

2017-12-12 11页 doc 52KB 6阅读




疫苗的基础概念疫苗的基础概念 一个人得了某种传染病后,在相当长的一段时间内,甚至终身,不会再得同样的病。这是因为传染病的病原微生物(细菌、病毒)侵入人体后,刺激机体的免疫系统,不但能产生与之对抗的抗体,而且还能对病原微生物产生记忆,从而对这种疾病具有抵抗力。下次同样的病原微生物再次侵入机体时,会很快被识别出来,并且被抗体清除这也就是患传染病后的自然免疫。 幼儿的免疫系统还没发育完善,自己产生抗体的能力差,并且一旦被病原微生物感染,病情进展快,容易导致严重后果。如何能让小 宝宝在不发病的情况下产生免疫力呢,答案就是接种疫苗。 疫苗是致病...
疫苗的基础概念 一个人得了某种传染病后,在相当长的一段时间内,甚至终身,不会再得同样的病。这是因为传染病的病原微生物(细菌、病毒)侵入人体后,刺激机体的免疫系统,不但能产生与之对抗的抗体,而且还能对病原微生物产生记忆,从而对这种疾病具有抵抗力。下次同样的病原微生物再次侵入机体时,会很快被识别出来,并且被抗体清除这也就是患传染病后的自然免疫。 幼儿的免疫系统还没发育完善,自己产生抗体的能力差,并且一旦被病原微生物感染,病情进展快,容易导致严重后果。如何能让小 宝宝在不发病的情况下产生免疫力呢,答案就是接种疫苗。 疫苗是致病能力已经被大部分或者全部消除的病原微生物或者它们产生的一些物质,进入人体后能刺激机体产生免疫力,但是又不至于发病。疫苗具有很强的针对性,接种特定疫苗只能使人产生对应的抵抗力,预防这种病原微生物导致的传染病。为了预防多种传染病,就必须接种多种疫苗。不过,现在已经出现了联合疫苗,一个疫苗里含有多个疫苗成分,可以同时预防多种传染病。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 什么是一类苗、二类苗, 一类苗是国家掏钱的,所以是免费疫苗。 国家规定必须接种,如果不接种,宝宝可能不让上幼儿园。 二类苗需要自己掏钱,所以有所选择是否接种,二类苗包括了部分一类苗的替代疫苗,需要自费接种,也就是我们俗称的自费苗。 为什么要接种二类苗, 一类苗因为是国家出钱并规定必须接种的,爸妈们也不会去纠结是不是要打;二类苗需要自费,各种相关的问题就出现了:既然疫苗都很重要,为什么还要分一类苗和二类苗,是不是一类苗比二类苗重要,所以一类苗是国家规定必须接种的,那二类苗到底要不要打, 首先,为什么要分一类苗二类苗,一类苗和二类苗的划分是一种行政分类,不是医学分类,国家根据经济能力和防病规划而制定的。目前中国还负担不起所有疫苗都免费接种,根据国情将疫苗分为了一类苗和二类苗。一类苗和二类苗不是绝对的,现在有些一类苗以前也曾经是二类苗,比如乙肝疫苗、麻腮风疫苗等。国家随着经济实力的提高,一类苗会越来越多的。 其次,一类苗比二类苗重要吗,其实,从医学和防病的角度看,所有上市的疫苗(包括一类苗和二类苗)都非常重要,因为疫苗是最直接有效预防疾病的方法。没有人会认为肺炎不重要,脑膜炎不重要。事实上很多在国内是第二类的疫苗早已纳入发达国家的免费接种。 最后,为什么要接种二类苗,因为二类疫苗针对的传染病对宝宝的威胁也很大,例如Hib、水痘、肺炎、流感等等。有些二类苗还是一类苗的替代疫苗,如脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗(IPV)、五联疫苗等,针对部分患有禁忌症或免疫力低下的宝宝,降低不良反应发生的几率。 现在的爸妈给宝宝喝最贵的奶粉,买昂贵的衣服和玩具,在疫苗接种方面,千万不要因为觉得“自费疫苗不重要”而突然感觉“差钱”了。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 联合疫苗是把两种或两种以上疫苗有效成分联合起来制成的新疫苗,预防其中各疫苗能够预防的疾病,例如百白破疫苗。有些疫苗可以针对同一种病原微生物的不同亚型,也属于联合疫苗,例如23价肺炎球菌疫苗。联合疫苗减少了打针次数,一方面可以减少接种发生副反应的机会,一方面也减少了宝宝打针的痛苦。 新爸新妈们可能觉得“联合疫苗”听上去是个“新品”,其实,我们早已开始接触它了。例如,目前我们计划免疫一类苗中的百白破疫苗就是一种联合疫苗,它能够同时预防百日咳、白喉以及破伤风三种疾病,所以大家也叫它“三联疫苗”。而最近在国内上市的五联疫苗是在此基础上增加了脊髓灰质炎和b型流感嗜血杆菌两种疫苗的成分,预 防的疾病增加到五种。 为什么要用联合疫苗呢,大家不妨算笔帐:以五联疫苗为例,分 别接种单个疫苗预防以上5种疾病,宝宝一共要挨多少针呢, D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 12针~也就是说,你需要请12次假,跑12次医院,宝宝挨12针,你担心12次,才能完成预防这五种疾病的接种程序。如果换成 五联疫苗会怎么样呢, 宝宝只要在2-6月龄接受3针基础免疫,在18月龄进行一次加 强免疫,一共4针,从此可以少担心五种疾病的威胁~ 联合疫苗的优势显而易见:针数少,安全性高,宝宝少受罪,父母少担心。因此,国际知名疫苗专家普罗特金教授说:“接种联合疫苗将成为必然趋势”。也因为如此,现在大家都在研制新型的联合疫苗。或许,在不久的将来,六联疫苗、七联疫苗都会出现,而我们传统意 义上的一个疾病一种疫苗的预防接种,也将成为过去式。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 疫苗接种过程要注意些什么 接种前 1. 做一些功课,了解将要接种的疫苗是什么,能预防什么病,接种后可能有哪些不良反应,什么情况不能接种,有没有其他疫苗可以替代。 2. 保持接种部位皮肤清洁。冬天接种前最好先洗澡,换上柔软、宽松的衣服。 3. 让孩子吃好、休息好,因为饥饿和过度疲劳时接种疫苗,容易发生晕针。 接种当天 1. 认真阅读(预防接种告知书),不明白的及时问,有情况及时告诉医生,然后签字。 2. 如果宝宝身体不舒服或正在生病,或者近期生过病,要及时告诉医生。 3. 如果宝宝是过敏体质,有严重哮喘、荨麻疹等,要告诉医生。 4. 如果宝宝以前接种疫苗后出现了高烧、惊厥、抽搐、荨麻疹等反应,要告诉医生。 5. 每天大便次数超过4次或最近注射过白蛋白、免疫球蛋白、输血等,要告诉医生。 接种后: 1. 接种后在医院观察15,30分钟再离开。 2. 接种后宝宝暂时不要洗澡,二至三天内不要进行剧烈运动,保持注射部位皮肤清洁,不要让宝宝抓挠。不要吃刺激性的东西,适当多喝些温开水,吃水果蔬菜。 3. 留心观察宝宝的表现,如果有高烧、昏迷、抽风等异常反应,应及时带宝宝看医生。 疫苗对机体是外来物,接种后对机体会产生刺激,出现全身或局部反应症状,常见反应有接种部位红肿和疼痛,发烧、哭闹等。一般比较轻微,不需要特殊处理。在这期间,家长只要多给宝宝喂些温开水,饮食清淡,让宝宝多休息,并保持接种部位的卫生清洁,经过2,3天,就会渐渐地好起来。如果宝宝出现一些严重的反应症状,请及时就医。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash
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