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维多利亚时代比较)维多利亚时代比较) 最新的一部《年轻的维多利亚女王》是要看了,讲的是维多利亚女王年轻时的轶事。 维多利亚时代前接乔治时代,后启爱德华时代,被认为是英国工业革命和大英帝 国的峰端。也是大英帝国经济文化的全盛时期。维多利亚时代科学发明浪潮汹涌 澎湃,维多利亚人信仰科学进步,对于工业革命充满了乐观和信心。汽船的出现 使得运输和贸易达到了前所未有的繁荣兴旺,四通八达的铁路交通贯穿东西南 北。维多利亚时代的文艺运动流派包括古典主义,新古典主义,浪漫主义,印象 派艺术,以及后印象派等。艺术界呈现出群星夺目的盛景。 维多利亚...
维多利亚时代比较) 最新的一部《年轻的维多利亚女王》是要看了,讲的是维多利亚女王年轻时的轶事。 维多利亚时代前接乔治时代,后启爱德华时代,被认为是英国工业革命和大英帝 国的峰端。也是大英帝国经济文化的全盛时期。维多利亚时代科学发明浪潮汹涌 澎湃,维多利亚人信仰科学进步,对于工业革命充满了乐观和信心。汽船的出现 使得运输和贸易达到了前所未有的繁荣兴旺,四通八达的铁路交通贯穿东西南 北。维多利亚时代的文艺运动流派包括古典主义,新古典主义,浪漫主义,印象 派艺术,以及后印象派等。艺术界呈现出群星夺目的盛景。 维多利亚时期以崇尚道德修养和谦虚礼貌而著名,也是一个科学、文化和工业都 得到很大发展的繁荣昌盛的太平盛世。印刷术的发展促进了文学艺术的空前繁 荣,这一时期还形成了男女平等和种族平等的进步观念,美国的废奴运动正是这 一思想进步的体现。那个时代的中上层阶级对于饮食非常讲究,他们从遥远的国 度进口各种异国情调的香料调料,用于精心烹制的食品中。维多利亚时代有了历 史上最早的烹调学校,名厨编写的烹调籍风行英国,在这个时代人们最早将具 体烹调如调料用量等详细写入书中。一些厨房小用具也流行起来,如开罐器 等,维多利亚时代还形成了许多进餐礼仪。这个时期,英国盛行下午茶,贵族们 早餐丰富,午饭简单,晚饭很晚。据说,维多利亚女王的女侍从官——女公爵安 娜每到下午就会觉得很饿,于是便让仆人拿些小茶点来吃,许多人纷纷效仿,下 午茶渐渐成为一种例行仪式。事实上,围绕着这种下午茶习俗形成了多彩的茶文 化,高雅的旅馆开始设起茶室,街上有了向公众开放的茶馆,茶话舞会更成为一 种社会形式,维多利亚时代的淑女小姐们在那里与男友们会面。这个令人神往的 时代,并没有随着维多利亚女王的去世而结束。很多历史学家认为,所谓“维多 利亚时代”的真正结束,是在第一次世界大战结束以后。 Then George, the former Victorian era, Edwardian era of post-Kai, is considered the British Industrial Revolution and the peak end of the British Empire. The British Empire is also the economic and cultural heyday. Surging tide of the Victorian era scientific invention, Victoria people believe in scientific progress, for the Industrial Revolution was full of optimism and confidence. The emergence of steamer makes the transport and trade reached an unprecedented prosperity, extending in all directions north-south rail traffic through the East and West. Victorian literature and art movement genre, including classical, neo-classical, Romantic, Impressionist art, and post-impressionist and so on. Stars eye-catching art showing the spectacular. The Victorian era in order to advocate moral integrity and modesty polite and well-known, but also a scientific, cultural and industry have been developed greatly to the prosperity of peace and prosperity. The development of the printing press contributed to the unprecedented prosperity of literature and art, this period has also formed the progress of gender equality and the concept of racial equality, the U.S. abolitionist movement is a manifestation of this ideological progress. The middle and upper classes of that era for the diet is very particular about their country from distant import of exotic spices spices, for well-cooked food. With the earliest history of the Victorian era cooking school, Prepared by the popularity of books chefs cooking the United Kingdom, in this day and age people as early as the specific amount of spices and other cooking methods, such as writing the book in detail. Some kitchen appliances are also popular, such as the can opener and so on, also formed a number of Victorian-era dining etiquette. During this period, the United Kingdom prevalence of afternoon tea, the nobility had breakfast rich, simple lunch and dinner late. It is said that the female attendants of Queen Victoria Crown - Duchess Anna will feel hungry every afternoon, so they let the servant to take some small refreshments to eat, many people have to follow, afternoon tea gradually became a routine ritual. In fact, the customs surrounding the formation of a colorful tea tea-wen Oriented, elegant hotels began to play tea set, and the streets has been open to the public teahouses, tea party, then become a kind of social forms, and Victorian ladies ladies, where they met with her boyfriend. This fascinating era, and does not end with the death of Queen Victoria has been completed. Many historians have argued that so-called "Victorian era" really ended, and after the end of the First World War. 维多利亚女王1837年登基,时年十八岁。她在位的63年期间(1837年6月 20日-1901年1月22日)。她在位期间直到她去世后,到第一次世界大战开始 的1914年,英国都称为维多利亚时代。我觉得在这段时间里中国是出于半殖民 地半封建的时代的。 要说具体清朝哪位皇帝到哪位皇帝,那么如下: 庙号 谥号 姓名 在位时间 年号 清宣宗 效天符运立中体正至文圣武智勇仁慈俭勤孝敏宽定成皇帝 爱新觉罗旻 宁 1821年—1850年 道光 文宗 协天翊运执中垂谟懋德振武圣孝渊恭端仁宽敏庄俭显皇帝 爱新觉罗奕詝 1851年—1861年 咸丰 穆宗 继天开运受中居正保大定功圣智诚孝信敏恭宽明肃毅皇帝 爱新觉罗载淳 1862年—1874年 同治 德宗 同天崇运大中至正经文纬武仁孝睿智端俭宽勤景皇帝 爱新觉罗载湉 1875年—1908年 光绪 爱新觉罗溥仪 1908年—1912年 宣统(1909年—1912年间) 从1912年以后就是民国了。 这段期间关于两国之间的,最有名的莫过于两次鸦片战争了。1841年1月26 日:第一次鸦片战争后,英国强占香港岛;1842年8月29日:清政府与英国 签订不平等的《南京条约》,割让香港岛给英国;1860年10月24日:中英签 订不平等的《北京条约》,割让九龙半岛界限街以南地区给英国;1898年6月 9日:英国强迫清政府签订《展拓香港界址专条》,租借九龙半岛界限街以北地 区及附近262个岛屿,租期99年(至1997年6月30日结束)。至于说英国 商品什么时候开始占有市场——我想你指的就是鸦片战争时期的中国市场吧,我 觉得那应该是在1860年第二系鸦片战争结束以后,以下是我在网上找到的。 第二次鸦片战争的影响: 第二次鸦片战争是中国社会半殖民地半封建化的程度加深了。 政治上,中国丧失了大片的领土和主权;清朝统治者投靠外国侵略者,开始成为 他们的附庸与工具,中外反动势力公开勾结,共同镇压中国人民的反抗。 经济上,外国侵略势力扩张到沿海各省,并伸向内地,方便了他们倾销商品,掠 夺廉价原材料和劳动力,是中国哪一抵挡资本主义经济侵略的冲击。 2.Culture See also: Victorianism, Victorian architecture, Victorian decorative arts, and Victorian fashion Gothic Revival architecture became increasingly significant in the period, leading to the Battle of the Styles between Gothic and Classical ideals. Charles Barry's architecture for the new Palace of Westminster, which had been badly damaged in an 1834 fire, built in the medieval style of Westminster Hall, the surviving part of the building. It constructed a narrative of cultural continuity, set in opposition to the violent disjunctions of Revolutionary France, a comparison common to the period, as expressed in Thomas Carlyle's The French Revolution: A History, and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. Gothic was also supported by the critic John Ruskin, who argued that it epitomised communal and inclusive social values, as opposed to Classicism, which he considered to epitomise mechanical standardisation. The middle of the 19th century saw The Great Exhibition of 1851, the first World's Fair, and showcased the greatest innovations of the century. At its centre was the Crystal Palace, a modular glass and iron structure - the first of its kind. It was condemned by Ruskin as the very model of mechanical dehumanisation in design, but later came to be presented as the prototype of Modern architecture. The emergence of photography, which was showcased at the Great Exhibition, resulted in significant changes in Victorian art with Queen Victoria being the first British Monarch to be photographed. John Everett Millais was influenced by photography (notably in his portrait of Ruskin) as were other Pre-Raphaelite artists. It later became associated with the Impressionistic and Social Realist techniques that would dominate the later years of the period in the work of artists such as Walter Sickert and Frank Holl. 5.Technology and engineering An important development during the Victorian era was the improvement of communication links. Stage coaches, canals, steam ships and most notably the railways all allowed goods, raw materials and people to be moved about, rapidly facilitating trade and industry. Trains became another important factor ordering society, with "railway time" being the standard by which clocks were set throughout Britain. Steam ships such as the SS Great Britain and SS Great Western made international travel more common but also advanced trade, so that in Britain it was not just the luxury goods of earlier times that were imported into the country but essentials such as corn from the America and meat from Australia. One more important innovation in communications was the Penny Black, the first postage stamp, which standardised postage to a flat price regardless of distance sent. Even later communication methods such as cinema, telegraph, telephones, cars and aircraft, would have an impact. Photography was realized in 1839 by Louis Daguerre in France and William Fox Talbot in the UK. By 1900, hand-held cameras were available. Brunel's Clifton Suspension Bridge in BristolSimilar sanitation reforms, prompted by the Public Health Acts 1848 and 1869, were made in the crowded, dirty streets of the existing cities, and soap was the main product shown in the relatively new phenomenon of advertising. A great engineering feat in the Victorian Era was the sewage system in London. It was designed by Joseph Bazalgette in 1858. He proposed to build 82 mi (132 km) of sewer system linked with over 1,000 mi (1,600 km) of street sewers. Many problems were encountered but the sewers were completed. After this, Bazalgette designed the Thames Embankment which housed sewers, water pipes and the London Underground. During the same period London's water supply network was expanded and improved, and a gas network for lighting and heating was introduced in the 1880s. The Victorians were impressed by science and progress, and felt that they could improve society in the same way as they were improving technology. The model town of Saltaire was founded, along with others, as a planned environment with good sanitation and many civic, educational and recreational facilities, although it lacked a pub, which was regarded as a focus of dissent. During the Victorian era, science grew into the discipline it is today. In addition to the increasing professionalism of university science, many Victorian gentlemen devoted their time to the study of natural history. This study of natural history was most powerfully advanced by Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution first published in his book On the Origin of Species in 1859. Glasgow slum in 1871Although initially developed in the early years of the 19th century, gas lighting became widespread during the Victorian era in industry, homes, public buildings and the streets. The invention of the incandescent gas mantle in the 1890s greatly improved light output and ensured its survival as late as the 1960s. Hundreds of gasworks were constructed in cities and towns across the country. In 1882, incandescent electric lights were introduced to London streets, although it took many years before they were installed everywhere. 服饰风格 维多利亚风格 指1837年至1901年间,英国维多利亚女王在位期间的 服饰风格,该时代女性的服饰特点是,大量运用蕾丝、细纱、荷叶边、缎 带、蝴蝶结、多层次的蛋糕裁剪、折皱、抽褶等元素,以及立领、高腰、 公主袖、羊腿袖等宫廷款式。随着复古风潮的盛行,这股华丽而又含蓄的 柔美风格,正带给我们耳目一新的感觉。 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 道光帝绵宁是清朝入关后的帝六代皇帝,生于乾隆四十七年(1782年9月16日), 卒于道光三十年正月十四日。在位30年,终年69岁。庙号宣宗,葬慕陵。 , 才智平庸的道光帝徒以俭德著称。他处于历史转折的关键时刻,“守其常而不知 其变”。来自东南海上的鸦片流毒和英军入侵,使他寝食不安。他想严厉禁烟,也曾 下决心抗击侵略者,但他不知英国来自何方,不知殖民主义为何物。平素无知人之 明,临危无应变之策,以至战守茫然,毫无方略,只能在自恨自愧中顿足叹息,结 果忍辱接受英国的城下之盟,签定了近代史上第一个不平等条约--《中英江宁条约》。 道光帝柄政30年。朝纲独断,事必躬亲,但内政事物,如 , 咸丰帝奕宁,道光十一年(1831年7月17日)生于北京圆明园。咸丰十一年 (1861年8月22日)病故。在位11年。 , 咸丰即位时,以洪秀全为首的太平天国起义在广西紫荆山前金田村爆发。接踵 而来的又有英法联军之役,迫使咸丰逃往热河承德。咸丰在位11年,民怨沸腾,并 不任战,“大局糜烂,不可收拾”,他往往中夜彷徨,一筹莫展,于是沉湎于声色, 纵欲自戕,临死前两天还传谕“如意洲花唱照旧”。 , 志高才疏的咸丰帝陷于祖宗的框框之中,终未能跨过着一门槛,带者无穷的忧 虑,去了那个没有忧虑的世界。 , 同治帝载淳是咸丰与叶赫那拉氏的独生子。生于咸丰六年(1856)。同治十二年亲政。 次年卒,年19。庙号“穆宗”。 , 同治帝在位14年,在此期间,清朝政府依靠曾国藩,李鸿章,左宗棠等一批 重臣镇压了太平天国起义等一系列的农民起义。也办了一些所谓的“洋务新政”。但 这些与同治皇帝都没多大关系。当时的统治者实际上是慈禧。载淳幼年是一个少不 更事的顽童,亲政以后,作为一个青年皇帝,确实是辜负了朝野上下对他的殷切期 望。亲政两年后,死于天花。
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