A 今天的例文题目是: (A) Asking for Proforma Invoice 内容如下: Dear sirs, We have a client who requests us to obtain from you a Proforma Invoice for the following: "SHUANGLEE" Brand Household Scissors Model No.1 Chrome plated Please send us your CIF Proforma Invoice in quadruplicate for 1,000 dozen of the above article the soonest possible so as to enable us to get our client's confirmation. There is no question of our obtaining the Import Licence. As soon as the said licence is approved, an L/C will be opened in your favour. Your close cooperation will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully. 函电 (10) ------ B (B) Sending Proforma Invoice Dear sirs, In compliance with your mail request dated 12 October, we have much pleasure in handing you herewith our Proforma Invoice in quadruplicate. For your information, our offer usually remains open for about a week only. Seeing that our Household Scissors are enjoying fast sales, we suggest you take all necessary steps without delay. We anticipate the pleasure of hearing from you before long. Yours truly, Encl. (注解随后) 函电 (10) ------ 注解 1. quadruplicate n. (文件等)一式四份 外贸业务中常用的一式几份是: in duplicate 一式二份 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份 一式四份及以上的也常说 in four copies, in five copies, ... 或 in four fold, in five fold ... 2. in sb's favour (in favour of sb.) 以......为受益人 , 以......为抬头 如: The letter of credit has been opened in your favour. favour (美 favor) n. 欢迎 , 赞许 如: Chinese commodities have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad. favour (美 favor) v. 有利于 如: The opportunity does not favour our making a binding arrangement. 3. in compliance with 按照(要求, 愿望等), 依从 如: In compliance with your wishes (or: request), we are sending you samples of our woolens. 4. for your information 供你参考 如: For your information, the tendency of the leather market is still uncertain. 5. enjoy fast sales (货物) 畅销 6. take all necessary steps 采取必要的步骤 与 do the necessary 及 do the needful 等意义相同 7. anticipate v. 盼望 , 期望 + n. / doing / that 如: We anticipate your acceptance. We anticipate receiving your early reply. We anticipate that fresh suppliers will arrive next month. (由于下一个例文比较简短,所以一会继续帖上下一篇例文和注解.) 题目: Urging the buyer to accept the offer 正文: Dear sirs, "Seagull" Pens We refer to our quotations of 16th September and our mail offer of 3rd October regarding the supply of "Seagull" pens. We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month and, as this prdocut is now in great demand and the supply rather limited, we would recommend you to accept this offer as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, 注解: 1. refer vi. 谈到 (后接介词 to) vt. 参考 , 提交 , 接洽 如: We refer to our/your letter of August 30. We refer you to our/your letter of August 30. We refer the matter to you. We have referred them to you. 2. keep an offer open until (or : till) ......保留报盘到......有效 (今天所有的例文讲解已完毕,明天再继续,希望各位路过走过的兄弟姐妹多多支持!) 函电 (11) 今天例文的题目是: Concession on price 内容如下: Dear sirs, "Seagull" Pens We are informed in your letter of October 22 that our price for the above article is too high to work on, since Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us. Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counteroffer or even meet you half way. The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our previous quotation. We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly, (注解随后) 函电 (11) ------ 注解 A 1. work on ph. v. 进行 例: We are working on your offer and will reply as soon as possible. 2. approximately adv. 大约 在国际贸易中的通常习惯, about 指百分之五左右, approximately 指百分之二左右. 3. be of the opinion (the 可有可无) 认为, 有此看法 例: We are of (the) opinion that improvement in packing will push sales a long way forward. 4. make n. 制造方法或式样 ; (工业) 产品 例: of first-class make British make other makes They are interested in things of Chinese make. 5. measure up to ph. v. 符合, 达到, 够得上 例: We regret to say that the quality does not measure up to the contracted standard. (继续......) 函电 (11) ------ 注解 B 6. regretful adj. 感到抱歉的 例: We are regretful that we did not advise you ealier. regretful 是名词 regret 派生的形容词, 是指某人感到抱歉的 ; regrettable 是动词 regret 派生的形容词, 是指某事物令人遗憾的. 例: We feel regreful that we must decline your counteroffer. We feel that it is regrettable to decline your counteroffer, however, we can not do so. 7. meet sb. half way 各让一半, 折衷处理 例: Shall we meet each other half way? 8. reduction n. 减少 例: Buyers ask for a reduction in price. Buyers ask for a reduction of ,25 per ton. 9. direct sb't attention to sth. 使某人把注意力放在......, 使某人着眼于...... 例: We wish to direct (or : draw , call , invite) your attention to the shipment of our Order No.45. We wish to bring this matter to your attention. 10. superior adj. 优良的, 卓越的 例: We are interested only in superior grades. This quality is superior (inferior) to that. superior to 身份比别人高, 地位比别人高, 质量比别人好 inferior to 身份比别人低, 地位比别人低, 质量比别人差 (第二章节的最后一篇例文已讲解结束,一会 会奉上本章节的一些补充句子.) Supplement of Unit 2 (A) Some Useful Sentences on Enquiries and Offers: 1. We have an enquiry for large quantities of ... 2. Please let us know on what terms you can supply ... 3. We understand that you are manufacturers of ... and should like to know whether you can supply ... 4. We should be grateful if you would quote for ... 5. Please send us samples and quote your lowest prices for ... 6. We require for immediate delivery ... and shall be glad to receive your offers. 7. One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have your quotations for the items specified below. 8. Some of our customers are interested in your ... and we wish to have your CIF quotations with samples and full particulars. 9. We shall be pleased if you will send us the lowest quotations for the following. 10. Please send us your best offer by cable indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and the earliest time of delivery. (待续。。。。。。) Supplement of Unit 2 (B) 11. We have pleasure in enclosing our Enquiry No. ... against which you are requested to make us an offer on FOB basis. 12. If you supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities. 13. We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage. 14. We look forward to placing further orders with you, and trust that you will make every effort to satisfy our particular requirements. 15. We thank you for your enquiry of .. for ... 16. As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement the following. 17. In compliance with your request, we now quote you subject to our confirmation the following. 18. Your enquiry is now having our attention and we will let you have our offer in a few days. 19. We thank you for your enquiry and have pleasure in giving you the following offer, subject to prior sale. (待续。。。。。。) Supplement of Unit 2 (C) 20. We wish to extend the sale of our products to your market and are now sending you our Quotation No. ... in the hope that you will recommend them to prospective buyers. The prices quoted include ...% commission for you provided your order be not less than $... in value. 21. All quotations are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are net without commission. 22. We have to stress that our quotations are subject to alterations without notice and to our confirmation at the time of your placing order. 23. It is understood that unless otherwise stated, all prices quoted hereafter are on the basis of CIF terms without commission. 24. Please note that our price of the said goods has been recently adjusted to US$ ... per metric ton CIF London, which supersedes our previous quotation. 25. We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order. (待续。。。。。。) Supplement of Unit 2 (D) 26. We shall be pleased to receive your order, which will have our prompt and careful attention. 27. As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to place your order without delay. 28. We make you a firm offer for ... , subject to your reply reaching here before ... 29. We offer you firm for ... days on FOB ... basis. 30. We are making you, subject to your acceptance before ..., the undermentioned offer. 31. Please note that our offer is subject to your confirmation reaching here on or before ... 32. This offer will remain effective / valid / firm / open for a week from ... 33. At your request, we will hold our offer open till ... 34. Our offer will be withdrawn if not accepted within ... days. 35. The price is already very narrowly calculated, but in order to encourage business, we are prepared to allow you a discount of ...%. 36. We feel sure that a fair comparison of the quality between our products and similar articles from other sources will convince you of the reasonableness of our quotaions. 函电 (13) Chapter Three: Making Counter-offers And Declining Orders 进入今天的例文: Counter-offer on Groundnut Kernels 内容: Dear sirs, Groundnut Kernels FAQ 1985 Crop We are in receipt of your letter of August 22 offering us 50 metric tons of the captioned goods at RMB,3,700 per metric ton on the usual terms. In reply, we regret to inform you that our buyers in Rotterdam find your price much too high. Information indicates that some parcels of Indian orgin have been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours. We do not deny that the quality of Chinese kernels is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as ten percent. To step up the trade, we counter-offer as follows, subject to your reply received by us on or before 14th September. 50 metric tons of groundnut kernels FAQ 1992 crop at RMB,3,550 per m/t CIF Rotterdam other terms as per your letter of August 22 As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance. Yours faithfully, 函电 (13) ------ 注解 A 1. FAQ (19.. Crop) (19.. 年收成的) 大路货 FAQ 是 Fair Average Quality 的缩写, 也可写成 F.A.Q. 或 faq 或 f.a.q. 中文为: 良好平均品质, 我们习惯上称为大 路货, 常作为出口农副产品的品质. 2. on (the) usual terms 按照惯常的条款 如: We cannot do business on your terms. 3. We are in receipt of your letter of ... = We acknowledge the receipt of your letter ... 4. in reply 此复 如: In reply, we would like to observe that we cannot do business on your terms. 5. level n. 水平 本为 "水平", 常引申为 "价格". 如: Your price is not on a level with the current market. (待续......) 函电 (13) ------ 注解 B 6. in no case 决不, 无论如何不能 (加强语气) 如: The shipment should, in no case, be made later than May. 7. step up ph. v. 加速, 促进 如: To step up the trade, we are prepared to lower our price by 5%. 8. counter-offer v./n. 还盘 如: The price you counter-offered is not in line with the prevailing market. If you cannot accept, please make best possible counter-offer. 9. on or before 在....... 或 在...... 之前 用这个结果的目的在于明确时间界限. 10. decline vt. 拒绝, 谢绝 如: For this reason, we cannot but decline your proposal. Our buyers decline raising (or : to raise) their limit. decline vi. 下降 如: The market (or : price) has declined in the last few weeks. 反义词为: advance 上扬, 上涨 形容这个 market 的形容词还有: The market is firm / active / brisk / strong / weak. 函电 (14) 大家周末过得好吗? 今天早上比较忙,一直到现在才有时间来更新帖子,不好意思啊,各位! 今天例文的题目是: Persuading the Buyer to Accept the offer 内容如下: Dear sirs, Groundnut Kernels While we thank you your letter dated 3rd September, we very much regret that we are unable to entertain your counter-offer of RMB,3,500 per metric ton CIF Rotterdam for the above mentioned goods. We have to point out that your bid is obviously out of line with the price ruling in the present market, as other buyers in your neighbouring countries are buying freely at our quoted price. For your information, the market is firm with an upward tendency, and there is very little likelihood of any significant change in the foreseeable future. In view of the above, we would suggest in your interest that you accept our offered price,i.e. RMB,3,700 per m/t without any delay. Yours faithfully, (注解随后) 函电 (14) ------ 注解 1. out of line (with) (与......) 脱节 ; (与......) 不一致 例句: Your price is entirely out of line. The commodities you offered are out of line with the business scope of ours. 2. ruling adj. 现行的 例句: Your price is in line (out of line) with the ruling market here. 3. freely adv. 大量地; 乐意地 ; 无困难地 例句: Competitors are offering freely at this price. Goods of the same quality are freely obtainable in the local market. 4. firm adj. 坚挺的 例句: The pound stayed firm against the dollar in London but fell a little in New York. firm v. 上升 例句: The London stock market firmed up a bit. 5. likelihood n. 可能性 例句: There is no likelihood of the price going down. 6. in view of (= considering) 鉴于 例句: In view of the unusual circumstances, they agree to waive their requirement 函电 (15) 今天的题目是: Offering Substitute 例文: Dear sirs, We thank you for your cable enquiry of 23rd September for Pongee Silk 6311. While we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we very much regret that we are not in a position to offer you the desired quality, owing to excessive demand. However, we should like this opportunity to offer without engagement the following material as a close subsitute for your consideration: 500 pieces Pongee Silk 6103 at DM4.80 per yard CIF Hamburg, including your commission of 3% A sample cutting is enclosed for your reference. If you are able to close business as we propose here, please cable us as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (15) ------ 注解 1. push v. 推进 (商业上引申为"推销") 例句: Please make efforts to push this article. 2. substitute n. 代用品 , 替代品 例句: We would suggest your accepting Pattern No.45 as a substitute. substitute v. 代替 以 A 代替 B 是 substitute A for B 或 substitute B by A 或 substitute B with A. 例句: If agreeable to you, we will substitute Type No.15 for the portion underlivered. substitution n. 代替 例句: We enclose an amended contract in substitution for the previous one. 3. for your (our, their) reference 供你们 (我们, 他们) 参考 例句: For your reference, we enclose any analysis of the test we have made. 4. close business 达成交易, 成交 函电 (16) 今早一来看,我的这个帖又在沉沉沉了......已经沉到第三页去了 都不明白为什么那么好的帖 大家还会甘愿看着它沉的! 继续,今天例文的题目是: Inability to Supply 内容如下: Dear sirs, Reference is made to your cable of 24th October and ours of today, which reads as follows: YC24TH REGRET NOSUPPLY WRITING As you perhaps know, demand for the article you enquiry for has ever heavy since last year and we are fully committed at this moment with the result that we are not able to make you the offer as requested. We shall, however, not fail to contact you as soon as fresh supplies come up. Should your customers need some other types, please let us know. Nevertheless, we thank you for your enquiry. Yours faithfully, 函电 (16) ------ 注解 1. reference is made to 兹谈及 例句: Reference is made to your yesterday's cable, a copy of which please find enclosed. 2. commit v. 承诺, 约束, 使负有责任 (商业上常指定货) 例句: We will do our best to advance shipment but cannot commit ourselves. The manufacturers are heavily committed for many months to come. commitment n. 所承诺的事, 所承担的责任 (指履行) 例句: We have not made any commitment in this respect. Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot accept fresh orders at present. 3. with the result that 因此, 结果是 例句: We have approached them again with the result that they accept the extended shipment offered by you. 4. not fail to 务必, 一定 例句: As soon as you get the licence, please do not fail to cable us. 5. come up ph. v. 到来, 出现 例句: We will resume offering when replenshment comes up. 函电 (17) ------ A 今天比较忙,一直没时间来更新.本来想今天不帖了,怕赶不及,因为今天的例文比较长. 但想了想, 有那么多朋友的支持,而且我又答应大家逢周一至五每天都来更新的,又不敢偷懒拉 要不然, 我怕大家一人一口口水都把我淹到大海里不见尸骨拉! OK,今天的例文的题目是: (A) Declining a Counter-offer Dear sirs, Silicon Steel Sheets We learn from your letter of 10th October that our price for the subject article is found to be on the high side. Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we just connot see our way clear to entertain your counter-offer, as the price we quoted is quite realistic. As a matter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from various sources at our level. If you see any chance to do better, please let us know. On account of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly. In the meantime, please keep us posted of development at your end. We assure you that any further enquires from you will receive our prompt attention. Yours faithfully, 函电 (17) ------ B (B) Declining an Order Dear sirs, Silicon Steel Sheets We thank you for your Order No.115 received this morning for the above goods, but regret that owing to shortage of stocks, we are unable to accept the same, nor can our manufacturers undertake to entertain your order for future delivery on account of the uncertainty of raw materials. We will, however, revert to this matter and contact you by cable, once the supply position improves. Meanwhile, please feel free to send us your specific enquiries for any other metal sheets and you can rely on our best attention at all times. Yours faithfully, (注解随后) 函电 (17) ------ 注解 A 1. on the high side 偏高 (指价格) 例: We regret to say that we cannot accept your offer, as your price is found (to be) on the high side. 2. see one's way (clear) 有可能 (做某事), 设法 例: We hope you will see your way (clear) to accept (or : accepting) September shipment. 3. realistic adj. 符合实际的 例: Your price is not quite realistic. 4. do better (指价格时) 出较高的 (或更低的) 价格 例: If later on you can see any chance to do better, please let un know. 5. available adj. 可利用的, 可得到的, 可供应的 例: We will ship by the first steamer available (or: the first available steamer) next month. 函电 (17) ------ B 6. keep sb. posted (of) 随时告知某人(......) 也可以说 keep sb. informed (of) 或 keep sb. advised (of) 例: Please keep us posted (or: informed, advised) of any change in the situation. 7. development n. (单数) 发展 ; (复数) 事态发展的情况 例: We look forward to the rapid development of our business. 8. at your end 在你处 例: Please advise the price ruling at your end (or: on your side, in your place). 9. receive one's attention 得到注意, 予以办理 例: Your letter has received our careful attention. 10. shortage n. 不足, 不足额 (指交货时,常指短重) 例: Please do your utmost to ship shortage by the next available steamer. 函电 (17) ------ 注解 C 11. undertake v. 承担, 答应 例: As this is an order of substantial size, we cannot safely undertake to complete its manufacture in a month's time. 12. uncertainty n. 变化, 不肯定 例: In view of the uncertainty of price movement, we deem (means: consider, regard) it advisable to withhold offering. 13. revert (to) v. 复原, 复旧, 重提 外贸函电中常用 revert to this matter, 表示以后再谈 例: It would probably be a month before we can revert to the special quality you required, which is being test-manufactured. 14. feel free to 无约束的 与 do not hesitate to 意义相似. 15. rely on ( 或 reply upon) ph. v. 信赖, 依靠 例: You may rely on our shipping the goods within the period specified. 16. on account of = because of 函电 (18) ------ A 今天例文的题目是: (A) A Repeat Order 内容: Dear sirs, Contract No. PGO17-Tiantan Brand Men's Shirts We have received the captioned shipment ex s.s. "Dongfeng" and are very pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory. As we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market, we wish to place with you a repeat order for 1,000 dozen of the same style and sizes. If possible, please arrange early shipment of this repeat order, as we are badly in need of the goods. In case the said goods are not available from stock, we shall be very grateful if you will advise us with full particulars of the specifications of those which can be shipped from from stock. Yours truly, 函电 (10) ------ B (B) Declining a Repeat Order Dear sirs, Tiantan Brand Men's Shirts We have the pleasure of acknowledging your letter of October 6th, in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men's shirts shipped to you per s.s. "Dongfeng". We also note that you wish to book a repeat order. Much to our regret, we cannot at present entertain any fresh orders for Tiantan Brand Men's Shirts, owing to heavy commitments. However, we are keeping your enquiry before us and as soon as we are in a position to accept new orders, we will contact you telegraphically. Regarding stock shirts, we are enclosing a list for your perusal. If you are interested in any of our stock goods, please let us know your detailed requirements, stating quantity, size, style, etc. Yours truly, Encl. 函电 (18) ------ 注解 1. ex prep. 从 ex 是拉丁语 = from, 如 ex stock = from stock 商业上用以表示 "由......轮卸下" 和 "在......交货". 如: The goods ex S.S. Peach have been inspected. The price is $90 per ton ex warehouse London. 2. badly in need of 急需 如: As they are badly in need of (or: in urgent need of, in great need of) the goods, please hurry all possible. 3. acknowledge v. 告知 (收到) ; 承认 如: We acknowledge your letter of March 5. = We acknowledge (the) receipt of your letter of March 5. 4. per prep. 每 ; 由, 由......装运 如: This material sells at US$... per metric ton CIF. Please reply per return post. We advise having shipped Contract No.425 per s.s. Peace. 5. book n. 帐册 v. 把......记载入册 to put to book 登入帐册 如: We are glad we have been able to put the business to book. We are glad that we have booked your order for 150 bicycles. We are glad that we have booked with you 150 bicycles. bookings n. pl. 订货 如: Owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present. 6. keep your enquiry before us 记住你方的询价 也可以说 keep your enquiry in mind 或 keep your enquiry on file for future reference 7. for your perusal 供你方祥阅 函电 (19) 大家周末过得愉快吗, 呵呵 好,进入今天的例文: Partial Rejection of an Order 正文如下: Dear sirs, We have received your order of October 26 for a minimum quantity of 100 metric tons of Zinc Oxide 99.5%. Had you contacted us earlier we could have complied with your request to the full. But now, with our stock appreciably diminished, the maximum we can supply is 50 tons. The remainder can be replaced by Zinc Oxide 99%, which is a new type almost similar to 99.5% but priced lower by 5%. Of course, this substitution is subject to your approval. If you agree to our proposal, it is a deal; otherwise, you would have to be satisfied with only 50 tons for the time being. For your prompt attention, we have cabled you this morning to the above effect. Yours faithfully, 函电 (19) ------ 注解 A 1. to the full 完全的 例:We are glad that we can supply your needs to the full. 2. appreciably adv. 可感到地, 可看见地, 明显地 例:The price has advanced appreciably. The pound has appreciably (considerably, substantially) lowered in value. 3. diminish vt. 使减少 vi. 减少 例:Owing to heavy bookings, our stocks have diminished to a large extent (很大程度上). 4. remainder n. 剩余,遗留 例: What about the remainder (= remaining portion) of the order? 函电 (19) ------ 注解 B 5. replace v. 代替 例:We agree to replace Item No.25 with (or : by ) No.30. (= We agree to substitute Item No.30 for No.25.) Item No.25 will be replaced by (or: with) No.30. (= Item No.30 will be substituted for Item No.25.) 6. price v. 开价,定价 例:Please price your offer as low (or : easy , keen) as possible. 7. deal n. 交易 例:We have closed several big deals with them. 8. otherwise adv. 不同地,在不同方面,在其它方面 例:Our future offers will include your 2% commission unless otherwise advised. The admixture is a little too high, but otherwise the shipment is satisfactory. otherwise conj. 否则 例:Please rush your L/C ; otherwise shipment will be delayed. 9. to the above effect 按以上的意思 Supplement of Unit 3 (A) Some Useful Sentences on Making Counter-Offers and Declining Orders: 1. Much as we would like to avail ourselves of the offer made to us, we find it impossible to accept owing to your price being about 10% higher than the average. 2. Your price is quite in line, but the time of shipment is too distant. 3. Thank you for your quotation for ... but we have been obliged to place our order elsewhere as your products are too dear for this market. 4. Regarding your offer of ... , we regret to say that it has failed to evoke any interest. Buyers are not disposed to operate in view of the downward turn of our market. However, as soon as there is a revial of demand, we shall be only too pleased to revert to this subject. Supplement of Unit 3 (B) 5. As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us know by return. 6. What we have quoted it really the lowest, and, as such, we regret not being in a position to reduce our price. 7. We have cut our price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable to comply with your request for further reduction. 8. Since our price are closely calculated, we regret being unable to grant the discount you asked for. Supplement of Unit 3 (C) 9. We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is far below our cost. 10. As your counter-offer is beyond what is acceptable to us, we cannot but return to you the Indent No. ... 11. We will keep in mind your requirements for the same and shall contact you once it becomes available. 12. We have duly noted your equirements for ... , but regret being unable to supply at present. We will certainly revert to this matter as soon as our supply position takes a turn for the better. Chapter Four 现在开始进入第四章节,这一章可以说是在交易过程中比较重要的一个环节吧! 主题就是: Conclusion of Business 先来看一看前言吧: One of the difficulties in business transaction is to ensure that the two sides have identical understanding of what is being communicated. Differences in terminology and differences in languages, all contribute to misunderstandings, not to say the mistakes possibly made in typing and transmitting messages. Therefore, it is particularly important at the time when the bargain is being made that the two sides should make sure to have identical understanding of the terms to which they are agreeing. And that is why letters confirming the conclusion of business are necessary. In sending out your Sales Contract or Sales Confirmation, special attention should be paid to the price, terms of payment, specifications, quality, quantity, time of delivery, port of destination, etc. Points to be covered on such kind of letter: 1) with a Sales Confirmation/Contract 2) confirm the order (goods' name, order No., etc.) 3) ask for counter-signature 4) any other specific notes (L/C, packing, insurance, etc.) 5) good wishes 函电 (20) ------ A 开始进入今天的例文: (A) Sending a Sales Contract 内容如下: Dear sirs, We wish to refer to the recent exchange of cables and are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 30 metric tons of groundnut kernels. Enclosed you will find our Sales Contract No.354 in duplicate of which please countersign and return one copy to us for our file. We trust you will open the relative L/C at an early date. As regards additional quantities, we are working and will let you have an offer sometime next week. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (20) ------ B (B) Sending a Sales Confirmation Dear sirs, Re: Your Order No.237 We have booked your Order No.237 for 500 Butterfly Brand Sewing Machines and are sending you herewith our Sales Confirmation No. BP-103 in three orginals. Please sign and return one copy to us for our records. It is understood that a letter of credit in our favour covering the above-mentioned goods will be established immediately. Meanwhile, you may rest assured that we shall effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your future orders. Yours truly, Encl. As stated 函电 (20) ------ 注解 A 1. exchange n. 交换 例如: We confirm exchange of cables regarding the subject article. foreign exchange 外汇 a bill of exchange 汇票 the rate of exchange 或 exchange rate 外汇率 exchange v. 交换, 兑换 例如: We confirm cables exchanged between us regarding the subject articles. 2. conclude v. 达成, 得出结论 例如: We are glad to have concluded this transaction with you. Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements. conclusion n. 商定, 结论, 结束 例如: We look forward to the eventual conclusion of this business. We have come to the conclusion that now is not the time to discuss this subject. 3. transaction n. 交易 例如: With reference to cables exchanged, we are pleased to confirm the following transaction. transact v. 办理, 执行 例如: We are prepared to transact business only on these terms. "达成交易"的多种说法: transact / close / put through / finalize / conclude a business / transaction come to terms 4. Sales Contract 销售合同, 售货合同 Sales Confirmation 销售确认书, 售货确认书 例如: For good order's sake, the sellers send the Sales Confirmation or Sales Contract to the buyers, giving full particulars of goods sold, terms of payment, etc. 函电 (20) ------ 注解 B 5. countersign v. 副署, 连署, 会签 counter signature (或 counter-signature 或 countersignature) n. 副署签名, 连署签名 例如: When the Sales Contract has been signed by the seller, it will be countersigned by the buyer. 6. for one's file / records 以便某方存档 7. book your order for ... 卖给你方 例如: With reference to your letter of the 4th November, we have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order for 1,000 alarm clocks. 8. rest assured = be assured 放心, 确信 例如: The chief difficulty in accepting your orders now is the heavy backlog of commitments. But you may rest assured that as soon as we are able to accept new orders, we shall give priority to yours. 9. effect v. 实现, 完成 to effect shipment 装船 to effect insurance 投保 to effect supply 供货 to effect delivery 交货 to effect amendment 修改 10. with the least possible delay = without any delay 今天例文的题目是: Confirming a Purchase 内容如下: Dear sirs, "Parrot" Brand White Cement As a result of our recent exchange of telegrams, we confirm having purchased from you 1,000 long tons (tons of 2,240 lbs) of the captioned goods on the following terms and conditions: Price : at ,... per long ton CFR Genoa, net shipping weight ; Packing : in 6 -- ply kraft-paper bags of about 110 lbs net each ; Quality : against the Seller's own guarantee that the goods are fully up to the Chinese Export Standard ; Shipment : in one or two lots to be shipped from Qinhuangdao to Genoa during January,19.. , preferably by direct steamer ; Payment : by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable by draft at sight. We are pleased to have transacted this first business with your corporation and look forward to the future expansion of trade to our mutual benefit. Yours faithfully, 函电 (21) ------ 注解 1. as a result of 由于 (...... 的结果) 例如: The goods were eventually disposed of as a result of our repeated efforts. 2. purchase n. 购买 例如: Dealers are not ready to make large purchases. Purchase Contract 购货合同, 订购合同 Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书, 订购确认书 例如: The buyers usually send the Purchase Confirmation or Purchase Contract to the sellers immediately after a deal is concluded. purchase v. 购买 例如: We are purchasing these goods for our own account. 3. terms and conditions 条款, 条件 例如: It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn that the terms and conditions we finally agreed upon had been turned down by your company. 4. guarantee n./v. 担保, 保证 例如: Bank guarantee is requireed. 5. preferably adv. 更好 例如: The gloves are to be packed in dozen or in single pairs, preferably the latter. 6. against the seller's ... 根据...... 7. be up to (mens: be capable of , be equal to ) 例如: He is not up to his work. (他不胜任这工作.) The product is not up to our standard. ( 这产品不符合我们的标准.) 函电 (22) 今天例文的题目是: Conclusion of Business 内容如下: Gentlemen: We are pleased to confirm the cables exchanged between us as per copies attached. From our yesterday's cable you will note that we have succeeded in putting through the business of 500 "Gold Deer" Bicycles. Accordingly, we are enclosing our Order No. B459 together with our shipping instructions. Kindly follow carefully the shipping instructions and make sure that our order is executed to the entire satisfaction of our customers and with the least possible delay. We are taking all necessary steps for the opening of the L/C and hope it will reach you in a week or so. Yours truly, Encl. 函电 (22) ------ 注解 A 1. put through ph. v. 完成 (= carry out) put through the business = put the business through 如: If you renew your offer for a further three days, we believe we can put the business through. 2. accordingly adv. (句首或句中)因此;(句末)照办,相应地 如: Our stocks are running low on account of heavy sales. Accordingly, we cannot offer you more than 10 tons. We have amended the credit accordingly. 比较: We have amended the credit in accordance with your request. 3. execute vt. 执行 (= carry out) 如: Please do your utmost to execute this order as it will lead to other business. execution n. 执行 如: We assure you of the punctual execution of your order. 4. satisfaction n. 满足,满意 to sb's satisfaction 或 to the satisfaction of sb. 使人满意 如: We trust the package will open up to your satisfaction. Your sample satisfies us. We are satisfied with your sample. Your sample is found to our satisfaction. Your sample is found (to be) satisfactory. 5. shipping instruction 装船指示 shipping notice 装船 函电 (23) 今天例文的题目是: Counter-Signature 内容如下: Dear sirs, We have duly received your Sales Contract No.5623 covering 50 tons walnutmeat we have booked with you. Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature. Thanks to mutual efforts, we were able to bridge the price gap and put the deal through. The relative L/C has been established with the Bank of China,London, in your favour. It will reach you in due course. Regarding further quantities required, we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer. As an indication, we are prepared to order 80 tons. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (23) ------ 注解 1. thanks to 由于 例句: Thanks to your cooperation, we succeeded in puting the deal through. 2. bridge the gap 弥合差距 例句: It needs mutual efforts to bridge the gap. 3. indication n. 概念, 示意, 迹象, 征兆 indication of price = idea of price 价格意见, 也可说 price indication = price idea , 复数分别为 indication of prices, idea of prices, price indications, price ideas. 例句: Please give us indication at which you think you could close. 4. in due course = durly Supplement-----Specimen of Sales Confirm 正本 (ORIGINAL) 天津立达 (集团) 公司 TIANJIN LEADAR (GROUP) CORPORATION IMP.& EXP. MANAGEMENT DEPT. 157 Jie Fang Bei Road, Heping District Tianjin, China No. 售货确认书 SALES CONFIRMATION 日期 Date 电报挂 号 来 电 来函 订单 CABLE ADDRESS Your Cable / Letter / Indent: TLGC TIANJIN 电传 TELEX 去电 去函 23254 TJEDC CN Our Cable / Letter: For account of : To Messrs. 阁下: 兹确认售予你方下列货品, 其成交条件如下: Dear sirs, We hereby confirm having sold to you the folloing goods on terms and conditions as specified below: (1) 货物名称及规格 (2) 数量 (3) 单 价 (4) 总值 包装及装运麦头 Quantity Unit Price Total Amount Name of Commodity and Specifications, Packing and Shipping Mark. 允许溢短装 % (Quantity more or less allowed: %) (5) 装运期限: 收到可以转运及分批装运之信用证后......天内装运. Time of Shipment: Within ... days after receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipment. (6) 付款条件: 开给我方100%保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证, 并 注明在上述装运日期后十天内在中国议付有效. Terms of payment: By 100% Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit in our favour to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 10th day after the aforesaid time of shipment. (7) 保险: 综合险及兵险. Insurance: Covers all risks and war risk only. 由客户自理. To be effected by the buyer. IMPORTANT NOTICE: When opening L/C, please mention our S/C number. Supplement-----Specimen of Sales Confirm Remarks: (1) 买方须于 年 月 日前开出本批交易的信用证, 否则, 售方有权不经通知取消本确认书, 或接受买方对本约未执行的全部或一部分, 或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔. The buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit before ... , failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation unfulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained, if any. (2) 凡以CIF条件成交的业务保额为发票的110%, 投保以本销售确认书中所开列的险别为限, 买方如要求增加保额或保险范围, 应于装船前经售方同意, 因此而增加的保险费由买方负责. For transactions concluded on CIF bais, it is understood that insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation. If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the buyer must have the consent of the Seller before shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the buyer. (3) 品质/数量异议: 如买方提出索赔, 凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出 ; 凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15日内提出. 对所装货物所提任何异议属于保险公司、 轮船公司、其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者, 售方不负任何责任. Quality/Quantity Discrepancies: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination ; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. It is undestood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organization or Post Office are liable. (4) 本确认书所述全部或部分商品, 如因人力不可抗拒的原因, 以致不能履约或延迟交货, 售方 概不负责. The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Confirmation in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents. (5) 买方在开给售方的信用证上请填注本确认书号码. The Buyer is requested always to quote THE NUMBER OF THIS SALES CONFIRMATION in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Seller. (6) 买方于收到售方确认书后请立即签回一份. 如买方对本确认书有异议, 应于收到后五天内提 出, 否则认为买方已同意接受确认书所规定的各项条款. The Buyer is requested to sign and return one copy of this Sales Confirmation immediately after receipt of the same. Objection, if any, should be raised by the Buyer within five days after the receipt of this Sales Confirmation, in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyer has accepted the terms and conditions of the Sales Confirmation. Confirmed by TIANJIN LEADAR (GROUP) CORPORATION IMP.& EXP. MANAGEMENT DEPT. 函电 (24) 大家好啊! 又新的一周罗! 周末过得愉快吗? 有些朋友等更新等得有点不耐烦了吧? 哈哈 好好好, 现在赶紧来上传新的一篇例文: Confirming a Repeat Order 内容如下: Dear sirs, We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of October 12 for 1,000 doz. Rubber Shoes. Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on same terms as before with the view of encouraging business. As requested in your previous letter, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No.500 in duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersigned. We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favour immediately. However we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly conform to the terms in our Sales Confirmation in order to avoid subsequent amendments. We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of credit, will turn out to your entire satisfaction. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (24) ------ 注解 A 1. duplicate v. 重复, 使再发生 如: We have some stock left, and shall be able to meet your requirements if you wish to duplicate your last order. duplicate n. 副本 如: Please send back the duplicate duly countersigned. duplicate adj. 完全相同的 如: As the market has now advanced, we cannot execute a duplicate order. 2. prevailing adj. 现行的, 流行的 prevailing price 现行价格 如: The prevailing opinion is that the stagnation is about over. 意思都含“流行的” 的四个单词: 1) prevailing 指“在特定的时间和地点最盛行或最普通的” ; 如: a prevailing practice 流行惯例。 2) current 指“由一传十, 十传百变为众所周知、被采用或流行的” ; 如: That pronunciation was current in the 18th century. 那种发音在18世纪很流行。 3) prevalent 指“在讲话所指特定时间内普遍流行的” ; 如: Whooping cough is very prevalent just now. 百日咳正在广泛流行。 4) rife 指“广泛流行的”、“众多的” . 如: Rumours about the plague were rife. 有关瘟疫的谣传很盛行。 函电 (24) ------ 注解 B 3. with the view of 以......为目的 with the view of 与 with a view to 同义 如: We give you this special accommodation with the view of cementing our relations. 4. make out ph. v. 填写 , 开列 , 制出 如: Please make out your Sales Contract in three orginals. 5. stipulation n. 规定, 条款 (适用于合同, 规定, 信用证等) 如: The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that L/C (should) be opened 30 days before the commencement of shipment. stipulate v. 规定 如: The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C. 6. conform v. 使一致, 符合 如: It is necessary to conform the specifications to the requirements. This does not conform to the contract. conformity n. 符合, 一致 in conformity with ( 或 in conformity to 和......一致 ; 依照) 如: This is not in conformity with our arrangement. 函电 (24) ------ 注解 C 7. avoid v. 避免 如: We wish to avoid putting you to extra expenses. 8. subsequent adj. 以后的 如: This applies to all subsequent transactions. subsequent to 在......以后 如: The date of this order is subsequent to your Order No.70. 9. dispatch (也可拼为 despatch) n. 发送 , 迅速 v. 发送 , 迅速办理 如: Please do your best to hasten the dispatch of our Order No.65. We are anxious to despatch the matter in hand. 10. turn out ph. v. 结果成为, 结果是 如: We hope everything will turn out (to be) satisfactory in the end. 函电 (25) ------ A 今天的例文是:(A) Acknowledgement of the First Order Dear sirs, We are pleased to receive your order of 18th July for cotton prints and welcome you as one of our customers. For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight upon presentation of shipping document. Please let us know immediately whether you agree to our terms. As soon as we receive your reply in the affirmative, we shall confirm supply of the prints at the prices stated in your letter and arrange for despatch by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C. We feel confident that when the goods reach you, you will completely satisfied with them at the prices offered. As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in, we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that our handling of this first order of yours will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a happy working relationship. Yours faithfully, 函电 (25) ------ B (B) Confirmation of a Transaction Dear sirs, Copper Concentrates We have received your letter of May 24. We note with pleasure that you have decided to purchase from us 10,000 metric tons of Copper Concentrates on the basis of our offer, to be delivered in one shipment before the end of July. We thank you for the confidence you place in us. The draft contract is being drawn up and will be submitted to you for approval as soon as ready. We share your hope that the deal concluded will pave the way for further friendly cooperation between our two concerns and be of mutual benefit. Yours faithfully, 函电 (25) ------ 注解 A 1. presentation n. 提示 如: We trust you will meet the draft on presentation. present v. 提示 如: We trust you will meet the draft when presented. 2. in the affirmative 同意的/地,肯定的/地 如: Your reply in the affirmative = your affirmative reply = if you agree to our payment terms e.g. In the affirmative case, it is a deal ; otherwise, you would have to be satisfied with only 50 tons. = If you agree to our proposal ... 3. exceptional value 比一般的好 = better than average ; unusual exceptional treatment 破格的待遇 exceptional offer 特殊(优惠)的报盘 4. deal in ph. v. 经营 如: We deal in electric computers of all types. deal with ph. v. 与。。。交往;处理 如: We will deal with this subject in our next letter. 函电 (25) ------ 注解 B 5. Copper Concentrates 精铜砂 6. We note with pleasure ... = We're pleased to note ... 7. on the basis of our offer 以我方报价为基础 on our terms and condition 以我方条款为基础 8. place one's trust / faith / confidence in sb. 对(某人)寄予。。。 9. draft contract 合同草案,草约 10. draw up 草拟 = compose , write out draw up a list / contract 如: We will draw up the contract for signature tomorrow. 函电 (25) ------ 注解 C 11. submit to = put forward to , give sth. to 提出,呈交 如: The proposal submitted by you is under our careful study. 12. share v. 分享;分担 n. 一份;股份 如: The profits and losses will be shared by all the stock-holders. They hold 500 shares in a shipping company. 13. concern n. 商号,公司 business concern 商行,企业 如: We hope business will develop rapidly between our two concerns. 14. pave the way for ... 为。。。铺平道路 Supplement of Unit 4 (A) 早啊,各位! Some Useful Sentences on Conclusion of Business: 1. With reference to the telegrams exchanged between us in the last few days, we are pleased to have been able to finalize the following transaction with you. 2. We are glad to have finalized / put through / closed / concluded this transaction / business with you. 3. We have the pleasure of handing you a trial order the various articles as per order sheet enclosed. 4. We have received with thanks your quotation of ... and are pleased to send you the following order, which we trust will receive your best attention. 5. We have received your letter of ... and should be glad if you would accept our order for the following goods. 6. We thank you for your quotation of ... and enclose our order for the following . 7. Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order with a view to initiating business with you. 8. In pursuance of our telegram of ... in which we confirmed our acceptance of your Order No. ... we give you below, for good order's sake, full details of the goods ordered and prices as well as terms of payment. Supplement of Unit 4 (B) 9. Your price was rather on the high side and we could close the business only thanks to our strong position with the buyers. Another point in favour is that there has been a rise in the ... market, which has cushioned the effects of the local decline and so the firmness of market is maintained. 10. Please forward the goods named below in strict accordance with the following instructions, namely. 11. Please supply the goods in strict conformity with the particulars given, any deviation from which will be at your own risks, unless agreed and authorized by us. 12. As this is a trial order, we trust you will attend to it with special care. 13. We shall be grateful for prompt delivery as the goods are needed urgently. 14. We look forward to receiving your advice of shipment at an early date. 15. Please deal with the order as one of special urgency. 16. We thank you for giving us a trial and promise that your order will be dealt with promptly and carefully. 17. We look forward to receiving your further orders. 18. We trust we may have further orders from you as time goes on. 第五章节: Telegrams And Telexes 由于考虑到现在我们都很少采用电报来跟客户沟通洽谈生意,故此章节的内容不上传了. 但会把 里面的一些知识点照样奉献给各位,希望对大家有用. 1. transmit v. 传递 如: Your letter of November 8 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention and reply. transmission n. 传递 如: When transmission is good, foreign stations can be received. 2. concerned adj. 有关的 如: We will take up the matter with the party concerned. 3. expedite v. 加速 如: We will expedite shipment as much as possible. 4. indicator n. 指示物, 标志 5. respectively adv. 各自地, 各个地, 分别地 如: Business has been done in Walnutmeat and Walnuts at $... and $... CIF London respectively. 6. practically adv. 实际上, 几乎 如: There is practically no stock available at present. 7. terminal adj. 终点的 terminal city 收报人所在城市 ; 电报发往的城市 a terminal station 终点站 8. message n. 消息, 音讯 (可以指信, 也可以指电报、电传) 如: We refer to your message of 8th March. 9. charge v. 收费, 记帐 如: You may charge us the expenses incurred. charge n. 费用 (常用复数) 10. locality n. 位置, 地点, 所在地 11. destine vt. (常用被动语态) 注定, 预定, 指定 如: The telegrams are destined for Tianjin. 12. reckon v. 计算 如: According to the rules of International Telecommunication Union (ITU, 国际电信联盟), every 10 English letters or characters is counted as one word in reckoning charges. 13. clear at a glance 一目了然 函电 (27) ------ 注解 A 1. at the expense of 以牺牲......为代价; 在损害......的情况下 如: It will not do to lower the price at the expense of quality. 2. offend v. 冒犯, 伤害......的感情 如: With a little care and considerateness in business writing, the writer can convey criticism, disapproval and even rebuke without offending the addressee. 3. recipient n. 接受者, 受方 如: Please pass us any comments made by the receipents of the samples. 4. procedure n. 步骤, 程序 如: We are now going through the usual procedure and expect to cable you shipment advice in a few days. 5. outline v. 概述, 提出要点 如: Please outline the substance of the business talk. outline n. 概述, 大略 如: To give you an outline of the various kinds of cotton piece goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a pricelist. 6. supplementary adj. 补充的 如: a supplementary letter 补充信件 7. adjust v. 调整, 修改 如: Price have been adjusted upward (downward). adjustment n. 调整, 修改 如: The wording of the agreement needs adjustment. 8. bulk n. 大量, 大批, 大部分 如: We have already executed the bulk of your orders. in bulk 散装, 大批, 正批 如: The goods will be shipped in bulk. 函电 (27) ------ 注解 B 9. hereunder adv. = under this 在下面 这是书面正式用语, 类似的还有 hereafter = after this 此后 hereby = by this 从此 herein = in this 在此 hereinafter = in a following part of this document, statement or book 在下文 hereof = of this 关于此 hereto = to this 附此 herewith = with this 同此 10. in detail 详细地 如: Please state in detail description and origin. 11. description n. (本义) 描述 ; (商业) 货品名, 商品说明书 description of article = name of commodity 品名 12. rock-bottom n. 最低点 rock-bottom price 最低价 ; 底盘价格 如: The general opinion is that prices have reached rock-bottom. 13. a pile of = piles of 一大堆 a thick pile of = a heavy pile of (厚厚) 一大堆 ; 大批 如: We have a thick pile of orders to fulfil. 14. margin n. (商业) 赚头 a narrow margin of profit 薄利 no margin of profit 无利可赚 15. utmost n. 最大限度 如: This is the utmost we can do. 16. press v. 催促 ; 逼迫 如: Please press the buyers to send their designs. press for ph. v. 催促 ; 迫切要求 如: We have to press for an L/C. 函电 (27) ------ 注解 C 17. rush v. 赶快做某事 如: Please rush your credit. 18. approach v./n. 临近 如: The selling season is approaching. On (or: With ; At) the approach of the season, we expect a large inflow of enquiries. 19. same pron. (商业中常用作代词, 指代前面所说的人或物) 如: If you require our samples, we can supply the same free of charge. 20. few and far between 稀少 如: Direct steamers are few and far between. 21. check v./n. 查对, 核对 check up ph. v. = check ( v.) 如: Please check (check up) the figures. check-up = check ( n.) 如: After a check-up, we found the amount deficient. 22. perusal n. 细阅, 细读 on perusal 经审查...... 如: On perusal of your L/C, we found some discrepancy which needs amending. peruse v. 细阅, 细读 函电 (27) ------ 注解 D 23. schedule vt. 排定 如: This ship is scheduled to arrive at your port by the end of May. schedule n. 时间表; 进度安排 according to schedule 按照预定计划或时间 如: The ship is expected to arrive on schedule. 24. enable v. 使(某人)能够 如: To enable us to ship the goods in time, you will have to open the L/C at the stipulated time. Please amend the L/C immediately to enable May shipment. 25. preliminary adj. 初步的 the preliminary inspection 初步的检验 如: We have made only a preliminary survey of possibilities. preliminary to 在......前 如: We are sending you some samples preliminary to making you an offer. 26. inspection n. 检验, 检查 reinspection n. 复验, 复查 27. deteriorate v. 变质 ; 变坏 ; 恶化 如: The material has seriously deteriorated. 28. undergo v. 经历 ; 遭受 如: Our exports must undergo strict inspection before shipment. We will have to undergo quite a bit of trouble getting your order shipped in June. 函电 (28) ------ 注解 接着,最后那么一节的词汇解释: 1. simplify v. 简化 如: Try to make expressions simplified so as to save words. 2. applicable adj. 适用的 如: This rule is applicable to all parties concerned. apply v. 适用, 申请 如: The new tax legislation does not apply to joint ventures signed before its promulagation. We have applied to the authorities for the import licence. 3. comparison n. 比较 如: Please send us a sample for comparison purpose. in comparison with 和......相比 如: You will find our prices moderate in comparison with those of competitors. 4. of one's own invention 独出心裁的, 杜撰的 5. book up ph. v. 预定(一空) 如: All shipping space for November shipment has been booked up. 6. discrepancy n. 不同 ; 差异 quality discrepancy 品质异议 quantity discrepancy 数量异议 如: There is some discrepancy between your records and ours. 7. build up ph. v. 建立 如: Many a large and important business has been built up from small beginnings. 8. connection n. 顾客, 往来关系 如: We have business connections all over the world. Chapter Six 第六章节: Payment 先看一段关于这个环节的介绍,关于它的重要性: Payment plays an important role in the course of business. The final result of all business activity should be to recover the value of goods supplied or services rendered. If payment is not ensured then all will be meaningless. Payment in foreign trade are often complicated and settlement of foreign accounts may be made in a number of ways. In the course of study of this chapter, we will be acquainted with the various modes of payment and especially those customarily used in our import and export organizations. 函电 (29) ------ A (A) Proposing a Pay by 30 Days L/C Dear sirs, We wish to place with you an order for 1,000 casks Iron Nails at your price of US$150,000 per cask CFRC5% Lagos for shipment during July/August. For this particular order we would like to pay by 30 days L/C. Involving about US$150,000, this order is comparatively a big one. As we have only moderate means at hand, the tip-up of funds for as long as three to four months indeed presents a problem to us. It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have extended us in the past. If you can do us a special favour this time, please send us your contract, upon receipt of which we will establish the relative L/C immediately. Yours faithfully, 函电 (29) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, Thank you for your order of Iron Nails as per your letter of May 5. Your proposal of paying by letter of credit at 30 days has been carefully studied by us. Usually, time credit is not acceptable to us. However, in view of our long pleasant relations as well as our willingness to support our African friends, we agree with you this time. But let us make it clear that this accommodation is only for this transaction, which will in no case set a precedent. Attached hereto is our Sales Contract NO.105 covering the above order. Please follow the usual procedure. Yours faithfully, Encl. As stated. 函电 (29) ------ 注解 A 1. pay vt. 付 (款项,费用等) ; 给予 (注意等) ; 进行 (访问等) 如: We trust you will pay our draft on presentation. pay vi. 付款 ; 值得, 合算 如: pay in advance pay on delivery It does not pay to buy in small quantities. payable adj. 可付的, 应付的 payment n. (不可数) 支付 ; (可数) 支付的款 如: terms of payment 或 payment terms 付款条件 payment on deferred terms We enclose a cheque for US$2,345.67 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date. We have received your cheque for DM9,876.50 in payment for the Carpets ordered as per your letter of May 5th. 2. 30 days L/C 见票后30天议付信用证 L/C = Letter of Credit sight L/C = Letter of Credit available (or: payable against) draft at sight (or: sight draft) time L/C = usance L/C = term L/C 30 days L/C = L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight = time / usance / term L/C at 30 days confimed L/C irrevocable L/C 函电 (29) ------ 注解 B 3. involve v. 牵涉, 涉及, 包含 如: As the extra premium involved is small, we will not ask you to amend the L/C but will deduct it from the commission due to you. 4. moderate adj. 中等的, 不大的 ; 公道的, 便宜的 如: moderate price Business has been done on a moderate scale. 5. means n. 资财 ; 手段, 方法 ; 工具 如: This firm is quite reliable. It never does business beyond its means. 6. at hand 在手边 如: We have only a few sample books at hand. 7. tie-up of funds 占压资金 tie-up n. 束缚, 停顿 如: They put forward the request for easier payment terms owing to their tie-up of funds in numerous commitments. 8. extend v. 给予 如: Any courtesy you may extend to our Mr Brown will be highly appreciated. 9. accommodation n. 照顾 ; 通融 如: As a special accommodation, we will accept time L/C at 30 days. accommodate v. 照顾 ; 通融 如: We did this to accommodate your buyers. accommodating adj. 照顾的 ; 通融的 10. precedent n. 先例 如: It must be clearly understood that, in so doing, we are not establishing a precedent. 函电 (30) ------ A 真不好意思各位, 上周五的时候我的电脑死掉了, 做了一个大手术, 昨天才弄好. 所以还没来得 及跟大家讲周末快乐呢! 今天赶紧来更新了! 各位久等了吧? (A) Asking for Easier Payment Terms Dear sirs, Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheets from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit. On this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment we open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interest. If you would kindly make easier payment terms, we are sure that such an accommodation would be conducive to encouraging business. We propose either " Cash against Documents on arrival of goods" or " Drawig on us at three months' sight". Your kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favourable reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, 函电 (30) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, We note from your letter of August 2 that you wish to ask for an entension of our terms. Acctually, there is nothing unusual in our original arrangement. Counting from the time you open credit till the time shipment reaches your port, the interval, which is quite normal, is only about three months. Besides, your L/C is opened when the goods are ready for shipment. In this case, we are sorry that we cannot meet your wishes. As we must adhere to our customary practice, we siincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating. As soon as a fresh supply of Mild Steel Sheets comes in, we will contact you. Your faithfully, 函电 (30) ------ 注解A 哎~~~~~~~~ 最近这个帖子越来越不受欢迎了, 几天没来, 居然都沉到第五页去了, 都没人 管没人理拉 真受打击啊! 注解: 1. as a rule = usually 通常 如: As a rule, we require commercial invoice in quadruplicate. 2. taxing adj. 难于负担的, 使人感到压力的 如: Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means. 3. tight adj. (钱, 商品等) 紧的, 难得到的 如: tight money 钱根紧 They ask for this accommodation because their fund are tight. 4. unprecedentedly adv. 空前地 如: As a result of depression, the purchasing power in the West is unprecedentedly low. 5. easy adj. (价格, 报盘等) 易于接受的 ; (市场, 行情等) 疲软的 如: easy terms 易于接受的条件, 容易的条件 Please make your offer as easy as possible. The market has turned easy. 函电 (30) ------ 注解B 6. conducive adj. 有帮助的 be conducive to sth. (means: be helpful to sth.) 如: Such a noisy environment are not conducive to your study. (这样嘈杂的环境对你的学习 没有帮助.) Accumulating information is conducive to seccess in business. (信息的积累对生意有帮助.) conduce v. 有助于 (means: help to bring sth. about) 如: We trust such arrangement will conduce to the development of our business. (我们相信这样的安排会有助于我们业务的拓展.) 7. cash against document on arrival of goods 货到后凭单付款 简称 CAD = cash against documents 凭单付款 8. draw v. 开出 (汇票) draw on sb. 向某人开出...... 如: draw a cheque 开支票 draw on us at three months' sight 开出见票三个月付款的汇票向什么收款 As agreed, we are drawing (a draft) on you for the value of this sample shipment. 9. priority n. 优先 如: The question of payment will take top priority in our discussions. I have priority over you in this case. (我在这件事上比你有优先权.) give priority to sb. 给予......优先权 10. interval n. 间隔的时间 如: We hope you will succeed in working up some business in te interval. 11. unaccommodating adj. 不肯通融的, 不肯照顾的 函电 (31) ------ A 今天较忙,现在才来更新,希望大家不要介意! 相信很多朋友都已经下班罗! (A) Asking for D/P Terms Dear sirs, Reference is made to your Contract No.AB405 covering Weasel Tail Hair in the amount of RMB,1,200 and No.AB507 RMB,1,100 for Dressed Goathair "2--4". As either of these contracts is less than the equivalent of ,1,000 in value,we shall be glad if you will as usual ship the goods to us on CAD. i.e. each against documents basis. We hope you will accommodate us in this respect and look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, 函电 (31) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, We are in possession of your letter of 28th August and have noted your proposal for payment against documents for Contract Nos. AB405 and AB507. We are pleased to say that we agree to your above proposal. However we consider it advisable to make it clear that for future transactions D/P will only be applicable if the amount involved for each transaction is not up to ,1,000 or its equivalent in Renminbi at the conversion rate then prevailing. Should the amount exceed that figure, payment by letter of credit would be required. As we said previously, it is only due to our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation. Yours faithfully, 函电 (31) ------ 注解 1. in the amount of 总金额计...... 如: We have opened an L/C in your favour in (or: for) the amount of ,25,000. 2. be in possession of 已收到 与 be in receipt of 同义, 可换用 3. payment against documents 凭单付款 与 cash against documents 意思相同, 都是从买方角度说的 ; 如果从卖方角度来说, 就是 documents against payment (D/P). 4. equivalent n. 等值 如: What is the equivalent of US$850, -- in DM at the current cross rate? equivalent adj. 相同的 如: Doing business without marketing research is equivalent to committing economic suicide. 5. conversion rate 兑换率 6. exceed v. 超过 如: According to the current market situatio, demand far exceeds supply. 函电 (32) ------ A 今天的例文如下: (A) Modifying Terms of Payment Dear sirs, Our Order No.123 We have studied the specifications and pricelist of your new paints and varnishes and now wish to place the enclosed order with you. As we are in urgent need of several of the items, we should be glad if you could make up and ship the order as soon as you possibly can. In the past we have dealt with you on sight credit basis. Now, we would like to propose a different way of payment, i.e. when the goods purchased by us are ready for shipment and the freight space booked, you cable us and we will remit you the full amount by T/T. The reasons are that we can thus more confidently assure our buyers of the time of delivery and save a lot of expense on opening the letter of credit. As we feel this would not make much difference to you but would facilitate our sales, we hope you will grant our request. We look forward to your confirmation of our order and your affirmative reply to our new arrangements of payment. Yours faithfully, Encl. As stated. 函电 (32) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, Your Order No.123 We are pleased to acknowledge your order of April 15 for our new paints and varnishes. The arrangements you proposed to meet our accounts are quite satisfactory. A cable has been despatched to you to this effect. All items included in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately your remittance by T/T is received. The following down documents will be airmailed to you directly after shipment is made. Bill of Lading in duplicate ; Invoice CIF Tripoli in triplicate ; Insurance policy for 110% of invoice value ; Certificate of Quality. You may rely upon our giving prompt attention to this and any futher orders you may place with us. We will of course notify you by cable as soon as your order is shipped. Yours faithfully, 函电 (32) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. make up ph. v. 拼凑成, 配齐, 弥补 如: Let's make up a parcel of these items. We will do all we can to make up the economic losses. 2. remit vt. 汇寄 vi. 汇款 如: We have already remitted the amount by cheque. remittance n. 汇款 make remittance 汇款 如: We will make (or: send) remittance for US$1,000 to cover the expenses. 3. T/T = Telegraphic Transfer 电汇 M/T = Mail Transfer 信汇 D/D = Demand Draft 票汇 如: The buyer shall pay the total value to the seller in advance by T/T (or: M/T, D/D) not later than ... 函电 (32) ------ 注解B 4. facilitate v. 使容易, 便于 如: We have quoted you the best possible price to facilitate sales. facility n. (常用复数) 使工作方便的东西或设备, 方便条件 如: One of the most modern transport facilities used currently is the container ship. 5. grant v. 答应, 给予 grant sb's request 答应某人的要求 如: The request was granted in accordance with international law. 6. meet sb's accounts 支付款项 如: We are sure they will meet the draft on presentation. 7. give one's attention to sth. 注意某事 如: Please give this matter your close (immediate, prompt) attention. 8. notify v. 通知 在商业书信中, notify 用于比较正式的通知, 一般性通知多用 adise, 比较下面两句: The customer will notify you to take delivery of the goods. Please advise us of the name of steamer. notification n. 正式通知 如: We have just received notification that the shipment of 500 tons Soya Beans has arrived. 函电 (33) ------ A 各位兄弟姐妹, 今天是冬至, 节日快乐啊! 最近可能大家都比较忙,没什么人来理我的帖子了, 每天来看它都是沉啊沉啊...... 今天的例文如下: (A) Request for Payment by D/A Dear sirs, We are the largest departmet store in Kuwait and have recently received a number of enquires for your stainless-steel cutlery. We think there are good prospects for the sale of this cutlery, but at present it is little known here and as we cannot count on regular sales we do not feel able to make purchase on our own account. We are therefore writing to suggest that you send us a trial delivery for sale on D/A terms. We make the proposal hoping to place firm orders when the market is established. We believe our proposal offers good prospects and hope you will be willing to give it a trial. As to our standing, you may check it with our bankers, the National Bank of Kuwait. Yours faithfully, 函电 (32) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of 9th February. We have carefully considered your proposal to receive a trial delivery of our cutlery on D/A but wish to inform you that to promote business the best we can exceptionally do as a trial will be on D/P sight terms. In accepting our proposal you assume no risks since our cutlery is well-known for its good quality, attractive design and reasonable price. This cutlery sells well in many other countries and we think it will have a good sale in your store. If you are interested in our proposal, please write us by return and we will approach you further. Yours faithfully, 函电 (32) ------ 注解 注解: 1. prospect n. 展望, 希望 ; (常用复数) 前景 如: There is every prospect of closing the business if the price is reduced. prospective adj. 有望的 如: prospective buyer 可能的买主 There is a prospective buyer in Kuwait for watches. 2. count on (or: upon) ph. v. 指望, 依靠 如: You can count on their cooperation (or: their cooperating) with you. 3. on one's own account = at one's own risk 为自己的利益 ; 自负盈亏 如: make purchase on our own account 我们自己买进 4. assume v. 设想, 假定 ; 承担 如: We assume that you have covered your requirements. We cannot assume responsibility for this incident. assumption n. 设想, 假定 如: Your assumption that the market would soon take a turn for the better proved incorrect. 函电 (34) 各位朋友们, 圣诞快乐啊! 大家昨天平安夜过得好吗? 开心吗? 女孩子应该都收到圣诞礼物了 吧? 男孩子有没成提款机拉? 好,进入我们今天的例文: Unfavourable Reply to a Proposal of D/A Terms Dear sirs, We have received your letter dated December 1, 2001. As already pointed out in our previous letter, we had made arrangements with our manufacturers to make delivery as punctually as possible in future. We shall see to it that your interest is well taken care of at all times. Regarding the terms of payment, while we have every confidence in your integrity and ability, we wish to reiterate that our usual terms of payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases. For the time being, therefore, we regret our inability to accept D/A terms in all transactions with our buyers abroad. For future shipments, however, we shall do our best to fulfil your orders within the time stipulated. If, by any chance, it is impossible for us to do so, we will effect shipment on a D/P basis in order to avoid putting you to so much trouble in the extension of letter of credit. We trust you will appreciate our cooperation. Yours sincerely, 函电 (34) ------ 注解 1. delivery n. 交货 make delivery 交货 take delivery 提货 如: It is important that the goods be completed for delivery as stipulated in the L/C. deliver v. 交付 (信件或货物) 如: The quantity to be delivered each month must not be less than 50 metric tons. 2. at all times = always 3. integrity n. 正直, 诚实 integrity and ability 信誉, 资信 4. reiterate v. 重申 如: We wish to reiterate that in our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. 5. remain unchanged 保持不变, 仍然不变 如: The tea market remains unchanged. 6. by any chance = occasionally 偶然地 如: If, by any chance, a demand arises, please contact us. Supplement of Unit 6 (A) Some Useful Sentences on Payment: 1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight. 2. Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable, divisible and transferable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount. 3. For payment, we require 100% value, Confirmed and Irrevocable Letter of Credit with partial shipment and transhipment allowed clause, available by draft at sight, against surrender of full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here. 4. As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letters of credit at 60 days' sight or D/P sight draft. 5. As to payment, we are agreeable to draw on you at ... days' sight, documents against acceptance (D/A). 6. In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped. 7. In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be taken as a precedent. Supplement of Unit 6 (B) 8. With regard to Contract No. ... we are agreeable to D/P payment terms. 9. It will interest you to know that as a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales --- pushing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales, and we await your favourable reply. 10. We regret we cannot accept "Cash against Documents on arrival of goods at destination". 11. We would suggest that for this particular order you let us have a D/D, on receipt of which we shall ship the goods on the first available steamer. 12. We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation. 13. We hope (that) you will accommodate us in this respect and look forward to your favourable reply. 14. As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating. Chapter Seven 今天要进入一个新的章节罗, 各位你准备好了吗? 先来个 introduction: 本章节主题是: Establishment of and Amendment to L/C The exporter generally requires the importer to arrange for a letter of credit, the purpose of which is to enable the exporter to draw on a named bank when he presents his documents. The letter of credit against which the draft is drawn must state the maximum amount and the durataion of the credit, the usance (the term) of the draft and the shipping documents that are to be sent with the draft. Care must be taken by the exporter in scrutinizing the credit to see if all the terms and conditions in the credit can be complied with and if not, amendments should be made well in advance of shipment of the goods. Otherwise the exporter may run the risk of his draft being dishonoured by the bank. 函电 (35) 今天例文的题目是: Urging Establishment of L/C 正文如下: Dear sirs, Our Sales Confirmation No. TE151 With reference to the 4,000 dozen Shirts under our Sales Confirmation No. TE151, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but up to the present we have not received the covering Letter of Credit. Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment, so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time. In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract. We look forward to receiving your favourable response at an early date. Yours faithfully, 函电 (35) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. with / in reference to 关于 (= with / in regard to) 如: With (or: In) reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C. 2. up to the present = until now, so far 到目前为止 3. covering = relative, relevant 有关的 4. expedite = speed up, hasten 加快 如: expedite shipment 加快装船 expedite delivery 加快发货 5. 吸引某人的注意: draw / call / write sb's attention to ... remind sb. of 函电 (35) ------ 注解B 6. prescribe n. 规定 如: We refer you to Contract No.824 which prescribed (规定的) payment by sight L/C. 7. amendment n. 修改, 修改书 如: You are requested to make amendment to L/C No.89 without delay. We require the amendment advice of L/C No.9312 by the end of this month. amend v. 修改 如: Please amend the amount of the L/C to read "5% more or less allowed". 8. in accordance with (to) 与......一致 ; 按照, 根据 in exact (full) accordance with 与......完全一致 in strict accordance with 与......严格一致 如: The quality of the goods must be in strict accordance with that of the sample. In accordance with cables exchanged, we are glad to have purchased from you 100 dozen cotton bed-sheets. 9. response n. 回答, 反应 in response to 对......进行回复 如: This is in response to your letter of August 18th. Please keep us advised of the response to our products in your market. respond v. 回答, 反应 如: Buyers did not respond to the quick rise in price. We hope you will respond to our request promptly. 函电 (36) 由于昨晚的台湾地震,一直对今天的网络都造成影响. 除了上不了国外网站,还来不了福步, 所以 才那么晚来给大家更新,不好意思啊! 今天的例文的题目是: Advising the Establishment of L/C and Asking for Timely Delivery 内容如下: Dear sirs, We wish to invite your attention to our Order No.5781 covering 500 pieces of Pongee Silk for which we sent to you about 30 days ago an irrevocable L/C expiring on May 15. As the season is drawing near, our buyers in urgent need of the goods. We shall be very much obliged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. We would like to stress that any delay in shipping our order will undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Yours faithfully, 函电 (36) ------ 注解A 1. expire v. 期满 如: The L/C expires on December 15. expiry n. 期满 如: The date of expiry (or: expiry date) of the credit is December 15. 再来看两个例子的比较: When does your driving lisence expire? (你的驾照什么时候到期?) The expiry of driving lisence (驾照的到期日) 2. draw near ( means: approach) 如: The spring is drawing to close. (春天快过去了.) 3. brisk adj. 活跃的, 兴旺的 (means: active) 如: The market is brisk. There is a brisk demand for electronic toys. catch the brisk demand 抓住大量的市场需求 函电 (36) ------ 注解B 4. stress v. 着重强调 如: The Chinese Government stresses the point that the technology introduced from abroad should be truly advanced and appropriate to China's needs. stress n. 重点 如: It is necessary to lay stress on the packing as well as the quality. 5. involve sb. in sth. (means: bring sb. into a difficult situation) 6. advance n. 事先, 上涨 如: Please keep us fully advised as far in advance as possible. We do not expect any further advance in prices. advance v. 提前, 上涨 如: Please do your best to advance shipment. The price for iron and steel has advanced. 7. hasten v. 赶快, 加速 如: As you are in urgent need of the goods, we are hastening to get them ready. 函电 (37) 本来该昨天来上帖这一篇内容的,可福步一直都上不来!哎,现在才发现,没有了它,我的日子过得 真无聊! 今天的内容比较多,各位要作好心理准备,拿笔和纸好好记好罗! 今天的范文是: A Specimen of an L/C BANK OF NORTH ITALY Irrevocable Credit No.3586 Milano, December 27,1985 To: China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation, Tianjin Branch, Tianjin, China. Advised through Midland Bank,London Dear sirs, We hereby establish an irrevocable credit in your favour for account of Italiano Cement Inc.,53 Milano Street,Milano,for a sum or sums not exceeding a total of Stg.,25,775 (Pounds Sterlin Twenty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Seven-Five Only) and available by your draft(s) drawn on us at sight for 100% of the invoice value,accompanied by the following documents: Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate indicating Contract No.AB108 ; Packing & Weight List in triplicate ; Full set of clean shipped on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed,marked "Freight Prepaid",notifying the accountee ; Insurance policy or certificate for 110% of invoice value,blank endorsed,covering WPA ad War Risk,claims payable at Milano ; Inspection Certificates on quality and weight issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau in triplicate ; Certificate of Origin in triplicate. Evidencing shipment of : 1,000 long tons of "arrot" Brand White Portland Cement,at Stg.,25,75 per long ton CIF Genoa,net shipped weight. From China to Genoa not latter than January 31,1986. Partial shipments are permitted. Transhipment is prohibited. This credit is valid in Tianjin until February 15,1986. All drafts drawn must be marked "Drawn under Bank of North Italy,Milano,Irrevocable Credit No.2586,dated December 27,1985." We hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of the above credit. The amount and date of each negotiation must be endorsed on the back hereof by the negotiating bank which is to forward all documents to us by first and second airmails. In reimbursement the negotiating bank may draw sight drafts on the confirming bank,which is to debit our account with them,and accompany such drafts with their statement that all terms and conditions of the Credit have been complied with and the required documents airmailed to us. Yours faithfully, for BANK OF NORTH ITALY (Signature) Chop: We add our confirmation hereto. Our reference No.29806 For Midland Bank (December 29,1985) 函电 (37) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. for account of (for one's account) 由某人支付 ; 代......办理 如: The extra freight is to be for buyer's account. We bought these goods for the account of the Italiano Cement Inc. 2. accompany v. 伴随 accompanying documents 随付单据 如: We are sending you a pricelist accompanied by a copy of our illustrated catalogue for your reference. 3. bill of lading 提单 clean bill of lading 清洁提单 shipped on board bill of lading 已装船提单 ocean bill of lading 海洋提单, 海运提单 full set of bills of lading 全套提单 4. to order 空白抬头, 凭指定 to sb's order (or: to the order of sb.) 以某人抬头 如: A negotiable bill of lading is made out to order instead of to a named consignee. We enclose a cheque for US$100 to your order. 函电 (37) ------ 注解B 5. blank endorsed 空白背书 也可以说 endorsed in blank blank n. 空白 in blank 空白待填 endorsement n. 背书; 赞同 endorsement in blank 无记名式背书 endorsement in full 记名式背书 endorse v. 背书; 批准; 赞同 如: Bills of lading are to be made out to order and blank endorsed. Please cable us as soon as your application for import licence has been endorsed. 6. mark v. 加标志 如: Unless you advise to the contrary, we will mark the package the name as before. mark n. 标志, 标准 shipping marks 装船麦头 如: Since you did not tell us your shipping marks we have marked the packages with our own initials. 7. Freight Prepaid 运费预付 Freight Paid 运费已付 Freight Collect 运费到付 8. accountee n. 申请开证人 函电 (37) ------ 注解C 9. Inspection Certificate 检验证 10. issue v. 发出, 发给 issue an L/C 开立信用证 如: The bank issued loans to the manufacturers. 11. evidence v. 证明 如: The intact packing evidenced that the goods were damaged before shipmet. evidence n. 根据; 证据 如: There wasn't enough evidence to prove that the goods were damaged before shipment. 12. Partial shipment(s) 分批装运 也可以说 part shipment(s) 或 partshipment(s) partial adj. 部分的 如: We enclose a cheque in partial payment for the goods shipped on consignment. 13. transhipment n. 转船 如: As there is no direct steamer to your port, please amend the L/C so as to allow (or: permit) transhipment. tranship v. 转船 也可写为 transship 如: The goods will have to be transhipped at Singapore. 函电 (37) ------ 注解D 14. prohibit v. 禁止, 阻止 如: The import of drugs is prohibited by law. (We are prohibited by law from importing drugs.) Your price is so high that it prohibits business. prohibition n. 禁止 如: The prohibition against the import of drugs is strictly enforced. prohibitive adj. 禁止的, (价格) 高得令人不敢问津的 如: a prohibitive tax 违禁税 a prohibitive price 令人望而却步的价格, 过高的价格 15. valid adj. 有效的 如: The letter of credit is valid until August 31. validity n. 有效 如: After another week, the credit will lost its validity. validate v. 使有效 如: Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim. 16. honour v. 履行, 照付 如: We always honour our commitments. We trust you will honour our draft on presentation. 函电 (37) ------ 注解E 17. negotiation n. 议付; 谈判, 磋商 如: Please amend the credit accordingly to enable negotiation of the draft. We have entered into negotiation with the foreign traders over the subject of compensation trade. negotiate v. 议付; 谈判, 磋商 negotiate bank 议付银行 如: Please amend the credit as requested; otherwise we cannot negotiate our draft. negotiable adj. 可谈判的, 可转让的 如: Order Bills of Lading are negotiable. 18. forward v. 寄送, 运送 如: We have forwarded the samples by air. The goods will be forwarded in a few days. forward adj. 预约的, 期货的 forward shipment (delivery/cargoes) 定期交货, 远期交货, 期货 19. reimbursement n. 付还, 偿还 如: In reimbursement of these extra expenses, please draw on us. reimburse v. 付还, 偿还 如: We will reimburse you (for) the additional premium. 函电 (37) ------ 注解F 20. confirming bank 保兑银行 21. debit v. 把......记入借方 debit an amount to sb's account 或 debit sb's account with an amount 把一笔金额记入某人的借方 如: His account with the bank has been debited with the sum of $200 for half-yearly bank charges. debit n. 借方, 记入借方的款项 a debit note (D/N) 借方通知 22. chop n. 图章, 戳记 本范文信用证样本中的 chop 是表示伦敦米德银行用加盖印章的方式保兑该信用证. 函电 (38) 哎,放了四天假,回来一看,果然我的帖子真的沉了 今天好不容易才在第5页找到了我的宝贝帖啊 今天的例文的题目是: Amending L/C to Allow Partial Shipment and Transhipment Dear sirs, Letter of Credit No.3524 issued by the Bank of New South Wales has duly arrived. On perusal, we find that transhipment and partial shipment are not allowed. As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we have to ship via Hongkong more often than not. As to partial shipment, it would be to our mutual benefit if we could ship immediately whatever is ready instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed. Therefore we have cabled you this afternoon, askin you to amend your L/C to read "artshipments and transhipment allowed". We hope you will see to it that the amendment is cabled without delay. Yours faithfully, 函电 (38) 注解: 1. perusal (means: careful reading) n. 熟读, 精读 peruse v. 如: peruse the documents / the L/C 2. via prep. (拉丁语 = by way of) 经由 如: The goods will be shipped via HongKong. The samples were sent via airmail. 3. more often than not (means: usually, very frequently) 经常, 多半 4. it would be to our mutual benefit (means: it will be helpful to both sides) 5. read 有......的表达 / 措词 (means: have a certain kind of wording or expression) 如: The sign reads "no smoking / spitting / littering". The clause reads as follows. 函电 (39) ------ A 今天的例文是: (A) Asking for Extension of L/C Dear sirs, L/C No. NSW6180 We confirm our cable of yesterday,reading as follows: L/C NSW6180 TIN PLATE ARRIVED ONLY TODAY JULY SHIPMENT IMPOSSIBLE EXTEND SHIPMENT VALIDITY 31/8 15/9 RESPECTIVELY We trust that you have received the above cable and are doing what is necessary. As stipulated in S/C 89STX-5491,shipment could be made in July provided your L/C reached us not later than 15th. However,we received your L/C only yesterday and it is absolutely impossible for us to ship the goods in July. Under the circumstances,we regret to have to have to ask you to extend the above L/C to August 31st and September 15th for shipment and negotiation respectively,with the amendment to reach us by the 15th July; otherwise shipment will be further postponed. We look forward to receiving the relevant amendment at an early date and thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, 函电 (39) ------ B (B) Reply Dear sirs, L/C No. NSW6180 We have received your letter of June 30th requesting us to extend the above L/C to the 31stof August and the 15th of September for shipment and negotiation respectively. We are quite aware of the conditions set forth in S/C 89STX-5491 that the goods ordered could be shipped in July if the covering L/C reached you on the 15th of June at the latest. However,as we had to go through the necessary formalities of applying for the relevant import licence,we could not open the L/C earlier. The import licence was granted on June 17th and is valid only up to the 31st of July. We are wiling to do whatever we can to cooperate with you,but as the present import regulations do not allow any extension of licence,we regret having to say that it is beyond our ability to meet your request to extend the above L/C. Please do your best to ship the goods in time and we thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, 函电 (39) ------ 注解A 1. extension n. 展期 extend v. 如: Can you extend your stay in haikou for a few days? 2. proided (that) (means: on the condition that, if) 如: I'll go provided that you give me money. 3. circumstance n. 情况, 环境 under (in) the circumstances 既然如此 (means: in this cases) 如: Under the circumstances,we have to drop the business. 4. postpone v. 延缓 如: Regarding our Order No.86 for carpet wool,please postpone shipment until September. 5. relevant adj. 有关的 the relevant L/C = the relative L/C = the covering L/C 如: We shall appreciate it if you will send us all information relevant (or: relative) to the case. 函电 (38) ------ 注解B 6. we are quite aware of = we understand / know clearly 7. set forth ph. v. 宣布, 陈述, 阐明 (means: presentate) 如: We set forth clearly our opinion on the packing at the Fair. 8. at the latest 最迟 (means: no later than) 9. go through ph. v. 办理 (means: perform) 如: How long will it take to go through the Customs formalities? 10. formality n. 手续 如: We are now proceeding with the necessary formalities. 11. granted (means: given) 给予, 授予 12. beyond our ability 在能力之外 函电 (40) 今天所处的位置真的很危险, 旁边坐的同事都贴得很紧,所以我感觉我来这里学习都是象做贼的 今天的例文是: Amending L/C to Increase the Quantity and Amount Dear sirs, 2000 M/T of Groundnut Kernels under Sales Contract No. CF370 Thank you for your L/C No.20913 for the amount of $50,500 covering 1,000 metric tons of Groundnut Kernels F.A.Q. 2001 crop. The amount of your L/C covers only 50% of the quantity contracted. The total quantity and value for this contract should be 2,000 metric tons and $101,000 respectively. As the time of shipment is so imminent,please instruct your bankers to increase the amount of your L/C by $50,500, making a total of $101,000 for 2,000 metric tons. Your prompt attention to the matter will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully, 函电 (40) ------ 注解 注解: 1. contract v. 订立合同 如: We have contracted with a clothing firm for 1,000 men's suits a week ago. contractual adj. 合同的 如: We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obliations. 2. imminent adj. 临近的 如: The appointed date is imminent. Buyers have withdrawn in view of the reported imminent arrival of large shipments. 3. instruct v. 通知 如: Please instruct your bank (bankers) to amend the L/C by cable. instruction n. 指示, 嘱咐 如: We are awaiting your shipping instructions. Supplement of Unit 7 (A) Some Useful Sentences on Establishment of and Amendment to L/C 1. As the goods against your Order No. ... have been ready for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering L/C established, as soon as possible. 2. Please do your utmost to expedite L/C so that shipment would be effected in ... 3. Please insert the word "about" before the quantity in your L/C No.123. 4. Please amend the credit as allowing transhipment. 5. We have received your L/C No.524, but we find it contains the following discrepancies: ... We would therefore request you to instruct your bankers to make the necessary amendment. 6. As there is no direct sailing from Shanghai to your port during April / May, it is imperative for you to delete the clause "by direct steamer" and insert the wording "Partial shipment and transhipment are allowed". Supplement of Unit 7 (B) 7. The commission granted for this transaction is 3% as stipulated in our Sales Confirmation, but we find that your L/C demands a commission of 5%. Therefore, you are requested to instruct your bankers to amend the L/C. 8. Owing to the late arrival of the steamer on which we have booked space, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and validity of your L/C No.4985 to 31st January and 15th February respectively. 9. We have received your L/C No.1451 for US$... but find that Art No.1001 mentioned therein does not agree with what is contracted. The correct Art No. should be 1002. Please make the amendment accordingly. 10. Please amend your L/C No. ... to include the wording: "5% more or less" under the items of quantity and amount. 11. We thank you for your L/C No. ... for the amount of $... to cover your order for ... As the figure shown in our Sales Confirmation No. ... is $... and as our invoice will also bear the same amount, you are requested to amend the L/C amount to $... otherwise it will be impossible for us to negotiate the shipping documents. 12. We find that the L/C requires insurance to cover ... (risks) at ...% of the value of shipment. Please take note that the contract requires only coverage against Marine WPA. TPND. Warehouse to Warehouse and War Risks at 110% of the total CIF invoice value. This being the case, we have to ask you to amend it accordingly; otherwise the additional premium should be defrayed by you. Your kind attention to this point will be appreciated. Chapter Eight 不好意思啊各位,因为这两天比较忙,所以一直到今天才有时间上来继续给大家奉献新的内容 啊! 现在我们就进入新的一个章节: Shipment 惯例,我们来一个 Introduction 哈 : The Shipment Clause is an integral and important part of a contract signed between buyers and sellers. It involves the time of shipment, the port of loading and destination, means of conveyance, the shipping documents, etc. Before shipment, the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the sellers, informing them in writing of the packing and mark, mode of transportation, etc., known as the Shipping Instructions. On the other hand, the sellers (or the exporters) usually send a notice to the buyers immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship, advising them of the shipment, especially under FOB or CFR terms. Such a notice, known as the Shipping Advice, may include the following: Contract and/or L/C number(s), name of commodity, number of package, total quantity shipped, name of vessel and its sailing date and sometimes even the total value of the goods, as the requirements may be. Shipment covers rather a wide range of work, such as booking shipping space, chartering ships, making customs declaration, etc. 在此章节开始之前,再来补充一点相关的内容让大家学习一下吧: 1) 货物(总称): goods, freight, cargo. 2) 运送(v.): ship, transport, deliver, convey, carry, forward, consign. 3) 运送(n.): transportation, delivery, conveyance, forwarding, consignment. 4) 运输商(代理人): shipping agent, carrier, forwarding agent. 5) 托运人: consignor 收货人: consignee 6) 船运公司: shipping company 7) 装船单据: shipping document 8) 通过......(船)装运: ship the goods on (board) / by/ per s.s. / m.s. / steamship / motorsip "East Wind" 9) 装货: load 10) 卸货: unload, discharge 11) 情况良好: in good condition/ order/ state 情况特别好: in excellent condition/ order/ state 情况完全好: in perfect condition/ order / state 情况相当好: in fair condition/ order/ state 今天的例文是: Packing Requirement Dear sirs, S/C No. 90SP-24975 We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 3rd this month enclosing the above sales contract in duplicate but wish to state that after going through the contract we find that the packing clause in it is not clear enough. The relative clause reads as follows: Packing: Seaworthy export packing, suitable for long distance ocean transportation. In order to eliminate possible future troubles, we would like to make clear beforehand our packing requirements as follows: The Tea under the captioned contract should be packed in international standard tea boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets in an FCL container. On the outer packing please mark our initials SCC in a diamond, under which the port of destination and our order number should be stencilled. In addition, warning marks like KEEP DRY, USE NO HOOK, etc, should be indicated. We have made a footnote on the contract to that effect and are returning herein one copy of the contract after duly countersigning it. We hope you will find it in order and pay special attention to the packing. We look forward to receiving your shipping advice and thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (41) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. pack vt. & vi. 如: Pack the clothes into the trunk/suitcase. (把衣服装进箱里.) Have you packed yet? (你收拾好了吗?) pack sth.(物品) in sth.(材料) 用......包装...... 如: Pack the glass in newspaper. pack sth. into sth. 把......包装到...... 如: Pack the books into boxes. packing n. 包装 如: The packing should be suitable for long distance shipment. 包装材料: 硬纸箱 cardboard box 软纸箱 carton 木 箱 wooden case 集装箱 container 席 装 to be matted 捆 装 to be baled 2. seaworthy (means: fit for voyage) 适合海上航行的 3. eliminate v. 排除, 剔除 eliminate possible future trouble 消除将来有可能发生的麻烦 4. make clear (means: make sth. fully understood) 函电 (41) ------ 注解B 5. pallet n. 托盘, 小货盘 6. FCL = Full Container Load 整集装箱 container n. 容器, 集装箱 如: You may ship the goods in any suitable containers. container bill of lading 集装箱提单 container ship 集装箱船 containerize 用集装箱发运 如: We note your request for containerizing future shipment. containerzation n. 集装箱化 如: Containerzation is regarded as a mode for more efficient shipment. 7. the inside packing 内包装 the outer packing 外包装 8. in a diamond 菱形 in a square 方形 9. warning marks 警告性标记 : Keep Dry 保持干燥 Use No Hooks 切勿用钩 With Care 小心搬运 Not to be laid flat 不能平放 To be kept upright 保持直立 This Side Up 这边向上 Fragile-with care 小心易碎 Keep Cool 不要靠热 Not to be thrown down 不可抛掷 函电 (41) ------ 注解C 10. effect n. 效果, 影响 如: The new development is likely to produce a favourable effect on the prices. in effect 有效, 实际上 take effect from (or: on) 自(或: 在)......开始生效 come (or: go) into effect from (or: on) 自(或: 在)......开始生效 to this effect 大意是如此 to that effect 大意是那样 to the effect that 大意是 如: We have received information to the effect that the market has become brisk. He left a note to the effect that he wouldn't be returning. ( to this / that effect : with this / that meaning or information to the effect that + 从句 ) 函电 (42) 最近我的帖子越来越不受欢迎了哦!都没什么人看! 我每天来看都是沉啊沉啊的~~~~~~~ 现在这个帖的内容还没完都这样了,如果当这个帖的内容奉献完了后,那起不是我连尸骨都找不 到?~~~~~ 寒 今天的例文的内容是: Inquiring about Shipment Dear sirs, Contract No.3485 Referring to our previous letters and cables, we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned contract. As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of timely delivery. Under the circumstances, it is obviously impossible for us to again extend our L/C No.3059, which expires on 21st August, and we are oblied to remind you of this matter once again. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned, we hope you will let us have your shipping advice by cable without fail. Yours faithfully, 函电 (42) ------ 注解A 1. shipment n. 装运, 装船; 装运的货物; 装运期 shipment date (或 date of shipment, time of shipment) shipment advice (或 shipping advice, advice of shipment) 如: Please expedite shipment as much as possible. We hope this initial shipment will prove entirely satisfactory to you. Please extend shipment (for) 30 days. ship v. 装船, 装运 如: We export to ship the goods next week. shipping n. 装运 shipping advice 装船通知, 发货通知 shipping agents 装运代理人, 发货代理人 shipping company 轮船公司 shipping container 船运集装箱, 集装箱船运 shipping documents 装船单据 shipping instructions 装船要求, 装船须知 shipping marks 装船麦头 shipping order 装货单, 下货纸 shipping space 船位, 载位, 舱位 如: Next shipping opportunity will be about October 15. 2. assurance n. 承诺 如: You may have our assurance that we shall do our best to expedite shipment. assure sb. of sth. 如: I assure you of the timely delivery. You may rest assured that ... 函电 (42) ------ 注解B 3. press sb. for sth. (means: try repeatedly to persuade/ask sb. to do sth.) 如: They are pressing me for a quick decision. The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. (银行催促我们偿还货款.) 4. timely adj. 及时的 如: It is a timely suggestion. 5. remind v. 提醒 remind sb. of sth. 如: We wish to remind you of your promise. reminder n. 提醒之物 (如函电等) 如: In spite of our repeated reminders, you have not yet established the relevant L/C. 6. desirable adj. 称心的, 合意 的, 合乎需要的 如: It is desirable that insurance (should) be effected at your end. be desirable to 如: The book is desirable to all of us. 7. be obliged to means: 1) 对......感到很感激 2) be required / be compelled to do 8. without fail 决定, 务必, 一定不误 (means: certainly, definitely, whatever happens) 如: You may rest assured that we will ship the goods next week without fail. You will be rewarded without fail. (你一定会得到报答的.) 函电 (43) 今天例文的题目是: Advising Shipment 内容如下: Dear sirs, 30 metric tons Mild Steel Flat Bars We are now pleased to inform you that we have shipped the above goods on board s.s. "Wuxi" which sails for your port tomorrow. Enclosed please find one set of shipping documents covering this consignment, which comprises: 1. One non-negotiable copy of B/L. 2. Commercial Invoice in duplicate. 3. One copy of Certificate of Quality. 4. One copy of Certificate of Quantity. 5. One copy of Insurance Policy. 6. Weight Memo in duplicate. We are glad to have been able to execute your order as contracted and trust that the goods will reach you in good time to meet your urgent need and that they will turn out to your entire satisfaction. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to assure you of our prompt and careful attention in handling your future orders. Yours faithfully, 函电 (43) ------ 注解 注解: 1. sail v. 启航, 开航 sail for swh. 如: The ship is scheduled to sail for HongKong on the 21st of this month. sail date 启航日期 2. consignment n. 运送, 运送的货物; 寄售, 寄售的货物 consignment goods 寄售商品 consignment business 寄售业务 on consignment (以)寄售(方式) 如: A new consignment of goods has just arrived. Generally, we do not sell goods on consignment terms. consign v. 运送; 寄售 如: The 100 tons Peanuts have been consigned to you per s.s. "Dongfeng". We cannot agree to consign the goods. consign sth. to sb. 把......托付给...... consign sth. to sth. (means: put sth. unwanted away) 如: Consign the picture to fire/flame. (把这幅画用火烧掉.) consignor 发货人 consignee 收货人 3. non-negotiable adj. 不可转让的 non-negotiable bill of lading 不可转让的提单 4. weight memo 磅码单, 重量单 5. in good time = in time 及时地, 迅速地 如: Please rush your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment. 6. to sb's entire satisfaction 使某人完全满意 函电 (44) 又一周开始了,大家的周末过得好吗? 我就睡了两天了! 今天的例文题目是: Urging Shipment Dear sirs, Referring to our order No.469 for 3,000 Electroic Calculators, we wish to remind you that the time for shipment has long been overdue. When we placed the order we pointed out that punctual shipment was of utmost importance because this order was secured from the largest dealers here and we had given them a definite assurance that we could supply the goods by end of June. Your delay has caused us much inconvenience and we must now ask you to do your utmost to despatch the first 500 sets under this order by air as the goods are urgently required by our customers. We suggest the use of cartons with hinged lids to facilitate opening for customs examination. You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for the shipment of the remaining 2,500 sets of the consignments by sea without further delay, and we would ask you to be particularly careful to seal each box into a watertight bag before into the cases. We should be obliged if you would send us by air a copy of the packing list for the shipment to be despatched by sea, and also duplicate of the insurance policy/certificate and the commercial invoice. This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through customs on arrival of the consignment. Yours faithfully, 函电 (44) ------ 注解 注解: 1. overdue adj. 过期的 如: We wish to inform you that shipment of our Order No.22 will soon be overdue. 2. secure v. 获得 如: It is extremely difficult to secure freight space. 3. cause v. 引起, 造成 如: The delay is caused by heavy congestion of freight space. cause n. 起因, 理由 如: Competition is the cause of price fall. 4. inconvenience n. 不方便 如: To change the specifications would cause us great inconvenience. v. 使不便 如: We hope that we have not inconvenienced you by making such a request. inconvenient adj. 不方便的 如: It is rather inconvenient for us to do as requested. 5. hinged lids 有铁链的盖 6. proceed v. 进行 如: We are afraid that we cannot proceed with your offer, which is too high-priced. As soon as we receive your reply, we will proceed to talk with them again. 7. seal v. 密封 8. watertight adj. 不漏水的 函电 (45) ------ A 今天的例文是: (A) Proposing Part Shiments Dear sirs, Your Order No.5718 for Safety Pin Machine We are in receipt of your letter of July 22 requesting us to ship all the 20 sets of Safety Pin Machine in one lot. Unfortunately we are unable to comply with your wishes. When we offered the machines it was expressly stated that shipment would be effected in October. If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment of ten machines in September and the remaining ten in October. We hope this arrangement will be agreeable to you. Should this be so, please amend the covering credit to allow partial shipments under advice to us. Please cable us your confirmation so that we can request the manufacturers to expedite delivery. Yours faithfully 函电 (45) ------ B (B) Advice of Partial Shipment Dear sirs, L/C No.7364 --- Your Order No.5718 10 sets Safety Pin Machine As has been telegraphically advised to you, we have shipped, in partial fulfillment of your Order No.5718, 10 sets of Safety Pin Machine per s.s. "Fengching" which sailed yesterday. Enclosed please find a full set of copy documents. Regarding the remaining 10 sets we will try to hurry shipment and will advise you as soon as it is effected. We appreciate the business you have been able to secure for us and assure you that all your further enquiries and orders will continue to receive our most careful attention. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (45) ------ 注解 注解: 1. under advice to sb. 同时通知某人 如: Please send the documents to them under advice to us. 2. copy documents = copies of shipping documents 装运单据副本 如: We enclose copy documents covering this shipment. 3. hurry v. 赶紧办 如: Please hurry the balance of our Order No.123. hurry n. 急忙 如: They are in a hurry to get new orders. 函电 (46) 呀,怎么昨天的帖子没人看? 今天例文的题目是: Information on Container Service Dear sirs, Information on Container Service Thank you for your inquiry of March 23. The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes, namely 10ft and 20ft respectively. They can be opened at both ends, thus making it possible to load and unload at the same time. For carrying goods liable to be spoiled by damp or water they hae the great advantage of being both water-tight and air-tight. Containers can be loaded and locked at the factory, if necessary. Pilferage is therefore impossible. Being temperature-controlled, our containers are provided for any cargo that needs special care. This lends its full benefit in shipping. There is also a saving on freight charges, when separate consignments intended for the same port of destination are carried i one container, and an additional saving on insurance because of lower premium charged for container-shipped goods. We enclose a copy of our tariff and look forward to receiving your instructions. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (46) ------ 注解 1. load v. 装货,装载 如: The steamer is loading for London. load n. (一船)货物,装载量 如: The goods ordered have been forwarded to you in three ship loads. loading n. 装货 loading and unloading 装卸 loading charges (or: expenses) 装货费 port of loading 装货港 2. unload v. 卸(货) 如: The captain decided to unload the goods at Singapore because the ship is in peril. 3. liable adj. 易于遭受的, 易于......的, 有责任的 如: Fruits and vegetables are liable to quick deterioration. Other buyers are liable to misunderstand if we allow you a special discount. We are not liable for the charges. 4. air tight adj. 不透气的 5. pilferage n. 偷窃 6. tariff n. 收费表, 价目表, 税则 如: The telegraph tariff will be adjusted soon. 7. freight n. 运费, 货物 freight charges 运费 freight list 运价表 freight rate 运费率 freight rebate 运费回扣 freight space = shipping space freight ton 运费吨 freight tariff 运费表 如: The extra freight is to be for buyers' account. The ship carries a heavy freight. 在贸易中,贸易术语往往是决定你报价的主要因素. 术语的选择会决定着你要承担的风险是多少. 但是,四组(13个)术语你有没都了解了呢? 下面,我们就来简单的瞧瞧这些术语的全称解释. The terms have been grouped in four basically different categories: namely starting with the only term whereby the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller's own permises (the E-term: Ex Works); followed by the second group whereby the seller is called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer (the F-terms: FCA, FAS and FOB); continuing with the C-terms where the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occuring after shipment and dispatch (CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP); and finally, the D-terms whereby the seller has to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the country of destination (DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU and DDP). Group E EXW Ex Works Departure Group F FCA Free Carrier Main carriage FAS Free Alongside Ship unpaid FOB Free On Board Group C CFR Cost and Freight Main carriage CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight paid CPT Carriage Paid To CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To Group D DAF Delivered At Frontier Arrival DES Delivered Ex Ship DEQ Delivered Ex Quay DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid DDP Delivered Duty Paid Mode of Transport and the Appropriate Any Mode of Transport inclding Multimodal: EXW Ex Works (... named place) FCA Free Carrier (... named place) CPT Carriage Paid To (... named place of destination) CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To (... named place of destination) DAF Delivered At Frontier (... named place) DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid (... named place of destination) DDP Delivered Duty Paid (... named place of destination) Air Transport: FCA Free Carrier (... named place) Rail Transport: FCA Free Carrier (... named place) Sea and Inland Waterway Transport: FAS Free Alongside Ship (... named port of shipment) FOB Free On Board (... named port of shipment) CFR Cost and Freight (... named port of destination) CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (... named port of destination) DES Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination) DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (... named port of destination) Supplement of Unit 8 (A) Some Useful Sentences on Shipment: 1. The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 2. Please see to it that the packing is suitable for a long sea voyage. 3. Taking into consideration the transport conditions at your end, we have especially reinforced our packing so as to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods. 4. We are afraid that we shall have to charge more for the designed packing, as it calls for extra labour and cost. 5. The goods are to be packed in cartons. If the cartons are not strong enough, most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival. We would suggest you strengthen the carton with double straps. 6. The packing should be double bags lined with kraft paper. 7. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by s.s. ... sailing from ... on or about ... 8. Please ship the first lot under Contract No. ... by s.s. ... scheduled to sail on or about ... 9. The users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of an early delivery. 10. As the season is rapidly approaching, our buyers are badly in need of the goods. Supplement of Unit 8 (B) 11. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. 12. We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience. 13. We trust that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time. 14. Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us. 15. It has to be stressed that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further extension will not be cosidered. 16. It is stipulated that shipment should be made before ... and, if possible, we should appreciate your arranging to ship the goods at an earlier date. 17. Please take the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without further delay. 18. We have been put to considerable inconvenience by the long delay in delivery. We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the stipulations of the contract. 19. We greatly regret the delay, which has been due to circumstances beyond our contract. 20. Please amend the covering letter of credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us. Supplement of Unit 8 (C) 21. Owing to the delay in opening the relative L/C, shipment cannot be made as contracted and should be postponed to ... 22. As the only direct steamer which calls at our port once a month has just departed, goods can only be shipped next month. 23. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned, we hope you will let us have your telegraphic shipping advice without further delay. 24. We are pleased to inform you that we have booked shipping space for your Order No. ... of ... on s.s. ... ETA ... 25. We wish to advise you that the goods under S/C No. ... went forward per s.s. ... on ..., to be transhipped in ... and are expected to reach your port in ... 26. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No. ... were shipped per direct steamer ... on ... and the relative shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 27. We have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment per s.s. ... has gone forward and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect conditions. 28. We take this opportunity to inform you that we have this day shipping the above goods on board s/s ... which sails for your port tomorrow. Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment. 29. In compliance with the terms of contract, we forwarded by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods were shipped. 30. Enclosed is one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment, as follows. Chapter Nine 今天, 会带大家进入到"保险"这一环节. 或许这个环节对某些朋友来说没多大的用处, 可是大家 了解一下保险的险别也不坏啊, 增长知识嘛! 而且,只要你一直关注下去,你在后面还会学到 更多的东西呢! (可以先预告一下,在第10章节的时候是讲客人的complaint,所以你一定要继续留 意此帖哦!) 每天看一篇例文对你的英语阅读能力也会有所提高啊! 好,废话少说了,现在就赶紧进入 introduction 吧: Insurance is very closely related to foreign trade. People in the international trade should have a thorough knowledge of it and the ablity to handle its problems. And only in this way are they able to prevent loss from its occurrence. Insurance was originally applied to losses at sea, where risks were always great; but it is now provided to cover almost any kind of occurence that may result in loss. As a large percentage of our trade in and out of this country goes by ship, what mainly concerns us is still the Marine Insurance. Moreover,as foreign trade workers we should strive to win over the business of insurance, wherever favourable, as it is a form of intangible trade which helps us to accumulate foreign exchange. 再来补充一点相关的知识吧: 1. kinds of insurance: 基本险(3种) ------ FPA, WPA, ALL RISKS 附加险 ------- WAR RISKS, STRIKE RISKS, CIVIL COMMOTIONS, ... 2. 投保: insure, cover Please insure/cover the goods for me. Please insure/cover the goods against All Risks. ("投保...险" 用 against) Please insure/cover the goods against All Risks with PICC. ("向...投保" 用 with) Please insure/cover the goods with PICC against All Risks for $20,000. ("投保...钱" 用 for) 对......货物进行投保: effect/insure insurance on ... (goods) 3. 有个透彻地了解: have a thorough understanding 4. result in : lead to, cause (造成......的结果) result from : originate from (由......造成) 函电 (47) 本章节的第一篇例文也即今天的例文是: Asking for CFR Terms Dear sirs, Insurance We thank you for your letter of May 10, quoting us 100 metric tons of Wool on CIF terms. We regret, however, that we prefer to have your quotations and/or offers on CFR terms. For your information, we have taken out an open policy with the Lloyd Insurance Company,London. All we have to do when a shipment is made is to advise them of the particulars. Furthermore, we are on very good terms with them. We usually receive from our underwriters quite a handsome premium rebate at regular intervals. In the meantime, we should be obliged if you could supply us with full details regarding the scope of cover handled by the People's Insurance Company of China for our reference. We look forward to hearing further from you at an early date. Yours faithfully, 函电 (47) ------ 注解 A 1. insurance n. 保险 insurance agents 保险代理人 insurance certificate 保险凭证 insurance coverage 保险范围 insurance premium 保(险)费 to cover insurance 投保, 洽办保险 如: We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 110% of the invoice value against all risks. insure v. 保险, 投保 如: Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk. The insurance company here insures the risk with 5% franchise(免赔额). Please insure against breakage(损耗赔偿费). insurer n. 保险人, 承保人 2. take out ph. v. 通过申请而取得; 办理(保险)手续 take out (= cover) insurance 如: Have you taken out insurance for us on these goods? 3. policy n. 保(险)单 insurance policy 保(险)单 open policy 预约保(险)单, 船名未确定保单(即流动保单) 函电 (47) ------ 注解 B 4. Lloyd Insurance Company, London 伦敦劳埃得保险公司 5. on good terms with sb. 与某人关系良好 如: We are on good terms with the firm mentioned. 6. underwriter n. 保险商 underwriters 与 insurance company 及 insurers 一般通用, 但 underwriters 主要指专保水险的保险商. 如: Underwriters decline to insure against inherent vice(固有瑕疵, 内在缺陷). underwrite v. 保险 如: Insurers here will not underwrite this risk. 7. handsome adj. 相当大的, 可观的 如: He received quite a handsome sum of money as a gift. 8. premium n. 保(险)费; 较高价格 如: The extra premium is for buyer's account. During Christmas, walnuts are selling at a premium. 9. rebate n. 回扣 如: There is a 5% rebate on freight. 函电 (47) ------ 注解 C 10. cover n. (保险业) 保险 insurance cover 保险 如: We have arranged the necessary insurance cover. cover v. 保险, 投保 如: We shall cover the goods against all risks. We shall cover all risks and war risk for you. Insurance is to be covered by the buyers. This insurance policy covers us against breakage. coverage n. 保险范围 如: We want broader coverage to include some extraneous risks(附加险). coverable adj. 可投保的, 可承保的 如: Please let us know the premium at which breakage is coverable by the insurers on your side. 11. People' Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司 中国人民保险公司制订的中国保险条款 (China Insurance Clauses, 缩写为 C.I.C. 或 CIC) 中 的海洋运输货物保险条款 (Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses) 所包括的三个基本险别与伦敦保险协 会的协会货物条款 (Institute Cargo Clauses, 缩写为 I.C.C. 或 ICC). 所包括的三个基本险别 名称相同相同, 即: 1) 平安险 (Free from Particular Average, 缩写为 F.P.A. 或 FPA) 2) 水渍险 (With Particular Average, 缩写为 W.P.A.或 WPA) 3) 一切险 (All Risks) 如: We shall cover insurance against all risks. We shall cover FPA (or: WPA) insurance. 函电 (48) ------ A 今天的例文是: (A) Reply to a Request for Excessive Insurance Dear sirs, Your Order No.1641--5,000 pcs. Gunny Bags We have received your letter of January 23, asking us to insure the captioned order for an amount of 30% above the invoice value. Although it is our usual practice to insure shipments for the invoice value plus 10%, we are prepared to comply with your request for getting cover for 130% of the invoice value. But the extra premium will be for your account. Please take note of the above. Yours faithfully, 函电 (48) ------ B (B) Type of Coverage Dear sirs, Please be informed that we will be shipping your order for 12 c/s Cameras per s/s "Peace", due to leave here at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. Unless otherwise instructed, we will arrange to take out an ALL RISKS insurance policy for you on the above cargo. This type of coverage is, in our opinion, necessary for a cargo of this nature. Yours faithfully, 函电 (48) ------ 注解 1. take note of 注意 如: The agent took note of the change of the market conditions and exchanged information with his principal. 2. risk n. 危险, 风险 如: They will not take any risk. 保险业务中, 除基本险外, 常见的一般附加险有: Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks (简称 T.P.N.D., 也可以说 TPND) 偷窃, 提货不着险 Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risks 淡水雨淋险 Shortage Risk 或 Risk of Shortage 短量险 Intermixture & Contamination Risks 混杂、沾污险 Leakage Risk 或 Risk of Leakage 渗透险 Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损、破碎险 Taint of Odour Risk 串位险 Sweating & Heating Risks 受潮受热险 Hook Damage Risk 钩损险 Rust Risk 或 Risk of Rust 锈损险 Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破裂险 常见的附加险有: War Risk 战争险 Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions (缩写为 S.R.C.C., 也可以写作 SRCC) 罢工, 暴动, 民变 险 risk v. 冒......的危险 如: We do not wish to risk missing the only steamer available this month. risky adj. 冒险的, 危险的 如: Buyers consider it too risky to buy large quantities at present. 3. cargo n. 船上所载的货物 (goods carried in a ship); 船货 如: There is a cargo (or: There are several cargoes) of lumber arriving on this steamer. 函电 (49) ------ A 真的很感动,很谢谢各位朋友的支持,才使得我今天上来了还能找到我自己的帖,不用翻好多好多 页才在谷地的垃圾桶里找它出来! 今天的例文的题目是: (A) Covering Insurance for the Buyer Dear sirs, Contract No.1785-5 Tons White Printing Paper We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the subject contract is booked on CFR basis, whereas your L/C calls for CIF. This is obviously inconsistent. We would have cabled you for amendment, but on second thoughts we refrained from doing so. To avoid delay in shipment, the simplest way would be for us to arrange the necessary coer here and to deduct the premium, which would amount to $18 from the 2% commission payable to you. Any leftover will be remitted to you as soon as the proceeds have been collected from the letter of credit. We trust the above will be acceptable to you. Your faithfully, 函电 (49) ------ B (B) Asking the Buyer to Cover Insurance Dear sirs, We are pleased to inform you that we have booked shipping space for your Order No.5525 of 30 casks Salted Hog Casins on s/s YUNNAN which sails for your port on or about January 25. We cabled you today: "YRORDR5525 BOOKED SSYUNNAN ETSJAN25 PLSINSURE" We trust you will duly insure the goods at your end. Yours faithfully, 函电 (49) ------ 注解 注解: 1. whereas conj. 然而, 反之 (= but, 用于引起相反的意思); 鉴于(= because of the fact that,公文用语,用于句首) 如:Tourists want to travel by boat, whereas businessmen would rather travel by plane. Whereas the peoples of the colonies have been grieved and burdened with taxes… 2. call for ph. v. 要求,需要 如:The present situation of the market calls for entirely new measures. 3. inconsistent adj. 不一致,矛盾的 如:Those stipulations are inconsistent with what we have agreed upon.. 4. on second thoughts 进一步考虑后 如:The buyer said that he would cover insurance on these goods, but on second thoughts he changed his mind. 5. refrain v. 抑制 如:As your price was too high, we refrained from cabling back. 6. deduct v. 减去,扣除 “从金额中减去百分之三“,应该说 deduct 3% from the sum, 不可说 deduct the sum by 3%. 如:You may deduct your 2% commission from the L/C to be opened. deduction n. 扣除;扣除款 如:We have made deduction from the total amount for expenses. 7. leftover n. 剩余物 本例文指的是剩余的金额。 8. proceeds 收入款项(尤指货款收入) 如:The proceeds of the consignment have already been remitted to you. 函电 (50) 今天的例文是: Asking for Additional Insurance Dear sirs, We have inadvertently written in our Order Confirmation No.OR211 "W.P.A. & War Risk insurance to be effected by sellers", whereas we should have asked for broader coverage. Please hereafter take out cover on all our purchases of Leathers against T.P.N.D., Contamination. Fresh &/or Rain Water Damage in addition to W.P.A. We enclose an amended Order Confirmation, which is to supersede the one previously sent. Yours faithfully, Encl. As stated 函电 (50) ------ 注解 注解: 1. inadvertently adv. 不注意地, 不当心地, 疏忽地 如: They have inadvertently stipulated in the L/C "CIF", whereas it should have been "CFR". 2. in addition to 除......外, 加在......上 如: In addition to this order, please offer us 25 tons. In addition to offering this item, please send us samples of other products. 3. supersede v. 替换, 代替 如: In a number of practices, the new flexible policy has superseded the old rigid ones. 函电 (51) 今天一看我的帖子,好伤心啊,又到第五页去了 越来越没朋友看这个帖子拉! 今天的例文是: Insurance Clause Dear sirs, Additional Risk of Breakage We refer to your L/C No.157 covering Glazed Wall Tiles, which we have just received. Please note for this article we do not cover Breakage. You have to, therefore, delete the word "Breakage" from the insurance clause in the credit. Furthermore, we wish to point out that for such articles as window glass, porcelains, etc, even if additional Risk of Breakage has been insured, the cover is subject to a franchise of 5%. In other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no claim for damage will be entertained. We trust that the position is now clear. Please cable the amendment at once. Yours faithfully, 函电 (51) ------ 注解 注解: 1. franchise n. 免赔率(额) ; 特权, 特许 如: This class of goods is sold with a franchise of 3%. This corporation has received a franchise from the Federal Government to deal in this kind of business. 2. survey v. 调查, 检查 ; 观察, 鉴定 如: Please survey the business possibilities and advise your findings. survey n. 调查, 检查 ; 观察, 鉴定 survey report 调查报告, 检查报告 如: The decision-makers made a general survey of the effect of the advertisements on the promotion of sales of their new products. surveyor n. 检查员, 鉴定人 Supplement of Unit 9 下面是第9章节的一些补充句子: 1. We shall cover the insurance ourselves. 2. We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy. 3. Insurance is to be covered by the buyer. 4. Insurance is to be covered against All Risks and War Risk. 5. Generally we cover insurance WPA and against War Risk in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. 6. We have covered the goods against ... 7. We shall arrange insurance on your behalf. 8. We shall cover the shipment for 10% above the invoice value. 9. Please cover insurance on these goods against ... for 110% of the invoice value. 10. Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value, and any extra premium for additional coverage, if required, shall be borne by the buyers. 11. If you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 12. If you desire to cover ... , we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. 13. This risk is coverable at a premium of ...%. 14. The insurance company insures this risk with 5% franchise. 15. It is the general practice that the insurance be covered in the same currency as in the letter of credit. Chapter Ten 当你的货装船运出去了后,是否你的任务就已经结束,你是否就可以松下一口气来喝口茶呢? 朋 友,还不呢! 你还要面临另一个新的难题呢! 就是售后服务! 有时候不免会收到客人的一些对货 物的各方面的投诉,那这时候你该怎么应对呢? 不怕,这里会选取部分的例文贡献大家,以供参考! 先来一段介绍: Complaints and Claims There are two kinds of complaints which are frequently made by buyers: 1. The genuine complain, which arises from one of the following situations: a) The wrong goods may have been sent. b) The quality may not be satisfactory. c) The goods may have been delivered damaged or late. d) The prices charged may be excessive, or not as agreed. 2. There is the complaint mady by buyers who find fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from their contracts, either because they no longer want the goods or because they have found that they can get them cheaper elsewhere. If a complaint has to be made by buyers, the matter should be investigated in detail, and these details should be laid before the party charged. When making a complaint, plan your letter as follows: a) Begin by regretting the need to complain. b) Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about. c) State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation. d) Refer to the inconvenience caused. e) Suggest how the matter should be put right. Replies to complaints should always be courteous, even if the complaint is unfounded(没有 根据的); the sellers should not repudiate the claim until they have good and reliable grounds(means:support 根据) to do so. Suppose you are the seller, the following rules are to be noted when dealing with a complaint: a) The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified. b) If the complaint is not justified, point this out politely and in an agreeable manner. It would be a wrong policy to refuse the claim offhand(means:rignt away,at once). c) If you cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into the matter and that you will send a full reply later. d) All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated. There is no need for the seller to tell a long story of how the mistake was made; and a short explanation may be useful. Chapter Ten ------- B 1. 提出投诉: make / lodge / put in / raise / lay a complaint 2. 提出索赔: make / lodge / put in / file a claim 3. 投诉某人: make a complaint against sb. 4. 向某人投诉另一人: make a complaint with sb. against sb. else 5. 向某人投诉另一人什么事: make a complaint with sb. against sb. else for sth. 如: 1) I'll make a complaint against my neigghbour. 2) I'll make a complaint with the police against my neighbour. 3) I'll make a complaint with the police against my neighbour for the noise. 6. 向某人提出索赔: lodge a claim with sb. 7. 就某事向某人提出索赔: lodge a claim with sb. for sth. 8. 撤回索赔: withdraw / abandon / waive a claim 9. 对某事投诉: have complaints on sth. 函电 (52) 哎, 好象我的帖子真的是越来越不受欢迎了哦! 今天来找帖子,又是沉了几个国度才找到的! 今天的例文是: Claims for Poor Packing Dear sirs, Claims for Poor Packing We regret having to inform you that the Cotten Piece Goods covered by our Order No.6013 and shipped per s/s PEACE arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we cannot but lodge a claim against you. It was found upon examination that nearly 20% of the packages had been broken, obviously attributed to improper packing. Our only recourse, in consequence, was to have them repacked before delivering to our customers, which inevitably resulted in extra expenses amountin to C$650. We expect compensation from you for this, and should like to take this opportunity to suggest that special care be taken in your future deliveries as prospective customers are apt to misjudge the quality of your goods by the faulty packing. Yours faithfully, 函电 (52) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. claim n. 索赔, 赔偿要求 lodge (raise, file, put in, ...) a claim against sb. for sth. 如: We shall lodge a claim against the Insurance Company for the goods damaged during transit. We have to file a claim against you for the short delivery of 145 lbs. claim v. 索赔, 要求赔偿 to claim (a compensation of) ... from sb. for sth. 如: We have claimed USD1,500 from the Insurance Company. This damage was due to the rough handling by the shipping company. You should claim on them for recovery of the loss. As the goods are not identical with the L/C, we cannot but cancel the contract. 2. cannot but 不得不, 与 cannot help 意思相同 如: Since you have delayed the shipment, we cannot but cancel the contract. 3. attribute v. 把......归因于...... 如: The investigation mady by the Commodity Inspection Bureau has revealed that the damage is attributed to improper packing. attributable adj. 可归因于 如: The damage is attributable to improper packing. 函电 (52) ------ 注解B 4. recourse n. 求助, 追索权 with / without recourse 有/无追索权 如: The credit is available by beneficiary's draft, drawn on us, in duplicate, without recourse, at sight, for 100% of the invoice value, and accompanied by the following shipping documents. The only way is to have recourse to law. 5. in consequence (也可用 as a consequence) 结果是, 因此 如: The price of Light Shoes is fair. In consequence the market is advancing. in consequence of (也可用 as a consequence of) 由于......的缘故 如: The new product sells fast in consequence of its reasonable price and good quality. 6. inevitably adv. 不可避免地, 必然要发生地 如: Competition inevitably gives the business an incentive to raise produtivity. inevitable adj. 不可避免的, 必然要发生的 如: It is almost inevitable that the case in dispute shall be submitted for arbitration. 函电 (52) ------ 注解C 7. compensation n. 补偿, 赔偿 compensation trade 补偿贸易 如: Under these circumstances, we trust you will agree that we cannot be expected to make compensation for your damaged toys. compensate v. 补偿, 赔偿 如: We are therefore compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, US$250, which we have sustained by the damage to the goods. 8. be apt to 倾向于, 易于 如: We feel it our duty to bring to your notice that your quotation in Sterling is not apt to trade in furs and skins. 9. misjudge v. 判断错 如: You have misjudged that the fall in our sales is a direct result of our market's depression. 10. faulty adj. 有缺陷的, 有缺点的 faulty goods 有毛病的货物 faulty packing 有缺陷的包装 如: Please let us know if you will take the goods back or make us an allowance for the faulty quality. 函电 (53) 谢谢大家的支持,才让我的帖子得以不用沉到连自己都找不到! 今天的例文是: Claim for Non-conformity of Quality Gentlemen: Our Order No.JT-8 After carefully examing the curtain materials supplied to our order of February 20th, we must express surprise and disappointment of their quality. They certainly do not match the sample you sent us. Some of them are so poor that we can't help feeling there must have been some mistake in making up the order. The materials are quite unsuited to the needs of our customers and we have no choice but to ask you to take them back and replace them with materials of the quality ordered. We have no wish to embarrass you and if you can replace the materials we are prepared to allow the stated time for delivery to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the materials we need. Your truly, 函电 (53) ------ 注解 注解: 1. match v. (品质,颜色,设计等) 相配,相称,比得上 如: The shipment does not match the sample you sent us last month. 2. be unsuited 不适合于......,不适应 如: We are sorry to inform you that your claim against us for short weight is unsuited for the international insurance claim standards. 3. have no choice but 别无选择只有...... 如: As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice but to cancel our order with you. 4. embarrass v. 使困窘,使为难 如: We are (或 feel) greatly embarrassed by your omission to enclose the packing list with other documents. embarrassing adj. 令人困窘的 如: We are placed in an embarrassing position. embarrassment n. 窘迫,为难 如: The firm meets with financial embarrassment. 5. substitute A for B replace B with A 如: We must substitute new chairs for the old ones. We must replace the broken chairs with new ones. 函电 (54) ------ A 今天的例文是: (A) Complaining of Short Delivery Dear sirs, Information has just been received from Messrs. Bombey & Sons in Colombo, the consignees under B/L No.19 dated February 28, that two of the 100 cases shipped from Huangpu to Colombo per s.s "Baltrover" are missing. The consignees contracted your agents in Colombo about it, and they were advised to get in touch with us direct to inquire into the matter. As matters stand, it is legibly indicated in the B/L which is CLEAN and without qualification, that the 100 cases were shipped in apparent good order and condition. The same indication appears in our Shipping Order and your Mate's Receipt. It is therefore obvious that the shortage is due to your fault and we hereby notify you that we reserve the right to claim on you for the shortage, should it be subsequently confirmed. Your early clarification and settlement of the case will be appreciated. Yours faithfully, 函电 (54) ------ B (B) An Adjustment Made by the Shipping Company Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of March 11,2000, we have today received information from our agents in Karachi that the two cases referred to were over-carried and landed at that port. We are marking immediate arrangements to have the goods returned to Colombo by the first available opportunity, and have instructed our agents there to notify your consignees of the returned parcel and bear any charges and expenses thus incurred for our account. The matter stands thus that S/S "Baltrover" departed from Colombo several hours ahead of schedule to tide over the ebbing. Our tallymen hurriedly covered the hatchways under the supervision of the Customs Officer, leaving the stowage intact. However, had the two cases not been stowen away from the bulk, we could have delivered the consignment in full. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in delivery and the trouble which may have been caused to both the consignees and yourselves, We assure you of the best services at all times. Yours faithfully, 函电 (54) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. inquire into ph.v. 调查 如: We find it imperative to inquire into the matter as soon as possible. 2. as matters stand (or: as the matter stands) 事实是......, 照目前的情况 The matter stands thus: 事情是这样的: 3. legibly adv. 字迹清楚地 如: Marks and numbers on the barrels must be stencilled legibly. 4. qualification n. 限制条件, 限制 without qualification 无保留地 5. in apparent good order and condition 所装货物完整, 外表情况良好 apparent adj. 明显的, 表面的 如: It is apparent that your price is out of line with the ruling market. apparently adv. 明显地, 表面地 如: The sellers apparently admit their fault, but refuse to compensate us for the loss. 6. appear v. 似乎, 看来, 显得 如: As the case is in good shape and does not appear to have been tampered with, we surmise that you must have short-shipped. 函电 (54) ------ 注解B 7. Mate's Receipt 收货单 8. reserve v./n. 保留 如: We will do our utmost to reserve the goods for you, but cannot commit ourselves. We have a reserve of these goods, but it is rather limited. 9. clarification n. 澄清 如: We shall appreciate your clarification of this question. clarify v. 澄清 如: Your present letter seems to contradict the previous one. Please clarify. 10. settlement n. 解决; 清偿 如: Enclosed is our cheque in the amount of US$8,164.00 in final and complete settlement of this claim. settle v. 调停, 解决, 偿付 如: We sincerely hope that you will make every effort to settle this claim on the best possible terms without further delay. We suggest that the balance be settled by mail transfer. 11. over-carry v. 越载 12. incur v. 招致, 引起, 遭受 函电 (54) ------ 注解C 13. tide over the ebbing 避过退潮 14. tallyman n. 船上记筹员 15. hatchway n. 船舱盖 16. supervision n. 监督, 管理 under the supervision of sb. 在某人监督[指导]下 如: The damaged goods were sold by public auction under the supervision of the Chamber of Commerce. supervise v. 监督, 管理 如: The office manager supervises the work of several departments. supervisory adj. 监督的, 管理的 如: He was blamed for failure to perform his supervisory duties. 17. stowage n. 堆装, 堆装的货 如: Proper stowage will not cause such trouble. stow v. 堆装 如: It is imperative that the goods be stowed away from boiler. 18. intact adj. 未经触动的, 完整无损的 如: The shipment has arrived with all the cases intact and in sound condition. 函电 (55) 谢谢大家的支持,很高兴今天看到那么多朋友的意见~ 今天的例文是:Complaints of Wrong Goods Delivered Dear sirs, Our Order No.1487 We duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods in arrival of s.s. "Chunlin" at Hamburg. We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of this order. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in Case No.71. Unfortunately when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles, and we can only presume a mistake was made and the contents of this case were for another order. As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our new customers, we must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacements at once. We attach a list of the contents of Case No.17, and shall be glad if you will check this with our order and the copy of your invoice. In the meantime we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal. Please let us know what you wish us to do with it. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (55) ------ 注解 注解: 1. take delivery of (means: receive) 如:I will take delivery of the car next week. 2. in/on arrival of 到达 on sb.'s arrival 当某人到达时 3. presume v. 推测,认为 如:Since you did not reply to our cable,we presume you are not interested. presumption n. 推测,假定 如:Your presumption that we have covered our requirements elsewhere is not quite right. 4. replacement n. 代替,代替物 如:We want your delivery of the goods to be exact to the sample. Any replacement of the goods will not be accepted. 5. disposal n. 处理,出售 如:There is little prospect for the immediate disposal of the balance. at one's disposal 由某人使用(或支配处理) put / leave sth. at sb's disposal 交由某人处理、处置,供某人使用,听某人之使,由某人 做主 如:We put the business at the exclusive agent's disposal in Japan. The company put a secretary at my disposal. (公司配了个秘书给我使用。) I'll leave the matter at his disposal. (我把这件事交由他处理。) disposal of 卖掉,处理掉 如:There is a chance to disposal of another 100 tons. 6. do with ph.v. 对付,处理 如:The whole lot is quite useless to our users. We would like to know what you want us to do with the goods. Shall we return them to you or hold them at your proposal? 函电 (56) 今天的例文是: Complaint Accepted Dear sirs, Your Order No.1457 per s.s. "Chunlin" Thank you for your letter dated April 24. We were glad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly,but it was with much regret that we heard Case No.71 did not contain the goods your ordered. On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in the packing through a confusion of numbers,and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready. We have already cabled to inform you of this,and we enclose a copy of the telegram. Please keep Case No.71 and its contents until called for by our Commercial Counsellor's Office,whom we have informed of the matter accordingly. Your faithfully, Encl. 函电 (56) ------ 注解 1. go into ph.v. 调查, 探究, 评述; 从事(某一行业) 如: We have gone into the matter and found your claim perfectly justified. We do not think it is necessary for us to go into details. We are thinking of going into the fur trade. 2. through (means: because of) 如: Mistakes were not always made through careless. (错误不一定都是由粗心造成的.) I do that through friendship. (我这样做是因为友谊.) 3. confusion n. 混乱, 混淆 如: Through a confusion of numbers, a mistake was made in the loading. confuse v. 使混乱, 使糊涂; 弄混 如: We are afraid of your buyers are confusing two perfectly different types. 4. Commercial Consellor's Office 商务领事馆 函电 (57) 刚开完会,来来来,继续...... 今天的例文是: Claim for Short Weight Dear sirs, Claim for Shortlanded Fertilizers under S/C No.6543 Further to our cable dated 26th August reading: CHEMICAL FERTILIZER EXDACHING 36BAGS BROKEN MATERIAL IRRETRIEVABLY LOST SHORTW/T ESTIMATED 1540LBS AWAITING SURVEY REPORT We have just received the Survey Report from the Dalian Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing the broken bags being due to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible. On the strength of the DCIB's Survey Report, we hereby register our claim with you as follows: Our claim on short-delivered quantity ,357.00 plus survey charges ,25.00 Total amount of claim ,382.00 Survey Report No.TE(80)305 is enclosed and we look forward to your settlement at an early date. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (57) ------ 注解 注解: 1. short-landed adj. 短卸 常见的由 short 构成的复合词和词组还有: short-deliverred adj. 短交, 缺交 short-shipped adj. 短装 short-invoiced adj. 发票少开 short-paid adj. 少付 short-calculated adj. 少算 short-established adj. 少开 short-opened adj. 少开 short delivery 短交, 缺交 short shipment 短装, 装载不足 short weight 短重 2. further to 继...... 如: Further to our cable of July 15, we have today sent you our latest pricelist for your reference. 3. irretrievably adv. 无法挽救地, 不可弥补地 如: We would like to add that any delay in shipping our order will cause us to suffer irretrievably heavy losses. irretrievable adj. 无法挽救的, 不可弥补的 如: Payment by D/A sometimes can result in irretrievable losses. 4. responsible adj. 有责任的, 应负责任的 如: We are not responsible for the delay. We must hold you responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom. responsibility n. 责任 如: We cannot assume responsiblity for the loss. We will take the responsibility of chartering the vessel. You have a responsibility to defray the charges. 5. on the strength of 依靠, 依据 如: You may draw a clean draft on us on the strength of our written instructions dated the 15th March. 函电 (58) 大家周末过得好吗? 我的帖子越是临近尾声, 越是沉得快! 看来越往后的内容越不大吸引人! 所 以现在我要在考虑, 还有一个不重要的章节还需不需要上传呢? 继续先来今天的例文吧: Settlement of Claim Dear sirs, Your Claim on 1,000 M/T Chemical Fertilizers With reference to your letter of 6th September, in which a claim was lodged for a short delivery of 1,540 lbs Chemial Fertilizers, we wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident. You must have had much difficulty in meeting the orders of your clients. After check-up by our staff at the warehouse in Glasgow, it was found that some 10 bags had not been packed in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit. This was due entirely to negligence on the part of the warehouse managers, for which we, the exporters, tender our apologies. In view of our long-standing relations of which, we trust, there is a good prospect of further development, we will make payment by cheque for ,382.00, the amount of claim, into your account withe the Bank of China, upon receipt of your agreement. We hope this matter will not affect our good relation in future dealings. Yours faithfully, 函电 (58) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. incident n. 普通事件, 附带事件 如: We regret the inconvenience you have sustained, but trust this unavoidable incident will not influence you unfavourably in the matter of future orders. incident adj. 伴随着发生的, 与 incidental 同义, 可通用. 如: Loss in price incident to delay in shipment could be serious. 2. warehouse n. 货栈, 仓库 warehouse certificate 仓库栈单 warehouse receipt 仓库收据 warehouse to warehouse 仓至仓条款 ex warehouse 仓库交货价格条款 如: We wish to cover the consignment against all risks from our warehouse at the above address to the port of New York. warehouse v. 把......存放在仓库里 warehousing entry 入库单 warehousing charges 储仓费 如: With much regret, we inform you that the contents of Case No.45 were stolen while being warehoused. 3. transit n. 运输, 运行 transit trade 转口贸易 transit duties 过境税 如: It is quite clear that the damage occurred in transit. 函电 (58) ------ 注解B 4. negligence n. 疏忽, 粗心大意 如: We deeply regret that we have troubled you so much through our negligence in packing. 5. on the part of sb. (或 on sb's part) 就......而言, 在......方面 如: The fault is on the part of the shipping company. On our part, we always keep to our promise. 6. tender v. 正式提出, 提供 如: They required us to tender the necessary documents in support of your claim. tender n. 投标 invite tender 招标 如: Tenders are invited for building materials. 7. long-standing relations 长期的关系 如: We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping it will be the prelude to the long-standing relations between us. 8. affect v. 影响 如: Considerable buying has affected the price to a large extent. 9. dealings n. pl. 业务交往 如: Our dealings with you in the past have been quite satisfactory. 函电 (59) 今天的例文是: Claim Rejected Dear sirs, We are in receipt of your letter of 10th July and regret to note your complaint respecting the Woollen Goods we sent you by S/S "CHUKCHISEA". We have looked up the matter in our records, and so far as we can find, the goods in question were in first class condition when they left here, as was evidenced by the Bill of Lading. It is, therefore, quite obvious that the damage complained of must have taken place in transit. In the circumstances, we are apparently not liable for the damage and would advise you to claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible. At any rate, we thank you for bringing this to our attention and if you feel it necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned. Yours faithfully, 函电 (59) ------ 注解A 1. complaint n. 不满, 抱怨, 申诉 lodge (or: make, lay) a complaint against sb. 对某人提出诉讼, 控告某人 如: Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival. Frequent complaints have been received from our customers to the effect that the pens leak and will not write without blotting. complain v. 抱怨, 申诉 如: Our end-users are complaining of (or: about) the inferior quality against us. 2. respecting prep. 关于, 由于, 鉴于 如: Respecting the question of price, we think that a slight reduction would secure you a substantial increase in sales. 3. look up ph. v. 查找, 查阅 如: We have looked the letter up in our file but have failed to find it. For further information about the product please look up the catalogue we sent you last Saturday. 4. in question 该, 所涉及 如: The goods in question hae been in good demand since the beginning of the year. 函电 (59) ------ 注解B 5. first-class adj. 第一流的, 一级的 6. damage n. 损坏, 损害, 损失 如: We can assure you that the goods were in good order when left here and the damage must have occured during transit. damage v. 损坏, 损害 如: Upon examination immediately after taking delivery, we found many of the goods were severely damaged. 7. at any rate 无论如何 如: At any rate, we cannot see our way clear to fall in with your view in this respect. 8. take up ph. 提出 take up sth. with sb. / take sth. up with sb. 向某人提出某事 如: You should take up the matter with the Insurance Company and lodge your claim with them, as you have insured the goods against All Risks. 9. on sb's behalf (or: on behalf of sb.) 代表某人, 为了某人 如: Please insure the goods on our behalf. We buy the goods on behalf of our customers. Supplement of Unit 10 (A) 很快, 一个章节又结束了. 下面是关于这一章节的一些句子的补充. Some Useful Sentences on Complaints and Claims: Concerning Delay in Shipment: 1. As the time of shipment is now considerably overdue, we hope you will inform us by return of the reason for delay. 2. If this were the first time you had failed to send us our orders on time, we should not complain, but we had the same experience last year. 3. We have to hold you responsible for any loss that may accrue to us through the delay. 4. We must really insist upon greater promptitude in regard to deliveries. Otherwise, we shall be compelled to place our orders with others who can and will give delivery at the stipulated time. 5. We are extremely sorry that we have not been able to deliver your order in time. The delay was caused by the belated arrival of some of the raw material. We are glad, however, that the goods will be ready for shipment next week and we hope that they will arrive in time for the season. 6. The cause for delay was beyond our control. In fact we were not at all to blam in this matter. Supplement of Unit 10 (B) Concerning Poor Packing: 7. It was found upon examination that nearly ... percent of the package had been broken, obviously attributed to improper packing. 8. We have had the case and contents examined by the insurance surveyor, and, as you will see from the enclosed copy of his report, he maintains that the damage was due to insecure packing. 9. We are sorry to have your complaint respecting the goods we sent you on ..., but at the same time, we can assure you that they were in perfect order when they left here, and the damage has, therefore, occurred during transit. 10. We regret our inability to accept your claim becasue the cases when being loaded left nothing to be desired. 11. We have shipping documents to prove that the goods were received by the carrier in perfect condition. Therefore, they must have been damaged en route. Supplement of Unit 10 (C) Concerning Poor Quality: 12. Upon examining the goods, we discovered to our surprise that they were altogether inferior in quality to the sample on which basis we placed the order. 13. The whole parcel is quite useless to us and we hold the goods at your disposal pending your reply. Meanwhile, we are storing them at your expense. 14. Although the quality of these goods is not up to that of our usual lines, we are prepared to accept them if you will reduce the price, say, by ... 15. We have to ask for a compensation to cover the loss incurred as a result of the inferior quality of the goods concerned. 16. Since it is agreed that we have the right to reject the goods when they are disqualified upon examination by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of destination, we regret to inform you that we have to retun the goods to you at your expense. 17. We were very sorry to receive your complaint that the material you received was not of the quality expected. 18. The goods are of good quality and in attractive designs, though they are not the very ones you ordered, and we think you will have little difficulty in disposing of them at our price. Supplement of Unit 10 (D) Concerning Wrong Goods: 19. We find that you have sent us an article marked ... instead of ... we ordered, we take it that this was due to a typist's error, but as the articles sent are not of the type we stock, we must ask for replacement by the correct number as soon as possilbe. 20. We regret to have to return these goods, and shall be glad if you will substitute the right goods for them as early as possible. 21. On going into the matter we find a mistake was indeed made in the packing through a confusion in numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. 22. The misplaced pieces may be returned to us per next available steamer for our account, but it is preferable if you can dispose of them in your market. Supplement of Unit 10 (E) Concerning Shortage: 23. On checking the goods received we find that several items on your invoice have not been included; we enclose a list of the missing articles. 24. We regret to inform you that after inspection of the above shipment we found ... boxes missing. As it involes only a small quantity, we trust you will have no difficulty in setting this matter and bring the case to a satisfactory close very soon. 25. Please examine the matter and send us the replacement of the missing ... boxes by air parcel. We must have them by the end of this month. 26. According to our records the complete dozen was packed and we are afraid that the case must have been opened, although it may show no signs of this. We can send you evidence of the correct shipment so that you can take the matter up at your end. 27. The alleged shortage might have occurred in the course of transit, and that is a matter over which we can exercise no control. 28. We are most anxious to compensate you for the shortage in weight mentioned in your letter of ... by offering you an allowance of ... percent. Supplement of Unit 10 (F) Complaints and Claims -- General: 29. We regret to inform you that the goods forwarded to us are in unsatisfactory state. 30. We are most anxious to have this matter cleared up and request you, therefore, to go into it and write us promptly. 31. We trust you will do your utmost to have this matter straightened out at once. 32. We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. 33. This seems to be a very clear case and we hope you will see your way to making a prompt settlement. 34. Kindly tell us what steps you are going to take in the way of compensation for the damage. 35. You will recognize that we are accordingly in a position to repudiate the whole contract, but such a drastic step would be most unwelcome to us. It is clear, however, that we are entitled to some compensation, and we should be glad to hear of the allowance you are prepared to make to meet the case. Accepting Claims: 36. With mutual efforts, this case has been settled amicably and we shall remit to you an amount of ... in compensation for the loss rising therefrom. Supplement of Unit 10 (G) Making Adjustments: 37. Such case does exist but it counts for little. It is our hope that you will waive the claim and we shall then see if we can do something for your orders to follow. 38. We are prepared to make you a responsible compensation, but not for the amount you claimed, because we cannot see the reason why the loss should be 50% more than the actual value of the goods. Please reconsider the matter. 39. It would not be fair if the loss be totally imposed on us as the liability rests with both parties. We are ready to meet you half way, i.e. to pay 50% of the loss only. 40. We believe that this is the most advantageous solution to you, since you can get the complete goods at a specially reduced price. 41. We may compromise but the compensation should, in no case, exceed ..., otherwise this case will have to be submitted to arbitration. Supplement of Unit 10 (H) Rejecting Claims: 43. As it is a matter concerning insurance, we hope you will refer it to the insurance company or their agents at your end. 44. We can hardly be expected to accept your claim after a lapse of over one month. 45. We regret we cannot entertain your claim. 46. We are sorry we cannot agree to the view put forwarded by your client, and must repudiate our liability for the claim on account of lack of evidence. Chapter Eleven 今天一来,看到有那么多朋友的支持,才使我的帖子没沉到我自己都找不到,好感动哦!同时也好感 谢大家! 今天我们就进入到最后一个章节, 这个章节的内容,尤其注解比较多,大家拿好凳子来听课罗!希 望能赶在春节前准时出货给大家拉! 好,现在进入主题! 不知道各位朋友有没遇到过客人向你提出要做你们公司在他们市场那边的代理的情况呢? 我自 己就有碰过,所以这一章节,我们就是来讨论 Agencies 的内容! 先来看个 Introduction: When a company seeks to develop its market, it often resorts to the help of agents, who will be employed to represent the company and sell its products in an area too distant to be effectively covered by the company itself. Any export company many have commission agents abroad or appoint a sole agent in a district to push the sale of a certain article exclusively on its behalf. Before entering into an agency agreement, the company should make searching enquiries into the qualifications, experience and personal qualities of prospetive agents, for example: 1) their reliablity and financial soundness; 2) their market connections and the effectiveness of their sales organization; 3) their technical ability to handle the goods to be marketed; 4) the nature and extent of other agencies they may hold, and in particular whether these are connected with the sale of competing products. These matters are especially important when foreign agents are appointed since they will be working without local supervision or control. 函电 (60) ------ A 今天本章节的第一篇例文是: (A) Asking for Sole Agency Dear sirs, This is to inform you that we are acting as agents on a sole agency commission basis. We specialize in the trade of household and decorative wares, such as porcelain wares, lacquer wares and crystals. We have been working with the Ceramics Department of your Shanghai Office and our relations have proved mutually satisfactory. You may refer to them for any information concerning our firm. We are very much interested in entering into an exclusive arrangement with your corporation for the promotion of sales of your products in Cairo. We await your news with keen interest. Yours faithfully, 函电 (60) ------ B (B) An Unfavourable Reply Dear sirs, We thank you for your letter of 11th September. As we are now only at the get-acquainted stage we deem it rather premature to take into consideration the matter of sole agency. In our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things prove. Also, it would be necessary for you to test the market-ability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangements. We enclose two copies of our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines. We shall be pleased to hear from you again. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (60) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. This is to inform you that ... 兹通知你方...... 如: This is to inform you that the goods are not in accordance with the sample. 2. act as ph.v. 充当, 担任 如: We thank you for your letter of May 20, in which you offer to act as our agents for the sale of our products in North Africa. 3. agent n. 代理人 sales agent (or: selling agent) 销售代理人 purchasing agent (or: buying agent) 采购代理人 exclusive agent (or: sole agent) 独家代理人 commission agent 佣金代理人 general agent 总代理人 manufacturer's export agent 厂家出口代理人 advertising agent 广告代理人 shipping agent (or: forwarding agent) 运输代理人 insurance agent 保险代理人 如: We owe your name to ABC Company, through whom we have learned that you are seeking an agent here. agency n. 代理 agency agreement 代理协议 agency commission 代理佣金 sole agency (or: exclusive agency) 独家代理 sole agency agreement 独家代理协议 如: Your application for sole agency for a period of one year is now under our careful consideration. 函电 (60) ------ 注解B 4. specialize (也可以拼为specialise) v. 专门经营 如: We are a state-operated corporation, specializing in the import and export of Chemicals. 5. exclusive adj. 除外的; 独有的, 专有的, 唯一的 exclusive agency 独家代理 exclusive agent 独家代理人 exclusive distribution 总经销 exclusive economics zone 专属经济区 exclusive offer 独家发盘 exclusive right 专卖权 exclusive sales 包销 exclusive sales agreement 包销协议, 独家经销协议 exclusive selling agency 独家经销 如: The above price is exclusive of your commission. We will revert to the question of exclusive agency when opportunity arises. exclusivity n. 排他性; 独家代理 如: This article is under the exclusivity of ABC Company in your district. 6. promotion n. 推销 如: We are pleased to note that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product. promote v. 促进; 推销 如: How can we promote sales of our products in your market? 函电 (60) ------ 注解C 7. at the get-acquainted stage 在初交阶段 如: As we are only at the get-acquained stage, we have no intention of considering exclusive sales in your market for the time being. 8. deem v. 认为 如: We deem that a hasty decision is not advisable. 9. premature adj. 不成熟的, 过早的 如: Your request for acting as our agent in your territory has been noted, but we think that it would appear premature to discuss this matter at present. 10. take sth. into consideration 考虑某事 如: We are of the opinion that you did not take these factors into consideration in your inspection. 11. try out ph. v. 试, 试用 如: Please try out this new product free for one year. 12. test v. 试验; 为鉴定而进行的测验 如: We have tested the sample and found the quality satisfactory. We should use various methods to test for the needs of market. test n. 试验, 检验 如: The sample has been put to the test before shipment. 函电 (60) ------ 注解D 13. marketability n. 销售可能性 如: We have to assess the marketability of this product. marketable adj. 可销售的 如: The damaged goods are hardly marketable. 14. turnover n. 营业额, 成交额, 周转 annual turnover 每年营业额 turnover rate 周转率 turnover tax 周转税 如: Should you be prepared to appoint us as your agents, we would guarantee a turnover of $100,000 each year. 15. justify v. 证明......是正确的, 认为......是有理的 如: The market report does not justify your price adjustment. 16. within the framework of 在......范围内 如: This line falls within the framwork of our business activities. 函电 (61) ------ A 今天的例文是: (A) Asking for Sole Agency Dear sirs, We think we are entitled to some credit for having built up a sizable volume of business in your "Tiantan" brand Men's Shirts in the Egyptian market. However, interest for your product has yet to be fostered before we can fully exploit the potentialities of our market. You will perhaps feel inclined to consider an offer from us to act as your exclusive agents for Egypt. Such an arrangement would not only make it worth our while to exert more intensified efforts for future sales promotion but would eliminate the clash of your own offers when you are selling through many parties. If you are agreeable to our proposal, please outline the terms on which you will be prepared to enter into an exclusive sales agreement with us. Yours faithfully, 函电 (61) ------ B (B) A Favourable Reply Dear sirs, We have read your of the 15th May and are favourably impressed with the proposal you make us. After a careful review of our relations and the business achievements we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our "Tiantan" brand Men's Shirts in the territory of Egypt. We have drawn up a draft agreement, which we are sending herewith. Please go over the detailed terms and conditions and advise us whether they meet with your approval. Please be assured that we are always anxious to cooperate with you closely with a view to furthering a mutually beneficial trade. Yours faithfully, Encl. 函电 (61) ------ 注解A 注解: 1. entitle v. 给予权利或资格 如: This should entitle us to special consideration. The buyers are entitled to ask for replacement of the goods which are found defective. 2. credit n. 赞扬, 称赞; 信誉, 信用 如: We think you deserve credit for promoting business between our two district. Their credit is good as they always pay their debts in time. 3. sizable (也可拼为 sizeable) adj. 大量的, 相当大的 如: We have concluded sizable transactions with Hongkong this year. 4. volume n. 数量, 总额 volume discount 总购量折让 (或折扣) volume of business 营业额, 交易额 volume of sales 销售量 volume of trade 贸易额, 交易额 如: The volume of trade in this line has increased since last year. 5. foster v. 培训, 促进, 鼓励 foster the ability to do business 培养做生意的能力 foster business 促进业务发展 foster export 鼓励出口 如: We fostered the consumers' interest in our products by advertizing. 函电 (61) ------ 注解B 6. exploit v. 利用, 开发 如: As to increasing your market share in this area, you had better exploit local resources and look for an agent. exploitation n. 利用, 开发 如: The exploitation of oil under the sea is important to our national economy. 7. potentiality n. 潜力, 潜在可能性 如: We came here with the purpose of investigating the potentiality of our new products entering your market. potential adj. 有潜力的, 可能的 如: The potential sales of this article will be quite considerable. potential n. 潜力, 可能性 如: We are tapping our material potential so as to place ourselves in a position to meet the enormous needs of the world market. 8. feel (or: be) inclined 倾向于(做某事), 有意(做某事) 如: Carelessness of this kind makes our buyers feel inclined to give their orders to your competitors. 9. worth (sb's) while 值得(某人)(花时间,精力等)的 如: We are afraid it would be neither worth your while, nor ours, to continue business on D/P basis. 函电 (61) ------ 注解C 10. exert v. 尽(力), 发挥 如: Heavy commitments have exerted such a pressure on us as to prevent acceptance of new order. exertion n. 努力 如: It takes a great deal of exertion to export textiles to the United States. 11. intensify v. 加强, 加剧 如: If you reduce your price by 3%, we are confident that you would greatly intensify your competitive position here. 12. clash n. 冲突, 不和 如: The clash of interests between the two parties was amicably cleared up at last. 13. entrust v. 委托, 托付 如: In view of the fact that the rate of premium you quoted is quite reasonable, we have decided to entrust your company with the insurance of this shipment. 14. go over ph. v. 研究, 检查, 审阅 如: In going over our accounts, we find that there is a balance of US$96.55 in our favour. 15. further v. 增进, 促进 如: Multinational corporations grew into strong entities by reinvesting their profits prudently so as to further the access to natural resources in the host countries. 16. beneficial adj. 有益的, 有利的 如: We sincerely hope that we shall be able to establish a connection between our two parties which will be pleasant and mutually beneficial. 函电(62)------- A 不好意思啊各位,我答应大家过年回来更新,一直都还没时间来,直到拖到现在,希望大家不要唾口 水淹死我啊! 虽然下面的内容对函电写信已经没什么用途了,但也可作个参考资料来了解一下增长自己的见 识~ (A) Exclusive Sales Agreement Through friendly negotiations, this Agreement is entered between Tianjin Garments Imp.& Exp. Corporation, Tianjin, China (hereinafter called Party A), and xxx Company, Cairo, Egypt (hereinafter called Party B) on the following terms and conditions: 1. Party A entrust Party B with the exclusive sales in the territory of Egypt for "Tianjin" brand Men's Shirts. This Agreement is valid from ... to ... 2. Quantity: During the above-mentioned period, Party B shall endeavour to push sales of not less than ... of "Tianjin" brand Men's Shirts, the quantity of which should be spread over quarterly in approximately equal proportions. 3. During the validity of this Agreement, Party A refrain from offering the above-mentioned goods to other merchants with Egyptian ports as ports of destination, while Party B undertake to refrain from purchasing, pushing sales of or acting as agents for the commodity of other suppliers same as or similar to that stated in Article 1 and guarantee not to tranship in any way the said goods supplied by Party A to any area, where exclusivity or sales agency has been granted by Party A. If any violation of the above is found. Party A have the right to cancel this Agreement. 4. Should other buyers in the territory under exclusivity approach Party A for the purchase of the above-mentioned goods, Party A should refer them to Party B. If such buyers insist on concluding business direct with Party A, Party A may do so. Party A may likewise conclude business with Egyptian buyers who come to visit China or attend the Chinese Export Commodity Fair at prices not lower than those quoted to Party B. In the above event, Party A agree to reserve for Party B a commission of 1% on the basis of FOB value of the business thus concluded and send a copy of the relative contract to Party B. 5. During the period of this Agreement, both parties should strictly abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of any breach of them by one party, the other party are entitled, when necessary, to claim the termination of this Agreement. 6. Party B should be responsile for the sending of reports every month to Party A for their reference, setting forth local market conditions of the said goods (including details of price leval and demand for variety in articles). 7. This Agreement is not binding on inter-government (authorized state enterprises and cooperatives in the nature of a state-owned enterprises) tenders and barter transactions of any nature. 8. At its expiration, the termination or renewal of this Agreement will be decided by both parties through negotiation. 9. This Agreement is made out in Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally binding. One copy each is kept by either party. Party A Party B April 1, 2000 函电(62) ----- B 好,现在继续...... (B) Sole Agency Agreement This Agreement is entered into the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions agreed upon as follows: 1. The Parties Concerned: Supplier: Tianjin Leadar (Group) Corporation (hereinafter called Party A) Agent: xxx Company (hereinafter called Party B) 2. Commodity and Quantity: Party A hereby appoint Party B as their Sole Agent for the sale of ..., Party B shall undertake to achieve the sale of the aforesaid commodity not less than ... in the duration of this Agreement. 3. Territory: In ... only. 4. Confirmation of Orders: The quantities, prices and shipments concerning the commodity stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which will be shown in Party A's S/C. 5. Payment: After confirmation of an order, Party B shall arrange to open a 100% Irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after the L/C is opened, so that Party A may make preparations for shipment. 6. Commission: A ... percent(...%) commission on Invoice value against each shipment will be remitted to Party B by Party A after receipt of the payment. 7. Reports on Market Conditions: Party B shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditions and on consumers' comments. For Party A's reference, Party B shall, from time to time, forward to Party A samples of similar commodity offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales position and advertising material. 8. Advertising & Publicity Expenses: Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all drafts and/or drawings intended for such purpose for prior approval. 9. Validity of Agreement: This Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for ... to be effective as from ... to ... . If a renewal of this Agreement is desired, notice in writing should be given by either party within one month prior to its expiry. Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement. 10. Arbitration: All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled throught negotiation between both parties. In the event that no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of Internation Trade, Beijing, in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and is binding on both parties. 11. Other Terms & Conditions: 1) Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory. Direct enquires, if any, will be referred to Party B. However, should any other buyers insist on dealing direct with Party A, Party A shall have the right to do so. In the latter case, Party A shall send to Party B a copy of relevant S/C and reserve ... percent(...%) commission for Party B on the net invoice value of the transactions concluded. 2) Should Party B fail to send their orders to Party A for a minimum of ... for a period of ... months, Party A shall not be bound to this Agreement. 3) For any business transacted between governments of both parties, Party A shall have full right to handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A's govenment without binding themselves to this Agreement. Party B shall not interfere with such direct dealings, not shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensations or commission thereof. 4) Other terms and conditions shall be subject to those specified in the formal S/C signed by both parties. The Agreement is made out in quadruplicate, each party holding two copies. Party A (Supplier) Party B (Agent) 函电(62) ------ 注解A 不好意思啊各位朋友,我自从把第62篇的内容打上来后,就一直没时间把它的注解弄上来. 我不 知道我现在能否把该篇内容的全部注解都一起写完,因为很多. 若不能,请各位谅解一下,我先传 一部分,另外一部分就再等一下好吗? 千万不要拿砖头扔我啊! 1. spread v. 伸展, 散布 如: Recession is spreading rapidly through the economics of the West. spread out ph. v. 把......分期 spread over ph. v. 在时间上延续 2. proportion n. 比例; 部分; (复数)大小 如: The proportion of imports to exports is worrying the government. A large proportion of the goods is damaged by heat and sweat. in proportion to 成比例, 相称 out of proportion to 不成比例, 不相称 如: The increase in price is quite in proportion to the improvement in quality. 3. sales agency 销售代理 如: We have decided to offer you a sales agency in Japan on the following terms and conditions. 4. violation n. 违背, 违反, 触犯 如: We regret that we cannot accept this shipment because of your violation of the contract. 5. cancel v. 撤消, 取消, 删去 如: Having received no instuctions from your regarding the August shipment for your order, we have now been forced to cancel the shipping space on the vessel. cancellation n. 撤消, 取消, 删去 如: We sincerely regret the inconvenience that this cancellation of the order caused you. 6. abide v. 遵守 如: We hope that the above explanation will convince you that we have been abiding by our agreement with you. 7. breach n. 违反, 违背 a breach of contract 违反合同 a breach of agreement 违反协议 a breach of promise 违背诺言 如: We are sorry to inform you that you have committed a breach of international practice. breach v. 违反, 违背 如: Both parties shall not breach to a satisfactory without good reasons. 8. termination n. 结束, 终止 如: The dispute was brought to a satisfactory termination. terminate v. 结束, 终止; 使结束, 使终止 如: The goods must reach here before our import licence terminates. We have to terminate Contract No.180 because of the Force Majeure incident. 9. variety n. 种类 如: We have several varieties of green tea and would like to invite your specific enquiries. 10. binding adj. 有约束力的 如: These regulations shall be binding on them without exception. 函电(62) ------ 注解B 11. authorized adj. 公认的, 审定的, 核准的 authorized agent 指定的代理人 authorized capital (公司被批准发放的) 股额, 公认资本, 核定股本, 额定股本 authorized state (or: state-owned) enterprises 政府授权的国营企业 authorized cooperation in the nature of a state-owned enterprises 政府授权的国营企业性质的合作社 authorize (也可拼写为 authorise) v. 授权, 准许 如: The company has authorized him to settle business on the spot. 12. tender n. 投标 tender bond 投标押金, 投标保证金 tender procedures 投标手续 invitation to tender 招标 opening of tender 开标 如: Many corporation are putting in (or: are making; are sending in) tenders for the hotel. tender v. 投标 如: They tender for the construction of a new railway. tenderer n. 投标人 successful tenderer 中标人 13. barter n. 易货, 物物交换 barter agreement 易货协议 barter scheme 易货 barter system 易货贸易制 如: It is nothing less than a barter transaction. barter v. 以(货)换(货), 作易货贸易 如: We barter our wheat for Japanese machines. 14. expiration n. 终止, 期满 如: The shipment must arrive here before the expiration of the licence. 15. renewal n. 更新, 恢复, 延长; (契约等)展期 如: We hope you will spare no efforts in promoting sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement when it expires. 16. appoint v. 委任, 指派 如: If you were to appoint us as your agents, we should be prepared to discuss the rate of commission with you. appointment n. 任命 如: We have decided to offer you an appointment as our sole agents for Scotland on the following terms and conditions. 17. aforesaid adj. 上述的 也可用 aforementioned, 与 above-mentioned 同义. 18. duration n. 期间, 持续时间 如: The duration of the maintenance of these machines is one year certain. 19. obligation n. 责任, 义务 如: The sellers are under obligation to complete the delivery of the goods within the contractual time of shipment. 20. advertising (也可拼写为 advertizing) adj. 广告的 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告代理人 advertising compaign 广告运动 advertising expenses 广告费用 advertising material 广告资料 advertising rate 广告费率 advertise (也可拼写为 advertize) v. 做广告, 登广告 如: A company may advertise its products by means of newspapers, magazines, televisions, hoardings, and even sky-writing. advertisement (也可拼写为 advertizement) n. 广告 如: If you want to promote this new product of yours, put an advertisement in the newspaper. 函电(62) ------ 注解C 真的非常对不起大家啊~自从上次上传了那堆内容后就一直很忙没时间上来这里光顾,更没办法把剩余不多的内容全部粘贴完~现在怎么也得要通宵赶出来给大家,不然实在太对不起支持我这个帖子的朋友们了~ 21. publicity n. 宣传,广告 如:It appears to us that you had better give wide publicity to your commodities in the specialized journals. 22. effective adj. 有效的 如:The new pricelist will become effective from June 1. 23. arbitration n. 仲裁 arbitration clause 仲裁条款 arbitration committee 仲裁委员会 compulsory arbitration 强制仲裁 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁 refer a dispute to arbitration 把争议提交仲裁 submit a matter to arbitration 把事情提交仲裁 settled by arbitration 由仲裁解决 如:As it is not likely to come to an amicable settlement between us, we have to refer the matter to arbitration. arbitrate v. 仲裁 arbitrate between two parties 在两方间进行仲裁 arbitrate a dispute 仲裁一项争议 如:The two parties agreed to arbitrate their dispute. arbitrator n. 仲裁人 如:If negotiation are deadlocked, an arbitrator must be called in. 24. dispute n. 争议,争执 in (or: under) dispute 在争议中的 beyond dispute 无可争议 如:All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. 25. Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会仲裁程序暂行规则 26. final adj. 终局的,决定性的,无可改变的 如:The award of the arbitration is final. 27. interfere v. 干扰,干预;妨碍,影响 如:We should deliver the goods next week if nothing interferes. 28. thereof adv. = of that 其 = from that source 由此 这是书面正式用语,类似的有 thereafter adv. = afterwards 以后,此后,其后 therefrom adv. = by that means 借此 thereby adv. = from that 从那里 therein adv. = in that 在那里 thereinafter adv. = in that part which follows 在下一部分中,在下文中 thereon adv. = on that 在那上面 thereto adv. = to that 在那里 thereunder adv. = under that 在其下 thereupon adv. = then 随即 = as the result of that 因此 therewith adv. = with that 与此 = in addition to that 此外,又 Supplement of Unit 11 (A) 本章节的补充知识如下: Some Useful Sentences on Agencies: 1. We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting now, because we are commanding an extensive domestic market in this line. 2. Having obtained a reputable position and thorough knowledge of trade, we are sure that any consignment entrusted to us will be executed to your full satisfaction. 3. There is a considerable demand for your products here, and we would do our utmost to push the sale on your behalf if you are disposed to entertain our commission rate. 4. Having been closely connected with reliable sources of supply, we have much confidence that we can play an important part as a buying agent in your overseas trade. 5. Having a wide and varied experience in the trade, we are convinced that we are in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent in the most effective manner. 6. We understand that you are not represented in our country now and would very much like to work an arrangement with you. We can provide first-class references from leading banks. 7. After careful consideration, we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for ... in the territory of ... 8. After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing we have decided to appoint you as our agent in the district you defined, subject to the following terms and conditions. 9. Thank you for your proposal of acting as our agent. In view of your past efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we have decided to accept your proposal and appoint you as our agent. 10. We have approved your proposal as agent. Please go over the enclosed draft agreement and let us have your comments by return Supplement of Unit 11 (B) 11. We suggest a trial period of one year. If everything turns out satisfactory, we can renew the agency agreement on its expiry. 12. If your work turns out to be satisfactory, the agency agreement can be renewed on expiry. We shall consider a longer period at that time. 13. We have already appointed Messrs ... as our agent in your territory. 14. We have already had agency arrangement with Messrs ... for the sale of this product in your region. 15. We have already been represented by Messrs ... in your district. 16. This particular line has already been taken by Messrs ... who have acted as our sole agent in your area. 17. These articles are confined to the sole agency agreement signed with Messrs ... in your territory. 18. We appreciate your suggestion that you sell our goods on an exclusive basis, but first of all we should like to know the approximate quantity you may sell in the coming year. 19. Your suggestion for agency has been noted. In order to enable us to make a careful study of your proposal, we should like to know your plan for promoting the sales of our products, the market consumption and the volume of business which you are able to conclude monthly or quarterly. At the same time, please let us know whether you now represent any suppliers in the same line. 20. If you will continue your efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we shall be glad to discuss the matter of sole agency with you. Supplement of Unit 11 (C) 21. If you could pursue your efforts in building a larger turnover, we shall be glad to take into consideration your proposal of an agency agreement. 22. If business between us could be further extended, we shall take into consideration of granting you an agency agreement. 23. If business achievements eventually prove up to our mutual satisfaction, we shall consider your suggestion of an agency arrangement. 24. Please do our relax your endeavour in working up sufficient business so as to warrant the sole agency arrangement. 25. We shall consider the question of agency when circumstances necessitate doing so. 26. Referring to the question of sole agency, we are not yet prepared to take the matter into consideration for the time being. We shall revert to this subject as soon as the business between us has developed to our mutual satisfaction. 27. Regarding the question of agency, we should think it premature for us to discuss this question at the present stage. We should be wiling to consider this matter if future development of business between us justifies such an arrangement. 28. Referring to your request to act as our sole agent for ..., we may consider this question seriously when business between us has been further extended. 29. As regards the question of sole agency, in our opinion, we both had better leave it in abeyance pending the development of business. 30. Although we have full condidence in your sales ability, we suggest that at this stage you do business with us on our usual trade terms. As soon as marked success in achieved by you, we will then take your proposal to act as our sole agent into consideration. Supplement of Unit 11 (D) 31. As to the question of sole agency, we prefer deferring discussion for the time being. 32. Referring to the problem of granting you sole agency, we choose not to touch on it at the present stage. 33. As to your suggestion of an agency agreement, we do not think the opportunity has come to maturity for us to ocnsider the matter. 34. Regarding your request for an agency arrangement, we consider it still too early for us to come into the matter.
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