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2013年宝钢驾驶员交通安全培训试题2013年宝钢驾驶员交通安全培训试题 交通安全培训试题 一、选择题: 1、机动车行经没有交通信号的道路,遇行人横过道路时,应当___。 答案:C A、鸣喇叭,让行人快走 B、加速行驶 C、减速或停车避让 D、绕行通过 2、警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车执行紧急任务时,其他车辆___。答案:D A、可加速穿行 B、可谨慎超越 C、视情让行 D、应当让行 3、机动车遇有前方机动车停车排队等候时,应当___。答案:D A、从前方车辆两侧穿插 B、从前方车辆左侧超越 C、从前方车辆右侧超越 D、依次排...
2013年宝钢驾驶员交通安全培训 交通安全培训试题 一、选择题: 1、机动车行经没有交通信号的道路,遇行人横过道路时,应当___。 :C A、鸣喇叭,让行人快走 B、加速行驶 C、减速或停车避让 D、绕行通过 2、警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车执行紧急任务时,其他车辆___。答案:D A、可加速穿行 B、可谨慎超越 C、视情让行 D、应当让行 3、机动车遇有前方机动车停车排队等候时,应当___。答案:D A、从前方车辆两侧穿插 B、从前方车辆左侧超越 C、从前方车辆右侧超越 D、依次排队 4、驾驶人连续驾驶机动车超过___的,应当停车休息不得少于20分钟。 答案:A A、4小时 coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe B、6小时 C、7小时 D、8小时 5、机动车从匝道驶入高速公路,应当先在加速车道内提速,并开启___,在不妨碍已在高速公路内的机动车正常行驶的情况下驶入车道。答案:A A、左转向灯 B、右转向灯 C、危险报警闪光灯 D、前照灯 6、交通肇事逃逸是指发生交通事故,当事人为逃避___,驾驶车辆或者遗弃车辆逃离现场的行为。答案:C A、记分 B、罚款 C、法律追究 D、行政处罚 7、机动车交通事故责任强制保险的保险期间为___。答案:A A、1年 B、2年 C、3年 D、4年 8、交通信号灯黄灯闪烁表示___。 答案:D coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe A、禁止通行 B、准许通行 C、停车 D、警示 9、图中标志的含义是___。答案:A A、注意落石 B、傍山险路 C、注意滑坡 D、下陡坡 10、行车中遇到后方车辆要求超车时,应___。 答案:A A、及时减速、观察后靠右行驶让行 B、减速慢行 C、靠右侧加速行驶 D、不让行 11、车辆行驶过程中,驾驶人应当把废纸或废弃物扔到___。答案:B A、车窗外街道上 B、随车携带的垃圾箱(袋)里 C、无人看管的道路上 D、车内座位下或车厢内 12、遇后车发出超车信号后,只要具备让超条件就应___。答案:C A、迅速减速或紧急制动 B、让出适当空间加速行驶 coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe C、主动减速并示意后车超越 D、靠道路右侧加速行驶 13、车辆在夜间临时停车时,应开启___、示廓灯和后位灯。答案:C A、前后防雾灯 B、前大灯 C、危险报警闪光灯 D、倒车灯 14、在标志、标线齐全的高速公路上行车,应当按照___规定的车道和车速行驶。答案:B A、《道路交通安全法》 B、标志或标线 C、车辆说明书 D、地方法规 15、在同向4车道高速公路上行车,车速高于每小时110公里的车辆应在___车道上行驶。答案:A A、最左侧 B、第二条 C、第三条 D、最右侧 16、行车中与其他车辆已不可避免地发生正面碰撞时,应___,以减少正面碰撞力。答案:B A、改正面碰撞为侧面碰撞 coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe B、紧急制动 C、向右急转转向盘躲避 D、向左急转转向盘躲避 17、尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶,应当___。答案:A A、取得临时通行牌证 B、到公安机关备案 C、直接上路行驶 D、在车窗上张贴合格证 18、机动车驾驶人 车辆。答案:B A.在没有交通信号时可以任意驾驶; B.应当依法、安全和文明驾驶; C.在没有交通警察时可随意驾驶 D.可按照自己的习惯驾驶 19、雨天对安全行车的主要影响是___。答案:B A.电器设备易受潮短路 B.路面湿滑,视线受阻 C.发动机易熄火 D.行驶阻力增大 20机动车驾驶证有效期分为___、10年和长期。答案:D A.1年 B.2年 C.5年 coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe D.6年 判断题 1、机动车未放置保险标志,可以上道路行驶。(X) 2、机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,车上人员应当迅速转移到故障车前方躲避。(X) 3、机动车通过没有交通信号灯控制也没有交通警察指挥的交叉路口,相对方向行驶的右转弯的机动车让左转弯的车辆先行。(?) 4、违反机动车停放、临时停放规定,驾驶人不在现场,妨碍其他车辆、行人通行的,公安机关交通管理部门可以将车拖至不妨碍交通的地点或其指定的地点。(?) 5、驾驶车辆汇入车流时,应提前开启转向灯,保持直线行驶,通过后视镜观察左右情况,确认安全后汇入合流。(?) 6、车辆通过铁道路口时,应用低速挡安全通过,中途不得换挡,以避免发动机熄火。(?) 7、车辆在交叉路口绿灯亮后,遇非机动车抢道行驶时,可以不让行。(X) 8、车辆下坡行驶,要适当控制车速,充分利用发动机进行制动。 (?) 9、车辆在下坡行驶时,可充分利用空挡滑行。(X) 10、立交桥上一般都是单向行驶,车辆不必减速行驶。 (X) 11、雨天路面湿滑,车辆制动距离增大,行车中尽量使用紧急制动减速。 (X) coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe 12、驾驶人发现轮胎漏气,将车辆驶离主车道时,不要采用紧急制动,以免造成翻车或后车采取制动不及时导致追尾事故。 (?) 13、雨天在高速公路行驶时,随着车速的增加,轮胎与路面之间形成水膜,轮胎悬浮,附着力变小,容易发生“水滑”现象。 (?) 14、在高速公路上发生紧急情况,不要轻易急转方向避让,应采取制动减速,使车辆在碰撞前处于停止或低速行进状态,以减小碰撞损坏程度。(?) 15、车辆在高速公路上,因故障不能离开行车道时,可在行车道上迅速抢修。(X) 16、造成交通事故后逃逸的,由公安机关交通管理部门吊销机动车驾驶证,且终生不得重新取得机动车驾驶证。 (?) 17、持有C1准驾车型驾驶证可以驾驶残疾人专用小型自动挡载客汽车。(X) 18、机动车通过急弯路时,最高速度不得超过每小时30公里。(?) 19、行车前的检查有驾驶室内检查、发动机舱检查、车辆外部检查、轮胎检查。(?) 20、驾驶人一边驾车,一边打手持电话是违法行为。(?) coefficient of linear expansion for pipe, unit: mm/(m. c); Working temperature of Δt for pipeline and installation the ambient temperature difference of unit: ?; L-pipe length unit: m; Drain pipe, water pipe, steam pipe and high pressure pipe connection or design a clear need to take over seats, should be suitable to take over, weld must have adequate strength. Drain funnel should be located in the line of sight and parts and pipes have bias and does not jeopardize the equipment and personal safety, avoid located close to the main channel, electrical enclosures, power head. DN low pressure pipe systems in ... 6.5.4 cold check shall not without compensating device for thermal pipe
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