

2017-09-30 20页 doc 57KB 29阅读




中医适宜技术推广中医适宜技术推广 关于全院推广中医适宜技术的通知 各科室; 为了加强我院中医诊疗的特色,提高临床医师中医技能操作技术,深化中医理论基础,让中医更好的服务于临床,更好地为广大的患者服务;同时响应卫生厅关于中医适宜技术推广的号召,经医院研究决定,全院举行中医技术操作竞赛,特此通知。 XXX中医医院 二〇一二年十一月十二日 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a pers...
中医适宜技术推广 关于全院推广中医适宜技术的通知 各科室; 为了加强我院中医诊疗的特色,提高临床医师中医技能操作技术,深化中医理论基础,让中医更好的服务于临床,更好地为广大的患者服务;同时响应卫生厅关于中医适宜技术推广的号召,经医院研究决定,全院举行中医技术操作竞赛,特此通知。 XXX中医医院 二〇一二年十一月十二日 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 比赛规程 一、组织机构及参赛对象 竞赛由医务科主办,参赛队伍由临床各科室师生,目的是深化临床医师中医中医理论基础,提高中医技能操作技术,让中医更好的服务于临床。 二、竞赛项目 (一)理论竞赛项目(占总分30%) 以《针灸学》(新世纪第二版?中国中医药出版社?普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材?石学敏主编)为主。 (二)技能操作项目 1.穴位按压(占总分20%)、基本手法演示(占总分25%)、部位按摩(占总分25%) 2.穴位按压(占总分25%)、针刺手法演示穴位按压(占总分45%) 3.艾灸演示(占总分30%)、拔罐演示(占总分40%) 三、竞赛办法 1.技能操作部分:赛前约2周左右,医务科定期在会议室进行中医技能操作视频播放,供大家学习,后在规定的时间内举行操作大赛。 2.理论部分:理论需各临床医生业余学习,医务科会依上级安排选择时间进行考核。 四、成绩评定 理论成绩个人满分100分;技能操作每项满分100分,按百分比最终计入个人成绩。 五、奖励办法 注:为加深技能操作的熟练度,每年举行一次技能竞赛,每次技能操作选“(二)技能操作项目”中的一项进行竞赛,如今年举行以推拿为主的技能操作{1.穴位按压(占总分20%)、基本手法演示(占总分25%)、部位按摩(占总分25%)},下次则举行以针刺{ 2.穴位按压(占总分20%)、针刺手法演示穴位按压(占总分50%)或拔罐{3.艾灸演示(占总分30%)、拔罐演示(占总分40%)}手法为主的技能操作,推拿、针刺、拔罐操作交替举行。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 推拿技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 一、点穴操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 要求着装整齐、不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5 整洁~不允许佩分,衣帽不整洁或穿戴不整1 点穴前准备 戴任何饰品~符15 齐扣3分,佩戴首饰、手表、 合点穴操作的要带手机未关机或调为静音者 求 扣5分~指甲过长者扣5分。 取穴准确。 50 取穴不准每穴扣5分 操 作 2 ,10个穴位, 未描述解剖定位每穴扣3正确描述解剖定30 分,定位描述不准确每穴酌 位 情扣1,3。 超时1分钟扣1分~超时27分钟内完成操3 时间 5 分钟扣3分~超时3分钟以 作 上扣5分 4 合计 100 得分 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 推拿技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 二、推拿手法演示操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 要求着装整齐、不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5 整洁~不允许佩分,衣帽不整洁或穿戴不整1 操作前准备 戴任何饰品~符15 齐扣3分,佩戴首饰、手表、 合基本手法操作带手机未关机或调为静音者 的要求 扣5分~指甲过长者扣5分。 手法操作以“推 拿手法参数测 定仪”所得分数50 为准。每个手法操 作 10分。 2 ,5个基本 评委根据选手手手法运用不熟练扣3~5分~手法, 法操作熟练程力度掌握不好扣3~5分~频 度、力度、频率、30 率不够扣3~5分~幅度过大 幅度~动作姿势过小扣3~5分~动作姿势不 标准扣打分 3~5分 超时1分钟扣1分~超时27分钟内完成操3 时间 5 分钟扣3分~超时3分钟以 作 上扣5分 4 合计 100 得分 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 推拿技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 三、部位推拿操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5要求着装整齐、分,衣帽不整洁或穿戴不整整洁~不佩戴任1 操作前准备 15 齐扣3分,佩戴首饰、手表、 何饰品~符合推带手机未关机或调为静音者拿操作的要求 扣5分~指甲过长者扣5分。 手法操作流程准 手法操作流程准确得50 确占50分~熟分~不准确扣10~20分 手法运用不熟练扣操 作 练程度占6分~3~5分~ 2 ,1个部位 力度占6分~频80 力度掌握不好扣3~5分~频 手法操作, 率占6分~幅度率不够扣3~5分~幅度过大 占6分~动作姿过小扣3~5分~动作姿势不 势占6分。 佳扣3~5分 超时1分钟扣1分~超时27分钟内完成操3 时间 5 分钟扣3分~超时3分钟以 作 上扣5分 4 合计 100 得分 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 针刺技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 一、点穴操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 要求着装整齐、不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5 整洁~不允许佩分,衣帽不整洁或穿戴不整1 点穴前准备 戴任何饰品~符15 齐扣3分,佩戴首饰、手表、 合点穴操作的要带手机未关机或调为静音者 求 扣5分~指甲过长者扣5分。 取穴准确~以针 灸模型人语音50 取穴不准每穴扣5分 提示为准。 操 作 2 ,10个穴位, 未描述解剖定位每穴扣3正确描述解剖定30 分,定位描述不准确每穴酌 位 情扣1,3。 超时1分钟扣1分~超时27分钟内完成操3 时间 5 分钟扣3分~超时3分钟以 作 上扣5分 4 合计 100 得分 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 针刺技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 二、针刺手法演示操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5分,衣要求着装整齐、整帽不整洁或穿戴不整齐扣3分,洁~不允许佩戴任佩戴首饰、手表、带手机未关机1 针刺前准备 6 何饰品~符合针刺或调为静音者扣5分~指甲过长操作的要求 者扣5分。 针刺前消毒,针操 作 未按要求消毒~每缺一部分扣3具、腧穴部位、医2 ,印堂、合9 分 生手, 谷、中脘, 取穴准确并正确取穴不准每穴扣4分,未描述解 24 描述解剖定位 剖定位每穴扣4分。 分别描述穴位的进针方向~每穴 3分,印堂平刺、合谷与中脘直 进针 刺,~进针手法印堂用平补平泻 21 法,4分,~合谷用泻法,4分,~ 中脘用补法,4分,。 印堂用平补平泻法,5分,~合 谷用泻法,5分,~中脘用补法行针 15 ,5分,。 依据病情说出留针的时间,5 留针,30分钟, 分,~告知病人针刺结束后的注 10 意事项,5分,。 印堂选用泻法出针,5分,~环出针 10 跳、中脘选用补法出针,5分,。 10分钟内完成操超时3分钟扣1分~超时4分钟3 时间 5 作 扣3分~超时5分钟以上扣5分 4 合计 100 得分 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 拔罐技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 一、艾灸操作比赛评分标准 选手号: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 要求着装整齐、不按要求穿戴比赛服扣3 整洁~不允许佩分,衣帽不整洁或穿戴不整1 艾灸前准备 戴任何饰品~符10 齐扣3分,佩戴首饰、手表、 合艾灸操作的要带手机未关机或调为静音者 求 扣2分~指甲过长者扣5分。 操 作 动手自做艾柱~艾柱大小适 ,隔姜灸 灸前物品准备中~松紧合适,5分,~姜片2 15 取穴:中脘、,艾柱、姜片, 厚度合理,5分,~姜片中间 神阙、天枢, 要针刺数孔,5分,。 取穴准确~正确取穴不准每穴扣5分,未描 30 描述解剖定位 述解剖定位每穴扣5分。 任选一穴施灸~方法不正确施灸~并说出施酌情扣1,10分~施灸部位 灸部位感觉灼25 感觉灼烫时处置不得当酌情烫时如何处置 扣1,10分。 酌施灸完毕后用镊子取出艾 灸后处理 12 柱、姜片等放入弯盘,7分,~ 清洁局部皮肤,5分,。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 拔罐技能大赛操作比赛评分标准 二、拔罐操作比赛评分标准 姓名: 成绩: 序考评要素 考评要点 分值 评分标准 扣分 号 不按要求穿戴比赛服扣5分,衣要求着装整齐、整帽不整洁或穿戴不整齐扣3分,洁~不允许佩戴任佩戴首饰、手表、带手机未关机1 拔罐前准备 15 何饰品~符合拔罐或调为静音者扣5分~指甲过长操作的要求 者扣5分。 告知病人病情~拔罐操作前~让 病人放松~积极配合治疗,10操 作 操作前告知 2 20 分,~并试述拔罐的适应症与禁,火罐, 忌症,10分,。 依据手法操作熟练程度酌情扣闪罐 25 分。 依据手法操作熟练程度酌情扣留罐,3分钟, 10 分。 依据手法操作熟练程度酌情扣取罐 10 分。 操作完成后~依据病情告知病人 操作后告知 相关注意事项。,如24小时内不 10 洗澡~注意腰部避风寒保暖等,。 超时1分钟扣1分~超时2分钟7分钟内完成操作 3 时间 10 扣3分~超时3分钟以上扣5分 得分 4 合计 100 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 附件: 128个考核穴位: 臂臑、百会、八邪、冲门、承泣、次髎、承扶、承山、承浆、长强、尺泽、地机、大陵、地仓、大肠俞、犊鼻、大椎、胆囊、耳门、风池、肺俞、风市、复溜、丰隆、风府、公孙、隔俞、光明、肝俞、关元、膏肓、环跳、合谷、后溪、肩井、晴明、间使、颊车、解溪、肩贞、肩髃、巨骨、肩髎、孔最、昆仑、列缺、劳宫、梁丘、阑尾、命门、 内关、内廷、曲泽、丘墟、气海、曲池、颧髎、曲泉、期门、脾俞、膀胱俞、三阴交、四白、肾俞、少海、上髎、神门、神阙、上巨虚、申脉、四神聪、上星、神庭、水沟、率谷、丝竹空、天柱、太渊、 通里、头维、天枢、太溪、膻中、天突、天泉、听宫、太阳、太冲、天井、瞳子髎、听会、胃俞、委中、腕骨、外关、心俞、血海、悬钟、下关、下巨虚、小海、行间、膝眼、鱼际、阴陵泉、阳陵泉、涌泉、阳溪、腰阳关、印堂、迎香、鱼腰、阳池、翳风、云门、阳白、攒竹、足临泣、中极、中脘、照海、足三里、秩边、至阳、中渚、章门、 支沟、中府 推拿流程及评分标准(部分推拿) 1、头、面部推拿程序(共70分) 1.开天门(3分) 2.抹双柳(2分) 3.掐鱼腰(2分) 4.揉太阳(2分) 5.掐四白(2分) 6.掐睛明(2分) 7.点巨髎(2分) 8.推颊车(2分) 9.双揪铃铛(2分) 10.搓掌浴面(3分) 11.分推前额(3分) 12.推正顶(3分) 13.点按百会(3分) 14.分抹五经(3分) 15.干洗头(3分) 16.扫散少阳术(3分)17.指间叩击(3分)18.揉捏池颈(3分) 19.四指归提(3分) 20.五指轮流打摩面部(2分) 21.抅抹面部穴位(3分)22.拍打面部(2分)23.点揉凤池(2分)24.合掌刁颈(3分) 25.颈椎摇法(3分) 26.颈椎扳法(3分) 27颈椎拔伸法(3分) 2、腰、背部推拿程序(共70分) 1.拿肩井(3分) 2.背部分推(3分) 3.掌推肩胛(3分) volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 4.按肩胛内缘(2分)5.双滚肩背(3分) 6.直推背部(2分)7.揉大椎、阳关(3分)8.顺藤摸瓜(3分) 9.提拿夹脊(3分)10.按脊中(3分) 11.背部按揉(3分) 12.吉庆有余(3分)13.腰部横摩(3分)14.推按腰背肌(3分) 15.拿揉腰肌法(3分)16叠掌按腰(3分)17.双龙点肾(3分) 18.温肾补气(3分)19.搓髎点强(3分) 20.按压环跳(3分) 21.腰骶拳揉(3分) 22.揉臀部法(3分) 23.叩击腰部(3分) 24.拍打腰背(3分) 3、颈、肩部推拿程序(共70分) 1.点风池、风府(4分) 2.一指禅推风府至大椎(4分) 3.滚颈项(3分) 4.按揉项韧带(3分) 5.拿颈项(3分) 6.指压棘突两侧(4分) 7.弹颈项部两侧大筋(3分) 8.拔伸颈项(4分) 9.扳颈椎(5分) 10.擦颈项部(3分) 11.拿肩部(3分) 12. 按压肩井、天宗穴(4分) 13.滚肩部(3分) 14.按揉肩顒、肩髎、肩贞(5分) 15. 揉肩部(3分) 16.摇肩关节(4分) 17.扳肩关节(3分) 18.运肩关节(3分) 19.搓肩关节(3分) 20.抖上肢(3分) volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the
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