
大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup)

2017-09-02 15页 doc 49KB 7阅读




大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup)大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup) 大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup) The practice of bones soup 1: large bones open, placed in cold water, lit boil, water after leaving Yunfu foam 2: pepper in the soup about ten mo after clean, green onions and cut into secti...
大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup)
大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup) 大骨头汤的做法(The practice of bones soup) The practice of bones soup 1: large bones open, placed in cold water, lit boil, water after leaving Yunfu foam 2: pepper in the soup about ten mo after clean, green onions and cut into sections, the best and then put some carrots (because the carrot is small ginseng, has high nutritional value) stew pot when the salt. 3: water is best to be put aside at one time. Don't lift the lid on the way. If it's stewing in a pressure cooker, you can enjoy the delicious and nutritious bone soup for a dozen minutes. This is the most pleasant way for a frail person No matter what the animal bones are cold water pot, bone to crack. The fire was about to go to foam. Add spices, add cooking wine, vinegar, broth, simmer with small heat for about two hours (without capping). Soup (i.e. soup), will boil for half an hour (with) simmer for an hour or so, water must be enough of a plus, not only without adding boiling water, must influence the quality of the pan), previously not salt, in the end to the floating foam can vinegar is dissolved to calcium in bone soup. Want to drink after the pot, to see their own preferences, there is no regulation Material: white radish radish, small ribs Practice: 1, radish crosscut, each about three cm thick, do not have to be too thin. Again, cut into a moon shape. 2 ribs fly water, add boiling water boiled slightly, then rinse with cold water, so that the oil to remove the blood. 3, the pot filled with water, the ribs under cold water pot, add ginger, aniseed, onion, a little wine, with the pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes 4, after 20 minutes, put into pot, remove floating foam, put radish. 5, 20 minutes later, put salt. 6, try to drink it, okay, just fine. Be careful: 1, Bao soup, materials are basically cold water pot to protein fully dissolved into the soup, and don't put salt, salt will accelerate the solidification of protein, affecting the flavor of the soup. 2, put some vinegar, is conducive to calcium precipitation, it is best to put white vinegar, it will not destroy the color of the soup. Seaweed spareribs soup Raw materials: pork ribs 400 grams, 150 grams of kelp, scallion, ginger, salt, sesame oil, Yellow Wine. Method of making: 1, after soaking the kelp, put inside the steam Longti about half an hour, remove with water soak for 4 hours, thoroughly soak hair, wash water control, cut into the box; ribs washed with a knife along the bone cut, chop about 4 cm transverse section, into the boiling pot to cook, remove and wash with warm water clean. 2, the net pot by adding 1000 grams of water, into the ribs, scallion, ginger, Yellow Wine, stir Shaofei, skim floating foam, and then opened fire with the fire burning about 20 minutes into the kelp block, and then stir Shaofei 10 minutes, pick ginger, spring onion, add salt seasoning, pour sesame oil into. Features: this soup meat rotten, boneless, kelp rotten. The whole dish is delicious and the soup is fresh. Efficacy: "this after Fengyuan" said, "the essence of pork with nourishing liver and blood" effect. "With interest in the diet spectrum" said kelp "thin outside the tumor, scrofula sores, ulcer, hemorrhoids and fistula, treatment effect". So, ribs with kelp stew for systemic or limb based patients with localized skin itching and relieve pain. Tomato spareribs soup [materials] 2 tomato, pork 600 grams, cabbage coriander 2 tree 1/4 [seasoning] tomato sauce 4 tablespoons salt, 1 teaspoon, 4 tablespoon sauce. [practice] 1, small ribs washed with hot the past except blood rinse, another 10 cups of water to boil add ribs first boiled. 2, cabbage washed, cut small pieces, add spareribs with cook, add diced tomato and tomato sauce, seasoning salt. 3, cook until soft and cooked all the material micro rotten, add sauce thicken, sticky sauce is off the fire Sheng, sprinkle with coriander serve Cabbage soup 2 Chinese cabbage root (about 1 kg), 400 grams of pork ribs, 1/2 tsp salt, coriander 1 1) ribs washed in hot water, remove the blood drain. 2) cut cabbage skin, cut hob. 3) the ribs into the pot and add water, cabbage, heating. 4) after the pressure cooker begins to exhaust, turn to a small fire for about 5 minutes, Turn off the heat and drain. Season with salt. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Carrot and Spareribs Soup In addition to vitamin A contains carrots, but also contains certain sugar, protein and other nutrients, can promote the generation of hemoglobin, it has blood effect; ribs can benefit the essence, strong bones. This soup Yourun Ziyin dry, raise muscle strong bone function. Raw materials: carrots, pork ribs 250~300 grams each, ginger 2 pieces, cooking wine, salt, onion, monosodium glutamate each appropriate amount. Production: carrots, pork chops washed, cut into pieces, add water amount. Place the pot on medium heat and cook for about 2 hours. When the pan is out, stir in the cooking wine, salt, ginger and scallion. Cook for 20 minutes. Add the msg. People can like to add other condiments, such as to add vinegar, make the soup more easily absorbed calcium. Features: pig flesh sweet, rotten carrot, meat soup is very delicious taste. Carrot and potato spareribs soup [materials:] carrots, potatoes, pig bones, salt, sesame oil, pepper [system:] 1, pig bones washed, knock off, carrots, potatoes washed, peeled, cut into pieces; 2, take the pressure cooker ignition, put soup, pork bone boil, boil a few minutes into the carrots, potatoes, boil with small fire after the fire; 3, the pot when the bones, carrots, potatoes Lek out, put salt, sesame oil, pepper powder that is. [features]: strong fragrance, delicate fragrance Tieguanyin Chestnut Soup Main material: Tieguanyin tea 3 grams 300 grams. Ingredients: 120 grams of fresh chestnut Seasoning: 1 teaspoons salt Practice: (1) Tie Guanyin tea with hot boiled water 500 grams, soak 1 minutes after filtration to tea, take tea soup spare. (2) small cut short (2 cm wide), with boiling water after the wash with hot. (3) put all the materials into the round pot for 1.5 hours. Add salt to the table before seasoning. Clams and Spareribs Soup The Suo chuanxiong, 0.5 money, ribs 0.5 pounds, 0.5 pounds each, clams 1 tablespoon ginger, 1 tablespoon wine, 1 teaspoons of salt, cotton bag 1 1) clam bubble in thin salt water, spit sand, wash, chop chop small pieces. 2) the Suo chuanxiong, cotton bag installed. 3) wash the spareribs, add 5 bowls of water, and pour the ginger into the pressure cooker. 4) open and simmer for 15 minutes. When the ribs are cooked and cooked, cover and heat up to the exhaust. Use a small fire for 10 minutes, turn off the fire and drain off the steam. 5) after opening the cover to the clams and the medicine bag, until the clams open, salt, wine, monosodium glutamate, medicine bag. The ginseng corn spareribs soup Material: dangshen, Astragalus 3 money, corn two, half a catty of pork spareribs Seasoning: salt 2 tsp Practice: Wash the corn, chop it into small pieces, and chop the ribs in hot water. Put all the ingredients and herbs into the pot, boil the fire, and simmer for 40 minutes. Add salt to the pot before cooking. Mung bean and kelp spareribs soup My way is the ribs first boiled water, and then pulled out of the pot. Water (I usually use a pressure cooker), mung bean had almost, kelp (kelp knot put more delicious, relatively thick), pork, ginger slices, green onions and cut into sections, put together in about 30 minutes almost, out of the pot after the salt and monosodium glutamate. The soup is Guangdong province! This fire, ribs will be relatively poor! Of course if the conditions will be better then slowly stew soup to drink taste. Guangdong soup is authentic, usually only the salt, and finally put Corn carrot spareribs soup Material Science Schisandra a little, ribs 300 grams, carrots 300 grams, ginger 1 small pieces, corn 2, salt appropriate. practice 1, carrots peeled, cut into small pieces, corn cut into small pieces. 2, small pieces, with boiling water with hot. 3. Add water to the pot and all the ingredients (water to cover all the material). Boil and change into small fire for 2 hours. 4, according to personal preference salt seasoning. Tips Carrots are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, can enhance liver and kidney, gonad vigor; corn is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, antipyretic, diuretic effect, plus Schisandra can invigorate the kidney, nourishing qi. This soup stomach heat, nourishing yin, It can relieve nerves and soothe the nerves. Mushroom soup with spareribs Raw material Large ribs 500 grams, 100 grams of fresh mushroom soup, 100 grams of tomatoes. Shao liquor 15 grams, 5 grams of salt, MSG 3 grams. Making method The two big ribs with the knife shoot loose, then knock off the bone marrow after wine, salt pickled 15 minutes. Add the boiling water into the vessel, put in the big ribs, skim the foam, add wine, low heat for 25 minutes, add mushroom soup, and then high heat for 8 minutes, add MSG seasoning, and put into the tomato slices, boil it. Stewed sour vegetables with big bones Ingredients: pork, bone and pickled cabbage Accessories: garlic, MSG, salt, sesame oil, pepper, aniseed, scallion, ginger, tangerine peel, cooking wine Practice: 1. the first big bone after washing, must set aside from the middle cut; 2. pot boiling water, after the water is boiled, add boiled bleeding at the end of stick bone, (note must let the bones cut out of the water, so as to avoid the loss of bone marrow nutrition); 3. fish out, wash with cold water, stand-by; 4. wash pot, add water to stick, bone, then add pepper, aniseed, scallion, ginger, tangerine peel and cooking wine, open the pot and simmer for; 5. cooked in the bone during the wash piece of pickled cabbage, shredded, all the more detailed the better, hand chopped with dry water stand-by; 6. cooked in the bone until 8 minutes, the next into the sour cabbage, add salt, cook until the bones cooked (meat is about to remove bone), flameout; 7. according to their own tastes will be mashed garlic, soy sauce, MSG and sesame oil in a bowl, transferred into the juice (love spicy can put some chili oil). 8. pickled vegetable bowl, put the bones out dipped in sauce can be eaten. 12 kinds of pesticides, the most polluted vegetables and fruits (sorted by pollution severity, ranked at the head of the dirtiest) are: Peaches, apples, peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, imported grapes, spinach, lettuce, potatoes. 12 of the least contaminated fruits and vegetables (sorted by cleanliness and cleanest at the front) are: Onion, avocado, frozen sweet corn, pineapple, mango, kiwi, asparagus, frozen peas, broccoli, cabbage, banana, papaya. The results show that consumers can choose to avoid the dirty way by Vegetable & Fruit, nearly 90% less pesticide intake, the average intake of 15 different pesticides consumption 12 dirty fruit every day, and eat only 12 kinds of people Vegetable & Fruit clean, the average daily intake of no more than 2 kinds of pesticides. Experts suggest that in the purchase was "12 dirty" in the list of Vegetable & Fruit, try to buy organic products, if not to buy or think the price is too expensive, pay attention to before eating must be carefully cleaned, careful cleaning can reduce 1/3 to 1/2 pesticide intake. Have you eaten 9 of the best nutritious foods in the world? Carrot for women, there are three major functions: Detox beauty "Materia Sutra" records: "radish Genli toilet", "poison flour". Modern science shows: carrots contain a lot of cellulose, vitamin B, potassium, magnesium and other substances can promote gastrointestinal motility, contribute to the body of waste discharges, has good effects on treating constipation and acne. Weight loss: carrot contains glucoamylase, can break down the starch, fat and other ingredients in the food, so that after decomposition for the full absorption and utilization of the human body, so the carrot is a pretty good diet food. Blood: carrot skin contains carotene, that is, vitamin A, which can increase hemoglobin, improve blood concentration and blood quality, anemia treatment has a great effect. Radish also contains a large number of iron, help blood, in which the iron content of carrots is 40% higher than white radish, 75% higher than the green radish. Yellow Douzhen is cheap, for women, it contains isoflavones and can produce similar hormone estrogen effects, reduce blood cholesterol, protect the heart, prevent breast cancer osteoporosis cases. Recommended recipe: pickled cabbage fried bean Materials: soybean 250 grams, 130 grams, 100 grams of pickled shredded meat. Spices: 10 grams of white sugar, 10 grams of cooking wine, chicken essence 2 grams, a little starch. Practice: 1, pickled cabbage washed and cut into the end backup; 2, pork with cooking wine, starch, stirring evenly, static for about 15 minutes, spare; 3, heat pan into the oil, the oil temperature after the fried pork, fried, cooked spare; 4, another pot put the oil, the oil temperature after soybean stir fry a few dishes, and then the snow, add a little water, transferred to sugar and chicken, cook for 2 minutes; 5, put the shredded meat back into the pot, stir fry. Fungus The nutritional value of edible fungi: high protein, no cholesterol, no starch, low fat, low sugar, more dietary fiber, more amino acids, vitamins, minerals. Edible fungi concentrate all the good characteristics of food, the nutritional value of plant food reached the peak of no meat, known as "God food", "longevity food". Recipe recommendation: small mushrooms covered with mushrooms Ingredients: Mushroom Materials: Chinese cabbage, onion, ginger, red meat stuffing Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce, starch, bubble pepper sauce Cooking method: 1, the mushroom slices over boiling water boiled hot remove and wash the cabbage cut sections; 2 wok pour oil, Chinese cabbage fry, salt, sugar, stir fry, add MSG pan into the dish, add a little oil in the pot, stir fried meat stuffing into powder, add onion ginger, soak chili sauce, mushroom stir evenly, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, seasoning, add red pepper water, starch thicken, add MSG pan, can be put in Chinese cabbage. Features: fresh, salty, slightly spicy, rich in nutrients. Broccoli We can see broccoli on many of our anti-aging recipes. It's an anti-aging food that is very useful for women. Because it contains antioxidants, it slows free radicals in women and slows down aging. Recommended recipes: Mixed broccoli Ingredients: broccoli, Chinese cabbage, carrot, red pepper. Spices: salt, chicken essence, starch, salad oil. Practice: 1. broccoli, cabbage flower cut into small flower, carrots peeled, sliced, red pepper to the son, cut into pieces, stand-by. 2. all the vegetables into the boiling water scald. 3. pot to stay a little oil, add all ingredients and stir fry, salt, chicken seasoning, and then starch thicken, namely. garlic The health function of garlic: 1, strong bactericidal. Sulfur compounds in garlic has Qiqiang antibacterial and antiphlogistic effect, on a variety of bacteria, bacillus, fungi and viruses are inhibiting and killing effect, is a natural plant currently found in one of the strongest antiseptic. 2, bowel detoxification, prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Garlic can effectively inhibit and kill the pathogenic bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori caused by gastrointestinal diseases, eliminate toxic substances in the stomach, stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa, promote appetite, and accelerate digestion. 3, reduce blood sugar, prevent diabetes. Garlic can promote insulin secretion, increased tissue glucose uptake, improve human glucose tolerance, lower blood sugar levels rapidly, and can be killed due to infection induced diabetes, so as to effectively prevent and treat diabetes. 4, prevent colds. Garlic contains a propylene capsaicin, has good killing effect on pathogenic bacteria and parasites can prevent colds, relieve cough, sore throat and have a fever, stuffy nose and other symptoms of a cold. red wine Red wine health recipe: red wine soaked Sydney Material: Sydney one, red wine right amount, and a little bit of rock sugar Method: 1. peeled pears will put in casserole, add wine and geraniol after boil, add rock sugar, simmer for half an hour, the pear red color. 2. place the stewed pears in a bowl and pour the red wine over them. Wine and beauty The reason wine is good for your skin is that extracts from red wine control the aging of the skin - a powerful anti - damaging substance found in the plant world, which is found in red wine. And there are more than 10 ingredients, especially those containing the red pigment, which can prevent damaging the active oxygen. The effect is very obvious. Postpartum drinking red wine is conducive to recovery of body shape High quality red wine is rich in iron, very good for women, can play the role of blood, so that the face becomes rosy. At the same time, women in pregnancy when the body fat content will be greatly increased, after drinking some wine, which antioxidants can prevent the accumulation of fat accumulation, the restoration of the body is very helpful." orange Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants in many fruit categories that contain more vitamin C in acidic fruit. Its three major functions are to block free radicals, destroy cells, and reduce aging; avoid sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines. It has a protective effect on cancer patients, especially gastric cancer and esophageal cancer, inhibits the oxidation of bad cholesterol and protects cholesterol, maintaining blood vessel and heart health.
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