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长城宽带错误676解决长城宽带错误676解决 长城宽带错误676 悬赏分:50 | 解决时间:2010-9-7 22:40 | 提问者:huyituan126 大家好,我用的是长宽的,今天老是玩一会就掉线,重新连接显示错误676,又过一会重新连接又上了..又过一会又掉了,隔5,6分钟掉一次,又隔1,2分钟又可以连接了,,,请问是什么原因呢? 676错误 1、 (1)、首先重新启动 MODEM ,一般会恢复正常,如果仍然不行建议重新启动计算机; (2)、可以通过多次重拨 ADSL 的方式进行测试; 注:在连接属性的“选项”中能够实现自...
长城宽带错误676解决 长城宽带错误676 悬赏分:50 | 解决时间:2010-9-7 22:40 | 提问者:huyituan126 大家好,我用的是长宽的,今天老是玩一会就掉线,重新连接显示错误676,又过一会重新连接又上了..又过一会又掉了,隔5,6分钟掉一次,又隔1,2分钟又可以连接了,,,请问是什么原因呢? 676错误 1、 (1)、首先重新启动 MODEM ,一般会恢复正常,如果仍然不行建议重新启动计算机; (2)、可以通过多次重拨 ADSL 的方式进行测试; 注:在连接属性的“选项”中能够实现自动重拨 2、可以把 MODEM 复位(一般 MODEM 上都有 reset 按钮),同时建议用户检查连线,重新启动计算机; 3、在命令行下运行如下两个命令 ipconfig /renew 和 ipconfig /release ,通过这种方式释放IP地址; 在网上邻居的属性处,右击宽带连接的属性,在网络这个页面,进入TCP/IP的属性,点选使用下面的IP地址,然后随便输入一个,其它的地址不用写,然后确定,退出,重新拔号,会提示另一个错误,反正不是676了,然后再回到刚才的TCP/IP处,点选自动获得IP地址,确定后退出,再次拔号就可以连了. 主要原理是清掉原有出错的IP. 4.先按 开始 运行 ipconfig/all 在中间有个12位的数字~比如 10-05-4B-85-85-03 你把你的看是多少然后在最后一个值+1~ 10-05-4B-85-85-04 ?把这写在纸上~~ 在 打开 本地连接 --- 点 属性 ----点 配置 ---点 高级 ---- 选择 Network Address 值(或者是中文“网络地址”) 把你记在纸上的 10-05-4B-85-85-04 写在里面~中间没- 也就是10054B858504 其实说简单点 ,就是你的网卡地址给人占了~~~有钱的话换个网卡 当然 自己修改MAC地址还是方便一点~~ 以上就是 修改网卡MAC地址 的方法~~ 错误 797 问题:adsl modem连接设备没有找到 原因:adsl modem电源没有打开,网卡和adsl modem的连接线出现问题,软件安装以后相应 的没有正确邦定,在创立拨号连接时,建立了错误的空连接 解决:检查电源,连接线;检查网络属性,raspppoe相关的协议是否正确的安装并正确邦定(相关协议),检查网卡是否出现?号或!号,把它设置为enable;检查拨号连接的属性,是否连接的设备使用了一个isdn channel-adapter increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal name(xx) 的设备,该设备为一个空设备,如果使用了取消它,并选择正确的pppoe设备代替它,或者重新创立拨号连接。 你是不是刚装系统啊,网卡驱动可能还没有装好。 或则网线跟网卡没有接触好 长城的和ADSL错误号是一样的 长城宽带上网常见问题 时间:2011-01-17 19:02来源:广州宽带网 作者:admin 点击: 690次 网打不开网页,怎么办, 答:停止运行所有防火墙和代理服务器软件;如果您的计算机使用了两个以上的网卡,请移除其它没有连接 MODEM的网卡;重新正确设置TCP/IP属性(在Win9x系统中,可以通过“我的电脑”、“控制面板”、“网络”、“TCP/IP”、“属性”进入设置) 上网常见问题 拨号网络网络 由于设备安装Error 602 The 拨号软件没有完全卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,错误或正在使port is already 和正确的安装 重新安装 用,不能进行连open 接 拨号网络网络Error 605 由于设备安装拨号软件没有完全卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,Cannot set port 错误不能设定和正确的安装 重新安装 information 使用端口 拨号网络网络拨号软件没有完全Error 606 The 卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,不能连接所需和正确的安装,连接port is not 重新安装,检查网线 的设备端口 线故障 connected 拨号网络网络Error 608 The 拨号软件没有完全卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,连接的设备不device does not 和正确的安装重新安装 存在 exist 拨号网络网络拨号软件没有完全卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,Error 609 The increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 连接的设备其和正确的安装 重新安装 device type 种类不能确定 does not exist Error 611 The 拨号网络网络拨号软件没有完全route is not 卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,连接路由不正和正确的安装,ISPavailable/612 重新安装,致电ISP询问 确 服务器故障 The route is not allocated 拨号软件没有完全Error 617 The 拨号网络网络和正确 卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,port or device 连接的设备已安装,ISP服务器故重新安装,致电ISP询问 ,is already 经断开 障,连接线故障 检查网线 disconnecting Windows NT或Windows NT或者Error 621 者Windows 卸载所有PPPoE软件,重新Cannot open Windows 2000 Server2000 Server网安装RAS网络组件和拨号软网络RAS网络组件the phone book 络RAS网络组件 故障 file 件故障 Windows NT或Windows NT或者者Windows 卸载所有PPPoE软件,重新Error 622 Windows 2000 Server2000 Server网安装RAS网络组件和拨号软Cannot load the 网络RAS网络组件络RAS网络组件 phone book file 故障 件故障 Windows NT或Windows NT或者Error 623 者Windows 卸载所有PPPoE软件,重新Cannot find the Windows 2000 Server2000 Server网安装RAS网络组件和拨号软网络RAS网络组件phone book 络RAS网络组件 故障 entry 件故障 Windows NT或Windows NT或者Error 624 者Windows 卸载所有PPPoE软件,重新Cannot write Windows 2000 Server2000 Server网安装RAS网络组件和拨号软网络RAS网络组件the phone book 络RAS网络组件 故障 file 件故障 Windows NT或Error 625 Windows NT或者者Windows 卸载所有PPPoE软件,重新Invalid Windows 2000 Server2000 Server网安装RAS网络组件和拨号软information 网络RAS网络组件络RAS网络组件 found in the 故障 件故障 phone book Error 629 连接远程计算机没网卡故障,非正常关被远程计算机有响应,断开连机造成网络协议出一般重装拨号软件即可 关闭(同Error 接 错 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 678) 拨号网络网络 由于设备安装拨号软件没有完全卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,错误或正在使Error 633 和正确的安装 重新安装 用,不能进行连 接 网卡没有正确网卡故障,或者网卡检查网卡,重新安装网卡驱Error 645 响应 驱动程序故障 动程序 ISP服务器故障,网检查网卡状态,致电社区维远程计算机没Error 678 没有卡故障,线路故障,护人员,致电ISP询问;检有响应,断开连应答 非正常关机造成网查网卡,删除所有网络组件接 络协议出错 重新安装网络。 使用正确的用户名和密码,输入的用户名用户名和密码错误,确认自己帐号没有过期,登陆和密码不对,无Error 691 ISP服务器故障 客户自服务系统查询自己的法建立连接 帐号,致电ISP询问。 拨号网络无法AISP服务器故障,非协调网络中服致电ISP询问,删除所有网正常关机造成网络Error 720 务器的协议设络组件重新安装网络。 协议出错 置 ISP服务器故障,非PPP连接控制致电ISP询问,删除所有网正常关机造成网络Error 734 协议中止 络组件重新安装网络。 协议出错 ISP服务器故障,用服务器不能分户太多超过ISP所能致电ISP询问 Error 738 配IP地址 提供的IP地址 上网打不开网页,怎么办, 答:停止运行所有防火墙和代理服务器软件;如果您的计算机使用了两个以上的网卡,请移除其它没有连接 MODEM的网卡;重新正确设置TCP/IP属性(在Win9x系统中,可以通过“我的电脑”、“控制面板”、“网络”、“TCP/IP”、“属性”进入设置),请选择让服务器自动分配DNS,不需要指定网关;如果您对IP地址的设置不熟悉,那么连接网卡的IP地址就不要手动指定,选择“自动获取IP地址”即可;检查浏览器设置,如果您的计算机直接连接 MODEM,应确保没有启用代理服务器和自动检测选项(在IE5中可以通过“工具”、“INTERNET选项”、“连接”中取消这些选项);卸载您所使用的PPPOE拨号软件,重新安装;删除TCP/IP协议,重启电脑后重新添加TCP/IP;重新安装浏览器。 increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal 当您浏览网页、下载速度比较慢时,应该怎么做, 答:取消浏览器中使用代理服务器的选项;重装网卡驱动程序;换质量性能好的网卡;卸载您使用的PPPOE拨号软件,重新安装。 您上网经常突然没有数据流,停顿一段时间后自行恢复正常的数据传输(通常说的断流),怎么办, 答: 检查您的计算机到网关是否有丢包现象;卸载正使用的PPPOE拨号软件,重装;删除TCP/IP协议,重启电脑后重新添加TCP/IP;重新安装浏览器 。 拨号时提示帐号密码错或弹出重输密码的窗口,怎么办, 答:确保帐号和密码已经完整输入,并且大小写正确无误;检查帐号密码输入是否正确和完整,有没有搞错大小写,;帐号是否欠费停机(通过自服务系统或致电客服查询) increasingly high, potential advantage. No matter how the economy, scientific and technological innovation and the work is extremely important, Dongping County are underdeveloped counties, traffic location is not particularly obvious advantages, scientific and technological innovation to foster talent how to gather? all these years we went out of the way, especially enterprises realized and have tasted the benefits of technological innovation. Sophisticated people long resident in Dongping is almost impossible to rely on flexible talents, not for all, but for what I use. Ruixing group in the United States, XX establishing laboratories, many qualified people for rising use. This path a few years go, it is worth summarizing the technological innovations and talents will greatly boost economic and social development, to deal with complex situations. Up and down throughout the County to set up the innovation consciousness and sense of responsibility and overall situation, in-depth implementation of the science and technology innovation as the core of the innovation-driven development strategy, put innovation and talent in the County's economic and social development of the core. First, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation work, play a leading role in technology innovation innovation development as "five concept" first, we will further deal
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