
母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法附家畜发情周期, 分娩期及干乳时间预告表

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母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法附家畜发情周期, 分娩期及干乳时间预告表母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法附家畜发情周期, 分娩期及干乳时间预告表 母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法 附家畜发情周期、分娩期及干乳时间预告表 12刘耳 邹莉萝 (1、重庆市农业局,重庆400015;2、重庆市农垦局,重庆400020;) 1、刘耳,重庆市农业局,地址:重庆市渝中区人民路238号2号,邮编:400015。作者详细通讯地址:重庆市渝中区人民村24号4-1户;邮编:400015;联系电话:(023)63871435(住宅)。 2、邹莉萝,重庆市农垦局,地址:重庆市江北区华唐路2号,农垦大厦5楼,邮编:400...
母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法附家畜发情周期, 分娩期及干乳时间预告表
母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法附家畜发情周期, 分娩期及干乳时间预告 母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法 附家畜发情周期、分娩期及干乳时间预告表 12刘耳 邹莉萝 (1、重庆市农业局,重庆400015;2、重庆市农垦局,重庆400020;) 1、刘耳,重庆市农业局,地址:重庆市渝中区人民路238号2号,邮编:400015。作者详细通讯地址:重庆市渝中区人民村24号4-1户;邮编:400015;联系电话:(023)63871435(住宅)。 2、邹莉萝,重庆市农垦局,地址:重庆市江北区华唐路2号,农垦大厦5楼,邮编:400020。作者详细通讯地址:重庆市渝中区人民村24号4-1户;邮编:400015;联系电话:(023)63871435(住宅)。 3、稿件所属范围:奶牛繁殖类(此发表在《四川奶业》2001年第3期4,14页上)。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法 附家畜发情周期、分娩期及干乳时间预告表 12刘耳 邹莉萝 (1、重庆市农业局,重庆400015;2、重庆市农垦局,重庆400020;) 摘要:母牛配种后20-21天不再发情,发情周期停止,即表示其受孕了。但畜主仍不放心,按常规,总是要在配种后一定时候,对母牛作妊娠检查。特别是在下述情况如繁殖记录发生紊乱;或放牧时发生意外交配;或受了孕的母牛又发情,即所谓的孕后发情。据1454头受孕后母牛统计,78天发生一次或多次孕后发情,概率为6%;或受了孕的母牛胚胎早期死亡或流产等。均必须对母牛作妊娠检查。妊娠检查的方法很多,如放射免疫(测定奶中的孕酮含量)、超声波检查等。这些检测方法精度高,还能在妊娠早期作出诊断,但因花费多,又要集中送样,颇为麻烦,在实践中多不采用。而临床的直检方法简便而准确,是目前最常用的牛的妊娠检查方法。笔者结合多年临床经验,将母牛妊娠临床——直肠检查方法详述如下。即据1、妊娠母牛的外部征兆;2、妊娠母牛的内部指征;3、妊娠检查的注意事项;4、附家畜发情周期预告表;妊娠的一定阶段可能诊到的特殊变化;乳牛分娩期预告表;按预产期推算奶牛干奶期预告表。 关键词:母牛妊娠临床 直肠检查法 附四个表格 formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C2pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri 期刊文献 一般来说,凡母牛配种后20—21天不再发情,发情周期停止,即表示其受孕了。但畜主还是不放心,按常规,总是要在配种后一定时候,对母牛作妊娠检查。特别是在下述情况下:如繁殖记录发生紊乱;或放牧时发生意外交配;或受了孕的母牛又发情,即所谓的孕后发情。据1454头受孕后母牛统计,平均78天时发生一次或多次孕后发情,概率为6%;或受了孕的母牛胚胎早期死亡或流产等,就必须对母牛作妊娠检查。 妊娠险查的方法很多,如放射免疫检测(测定奶中的孕酮含量)、超声波检查等。这些检测方法精度高,还能在妊娠早期作出诊断,但因花费多,又要集中送样,颇为麻烦,在实践中多不采用。而临床的直检方法简便而准确,是目前用得最多的、牛的妊娠检查方法。据笔者多年的经验,将母牛妊娠临床直肠检查方法(以下简称直检)详述如下。 1 妊娠母牛的外部征兆 母牛配种后经历一个发情周期即20,2l天不再发情,发情周期停止,意即母牛受孕了。但这不是母牛妊娠的唯一指标。不发情的原因很多,例如某些疾病如持久黄体、卵巢静止或隐性发情等亦表现不发情或从外部观察不到发情的征兆。另一方面大约6%的受了孕的牛,在孕后78天左右还可能会出现发情。这表明,配种后不发情只是母牛可能受孕重要参考依据,不能把它绝对化。这里还要讨论一下有关发情后的出血问题。配种后24-48小时,自阴门排出血及粘液的现象,有人称之为“月经”,约60-85%的牛有此征兆。许多人误认为这是母牛未受孕的标志,其实“月经”与妊娠与否两者之间不相关。 随着妊娠期的推移,孕牛的腹围增大。孕后4,5月,青年奶牛的乳房开始发育并胀大(第一次怀孕的母牛),在年龄较大的经产牛中,直至产前1,4周,不能以乳房胀大及水肿的征兆来判断其怀了孕。在怀孕已久,特别是在产前几周的母牛中,其举态安静、运动缓慢、小心。怀孕母牛体重趋于增加,骨盆韧带渐渐松弛,而明显的臀部下沉则见于产前几周的瘦削动物之中。在临产前几个月,泌乳量下降。在母牛个体之间,上述情况会有很大的差异。 在怀孕6个月之后,通过腹部触诊子官的检胎方法,可感觉到胎儿,或经腹壁可观察到胎儿的活动。在瘦削动物中,当胎儿紧靠腹壁时,胎儿或胎动可早在妊娠5个月前触诊或观察到。在肥胖动物中,在怀孕8-9月前,此法无法触诊或观察到。当母牛腹壁松弛、柔软,通过腹壁触诊子宫检胎就显得较为容易。检查的方法是,在右下腹侧壁或腹底部处,以间断的方式向内推压,若能触诊到胎儿,可感觉它尤如一个大而硬固的团块状物,悬吊或浮动于腹部的柔软结构物如子宫或子宫的内含物及腹部内脏之中。 在孕后6,7个月,于右腹侧区可听诊到胎儿的心音,由于厚的腹壁和内脏及其不固定位置的影响,致使胎儿心音难于听诊到。 2 妊娠母牛的内部指征 通过母牛直肠检查子宫、卵巢及子宫血管的变化,此乃是最实际、准确而且也是最早用于诊断母牛是否怀孕的诊断方法。 在进行直检之前,应对母牛准确的繁殖既往史进行研究。其包括末次产犊日期、本次配种日期、配种次数以及曾影响母牛生殖器官的病理或疾病的情况的有关资料。检查者应该清楚地认识到:在大多数情况,既往史可能是清楚的;有时可能未准确记录,疏漏一些情节,提供的仅是一个大概的情况;有可能提供的是虚假的既往史。这就要通过反复思考,达到去粗取精,去伪存真。通过筛选,只有准确的既往史,才是对检查者有用的。 若要对一群牛进行检查,就需要有一个助手来记录检查的结果。术者应穿特殊的保护衣,其包括胶靴、一件短袖的上衣和一双薄胶外科手套及袖套。手套及袖套既可使术者免于热、感染尘埃、污物及臭气的侵of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 袭,又可保护直肠粘膜不受毛或指甲的刺激。术者的手指上勿戴戒指,特别勿戴带有镶物的戒指。术者应把指甲剪短、磨光。术者应习惯于两只手都能作直肠检查,但如果要对许多牛只进行检查,则要用较有力的那只手臂。很多人喜欢用左手检查,从而腾出右手作记录。 在直检之前,要把动物保定好,应把母牛拴住或把其头部抓住。有一些母牛,必须把两后肢保定住。若要对很多牛只进行检查,要求有1-2个助手把母牛的尾巴拉向一侧并站在母牛两侧,勿使母牛向两侧摆动。在临近木桩或障碍物处检查牛只时,应谨慎地操作,否则母牛会突然移动后躯而伤及术者(母牛可能突然向后退而踩住术者的脚;这样的突然动作有时还会使术者及助手受惊而绊倒受伤)。在直检时,母牛可能突然踢蹴,兴奋型的牛尽管是偶然地向后踢蹴,亦有可能伤及术者。母牛的这样的踢蹴动作通常仅发生于术者的手伸入肛门之前或伸入肛门之时的那一瞬间。总之,术者要善待它们,勿慌张,心里素质要稳定。一般情况下,动物的晃动主要是逃避检查,而不是伤人。 运用无刺激性的肥皂或液体肥皂滑润肛门。术者的手作成锥状插肛,在肛门中使手伸向被查器官以远的地方(那里的直肠系膜较长),不要使手插入直肠很浅的地方并向前强拉直肠(那里的直肠系膜较短,直肠的活动范围小),而使直肠受到刺激。当手臂完全伸入直肠之后,手臂带着一部分直肠向后,以此作为在手及手臂上的皱襞,从而使直肠更松弛,使手有较大的活动余地。在进行仔细检查之前,必须把绝大多数的积粪从直肠内清除掉。为此,可采用如下方法:可用手自直肠内排除积粪,或通过刺激直肠发生蠕动收缩,或使手在刚伸入肛门的不远处即按摩直肠,或让空气进入直肠使之膨胀等方法而诱发排便。在年龄及个体较大的奶牛中,当直肠蠕动波向后移动时,术者可让手作成自然状态。然而在处女牛中,作这样的尝试有时可致直肠粘膜破裂,甚至直肠壁破裂。有一些动物,特别是当牛只在青草多的牧场上放牧时,粪便稀薄而松散,其直肠粘膜易受刺激而吸入空气,要通过膨胀、紧张的直肠壁进行检查几乎是不可能的。若采用上述刺激直肠蠕动波发生的方法,可把直肠内的空气排除。让手指钩住直肠蠕动收缩环的前方并向后拖,则有助于排除直肠内的空气。不要让助手掐母牛的背部,这会致使直肠充气。在直检时,要仔细、温和及耐心地操作,以避免损伤直肠粘膜或弄破直肠壁。有时即便是小心地操作,也难免造成幼小母牛稚嫩的直肠粘膜损伤出血。若粘膜损伤引起出血,其量可达18-28克,则应停止检查。若出血量比这更多,且不与粪便混合,表明直肠发生破裂,应立即停止检查。与此同时,应用青霉素、链霉素或土霉素或磺胺及阿托品作维持处理。若母牛呈现脉膊及体温明显增加、食欲减损及身体僵直等弥散性腹膜炎的重大阳性症状时,则应请兽医治疗之。 在进行直检时,必须首先找到子宫颈,它是我们入门的响导,是对子宫作系统检查的第一步。为找到子宫颈,把手伸至骨盆入口处或骨质骨盆处,经骨盆一侧向上,或过骨盆底,向上至骨盆另一侧触诊。若未触诊到任何东西,表明子宫是在骨盆腔内。在年龄较大的母牛中,子宫颈或子宫通常是在骨盆前沿处触诊到。在骨盆底或在其前方相当容易地找到坚实的子宫颈。在未孕或妊娠早期的牛中,可以触诊到子宫颈、子宫体、子宫角及角间韧带。在骨盆侧壁的子宫颈的稍前方,可触诊到卵巢。当妊娠继续下去,卵巢向下、向前,特别是与孕角同侧的卵巢位置的变化更为明显。妊娠期的4-6个月,由于子宫降至腹底,此时卵巢就触诊不到了。正常未孕的处女牛子宫角长15厘米,宽1.9厘米,子宫壁厚0.5厘米。在成年母牛中,子宫角长20厘米,宽4.7厘米,子宫壁厚1.2厘米。子宫角柔软而松弛,当按摩子宫或母牛发情时则属例外,此时子宫则变得勃起。考虑到一些因素,包括年龄,特别是处女牛,自孕后35天,可作出准确的诊断。在妊娠50-60天,对有经验的检查者通常就能作出准确的诊断。资料表明,于配种后35-41天,通过一次直检诊断为已孕的牛只中,于150天之后复查发现,其中10%的未孕。另有资料表明,在配种后34-50天诊断为已孕的牛只中,于150天后复查发现未孕牛只占3.6%。这表明在妊娠早期为已孕的牛只中,发生 4pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C 期刊文献 胚胎死亡的比例颇高。有资料表明,自妊娠60天以后直至分娩前为止,胚胎死亡率较低,约为2-3,。仔细而文雅地进行检查,直检本身不会引起早期胚胎死亡。 2.1 妊娠期中子宫的变化——子宫的检查 妊娠早期,由于羊膜囊、胎液、胎膜及胎儿的存在,而使子宫特别是孕角膨大。子宫角的增大而使子宫壁变薄并具波动感。子宫角的紧张和膨胀又使子宫角具有张力。妊娠40-90天,有时感觉子宫象一个充了水的厚橡皮气球。在怀孕5月前,孕角的大小大致如下: 妊娠30天,孕角直径为1.9-3.1厘米,并非整个孕角而仅呈局部稍膨大的状态。 妊娠60天,孕角直径5-6.2厘米。 妊娠90天,孕角直径7.5-8.5厘米。 妊娠120天,孕角直径10-15厘米。 妊娠150天,孕角直径15-20厘米。 在妊娠早期阶段,胎儿是很小的,所以孕角的直径主要由其内胎液的含量来确定,妊娠各阶段胎液的总量如下: 妊娠40天为75毫升。 妊娠60天为300毫升。 妊娠90天为1000毫升。 妊娠120天为3000毫升。 妊娠150天为7000毫升。 妊娠1-5月,胎液量迅速增加,但怀孕5-6月后,胎液的含量则相当恒定。 在妊娠3-4月前,可在处女牛的骨盆腔中部找到子宫。在年龄较大的经产牛中,尽管其未孕,但其子宫向前移位而位于骨盆前沿或位于骨盆前沿的前方。妊娠2—3月,孕牛子宫已位于腹腔之中。不管任何年龄的母牛,怀孕4月之后,子宫均已位于腹腔的底部。向前下方悬吊于腹腔内的子宫,由于重力所致使胎液下沉并集中在子宫的一处,致使术者不能达到。在妊娠2-3月的处女牛或年轻的母牛中,通常子宫仍位于骨盆腔中,其孕角呈典型的背侧膨大。妊娠5-6月,子宫向下、向前并完全降入腹腔。在有些动物中,于每次直检时仅能触到到子宫颈及子宫中动脉。几乎在所有动物中,妊娠6-7个月,胎儿已相当大,故能触诊到。妊娠8-9个月,胎儿向后延伸,其鼻和蹄部已进入骨盆腔内。 2.2 羊膜囊的检查 羊膜囊的大小是不一样的:妊娠28天,直径为2厘米;妊娠35天,直径为3厘米;妊娠60天,直径为5-6厘米。大约在怀孕40天以前,羊膜囊外观呈球形;在妊娠40天之后,其外形呈卵圆形。怀孕30-45天,在孕角的游离部分触诊则极有助于诊断。因其紧张而呈球形的性质,感觉其恰象一个软壳鸡蛋。 2.3 胎膜滑动的检查 此方法适用于怀孕35-90天的母牛。其方法为轻轻地拾起并掐住孕角或非孕角,缓缓松开,感觉胎膜即尿囊绒毛膜在指间滑动,此即胎膜滑动。为了防止伤害胎儿,勿过多或粗暴地拾起子宫,特别要避免拾起羊膜上面的子宫。此技术可把怀孕之子宫与因疾病而增大之子宫相区别。此方法简单而准确可靠,是母牛早期妊娠诊断的好方法。 2.4 子叶的检查 妊娠70-90天,子叶正在形成。妊娠75天,子叶约豌豆大小,将子宫壁作成皱襞,在指间搓动,可感知其存在。在妊娠100-110天以前,子叶与周围组织的界限是不清楚的。此时,在子宫壁上触诊,可感of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 知子叶为卵圆形之增厚区域,其数量在2个以上,每个子叶的直径约0.6-1.2厘米,长约2.5厘米,或为一角银币或5分镍币那么大。怀孕120天,子叶直径1.9-2.5厘米,长3.7-5厘米,或为1/4-1/2一元银币的大小。妊娠150天,子叶直径大致为2.5-5厘米,长5-7.5厘米,并逐步增大至分娩。并非所有子叶的大小、形状均相同:一般位于孕角中部的子叶,因其最靠近子宫中动脉,故其最大:孕角尖及非孕角中的子叶则较小。 2.5 胎儿的检查 妊娠75-90天,直检时可触诊到胎儿为一坚实物体漂浮于孕角之中。妊娠4-7个月,触诊到胎儿的机会为75-80%。触诊胎儿最困难的时期约为妊娠的5-6月。当母牛过肥或腹腔过深时,其诊断尤为困难,触诊到胎儿的机会仅为30-50%。若不能触诊到胎儿,则依据子宫的位置、大小、性状,子宫中动脉的大小、性状及子叶等综合判断定之。妊娠第6个月,术者可通过直肠或阴道壁掐捏胎儿的肢端,或拖胎儿的腿或掐捏胎儿的眼球,或抓住胎儿的鼻等来诱发胎动。想通过阴道来触诊胎动,这仅能在妊娠最末1个月才能做到。 表1 妊娠期中牛胎儿的大小及特征如下: 长度:头冠部至臀部 妊娠(天) 重量(克) 胎儿的特征 (厘米) 30 0.3 0.8-1 60 8-15 6-7 小鼠大,触之坚硬 90 100-200 10-17 较大鼠小些 120 500-800 25-30 小猫大,有色素沉着及角的凹痕出现 150 2000-3000 30-40 大猫大,在眼和唇处有毛 小狗大,左角凹痕、尾尖、眼及口周围有180 5000-8000 50-60 毛 210 9000-13000 60-80 身上有细毛,腿上有毛 240 15000-30000 70-90 被毛完整,门齿刚长出 270 25000-50000 70-95 门齿长出 2.6 子宫中动脉检查 妊娠继续时,子宫的血液供应量增加,子宫中动脉亦随之增大,其搏动亦有其特征,具有临床诊断意义。子宫中动脉起始于刚自腹主动脉分出之髂内动脉处。在未孕的母牛中,子宫中动脉在子宫阔韧带分出之髂内动脉处。在未孕的母牛中,子宫中动脉在子宫阔韧带中向后弯曲地越过髂骨干的背侧进入骨盆腔,然后向前、向下越过骨盆前沿进入子宫角小弯的中央部分。当妊娠继续下去时,子宫向前降入腹腔,从而把子宫中动脉拉向前,直至妊娠后半部分为止。此时,子宫中动脉位于髂骨干前方5-10厘米处。术者不要把股动脉与子宫中动脉相混淆;股动脉为筋膜牢牢地固着于髂角干处;而子宫中动脉则可在阔韧带中移动一定距离,其约为10-15厘米。在处女牛中,早在妊娠期的60-75天,孕角子宫中动脉即开始变得粗大,其直径约为0.16-0.32厘米。年龄较大的母牛中,妊娠90天时,孕角子宫中动脉有大小方面的变化才被注意到,其直径约为0.32-0.48厘米。妊娠120天,子宫中动脉直径约为0.6厘米,妊娠180天,其直径约为0.9-1.2厘米。妊娠210天,其直径约为1.2厘米。妊娠240天,其直径约为1.2-1.6厘米。270天,其直径约为1.2-1.9厘米。与此同时,非孕角子宫中动脉亦扩大,但其变化不如孕角子宫中动脉变化那么显著。随着子宫中动脉变得粗大,其脉管亦变薄,并以其特有的“呼呼转”的声音或“颤动”取代了子宫 6pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C 期刊文献 中动脉的脉搏跳动。此最早出现于妊娠90天的母牛中,但这也可能是有变化的。在妊娠4-5个月,子宫中动脉的颤动是可能触诊到的。若把子宫中动脉压得太紧,其颤动就可能停止,从而仅感觉到脉搏。越接近于该动脉起始部,就能更早、更明显地感知子宫中动脉的颤动。在妊娠晚期,轻轻触诊该动脉即可感知它恰象一股急促的水继续地在薄橡皮管里流淌一样。约在妊娠5-6月,当子宫向前落入腹底时,就触诊不到胎儿,此时子宫中动脉大小的变化及子宫中动脉的颤动则有助于妊娠诊断。子宫中动脉的变化是很有价值的,它有助于决定妊娠的阶段,见附表2。若两侧子宫中动脉同样膨大,应怀疑双胎的存在。还可从子宫中动脉的颤动的有无与其变化,可以决定胎儿是否还活着。在妊娠晚期,其他的子宫动脉如子宫后动脉亦变大。 非孕角的子宫中动脉在其大小方面差异颇大。在绝大多数的孕牛中,或者是一部分或者是整个非孕角参与胎盘的附着。非孕角的子宫中动脉及子叶呈现渐进增大,但仅接近孕角子宫中动脉及子叶的大小。在正常情况下,约10-20%的母牛,其非孕角中的子叶未正常发育或可能不存在,非孕角较一般者小,且不具有孕角的那样的机能。 妊娠时,子宫阔韧带变得较厚、较长。当子宫停于腹底时,子宫阔韧带趋向于保持子宫的位置,而不支撑它的重量。 2.7 卵巢的检查 排卵之后,在破裂的滤泡处长出黄体。若卵子发生受精,而且受精卵和胚胎的发育又是正常的,黄体则继续维持下去直至妊娠的全过程。在大小方面,妊娠黄体与性周期黄体没有什么区别,然而当妊娠继续时,黄体趋于发育成黑金棕色。由于大量上皮层覆盖其上,妊娠黄体在卵巢表面的突起程度就较差。在整个妊娠期中,妊娠黄体将维持其大小。除少数的例外情况之外,妊娠黄体位于与孕角同侧的卵巢上,仅约2%以下的妊娠黄体位于与孕角不一侧的卵巢上。在配种后10-25天,通过直检发现一侧卵巢上有一正常的黄体而且不发情,术者有理由认为母牛已孕。40-50天,通过再次检查于同侧卵巢上存在黄体,与此同时孕角发生典型的变化,则可进一步相信母牛已孕。在妊娠的一定阶段,卵巢是可以触诊到的,仅当孕角的重量增加而达于腹底时,即妊娠的4-5月,才摸不到卵巢,没有经验的检查者,有时可能误将卵巢当子叶或羊膜囊。 2.8 阴道检查 可用开膣器及光源观察阴道的变化或用手检查之。这对直检而言可能有一些辅助性诊断的意义。当妊娠时,阴道粘膜通常是苍白、干燥而粘稠的,与间情期所见相似。子宫颈阴道口苍白而闭锁。大约60-70,的怀孕母牛,在子宫颈阴道口处见到粘液塞,在妊娠的20-80天之间,且随孕期的延续而增大。在其余的牛只中,宫颈粘液塞仅存在于子宫颈内而在外观观察不到。粘液塞的半透明的带白色的粘液,其性状强韧而带粘性。在刚分娩或流产前,粘液塞流失,呈线状排出,阴道粘膜较湿润、充血,子宫颈呈膨胀的状态。这对揭示即将发生的流产和分娩是有价值的。当子宫重量增加时,随之子宫颈就被拉向前,阴道腔的长轴就被拉长。 阴道检查对诊断白犊病牛,发现即将流产的病牛,揭示已刚刚分娩或流产的牛充当孕牛出售等都是很有帮助的。 3 妊娠检查的注意事项 妊娠检查的结果有三种可能,即受孕,未孕及不能确定,最后回答畜主时,是什么情况就什么情况,以诚相待,不能说半句假话,否则经280天母牛是否分娩,你说的话的真实度是完全可检验出来的。所以,我们大家要牢记这句名言,即你要人善待你,你就得善待人。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 在直检时,必须首先找到子宫颈。这一步是绝对不可省的。它好比盲人探路的棍子,好比行车的方向盘和路标,好比大海航行的灯塔。许多错误的发生就是没先找到子宫颈并末按系统进行检查引起的。 3.1 误把白犊病牛当孕牛 某单位自南方某地购回一头母牛,产前1-2月仍未观察到渐进性的妊娠变化,逐渐引起怀疑并请兽医复检。直检查觉耻骨前沿处的耻骨结节明显隆起,找不到子宫颈、子宫角和卵巢,在子宫阔韧带附近有鹅蛋大的囊状波动物。给予氯前列烯醇0.2毫克/支×2,一次肌肉注射,连用3日。再次复查时,畜主称,给药3天后该牛无任何反应。再次作直检,情况同上;并作阴道检查发现,手仅能插入阴道的前庭部,其前方只能用中指尖探到其底,探不到子宫颈的阴道部。 综上述,此牛未孕,且未怀过孕。此牛属白犊病病例。属白犊病的第I型,生殖器官发育不全(白犊病分三型:第I型生殖器官发育不全,第II型无孔处女膜,第III型单角子宫),最后淘汰处理。 3.2 胎儿木乃伊 某地因建高速公路每日中午及下午收工前各放炮1次,每次10余响,致临近施工现场农户的1头荷斯坦奶牛(怀第2胎)的胎儿死亡并引起胎儿木乃伊。具体情况如下:该母牛经人工授精受胎,在配后2个月时定的胎。在孕期第3个月时,发现自其阴门排一些污红色的液体,其间夹杂絮状物。请来兽医检查:母牛精神欠佳,被毛粗乱,乳房瘪而稍下垂,子宫颈位于骨盆前沿处,向后拖拉,不动。触诊不到子叶。子宫中动脉如元珠笔芯那么粗,子宫中动脉颤动忽隐忽现,呈现退行性变化。据此,诊断为胎儿木乃伊。采用药物堕胎:氯前列烯醇0.2毫克/支×3,1次肌注。于处理后第3日,将胎儿排出粪沟内,其呈暗褐色,略大梨子大并卷缩的硬固团块。估计胎儿在妊娠第3个月时死亡(参见胎儿检查项下)。 3.3 子宫积脓 子宫积脓的量变化很大,少则1杯,多则2.8升之多,以不发情为其特征。这些现象可能与妊娠的情况相混淆。绝大多数子宫积脓病例继发于胎衣停滞及子宫内膜炎之后。在子宫积脓的病例中,经常有脓汁自阴门间断地排出。子宫积脓时,子宫壁增厚,子宫重量亦随之增加,子宫缺乏张力,子宫内蓄积浓稠的液体。与妊娠的情况一样,两子宫角的大小不对称。脓汁受重力的作用而沉积于子宫角的底部,所以其背部不膨胀。 在子宫积脓的病例中,触诊不到胎儿、子叶,亦无胎膜滑动;子宫中动脉细小,亦无颤动。如同胎儿木乃伊的情况一样,卵巢上的黄体较小,与妊娠黄体相比它更近于卵巢的中央。据此,即可与妊娠相区别。若还不能作出诊断,可在1-2个月之后再复检。若为妊娠,胎儿和子宫会增大;若为子宫积脓,则无变化。 3.4 胎儿浸渍 呈现与子宫积脓的类似症状。此外,当妊娠4月后的胎儿死亡并浸渍而遗留下胎儿的骨骼时,如触诊子宫则发出劈劈拍拍的响声而作出诊断。 3.5 误把某些器官甚至肿瘤当做胎儿或子宫 有时,若未进行系统检查或是初学者,可能把充盈的膀胱、悬吊着的左肾或瘤胃的后背囊当子宫或胎儿而发生误诊。若不进行仔细检查,还可能把肿瘤团块误认为母牛怀了孕。易与妊娠相混淆的肿瘤如淋巴瘤、卵巢的颗粒细胞瘤及肠粘膜的脂肪坏死。 考虑到这些器官的解剖结构、相关关系及质地并进行系统而仔细检查,是不难与正常妊娠作出鉴别诊断的。 3.6 将刚流产和分娩的母牛充当孕牛 这在我们去南方和北方买牛时,都曾遇到这样的情况。刚分娩的母牛,时有努啧,并自阴门排出少量 perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C8pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, 期刊文献 淡红色的液体,触诊不到胎儿,可自乳头中挤出乳汁,从而与妊娠母牛相区别。若是刚流产的母牛,特别是5-6月流产的,以此充当妊娠母牛,要确诊是有困难的。必要时可作阴道检查,可发现阴道、子宫颈充血,子宫颈粘液塞溶解,子宫颈开张以及在阴道底部可观察到淡红色的液体等而作出鉴别诊断。 此外,对个别肥胖的母牛,直肠附着大量脂肪致其厚而重,就无法通过直检摸清子宫等器官,这时就不可能通过直检作出妊娠与否的诊断。 4 与之相关的表格 附表1.家畜发情周期预告表 本表按家畜发情周期21天制成。乳牛、水牛、马、猪等动物的发情周期的预告可查此表。 附表2.妊娠阶段的估计 欲知妊娠一定阶段可触诊到的特殊变化可查附表2并可估计妊娠阶段。 附表3.乳牛分娩期预告表 本表按乳牛平均怀孕期280天推算制成,预知母牛分娩期可查此表。 附表4.乳牛干乳期预告表 乳牛在产前60天干奶。若已知输精受胎时间,就能推算出预产期,近而推算出干奶期,并制成此表。欲知奶牛干乳期,请查附表4。 附表1 家畜发情周期预告表 发情月 再 发 情 期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( 月 、 ) 日 发情日 1 1.22 2.22 3.22 4.22 5.22 6.22 7.22 8.22 9.22 10.22 11.22 12.22 2 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 3 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 4 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 6 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 7 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 8 29 3.1 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 9 30 2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 31 3 31 5.1 31 7.1 31 31 10.1 31 12.1 31 11 2.1 4 4.1 2 6.1 2 8.1 9.1 2 11.1 2 1.1 12 2 5 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 13 3 6 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 14 4 7 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 15 5 8 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 16 6 9 6 7 6 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 17 7 10 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 18 8 11 8 9 8 9 8 8 9 8 9 8 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 19 9 12 9 10 9 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 20 10 13 10 11 10 11 10 10 11 10 11 10 21 11 14 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 22 12 15 12 13 12 13 12 12 13 12 13 12 23 13 16 13 14 13 14 13 13 14 13 14 13 24 14 17 14 15 14 15 14 14 15 14 15 14 25 15 18 15 16 15 16 15 15 16 15 16 15 26 16 19 16 17 16 17 16 16 17 16 17 16 27 17 20 17 18 17 18 17 17 18 17 18 17 28 18 21 18 19 18 19 18 18 19 18 19 18 29 19 19 20 19 20 19 19 20 19 20 19 30 20 20 21 20 21 20 20 21 20 21 20 31 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 注:1.本表按家畜发情周期21天推算。 2.若需预告猪、乳牛、水牛及马等家畜的发情期可查此表。 附表2 在妊娠的一定阶段可触诊到的特殊变化 肥大的子宫妊娠阶段 孕角直径 羊膜泡的长度 子叶的大小 子宫中动脉中动脉直径 子宫的位置 备注 (天) (厘米) (厘米) (厘米) 颤动的有无 (厘米) 卵巢端稍扩28-31 0.8-1 无法估计 0.4-0.6 — 位于盆腔中 大(A) 35(B) 2.5-3 1-1.5 0.4-0.6 — 42 4-6 2-3 0.4-0.6 — 49 5-7 4—6(C) 0.4-0.6 — 60 6-9 0.4-0.6 — 0.75×开始向腹腔 70 8-12 0.5-0.7 — 0.5(D) 降入 80 10-14 1-0.5 0.5-0.7 + 正在下降之中 90 12-16 1.5×1 0.5-0.7 + 100 14-20 2×1.25 0.6-0.8 + 120 2.5×1.5 (E) + 150 3×2 0.7-0.9 + 已降入腹底 180 4.2×5 0.7-0.9 + 210 5×3 0.8-1.0 + 正在上升之中 240 6×4 1.2-1.5 + 容易摸到胎儿 270 8×5 1.4-1.6 + 注:(A)两宫角大小相等。尿膜绒毛膜难于察觉。 (B)现在,尿膜绒毛膜易于触诊。 pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C10 期刊文献 (C)羊膜泡变得不明显。 (D)在孕角基部角间韧带水平线处估计。 (E)难于估计。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 附表3 奶牛分娩期预告表 配种月 分 娩 期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( 年月 月 日 配种日 ) 1 10.8 11.8 12.6 1.6 2.5 3.8 4.7 5.8 6.8 7.8 8.8 9.7 2 9 9 7 7 6 9 8 9 9 9 9 8 3 10 10 8 8 7 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 4 11 11 9 9 8 11 10 11 11 11 11 10 5 12 12 10 10 9 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 6 13 13 11 11 10 13 12 13 13 13 13 12 7 14 14 12 12 11 14 13 14 14 14 14 13 8 15 15 13 13 12 15 14 15 15 15 15 14 9 16 16 14 14 13 16 15 16 16 16 16 15 10 17 17 15 15 14 17 16 17 17 17 17 16 11 18 18 16 16 15 18 17 18 18 18 18 17 12 19 19 17 17 16 19 18 19 19 19 19 18 13 20 20 18 18 17 20 19 20 20 20 20 19 14 21 21 19 19 18 21 20 21 21 21 21 20 15 22 22 20 20 19 22 21 22 22 22 22 21 16 23 23 21 21 20 23 22 23 23 23 23 22 17 24 24 22 22 21 24 23 24 24 24 24 23 18 25 25 23 23 22 25 24 25 25 25 25 24 19 26 26 24 24 23 26 25 26 26 26 26 25 20 27 27 25 25 24 27 26 27 27 27 27 26 21 28 28 26 26 25 28 27 28 28 28 28 27 22 29 29 27 27 26 29 28 29 29 29 29 28 23 30 30 28 28 27 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 24 31 12.1 29 29 28 31 30 31 7.1 31 31 30 25 11.1 2 30 30 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 2 8.1 9.1 10.1 26 2 3 31 31 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 27 3 4 1.1 2.1 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 28 4 5 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 29 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 30 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 31 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 注:本表按乳牛平均孕期280天推算。 12pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C 期刊文献 附表4 按预产期推算奶牛干奶期备查表 预产月 干 奶 期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( 年月 月 日 预产日 ) 1 11.2 12.3 12.31 1.31 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.2 9.2 10.2 2 3 4 1.1 2.1 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 7 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 8 5 5 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 8 9 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 9 10 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 10 11 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 11 12 9 9 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 13 10 10 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 13 14 11 11 13 13 13 13 14 13 13 13 13 14 15 12 12 14 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 14 15 16 13 13 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 16 17 14 14 16 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 16 17 18 15 15 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 17 17 18 19 16 16 18 18 18 18 19 18 18 18 18 19 20 17 17 19 19 19 19 20 19 19 19 19 20 21 18 18 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 21 22 19 19 21 21 21 21 22 21 21 21 21 22 23 20 20 22 22 22 22 23 22 22 22 22 23 24 21 21 23 23 23 23 24 23 23 23 23 24 25 22 22 24 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 24 25 26 23 23 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 26 27 24 24 26 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 26 27 28 25 25 27 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 27 28 29 26 26 28 28 28 28 29 28 28 28 28 29 30 27 27 29 29 29 29 30 29 29 29 29 30 28 28 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 12.1 29 3.1 31 5.1 31 7.1 8.1 31 10.1 31 31 2 30 4.1 6.1 2 9.1 11.1 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 注:预产期是明年1月1日,则在今年11月2日干奶(按产前60天干奶计算)。 formedfficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation et of type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built districstrategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation center"-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-n a longg an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area oon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jianspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-enter surrounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the C14pheral green space and protection of historicalhas perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peri
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