

2017-10-27 10页 doc 45KB 13阅读




金南爵房地产增发新股金南爵房地产增发新股 金爵房地产增发新股 增发新股指上市公司以原股本为基础,再次筹集资金增加股本的行为。 发行方式 根据上市公司增发新股以来的情况显示,其主要形式有: 1(向老股东定向增发。 如上菱电器(600835)10股增发10股,真空电子(600602)10增4等等。 2(上网定价对公众发行。 如上菱电器除对老股东10增10外,对公众按11(8元上网发行6240万股。 3(上网竞价发行。 即发行价不确定,由网上竞价确定,不向原有股东配售,向法人配售。如深康佳(000016)发行8000万股,网上竞价为15...
金南爵房地产增发新股 金爵房地产增发新股 增发新股指上市公司以原股本为基础,再次筹集资金增加股本的行为。 发行方式 根据上市公司增发新股以来的情况显示,其主要形式有: 1(向老股东定向增发。 如上菱电器(600835)10股增发10股,真空电子(600602)10增4等等。 2(上网定价对公众发行。 如上菱电器除对老股东10增10外,对公众按11(8元上网发行6240万股。 3(上网竞价发行。 即发行价不确定,由网上竞价确定,不向原有股东配售,向法人配售。如深康佳(000016)发行8000万股,网上竞价为15(5元。 4(仅对机构投资者认购。 如东大阿派(600718)发行1500万股,定价30(5元,全部由新基金认购。 5(面向所有投资人发行。 如托普软件(000583)发行5000万股,对老股东10增1(4,对机构配20%,其余上网发行。 6(分几次发行。 如吉林化工(000618)发行15000万股,分两次发行,面向老股东和机构。 上市公司通过增发新股进行融资的方式经过近两年的发展,增发的方式因不同的上市公司及承销商而不同,并且在不断地改进。尽管目前的新股增发方式已经基本“定型”,但是投资者在参加增发新股的配售时仍应详细阅读有关的招股。本节我们所列举的是最新的、典型的、较具普遍性的上市公司增发新股方式——网上、网下询价方式的申购规则。 网下询价、网上定价 发行步骤 provisions of paragraph 6.5 submission of complete information. Monitoring inspection and safety assessment of the implementation of the outcome of the owners of the relevant regulations. 10.11 the completion at the end of the contract period, we will transfer to the owners of all monitoring facilities, engineering data, documents, reports and other project-related content. For monitoring facilities, replaceable equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 100%, not replacing equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 95% or more. Curtain Grouting in the 11th Chapter 11.1 project overview the on curtain Grouting works primarily for River yongxing secondary hydropower station dam Foundation curtain grouting, quantities of 200m. Dam Foundation curtain Grouting in dam concrete pouring is complete, reaches a certain intensity, agreed by the supervising engineer and began construction. 11.2 11.2.1 General requirements we are responsible for the procurement of materials, transport, storage, keeping drilling and apart from the employer's manpower required to grout materials for all materials. Admixture, admixture of each procurement shall meet the relevant quality 基本规则 发售对象 股权登记日增发股份流通股股东(原流通股股东,或称为老股东)、社会公众投资者 及机构投资者(包括证券投资基金)。 发行办法 采用网上和网下同时累计投标询价的方式发行。即向参与网下投标询价的机构投资者 网下配售和向参与网上投标询价的投资者网上发行相结合的方式。 定价办法 发行一般采取在一定价格区间内累计投标询价的方法确定发行价格。询价下限一般为: 年度全面摊薄每股税后利润×若干倍的市盈率;上限一般为发行前若干个交易日收盘 价平均值。 发售相关时间 T,1日——股权登记日 T日——网上申购日 申购价格区间 根据发行申购定价办法,投资者申购时必须在在一定价格区间内填写申购价格,申购 价格区间一般会在发售公告书中公布。 申购数量 网上发行以每0.01元为一个申报价格单位。 社会公众投资者每个帐户有申购上限(为发行量除以1000所得出数量),申购下限为 为1000股,每1000股为一个申报单位,超过1000股的必须是1000股的整数倍 老股东可按(股权登记日收市后登记在册的持股数×**%)取整后的数量申购。 申购限制 股权登记日收市后登记在册的机构投资者必须在网上申购以获得配售比例的优先认购 权,在此基础上,可自愿选择参与网上或网下申购(只能选择其中一种方式),认购 数量超过行使优先认购权认购数量的部分,按照其它投资者处理。其它机构投资者如 参与网下申购则不得同时参与网上申购,如果同时参与网上、网下申购,网下申购部 分无效。 申购次数 每个股票帐户只能申购一次,一经申报不能撤单,同一帐户的多次申购委托除首次申 购外,其余申购委托均视作无效申购。 provisions of paragraph 6.5 submission of complete information. Monitoring inspection and safety assessment of the implementation of the outcome of the owners of the relevant regulations. 10.11 the completion at the end of the contract period, we will transfer to the owners of all monitoring facilities, engineering data, documents, reports and other project-related content. For monitoring facilities, replaceable equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 100%, not replacing equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 95% or more. Curtain Grouting in the 11th Chapter 11.1 project overview the on curtain Grouting works primarily for River yongxing secondary hydropower station dam Foundation curtain grouting, quantities of 200m. Dam Foundation curtain Grouting in dam concrete pouring is complete, reaches a certain intensity, agreed by the supervising engineer and began construction. 11.2 11.2.1 General requirements we are responsible for the procurement of materials, transport, storage, keeping drilling and apart from the employer's manpower required to grout materials for all materials. Admixture, admixture of each procurement shall meet the relevant quality 申购代码 深市:增发的证券代码“07****” 申购程序 1(办理开户手续 凡申购增发股票的投资者,申购时需持有深交所或上交所的证券帐户卡,尚未开户登记的投资者,必须先办妥证券帐户的开户手续。 2(存入足够的申购资金 凡参加申购的投资者,必须在指定日根据自己的申购量存入足够的申购资金。 3(委托申购手续 申购手续一般与在二级市场买入上市股票的方式相同。但在申购数量、申购价格、申购次数等有一定限制,详细应查阅发行公告。 发售程序 1(T,2日,股权登记日,确定老股东; 2(T,1日,公告具体申购价格区间; (注:有的公司直接将T-1日定为股权登记日) 3(T日,网上申购日,投资者在公告的申购价格区间内以自己认为合理的发行价格委托买入该股票。证券商全额将冻结(扣除)投资者的保证金。 4(申购日后第一天(T+1日):证券交易所将申购资金从各券商清算账号中扣除,T+2将资金作一次划转,即冻结在清算银行的申购专户中。 5(申购日后第二天(T+2日):登记结算公司配合主承销商和会计师事务所对申购资金进行验资。证券交易所以实际到位资金确认有效申购资金,凡资金不实或在发行价格区间之外的申购,一律视为无效申购。发行人会同主承销商根据网上及网下申购情况确定本次发行股票数量和发行价格,交易所将根据定价结果确认能够参与配售的有效申购,并确定老股东的优先认购数量和其它投资者的认购比例。 6(申购日后第三天(T+3日),公布发行结果。在指定报刊上公布发行价格和对网下机构投资者、对网上投资者的实际发行数量和比例、老股东的优先认购数量以及是否实施回拨机制等。交易所主机将向参与网上申购的各成功认购帐户发售股票。 老股东根据发行价格和其有效申购价格在发行价格之上的申购数量按比例获配股票;申购价位在发行价格之上的其它投资者有效申购,按确定的认购比例获配股票。不足1股的部分由主承销商包销。 provisions of paragraph 6.5 submission of complete information. Monitoring inspection and safety assessment of the implementation of the outcome of the owners of the relevant regulations. 10.11 the completion at the end of the contract period, we will transfer to the owners of all monitoring facilities, engineering data, documents, reports and other project-related content. For monitoring facilities, replaceable equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 100%, not replacing equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 95% or more. Curtain Grouting in the 11th Chapter 11.1 project overview the on curtain Grouting works primarily for River yongxing secondary hydropower station dam Foundation curtain grouting, quantities of 200m. Dam Foundation curtain Grouting in dam concrete pouring is complete, reaches a certain intensity, agreed by the supervising engineer and began construction. 11.2 11.2.1 General requirements we are responsible for the procurement of materials, transport, storage, keeping drilling and apart from the employer's manpower required to grout materials for all materials. Admixture, admixture of each procurement shall meet the relevant quality 所有经确认的认购股份均根据公布的发行价格统一发售。 7(申购日后第四天(T+4日):对未获发售的申购资金予以解冻,并向各证券交易网点返还未获发售部分的申购款。 未获得发售的申购帐户的认购资金与获得发售的申购帐户认购获售股票后所余资金,将全部返还。 为获得更直观印象,投资者需阅读公司增发新股发行公告的样本。 发售处理原则 1(确定发行价格后,凡低于该价格的任何申购不获发售任何股票。 2(当发行价格以上的有效申购总量小于网上发行总量时,老股东和其它投资者按其有效申购量认购股票,认购不足部分向网下机构投资者进行回拨。 3(当发行价格以上的有效申购总量等于网上发行量时,老股东和其它投资者按其发行价格之上的有效申购认购股票。 4(当发行价格以上的有效申购总量大于网上发行量时: (1)有效申购价格在发行价格之上的老股东实施优先认购权,认购数量为股权登记日其所持有股份乘以发售比例取整(1股); (2)老股东优先认购后,有效申购价格在发行价格之上的其它投资者(含老股东)按比例进行认购,认购比例=老股东优先认购后的网上发行剩余股份/参与网上比例认购部分中有效申购价格在发行价格之上的有效申购总量。 5(发行价格确定后,若网上、网下有效申购全部满足后,本次发行仍有剩余股份,则由主承销商组织承销团按发行价格予以包销。 注意事项 1(凡参加新股增发的申购者,必须在申购日前(含该日)根据自己的申购量存入足够申购资金。 2(申购委托一经申报,不得撤单; 3(深市同一股票帐户不可在几个证券交易网点多次办理申购,即若老股东持有的增发流通A股托管在两个或两个以上的证券营业部,则只能在一家证券营业部报价申购。; 4(每个股票帐户只能申购一次,委托除第一次委托外均为无效申购委托; 5(股权登记日收市后登记在册的机构投资者必须在网上申购以获得比例发售的优先认购权,在此基础上,可自愿选择参与网上或网下申购(只能选择其中一种方式),认购数量超过行使优先认购权认购数量的部provisions of paragraph 6.5 submission of complete information. Monitoring inspection and safety assessment of the implementation of the outcome of the owners of the relevant regulations. 10.11 the completion at the end of the contract period, we will transfer to the owners of all monitoring facilities, engineering data, documents, reports and other project-related content. For monitoring facilities, replaceable equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 100%, not replacing equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 95% or more. Curtain Grouting in the 11th Chapter 11.1 project overview the on curtain Grouting works primarily for River yongxing secondary hydropower station dam Foundation curtain grouting, quantities of 200m. Dam Foundation curtain Grouting in dam concrete pouring is complete, reaches a certain intensity, agreed by the supervising engineer and began construction. 11.2 11.2.1 General requirements we are responsible for the procurement of materials, transport, storage, keeping drilling and apart from the employer's manpower required to grout materials for all materials. Admixture, admixture of each procurement shall meet the relevant quality 分,按照其它投资者处理。其它机构投资者如参与网下申购则不得同时参与网上申购,如果同时参与网上、 网下申购,网下申购部分无效。 6(申购价格区间以外的申购均为无效申购,交易所电脑系统将自动剔除。 7(增发新股不作除权安排。 provisions of paragraph 6.5 submission of complete information. Monitoring inspection and safety assessment of the implementation of the outcome of the owners of the relevant regulations. 10.11 the completion at the end of the contract period, we will transfer to the owners of all monitoring facilities, engineering data, documents, reports and other project-related content. For monitoring facilities, replaceable equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 100%, not replacing equipment availability monitoring instruments should be 95% or more. Curtain Grouting in the 11th Chapter 11.1 project overview the on curtain Grouting works primarily for River yongxing secondary hydropower station dam Foundation curtain grouting, quantities of 200m. Dam Foundation curtain Grouting in dam concrete pouring is complete, reaches a certain intensity, agreed by the supervising engineer and began construction. 11.2 11.2.1 General requirements we are responsible for the procurement of materials, transport, storage, keeping drilling and apart from the employer's manpower required to grout materials for all materials. Admixture, admixture of each procurement shall meet the relevant quality
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