
小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children)

2017-09-30 13页 doc 45KB 18阅读




小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children)小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children) 小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children) Recommend that you use the following food drink porridge: yam, medlar, big red dates, ginger, glutinous rice and brown sugar. It is important to...
小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children)
小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children) 小儿脾胃虚弱怎样调理(How is the spleen and stomach weak in children) Recommend that you use the following food drink porridge: yam, medlar, big red dates, ginger, glutinous rice and brown sugar. It is important to note that..: 1. eat less fried food: because this type of food is not easy to digest, it will increase the burden on the digestive tract, eating more can cause indigestion, but also increase blood lipids, adverse health. 2., eat less pickled food: these foods contain more salt and some can cause cancer, should not eat more. 3. eat cold food excitant food: food cold and strong stimulation has a strong stimulating effect on the digestive tract mucosa, easily cause diarrhea or inflammation of the digestive tract. 4. regular diet: studies have shown that regular meals and regular doses can form a conditioned reflex that helps digestion of the digestive glands and is more conducive to digestion. 5., timing quantitative: to make every meal intake moderate, 3 meals a day regularly, to the prescribed time, regardless of hunger or hunger, should take the initiative to eat, to avoid excessive hunger or satiety. 6., the temperature is appropriate: diet temperature should be "not hot, not cool" as the degree. 7. xijiaomanyan: to reduce the burden on the stomach. The more frequent mastication of food, the more saliva it produces, and the protective effect on gastric mucosa. 8. drinking water: drinking water when the best time is early morning fasting and 1 hours after the meal immediately before each meal, drinking water will dilute the gastric juice, will also affect the digestion of food with rice soup. 9. note: cold stomach cold may impair the function of the stomach, so pay attention to warm the stomach do not catch cold. 10., avoid stimulation: do not smoke, because smoking makes the stomach blood vessel contraction, affect the gastric wall cell blood supply, make stomach mucous membrane resistance lower and induce stomach disease. Should drink less, eat chili, pepper and other spicy food. 11. vitamin C: vitamin C has a protective effect on the stomach, gastric juice to maintain normal vitamin C content, can effectively play the function of the stomach, protect the stomach and enhance the stomach's disease resistance. Therefore, eat more vitamin C rich vegetables and fruits. Those who suffer from spleen deficiency should eat the following foods. Polished round-grained rice Mild, sweet and invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi. "The food as materia medica" records: "that is all rice, tonifying spleen, benefit the five internal organs, strong strength, stop diarrhea, but the function of the first rice." "Materia Sutra" said: "people often eat rice or rice, for the grain length, people's life also. Its sweet and weak, its sexual flat and non-toxic, although the main subject of the spleen and stomach, and the five Zang Qi, the essence of blood, because it is full of the whole body, bones, muscles, skin, and because of its strong." Can be said that any weakness, especially for rice, the spleen, the most appropriate food. Glutinous rice Warm, sweet, the role of Spleen Qi, spleen deficiency is the use of porridge. Don Sun Simiao said: "rice, spleen Yi Shi, Qi xealing." The spleen, spleen disease refers to the meaning of. "This after every original" said: "rice, Qi and nourishing the spleen and lung, but the mill for dilute MI, people can not stick. If you make cakes, sex is difficult to transport, and patients don't eat." Crispy rice Also called rice crust. Sexual equality. Compendium of Materia Medica "supplements" it "Qi, spleen, promoting digestion, stop diarrhea". Where the spleen is not shipped, the diet is not fragrant, or food indigestion, or spleen deficiency, diarrhea is most suitable for eating. Ancient also used, such as the children of common Jianpixiaoshi "rice crust pill", "Yu spleen diarrhea treatment elderly Lushuang". "Liang Houying" in order to set test for treatment of young and old jiuxie unhealed "is used with crispy lotus meat for the end sugar transfer service, the effect quite. West inter Also called sago, sago. Fair and smooth, rich in nutrition. Warm, sweet, can warm the spleen, where the spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion, food is appropriate. "Gan Yuan Xiao Shi" records: "the sago shipped spleen stomach, deficiency of chronic illness, porridge eating the most appropriate." Sweet potato Commonly known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes. Mild, sweet, and invigorating the spleen and blood, Qi, catharsis role. "With interest in the diet spectrum" said: "the cook food and stomach, Qi Li, Yufeng Han, Yi color." "Outline supplements" can "fill the stomach that sweet potato, five fertilizer". The spleen, when available potato staple food, eat it. Coix seed The content of rice, commonly known as six Valley meters. The effect of invigorating spleen and stomach. Ming Li Shizhen said it "helps the spleen and stomach."". "Materia Sutra" is also a "sweet can into the spleen spleen" records. Spleen deficiency should be used with rice porridge Plantago Jen m, complement each other. Cowpea Flat, sweet, capable of strengthening the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach, eating less diarrhea, or women with spleen deficiency were the food of the most appropriate. Yunnan "Materia Medica" is a "treat spleen weakness, appetite" records. Ming Li Shizhen also said that it can "benefit Qi and Yang, tonifying the kidney and the stomach, and the five zang organs, regulating the Ying and Wei, and producing the essence."". In addition to the usual fried food, also can cook or eat porridge with rice. White lentils Mild, sweet taste, can make up the spleen and stomach weakness. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "the baibiandou Wen Ping, on neutralization of the valley of the spleen. Check diarrhea, warming spleen and stomach." "Materia medica of seeking truth explained:" how to cover the spleen spleen lentils? Xi Gan, lentils taste Gan, so it can be useful in the spleen but also." "About medical mirror," said: "lentils" fried spleen, diarrhea". For the spleen vomiting, eating less chronic diarrhea, malnutrition, women with Infantile Spleen spleen deficiency were the most appropriate food. Fried or cooked edible, or white lentils porridge, benefit. beef Sexual flat, sweet taste, there is invigorating the spleen and stomach, and the role of Qi and blood. "Medical Lin Tsay" said: "the beef flavour, special supplement of spleen, spleen and stomach, Qi and blood of the acquired, then all carry fill up this." Where is a deficiency of the spleen and subsidence in the air, shortness of breath, diarrhea, swollen spleen person, should use beef stew with beef or juice as the amount of rice porridge with seasoning into the service, the recovery of the spleen and stomach, be of great advantage. Tripe Sexual flat, sweet taste, but also can make up the spleen and stomach deficiency. Many doctors of the past dynasties talked about it. "Daily Materia Medica" there "and tripe, spleen and stomach" records. "Ncmm" or "spleen and stomach tripe". "Compendium of Materia Medica" also said it can Buzhongyiqi, spleen and stomach." So, where the deficiency of men, or disease after the spleen and stomach deficiency are advised to eat stewed Lei. There is also the same with Morel tripe function, spleen deficiency should eat. Crucian carp Flat, sweet, into the stomach large intestine, spleen and stomach function is weak, so the spleen should eat. "Tang Materia Medica" had "carp soup with Chun, the main weak stomach does not eat" records. "Materia Sutra" also said: "sweet to carp, spleen muscle, stomach regulating intestines, harmless and disease, the fish can eat only this." preserved yellow croaker Dried products of large yellow croaker or small yellow croaker. Spleen, appetizers, tonic, Xiaoshi role. "With interest in the diet spectrum" it "Xingpi appetizers, tonifying blood, for patients with postpartum. Jane". "Materia medica words" also said: "there are nourishing spleen and lung function of yellow croaker, long treat Weiruo food, not those delicious. To Baixiang water boiled food, healthy stomach, intestinal deficiency Weiruo must use in medicine and food, sincere good also." It can be seen that the spleen and stomach are weak and the food is suitable. Perch Mild, sweet and invigorating the spleen and stomach. "Materia Sutra" said: "the sea bass, sweet light gas and stomach for. When the spleen and stomach are diseased, the five zang organs are not nourished, and the spleen deficiency is filled with water, and the spleen and stomach are removed from the spleen." Those who are weak in the spleen and stomach should often eat it. Jujube Sexual temperature, sweet taste, the spleen and stomach, and the role of Qi and blood. As early as 2000 years ago in the "Shen Nong's herbal classic" in "records of jujube Anzhong yangpi". Ming Li Shizhen said "jujube is the fruit of the spleen, spleen Yi shi." The spleen Weiruo eat less, loose stool, blood deficiency, should be the most often take jujube. Cherry Sexual temperature, sweet taste, can fill the spleen, qi. "Doctors do not recorded" in say: "Cherry tone, good temper." The "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" say: "cherry can treat all disease, nourishing vitality, nourishing the skin." He who has a weak temper should eat. Gorgon fruit Flat, sweet and astringent, into the spleen, kidney, spleen qi, kidney seminal role. Especially the spleen deficiency and diarrhea of spleen deficiency, or the woman with food is the most suitable person. Water chestnut Gan Ping cooked, fresh sweet cool, cooked take the role of spleen qi. "Herbal extracts," said: "cooked, take the kernel of food, on behalf of grain."." Old Ling also called for producing starch Lingfen, spleen function. "Tang Materia Medica," said: "Ling, powder, very white, pleasant."." "Outline supplements" also contains: "Lingfen tonifying spleen and stomach, strong feet knee, Jianli qi." It is better to eat the spleen and stomach qi deficiency. Lotus seed meat Sexual flat, sweet and astringent taste, there is the spleen and stomach tonic. Ming Li Shizhen said: "the lotus sweet and astringent, temperature, intrinsic fragrant gas, and to taste, but also the fruit of the spleen." "The king of Catalpa medicine solution" said Gan Ping; "lotus, what benefit the spleen and stomach, and the most suitable for home, diarrhea, loose stools, spermatorrhea has good effect, very." So, the people of spleen deficiency and the deficiency and chronic dysentery, women leucorrhea frequency more dilute, the most suitable food. Codonopsis pilosula Sexual flat, sweet, non-toxic, there is the spleen and stomach, and the role of Qi and blood. "Materia medica of justice" pointed out: "to force dangshen spleen stomach, invigorating Qi, lungs and fluid, and this is not very far from ginseng. Its especially valuable person, then the spleen transports but not dry, raises the stomach yin not to be wet. Where the ancient square with ginseng, Codonopsis as they can, where 100 treatment application of ginseng, also they can vote in rats." It can be seen that the effect of reinforcing the spleen and stomach of Codonopsis pilosula is the same as that of ginseng, and it is more widely used than ginseng. Radix Pseudostellariae Also known as Pseudostellaria, pseudostellaria. Invigorating spleen and supplementing qi. From the "new" materia medica said it "nourishing vitality". "New" think "pieces of ginseng radix Pseudostellariae spleen lung qi". "Shaanxi herbal medicine" also said that it "Qi Qi, blood, spleen, Sheng Jin.". Treat Spleen Deficiency diarrhea, not thinking diet." Spleen deficiency should often eat it. In addition, people should also take the spleen yam, corn, sorghum, barley, beans, meat, chicken, black carp, silver carp, morel, mullet, gurnards, white fish, whitebait, fish, white fungus, peanuts, astragalus, Atractylodes, licorice, Ziheche Avoid the following food deficiency of men. Duck Something cool. "Dietary instructions," said: "duck taste sweet, cold, cold air conditioning."." Qing Wang Mengying said: "more food, stagnant gas, slippery, where the weak Yang, spleen weak.",...... Bogey." Therefore, the spleen, especially the spleen yang deficiency were not eat duck. Turtle It has the function of cooling blood and nourishing yin. It belongs to the food of the Qing Dynasty. It is a kind of food which is nourishing and nourishing. Eating too much food for a long time is harmful to the transportation and function of the spleen, causing indigestion and loss of appetite. Especially the spleen and stomach deficiency, should eat, as told from the new "Chinese Materia Medica": "the spleen deficiency taboo." Snail Cold, sweet and salty, with heat Jieshu effect. Because of the nature of Daliang, "with interest in the diet can clear spectrum" warning: "eat cold, spleen bogey." Snail Sexual cold, sweet taste, although the role of heat, but the spleen and stomach of the body is not appropriate. As pointed out in "materia medica words": "the object of it, understanding all the hot zhang. There is a cold drink in the stomach, there is a long time diarrhea is not real, should not eat it." Yao Kecheng, "food Materia Medica" also said: "more food causes abdominal pain."." Where is the spleen deficiency, when diet. Clam Sexual cold, sweet taste salty, can nourish yin, clear heat, but the spleen deficiency should not eat more, eating easily hurt the spleen and stomach yang. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty food doctor Wang Mengying in "living with the diet" warned: "clam, Gan Xian cold.". Eat more cold, spleen deficiency will be slippery, all bogey." Oyster meat The nature of the micro cold, sweet and salty, although the effect of nourishing yin and blood, but eat more food for a long time will lead to the spleen and stomach, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system disease from spleen deficiency chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, dyspepsia, chronic diarrhea were avoid more food. Qing Huang palace embroidery also said: "spleen deficiency, slippery bogey."." Pear Pears cool, spleen deficiency should not be avoided. As the "diet notes" said: "more food is cold, the loss of spleen, raw food, more cold dysentery."." "Materia Sutra" say: "diarrhea, bogey salty method." Qing Wang Mengying also pointed out: "in the cold diarrhea, bogey."." Therefore, any deficiency of men, especially the spleen deficiency diarrhea, do not eat. Hawthorn Also called Tang strain, shanlihong. Can Kaiweixiaoshi, but damage the spleen and stomach. Such as "Compendium of Materia Medica" has said: "where the spleen is weak, food is not digested, abdominal fullness acid thorn, after eating two or three pieces of chewing on every great, but can not eat, for fear of anti gram also." "Materia Sutra" also pointed out that: "the spleen and stomach deficiency, with stagnation, when with the same tonic, also should not be used." Gon Jutangai also said: "if no hawthorn, stomach indigestion, spleen can not transport, do not think of food, clothing, anti gram stomach germinal gas." Therefore, the spleen of the people do not eat it, but also avoid eating more often eating it. Beet Also called chard. Its cool, bad temper. Such as "materia medica of seeking truth pointed out:" people have the spleen deficiency, abdominal pain and suffering, Qi people service, is the people worry, slippery bowel service, there is danger of diarrhea." Thus, the temper is weak, especially for people with weak spleen, should not eat eat it. Fruit of Chinese wolfberry Mild and sweet. But ancient doctors also think that the Chinese wolfberry is cold. Such as "don" said it slightly cold". "Diet Materia Medica" that "cold, non-toxic."". "Materia medica of seeking truth also said:" the Chinese wolfberry, cold and sweet embellish." Because of this, the weakness of spleen and stomach, spleen and stomach or known as loose stools, when all the bogey, warned as "materia Sutra": "the spleen and stomach weak, often diarrhea, do not enter." In addition, the spleen deficiency according to the taboo principle, should not eat or eat milk, milk, gelatin, sea cucumber, turtles, crabs, clams, mussels, clams, abalone, sesame, buckwheat, persimmon, persimmon, chestnut, orange, orange, banana, mulberries, figs, kiwi fruit, watermelon, muskmelon, pine nuts, sea Bai Ziren, radish, celery, water, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, Malabar spinach, seaweed, Houttuynia cordata Chuncai Vegetables, sweet potato, gourd, melon, cucumber, seaweed, ear, mushroom, mushroom, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, radix rehmanniae, cassia seed, ginseng, mint, Pang Dahai etc..
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