首页 > 做直销越做越穷的11个原因


2018-08-23 10页 doc 33KB 3阅读




做直销越做越穷的11个原因做直销越做越穷的11个原因 今天在网上上网的时候突然又看到了我直销生涯启蒙的文章《直销致富的11大理由》。 这十一大理由罗列如下: 理由一:直销是成为富人最好的事业 理由二:直销是不断复制成功的事业 理由三:直销是白手起家最好的事业 理由四:直销是拥有完美制度和产品的事业 理由五:直销是机会人人均等的事业 理由六:直销是自由自主有保障的事业 理由七:直销是一所没有围墙的大学 理由八:直销是培养团队领导人的事业 理由九:直销是搭建高质量人脉网的事业 理由十:直销是培养核心销售能力的事业 理由十一:直销是...
做直销越做越穷的11个原因 今天在网上上网的时候突然又看到了我直销生涯启蒙的文章《直销致富的11大理由》。 这十一大理由罗列如下: 理由一:直销是成为富人最好的事业 理由二:直销是不断复制成功的事业 理由三:直销是白手起家最好的事业 理由四:直销是拥有完美和产品的事业 理由五:直销是机会人人均等的事业 理由六:直销是自由自主有保障的事业 理由七:直销是一所没有围墙的大学 理由八:直销是培养团队领导人的事业 理由九:直销是搭建高质量人脉网的事业 理由十:直销是培养核心销售能力的事业 理由十一:直销是帮你成就完美人生的事业 回头看看自己差不多10年的直销生涯经历~再看看这篇文章~怎么突然觉得那么好笑~直销真的是这么完美的事业吗, 写《直销致富的11大理由》的作者可能自己没有亲自做过直销~带过团队~所以写出这种不符合现实的文章。真实的直销远非想象的那么美好。 真实的情况倒是: wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 直销是有钱又有能力的人较容易成功~穷人反而容易越变越穷。 直销如果真的能复制成功的话~就不会95%的人亏着钱出来。 直销真的白手起家能做起来吗,直销人的加入费、自用产品费用、费、交通费、通讯费、市场开发的费用~加上各种工具流的投资~其实不少。先不说赚多少钱,全职做的人一年至少要花掉好几万~领导人要花掉更多。 直销的产品都还是不错的~就是价格普遍比较贵~消费者不愿长期消费~或者有钱人才消费。直销奖励制度~现在都变成少数人获利~多数人亏损的制度。 直销倒是人人都可以来做~但是没实力的人照样难成功。 直销的保障就更别提了。有几个人实现了不做还有源源不断的持续收入的。 直销倒是给一些人提供了一些商业培训~但是很多是给你洗脑。 直销领导人没培养几个~但是培养了很多眼高手低~想一夜暴富~赚快钱的人。 直销倒是让更多的人的人脉受伤~朋友不来往~最后活在直销人的小圈子。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 直销行业倒是锻炼了很多人的忽悠能力。这个行业虚伪、谎言、欺骗见得太多了。 直销倒是让很多人的人生变得更不完美~为了直销~牺牲了健康~家庭和朋友。 为了让更多的直销新人不要进入直销的误区~不要越做越穷~变成直销难民。 我在此分享一下~我的《做直销越做越穷的11个原因》。让直销新人远离这些陷阱。 原因一:大单加入或者买多个点位 现在很多直销公司的制度都有门槛~而且入单的最高级别都是1万多~入单级别越高~封顶越高~诱导别人一开始就买大单~买什么金三角~多个点位。直销新人切记要理性~不要冲动。其实很多公司的级别后面都可以升级的。 原因二:到处报单~见网就投 很多直销人做不起来就怨公司不好~每个新公司出来都要去看~到处投单。投了单又不做或做不起来。到处帮别人垫底~被别人忽悠。钱还没赚~就投出去好几万。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 原因三:帮别人垫单 有些人为了团队快速起来~到处去整合其他直销公司经销商~有些时候还帮别人垫单~或者借钱给别人报单~其实谈条件进来的人~很多都不会做。最后钱才两空。 原因四:请客吃饭 爱慕虚荣~夸大收入~还没赚钱~就说自己赚了钱。用请客吃饭的方法邀约别人~这种方法~开发成本极高。很快钱包缩水~入不敷出。 原因五:开发市场舍近求远 本地市场还没起来~就全国各地到处飞。到处启动市场。这种方式开发成本最高~而且不好扶持团队。最后你走了~他们也动不起来。 原因六:盲目相信100%自用 直销产品要自用不错。但是不要超出自我的消费能力~全部自用~特别是产品多~又贵的公司~你的全部直销收入加起来可能还不够自用呢。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 原因七:盲目开工作室 团队还没起来~就开工作室~装修~设备等等一下就花去好几万。中途公司或团队有任何变故这些投资就会打水漂。 顾客还没几个~就被人忽悠去开专卖店~投入几万甚至原因八:盲目开店铺 上十万装修临街的店铺。 发现其实没人会上门来买直销产品~也就团队成员过来拿货。开直销专卖店的几乎都是亏的。某某公司去年轰轰烈烈搞营养早餐店~我们深圳这边也开了不少~现在好像都不见了。 原因九:快速买到某个高级别 国内的一些累积制度的公司~经常忽悠新人一下买到3万~6万。直接累积到最高的级别。甚至我还听说有一次买几十万货的。淘宝上的很多直销低价货大部分都是被忽悠的人抛出来的。这么多产品卖又卖不出~不卖就过期了~只能低价出售。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing 原因十:小组业绩不足~月底自己 大部分直销公司都有小组业绩要求~要拿领导奖金~必买合格 须未脱离部门有业绩考核。 很多人到了月底就自己买上不够的部分~最后家里都变成仓库~钱都变成货了~货要变成钱就难了。最后也是只能低价抛货~自己受损失。 原因十一:没有零售顾客~不做销 直销本质上就是销售~很多人把直销当卖梦想的生意~售 到处去找经营者~消费者一个都没有~说白了就是拉人头。开发经营者的成本是非常高的。市场没做起来~钱就花光了。 刚进入直销行业的朋友~希望你们能看清楚这些陷阱。那些所谓的领导人~也请不要忽悠刚加入的新人盲足投资。 最后补充一点~不要盲目去全职做直销~这是让你钱财耗干~快速变成直销难民最快的方法。 wishes of the people, and ensure that Government policy reflected the fundamental interests of the people. To improve writing ability. This is Office cadres must have a basicWork that reflects to some extent the level of Office work, displaying the image. The comrades of the Office attaches great importance to strengthening the cultivation of comprehensive ability of text, ensuring the drafting of documents, processing of documents guidelines clear and reflect true expression text is accurate, concise, correct. Third, strengthen the construction of style, creating a good image. Office staff worked in leadership, a special status, you must put the style construction in an important position, always keep a good mental state and focus on creating good pragmatic, efficient, precise, clean image. To carry forward the action, results-oriented style. To tell the truth, do solid work, realistic effect throughout the work of the Office of the whole process. To tell the truth was mixed news, worrying news; and do practical things, is not tokenism, not showy, and effectiveness, is trying to implement. Issued documents, coordination problems, if the matter, are caught in the end, through solid work, and promote increased Office service. To promote just do, and vigorous style. A prominent feature is the time critical of the work of the Office. This requires that the staff in the actual work of the Office, must establish a strong sense of time, do things quick, efficient, and resolutely overcome balanced, tardiness, finger-pointing
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