首页 > 怀孕七个月的注意事项


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怀孕七个月的注意事项怀孕七个月的注意事项 怀孕七个月注意什么,怀孕第七个月,孕妇的身体日渐臃肿,行动也笨拙起来,要多注意休息,避免过于激烈的运动让胎儿早产。下面吃网小编就告诉您怀孕七个月要注意什么,怀孕七个月的有哪些注意事项,希望可以对怀孕七个月的网友有所帮助。 饮食注意事项 这个月,胎儿体内需要贮存的营养素增多,孕妈妈需要的营养也达到高峰。为此,应做到膳食多样化,扩大营养素来源,保证营养素和热量的供给。饮食依然要注意摄取均衡的营养,尤其是钙质、铁质含理丰富的食物更应多吃。水分与盐分摄取过量,很可能会引起妊娠毒血症,必须严加节制。为了满足这...
怀孕七个月的注意事项 怀孕七个月注意什么,怀孕第七个月,孕妇的身体日渐臃肿,行动也笨拙起来,要多注意休息,避免过于激烈的运动让胎儿早产。下面吃网小编就告诉您怀孕七个月要注意什么,怀孕七个月的有哪些注意事项,希望可以对怀孕七个月的网友有所帮助。 饮食注意事项 这个月,胎儿体内需要贮存的营养素增多,孕妈妈需要的营养也达到高峰。为此,应做到膳食多样化,扩大营养素来源,保证营养素和热量的供给。饮食依然要注意摄取均衡的营养,尤其是钙质、铁质含理丰富的食物更应多吃。水分与盐分摄取过量,很可能会引起妊娠毒血症,必须严加节制。为了满足这个时期的营养需要,孕妇应在孕中期的饮食基础上,多增加一些豆类蛋白质,多吃豆腐多喝豆浆。为了满足大量钙的需要,应多吃海带、紫菜等海产品。为了满足维生素的需要,多吃动物的肝脏。 预防早产 早产是指妊娠在28足周至37足周前而终止,早产发生率占总分娩的6%。此期分娩的新生儿称早产儿。早产儿容易出现畸形,健康不良等状况。现代医学认为早产是完全可以预防和提前预测的。 由于身体笨重,孕妈妈走路身体后仰不看脚下面,易摔倒。而且这是容易发生早产的时候,过于激烈的运动是早产的原因。孕妈应注意动作缓慢些。 预防妊娠纹 控制体重:如果准妈妈体重增长过快,皮下组织会被过分撑开,皮肤中的胶原蛋白弹性纤维断裂,容易产生妊娠纹。坚持按摩:适度按摩肌肤,保持血流顺畅,减轻或阻止妊娠纹的产生。3、保持滋润:增加肌肤的柔软度和弹性,使得皮肤组织在脂肪堆积扩张时,能够更加适应。 carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of 睡眠腿抽筋 引起小腿抽筋的主要原因是缺钙。孕妇久坐或由于受冷、受寒、疲劳过度也是发生下肢痉挛的一个原因。另外,妊娠后期子宫的增大,使下肢的血液循环运行不畅,也是导致“小腿插筋”的发生。当小腿抽筋时,可先轻轻地由下向上地按摩小腿的后方(腿肚子),再按摩拇趾和整个腿,若再不缓解,则把脚放在温水盆内,同时热敷小腿,并扳动足部,一般都能使抽筋缓解。 孕妇小腿抽筋主要是缺钙,可以不补充一些含钙食物。 妊娠高血压 症状:头晕目眩,眼花、耳鸣、心悸、四肢浮肿,化验结果显示尿蛋白偏高。 预防:定期检查,主要是测血压、查尿蛋白和测体重;注意休息和营养;注意既往史。 治疗:一旦确诊子痫前期,医生通常会选择安全有效的抗高血压药物;若病情严重,则应立即终止妊娠。 坐骨神经痛 随着胎儿的不断发育,胎儿的重量会给准妈妈的背部增加压力,从而使准妈妈在腰部以下到腿的位置上产生强烈的刺痛。这时应该:1、选择自己舒适的体位和睡眠姿势可以减轻这种疼痛;2、睡觉时左侧卧,并在两腿膝盖间夹放一个枕头,以增加流向子宫的血液;3、白天不要以同一种姿势站着或坐着超过半个小时;4、尽量不要举重物过头顶; 5、游泳可以帮助减轻对坐骨神经的压力。 胎教要点 准爸爸情绪胎教:丈夫在情绪胎教中负有特殊的使命,应了解怀孕会使妻子产生一系列生理、心理变化,应加倍爱抚、安慰、体贴妻子,做她有力的心理支柱。尽可能使妻子快乐,多做美味可口的食物。创造美好的生活环境,使生活恬静,谈吐幽默诙谐,双双憧憬美好的未来,这是做父亲给自己孩子的第一份美好的礼物。 听讲故事:可选择幼儿图的内容给胎儿讲故事。母亲在给胎儿讲故事时,一定要注意把感情倾注在故事的情节之中,通过语气声调的变化,将喜怒哀乐通过富有感情的声调传递给胎儿,使胎儿受到感染。单调和毫无生气的声音是不能唤起胎儿的感受性的。 妊娠中毒症的预防和治疗 妊娠中毒症,包括妊娠水肿、妊娠高血压、妊娠蛋白尿等临床表现。这是由于妇女妊娠以后,影响到内分泌和代谢功能,造成水液代谢障碍,蛋白质丢失,并引起应激性血压增高carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of 等。中医认为,这是因为妊娠以后,气血运行不畅,或因脾肾气虚,运化不健,或由肝肾阴虚,风阳上亢所造成。 症状: 浮肿延伸到下肢或全身,伴有心悸、气短、四肢无力、尿少等不适症状。 预防: 注意休息,环境宜清静,饮食以低盐、低热量、高蛋白为宜,卧床休息以左侧卧位较好。 治疗:发现妊娠中毒应及时送医院诊治,以保障大人和胎儿的健康。 妊娠中毒症与饮食有着深刻的关系,调整饮食对妊娠中毒症有一定的预防和治疗作用。预防和治疗妊娠中毒症的饮食原则有和食疗菜谱, 妊娠糖尿病 carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of 这时要预防孕期糖尿病,这是由于孕期体内分泌的肾上腺皮质等激素能对抗胰岛素,胎盘也会分泌一些抗胰岛素的物质,使胰岛功能失调,危害与孕前糖尿病相同。 症状:妊娠糖尿病是特指在妊娠期间发生的糖尿病。患者妊娠前原没有糖尿病,多在妊娠中期及后期出现持续高血糖。妊娠糖尿病在分娩后,可继续有糖尿病,也有可能恢复正常。 影响:妊娠期糖尿病可直接影响胎儿发育,使胎儿发生高血糖,诱使胎儿肺成熟延迟,生后易发生呼吸困难综合征。同时,一方面胎儿被迫要将过多的糖贮存起来,要消耗更多的氧,易致胎儿缺氧:另一方面过多的糖要变成脂肪贮存在胎儿体内,会使胎儿体重增加,成为巨大儿。 治疗:即便被诊断患上了糖尿病,准妈妈也不必过于焦虑和担心,只要配合医生的治疗,绝大多数糖尿病准妈妈都能给自己和宝宝一个健康、安全的未来。 本月产检要点 carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of 这时期贫血发生率增加,孕妇务必作贫血检查,若发现贫血要在分娩前治愈。孕妇必须定期到妇幼保健诊所做检查,28周前每4周检查一次,28周始每2周检查一次。 产检项目 测体重。每次孕期检查必测项目。通过准妈妈的体重可以间接胎儿的成长。如果准妈妈的体重增加过少,胎儿可能发育迟缓;如果准妈妈的体重增加过多,容易产生巨大儿。整个孕期体重增加约为12.5公斤,在孕晚期平均每周增加0.5公斤,当然,这只是个参考值,每个人会有不同的差异。 量血压。每次孕期检查必测项目。血压高是先兆子痫的症状之一,它将影响胎儿的发育成长。不应超过130/190mmHg,或与基础血压(怀孕前的血压)相比增加不超过30/15mmHg。 测量宫高、腹围。准妈妈做产前检查时每次都要测量宫高及腹围。测量宫高及腹围,估计胎儿宫内发育情况,同时根据宫高画妊娠图曲线以了解胎儿宫内发育情况,是否诱发与迟缓或巨大儿。 尿常规检查。检查尿液中是否有蛋白,糖及酮体,镜检红细胞和白细胞,尤其是蛋白的检测,可提示有无妊娠高血压等疾病的出现。 浮肿检查。怀孕达到20,24周的孕妇如果出现下肢浮肿,指压时有明显凹陷,休息后浮肿不消退时,建议赶紧测量血压,因为在妊娠中后期不少孕妇会患妊娠高血压综合征(简称妊高征),其诊断是妊娠20周后血压超过130/90毫米汞柱,或血压较以前升高超过30/15毫米汞柱。 B超检查。正常值: 孕25周:双顶径的平均值为6.39士0.70'腹围的平均值为19.64士2.20'股骨长为4.65士0.42。 孕26周:双顶径的平均值为6.68士0.61'腹围的平均值为21.62士2.30'股骨长为4.87士O.41。 孕27周:双顶径的平均值为6.98士0.57'腹围的平均值为21.81士2.12'股骨长为5.10士0.41。 孕28周:双顶径的平均值为7.24士O.65'腹围的平均值为22.86士2.41'股骨长为5.35士0.55。 听胎心音。怀孕第12、13周时,已经能听到胎心音。听到胎心音即可表明腹中的胎儿为活胎,医生听到胎心的跳动后才会开出一系列化验单。正常范围:每分钟120,160次。 心理调节 妊娠抑郁症:如果在一段时间(至少两周)内有以下的4种或以上症状,则你可能已患有孕期抑郁症。如果其中的一或两种情况近期特别困扰你,则必须引起你的高度重视:1、carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of 不能集中注意力。2、焦虑。3、极端易怒。4、睡眠不好。5、非常容易疲劳,或有持续的疲劳感。6、不停地想吃东西或者毫无食欲。7、对什么都不感兴趣,总是提不起精神。8、持续的情绪低落,想哭。9、情绪起伏很大,喜怒无常。 改善:1、尽量使自己放松:放弃那种想要在婴儿出生以前把一切打点周全的想法。2、和你的配偶多多交流:保证每天有足够的时间和配偶在一起,并保持亲昵的交流。3、把你的情绪表达出来:向你的爱人和朋友们说出你对于未来的恐惧和担忧。4、和压力作斗争:不要让你的生活充满挫败感。5、进行积极治疗:如果你作了种种努力,但情况仍不见好转,那么你应该立即寻求医生的帮助。 carried out immediately, until the transfer of monitoring instruments and equipment, and monitoring work to owner. (4) monitoring information integration, and preliminary analysis and security evaluation according to this technology terms provides and supervision people indicates, established monitoring information management system, by provides of format will all contract period original monitoring information entry database, for monitoring information of daily finishing, and regularly integration, and according to owners need provides about original information and topic report; used has had similar engineering validation of method and theory on by integration of monitoring information timely for analysis, on engineering of work status and security made preliminary evaluation, And forecast trends in engineering to ensure construction safety and optimize the design of the measured data. (5) completion refers to the transfer of all of the data of monitoring instruments and equipment, and the original, and receiving monitoring provides the necessary conditions for the owners. 10.4 security monitoring for safe monitoring of construction works smoothly, I Board will be arranged according to the various parts of
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